EDITOR. WEDXESDAT H0KMSG, KIRCH , ISSS. T" It is too bad that old Mr. Freling. buysen refuses to enter bis late for eign policy into the crazy quilt exhi bition at Boston. It would have iak ea a medal without a struggle. President Cleveland continues bis habit of retiring early. lie gets up regularly at 5 A. M., and after starting the Cre in the kitcbeu range and calling the cook and ervant9, he may be seen any rooming building chicken coops or sawing wood in the back yard. Rev. Henry Ward Beecher is of opinion that all "offensively partisan" Republicans should give way to Dem ocrats. But then the Rev. ITenrv'n opinion, according to the Flymout Church figures, is of a good deal le value than it used to be. And it more than probable that Washing... takes the same view as Brooklyn T- Tl - C T .. m xu, jveiorm .uegisiaiure ot ynio T" . . I -Lseraocrauc 01 course, retuses toi pass any usetul legislation, but has ordered 129 pocket books at two dollars and fifty cents each, and five bundrfed and tbirty-8ix pocket protectors.! Only part of them wanted pocket boiks, it seems, but knowing the kind jbf ma terial that constitutes a reformf Legis lature everybody about Cilumbus eeras to want a pocket protector. There is one item in which they show true Democratio economy. They only spend fifty -seven dollars for soap. John R. M'Lean, the political as sassin of "GoBtlemen George," and the ' '.roan of Staudard Oil Payne in "eat-act of putting himself in Vs place, it is said is setting up .as to get into John Sherman's . in the Senate. What in the world M'Lean wants to hide himself there for, passes comprehension, unless his sins of tbe past four or five years bear so heavily on hia conscience ihat be feels as if it would be discreet o lf.de himself where he cannot be iimd, until the remembrance of them lows over. If that is his idea, it is a ood oce; for he would rattle around Sherman's chair, and no oue would earn that he was there. The New York Times and Evening tt have been prodded by tbe ap ntment of Iliggins, of Baltimore, ihe chief clerkship of the Treasury partment, into a smothered, but tie growl. Can it be that these gwumps really expected Mr. Cleve id, or his Secretary of the Tieasury, consult with them as to their aelec t.63 of officers? The work they did was purely a labor of love, they VUTAI I. t ." Ka OA a n J J 1 .fl 1 1 " " nuu luvy BUOU1U not begin to growl already. As they say "There- is apparently no doubt that -the place was given, to Mr. Hig gins at the request of Senator Gorman, and that it was given as a reward for political services." Bless tWir simDla hearts, what did they expect tho ap pointment to be given for? For politi cal opposition ? Henry Watterson fears he sees in tbe appointment of Miller as Com missioner of Internal Revenue, and the consequent triumph of Randall, a determination on the part of tbe President to set himself agaiost rev enue reform and the internal revenue taxes. We hope that his fears may be realized. There are two distinct classes of Democrats the American Democrat and the English-Democrat; he first believe in the protection of pme industries, while tbe latter be eve in sacrificing the interests of tbe oerican manufacturer and the . erican laboring man for the bene .fit of the capitalist of Europe and his pauper laborer. The two, now that .power has come to the Democracy, are bound to fight.' They cannot mix ; they cannot harmonize ; they are as far apart as tbe old pro slavery Demo crat was from his anti-slavery brother, and now that the responsibility