EDITOR. WEDNESDAY SIORMNG, AlC.fi. IS84. Jtepublicnn Ttflccf. NATIONAL. FOB FRKSIDENT, HON. JAMKS U. 'BLAINE, of Maine. ' Fob Vice President, GEN. JOHN A. LOUAN, of Illinois. 8TATK. WX1KK8.S-AT-I.ABOE. GM'i E. 8. OSBOKNE, of Luzerne County. I'OVNTY. Congress, A. C. WHITE, of Jefferson County. Assembly, TETER BERRY, of Howo. Associate Judfte, LEWIS ARNER, of Kin-jsley. Prothonotary fce., CURTIS M. SHAWKEY, of Tioneta. Sheriff, LEONARD AG NEW, of Howe. County Commissioners, J. R. CMADWICK, of Tioncsta. UEO. W. OSGOOD, of Kingsloy. County Auditors, Q. JAMIESON, of Tionesta Twp. JAMES A. SCOTT, of Jenks. Jury Commissioner, HENRY O. DAVIS, of Tionesta. The patent mud slinging apparatus of the New York Post has beeu Sud ani thrown out of eear bv a Chica- tzo man. who showa up the reallv-too- eood-for-anvtbire-lioraco White as an expert in the very corruptions with which that paper charges Mr. Blaine. The presumption, not all violent is, that the charges had their origin in tha enmity of just such speculators as he is, because they could not use Blaine to forward their schemes. The situation is indeed becoming very alarming with the Democrats, it being freely talked now to pu)j Clove lrnd off the ticket and substitute the mummy of Grametcy. The following from the Blizzard will throw some light on tho subject: Viewing the matter from a demo ; cratic standpoint, the object cf a , number of professed democratic pa pers in New York state seems to be to cut the throat of the democratic par- ty under the guise of doing it a ser vice. A double leaded letter in the Bun, entitled "Never too late to inend," is responsible for a considera ble portion of the discussion now in progress concerning the advisability of taking ClveVani'a name from the ticket and putting Tilden's in its place. The discussion of such a pro ject by the press of his party is not likely to aid Cleveland's chances for presidential honors and the papers dUouasing the matter mu3t know that ' even did Tilden ullow his name to be used in the case of the withdrawal of Cleveland the success of the party would not be at all assured. The cir cumstances would hardly warrant the party giving the managers the hearty : endorsement of a full vote and the mere fact that a change is talked of in high places will undoubtedly act as a damper on tha democratic enthusi asm of the campaign. The democrat ic party has selected Mr. Cleveland as its standard bearer and should be prepared to stand or fall with him. It is not enough that the Springfield Republican sbonld charge the Republi can papers with "assailing Cleveland's private character." Democrats and Democratic journals have done this, and done it with a circumstantiality which precludes disbelief. The thing ' the Republican should do is, to prove the charges untrue, and lose no time about it. The men who have made these charges are net unknown, and are cot hiding. Harrisburg Telegraph. The Press says: "We are author ized to state that the platform com mittee of the recent New York and Boston TransceDdentalist Conference inadvertently omitted one important plank, viz. : " 'That any man who goes to the polls without wearing white kid gloves and a white waistcoat offers an insult to American citizenship.' " Andrew D. White and Theodore Roosevelt where in all the kickers' -camp are there two men of purer Re 1 pablicaaism, stronger devotion to houest reform or more patriotic inter- est in the cause of clean government? Their practical