The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, May 07, 1884, Image 4

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She $W0t gUjmMinw.
Tlwgr. It. B. CkawforI).
i VoHniHlmen North ward. C. M. Shw
hny yr., J, M. Foreman 2 vrs., A. M.
Dnttt 1 jr.; Mouth waul, J." If. Foncb 3
yr., W. A. Eagles 2 yr., C. Bonner 1 j r.
Justice of (he Peace J. T. BrotuMW,
I). H. Knox.
Otnutabte II. H. Shoemaker.
tkifionl J1irrntorM.XV. Robirtwei. A.
B. Kelly. J. 11. I.Hnginfm, I. H. Knox, J.
V. Morrow, II. S. Brockway.
M'mhrrof Conprctx-Jso. D. Patto.t.
tfembrr of Semite I. . HALL.
Ante-mhly E. L. Davis.
Prtnident JvtlreW. I). Bnow.
Anwcmle Judyes lonn Rkck, C. A.
Treasurer Wm, SMKAnnAfoR.
Prothonotary, llxgintcr Jt ecordrt&c
;her(tT.C. W. Cl.AtlK.
TommtAsionrr II. W. LkDEBUH, J. S.
Count Superintendent!. E. IIlLL-
Mttrict A ttornryT. J. VanGiksk!.
Jr CommixMioners H. O. DAVIS,
OifV Niirvtitor II. C.'WniTTEKlN.
Coromir Dr.' J. Mortnow.
tYiirv rf"r O. W. Wardkit, J. A.
Soott, It. B. Swam.kt.
JVo. 3C,
KiT. O. ofO. F
MEETS every Tuedav evening, nt 7
o'clock, in" the Lodge. Room in Par
trldgo's Hall.
h. z. gillespie, n. o.
J. W. SAWY1CR, Seo'y. 27-tf.
J No. 274, G. A. It.
MpcU on tho firt Wednesday la each
inonth, In Odd Follows Hall, Tionesta. Pa.
1). S. KNOX, Commander.
j. n. aumkv.'. r. m. olaiik.
.A-OXKAV &z CL.AU1C, .
Elm St. Tionesta, Penna.
And District Attorney of Forest County.
UHice in Court House, Tlonestn, Pa.
1? L. DAVIS.
Tionesta, Pa.
Coliertlnns made In this nnd adjoining
Elm Street,
Tionesta, Pa.
Tionos'a, ForPHt County I'a.
1 A WHENCE HOUSE, Tionesta, Pa.,
j . S. Brook war, Propriptor. This
bouse Im cpntrnllv located. Everything
new mid well furnished. Supeiior Ac
commodations and strict attention given
ti guests. Vegetables and Fruit or all
kinds served in their season. Sample
towin for Commercial Agent.
HOUSE. Tionesta. Pa.,
T. (',. Jackson. Proprietor. This is a
iww house, and has just been fitted up tor
the accommodation of the public. A por
tion f the patronage of tho public is solic
ited. -M-iy.
.1. A'. B ii.i.. f'ronrictor. This bonne is
iicnV and has been furnished with new
lundtitre throiuhout. It is cnUialley lo-
tnd, anil has a firnt claMsbai n in Oonnect
ioii with it. The traveling public will
lind it a jilcasnnt Ktoiipmst place, rirsi
idass Livery in connection with tho Hotel.
NATIONAL HOTEL, Tidioute, Pa.,
V. B. Bucklin, I'copriPtor. A first-t-ltM
hotel in all respects, nnd the pleus
iintest Htnppinif phico in town. Bates very
1 WIUilMiaillH. J
MB. COOK, Mi P.,
Oirto.o on Elm St , near the Sohool
Tlnuse, Tionesta. Pa. All professional
i-alU iromptly aitcnaeu to.
Iji( of Armstrong county, having located
in Tionesta is prepared to attoiul all pro
fusxionat calls promptly and at nil hours,
OfQco in Hmearbaueh t Co.' new build-
in if, np stairs. Otl'ue hours 7 to 8 A. M.,
nud 11 to 12 M. ; 2 to 3 and U to 71 p. it.
Mindayti. 9 to 10 A. M. ; 2 to 8 and 61 to 7J
r. m. ' Itesidonoe in Fisher House, on
WolnntStrewt. inay-13 SI.
Has had over fifteen vears experience in
the pinctice of his profession, havinii grad
uated lerjalti and honorably May Hi, 1SH5.
