The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, October 22, 1884, Image 3

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Itrpnbllonn Ticket.
Fob rnEsinKNT,
CJEX. JOHN A. LOGAN, of Illinois.
of LuKorno County.
of Jcflorson County.
Associate Judge,
LEWIS ARNER, of Kingslcy.
Prothonotary Ac,
CURTIS M. SHAWKEY, of Tionesta.
County Commissioners,
J. ft. CHADWICK, of Tionesta,
UEO. W. OSGOOD, of Kiugsley.
County Auditors,
Q. JAMIESON, of Tionesta Twp.
JAMES A. SCOTT, of Jenks.
Jury Commissioner,
HENRY O. DAVIS, of Tionosta.
At this time, two weeka before elec
tion, few remarks upon our County
Ticket will not be nut of place. Of
our candidate for Congress,
Alexander C. White,
we have had frequent occasion to
speak, and we can only reiterate what
we have always maintained, that if
our people want a man to represent
them in Congress who is possessed of
brains and ability, along with the strict
est honor and integrity, they will cast
their ballots for Mr. White. The peo
ple of our county have become pretty
well acquainted with him during the
few months that have intervened since
his nomination, and we are pleased to
learn that he has gained much in pop
ularity with that acquaintance. That
Mr. White is pre-eminently the man
for the place any unbiased man will
admit. i 4 '
Peter Perry,
The Republican candidate for As
sembly, is a gentleman eminently
qualified for the position both in
point of ability and experience as to
the peculiar wants, of Forest county,
having been a resident or the county
for upwards -of 15 years, during which
vhe Las expended much of his
cleans and energies to the advance
meet and improvement of the same.
He has ever kept in view the welfare
of the county in all his varied busi
. ness transactions. The discovery and
development of Forest's great oil pro
ducing interests has been very largely
due to Mr. .Berry 8 untiring energy
and pluck. He staid by it when oth
er hearts had failed. His ambition
now to represent his county in the
State Legislature is aa honorable one,
and it will be his pride to win the ap
probation of the people while there
. and leave behind a name that will be
an honor to the county and himself,
, Could more be asked of any man ?
Lewis Arner
, Is the Republican candidate for Asso
ciate judge. I? or nearly ntty years
Mr. Aruer has been one of the hard
working men of our community
Scarcely a day passes over his head
but that his bands nod something at
which to busy themselves. He is one
of Forest county's steady-going, indus
trious citizens, and by always attend
iog strictly to bis own business has
gained the esteem of all. Mr. Arner
is possessed of good sound judgment
a very essential point to be taken into
consideration in connection with that
; position. Another requisite, and per
haps more essential still, is the fact that
he W an unbiased man, never allowiri
hit prejudices to run away with his
better judgment. This, all will agree
is one of the best recommendations
fur a man seeking the office of Judge,
and the man who does not possass this
faculty :s Lot fit to occupy a position
on the Bench. Mr. Aruer's abilities
amply fit him in every way for the
position, as any of his friends wil
readily testify.
Curtis M. Shawkey
Is our caudidate for Prothonotary
iwegister, xc. Does Uurt. need any
introduction to tbe people of Forest
county? Wt think not. Born and
raised in ber borders, he has shown to
the people what perseverance honor
and integrity will do for a young man.
Search tbe State over and we doubt
whether a more competent or fit man
could be found for the important posi
tion to which he aspires. The people
of Forest county need not to be told
that it is to their interest to have a
man in the Prothonotary's office who
is careful, painstaking and, above all,
strictly accurate in keeping the records
straight. Mr. Sbawkey's eminent
abilities to do this are known to every
man who has ever had business to
transact there; search where you may,
you will not find a better or more
artistscally kept set of records than
those iu the Prothonotary's office of
Forest county. Curtis M. Shawkey is
the niau for the place, and we confi
dently believe the people will say so
on the 4th day of November.
Leonard Agnew,
Our candidate for Sheriff, is a gen
tleman well and favorably known to the
citizens of Forest county. He enjoys
the confidence and esteem of all good
citizens, and none will say that he
will not make the county au official
in whom they will feel a just pride.
He is clever and gentlemanly to all
with whom he comes in contact ; this
all know who are acquainted with
him. He is one of the boys who
shouldered the musket and gave four
year's gallant service in defense of his
country. The boys who went through
tbose trying times are fast dropping
off, and it becomes them to stand to
gether when a fellow comrade needs
their help. Mr. Agnew's ability to
fill tbe position honorably and to the
entire satisfaction of the people will
not for one moment be questioned,
and all will ackuowledge that he will
make a faithful and efficient officer.
