'fWmm MORNIKG, FEBjl,l88l7 . BOROUGH OFFICERS. Jlurgrvm. S. P. Inwiw. CbKnctfwwn North ward, II, M. Fore man. O. M. Sliawkpy. A. M. Doutt; South ward, W, A. EagloH J. If. Fonefc, A. II. Dale. Juitice of the Peace 3. T. Bronnan, P.M. Knox. immutable H. H. Shoemaker. ATcAoot Director Q. W. Robinson, A. II. Kelly, J. K. Dtnginftn. D. S. Knox, J, W. Morrow, II. S. Brockway. . FOREST COUNTY OFFICERS. Member of Conprt-3A. MosoRova. Member of Ronnie J. G. HALL. 4cm&Jv i;. L. Pa vis. President Judge W. D. BROffH. Annociate Judge John Hkck, C. A. Hilt,. Trenxurcr Wm, SMRAimAVan. Prothonotary, Ite,gite.r Recorder, tc J CUTIS KnAWKKV. hcriir.C. W. Ci.Antt. jmiMMi'onrr II. W. Lr.DKBCB, J. 8. . ANDERSON, II. A. Zrr.NDKLL. Count Superintendent J. E. IllI.L Ani. Oi.it rict Attorney?. J. VanGiksen. Jury CommisMonera II. O. Davis, J. C RE EN AW ALT. Count 8itrveirrU. C.'WntTTKKIN. 'Corotier Pr. J. W. Morrow. County A uditornO. W. Warden, J. A. SCOTT, H. B. 8WAI.LKT. " B U SI N E S S D I R E CTO R Y . TIOUESTA LODGE MEETS every Tuesday evening, t 7 o'clock, in' the Lodgo Koom in Par rldge'Hall. R. .. OILLESPIE, N. O. I. W. RaW YER, Soc'y. 27-tf. CTavtTo ROUGE STOW TOST, t No. 274, O. A. u. Meet on the first Wednesday In eai-h month, in Odd Fellows Hall, Tionesta, To. P. S. KNOX, Commander. J. II. AO NEW. P. M. CI.ARK. AO NEW &z CLAIIK, ATTORNEY3-AT-LAW, Elm St. Tionesta, Penna. r j. van mrcsKN. J . ATTOUNEY AT LAW, And Patriot Attorney of Forest County. Ollice In Court Honsb, Tionesta, Pa. I.' L. DAVIS. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Tionesta, Pa. Collections made in thia and adjoining counties. ft 1 1 t.EM W. TATE, A I ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Elm Street, TionesU, Pa. P F. IUTCHEY ATTORNEY-AT-LaW, Tlonesla, Forest County Pa. 1 AWRENCK HOUSE, Tionesta, Pa., XJ Hi K. Brook wav. Proprietor. This li'iimo l centrally located. Everything new nnil well furnished. Supeiior Ac commodations and strict attention given t,' guests. Vegetables and Fruits of all I. bid served in their season. Sample l omn for Commercial Agents. .' CENTRAL HOUSE, Tionsta. Pa., J T. O. Jackson, Proprietor. This Is a new house, and )mh Jnxt been fitted np tor tiie neonnimodaUon i'f the public. A por tion of tho patronage of the public is solic ited. -!' 1?AST HICKORY HOTEL, I j EASl' HICKORY, Pa.. .1. W. B.w.l., Proprietor. This house is iirv and has lxen furnished with new luri.iture throughout. It is oentralloy lo cated, and has a first class barn in connect ion with it. Th tnivelinjr public will find it ii pleasant stopping place. Kirst rlaH Livery in eonncction with tho Hotel. NATIONAL HOTEL, Tldioute, Pa., W. P. liuekliu, Proprietor. A first- l is hotel in all respects, and the pleas tintust stopping plce in towu. Rates very l eiwouablo. jan8-82. MU. COOK, M. P., PHYSICIAN A SURGEON. Office on Elm Kt , near tho School Houfo, Tiouesta, Pa. AU professional 'alla promptly attcmled to. 1 W. MORROW. M. P.. .1 . rii YSICI AN A SURGEON, 1iie of Armstronit couty, having located i n Tionesta in prepared to attend all pro fessional oalla promptly and at all hours. Ottieo in Smearlmujth A C'o.'a Dew build injr, np stairs. Oftiee hours 7 to 8 A. M., end 1 1 to 12 M. ; 2 to 3 and 61 to 7i p. m. HiindavN, 9 to 10 A, M. ; 2 to 3 and Ci to 7 J v. m. ' Residemw in Fisher House, on Wahmt Street inay-18 81. WC. CORURN, M. P.. PHYSICIAN A SURGEON, Has had over fifteen years experience in the practice of hiw profession, having frrad nuted ImuIIu and honorably May 10, Jti5. Ollite and Residence in Judire Reek's bouse. onuoBite the M. E. Church, 1 iones tn, Pa. Ails. !i5-1880 TXENTISTRY. U PR. J. W. MORROW, Having purchasod tho materials Ac, of lr. Steiulman, would respwiiuny an bouncn that he will carry on the Pental nusiuesM in Tionesta, and having had over kix years siUHosKtil experience, considers liiniHcll fully eompetont to give entire sat isfaction. 1 shall always give my meai cal practice the preference. mar22-82. h. u. uir. A. B. KKtUT MA Y, PARK A) CO., B A IT K B R S ! t'otner of Elm A Walnut Sts. Tionesta. " Bank oi Discount and Peposit. 1 uterest a lowed on Time Deposits. Colleotions made on all the Principal points or the U. S. Collections solicited. 18-ly. J ORENZO FULTON, Manufacturer of and Dealer in HARNESS, COLLARS, BRIDLES, And all kinds of HORSE FURNISHING GOODS. iuay4 81 TON EST A. PA. SUBSCRIBE for the KurcBLHAh, only fj f i.50 ier annum. if C. M. KHAWKKTi BRENNAN &SHAWKEY, Real Estate Agents &, Couveyancers. Peal era in ANTHRACITE A BITUMINOUS COAL (Ofllces in Court House,) TIONESTA, FOREST COUNTY, PA. FOR SALE. 1000 acres. Warrant No. !23?1. Tlonosta Township. 