EDITOR. WEDNESDAY BORSlJiB, MAY 21. 18S4. Republican Ticket. 8TATK. wtfanBss-AT-t-AnuK. Oes'i, K. 8. OSBORNE, of Lnerno County. Announcoinonts Tho following rates will lo charged for announcliur candidates: Congress, 920; Ansemblv, 10; Associate Judge, I0; Pro thonotary, $lft; Sheriff, S; Commissioner, o; Auditor, Jury Commissioner, 2. County Superintendent, $5. These terms Ore STRICTLY CASH IH ADVANCE. CONGRESS. We are anthorixed to announce AN DREW COOK, of Harnett township, as a candidate, for Congress, subject to Re publican usages. ASSEMBLY. Wo are authorized to announce Dr. J. M. BURKETT, of Barnett township, a candidate for Assembly, subject to Republican usages. W are authorized to announce Dr. S. S. TOWLER, of Jenks township, as a candidate for Assembly, subject to ltepub 1 )n usages. Wo are authorized to announce PETER BER KY, of Howe township, as a candi date for Assembly, subject to Republican ASSOCIATE JUDGE. We are authorized to announce Wt. R. COON, of Barnett township, as a candi date for Associate Judge, subject to Re publican usages. We authorized to announce LEWIS ARNER, of Kingslev township, as a can didate for Associate Judge, subject to Re publican usages. ' PROTHONOTARY. W are authorized to announce WILL IAM. LAWRENCE, of Tionesta town ship, as a candidate for Prothonotary, sub- J ect to Republican usages. i Wo are authorized to announce CUR TIS M. SHAWKEY. of Tionesta. as a J. K. WENK, t mdidate for Prothonotary, Ac, subject i. to Republican usages. SHERIFF. We are authorized to announce LEON ARD AGNEW, of llowe township, as a candidate for Sheriff, subject to Republi can usages. We are authorized to announce JAMES It. CLARK, of Tioncsta, as a candidate for Sheriff, subject to Republican usages. We are authorized to announce J. R. LANDIS, of Barnett township, as a can didate for Sheriff, subject to Republican i usages. COUNTY COMMISSIONER. If, We are authorized to announce JAMES I S. HENDERSON, of Hickory township, I as a candidate for County Commissioner subject to Republican usages. ! We are authorized to announce GEO. t W. OSGOOD of Kintrsley township as a candidate for Couuty Commissioner sub ject to Republican usages. 'i We are authorized to announce J. R. s CHADWICK, of Tionesta, as a candidate ; for County Commissioner, subject to J Republican usagos. We are authorized to announce W. C, BROMLEY, or Harinony.townsuip, as a ; candidate for County Commissioner, sub' Ject to Republican usages. J February, 26, 1884. ; Ed. Republican : Dear Sir Please announce mv namo as a candi . date for County Commissioner from v KiiiEsloy township, subject lo Ropubli- ! can usages. 4 S. J. SET LEY COUNTY AUDITOR. We are authorized to announce QUIN- TAIN, JAMIESON. of Tionesta town ; ship, as a candidate for County Auditor , subject to itepuDncan usages. We are authorized to announce JAMES f. A. SCOTT, of Jenks township, as a can :; ciidate for County Auditor, subject to Republican usages. Address by the Chairman. Republican?, do not fail to attend ', the Primaries to a man, on Saturday, fi June 7tb, in your respective districts. ' Our political sky was never brighter. Let all the townships be well represent ed, as it prepares the way lor our iure success in the fall. Our party in this county presents a united front, ' the utmost harmony prevailing in our ranks. Last year the Campaign was glorious, but this year promises even greater results. Our principles and purposes are the same now as then. We still have on our banner inscribed "Protection to borne industries; a sound currency of uniform value; re duction of National, state and local taxation ; honest and economical pub Jic service," and with such principles we cannot fail in November. Such teachings are rood for every day of the week, and every month in the year.' Therefore Eustain them well at the polls, and victory will pereh upon our standard as it has in the past The attempts of our opponents to con .nive against the progress of our party will prove