work in behalf of better administration and their man ly declaration for Blaine and Logan, should mantle the cheeks of men like Schurz, Curtis, Beecher and Horace White with the tingling Llubh of con scious shame. J. E. The Democratic New Orleans Picayune sarcastically remarks that it hopes that the resolutions in the Dem ocratic national platform pledging ilin nrtv to a free voto and fair i count will insure the poople of Lou isiana a relief from the "breech-loading ballot box dovised by our modern machine styling itsolf Democracy." General Rubicund Roskciuns, a good Democrat, by the way, when character counts, finds that the nomi nation of Cleveland and Hendricks has "chilled two classes of workers, tho industrial classes and the sol diers." RosecraDS is old enough to know that his party doesn't care a fig for these classes. What it wants is more mules and offices Phila. Press. Grover Cleveland's speech to the notifying committee was a magnifi cently cautious utterance. People reading are in doubt whether Cleve land regards the nomination as a pan nf taffy for a picnic er a stale pie, which, if eaten, will keep him awake o'nights wondering why he should have bteu made a victim. -Press. Re-Writing Hendricks' History. The game has fairly begun, and Tom Hendricks is to be written up in cam paign history as one of the most loyal men in the country during the war, and close and special frieud of Presi dent Lincoln. Yesterday's Philadel phia Times cotaius the first installment we have seen, and it is a gusher. The oaly trouble with the writer, (a special corresponant from Inbianapous; is that ho gushes too much. He is like . ..r.. T II- -1 II a writer lor "et. dacoos on, or "Warner's Safe Kidney Cure." Nev ertheless, the records of the time exist and it would be as easy to prove that the Democratic convention of 1864 did not denouce the war as a failure, as that llond rick's was not there en dorsing its action in a speeck ia the evening, in which he asserted that the polls were over awed by soldiers and that we had no elections. He is not, as we have had many occasions to see, the only one by many who have sought to rewrite their personal history of those days. It will take more than the doctored stenographic reports of convenient papers like the Chicago Times to free him of the odium of having at that time said that "they would rise and crush out abolitionism and hurl the smutty old tyrant at Washington out of political exis tence." It will require more than the authority of a hired patent-medicine-advertisement-writer to make the country believe that Hendricks, when in the United States Senate, was a war Democrat aud enjoyed the confi dence of President Lincoln. The man who sought and received politi cal preferment from the party which declared the war a failure, denounced the loyal administration as tyranical and the President as a gorilla, and whose journals constantly said all they could to discourage the Union sentiment and encourage tho enemy, will have to furnish something more than gush and falsehood to be able to pose as a friend of Lincoln and run for office upon his credit. In all the history of revolutions and treasons, has any impudence been recorded equal to this? The memory of the great Senator Morton is to be assailed on) his honor impeached to screen liw.iiricks from the consequenc of his disloyally, is it? How much credit do these tradueers suppose their stories will receive in a country that remem