of hoping a policy cannot be shifted ipon . tbe Republicans, a trial of '.rength is certaiu to ensue. The ap lintraent of Miller, from the tariff imocratic State of West Virginia, against Pbil Thomson, from the trade State of Kentucky, may be jotering wedge. We hope it is, ur wishes and sympathies in the -le will be with the .President .d .Randall. I J- E. WEXK, .... WORK AT HARR ..iUtlU. Fperial to KEfCHMCAN. I .1 llARRifni;Rf March 21, '85. Monday evening jas the scene of excitement; meanuers just arrived on late trains with a fresh supply of "wind," which they used to advan tage; thd whole evening until the ear ly raornifaff was taken ud on the Tin derground Wire Bill, which received a black eye in tbe committee ; tie question was to place it on the calea dar. Mr. McGowan, of Pbila., said me question was whether the bill was of such a character or such impor tance as to demand it to be considered by the House. In his opinion it de served the consideration of everv nimber. Mr. Deardpn nnnrRrrl thn - r I " jlaciog of the bill oa the calendar, Jiat it contemplated too great a revo ution. Mr. Hassett submitted the (statement to show the feasibilitv of underground wires. Mr. Robinson of Delaware, Redding of Montgomery. Boyer of Phila., Lowry of Indiana, bponsler of Perry, each gave their opinion. After further remarks against the resolution by Miller and renrose, and for by Scbuatterly and Bennett, the vote was taken with the following result: Yeas 129; nays 34. If the bill khould pass it would in volve millions of dollars expense to the Telegraph, Telephone and Electric Companies. On tho 17th was St. Patrick's Day, which you would be reminded of by entering the Seuate Chamber. Ev erytbing your eyes would rest upon was green, even the Senators were decked in green. Senator Cooper de clared that he wore his sprig in honor of the Irish vote for Blaine. Senator Geo. Handy Smith was thus adorned on the account of the Prince of Wales' visit to Ireland. In tbe House, Mack in was adorned in honor of -his an cient constituents. The seat of Berry, the tall, dignified, military-looking gentleman from Forest, was decked in green sprigs in honor of the acting Speaker; but though the legislators thus decked themselves they accom plished' little work. The orators of the House let themselves loose for over an hour on a bill to extend tbe mini mum school term to six months, and then after all the waste of time and wind, the excellent measure was de feated by a vote of 76 yeas to 94 nays. On Wednesday bills of appropria tion were favorably reported as fol lows: 0800,000 for the maintenance of the Indigent Insane at the State Hospitals from June 13, 1885, to Jtibe 13, 1887; House of Refuse. Pbilad'a, $123,000; Fish Commission 825,000; Pennsylvania Oral school for deaf mutes S20.000; the bill ap- propriaiing $3,000 to adjust boundary lines was negatively reported. Mr. Wayne of Erie introduced a bill ap propriating $500 to pay claims against the Wayne monument at Erie; a great number of bills were introduced. The bill repealing an act regulating tbe uunting and killing of web-footed wild fowl was passed finally. Quite a lively 'discussion was had on the floor of the House to-day, oa the bill appropriating $5,000 to the "Rosine Home Philadelphia for Fal len Women." Mr. Colborn of Somer set deuoui.'d tho institution and op posed the appropriation, calling par ticular attention to the enormous de mand made on the State Treasury ; more money had been asked for than would be in the Treasury io five years. Mr. Lowry