" Otnee'and Residence in Judro Reck'a
house, opposite the M. E. Church, Tiones
ta, Pa. AuK. 25-1SK0
Having purchased the materials c, of
Dr. Stendman, wouia respecuuiiy an
lumncn that he will carry on tho Dental
luisinoHS in Tionesta, and having hud over
six years successful experience, considers
biiuselt tuny contpeioni 10 (jive enure sai
isfaction. i shall always give my mcdi
eol practice the preference. nar22-82.
H.u. luy. A. B. KKLLT
MA Y, FAliK C CO.,
Corner of Elm A Walnut Sts. Tionesta.
Bank o( Discount and Deposit.
Intorest allowed on Time Deposits,
tjolleotions made on all the Principal points
of the U. S.
Collections solicited.
Manufacturer of and Dealer In
And all kinds of
may4 81 TONESTA. PA.
SUBSCRIBE for th KtrruLiCA V, only
f 1.50 per annum.
J. T. H!F.!A!. c. M. snAWKET,
Real Estate Agents & Conveyancera.
Dealers In
(OfTlcei in Court House,)
1000 Hcren. Warrant No. 236. Tionesta
.V.hj acres arrant ?io. 5IMJ, Kingslcy
U.i crei. known as "Lillio Farm." Allo-
glipny Twp., Vpnungo Co.
70 acre near Enterprise, v arrcu i;o.
Houses and lots, and building lots in
Tlonentn Borough for sale on; easy terms.
We have some good bargain on hand.
C'ondrnxrd Tlmn Tnble Tionmta Klattwn.
Train BJ 11:17 nm
Train 10 1:45 pm
Train 16 8:8 pm
Train 15.... 7:48 am
Train 18 7:4S am
Train 4:00 pm
Train 15 North, and Train 10 South carry
the mail.
Freachiug io the Presbytfrian
Church next Sunday morning and
evening, by Rev. Ilickling.
Rev. Hicks will occupy the pulpit
of the M. E. Church next Sunday
evaniog, at 7:30.
Presbyterian Sabbath School at
12:30 p. m.; M. E. Sabbath School at
10 a. m.
The town wa thronged with
Bchool directori yesterday.
The pleasant notes of the whip-
poor-will can now be heard on aoy
mild evening.
Mr. 3J8ei Ilepler haj moved to
town and occupies Charles Bouoer'a
house, on Vine St.
Mies Mattie Morrow cotamencod
teachiug at the Gorman school, Har
mony township, on Monday.
-John MueBZf nberger has the
foundation laid for a uew barn an the
rear of his lot in the north ward.
' Mrs. Dr. Morrow, accompanied
by two of her younger children, is
paying her former home in Armstrong
county a viit.
-Mr. David Holeman and Miss
Ida Holemaa of Pleasantville are
visiting their cousin, Miss Alica Hole
rcai) this week.
Mr. W. W. Kellett, of Boston, was
here during the past week looking
after the business of the Extract Works
at Kellettville.
D. W. Clark has added beauty
as well as comfort to his residence by
tbe erection of a portico extending
along ils entire front.
The population of Whig Hill is
increasing somewhat. The new arriv
als are, a girl at the residence of Mr.
Frank Gillespie, and a boy at Mr.
James Brisbin s.
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Stewart, of
Evansburg, Pa., aud Mr. aud Mrs.
Theodore Stewart, of Silver Creek, N.
Y., ate visiting with Mc II. A. Adam's
family this week.
Capt A. O. Coburn.of Cacbranton
Pa., is the guest of his brother, the
Doctor, at present. II id many old
frieuds and a quaintances here are
glad to meet him again.
We see it stated that Mr. J. M
Bruce, of Indiana, will be the candi
date for Congress ef Indiana county
this year. If this be true then each
county in the district will have a can
Charles Davis has gone to War
ren to take a 'position oc the Mail.
Chas. is a wide-awbke, active young
man, with sufficient intellect to make
a first-class newspaper man, and we
wish him every success. His young
associates will misj him.
Any one wanting to purchase a
new house, situated in a pleusant part
of Tiooeata borough, eight rooms,
good cellar and good water, plastered
and finished throughout, good lot, can
get a pointer by calling at this office.
Mr. Will May of Louisfille, ar
rived in town Monday, and will re
main a few days with his mother aod
friend. Mr. Kelly, who has been in
Louisville for past three weeks on
lumber business, also returned Men-
The past few days have given al
kinds of vegetation a wonderiul start
upward and outward. If we have no
more cold weather frsm this on, every
thing in the line of outdoor stuff wil
be about as far along aa we generally
have it May.