3'JOacros Warrant No. 5180, Klngsley Township. 143 acros, known as "Lilllo Farm," Alle gheny Twp., Venango Co. iU acres near l'.nterprise, warren uo. 67 acres. Tionesta twp., 10 acres cleared and lit wheat and rye; small house and burn j considerable oak timber. Price f750 ; 100 down, balance In 8 years. At.ao. Houses and lota, and building lots in Tlonestn Borough for sale On easy terms. Wethavo some good bargnins on hand. ItitKNNAN OZ ESIIAWKKY. LOCAL AND MISCELLANEOUS. Condemned Tim Table Tloneata Hlatlon. NORTH. SOUTH. Train (53 11:05 am Train 10 1:4.5 pm Train 16 8:20 pm Train 15.... 7:48 am Train 18 8:10 am Train 9 3:69 pin Train 15 North, and Train 10 South carry the mail. Preaching in the Presbyterian Church next Sunday morning and evening, by He v. Ilickling. ,, Rev. Hicks will occupy the pulpit of the 11. E. Church next Sunday evening, at 7:30. Presbyterian Sabbath School at 12:30 p. m.; M. E. Sabbath School at 10 a. in. NOTICE. The votes cast for delegate to the State Convention nu the 19th iost. at the special polls for that object in the different districts of the county, to be held in the neighborhood of the various election placet in the vicinity of the township elections, will be cast and the election conducted by mem bers of tho Republican party in the usual manner of primary elections under the supervision of lire member of the Republican County Committee most convenient. Returns of the votes cast will be made out by the clciks and persons conducting said election, ami returns Ito made out and niailed to P. Munroe Clark Esq., or P. F. Whittekin,. Secretaries, Tionesta, Pa., as soon as practicable after said election, xluly certified. This mode saves holding a future spec ial election for State Delegate alone. Samuel D. Irwin, Chairman. Teaming is once more done on wheels. Floyd Proper received a valuable dog by express yesterday. Oil Market closed last night at $1,081. Opened this mnruing at 1.083. Miss Lucy and Master Albert Krech, of Corry, are paying a visit tt their sister, Mrs. Ed. Ileibel, this week. Mrs. Geo. Carr, Miss Sarah, Frank and the baby, have gone to Albany, N. Y., to visit Iriends for a few we6ks. Mr. John A. Dawson, of Stew arts Run, has been bedfast for several days with an attack of sore throat, but is now growiug better. Sucker-fishing has begun, and already we hear of several fair strings being caught. It is always in urder to catch suckers with any kind of de vice. It is stated on good authority that there will not be more than one third the amount of lumber run out of Tionesta creek this epriog that there was last. Mr. U. S. ZalinUer, of Mercer, Pa., spent a portion of last week with his brother-in-law II. M. Zahniser, at Stewarts Run, and on Wednesday paid our sanctum a pleasant visit. lion. J. B. Agnew atteuded the annual encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic at Lancaster last week, as the delegate of Capt. Stow Post of this place. He reports a large attendance aud a grand time. Chairman Irwin to-day issues a call for a meeting of the Republican County Committee for Tuesday eve ning, February 26, court week, and we hope every member will be present who can possibly make it a point to do so. McGarry's opera combination gave a very fair entertainment to a small but appreciative audience at Partridge Hall Mouday evening. The inclement weather bad much to do with the elirn attendance, but those who stayed away on. th&t account missed soae good musio apd many laogbablo jokes. J. T. BRKNNAN. The next M. E, Quarterly Meet ing for Tionesta circuit will be held at Whig Hill, Saturday evening and Sabbath, March 1st and 2d. Rev. J. M. Bray, Presiding Elder, will offi ciate. AH are cordially invited to attend. To-morrow is St. Valentine's day. There has been no deoplay of fancy chromos yet in any of the store windows, from which it may be infer red there will be little or nothing done in that line this year. The old cus tom is fast dying out. Don't forget the primaries for the election of a Delegate to the State Convention next Tuesday. Republicans in tho idflerent town ships should see that boards are or ganized in accordance with the in structions of the chairman. The Clarendon Record comes to us this week vastly improved ia typho graphical appearance and editorial excellence. Mr. B. J. Morris, the veterau of the Warren Ledger, is the new proprietor, and to say that the paper