A vote tor .Leonard Agnew will be a
vote to place in office a man who will
take pride in honorably conducting
the same; one who will be a credit to
both the county and himself.
Fon County Commissioners
Our candidates are Messrs. J. R. Chad-
wick and George W. Osgood, both
square, nonest, reputable gentlemen.
Mr. Cbudwick is a man aged about 54
years, nas bad a world ot experience
in public matters, and is possessed of
clear, keen and sound judgment;
straightforward in all his dealings,
and altogether a crentleman whom it
is a pleasure to meet. Approach him
ou any subject and he can talk to you
intelligently. A snrowd observer; a
man who figures economically, and
will make a first-class official. Mr.
Osgood is a man in his 33d year ; born
and reared in our county, and having
its every interest at heart he will exert
every energy to promote its welfare
rest assured of that. Blessed with
sound sense and a good heait he will
prove himself a faithful servant of the
people. His honor and integrity have
never for a moment been questioned,
and he to-day hears the esteem of all
bis neighbors and acquaintances, and
he is iu every way deserving of the
hearty support of his party. With
these gentlemen in the Commissioners'
office the interests of the people of
Forest county will be looked after
carefully, faithfully and intelligently
County Auditors.
Quintain Jamieson and James A.
bcott are ihe Republican nominees
lor Auditors. Mr. Jamieson is a
young niau of ability and clear judg
nient, well calculated for the position
in every way. Mr. bcott nas bad
threo years experience in the office
which will be turned to good uccount
in the future. Nobody doubts his fit
ness for the place, as his past record
has shown him to be.
For Jury Commissioner
Our candidate is Henry O. Davis. He
has served a tei m in the position to
the credit of himself and county. He
will be re elected and it is pleasant to
know that we will nave so good a
man in that office.
This completes tbe County Ticket.
In reviewing we have been careful to
give facts, and we are perfectly confi
peit our readers those acquainted
with tbe gentlemen mentioned will
bear us out in what we have said.
The ticket is a good one and we are
pleased to learn that it is receiving a
hearty and earnest support throughout
the entire county, and we confidently
expect to record its triumphant elec
tion on tbe fuurtli day of November.
Let us all leud a helping baud to that
Samuel Tii.hen has written annth
er letter, but it is just as obscure and
ambiguous as bis last one
Mr. Til-
den should enclose a key with bis next
Ohio's Majorities.
From the display of poultry iu
many of the Democratio papers over
the result in Ohio it would seem that
they have deserted Cleveland and
mean to boom Blaine, else why crow
so lustily over such a crushing defeat.
They try to extract a grain of com
fort out of the fact that West Virgin
ia gave a Democratic majority of
scarcely 4,000. We actually believe
they will have the hardihood to come
out and crow over Cleveland's defeat
after the 4th of November. Why
ehouldu't they when they can bring
out their roosters iu the face of such
magnificent Republican majorities as
tho following: James S. Robinson,
secretary of state, ll,d21; v. Y .
Johnson, supreme court judge, 15,450;
C. A. Flickiucor, board of public
works, 17,476. The Republican' ma
jority on the vote cast for Congress
men is 18,418, which gives perhaps
the best expression of the feelings of
the people. This shows a gain for the
Republicans over la&t year's vote of
over 30,000 and of the year previous
of more than 37,000. The most san
guine Republicans did not look for
such magnificent results, and tbe
Democrats are entirely welcome to
every atom of comfort they can pos
sibly extract from the situation.
Grover Cleveland ought to with
draw; his cake is dough.
We think Grover Clevelund ought
to take to the wooas.
Carl Scnuz's influence over the
German vote is like William II En
glish's contribution to the campaign
fund it is nothing to nobody.
The firing of one hundred guns in
Albany over the Republican victory
in Ohio must have been pleasant music
for Cleveland.
Caul Scuunz claims that he re
ceived no compensation for his speech
es. Judging from the result in Ohio
one would not naturally suppose he
would have the cheek to accept any
thing. Blizzard.
Posson James Fuekman Clarke,
of Boston, announces that he will
continue to sit up with the Democrat
ic corpse until the day of burial.
mother Clarke, it will be observed, is
not afraid of ghosts.
Caul Sciiurz can't find words,
either iiiuglisn or Uermau, to express
his feeling over the result in Ohio.