Our young friend John Weller,
of Kingsley, has taken unto himself a
wife ia the person of Miss Lizzie
daughter of our old friend, R. Ru
dolph, of Newtown. The young and
happy couple have our best wishes for
long life and prosperity.
Madison Church, the hero of
many low-water trips to Pitlsdurgh,
passed down the river yesterday in
charge of two of those Jumbo barges
manufactured at Hickory, by Mr, M.
Mrs. J. M. McKay and M!bs
Mar.'e Jackson depart for the West
to-dsy to visit with relatives, expect-
ng to be gone several months; the
former goes te Iowa, and tho latter to
Illinois. Their many . friends here
will wish them a pleasant visit.
Mr. J. F. Orerlander returned cb
Thursday from a journey to the former
home of his wife, in Lawrence county,
Pa., they having been called thither
by the sickcess and death of Mrs.
Overlander's mother, Mrs. Fowler.
The deceased was in her 84th year.
Juneberry trees are in blossom;
likewise peach trees, aod early apple
trees are just on the verge, as it were,
while the leaves are fast appearing,
and the village kine is able to nip off
a good sized mouthfull of grass at a
single bite. All these are unmistaka
ble signs of spring's presence.
We understand that the B..N.Y.
& P. R. 11., has made a survey cast
from Stonebero to a poiat juit below
Franklin on the A. V. R. R. The
intention is to build a line to obviate
the necessity of making a run over the
Lake Shore Road to connect the New
Castle Branch with the main lice.
Chas. Raisig wishes to inform the
public that he has secured the agency
of the John P. Manny Shear Cut
Short Stroke Mower, manufactured at
Brooklyn, N. Y. To those who are
acquaiuted with these ruachiucs no
recommendation is necessary, and
Charlie invites interested parlies to
call aud inspect them.
Elegant invitations were extended
last Thursday, announcing the mar
riage, on to-norrow (Thursday) even
ing, of Mr. M. L. Vought, of Ashby,
Minn., and Miss Alice Holeman, of
our town, at the bride's home. The
happy event will be attended by a
largo number of the friends of the
high contracting parties.
Mr. F. F. Whittekin departed for
Colorado last evening, where he ex
pects to remain for several weeks, and
perhaps permanently if the position
he has been offered on the Denver &
Rio Grande R. R. suits him. Frank
promises us an occasional letter from
that section, and we know his friends
will be glad to hear from him.
The Weekly Critic, a nicely-priat-
ed, well-patronized and ably-edited
paper has just made its appearance
from the bustling town of Emlenton.
M. Gougbter & Bro. are the publish
ers and owuers, and being practical,
energetic printers will doubtless make
a success of tbeir new enterprise, at
least we hope so and extend our best
The building to be used by Messrs
Iloyt & Dimuoick as a stationery and
confectionery store, is being pushed
rapidly forward, the foundation being
about completed. The carpenters are
to have it ready for occupancy within
a inonth. It is to be a two-story
building, and when completed will
add materially to the wealth and so
lidity of our borough.
On Monday last Will J. McCon-
cell caused the arrest of Mr. Kepler
of the Democrat, on a charge of libel,
the trouble growing out of some un
complimentary remarks concerning
Mr. McConnell's character which ap
peared iu the Democrat of last week
Mr. Kepler waived a bearing and
gave bail ia the sunt of $400 for his
appearance at court on the 19th inst
The meeting of the citizens ofthis
borough at the Cocrt House last Sat
urday afternoon was not well attended
owing to the early hour at which it
was Bet. It was therefore postponed
until to-morrow, (Thursday) evening
at 7 o'clock, at which time it is earn
estly hoped that all whe are interested
in the proposed new school building
will be present. The directors find
that the plans upon which they have
been engaged for ejmetime will require
more funds than was voted for that
purpose, and believiug that, in erder
to accommodate the children for the
next 15 or 20 years, the building should
be modeled after the plan they have in
view, ihey wish to get the expression
of the tax-payers upon the subject
Let there be a good attendance as the
matter is of vital importance to all
Plans aod specifications will be ex
A number of bold robberies have
taken place in this county during the
past week, all tracable to the band of
utlaws the existence of which we
mentioned io these columns several
weeks since. It is high time that
some energetic: efforts be put forth to
stop this marauding, that the peace
and good name of our country may be
maintained. Brookvillc Democrat.