bers the services of Senator Morton in those dark days, and remembers that Senator Hendricks opposed all the measures the patriot Senator ad vocated? llarruburg Telegraph. Mr. George William Curtis was tbe chief figure ia the Democratic De pendent Conference and read the formal address of principles, but he left some things unexplained. He did not ex plain why he himself now intends to vote for Mr. Hendricks, whom in 1876 he denounced as tbt ally of slavery, aud a candidate acceptable only to Confederates, Copperheads, inflationist hypocritical reformers. He did not explain why he, the acknowledged leader of Civil Service reform, should desert the party which had followed Mr. Eaton's advice and enacted the first practical measure for reforming the evils of the Civil Service, He did not explain why he should desert that party the day after it had adopted in National Convention a Civil Service plank framed by his own hand. lie did not explain why he had gone over to the Democratic party, after haviug - repeatedly denounced it as incapable of accomplishing any practical reform or of scrvinglany useful or patriotic purpose a party that is"very hungry and, us you may well believe, very thirst? " auJ"?&"LTul together only by greed for spoil and" the hope of plunder Ha did not explain why he had bolted a nomination which ho himself bad helped to make the unanimous voice of the convention. Finally, he did not explain the real Bucret of the bolt, which he had confided in May last to Mr. J. A. Kitzmiller. "The Independents Are anti-protection, and whoever we do elect must favor rev enue rei'orm." Titat correspondent of the New York Sun, who nays he does not like the word "exclusively" in tho tariff plank in the Democratic platform, and unless its authors, "Hewitt, Hurd & Co.," and the candidates, coucede that it menus "fair protection to American labor and production, they will loco many vote?, does not go to the riht quarter for his concession. If be will go to Randall, Converse and company, they will concede that it means all the protection ho wants, Hewitt. Hurd & Co., are the oracles who are to comfort the other fellows those who want it to mean free trade. It is a perfectly impartial plank, and straddles in the way it does, on pur pose to reach all shades of political opinion. We are afraid if this corres pondent is not willing to roako bis share of the concession and let the free traders have theirs, there is noth ing for him but to let the candidates "lose a great many votes, among them his own. He can vte for Blaise and Logan with entire cod6 deuce that ho will not be fooled bv anv iugglerv. There is no straddle in the platform they stand on. Be side, tbe Uepubltcau platform means something, that party has always had a habit of carrying out its platform declarations. DIED. MONG At the homo of his parents in Tionesta township. Ann. 4. 1H34, of diphtheria, Richard Fulton, son of Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Mong, aged 7 yoars. MARRIUD. RICE REED At the homo of the bride's parents, by tho Rev. L. W Barr, Mr. W. B. Rice, of Brookston, Forest countv. Pn.. and Miss Lydia E. Reed, of Brinkerton, Clarion county, Pa. GREAT REDUCTION! $180 A YEftR. rjr:' 1" 7 i Located on the N. Y., P ct O. R. R., CHAMBERLAIN INSTITUTE AND FKJIAI.K IX'STITUTB;. RANDOLPH. N. Y. Ills a largo and thoroughly equipped SeniiUHrv tor with sexe9. i-.stHblistied in ltviO. Property fren from debt, fclOH.OOO. Now Boarding Hall with