will steadily grow better under his charge, is stating but. the simple facts. Success. Who's going to be our next set of borough officials ? This is a ques tion that don't seem to bother the av erage citizen very much judging from the little talk we hear about the matter. But out people don't gener ally get much interested until the evening before the election. Let us have good and fearless officers. Mr. D. W. Clark arrived home from Macksburg, Ohio, this morning having been since last Friday morn ing on his way, owing to the impedi ments to railroad travel caused by the great floods. He has witnessed much of the devastation wrought by the flood along the Ohio, and says that the scene beggars description, and still the end is not yet. lueeday of last week Judge Hill's house, ia Hickory township, four miles above Tionesta, narrowly escaped be ing burued to the ground. The Judge had been at a neighbor's house and returned just iu time to save the building from the flames, which had gained considerable headway, after a bard fight. Had he been ten minutes later nothing could have stayed the progress of the fire. An unfinished flue was the cause. Our school directors are posting themselves on school architecture. The site for the new school building has been selected and the ground se cured. It is the lot known as the Episcopal Church Lot, containing something over an acre, and situated on Viue St., directly back from the Central House. The site is consid ered a good one, aud the locatian as easy of access as the old one, besides much more ground. Mr. Frank Witherell, of East Hickory, who has charge of the gang mill of Wheeler & Dusenbury, niet with a very painful accioant, on Sat urday forenoon last. Something hav ing gone wrong with the machinery ia the basement of the mill, Mr. W. started down to fix it, and while let ting himself dowu through a small trap door be dislocated his left shoul der. Dr. J. B. Siggins was summon ed, and the assistance of five of the largest meu about the place was re quired to pull the dislocated shoulder back into pluce, an operation which it takes an iron constitution to under go without flinching. The high water down the Ohio river has been higher still than last year. Pittsburgh and Wheeling were fio'oded last week to an extent which, to the present generation, is without precedent, while all the smaller streams which supply the upper Ohio have been bank full and overflowing. The steep bauka of the Ohio give its floods little opportunity to expend their force laterally. The uarrsw trough must carry oil' the whole vol ume of water, and the advance cur rent being obstructed by ice gorges, the river keeps catching up to itself, so to speak, gathering force and vol ume as it pours down the valley, from accumulations in the rear as well as from the countless swolen Btreams that feed every mile of its course. Cincinnati and the towns and cities below aud above it have been over taken by the great flood, which has proven even more destructive than the disastrous Ohio overflow of last year. . ; An old nurso bays; Acker'a English Remedy ia bobt for coughs, croup, diph theria, or brouchijtis. Soid by iX Vf. Vo-variL OIL NOTES. The scout's gauge of the Cooper and , Ball town districts taken last week shows a considerable increase over the previous one. The two gauges compare as are follows : Jan. 25th Feb. 8th. Cooper 2,f04 ' . Z,2li() Ralltown 3,307 , 3,9o0 Total..., 6,211 7,210 This shows an increase of one thou sand barrels. The greatest increase comes from the Balltown district, and includes the torpedoed production of eleven wells. On the Cooper tract nine wells were torpedoed between the two gauges. The McCalmcnt well was reported on Saturday, to be doing a little more than two hundred barrels a day. No new wells are expeetei in be fore Thursday afternoon or Friday morning. The Porter No. 6 went through the gas sand last night. It is located a little south of east of No. 5, (tho producing well), and not on as good a line to catch the rich streak as No. 5. The well at Russel's mills, Kiogsley township, will be completed before many days, no bad luck overtaking it. On Saturday we learned it was down about teu hundred feet. Should thia well prove a good one another immense territory will be opened up. The Hunter well near Tionesta depot was again torpedoed last Wednesday, in the hope of bringing forth the much-coveted grease, but we are sor ry to state that she didn't respond ' to any great extent. The owners are now engaged