opposed the giving of aid to the Home on moral grounds, and because of the great drain on the Treasury. Mr. Snodgrass (the blonde of Allegheny) said he would vote for the bill; as to tbe appropriations, he declared there would be enough mon ey in the general fund to pay them, and at least $2,000,000 left for the Sinking Fund. Messrs. Chadwick of Delaware, and Dearden of Phila.. ex pressed regret that such uocbarity should be manifested. Mr. Soonsler of Perry made an eloquent appeal for the passage of the bill. Mr. Colborn replied to several personal allusions, stating that he had always been on the scent for such legislation, and had always been snapped at by curs; "If any of my daughters had been ruined by any infernal scoundrel, he or I, would have paid the penalty; she would not have gone to . any Rosine Home." Mr. Home (against the bill) and Mr. Schnatterly (for) closed the the debate which occupied an hour and a half. The bill was defeated, not receiving tbe required two-thirds vote. i.ne appropriation Committee voted totrive tbe Harrisburc IUnr.ii.1 ,ww aog ine nome ot r riendle.ss llarrisburg the same som ; tho ques tion in issue was the appropriation to the Homeopathic Hospital of Pitts bnrg; that worthy Institution anted for $110,000, and after the reprcaenta tives of the family of Esculapius had been heard the committee decided to give $05,000. The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children was voted $G,000, and the State Board of Agriculture $6,000. In order that three Cottst'S Hospitals mar be es tablisbed iu tbe 'bituminous coal re gion the appropriation committee vot eu fw.uuu io tee porpose. it is un derstood that one will be located in the Connellsville region and one in the Clearfield district, and one in the Shenango Valley. Enyp 'ClONKSTA MARKETS. CORRECTED EVERY TUESDAY, BY REM A BLEDEA LER8. Flour barrel choice - - 3.f06.0 1' lour :p Back, ' - - .OOiJciLOS Corn Meal, 100 lbs - - - 1.26 Ml. 50 Chop feed, pure grnin - - - 1.2ti Corn, Shelled - - 70 Reans B bushel ... l.!50t.8.OO Ham, sugar cured - 12jai4 BrohktUst Bacon, miwar cured Shoulders -Whiteusl., half-barrel m 10 - 8.50 Lake herring half-barrels Sugar Syrup ..... K. O. Molasses new Roast Rio Coffee 5.60 fil U 6078 75 1823 1210 28 TO 20(00 Rio Coffee, ... Java Co flea ... Tea ..... Butter -Rice ..... ()23 810 - 20 Eggs, fresh ... Salt bent lake - - Lard Iron, common bar 1.23 12J - 2.50 Nails, lOd, jft keg - 2.75 Potatoes - Lime bbl. ... - 40(3.50 1.40 10 Dried Applos sliced per lb Dried Beef Dried Peaohes per lb - 18 10 15 Dried reaehes pared por X WM. SMEARBAUGH & CO., Dealers in CLOTECIISTG-, NOTIONS, BOOTS & SHOES, HATS AND CAPS. GROCERIES! TOBACCO, (JIGAR.S, HARD W A RE, QUEENS W ARE.GL ASS WARE, TOYS, STATIONERY, WALL-PA PHR, COUNTRY PRODUCE, &c. Goods Alwavs First-Class. ELEGANT BOUND FAMILY BIBLES, ?2.50, ?3.50, H.50, JW-50 and upwards. BD, SF0RTIHEI11 I take pleasure in telling the Sporting Fiaternity that I have rt-purcliaed THE GUX ISUSIXIIKH FROM HORACE JONES, TO WHOM . SOLD IT IN 1871. T AM NICELY LOCATED at iny old X stand, and I am prepared to attend to all my friends, and the public generally, who need ANYTHING IN THE GUN UBE! I shall keep a perfect stork of a'l inrts of AMMUNITION! And all kinds of FISHING TACKLE. I shall also continue to handle the "White" Sewing Machine, And tho CHICAGO SINGER SEWING MACHINE Come and nee me. You will find me ALWAYS AT HOME. Muzzle Loaders made to enler and war ranted. DHTgEP AIEING IN ALL ITS UU1J BRANCHES PROMPTLY AND PAITHTULLY DONE. wmxilJi u K. A. IlALDWiar. Tldloute, Ta., Aug. 12. 