steam heat, etc., erected in 18X1 at the cost of J13-01KJ. Ex cellent Board and hoinu-likearrangc.ments throughout. Total expense for board, furnished room, steam heat, light, wash ing and tuition for 14 weeks g.V.i.70; for one year ?1H0. Fall term bcirins Septem ber 2, ltiril, ends December 6th. Winter term opens December 15th : ends March 20th 1KS5. Spring term opens March 31st, ends July 2d. For Circulars or Cata logue, address. PROF. J.T. EDWARDS, D. v.. Principal. Jul 2IWit. Heaver 'ollm' mid Mimlrul JiikIHiic For Yonng Ladies. First Session Opens September 0, 1R84. IScautifullv and Heathfully Located, ex tensive buildings, pleasant grounds, choerful rooms, three Literary courses, superior advantages for music and Art. organs, including pipe oruau. Thorough work, homo-liko ckre. moderate latk Send for circulars to Rev. R. T. Taylor, I). D iteavcr, Pa. ju!25 4m CTCI M C H P I W C Clay aud Ore Pans, OILHill LilUIUUHoistinu Eimines and Machinery a Specialty. Second hand Enirines and lioilcrs on hand. Send for Stock List. THOMAS CARLIN, Alle gheny City. augfl ly. S. V. Corner Penn Avenue and Sixth St. THE LEAPTNO NORMAL SCHOOL AND l'.USINESS COLLEliE OF F1TTSBUKG1I. 25 INSTRUCTORS, OVER (!50 STU DENTS LAST YEAR. Course of Study includes all the Com mon School Studies, Modern Languages, Hiifhor Mathematics, Penuiaiibbip, Elo cution. Drawing and Music. Send for Circulars, containing Speci mens of Penmansliipaud full information, to , J1AKMUND. W1L1JAMM. 1 Business Manager, or IIS. CLAKK WILLIAMS, A. M., Pn ;ipal, n. asmmm mmmmmm wmw mm.si OUR STOCK IS Wo call special attention t our stock of M 33 55 C 3S3T 3 S 55 this Spring as 1 ioi 1115 SUPERIOR TO 1YTSII WE EMI OWIED! We NEVER kept a Finer We have the Tinest Assortment of FINE nt Low Trices. Don't -1 LA U.'K ASSOltTMK.XT OF c- EXTRA SUPER, ALL WOOL -PLY CARPET 3-PLY CARPET, all wool. BEST.. iftinte ijiisrEs of Especially in Mack Goods. We bought a Largo Line of Black Silks that wo will sell at FORMER WHOLESALE PRICES!. Call aud seo our Stork. H. J. H03PKI3STS & CO. SMEARBAUGH & CO., Dealers in CLOTHING-, NOTIONS, BOOTS:& SHOES, HA.TS AND CAPS. GROCEBIES! TOBACCO, CIGARS, HARD WARE, QUEENS. W A R E. G L ASS WARE, TOYS, STATIONARY, WALL PAPER, FOREIGN FRUITH, VEG ETABLES, BAKERS BREAD, OYS TERS, e. Goods Always First-Class. ELEGANT BOUND FAMILY DiELES, 82..r)0, J3.50, f 1.50, ?.5 and upwards. HO, SF01T1IM1!! I take pleasuro in tolling tho Sporting Fiateruity that I have re-purchaed FROM HORACE JONES, TO WHOM SOLD IT IN 1871. I AM NICELY LOCATED at inv old :o all my friends, and tho public generally, who need ANYTHING IN THE GUS1 VM I bhall keep a perfect stock of a1". Kinds of AMMUNITION! And all kinds of FISHING TACKLE, I shall also continue, to handlo the Wliitc" Rowing: Mnoliine And the CHICAGO SINGER SEWING MACHINE Come and see me. You will hnd me ALWAYS AT HOME. Muzzle Loaders made to order and war ranted. JCffEE P AIR I N (i IN ALL ITS P15 BRANUHES PE0MPTLY AND rAITHTTJLLY DONE. 13. A . 