The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, March 25, 1885, Image 4

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TlinV70.tA"TWron'A,3 ItATTDY WITH
f-tMti, , rcrr Cnrri.r Killing; n fflnn
ncl rmimiri otn r III' oni
,"i lan':oni - A VrritnMe Amanin,
A rrccnt letter from Abilene, Ten,
to tho New York Snn says: Maud IJnv
nor, tho wmnnn fiespermJo, is in jail in
this city for ; ss.iult, ho is wintoii in a
dozen places, nndhnd severs! complaints
apainst her before the one on which she is
now held was lodged. She lived here
quietly until a woman who was jealous
of her revealed hnr identity to tho police.
As soon ns sho found that she was an ob
ject of suspicion she attacked her enemv
with a club mid almost beat her brains
out. Jlaud ltaynorhas been a notorious
character in this :ito, the Indian Ter
ritory and ftnnsas for several years. !She
jrainea the t.tln of womin desperado by
reason of her recklessness of human life
and her fondness for lights. ,she goes
armed to the teetli, shoots with unerring
aim, and is quite as much at home with a
bowio knifo or a club as with a revolver.
Mio has managed to escape arrest hither
to by reason of tho fact that all manner
of stories concerning her have been in
circulation, and her actual appearance is
very different from tho idea which tho
. people generally have formed of her.
he is of compact frame, and about me
dium height, with a graceful carnage.
Her features are small, her eyes steel
gray, and her hair long and abundant.
In jail to day she was raving because her
keepers had taken away 'her pistols and
knives. ,
"1 suppose I'll never seo them again,"
she said. "When you get into one of
these calabashes they always help them
selves to what you've got, and whether
you're sent up or not they keep all that
they steal. I ll bet I've furnished half
tho sheriffs in Texas and Kansas with
good weapons iu the last five years.
They don't get money enough together
tu one time to buy such things, but they
know just enough to pinch them when
they get a chanco. I played it on a de
tective up here in Punhandlo once. He
had been following me for about a morfth,
and finally when he got mo he took two
guns and three knives away from me. I
saw his eyes bung out as ho looked at
them, and I says to him:
" 'You'll bo well heeled now, won't
you?" '
"He pretended that ho didn't care
anything about the weapons, and showed
and wanted me to admire them. I told
nim one ot my guns was worth a bag
full of his, and after getting him a little
excited I grabbed one of my weapons to
show it to him. I pointed several of the
. iruuu points, ana tnen tnrnincr ir nn Yim
I said:
" l -want to see your heels right lively
'no thought I was fooling for a second,
but when the pistol clicked he knew
it was business. Then ho backed off,
and wanted to trade with me. I had his
guns and mine, too, but I told him I
wasn't trading. Just to hurry him up a
little I sent a bullet mighty close to his
ear, and a moment later as he was edging
off I put auother one near enough to his
other ear to singe his hair. Such run
ning you never saw. I watched him out
of sight. Then I took his guns and
threw them in the river. 1 wouldn't have
been found with them on me."
Maud Kaynor weut through the Indian
Territory once with about a regiment of
Indians and white men on her trail. She
had been up at a ranch on the Arkansas
river, where a great many desperate char
acters were congregated, and in a shoot
ing affray in which she took a promi
,neut part the bartender was killed.
Every man swore that the woman was
thfi TMlrtu eml cVia a10AnBl.. A
raitted it, though it is probable she was
- cot the real offender. Some friends of
the murdered man camo along just then,
and organized to lynch her. Getting
wind of the programme, sho stole a
horse and set out for Kansas, the men
following. Several Indians joined the
pursuing party at various places, until
finally there were about a hundred men
on her trail. She managed to elude them
for several days, and coming finally
upon a band of chivalrous cow- I
Doys, sue made them believe she was a
persecuted innocent. Her new-found
friends promptly agreed to defend her
againgt all comers, and when her pursu
ers came in sight thev were met by a
volley which brought them to a stand.
In the course of three or four days they
concluded to abandon 'the search.