80 YEAUS'AVTl IfTT W TlT OF on;ki:ss BY JA.Ui S. copios will soon bo sold. Strfctlv tiirmiirtwin Ml. tl.NK pws ,ionite, entertaining and reliable." N. Y. Iloruld. "A clanniu in A.Mrican hix toro."a. Y. Tribune. "A work of which " y American hinturian might feet proud." K . Y. Sun. 6,000 agents already employed and more wanted. IOO per month paid. No work ever sold like it. Apply at once to The Hkkuy Bill Puui.ihhimo Co., Norwich, Ct. Hundreds Jwrlte thoy owe their ili'e and presont good health to Acker's En glish rornedy for consumption, coughs, colds, Ac. Sold by G. V. Jtovurd. . IJ11I111111II1I11I?. 11685! . 5oiMNKx5i555. h"5 OLOTimiG CLOTHING CLOTHING! If you are in need of ANYTHING In tho limof CLOTH INC1, OVERCOATS, BOOTH. SHOES, DRY HOODS, DRESS GOODS, or anything kept in a General Store, you ran rind A GOOD ASSORTMENT IN ALL DEPART MENTS at EL J. HOPKINS & CO'S. We claim the BEST ASSORTMENT, FINEST GOODS, and LOWEST PRICES OF ANY HOUSE IN THIS COUNTRY. Step in and get our Prices, see our Stock, and you will bo convinced that we mean what ve say, We alm'.to keep our GROCERY, FLOUR AND FEED DEPARTMENT full of FRESH GOODS AT BEAT. COME AND SEE. SHOWING GOODS. it. j. i-iopiviisrs & oo. giiiiiiimiing gimiimiiMia 18851 11885 S 655M55fKV.3.'iM S S 05555C55.55G5o i A BuMntwi Kducntion U th mot profllblo, min rm M r. tlilin In th. ..... I - i -. train . young Dion for the actual rcquiremcnu vacation. Students can enter at any y lima Fot PAT ENTS, CRVonts. Bn-lssun And Tr.nl. .f ?irl.-i booiif. od, and all other patents causes iti tho pat en t OJhco anil before the Courts promptly and carefully attended to. Upon receipt of model or sketch of Jn- VAnrinn 1 mudn nnrol'nl nvniftinntiitn un.l advtse as ti patentability Free of charg. r oes nioaoraie, ana i mate jno UliarKe unions nnipnc in Hncnrmi. ininrniiLMm advice and special references sent on ap- 11 uicarion. j. n. LiTi'iiLii, wasuinuton. J. Near v. s. fatent Unlce. r DHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, HONEST A, PA K. CARPENTER, . . Preprietcr. Pletvres taken in all tho latest styles o the art. M-tf EC. 2&. IDIO-HTOISr. HOUSE, SIGN, CARRIAGE, AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTING. Parl.iclllnr ntl.niit.inn frlvnn irt fllJATM- ijnu, r tiij?n;ui?iu, and suun u 1'AINT- i.i.i. caiisiaciioii Kuaranr,tti in every narticular. ClrdnrH for trpKr'ninir wti. Iiv mall promptly attended to. Shop in Roberts building, Elm St., Tionesta, Pa. Administratrix's Notice. WhflriM. LtrtAfS rif lntmtntafi'atmn in the estate of Judson Catlin, late of King.i- lev Iwd.. dncca-scd. havn lienn nranlnl hi the subscriber. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to mako imme diate payment, and those having claims or demands against the estate of paid de cedent will make known without dolay to iuauy iiA't jj.jn. Administratrix. Jan. 19, lttSi. Newtown Millo, Pa. GIVEN AYAY IN GOLD 11 1 20 HONORABLE AWARDS I L 1st A ward $,0.00 U J oM ? t1f $JO.OOj Sd, $10.00; TJtuMluh ri fnm.t) rrm uuv or morf Ivttcra nooiaiawl mm mi- l. wwai " n,V J ib IV" All CUOiUtort BUt tdfaar trtctl.r w. K.Uwwin ruWi : 1 t. N worJi fciBiu.d ttikt Qoai&lQ r(KMt1 lotwr : U- okUR.ril, ifaa word Ls-y oX m woulJ b einlatiei. Kod. Nu wera ft-intu4 tkatoooUia luvrt at found In tb.two wort, Uoy ii! 4.1 a " 1 furwiuupl. th oril itoad W'lutl -l'i Ui.. Kitl. All lhruitUlnitti4 inu-itb -ItMMod fn.M i i muhi eoluuMitofUi Hitla h4j of muy Uifttiouarlfi. TU j..iL.t.'ii. .ii b vludt-d : Worri From uis itcuii.trr UD,.inmrni, htsti of KnU, Fnitr ud -i . -. i in -in g ipi i ii 'm m U" " ) H TUB MM If u) tbeir Dm rimwttolrsrltl j f "liovnl 4-III'1 ftiob "Wtfr4 erjribln nUd j U-lt " nod .