Mr. McConnell's temperance lect
ures at the Court House have attracted
large audiences during the week, aHd
many have signed the pledge. We
earnestly hope that all whokhave tak
en a card may realize the seriousness
of the matter, and ever keep inviolate
the solemn vow they have taken.
Meetings will be held Friday and Sat
urday evenings, Sunday afternoon
and evening, Monday evening a tem
perance jubilee meeting. No meeting
this not to-morrow evening.
The many friends of Mr. H. J.
Hopkins, senior member of the firm of
II. J. Hopkio & Co., will be pained
to learn of the death of his eldest
daughter, a bright little lady aged
about nine years, on Sunday last.
Her disease was diphtheria, aod we
are very sorry to report that another
younger child is at the point of death,
similarly afllicted. The striken par
ents have the deepest sympathy of all
their acquaintances here as well as ia
the community of Pleasantville where
they reside.
"The Danger Sigsal" is the title
of a play to be presented by the
"" of the Tidioute High Schools
on the 14th inst. The play is highly
spoken of. We leara that this drama
was produced iu Youngsville, Pa., a
short time ago by home taleot, with
the intention of giving a siagle per
formance, but it was enthusiastically
recalled for two successive sights and
witnessed by packed houses botht isaes.
Being a school entertainment and
promising, to be such a creditable eaa
it ought to be well patronized by the
people of Tidioute and vicinity.
Late Friday evening Henry C,
son of Hon. H. D. Lowing, publisher
of the Linesville, Crawford county
Herald, attempted suicide by shooting
himself, while laboring under a fit of
mental aberration caused by a severe
fall some time since. The ball passed
through both temples, cutting the
coids of both eyes, which he will
doubtless lose the sight of, provided
he survives. The physicians fear he
will not recover. Mr. Lowiug is aged
about twenty-foui years and was a
newspaper compositor. He has for a
long time been in poor health. Bliz
zard. Martin A. McDonald, formerly
of Titusville, was killed at Canyon
City, Col., on Friday ruoreing. He
was at the coal mines of Hon. J. II.
Caldwell, and was inspecting a train
of loaded cars, when in some manBsr
he was thrown between the cars and
run over. Deceased has been in his
western home several years, and was
prosperous. He was 45 years of age,
and leave a wife, formerly Miss Liz
zie M. Funk, of Titusville. Franklin
News. Mr. McDonald was known to
a number of our citizens, having fre
quently been called hither io connec
tion with the large landed interests of
the Funk Heirs iu Forest county,
Rest in Peace.
Catherine, wife of Jacob Burket,
deceased, was born in Huntington
county, Pa., in the year 1811. Io the
year 1825 sho moved with her hus
band and family to Jeffttrson county,
where she resided until a few years
ago, her husbaud's death occurring
there. She has resided with her son,
Dr. J. M. Burkett, for the past eight
years, and when the Doctor moved to
Forest county she came with him.
She died at his residenco in 'daring
ton, on April 26, after an illness of
several weeks, and was buried at
Brookville on the 28th. For 45 years
she was a consistent member of the
Lutheran church, in which faith she
died, an honored and beloved mother,
and a highly respected lady by all
who knew her.
Advertised Letters.
The following letters remaia uncall
ed for in Tioneita, Pa., poet office,
May 6th, 1884:
JnoArters. D. II. Rennaley.
J. W. Ueally. Alex. Stephens.
Chas. Conner. Juo. Shultz.
Jno. Morse. D. S. Thompson.
M rs. II. Taylor.
If not called for within 30 days will
be seat to the Dead Letter Office
When calliog for above please say
"advertised." C. M. AiiNiu:, P. M.
The Directors Convention.
The School Directors of Forest
county met in Convention in the
Court House io Tionesta, on May 6th,
1884, for the purpose of electing a
Superintendent of Schools of Forest
county for the term of three yeais.
Snpt. Ilillard called the convention
to order aad stated the object of the
meeting. A. B. Kelly of Tionesta,
was elected PresiJeut of the conven
tion, aod T. D. Collins of Green, J,
II. Dingmaa of Tionesta, and C. C.
Smith ef Howe, Were elected Secreta
ries. Upon calling the roll by the
President, fifty directors answered to
their names.
Nominations being declared in or
der the following were made :
Edward Klabbatz of Howe nomi-
sated J. E. Hilliard.