Tho exploit of which sho is proudest
occurred a year.or more a;o;in the Indian
Territory. She had been up iu Kansas
on the warpath, and making her way
back to Texas had fallen in with a rough
crowd of plainsmen. One of these was
a man named Uutton. whom she had
known many years before. In the course
of an evening passed at a ranch 'on tho
cattie trail, sho had a quarrel with this
fellow, and after some harsh words he
rushed at her with a knife. bhe was
too quick for him. Ho had hardly got
within striking distance before she put a
bullet through his heart. As he jumped
in the air and fell back dead his com
rades mado a rush at tho woman, and
would have finished her then and there
if one of the men hud not takeu her
part in a mild sort of way. As they
stopped to parley, she made this propo
sition : r
she hid driven them ten or fifteen miles
she made them turn back, while she rode
on toward the south.
A "Itrillinnt" Man.
The following is from the gossip of
"Man About Town" in the iew York
Star: As I was walking up Broadway
ono day last week with a friend of mine,
who is a prominent physician that is,
he has been lucky enough to catch on to
a practice among wealthy people I ex
changed nods with an equally prominent
and wealthy contractor.
"Do you know that mant" inouirBd
the physician after he had passed, i
"Yes," said I, "ho's a rich man, and
the jo!liet fellow at a dinner party, the
best raconteur in any company you ever
'Very brilliant, is lie?"
"Brilliant isn't strong enough to ex
press it," said I.
"Do you know where his brilliancy
conies irom, ' inquired the doctor.
'What a fool question that is." said
I. "Why, from his natural activity of
brain and vivacity of spirits."
"You're wrong," said my professional
companion. .! "It's all due to morphine."
I'Morphine) He take morphine?" said
I, incredulously.
"Yes. IIo's a slave to it. He'd be a
raving maniac if deprived of it for a day.
He will die of it in a year."
"I can't believe it," said I.
The doctor offered to prove it if I
would meet him the next day at one of
the big drug stores up Broadway. I went
at the hour stated, and was concealed
with tho doctor in a dark room back of
the office. At precisely 8 o'clock in the
afternoon, as had been predicted, my
friend the contractor appeared and pur
chased the morphine. Stepping into the
office ho took oil his over and under
coats, rolled up his shirt sleeves and pre
pared to inject the poison with a syringe.
His arm was covered with scars.
Utilizing Sea-lVeed.
In tropical climates tho little air blad
ders which support the scawracks are of
great service ; lot the masses of seaweed
are several hundred feet long and of con
siderableJieight, having stems the thick
ness of a man's thigh, and branches and
arooping stems which support innumera
ble forms of animal life, such as corals,
oralis, worms of different kinds, together
witn mosses ana weeds of tlie sea, and
I w . 1 !Ja - 1 - C "I ,.
fiiHK ucoiuo piui;tj tu ueposit ior innu
merable eggs of various creatures. In
Scotland tho tender parts of the sea-
wracks, known as tangles, are used as
food, and when cooked are considered
choice diet for cattle. The stems of a
very hard, horny variety of the sea
wracks are used as knife-handles. They
are cut in short piece;), and while moist
or green tho blado is forced in at one
end. When the stem dries it clings
iirmiy to tne Knue-blade. liewg gnarled
and horny it resembles buck's horn, and
wncn tipped with metal and full finished
forms a neat, inexpensive knife-handle,
I ho rose-tangles are higher up in the
scnle of vegetable life, and their delicate
tints renders them very beautiful. Of
these, pulse is an important variety to
tne bcotcti and lrisn, who, beside usin
it as food, both in its raw state and
cooked, in milk, find it a substitute for
tobacco. Carrageen moss is another
kind of rose-tangle, from which a nour
ishing jelly is made. The Chinese use one
variety of rose-tangle as a chief ingredient
in other glossing preparations; twenty
seven thousand pounds are brought an
nually to Canton and sold at from six to
eighteen f ice per pound.
"I'll fight the whole pack of you, one
at a time. I killed that man, and I'm
glad of it. I ought to have done it years
. One man went out with her, and the
two stepped off twenty paces, turned
and fired. The man got a bullet in his
Bnouiucr, and wanted to quit. Tho wo
man was unhurt. Standing there reso
lutely she called on the others for a vic
tim, but no one stirred. Then sho taunted
them, and finally, when she found that
they were not disposed to annoy her
further, she said :
"Now, I'm going to Texas, and I want
an escort. How many of you are iroincr
with me?" b b
They all agreed to go but two, and to
mono two sue addressed herself
ing: 1
"You're just the ones that I want to
go with me, and you've got to go, too."
The others rather enjoyed the Bpor't.
She never tdok her pistols off them for a
minute. Thev trot her horse out of th .
command rod on ia front f her. Wl
Restoration of Apparently Dead Carp.