We are advised that, after a difpas
sionate survey of tbe field". Mr. Schurz
has reached the appalling conclusiou
that the country is heading straight
to everlasting smash.
Having struggled 20 years between life
and death with Asthma or Phathisic,
treated by eminent physicians, and rece.1v'
ing no benetit, I was compelled during
the last live years ot my illness to sit on
my chair day and night gasping for breath
my Kunering was beyond description,
In despair I experimented on nivself bv
compounding roots and herbs and inhai
lug the medicine thus obtained. 1 l'ortu
nately diseoveded this Wonderful Cure
for AHthma and Catarrh, warranted to ro
lieve the most stubborn case of Asthma in
live minutes, so that the patient can lie
down to rest and sleep comfortable. Plea
read the following condensed extracts :
Mrs. W. 1 . Brown, Monroe, 'Jexas,
writes : "I su tiered with Asthma 30 years
Your great remedy has completely cured
me. Publish this for tho benefit of tho
C.S.Clark, Wakoinan, O.. writes:
certainly beleive vour remedy to bo tho
best Asthma and Catarrh cure in tho
world. I have tried everything else, and
all failed but yours. I wish you worlds
C. A. Hall. Bashaw. Wis., writes:
received vour trial package and find invul
aluable, doing just what you claim for it
It is truly God-send to humanity. No
one can atford todo without, it who issuf
lering with Asthma or Catarrh.
Such are the expressions of praise and
gratitude received daily, and In addition
1 will still continue my former proiios
ition. Hem) mo your iiamo and address
and I will forward you a trial package by
return mall, reo ot charge. Full size
box by mail, 1.00. Wold by all druggists
Address, 1). LAMlhlih. Applecreok, O,
Inventor und sole proprietor.
- Proprietor.
Pictures taken in all the latest styles
tbe art. 26
ana Machinery a Specially. (Second 1
Juguies and iioilers on hand. Send for
Stock List. THOMAS C A KLIN, .Vile
gueny City. augti ly
Still Ahead !
While the world still mo"os on wo are
times ly filling our Laro and Commodious Store brim full ot
Merchandise Cheaper, Finer and Hotter
than ever before. We have a very large stock of everything in our lino, eiuhrncingal
lnost everything that is necessary to make homo cheerful and pleasant. Comfortable
Bud Warm Winter Clothing of every and all kinds, and not tor tho protection of the
body Irom tho tout only, but tor tho sutislnetion ot Hunger as well, and at prices thai
Defy Oompctoiion
l'lease call and examine. No trouble to show poods.
A Busincu Education Is th rnont protltnlile, bominc It Is tho niot ncfnl. Our aim l to practically
train younff mmi fur tho actual rcijulroinrnts of tills commercUl acn. Individual Innt.ructlnn. Nu
Tacation. Student can cntr at nny time For circulars, address I'. DUl'K jfc SONS, riltxlnirg, I'a.
Procliimufioii of aciieral
IU ct'tto n.
Whereas, In and bv tn net of tho General
Assembly of t he Commonwealth of Penn
sylvania, entitled 'An Act to regulate tho
Elections ot tho t.ommonwealtn, passed
tho 2d day of July, A. 1., ISti'.i, it is made
the duty "of tho Sherilf of every county
within this Commonwealth to givo public
notice of tho General Elections, und in
such to enumerate :
1st. Tho ollicers to bo elected.
2d. Iiesigtmto the 'place at which tho
election is to be held.
I, C. W. CLAKK, High Sheriff of
tho eottntv of Forest, do hereby make
known and give this public notice to tho
electors of tho county ol torost, that a
General Election will beheld in said coun
ty, on
Tuesday, November 1, 58S1.
between tho hours of 7 u. in. and 7 p. in. at
the several Election Districts.
The Electors of Harnett township at
Jacob Maze's Carpenter shop.
The Electors ot G toon township at tlio
house of L. Arner.
The Electors of Harmony township at
Allonder School House.
Tho Elect rs of Hickory township at tho
hotel of. I. W. Bull.
Tho Electors of Howe township as fol
lows: Those residing In tho Election Dis
trict of West Howe, to-wit : Those west ol
the following line, viz: Beginning ut tho
nortlieast corner ot warren t number SliiK,
ami northwest corner of warrrant number
27;ir, and running thrnce directly so.ith to
the Jenks township lino, ut tho'Jialltown
School House.
The Electors of Howe township residing
in the Election District of East Howe, to
wit : Thoso residing east of tho above
mentioned line, nt JJrookston, in Bruok-
ston Library Hall.