as it has heretofore, futile. The efforts of a few machine politicians to lead the National party into the Democratic camp will prove a vain conceit, a delusion and a euare. Al ready numbers of the honest men of those parties, disgusted at the so-call ' ed fusion, refusing to bow to the beck of a few leaders, who aim at the spoils , of office, have nocked to our ranks. , They are coming iti week by week and we cordially welcome them with our grand old party, whose banner leads to success, because its principles aro in accordance with the spirit of the age. And still there is room, and still ,ibey come. Truly the sky is fair. Samuel D. Irwin, Chairman Rep. Co. Com. Republican Primary Election. Pursurant to a Resolution of tlie members of the County Committ, passed on the 26th day of February last, it is ordered that the Republican voter.4 of Forwt County met on SATURDAY, JUNE ?, 1884, at 2 o'clock p. ra., at the following named places of holding Primary Elections, to wit : Barnett, Jacob Maze Carpenter Shop. Jenks, Eastern precinct, at Colwell House, Byrom Station. Jenks, At old Court House, Marien ville. Jenks, Southern precinct, at Curll and Campbell's Mill. Harmony, Upper, at Setley School House. Harmony, Lower, Allcndor School Ilftuse. Howe, Upper, at Brookston. Howe, Middle, at 'iushei City, Howe, Lower, at ttalltown, where the voters of Upper Kingsley will vote arso. Hickory, Upper, at Briccville. Hickory, Lower, at Plaok Road School House. Kingsley, at Newtown. Green, Upper, at Guiton. School House. Green, Lower, at Nebraska. Tionesta Township, and Borough, at the Court House. At which time and places they will by their votes nominate : . One person for Congress. One person for Assembly. One person for Associate Judge. One person for Prothonotary &o. Ova person for Sheriff". TwS persons for County Commission ers. Two persons for Auditors. One person for Jury Commissioner. Each Election precinct will also elect one person for Member of the County Committee for the ensuing year. . The Polls will remain open until 7 o'clock r. M. Return Judges will convene at the Court House, Tionesta Borough, on the following Tuesday, June 10, at 2 o'clock P. M. Attention is called to the Act of June, 1881, regulating Primary Elect ions, that the Judges and Clerks, before entering upon the discharge of their duties shall take and subscribe an oatb or affirmation in the presence of each other as follows', viz: "I do (affirm or solemnly swear) that I will as Judge, Inspector or Clerk (as the case may be) at the en suing election impartially and faith fully perform my duties in accordance wi h the laws and constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and in accordance with the rules and reg ulations adopted by the Republican party of the County of Forest, for the government of said primary elections, meeting or caucus, to the best of my judgement and ability." This oath or affirmation to be first administered to the Judge by an in epector, then the Judge can qualify the others officers or administer the oath to any elector offering to vote The above form is given for convent ence and is that prescribed by the Act aforesaid. And all boards will ob serve it closely, that the election may conducted according to Rules of the Republican party in this County, and law governing primaries. Samuel D. Irwin, Chairman of Republican Co. Com The fact that the Monison bill came within four votes of passing a Democratic House, and wouid very probably have passed if there had been a Senate and President of svm pathetic complexion to approve it, will be amply enough to keep alive the existing distrust of the Democrat' iu party. The issue is adjourned from Washington to Chicago. Pittsburg Dispatch. Speculation received a very black eye on Wall Street, N. Y., last week The collapse of several banking ineti tutions mace things very interesting for the speculators, aud many of them had to lie down. As a consequence the oil market got badly shaken up taking a tumble down to 651 cents, but rapidly recovered and has since been hovering about the 80 cent mark The feeling is much easier now, and stocks are regaining their normal con dition. The free trade Democrats in Con gress are going to issue an address to the country. The man who ii whip ped always tries to explain hew his defeat could have been prevented. 