Wishing to examine some scale carp
anatomically, says cnaries Y. bcudder,
or tho United btates fish commission,
visited the central hatching station of
the United States fish commission in the
armory building, and called for dead
carp, as tney would answer my purpose
as wen as live ones. .Mr. J. 2. lirowa
handed mo seven or eight, which were
from one to three inches m length, and
which had been thrown out of tho tanks
as dead. These I at once put into an
envelope and carried home in my pocket.
At least an hour later I removed them
from the envelope and put them in I
wash-bowl of water for cleansing them
I soon noticed that two of them were
floating on their sides and occasionally
gasping. A half-hour after this, for the
purpose of discovering how much vitality
there might be in the two in which I had
observed signs of life. I placed in the
mouth of each ono a drop of brandy di
luted with an equal amount of water.
These I returned to the bowl, and paid
no iunner attention to them until six
hours afterward. I then noticed that the
two which had received the tonic showed
a marked improvement, and were swim
ming on their sides nearly at the top of
the water. I then changed the water
and administered the same amount of
brandy as before. On the following
morning, tmrreen hours alter the first
administration of brandy and seven hours
after tho second dose, the two fish in
question were apparently fully restored.
and were swimming naturally and ac
tively about the bowl. The restoration
proved to be complete.
How Dogfish Destroy Mackerel.
Captain Joseph Smith, of Gloucester,
Mas., says that while oft Wood Island,
Maine, he observed what he supposed to
ie at first a moderate-sized school of
mackeral at the surface of the water.
On closer inspection, however, he found
that only a small number were mackerel,
probably not exceeding more than half
or three-quarters of a barrel, and these
were completely surrounded by an im
mense school of dogfish. The body of
dogfish was formed in such a manner as
to inclose the nrackerel on all side& and
underneath, completely preventing their
escape. Captain Smith had an oppor
tunity of observing the mackerel closely,
and Bays that many of them, ha noticed,
were bitten by the dogfish, sour being
deprived of their tails, and othels hav
ing wounds on their sides. He i.-Jof the
opinion that every one of the m kerel
was ultimately eaten by the dogl
is prouauie, ue thinks, that at 1
much larger body of mackels was
rounded. I he school of dogfish
timated to contain at least enough for
one hundred barrels. Another siHiool
of dogfish, surrounding a small bod of
mackerel was seen on the sumo day. I
There is but one place in the Uditerl
'ates where gun cotton is made. j
u. it
at a
Eacchus has drowned moro than Nep
tune. The more a man knows tho less he
Bo charitablo nud indulgent to every
ono but yourself.
earning by study must be won; 'twas
ne'er entailed from siro to son.
The more a man speaks of himself, the
less he likes to hear another talked of.
It is not genius so much ns ability
that carries one through the battles of
If you are determined to live aud die a
slave to custom, see that it is at least a
good one.
To most men experience is like the
stcrnlight of a ship, which illuminates
only tho track it has passed.
The lifo is long which answers life's
great end; the tree that bears no fruit
deserves no name; tho mau of wisdom
ia the man of years.
As a man's yes and no, so his charac
ter. A prompt yes or no marks tho firm,
tho quick, the decided character;- and a
Blow, tho cautious and timid.
Tho beauty of the face is a frail posses
sion, a short-lived flower, only attached
to the mere epidermis, but that of the
mind is innate and unchangeable.
A Queer Partnership.
As most of my young readers are
doubtless well aware, there is a continual
warfare between the insects and the
birds, the latter finding in the former
their natural food. Knowing this, any
exception we may find to the rule, must
seem very remarkable, especially when it
is a bird and a spider oh terms of tho
closest friendship, and actually partners
in hoii3o-building. Tho bird is the pur
ple sun-bird named by naturalists Nectar
lnia Asiatica. It is common in many
parts of India, whero it Hits among the
trees iu gorgeous garbs of deep purple
blue, flashing green, gold and yellow".
At the nest-building time, the sun-bird
searches tho woods until it finds the large
snining weo ot a certain kind ot spider.