The Electors ot Jenks township at the
School House in Marlon.
Tho Electors of Kingslcy township at
Newtown School House.
Tho Electors of Tionosta township nt
tho Court House in Tionosta borough.
Tho Electors of Tionosta borough ut
the Court House in said borough.
At which timo and places tho qualified
electors will elect by ballot:
Thirty Electors ol a rresident anil ico
President of tho United States.
One person for Congressnian-ttt-Tjirgo
to represent the Commonwealth of Penn
sylvania in the National Congress.
Ono person to represent tho Twenty
fifth (Pa.) Congressional District, compos
ed of the counties of Forest, Armstrong.
Clarion. Indiana and Jellursoh, in the
National Congress.
Ono person lor Assembly, to represent
the county of Forest in tho House of Bep
lesenUiti ves of tho Stato of Pennsylvania.
One person for Associate Judge of For
est county.
Ono person for Prothonotary, lteglstor,
Recorder, and Clerk of tho Courts of For
est county.
One person for ShorifTof Forest county.
Three persons for County Commissioner
of Forest county, (each elector to voto for
only two persons).
Three persons for County A uditor of For
est county, (each elector to vote for only
two persons).
Tw o persons for Jury Commissioner of
Fm est county, (each elector to voto for
only one person).
The act of Assembly entitled "an act ro
tating to the elections of this Common
wealth," passed July 2, 1S1!, provides us
follows, viz :
"In caso the rerson who shall havo re
eoived the second highest number of votes
for inspector shall not attend on the day of
any election, thenotho person who shall
have received tho second highest number
of votes for Judge at tho next preceding
election shall act as inspector in his place.
And in caso the person who shall have re
ceived tho highest number of votes for in
spector shall not attend, tho person elected
Judge shall appoint an inspector in his
plaoo, und in case tho person elected Judge
shall not attend, thou tiie inspector who
received tho highest number of votes
shall appoint a J udgo in his place ; and if
any vacancy snail continue, in tho board
for tho space of one hour after the time
fixed bylaw for the opening of the election
the qualilied voters of the township, ward
or district for which such ollicer shall
have been fleeted, present at the place of
election shall elect ono of their number to
till such vacancy.
I also give ollieial notice to tho electors
of Forest county, that by an act entitled
"An Act further supplemental to the act
relative to the election of this Common
wealth, upprovod Jan. 3o, 1874 :"
Kkc. 9. All the elections by the citizens
shall be by ballot; every ballot voted shall
be numbered in tho order in which it shell
he received, and the number recorded by
the clerks on the list of voters opposite the
name of tho elector from whom received.
Still Ahead ! !
working hard to keep up with It and tho
From Any Source
And any voter voting two or imi'ii tickets
tho several tickets so voted shall each bo
numbered with tho number correspond
ing with tho number to tho name of the
voter. Any elector may write his name
upon Lis ticket, or cause tho same to be
written thereon, and attested by a citizen
of the district. In addition to thoiialh now
prescribed by law to be taken and sub
scribed by election ollicers, they shall scv
orally bo sworn or allirtned not (o disclose
how any elector shall have voted, unless
required to do so as witnesses in a judicial
proceeding. All judges, Inspectors, clerks
nd overseers of every election held under
this in t, shall, before entering upon their
duties, bo duly sworn or atlirtued in the
presence of each ether. The judgoslisll bo
sworn by the minority inspector, if there
shall bo such minority inspector, if not,
then by a justice of the pence or nhlerman,
and tho inspectors and clerk shall be vworn
by tho judge. Certttlcatos of such swear
ing or uliirming shall be duly made out
and signed by the ollicers so sworn, and
attested by the olilecr who administered
tho oath. If any judge or minority inspec
tor refuses or fails to swear tho ollicers of
election in tho manner required by this
act, or if any ollicer of election shall act
without being duly sworn, or if any ollicer
ot election shall certify that.any oiliccr was
sworn when ho was not, it shall bo deem
ed a misdemeanor, and upon conviction,
tho otllct r or ollicers so ollcndiitg shall be
lined no. exceeding one thousand dollars,
or imprisoned not exceeding one year, or
both, in the discretion of the court.