1 1 Send Money by American Express Co. Money Orders. Receipts given. Mou ey refunded if Orders re lost. Sold at all offices of the Co. Payable at 6,500 places. Rates : To &-5e.; fl0-8c.j f0-10c. SyHlV.; tlO-l&e.; ?r.0-'J0c. inyll 3m Two Badly-Whipped Fusionists. If there is still a doubt in the mind of any individual as to who lias been squelched in the controversey in which tho Democrat and Commonwealth bave been pitted against the Ri:ruiu.icAN, let them read the last issues of those sheets and satisfy himself. Ever since the fight began they havo been working like beavers f get just ono point aheud andthen qtiit.bv.t finding that they were headed at every point crowded to the wall and held there; having no respectable argument to back up their shameless political bargain and sale.and the only earthly chance they have of ev er delivering the goods they have con tracted to, is to get a discontinuance of controversy, they both simultane ously come to the conclusion that we're whipped ; in other words the Democrat chaws the cud 'vhich the Commonwealth throws up. Ha, ha! it makes a fellow feel good to get licked that way ; it don't hurt a bit. Be sides the public is the best judge of who's got the worst of it. The object of the howl of Kepler and Dingman is obvious: It is intended for those readers who bave only read their side of the question ; and even that will fail, for any iutelligout reader can see bv their own papers that they have disgraced and stultilied themselves by their many inconsistent nnd false statements. In the meantime we have shown to the public that a few self-appointed bosses of both parties have bargained to sell out their parties, body and soul, that all they hope for now is to be able to deliver the goods ; that in order to carry out their schema they have illegally discarded all former parly rules and methods of making nominations taken the matter out of the people's hands nod placed it in the hands of a few where the wire-pullers propose to handle and control nominations; that a can didate may be ever so popular with the people, but if he is not the favorite of the bosses he cannot be nom inated for any office ; that the whole scheme was concocted by a half dozen old political schemers, who are entire ly devoid of any political principle whatever. We have proven beyond peradveuture that the Qemocrat dare not publish its own primaries rules, and that the editor of the Common wealth, in attempting to put a wrong construction ou the Greenback rules, has shown himself to be a complete ais ; that ne nas uoiigea every ques tion wo have put to him ; that he has closed his columns to nuy fair discus sion, ami that he will not allow a con sistent and straight Greenbacker to be heard ; that in his vain attempt to clear himself of this charsro he put himself before the public in a very pitiable and unenviable light; that he is engaged, as one of the "six smart alecks,'' in trying to sell out his party for spoils, which scheme he has himself said was "a business transaction," and surely that ought to convince any one of his dvsign. We havo proven to any intelligent reader that their sick ly howl about "mismanagement" was a milicious falsehood, gotten up to de ceive and mislead the public, and that the ''stop thief" cry has reacted with crushing discredit upon themselves. And yet these two numb-skulls the "little dodger" and the "might fjsiou trapper" have the impudence to yell that the Republican is whipped ! Say, just whip us some more the same way, will you, if you are not too much exhausted; iiut i: vou are content to lie under these dis graceful facts, and face a disgusted public with eucl records hanging over you, all well aod good, we'd bate to do it, however, were we in jour pre dicament. Notice. Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the CjUanlied voters 01 liouesta borougu School liistrlct will bo licid on tlie FOURTEENTH DAY OF JUNE, Next, at tho usual placa for holding tlie munici pal election in said llorongli to decido by Hanoi 01 tne oiiesuon oi too lncurrinj;. nv said School District, of indebtedness for tno purpose of building a new school house therein, in accordance with the Act 6f lioth of AprH 1H74; "An Act to regnlato tho manner ot increasing the indebtedness ol municipalities, to provide for redemption of the same, and to impose penalties for tho illegal increase thereof," and the corporate authorities of said School Dis trict have bv their vote duly recorded on their minutes authorized the incurring of a debt to the amount of three thousand dollars additional to a debt of four thouand dollars authorized by an election held Aug. 11th lHH'i, for said purpose according to said Act, and set forth said statement required under the same as follows : Amount of the last assessed valuatisn for school purposes, 1112,711.00. Amount of the proposed debt, $:i,ooo. Amount of the percentage of tho proposed increase, '2 per cent. Surplus iu hands of Treasur er, por Auditors' settlement, gu'iil.DJ. ( J. W. ROIUNSON, President. J. H. DINGMAN. Secretary. . Tionesta, Pa., May Ii, '61. QUIT; STOCK IS COMPLETE! I Wo call special attention t" our slock of this Spring as being SUPERIOR TO ANYTHING WE EVER OWNED ! We NEVER kept a Finer Lino of goods, Especially in 3 2C O 3S 35 3K We have the Finest Assortment of FINE CLOTHING ever shown in Tionesta, and at Low Prices. Don't fail to nee our stock. .1 LAlidi: ASXOHTMKXl' OF c-a-i-p-tc-t- EXTRA KUPF.R, AM. WOOL... :M'I.Y CAIil'KT IM'LY CARPET, all wool. JJEST ITIItTIE LI1TE OUT1 DRESS Q-OOIDS, Especially in Mack Goods. We bought a Largo Lino of Itlack Silks that we will sell at FORMER WHOLESALE PRICES. and see our IT. J. HOPKINS & CO. D. LM-IQEUJS ASTHMA AND CATARRH REMEDY. Having strolled 20 years between lifo anil death with Asthma or Phathisie, treated by eminent physicians, and receiv ing no benefit, I was" compelled dnriuir tho last live years of my illness to sit on my chair day and night gaspinr for breath; mv suliering was l.evond description. In despair I experimented on myself bv compounding roots and herbs and inhal ing the modicine thus obtained. I fortu nately discoveded this Wonderful Cure for Asthma and Catarrh, warranted to re lievo the most stnhborn ease ol Asthma In rivo minutes, so that tho patient can lie down to rest and sleep com fortal.le. IJeae read the following condense! extracts: Mrs. . T. ltrown, Monroe, Icxas, writes: "I sullered with Asthma ;t0 years. Your great remedy has completely cured me. Publish this for the benefit of tho afflicted. C.S.Clark, Wakeman, O., writes: "I certainly beleivo your remedy to bo tho best Asthma and CaUrrh ciiro in tho world. I have tried everything else, and all failod but yours. I wish you worlds success. C. A. Hall, Rashaw, Wis., writes; "I received your trial packageand lind inval aluable, doingjust what you claim for it. It is truly a (tod-send to humanity. No ono can lillbrd to do without, it who issuf fering witli Asthma or Catarrh. Such aro the expressions of praisq and gratitude received daily, and in addition, L will still cont'muo niy former propos ition. Send nio your namo and address and I will forward yon a trial package by return mail, Free of charge. Full size box by mail, $1.00. Sold by all d moists. Address, 1). LANGELL, Applet-reek, O., Inventor and sole proprietor. E STRAY. Cnmo to the premises of tlie subscriber in Jenks township. Forest County, Pa., on April 17th, 18-4, a small brown niaie f about V2 or 1:1 years old; said mare has whito liiiid feci and a white spot on fore head. Tho cwner is notilie.d to come for ward and provo properly, pay charge and take same away, otherwise she will be disposod ot according to law. E. S. Walton, Marienville, Pa., May ;", 1NS4. TEN THOUSAND II AU 3 WOOD Farms in Michigan. 