This it proceeds forthwith to appropriate
wiiuuul luimcr ceremony, mougn wo can
well imagine that there has been some
understanding between Jlessrs. Spider
ana oun-oira
Tho web is generally spun between two
stout limbs, and upon this web the bird
begins to placo all sorts of rubbish, such
es bits of glass or fiber, and pieces of
paper and cloth, picked up or stolen
from some neighboring camp. At first
the spider must be somewhat astonished
at the capacity of its net for catching
such strange flics. But curiously enough
as fast as the bird places these objects
upon tne wen, the spider secures them
with its silk, spinning industriously
and assisting its friend as much as
possible. Finally, when the materials
have accumulated, until they reach the
nmo, tney are iastcned to it, and bound
over and over, first by the bird and af
terward by tho snider. Now tho nest
It Aelenlalird the PnMIc
to npnv of the rewiRnBUon of Ir. Tieroe a
Congressman- to devote himilf solely to his
lalioi-s or a physician. It was bromine his
trim constituent were the nick And aftlietwt
everywhere. They will find Dr. liom-'
'UnMen Medical Discovery" a beneficent use
of his scientific knowledge In their tx-lmlf.
Consumption, bronchitis, couh, heart tiis
eaw, fever end Bfrue, intermittent fever,
ctromy, neuralgia, goitre or thick neck, and
all disaes of the blood, are cured by this
world-renowned medicine. Ite prortin are
wonderful, iu action magical. By druggists.
In certain portions of West Africa the
natives eat all enemies taken in war.
"Say, why Is everything
Kit her at sixes or at sevens?"
rrolwibly, my dear nervous sister, because
you ere suffering from some of the diwasea
peculiar to your sex. You havea "draKgiiig
down' feeling, the hnek-ai-he, you are de
bilitated, you have pains of various kinds.
Take Dr. It. V. 1'ieree's "Favorite Freserijv
tion" and ! cured. Price reduced to one
dollar, liy druggist.
A WKATiiKH prophetThe gain of the coal
After using all the humbug liniment and
salves with sure.failure, go and get of your
druKgint a Hop riant tr. The strongest and
bent porous planter ever made. Vastly su
perior to all other external remedies. The
complete pain-allaying virtues of fresh Hops
combined with srengtlieniug Uums and Bur
gundy Ditch. 25e.
S"Ilnrlm Pn .'
ulck, complete cure, all Kidney, Bladder
Urinary Diseaees, Scalding, Irritation,
Btouo.ti ravel, Catorrh of bladder. 1. Druggists.
Tho purest, sweetest and best Cod IJver
Oil in the worlji, manufactured from fresh,
healthy livers, unu the seanhore. It is abso
lutely pure and Rweet Dntients who have
once tukep it prefer it to all others.'' Physi
cians have doi-idiHl it superior to any of the
uuieruiisin market;. Made by L'aswell, Haz
ard & Co., New York.
lHAfpKD hands, face, pimples and rough
rtiu cured by using Juniper 1'ar Soap, made by
vooncu, tiaKitra a tjo., new lorn.
- "Itoiih on ICntm
Cienrs out rat, mice, roaches, flies.ants.bed-
bugs, skunks, chipmunks, gophers. 15c Drgta.
Pratt.. A l .4
There is no need of being imposed on if you
will insist on having the Frazer Brand of Axle
uicisbo. ime greasing will last two weeks.
Ilpnrt PnlH..
Palpitation, Dropsical Swellings, Dizziness,
Indigestion, Headache, Sleeplessness cured by
"WcUs' Health Dene wer."
A Benmtfiil Ilend of Heir,
lonir. silken in taitiii-M rich rhoKtimf.
reaching to the ground ; such are the effect of.
tne just ly celebrated and widely known Car-
uoiiue, uio prince oi all Hair ltestorers.
... ... "Itonh on t'ornii."
Ask for w clLs' "Hough on tknis."i5e. Corn-
piste cure.arojirwitt corns, warts bunions.
Firry years ago the average weight of beef
w pounus, ana now it is l,40u.
A Skin of Beauty ! n Joy Forevtr.
m A y""r"'', ptnnTi Tun,
JfjM f tit .'."...i'VA
nd hkin dt
turf t-
erjr bUnt'!) on
butf, nJ da
flat itr1ln,
It halt fltoort
th Ut of r
yri, and l
fto hannlrftt wt
tat It to bt
inn ths pr
p a r t i o n it
prnHrl)r mad.
A o o p t n
fonottirratt ol
itnilar nam.
. . - - fl 'W Lf ,
a imiy oi inn nftwr nn (a e'vlftnt 1: "At
farflM mil V thrm, I rrmm'lll llauratxT, Trent..'