C. A. Ilill of Hicktry nominated
Miss J. E. Copeland.
Levi Pearson of Kingsley nominat
ed F. F. Whittekin.
H. S. Brockway of Tionesta nomi
nated George W. Kerr.
Before taking a vote a motion was
made by Mr. James Cole of Jenks,
seconded by Mr. John Peterson of
Harmony, that all spectators and can-
dsdates be excluded from the room.
The motion was opposed in pointed re
marks by Messrs. Collins, G. W. Zsotz,
G. W. Robinson, G. J. Lacy, ana
Edward Klabbatz; the latter gentle
man makiDg a special plea for the
press representatives. The motion
was lost by a decisive majority and
the decision was loudly cheered by the
Then came the balloting for candi
dates. The audience was silent notil
Dearly all the names were called, each
Director pronouncing his choice aloud,
when the people began to get restive,
knowing by that time that a choice
had been made oa the first ballot. A
loud cheer went up as the result was
anoouDced. The ballot resulted as
follows: Mr. Ilillard 31, Miss Cope
land 13, Mr. Kerr 4, Mr. Whittekin
1. The convention immediately ad
Grandin & Kelly's No. 21, which
was completed last week, bat been
making aa average of about 200
rels a day.
The Derrick says Grandin &
ly's No. 23 at Balltown, which was
completed last month, started offafUr
beiog shot at aboot 150 barrels, bat
rapidly declined to a small producer.
Grandin No. 24 was drilled into the
Band and is BhoTing for about five
barrels. These two wells cut off the
extension in that direction, thongh
good wells may be obtained further
west oo the same line.
The rig of the Tionesta Oil Co's
well on Council Run is about com
pleted, and the machinery will be
placed forthwith. Drilling will prob
ably begin about the first of the week.
Kind nature's heart with gladness thrills,
The sunlight gleams more tender
Joy crowns the everlasting hilla
With regal grace and splendor.
All lovely tilings still lovelier grow
'Neath Springtime's fairy lingers;
Old winter with his cold and snow
Looks sadly back and lingers.
When I behold now there now hero '
New beauties spread to greet lis,
My thoughts run back to one so dear,
Who never more will meet us ;
Who never more with mortal eye
Shall see earth's springtime beauties,
Will never more with mortal hands
Perform life's kindly duties.
Will never more, as olt of yore,
Whon days were dark and dreary
Bring light and sunshine through the door
With presence bright and cherry.
Ouo winter's snow is on thy broaMt,
Not so its pain and sorrow
The good Lord knowoth what is best,
So rest iu peace to-morrow.
The hearts of those who loved thee well
Are sore at thy departing,
But He who doetU all things well
Can ease the ceaseless smarting ;
So dear one, gone from human love.
We leave thee in His keeping,
Believing God who rules above
Has blessed thee sweetly sleeping.
Believing, too, that aa the sun
Brings forth the pet feet flower,
God's love will, when thy resting'a done,
Awake to life aud power,
To walk with him the golden streets
And sing his praisus ever.
And bo a saint in robes of white,
Ferever and forwver.
Mrs. R. E. B
Are you miserable through indiges
tion, sonr stomach, or constipation? Ak
re's dyspepsia tablets we guarantee will
relievo you. Sold by G. W. Bovard.
Eruptions sores pimple rhoumatism
are but indicators of impure blood. Ak-
crs blood elixir is tho remedy. Sold by
G. W, Bovard.
The Saw Mill on Dawson Run.
Consisting of one portable boiler, sixty
horse power ; double Logins, thirty
borse power each, together with sells,
saws, belting, edger, complete and in
good conditiOD. Iho machinery is
two . ears old, having cut about two
million feet. Also one good team of
horses, harness, wagon, and new pair
of sleds ; together with all tools per
taining to the lumbering bUBtners.
A bargain to any party for prompt
pay. John Jobb Co.
Tionesta, Pa, March 27, IWi.
LEIIK WARNER At;the M. E. parson
age, Shipponville, Clarion county, Pa.
April Vi, 1884, by Rev. J. Bell Noff, Mr.
Henry Lohr and Miss Ida Warner, lxtli
of Gilfoyle, Forest county, Pa.
WELLER RUDOLPH At the residonctf
of the bride's parents, May 6, 1881, by J.
Catlin, J. P., Mr. John Weller and Miss
Lizzie Rudolph, both of Kingsley town
ship. Forest county, Pa.