'Eonaleby (he GRAND RAPIDS & INDIANA K. R. CO. Sugar maple the principal timber. Advantagts,' Railroads already built, numerous towm and citiea, one of the healthiest parts of the United States, purest water, good markets, 6ne fruit, good roads, schools, churches, large agricul tural population, best building material at low figures, good sij)l, low prices, easy terms, perfect title. For books, maps, charts, and ail additional information, address W. O. DUGHART, Land Commissioner. Grand Rapids, Mich., Or Ssrran Kouutxs, Traveling Ageiu. NEW LIVERY At EAST HICKORY, PA. The undersigned has now in operation at tho above place a first-class Livery, where good ris can always ba hiredat moderate charges. A hack will be run to re'mar passenger trains on tho II. N. Y. t P. K. R. J. W. 1IALLIDAY. & PRIZE Send six cents for postage, and receive free a costly box of troods which will help all, of either sex to more money right away than anything else 111 this worm, fortunes await tlie workers absolutely sure. At once ad- drpss True V Co,, Augusta, Maine. Apr.9 Tilt, FREASE'S WATER CURE ES- XJ T A 1 5 L I S H M E X T A health institu tion in its odth year. For nearly all kind of chronic diseases, and especially the dis ease ol woman, open at all seasons. Circulars free. Address, S. Freaso, M.I).' New Brighton, Heaver county, Pa. febi!7U' rHOTOUR.VPH CALLER Y. I TIONESTA, PA M. CARPENTER, Proprietor. Pictuajes taken in allthelatebt fctylcs of the art. IM-tr J Oil WORK nff very description execu ted at tU Ri.PULLK'AX olhcc. if? Mm -s- 7rc. We. (5100. Cull Slock. SMEARBAUGH & CO., I'ealers in GLOTHING, 4 NOTIONS, BOOTSI&SHOEG, HATS AUD CAPS. (3 IR, O C IE IR, I OS S I TOBACCO, ClfSAIW, IIAKD WA H E, Q U E E X S W A It E. C. L ASS W A H E, TOYS, STATIONARY, WALL rATEK, FOKEION FKUITS, VEG ETABLES, 11AKEUS miEAD, OYS TERS, An. Goods Always First-Class. ELEGANT BOUND FAMILY BIBLES, 82.50, J:j.50, fl.f.O, f i..r0 at'd upwards. Biickeyo Forco Pimii) J IF. 5" ? o a 33 a; 53 cr v I CO o CALL AND GET PRICICS, BUD. HHJIBEL TIONESTA, PENN'A. TELL YOUR NEICHDORS iilMBUCHUK Ly BACK-ACHE Oil DC LIVER & KIDNEY uujil 1u.u.f.w.,lmm,nni,M It PI.PPH 1. 1 fl II II 1.1 1 MtidU Slid nl. oration uf tho LiVMr. KliliH-yaiul liladd.T He- uiovi-a lmili iu tho back caiifcc-d by Htrain, liiflmu. liiaukiu or Graviil. A n-nt-mir, rutieuerati ir and r-. tlIM 1 .1 vr mi'l KlillllVH. A llihfh Il-V(ir. I-uin In tbe n-ijinu cr thn kiiliuya, and ulioutiiiK ulcinif the coureu nf Uu un-U-.r, niiiiilniiiwi of tlie tliiKh, vomiting, biKlily onlnred and fiwnent dia rlmriri of urino, ciMttveunw, ami 'li- pallia, Hh, mill decide you at utice toclvo BAKOS.ll a fnir trial. UeUicuiU-r, it NEVER FAILS TO GIVE RELIEF (.... (uut lo of Hamuli, cured mr fe of back ache and Indue- dirtlcuHy, bkh bad troubled liL-r for over tbr e.ra . " (,'oijiu Carman. KtUtrprut. J1. " Vou can iminiuf my tbaukfuluem whun I tell you that two bottleior UaruHUia wrougbl aoomplU cure lo uiy wilt, woo bad benaul!errfo!a)aai.dalill'. " C. W. Bt-ud for f urtbtir teirtimonialB. Prepared only by E. K. THOMPSON ttfiSTSft F. F. AVhittkkis, H. C. Whittkkiic. Sheffield, la. Tionenta, I'a. WH1TTEKIIM BROS., Civil Engineers and Surveyors. Laud and Railway Surveying a Specialty, Magnetic, Sniar or Trianniilaiion Survey ing, lieht of Instruineiits uud work. Ti i ins ou application. SEND vour .lull Work to LI CAN Oll'iic ' tl. KLPUH- J 1 ,(2 L . i I CO ! -a s m f Q hi i Tf ME TAIILE IN EFFECT Nov. IS, lMsn. V eat wm j .)! ivi:k luvis i on. Knlwar!r. P. M A. M.I 8 m 4 .is! 4 27 10 V. m.i lM. 2 7 fid arritUlnirirh lv A. M.I V. M. H 4.ri 8 W 4 MO 4 i!n l'lii knr .... Foxluinr VI 411,12 40 n i A.M. , M . I". M . ! 4..I It V!( at. Frank tin., lv 2 OtMl 30 P. M A.M. I'. M , M. 00 ar...