!( nrmHl at all Iht Sktn prrpa'U innt," )
hXtl Ut aii niontln, aiin it intf ilT. Aim
rolr Nntitil ramoiM t uprfl'i'Mn holr without In.
mrt tuth akin. M. M. H. T. (l a A 1ID, Hoi
I r..p ta II. ..i.l St.. N. r. Pnraalahr ll frui.l and
. J '"t Ilr Mi U. ., t'anaiat
n l Kiirop. ir-ll.r of lM imilatimia. l,(Hirl.
nl forarrjat and proof t any on anlllng tlm ra.
PaTth w book T HI H l' YTII K KR VT AR AMIINU.
B U.K. lMlllOEanil Urn. BliKHMAN. To. failnlMllln
Donkniit, Indonod br 1'raa t irthiir, (lan'i Uraal, Miepma.
fckrldan. and thomanri. of tmi...l .M. .........
kUtnra, ! a lilt flfrt nii War
jfjot hrr AfNuW." II taka. likt vIMItrr. ar
0.''n T5.0O aold. Iu )r,t
f '" mk It ho.mtoa tx'ok for Am.
fcj'S'nd forClirnlar., Mnppltnan Flit., rf, Tfr-m,S(
. v., H v aaniwr,VMUBi
I-Tl Air.!. nj.H4MI
lk IPUI11 about June. F. ....
After Diphtheria
Th intern la Uft weak and onroom br tanaral dbil
ttr, aod anaamla or lack of blood I apt to peniat for
somstlms. A reliable modioliwto act aa a tooio and
to Titaliio and orlch the blood Is rry muoh nmded,
and for thla pnrpos Hood a S-iraaparllla has no equal.
It has just th elements of richness and strength re
quired to bring back robust health.
"Diphtheria left ma in Terr bad condition, Buffer
ing particularly from lndiestion and lamennaa In the
stomach. At times 1 could not stand ud nor take
lowr bream. Hood's Barsapartlla has done me so muoh
Rood that I am Klad to testify to ita superior effloacj."
im. ji. k. jnicoMBZR, Charleston, Mass.
begins to .assume a deGnito ehape; InSSSii
pearance UKe a.bottle, a flaslt, Or a dome; 'butln bad condition, aa their systems soemed poisoned
tue crass ana IWlgS Deing generally la' nooa a sarsaparllla restored the whole
wounu in ana out uy tne Diro. ana then
covered by the silk of tho spider, both
oiru ana insect working harmoniously,
until they have mado a uerfect dome.
shaped uest hanging in the midst of the
web, partly supported by it and partly
hanging from the limb. In . some nests
an entrance is left at the bottom: but.
usually it is at one side near the tinner
end, with a little platform or awnine
utiui over it dj ma Dira, to Keep out tho
fnu. i. , , , ,.
1 ucst wouiu now natural lv bo a
very conspicuous object; but the spi-
ucr a worK is not yec aone. it contin
ues to spin its silken web around the
nest, carrying the threads from ono part
10 anotner, inwara ana outward, for
ward and back, until finally, after SDin
ninsr miles and miles of silk, the nest is
completely hidden behind a screen of
web. ,
Here, toccthcr. the partners live : the
spiaer rearing its young on tho outside,
anu tne sun-uira caring lor its eces and
young within. In this queer partner
ship the spider is. evidontlv. not the
loser, as it certainly trains ncaco and rjro.
tection from the presence of Its feathered
menu. bt. iVteioa.i
seren to perfeot health.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Sold by all druggiaU. fl: six for V Maria 0.1.
byO. I. HOOD Jt CO., Apothecaries. Lo.ell. Mu.
IOO Dose3 OneDoMa r
C ata r r H Ely's Cream Balm
Cleanses the
Head. Allays
Heals the Sores.
Restores the
Senses or Taste
&Sinell7A quick
& positive Care.
1 y 1
S w UlouziUbymal
n-nd lor circular. s.mnl. hwm.n 10 ...
lli.V UKu'l HeKS, Drugfiste, Oweo, N. Tl
SO contest DniRKlsta.
all reffui-
Tho Weather.
Lieut. Charles W. McKim. Portland.
Ky., states : " For twenty years I Buffered
with rheumatism. During the bad
weather my suffering was terrible. I
was about to civo up. borne one susr-
gested the application of (St. Jscobs Oil.
1 tried it and its relief was rapid, la
half an hour I could stand up. I no
longer suffer with the pains."