1MLDWIX. Tidiouto, Pa., Aug. 12, NEW PLANING MILL. AT West Hioltory, Pa. Having lust put in a new planing mill at tins place I am prepare a to do all kind of work in that line at tho niont reaonablo rates. My planer will surface twelve inch timber, so that I can till any kind of h bill. Heing situated right at the Depot 1 have extra facilities for shipping to all points. L. D. WHITCOMli. jul2 3m CENTRAL HOUSE, OIL CITY, PA J V. 11. ROTH, Proprietor, The largest, Rest Located and Furnished House in tho City. Near Union Depot. A DDI7CSend six cents for postal H I lilt, anj receive free a costly box of iroods which will help all, of either sex I to more money right away than anything I cl.so iu this world. Fortunes await the workers absolutely sure. At once ad dress True iSi Co,, Augusta, Maine. Apr. TR. FREASE'S WATER CURE ES J-TAHLISI1M ENT A health iustitu tion in its tiuih year. For nearly all kind of chronic diseases, and especially the dis ease ol woman, upeu at all seasons Circulars free. Address, S. Frease. M.I). New Brighton, Beaver county, l'a. fubltftS, mzwmmm COOTLKTX 7! !E1 Lino of poods, Especially la CLOTHING ever shown in Tionesta, and fail to seo our Mock. ...-c. ... !Ke. ..$100. dbess goods, NEW LIVERY At EA.NP HICKORY, FA. Tho undersigned has now in operation nt the above place a lirst-cluss Liverv, where good rigs can always bo hired nt moderate chariies. A back will bo run to regular passenger trains on the W N. Y t P. 11. R. J. W. 11 ALU PAY. Buckeye Force rump 5s . e 3 cr-i as O CO CT. jm Cfq I g r Zfl I r-- - O o 1j V. 15 c o CALL AND (;ET PRICES, IS ID. ZEE "L! 1 13 Uj TIONESTA, PENN'A. 'iO, A PLEASANT. SAFE ! EJ f- for Wornrn in chiMrpn am! alultH, Faiiiilica wbo have uwh! this rclluMf ri'inntly onco woiiltl not ho without il. A hfK'kiTur couKh, t-tartniK i'i hkl. rtjHtiKHinrtf inkl hUiiii tin' mouth. niltii4i hrt-tta ami fovwihli, fo:itHl triiM. ih-hjiiir r"U liiukiujr ut Uih iioHO, ro urn lnMiciitinij-4 of tlm vn-M nc of woriiiH, ftii'l of the lie d ot ruch a ltiuiMiviiH wvi:i:t wok.h i'ovil:k. HkhI tlie fiillowniK ttiinoiiiuU: Mv family has rwivl more lmncflt front Swet't Worm I'owiter' th-'ii All other infl fiiif evur xiftiA in my houo. and if inv tt-tiiiniiy hi its rt'iueiUM I'tiwcra woult lw of any uw. I will mot chwrfuuy hi it." .s'. lynild9tJuncof Oi J 'tare, i'irui ('nitrc IVi. I take iloarnro iu cert if yintf Hiat 8 wt Wonn Powder' hHH workt-d womiorB iu my family." Geo. M. Herring, A'rr UiU, i a. Raxuple by mail, tf ftr. pri'JL rrpparod only by E. K. THOMPSON wW. H. C. WHITTEKIfJ. Civil Engineer and Surveyor. TIONESTA PA. Land and IJailwiiy Surveying a Spcil(y, Magnolic, 8!ur r Tiiiiniiil:itUn Survcv i ti if . Host of InKtruir.eiiU and work. Tonus on appllctition. TEN THOUSAND I1AK3WOOD Farms in Michigan. Eortaleby the GRAND RAPIDS & INDIANA R. R. CO. Sugar maple the principal timber. Advantage: Railroads already built, numerous towns and cities, one of the healthiest parts of tho United States, purest water, good markets, fine fruit, good roads, schools, churches, larie agricul tural population, best building material at low figures, good soil, low prices, easy terms, perfect title. For books, maps, charts, aud aft additional information, address W. O. HUGHART, W Land Commissioner, Grand Rapids, Uicb.s Or Sbptui KouutTS, Traveling Ageut, nun; Audits wanted for authentic udition ol'hiHlifc. Published it AuiruKtu. his home. Iarif t-wt. IiaiK hiomoht. -lPHi-t. utssi. jfy mo renowned historian and liioirrHpher, Col. Conwell. vhoKlif of Uarlicld, pulilmhed bv uh. outsold Hie twenty others I y llO.IMili. Outsells eveiy hook ever publishud in this world; many uumits Hreseiliny; nlty ilaily Auent.s are niaUmtr lortunes. AU new beginners 8iioc.es sful ; grand clmnco for them. f?tl..riU nuido by a lady a;j;ent the tirst dav. Terms most liberal. Particu lars free. Uelter send lio cents fur postage, etc.. on freo milfit. now ruadv, uicluilin larui) nroM't'ctiis IxMik. and