()ll Citv....lv :) lo 1U i:iirjt)7isrH OleopoliH ...ICnule Rock... Provident TloneHta Hickory...... ..'l'rnnkeyvill(. Tldioute ... Thompson a... ....Irvineton Warren I V...K in7.ua... .ar n 0: II MitH Ml ta n:! 1 4r. I : 1 10 n r.o vi :i; 12 II II 40 1 1 4S fH 17 II IT 8 2S 10 r2 H VI f3 4L' t7 ill 4 001 7 4 4 Iftl 8it:t lo ssi in u:t i 'J2i8 11 ui ir II 42 tt i.-. 7 r.o 4 r, 8 '21 t fii'ts 41- 5 l.ij II Q'j f ::o -jo 0 (1(1; 0 &0 f. M. A. M. I. m.a. M. 8 (M: ii sr 17 i'M 7 10 r. -in ii i.-. r. m. i. m . M. 10 (HI -1 LiO lv...Rrndfi.rd. M. P.M. ( lit ar...Kln,na..lv 5 4! Corvdon 5:i(l ....Wolf Run.... 1 M. A. M. (I HI' id (H) na -j io3 J H4.r. 10:7 (I M l 0 4 7 or. 10 1,7 7 21 11 V2 7 3(.il'( W 7 -111! 11 37 8 '2h f.'J 8 10jl2(t0 r.M.I m. 11 :io 1 1 :tn 11 nr.' lo 17 10 4J ID 11 inn h.'ll Ounkor 11iI1ko. r. 17 r. 04 4 f,0 4 41 4 1MI 4 '20 r. m. ...Reil Hoiifie.... ... Salamanca.... .So. Carrolllon.. ...So Vandalia... Alleirany lv Clean ... .ar 10 10 7 r.o 7 m ii r,r. it 44 it i (1 W2 l.r. i no A.M. M. AniUTKiNAt. Thain Lciives Kirmia ll:.'iOnm, Warren ;:T.pui, Irvineton 2;THI im, Tldioute ;i:.riipm, j loiicsu .:-tipm, ar rives (Ml ciiy 7:"npm. ADDITIONAL J KAlTi liCaVCS (Ml CifV :li) am. Oleonolis an;, Eaiflo Rock :0Hani, President 7:l."ain, Tionesta 7: ISaiu Hickory S::i7am.Tninkc.v ville !:04am,Ttd- onte lotlnani, Thompson 11:11, arrives Irvineton ll:.ri'.pm. I'lTTsniimiH Oivrsiojj Trains Icavo Oil Citv 2:05, 7:00, 10:15 a. in., 2:4:., i:ZS p. ni., arrive Oil City l!:ail, 7:-jr, f:45 a. in., '2D, -:io p. in. t Flan stations, stop only on signal. Trains run on Eastern 'rime, w hich 1 14 minutes faster than Holhdo time. Pullman Sleeiiinu Cars anil Tlirounh Coaehes between Rull'alo and l'iltsbili on trains arriving Pittsburgh 7:")0 a. 111., and leaving; I'lttshorgh H:ld0 p. 111. Thiomrli ( oaeiies l.etween I'lttst.uriiri iikI titill'alo and Parlor Cars between Buf falo ami Oil City on tiv.ins leaviiu; Pitts buru R-.a.in.. lirrivli.j; l'ittsbnri; 8:00p.m. rTiekets sold and bajrage checked 1 all principal points. Get lime tables tiviiu; full information from Company's Agents. WM. S. BALbWIN.GeiriPasa'r Aa't, GEO. S. a ETCH ELL, (ien 1 Sup't. Nor. 41 .t :i ExehaiiKO St., Bulfalo, N. Y. J. L. CRAIG, A irent, Tionesta, Pa. Col. Kob't C. Ingersoll. M Bnjnl Olste Is always on Ma Imk. ft haaf (rn-ut Cuti-BtrmU4 Htrt-'uKtl. aud vrrr llemark-r ah a I JIIH I II !. ILV.rV tHIll.. 1I1HHII,III1 Rllll W Workatiop will flud It tivnluislil. I'rtivUGrt'y. f ten onn.ooo Bottlfla" Flashin" nr c a tho News 11 , k Hovitxl ll ii u 11 S)lti !Mlttrt Kverytli mi? ttrrwknllenHI InMiarnbkM I lent lour! No -4'r(i in. lion I Always lloatly 1 F.ltVMiH' iMue tm J'.Hitti I Alaolu(olT I ft- Wood, j4iitlir, 1'Ktclif.i un hhcH'S, HubbiT. l TOtitirv. t nam l ue 'I u una cioio.urim- ineius, Htonn, Fnrallnrf, JwcMry, lMik HaokK.Rnd Kvorviijiii Ki wilh KvrlBHtln: leprabllimoltvt -Or. BotiU' llruvk nnd Tm CVver). Matlitl pont-tmld, Sold bv lratztri1aa irM4r. tstutlon rn. Hnrd TrAvnllmr Aronli Vf&nd iti Trv t'llv HiidCuuntv. ttrt'ABk ynur DcmIvf lor ft fe fUHmulu Vlnl or ' llo.val Mup." , V HMiid fc-Wr VIhU Ut HothM lIfrwonly. Mutlt'd oitlv by tlu M Kuuiactur-m, a1 Sold hy SinearhatiKh & Co., Tionn-ta , I'a 10 1 SPORTIHN ! 1 I take pleasure in telling the Sporting Fialornily that I huva re-purcha.ed TBIK CiVX HITS I3f ESS FROM HORACE JOXKS, TO WHOM SOLD IT IN 1871. T AM NICELY LOCATED at my old . and I am prepared to attend to J. Htand, all my friends, and the puhlie generally. who need ANYTHING 171 THE GUN 11 NE! I shall keep a perfect stock of tt'l jindi ot AMMUNITION! And all kinds of FISHIflJCTACKLE. I ahall al'-o continue to handle the White" Meiviiif Muchine, And th , CHICAGO SINGER SEWING MACHINE Come and aeo me. You will lind nm ALWAYS AT HOME. M U7..le liOaders inado to order and war ranted. FAITHFULLY DONE. 13. A . 1ML1MVIX. Tidiouto, Pa., Autj. 12, Dr. Kline's fJreat Nerve Restorer ia tho marvel of tho ajro for all Nerve Din ciiNea. All tita stopied free. Send to (i.!l nrch St., I'hilada. M'piil-hltf