Canton, China, with a nonulation ot
1,500,000, does not publish a newsnaner
ui auy Kina. ,
The Wurit l-ratkml Klrlptiipi..
speedily cured by our new radical methods.
Pamphlet, references and terniH. two letter
tamps, worlds Dispensary Medical As-
ociation, tit)3 Main street, Uutfalo, N. Y.
V--' e !
Actadlreetljnpee th mns.
cles snd tbnrTesof tba
bock, tb aeat of ail pain.
J.nnjr lYoublra. whether
local or deeply seated this
piatur will be foend i
lla Iniuot relief by ap
plying baiween the sh sol
der blades.
F.or Kidney Troable,
Rliaumatlsm. Neural. la.
Pain in the Bide and fiacK
Ache, tiiity are a certain
sad spsedv rnrs. .
Sold by Druvglsis (or M
vmium, wr nil ior
Mailed en rroatpt f
price by f4mith,oolit
a 'm,, Geaeral
Atents. Boatoa.
$60. 5 TOH
5.!" J7"- Bs" r-r.lld
Paid. rr. rV-a f.m. Errry Nlae,
af.. 1. iwsNiaorBiaiAiiTon
'a-frnmiaaMasn - HtMaiuuvnn w
1 bare a poalttre remedy for the aboy dlaaa. ; by Ita
eae trmu.anrts of eaaaaot th worst kind and of fona;
taadlnr hare bean cured. Ind'l. oatrons la bit faith
In lie efllc aey , thai I wl.l aamlTen HOTTl.Ktt KRKH,
loltatherwlth a VAI.Cani.ETRKATlSK on tliladiaaaa
teaay suff-rar. laexpriaa anil P. o. a.litr. aa. .
Ia.T. A. BLOCUM.Hl r.ariat., New York.
rP9,I'A,JJt N,An,w"rlnrnnn",rn"" InqnlH. Dr.
M..- DAVCHi would a(am atat that his llellailonna
v''.n".! i,nKJT ""t1 to enlanre and DK
VhlAPthe BUHTunl... the lady uaiiia th aaoie I.
between the sues of 1, and X! ye. liiiwrlenc Has
apown that at other aces aiiocess Is not asaiired.
Prices formerlr, l.l, mailed aeotire from nhaerya
tion. Dr. LEONARD OAUCHY. Kanduaky, O.
816 NewKcrap Plot nres 10c." Boo tlo.', NasaauTO'"
DrjJ. C. HOFFMAN, JerTerson.Wls.
phans-ea gray halt to Ha natural color. Keromniende.1
by leailma phyaiciana and choniist. Send Ior circular
ana testimonials. Price, 1.
I. BKl CK, aljfthAv., New York.
milR WORLD'S HOM)l-KS.nd oirtl (7
X torn V la (Jra.fy ExprdUion. tirand newbook o(.
Mils reeriffkfee. Salary er ran. to A,,nt,. Wrlteonlok
for V.eial twrrnn. Historical Fnk. Co., PbUa., Pa"
Tliotisanrts lEnsterKj-
Iy rclyliiK on tpsUnr
Klowiuit limuntro of i
mnile by mimn uirfroiy
f 'Blent meiticlttn tins'
hrlr tfi nvc; I lie rent
koiib faith tlml the nn"
forinttl 011 tlioin, tlmt
lion, while Miew '
time iiasiflnlnp; then
though we have
Tlionnnnd" U
of tOKt itncminls of
oluntrttily sent ur
a thry do tint tun
cine, Hop Jlitter
hn never (e'"
reference "
to their o
t he k nnwn
Hop Hitter
"A proi
'to a lmly
'cure her,
'The lady
'tors, fr
'hid joke,
'as It cost
The feeo
tax a man
visit, over
nnce ulnno
Bitters tnk
and ail the
"Is is pot
and at work,
"I assure yc
cured, and wit
only ten days f
Raid he must
fr" Nona pe
Hops on the wl
poisonous BtufT
their name.
n . . -3 J
rotentFoit, 1
nntrVts fori
With them i
Makers, Mela
ere rtimpeto
1WI of v
fletnll, illiiatr'd
W.K.cV John
Address No ftitti .
Lorlllard's Climax Ph
bir1ng a rrrt tin tni; tlmt Lorlllan
KaM I f n. . ...t . . V. .. r 111
Nnyy Cllppinee, and that Lorlllard's KnuOs, a,
the best ana clwupost, quullty cunalJcroil t
t A
UaT Illi'l t? 9"r. No pay till eared.