mvc valuablo timo. ALLKN Si CO-, Augusta, Maine. S1CX1) your Job Work to tho UKI'UJj L1CAN Oilice. i 5 POWDER TIME TABLE IN EFKKfT-v..v iu tuci West wind. I invKit'l)ivi"Mi'n"v."l VhZCZa M. A. V. 7 ro I :w tat !i:i n ! A. M. A.M. 8 4.ri 12 11 K OH arri:lsbui gh iv Parker Fox burg nr.. Franklin.. Iv e. M. 8 20 11 64 12 40 ti ao A. M. 4 :!X I '.:7 12 'til 2 00 M. . M. r. m I. M.I P. M. i i : i 'j(' 12 07 f -r' 1 1 r i t h .mi 1 1 s s 17 11 17 i Z C. M. A.M. ar...Oil City....!' Hc'dpol i ...Fiuile Rock.. President.... Tlonosln 1 1 ickory...., .. TrunUey ville Tidioule,... ...Thoinpsnn s. Irvineton ... Warren.... !1 10 7 no a 1" i o". tUHl! : io 7 2S :hl t7 n 4 00 7 4H 4 K 8 Oil i ::2 1 8 ii 4 :t(ii 8 24 1 Ai 1 :ti io r,-j, k ji.- tl -j-ji io :sj h m 1 10 io i; 7 r.o ! 4'. !) br 17 '.' s 7 io (i 1.-. I r, i ; i: 5 ,"0 0 oo 1". M. 1M. 8 00 t41 12 .'!:. It Oo 20 0 60 II 11 40 A.M. A. M. iv...lln.ua....ar 1". M. I". M. 4 20 ly A. M. A. M. io no ...P.radfonl ..nrl 1185 A. M. 10 (10 10 82 to ;;7 10 42 10 67 11 12 11 20 A. M A. M l'.M. (5 1" ar...Kin.ua....lv f 4!l Corvdon r :u; ....Won' Run.... h I!l (junker lirldgo. fi 17 ...Red House.... ft 04 ... Salauianca. ... 4 f:0 .So. Carrol lton.. 4 41 ...So Yamlalia... 4 2ti Allegany P. M. 11 :(i il an! (i 10 fi 32 11 05 10 17 10 42 10 2li 10 10 io u It !) '.'(! 8ftl 7 no 7 10 0 .V2 (' 1". (1 4f (1 51 7 05 7 21 11 fifi 141 V 27 i 20 7 35 7 4t)ll 37 8 02 11 52 8 10 12X0 P. M.I M. fi 00 4 20 lv Ulean e. M.I .ar A.M. A.M. Additional Tiiain Leaves Kinxun II solium, Wnrrcn ::).'pm, Irvineton 2:!lo pm. Tidiouto :t:54pm, Tionesta 6:20pm, ar rives Oil City 7:00pm. AiuiirioNAL 1 ha in Leaves imi cf (1:10 am. Oleopolis (1:54 am, Eagle Rock 7:0'.'ani, l'residetit 7:15am, Tionesta 7:48mn Hickory S::!7am,Trunkev villa li;04ain,Tid oule 10:l.r)iim, Thomison Jl:(;(i, uirives Irvineton ll:.'5pm. PlTrs j Divkiov Trains leavft Oil City 2:;'5, 7:00, 10:15 a. in., 2:15, 4:55 p. in., arrive Oil City 2:0(1, 7:15, P:45 a. m., 2:20, ".:45, 8-:i() (). 111. t Flag stations, stop only on signal. Trnins run on Eastern Time, vt hu ll In 10 niinnlos faster than Buffalo timo. Pulhnan Sleeping Cars anil Through Coaches between Buffalo and Pittsburgh on trnins in-riving Pittsburgh 7:50 a, and leaving Pittsburgh 8:20 p. m. 'J'hroucrh t'oiichcs between l'ltt'-burgh and Buffalo and Parlor Cars between Buf falo and oil City on tn.ins leaving Plttnt luin: 8. .".ii.iti., nrrivitig Pittsburg KOOp.ra. "f Tickets sold and baggage rliekrt to nil principal points. tret timo t:bb s giving full luforraittoji from Companv's Airents. WM. S. BALDWIN. o n'l Pass'r A(r", (ii:o. S. U ETC II ELL, tlcn'l Hut. Nos. 41 fzA Exchange St., I'.urrnlo, N. Y. J. L. CRAIC, AiK-nt, TioiiOKta, Pa. GIVEN AYAY IN GOLD I II 20 HONORABLE AWARDS It lit Award $5(1.00 In Gold t td. $20.00 d, $10.00; 411 $5.tHi 6th, 15 AnU of 1.00 each! To mnj pCTioa nil on ft LUft enulDlDt the rrcatut a unbar of Bugllib worda formM front m or mor4 letters ooataJMd U th twoworda mKOVAIj HIE." All wupUuri bimI mdhm irlclly to th fblluwlnic tuKm: tU No words ulmil thftt oontaiQ ft rvpeafct4 ltter : for eiRmpif, ih word M hvjmX m vould b tioludtNl. Had. No wnnli aitinliud that oontwlb lttcra oifunad io ihttwo word ttojal ilaen forswpt, ft) word Jiotd would b aac)ula. Srd. All tha word admlWnc auit ba Mtnoud from tha mala column or iha mum Mr f any DIoUouarlM. The follow tag Ul ba aicludnd: Word frvm tha Dloiionarv Bupnlcmoui,' Koou of WcnJi, Propar aal Ooip-phloal Name. 4 lb. AU eonifwUtort tnut porobaae mm ttaelr Druft(liorUalaraHotUa oflCoral Wine walah "tneoda Terythina aa aoUd aa ftUrak " and coal 30 eta. a BatUa. aiaw Oat your Dealer to writ Ut folio win, on tfaa bark of bit baii maaa eard and aifen hi name to it: "Tb bearer baa Uila dr boucbtof ma a bottla of Uo al Gln.M Ia not fail la aloac tbli card whan aQ1lu( Ul of word. th If your Draiar haa do MK7Ml (tlue" on band, 1ml uca biio to atmd fw a aampla doien to any wbolniala UrujtKlitor Dealar. 