NOlifiTAN SMITH At the residence of
the bride's parent, in Green township,
Forest Co., Pa., May 3, 1854, by H. W.
Ledebur, J. P., Adison Norman, of
Poland Centre, Chautauqua Co., N. Y.,
and Ella Smith of Green township.
Forest County, Ta.
SMITH SMITH At the same time and
place by II. W. Ledebur, J. P.,, David
Smith of Troy Centre, Crawford Co. Pa., '
and Ada Smith, of Groen township
Forest Co., Pa.
HOPKINS At Pleasantville, Pa., May1
3d, 1884, of diphtheria, Cora B., eldest
daughter of II. J. and Anna Hopkins,
aged 9 years, 3 months and 20 days. .
Flour barrel choice - - 4.?57.00
Floury sack, - 1.151.77
Corn Meal, 100 lbs - - 1.501.85
Chop feed, pure grain - - 1.40
Corn, Shelled - - - - - 84
Beans "j9 bushel l.!503.0O
Ham, sugar cured 18
Breakfast Bacon, sugar cored 14
Shoulders - -. - - 11
Whlterlsh, half-barrels 8.50
Lake herring half-barrels - - 6.50
Sugar - 0ll
Syrup - - - - - . 73
N. O. Molasses new - - - 75
Roast Rio Coffee ... 1823
RioCoffeo, - - - 1216
Java Coffee .... 2830
Tea 200O
Butter - - 5
Rice - - - - . - 810
Eggs, fresh - - . 15
Salt best lake - - 1.40
Lard ....... 121
Irorfi common bar - - 2.00
Nails, lOd, keg - -' - - 3.35
Potatoes - - - 4o50
Lime'iibbl. - . - : - 1.40
Dried Apples sliced per lb - 10
Dried Beef - - - - 20
Dried Peaches per. Ib - - . 10
Dried Peaches pared per 25
Came to the premises of the subscriber
in Jenks township, Forest County, Pa,,
on April 17th, 1SS4, a small brown maro
about 12 or 1H years old j said mare haa
whito hind feet and a white spot on fore
head. Tho owner is notitiod to come for
ward and prove property, ray charge
and take same away, otherwise' sho will
be disposed of according to law.
E. 8. Walton,
Marienvillo, Pa., May 5, 18S4.
The undersigned has now in operation
at the above place a tirt-class Livery,
where good rigs can always bo hired at
moderate charges. A hack wil) be run to
regular passenger trains on the B. N. Y.
Wheheas, The Hon. W. D. Brown,
President Judgo of tho urt of Common
l'leas and Quarter Sessions in and for
tho county of Forest, has issued his pre
cept for holding a Court of Common Pleas
Quarter Sessions, Ac. at Tionesta, for
tho County of Forest, to commence on thn
Third Monday of May, being the llth
day of May, 1884. Notice is therefore
given to the'Coroner, Justice of tho Peaea
and Constables of said county, that they bo
then and there in their proper persons at
tenoYlock, A. M., of said day, with their
records, inquisitions examinations and
other remembranees, to do those thinga
whii'h to their olliees appertain to be done,
and to those who are bound iu reeognizaneo
to prosecute against the prisoners that are
or shall Iwin tho jail of Forest County, that
they be then and there present to prosocuto
against them as shall bo just. Given un
der my hand arid seal this 2il day of
April, A. D. 1X8 1.
C. W. CLARK, Sheriff.
Register's Notice.
Notice is hereby given that tho follow
ing accounts will be presented at May
Term for confirmation, to-wit:
Final oeeount of I). S. Knox, Ex'r of
Herman Blum, Dec.'d.
Account of V. W. Barr, Adm'r or Pat
rick Graham, Dcc'd, Ex'r of Michael Rat
ferty, Dec'd.
Account of John and Orion Siggina,
Ex'rs of Isaac C. Siggins, Dec'd,
Tionesta, Pa., April 14, lHh4,
License Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the. follow
ing applications "for License have been
!UhI in my oruce and will be presented at
May session, lhh4, to-wit :
Tlios. Mahony, hotel, Howetownship.
Thos. W. Corah, hotel, Howe township,
John Woodcock, hotel, Harmony tow n
Ship. v. M. Evans, hotel, Howe township.
H. S. Brockway, hotol, T'onesta bor
Ira B. Murphy, hotel, Howe township.
11. W. Mooio, eatiug house, llowo
J L'sT I S S 1 1 A W K E Y, CI r k ,
Tionesta, April :tttli, lvl.