W IUI1I Vn. J. bxitrHBNs, Lebauon, Ohio.
CR S f n,P B. p,r"m'un J'1"- P'lo List san'
Unilr fr"- U. H . O AKD CO. , Ontrbrook. Oonn
Contalnlnitan Indezof Ul
eanee, wlilola, Blvesi trio Symv
tomM, Cause, avkast the Heart
Trratment of etvola. A. Table
BTl-vlxijr all the principal di-iiara
utsesl for the Horse, -wltH the
ordinary dose, eireots, and
antidote when as, poison. A.
Table with an J-iiiftr-iivlnat of
the Ilonae'e Teeth at different
osrect, with Ilulea for telllng
the ufr. A. valuable collec
tion of Receiptee and muoh
other -vnlunl1' Information.
ssent post-
aid to
11 v ad.
tlreier l a the United Htates or
natJafor25 CENTS.
1 trTfor arventl years we hnro funiis
Dalrymrn ot A merlin with en etoellei
II' i.ilool.irf.irbutuiri bo meritorious the
with ffrcnt surx-oes everywhere ivcelvl.
hlirhfBt nd only prlao it buth Interna,
Ualry Plr,
Iw-llut by iwtlent nditntlfln ehemtoai
renri hwehTelitipnTi lin aeror;-.! point, end I
B now ivflor this new color & the bnt to fn voriil. 4
r . . u., . ....... 2
v win wot uoiortnt) Butterr-ir'k. It
1 Will Not Turn Rrtnold. It le the
i Btrongogt, PngHtggt and
ChenrBt Oolor rwatB,
t""And, while prciun-d in oil, la rocoRnocnd j
cdllh-tltls lm; It U becoitio Linclil
tjTSriWARH of fell In, lint!..,, 1, ai.,1 -otter
oil color, for t:i. y nro liable to be
ranrlflnnd aKlltho butter.
VTit you oiuuiot iret theejinn.,, ... .
:i.t.-, Hliiiiiisiit
otfr'tthe"ltnproTorlM writous)
mdliow to tct it without !
,ItIIS(l.t k CO., Cilriioirtaa, Vt. , L
other valuable 1 it lor
mm book?:
Five Copies,
Ten Copies, - - -Twenty
One Hundred Copies,
- - f 1.00
- - - - I. TO
(,'4 fllfdlclca, nut 1
nors, Bccuu. jianuhame,
Andtbc PeartsT asd MnaTMi'm'-At.Oi-AU.
Tiua ur aia orujta luri-Jtua.
All Dlsesseaof theRtoi
x-iver, Kiain-yn, an
Vousucas, hh riil.
t'tiuwi' I
siooo r
VIM ho paid for a
. k''lp,or(orantlri
Askrotir drtirirlst fair Titrr P'
Hu tu before juii s!y p. Tufa
I) T. C. lann ahaolittssnillrn-ali
Druukouueas, ui-e uf npluui,
liarcotit a.
Snd Ton Ctnrrt.1
All aliv. .M I v Htt, i.
Hop imt.n Mltf, t',.., l;..,p,i.r, N. .,
W r
t GO
. JFliOmious
HUSBANDS frambla rwbv their wivea
Between throe and four
tlio every week in Liondon.
thousand horses
Wbn won erifllt or lmv Nv York ntt thna..
xpritntiet nd $a crnve hire, aud Htp at the Uraai
iiuwinuwi, uiiixioutj uraoa ottmrftl Uopot.
tkUBleffun rooniH. iitudmt t.i. & ..f m.iliis
dollar, 1 aud upward perday. KuropHn rln. Ktrv
vator. KuKiauruui aup,)iid with tlie birtc. Uuih) o.r,
state ud f Iwvatud railroad to all depot a. KaiiilUoj
caa live betWr tor lewt uiimuv ax Lh tirand Uaioii
Llotel than at aajr other tirHt-cla hoUl ia tUu city.
THERE are 347 female blankamitha in Fnrr.
Trer from Opiatttt, i.mefi-s ami J'uimms.
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Coldfe, lirUUilllla, t'tMU W taOpailC ( llUljlt,
attiiuavt 41 ulna j, Pwiua In 1 Uru uiier
tT,iioti ..I (be 1 Lruat I.iititfa.
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