-a. V cii. Uvtlt. 6tk. uetjruar uel.r t write i foiUtuirc on back of M' bul ami urd uid t-T blj tt-.i f4 It: ' Th b-rrr ha tlt! d boacU of in ft buttle of JUj nl Sln. l'o not fail to . iuM Uii r fcrd whea HinllaC ii -i of or w. tifb. If yuur Ulir but no fttijal fiJuo u haud. io-luc l.i.u to touj for tapl d i.ea in nut wh..HnlB Pnif I n or prtlcr. Tih. AH Uu io j b oitll .J .till t im w,trri t-rrnn-d Bi-tl la KlphaUt lcl t(t;ontn. St'l. In cf Tin, rvlu:vfM will br ftrtu tm Uit lin Arnt mt.il? J, tu tUumn by po I njark. Tr ta not wiii thn Ari nward, lb r.;t IrDn th Moond. and w urn. Htm. Th Nm.i uil V.lHr.i . t ),. w .. I M,... .., of tao trlnn-'iff words nud an utDdTH of Of BiMwiifWot- r Ui-U tti-y 1jto uot dyccllf tr imlun-.Ttly In iui KiKODor i( cncl Ave H-nt mtMmjn witti jtmr l.lit of Woida. t-tm. hi iriuuiTiiii.T luinvriij, we orr " rerer jfw it, Brn.iitrtet .ior Dun a M-rjtaul AtiU(le4 or av Whoieni lrCKtitL in tbe UuitM 1 1 1. a. II Uu must lu lumiod Hoi ut Uifto 4irt 1U aid tka Munaunoiaent of winb.ri Will fa yriuUkd nad u4li. d m nborv ic .'.,-a aitnrwnrda. no J ml KUnl Hhur, iu4 - I. f ( rwkirr. ( hlua. trl buri. Sold by Smcarbauh A Co., Tionesta, Pa. NATIONAL HOT:L, Tidioute, Th., VV. 1. 'J.llitkHn Pr.r.i-.t-tt.... A r,.. - - --'4 ii'K'i rt, hi nt dawn hotel in all rsnnnt nm il.o ii.111Q untest utopping plac in town. Hates very j uunuuuuju, liiiH-JS.. STEAM ENGINESM0 and Machinery a Speelaltv. Kecond hand KngiiK.s and Boi !(!!.-. on hand. Send for Stork I.ist. THOMAS! I'Alir.lv aii gheny City. augfi'jy. A PRI7FSo"a Hix cents for postage. of goods which will ht-ln ll r.f ..iiiw.r un to uioro money ri,'lit away than anvlhini' eise in tins world. Jtariunea await tho workers absolutely aure. At ojico ad dress True A Co,, Au-u.ta, Maine. Apr.9 iBmm BSI00.00 711111111111111115 18851 TRICES THAT CAN'T BE WE TAKE PLEASURE IN tweanre It ii the mot niwful. . . . . . of this commercial m-o. Individual Inttrurtlon. No circular, address P. DUFF & 8ON8, 1'ltUburn, Pa. Buckeye Force Pump i' i t few; 09 s a c a a a X r s. t) CALL AND (SET P1UCKS, 3B3D. SC HJ I B 3D Xj , TIONESTA, PEN.VA. HMLI.if MACAZIW2 RIFLE. M V--;-;, 45 Ovt. unci 40-CO THE BEST RIFLE fJz&ZSJZl B A L L A R n SilCTjif,,flin nd T.trp'. Maxlin Wirm Aruia Co., Kew Envou, Conn. II M. HERMAN, SUCCE:0.T0 C. AV. DIMIOK, FINK STATION KRY, SPCRTINS ARO HOLIOAf G3GDS, roxr.K.N AND POMIWTIU FBTJITS c3 O. Also Afrent for E.stev. Sterliic. Nlio- ninppr, and Clong! A Wiursn Orttana. Upoker UroH.. J. A C. KiHhor. V. T). Flmmb fc Oo.. and Win. Knabe Pianou. llminrn oasli pi toe Ki ven. Cull and eaiiii i nta- lojrues ana prieeti. 1 lonesta, l'a. Sept 17. TELLOUn NEICHDOR3 3BUCHUK BACK-ACHE C1E LIVER & KIDM iNfwrfonulnirvonilon. It cunw Infliininatioii and ulct;ratiou of the Liver. Kidut-VHuin ; lilndUrr. Ho. itiuvt'H iHln in the hmi k ntUMi'il li.v titraln, IiiAhui liiiitioutirirav'l. A renewer. rHeuerutoraiid ivfj iiiittor of tlit l.ivr und Kidm yM. A Jiifcrh it ur, pain In the lttiion of tlie kiUnt-yH, mul -bft!ii' altiiiir ttift coiuttti of the un U i' luimhiieHti of the th)KU, btK'hly wtloiva ami fmnieut dis- chuiv of nrwc, (xtHtivHiioHH. und cm 'lie ptijuj, fljauUl iKvt'le y. ii Bl m e U give IIAUOivl A . inir trial. Uuiiui-uiW-r, it NEVER FAILS TO GIVE RELIEF! " On bottle of Brenut turd rur wife of a hmek mcbe nd kidofr dittiuulty, ninth L truliltl her fur over Utre ftr," C'iiu