Si'.o. It. It shall b lawful lor any (nulli
fied citizen ot the district, notwithstand
ing tho name of l h" proposed voter hi con
tained on the li it of resilient taxable, to
ohalli'lige the vole of Mich peivson, w here
upon tho proot of ttie ri,;!it of sullirige
as H now ni'iiicl tiy law shsll
bo iMibiicIv uia.:e n:cl acted upon
by the cl'ctioit board and ll'e
vole ii'isriitte.l or rejected, according to tho
evidence l'.ccrv person claiuiiii" to be a
naluializi d shall be rioniroil to
proilinc ',' na! iiiji'izati'ui cci tilicute at
the election lietori) voting, except where
ho has been Ibr live ears eonsceiii,l el y a
voter in the district In which he otters to
vote j and on the vot.i of such person be
ing received, it shall- bo thi duty of tho
election otheers to write or stamp o:i such the word "vot.ol," with tliodny,
month ami year; and ii any election olli
cer or ollicers shall receive a. Micond vote
on the same (lav, bv virtue ol since cer
tificate, except where sens nro entitled to
vote because .; the uat u iv.l ia'iott of their
fathers, i hoy und tie peixm who shall
oiler such second vote, shall be v.uilty of a
lnisdo:iie:iuor, und on con v ietion then of.
shll be Im.' l or imprisoned, or both, at
tho discretion rf the court : but. tho lino
shall not e; mil live hundred dolhii'.i in
each case, nor Ihe imtu isotniu nt one year.
Tho like punishment shi.U be li;llietcd
on conviction on tho ollicers of election
who shall neglect or refuse to inako or
cause to bo made tho endorsement ro-
(piired aforesaid on said ludurali.'.ntioii
CCI llllClll.M.
Si:r. 12. If any election ollicer shall re
fuse er neglect to require such ) roof of
the rlglit ot sullraue as is prescribed by
this law, or laws to which this is a supple
ment, from ur.y person ottering to vote
whoso name is not on this list of assessed
voters, or whoso right to vote without re
quiring such proof, every person so of
fending shall, upon conviction, bo i-uiltv
of a misdemeanor, and shall bo sentenced
for every such ollenso, to pay n lino not
exceeding live hundred dollars, or to un
dergo nil imprisonment of not more than
ono year, or both, at tho discretion of tho
I also niako known tho following pre
visions of the new Constitution of I'unil
sylvania :
SkC. 1. Every tweuty-oi o
years of age, possessing the following
qualifications, shall be entitled to vote at
all elections :
i''u,s7. lie shall have been u citizen of
tho t'nited States at leant ono month.
SectHit.-He shall have resided in the Stato
one year, (or, if having nreviously beeu a
qualilied elector or native born citizen of
tho Stato ho shall have removed therelorm
and returned, then six moths,) imino 'i
ately precedidg the election.
Third. Ho shail have resided in tho
election district where he oilers to vote at
least two mouths immediately preceding,
ttie election.
J-'ourlh. lt twenty-two years of ago r
upwards, ho shall have paid within two
years a Stale or county lax which shall
have been assessed at least two months and
paid at least rmemonth before election.
SKC 2. Tho General election shall b3
held annually on tho Tuesday next follow
ing the lirst Monday of November, but
the General Assembly may, by law, lix u
dilfiroiit day, tw o-thirds of, all the mem
bers of each Mouse consenting thereto.
I nl.vj give ollieial notice id the follow-
Ing provisions ofnn net approved I
of March, isiid, entitled "An net i
ting the mode of voting nt, all the d.
of this Commonwealth."
Skc, l, He It enacted by t!u s.-n:'
House of Itepreseotalivc's ofil e t . :
wealth of Pennsylvania In (l. i .
seinbly met, mid it is herebv . i
the authority of tho siune. Thi.'
Hied voters ot f I
'oiuiuonwealth, nt all gen-M il
oorougn and special olceti. i,,
hereafter authorized nm! re .
by tickets printed or wr.i
piloted anil partly written,
silled as foilows; bno tiel i
the names of all judges ol .
and shall bo labeled ".I
ticket t liall embrace Ihi n
Stnle ollicers voted for n
"Slate ;' otic ticket sb
natni s of all the t-ounly
including oilice of Senate;
Assembly, if voted lor.