7th. AU llau must ba maUnd aud tha wnrd arranged uwatty In alpliabat leal oolomm. Hth. Ia caao of a Tie, urefereno will be given to the list Ural mailed, aa shown by pom-runi. The Ion gait lint wlue the Arat award, tbe uwxt loint the secoDd. and so on. itth. The NaniM aiid Address of the Hnoctwsful ountaaiauts, a List of the winning worda, aivd an affidavit of Che maauft rer that thi-v bare not direolly or Indirectly In any manner auUiod the SuecflMfol eontaatanu. will bo mailed ta your address ir to anolosa Ave V-cent a tarn pa with your Met at Words. Kith. As to our raapouaii'itlty aud intenrtty, we bap to refer na to HradstnMt't or Iun Meroantila Ajrrnctes or any V hvleaala IknknliitinthnUnlUMl tttatas. 11th. All lUt must be mailed not lur than 8pt. lat, and the auaounoement of winner will ba printed aud maUnl aa above tan day a afterwards. J. U. O'MEARA & C0.wttKb? Ryl Llovld tiln. sirnil, WimhI, OIkm. Crtw-kn-y, Cbln In.tfaor, M.11 and KT.rTlti1nr )U Polid hook. nl VMM O eta. . bottl.. Irajcli.ta. (iimrl tud Geasrtvl bUVM. Sold b ' Mnea: 1 bail;. it t'o., Tionesta, V: . !? A ti n-5'Tr7H 11 Lull iUU ASTHMA' AND F (:-. J . l fK v n w f7..B HEk3SDY. llnvinu rlnii'u'd 'M years bclv.cen lil aiid rialh unit A.tluna or rhnthihic, lica'.e:! by cmiiiciit phi sii-ians, m.d rti- inj; no benefit, 1 was compelled dnriiijr lhn laiit live yt ars of my illness to sit on my chair day and iii;;ht jraspiiej; for breath; my Kiilleriii;.' wjis beyond licscrption. Iu ilespair I e. periiiieiiK.il !i niy:-e!f by eoinpoiin.liiii: roots mid beibsand ir.hai in iho medic ion thus ubiaiued. 1 loitu nalely discoveiled this Wonderful l ino for Asthma and C'afarrh. warrantcil to re lieve, the luost stubborn case of Asthma in five minutes, so that the patient chii lio dowii Io iet and .sleep comfortable. I'lease read the io) low ini condeii'.cd CNtiai-ls : Mis. V.'. T. lb ow n, .Monroe, Texas, writes ; ''1 sulVered with Asthma 30 years. Your p i eat. remedy has 'completely cured ini. l'ublhdi this for tho bent til of the uillictPil. C. h. Clark, Wakotnan, O., -writes:"! ceitainlv beleive vour remedy to bo tho best Astlinia anif Catarrh euro in tho world. 1 have tried everylhiiif; else, and all failed but yours. 1 wish you worlds success. :. A. Hall, llashaw. Wis., wrilei:"! received vour trial package and tiiul inval aluablo, iloiiifr just wliat you claim for it. H is truly a (')d-send to humanity, Js'o one can lillord to do without, it who issuf ferini? Willi Astlima or Catarrli. Iiich are tho expressions of praise and Km 1 w 'nuituilo it eeived daily, and in addition, 111 fctill eontinuo my former propos- iiml J will forward you a trial package by return mail, Freo of chargo. Full si.o box bv mail, $1.00. fold by all driiKj,'ist. Address, 1). LANiiKLL, Appleei-etk, O., Inventor mrd solo proprietor. 1 TIONKSTA, FA M. CARPENTER, - Proprietor. ti Pictures taken in all the latent styles i the art. 1W-U' JOlt WOUK of everv desi-ription execu ted at thu KKI'UJIUCAN ollke,