Carman, tXnteryu, J'. You cu iuiitiit tay tlMnkfulucMt wlicn I tell ru Lt two bvttka of lrlftiOJiuii u ttijiJit oumpli'te uurr Id aty wifr, wboiikd bceD uUt;ri furajMr ttbdkfaiiJf.' i W. WktU, beiid f or f urthor tcFtlnionialfl. Proimred only by . K. THOMPSON ..fiEtffc ESTATE NOTICE. ESTATK OV PAUL nr.TTTl' Into f Hiokory Townshio. ForoRt countv. fl. c-eatied. All pui-wons indtl.tod to said en lute are requested to make ininimlini,. paj'inent. And tliono having le;al claim.. aBuiiiNt the Hame, will present ihem with out Uolay in proper order for nottloment to J'.VA MAY liLUTK, Adui'l, 1. h. K XOX. A.lm'r or MILKS V. TATtl, Attorney. SICNI) your Jolt Work to the-litf UlT L1CAN Otliee. 1 km q. co I f s- UOs mm Lia-i' tl)Uffaid23r X1 TIME TAI1LE IN El VV'estwaid) IMttwhTirr" r. m. 7 50 4 at 4 as (in 2 40 r. m. A.M. 7 ro 4 l;i 2l.l 2 Vt A. M.' or I ZZ iv" r. m. a ho r. m. ;( '2 ll!t8 M taoaifsfio no t 47 l 4ft 8 2; l ; 8 fl 22 t o: 1 10; 7 fid 12r.0,t7 ?8 I2.Vi 7 10 12 111! 4!l II .11 H 15 A. M. j V. M. A.M.jl'. M. 10 00420 A. M.I P. M. 11 30! 10 11 24 o or. II 05 6 411,1 10 55( 5 41 10 471 6 i:r. 10 42 r.H( 9i 10 21 fi 15 8fl 10 10 5 011 8 1 0 55 4 45 7 4 n 44 4 Ha 7 vr H27 4 JM 7 01 9 20 4 10 0 41 A.M. P.M. A.M. ADOITIONAI. 11:50am, Warrf pin, Tidionle R:,: rives Oil City 7. AmilllONAt, B:10 am. Olpopo 7:0.'liim, Preahlen Hifkory 8:45am.' onte l6:2Hatn. T ThompMon'B 11:'. Warren l:(l5pm 2:10, Sncar Kim villoa:25, Wolf 3:50, Hod Horn Carrol I ton 5:. f;hony 0:18, an Trains run o Trains lcavl riviwr Plttslitii between Iludrtlt TitAiNs Ifavin, riving Pittshurut with Pullman's f. Buffiilo qui! Pitt.shnrai. J3t'7Tii:ko!M sold and lit to all principal points. Oet time tabba giving ta from t'onipanv'a Agents. O ICO. K.'iTCHELI. J. A. FHLI.OWS, ' Oen'l l'as.s'r an'' Tii ' No.-41 JSii'hann-e Kt., J. I-. CUAK!, Atscnt, Tior IP YOU WAN". FILL TOUR GAI AND MAKE BIG SC us 4. a b na 5 j Pa - SHOT GUNS.! . All the Latest Irtrprovemoniw, . - r', FOR DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULARS, ' ADDRESS i Lamberson, 'Furman&Co., ; SOLE ACENTS FOR E.Remingtqn&Sons' Sporting Arm mni AmntumliDR, 281 & 2S3 Broadway, t:3TE7in omcs,' NEW YORK D. H. LAMBERSON & CO., 7$ Stlc 8trot, Chicago, HI. . ARMORY, - - . ILION, N. Y. MINGTON' SSOVELS, SCOOPS, SPADES. MAC; III THE BEST MANNER, IT SKILLED W0HKE. , ItVimiK THAT OUR im ARE ALWAYS RELIABLE. One Piece of Solid Steel. I NO HOLES OR RIVETS TO WEAKEN THE BLADE. ' SEND FOR CIRCULARS. EEMINGTONlGSlCULTUEiL' ILION, N. Y. New Vork Onico. UK Chnuibers 8t I"? ' ' '". ' . '1 - j Beaver Cor and Musical In 1 .v 'Hunt Ladies. . Srn inct Sost.i.V ' Twi.lv A U'nc.i March :;n. 1885. I'.eiiiilifully andS -althfully I extenwive huildms, pleasant gt eheurl'ul rooms, tluco Litorary ic auperi'ir advanta.'t'.s for music im ICxteiiHive npparatiiri, twenty li' organs, including pipe oiyan. 'J bi work, homo-like care, modeiata Send fir circularti to Kev. It. T. ''. 1). I)., Heaver, Pa. OW TO MAKE WON 'o SuccosmIuI Salenmau I pay hith as $100 per month and cxpi Htttady employment guaranteed, iitl wantod. Experience not nocesmiry. live man can nuceeed. f00 acieti u cultivation. The most complete pnc. irrounds in thn Knitu,) Ktuii.u Ma and choicest varieties of fruit a sped oeiiu ioi terms mating bko. t.'HARi.Ks. II. Chask, N urserviiian, H ester, N. Y. ileul7iiic H. C. WHITTEKIN. Civil Engineer and Surveyor. TIONEISTA 1'A. Land and Railway Surveying a Npoela; Mat;netie, Uo'ar r Triaiiulation Surv iiiK. liest of 1 imuumeiits and wo Terms on application. ; 0 1 Ml 1J B II J