Congress, if voted for,"
"County .me ticket sh:.
mimes (d ull tho township
lor, mid bo labeled "Tm
ticket shall embrace tho unin
borough ollicer voted for, i.d
"Borough," and each class hn i I
ited in setiernte ballot lioxoA
Notice is hereby given. That
xeept ing .1 usliccH of the Pence
uii juiv oiucc or nppnmimcnt' el '
list under tho I nited Kiries.
ale, or any cit y or eorporated o
hether eoniniissioned olll cr oi
is-, n subordinate ollicer or ie.;i
is I
or snail no employed under th - :
Hire, executive or judiciary dep .
this State, or of nny city, or of
perilled district, and also th V
ber of Cong ress and of the
tu re, or of the select or e
u any oil v , or cotnmlss.
rorporalod district. Is by
lidding or exercising
itlice or nimoint nieut oi
or clerk of any election in
wealth, und that no Iiiki i
t lier ollicer of Klleb fdcet ioi i .
gible to be then voted for.
Tho Judges of tho n fore: :
shall representatively take ehan
cci titiiates of return of the ;
their respective districts, und
them nt the Prothonotary's nll'n
I tol'f llltrll fiT 'I'ioonut'i uu Collet .
judges living wit'iin twelve mih
i -... i . .,i . t . . i .
l l oi iioiiotai v n oilloo, or Mlillio
four miles if (heir resilience bo In
ilbico or cite i-oon t!n line of -
lea ling to the county scat, slnil'
o'clock p. in., on 'WEDNI
lodges shall betorn twelve
IKS l. deliver saUl relm
the return shet, to t!
the Court ol Comm.
'ounl v. which sirid ret .
nixl tho day and hour .
therein, and shall b ;
Prothonotiirv nir nubile e
Given under my hand at i
iiostu, i'a., this :ioth da .
in the year of our I .o: -d
eight hundred and eh. I t
tho one hundred and i: , '
li. dependence of the I .
C. V. (
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ii I'
II 2t !." 11 l i:... Sugar Run .
11 ofi .r Jti PI (if,; Corvdon.,..
in ft.")! 5 42' '.1 I'll Ono'villo....
10 47' ft itiil h 2si....Vo f Run.,
ll -i
(i e 1
1(1 12! t, si; ( )r,:i.)i!;,!icr Bridge,
.') Ill;
r 17!
5 (U
l f.Oi
I 41!
4 2iii
10 2d.
10 10
11 .Vii
ii 41 ;
il 271
.!. ...Ited House.. ..
K (II ! ... Salamanca....
7 ill .So. Currollton.
7 nu!. ..No Vandaliu...
1S Allegany
H (
8 '
il 20
4 20
(i till; iv oiean ... .ar
A. M.ll. M
I". v
Additional Thain Leaves i
ll:.".liain. Warren Itiiitpm, lrvimi'
pm, Tidioule Ii: lepm, Tionosta ii;2;.j
rives t lil City 7:00pm.
AniiiiioNAi. Thain' Leaves oil
(kltl am. Oleopolis i;:l7um, Erele
7:0:!ani, President, Tionesta 1
Hickory S: l,iam.'f runkey villo !W7ar
onto l(l:20ani, Thompson Ji:i:j,
Irvineton Ilteopm.
Trains run 011 Eastern Time.
Trains leaving Pittsburgh S:4Sriin.
riving Pittsburgh S;OOpni, are Solid Trc.
with Parlor Cars between Buffalo 1,
Tu a 1 ns leaving Pittsburgh !):0."pm, or
riving Pittsburgh 7;f'(inm, tiro Solid Train
with Pullman's Sleeping Cars holtt'eoe
Bullalo and Pittsburgh.
7 ;-Tiekels sold und baggitgo checkc '
to all principal points..
Get limo tables giving full information
from Company's Agents.
Gcn'l Pass'r and Ticket Ag't,
No. 41 Exchange St., Bullalo, N. V
J. L. CRAIG, Agent, Tionesta, Pa.
Also Agent for Estey. Sterling, SI.
Dinger, and dough it Warren Orirui
Decker Bros., J. A- C. Fisher, V. D. IV
A Co., and Win. Kuabo l'ianos. Bot;o
cash prices given. Call nud examine est
logues and prices.
Tionesta, Pa. Srpt V .
Came to the premises of the undersiiM
in Tionesta tow nship, Forest County, !
ut west end of creek bridge, about An
1st, lssl. a red hciler, aged about one
Tiie owner is notilied to come for v.
prove property and take saiuouwav,o!
wisashewill be disposed of accord in
law. 1). V. AGNi:
Sept. 1ft, 1SS4.
W'H'.lirl, SrfBlMilumf 1 f.fl, WMte IUetl llui.
9.1. imtutii u N.!i.J;Mam t iitap. B:
iw.uiu, 'XUuiIi'&u a (.0., ivJ.4nai. :