in tubing the well as it is hoped to make a fair pumper of it. River and Harbor Convention. Washington, D. C, Feb. 4, '84. Republican : Perhaps 'a tew 'lines from this section may be of interest to the readers of your valaable paper, hence I pen the following : Hon. A. Cook and myself arrived here on the eve of the 4th to attend, as delegates of Western Pennsylvania, the National River and Harbor Con vention, called to convene in Lincoln Hall at Washington, D. C, on Febr'y 5th. Western Pennsylvania was fur ther represeuted by delegates from Pittsburgh, Allegheny City, Parker, Franklin, Oil City, and DuBois. As per the call about 500 delegates, representing the major part of the States and Territories of the U. S., convened in Lincoln Hall at 12 m. on the 5th. A temporary organiza tion was first obtaiueu by the election of Governor W. D. Washburn, of Minn., as Chairman. The Gover nor made a neat address, thanking the Convention for the honor bestowed, and declaring the Necessity of the im provement of the Mississippi river and its great tributaries "so as not only to float the commerce of the country, but that, it might always remain a link and bond of good will between the sections." Various committees were then appointed, and your corre spondent had the great honor of rep resenting our glorious old Common wealth of Penn'a as a member of the "committee on Rules and1 Regulations" to govern the action of the Conven tion. A permanent organization was ef fected by the election of ex-Governor E. O. Stannard, of St Louis, Presi dent ; C. C. Sheets, et al, Vice Presi dents ; and Geo. L. Wright, of Mo., Secretary. The object ef this the greatest river convention ever held in the U. S. is the improvement of the Mississippi and the tributaries, and to solicit Congress to make the necessary appropriation that snch object may be attained. Many forcible and eloquent addresses were delivered by prominent business men and statesmen (dele gates) declaring the importance of our great water ways, and the necessity of their being improved and maintained as a check on railroads. Congress cannot ignore the expression of this Convention, usd I am satisfied will pass a liberal appropriation bill. Ar thur Kirk, of Pittsburgh, Pres'tof the Western Penn'a River Improvement Association, presented certain resolu tions, setting forth the great resources of the Allegheny, and the necessity of Congress recognizing it by just ap propriation. Western Penn'a pays annually into the National Ireasury an immense revenue, and whenever its citizens wake up to this fact, and re alize the importance of organized act ion, as well as strong representation in Conventions of this kiud, just that oou and no soo'uer will it be justly recognized. Thia morniDg at 10 o'clock the President received the delegates in the East room of the White House. We received a dignified but genial recep tion, which was appreciated by all. Oa making our exit from the White Ilonse wo met a file of soldiers bear iog aloft the glorious stars and stripes, and, I am happy to say that the old flag was honored by earnest, hearty and prolonged applause from the Southern as well as the Northern voice. Such actions confirms one's belief that the great and good men of the North and South have indeed blotted out the animosity of the past, and that we are again one nation, in sympathy and universel accord. Washington is a grand and beau tiful city, and is an honor and credit to our progressive nation. All at present. Yours, Sam'l W. Calvis. Clarington Cullings. Rev. Framton has been conducting a very successful series of revival meetings at tbeM. E. church. While the sleighing was good the attendance was large and much good will doubt less be the result. ' , , The recent rains and thaws- caused a swelling of the streams and started he ice in the Clariou river; at this writing it had not gone out, but it will have gone ere this reaches you. Oui school is going on finelj under Mr. Miller's tutorship. . Robert Lawson is teaching the Maze school this winter and J. H. McLean the Greenwood school. Both are. highly spoken of as teachers. Dr Caldwell is making liniment these ddys, which he claims as a very superior article. , Samuel Ward, while cutting logs the other day, gave his knee a 'slight cut, but is again able to be around. W. R. Coon and wife have return ed from a week's visit with friends in your vicinity. ' The wife of James Brandon is ly; ing ill at present, with little or no hopes of her recovery,. Mr. James Arwin is in .very poor health. ' ' . ' Grand-mother Maze, who is stay ing with her son Jacob, is also very poorly with heart disease. Our old friend David Altman is feeling quite jubilant over the fact that he is now getting his pension. Miss Myrtie Maze contemplates attending school at . Day toe, Arm strong county, in the spring. A fellow of our acquaintance got five "mittens" from one girl last week, and 'twan't a very cold week either. Feb. 8, 1884. Old Tramp. Lineville Lines. A social hop was gone through with one night last week at Mr. Cpnfer's, All present report a good time. E. P. Williams says he would be greatly obliged if that fellow from Lineville would give bis name a rest in regard to law.. John Marsh is home from Hickory Mr. II. Kapp, owner of the famous "stepper" is having things made, live ly for him by some boys who are not bothered much by motives of con science. ' '. Given for the askiug H. L. Miller's receipt for coloring indigo blue. He also will furnish, free of cost, one of the ingredients, provided those wish ing the same will call on him after he arrives home from Fryburg Pa. For further particulars address II. L. Miller, dealer in coloring implements, etc., Venus, Pa. Protracted meeting will commence in the M. E. cburch soon. Sleighing is gone, and the disap pointed are not a few who wished to atteud the ball at Tionesta on the 22d. Valentine day is approachiug, aud numerous are the oue cent articles which are goiag the rouuds. Wm.SilzIe, in a brilliant speech, won the debate the last evening of society. The question was "Resolved, that free-trade principles should be encouragnd." Mr. Silzle had the af firmative Bide. The schools are progressing finely and little if any thing is being said concerning the teachers. A good sign we think. S. J. Beck a pupil iu ooe of our schools has been ueo-named King Philop, on account of his proficiency in history. He is no slouch in this branch, aud we knew he would pass as good au examination in it as some who make fun of him. Boys make men. Lank. Fab. 11, 1884. A full line of Notions, Man's Ladies' and Misses Rubbers; Also choice Oranges just received at 25 and 35 cents per doz. Wra. Smear- bangh & Co. 2t MARRIED. BENSON ROBINSON At Marienville, February 1, 1884, by Rev. John Sallada, Mr. P. W. Benson of Armstrong coun ty,' and Miss Josephine Robinson, of Marienville, Forest county, Pa. .. COMMISSIONERS' SALE OF LANDS. BY VIRTUE of various Acin of Assem bly of the Common wealth of Pennsyl vania made and provided, we. the under- sifrnod Commissioners of Forest County,' win expose to sale oy public vendue or outcry at the Court 'House, in Tionesta Borough, on TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 2(1, 1884, at 1? o'clock p. m., the following described tracts of laud, viz : HICKORY TWP. Acres. To Whom Assessed. 1-71 Union A Cherry Run Oil and Mining Co. HARMOP.Y twp. ' 100 Good Hope Pet. Co. 175 Davis Wra " 1J Johnson S A i Nelll VV C, doo'd. t . . . TIONESTA TWP. Island 3 JCShaw, fl Hunter " -2 John Whitman 123 Hatfield A Co. ' . . ' ' . , , H. W. Ledebur, James Hesiersok, ' , UkNRY A.' ZUtSDEL, . Attest, Co. Commissioners. J. T. Brennan, Clerk. ,' APPEAL NOTICE. Commissioners' Office of J Forest County. Tionhsta,.Pa., Veb. 4, 1884. Notice is hereby given that the Com missioners of Forest County will meet at their otlice, in the Court House, at Tio nesta, on tho third and fourth of March, next, for the purpose of holding a Court ot Appeals for the assessment of 1884. By order tf Commissioners. Jab. T. Brennak, Clerk. Executors Notice. Estate of Amza Purdy, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned have been appointed Executors of the laat will and testament of Amza Purdy, late of Green township, Forest county, Pa., do ceased, and all persons indebted to said estate or having claims against the same are notified to make settlement at once, W. B. HEATH, , LUCY PURDY, ' - " - Executors. Starr, Forest Co., Pa., Jan. 5, .1884. License Notice. . Notice is hereby given that the follow ing applications for Licensn have been tiled in my otlice and will be presented at next session of Court: . 1. T C. Jackson, hotel, Tionesta Bor- uuuu. 2. John g. Caldwell, hotel, Byrom Sta tion, Jenks Township. . ' 3. Johu Regan, 'hotel, 'Howe Township. JUSTIS SHAWKEY, Clerk. Tionesta, Feb'y 4, 1884. Confirmation Notice. Notice it hereby given 1 that the fol lowing accounts have been filed in my of fice, and will Vie presented at February Term of Court for Confirmation : Triennial account of W. A. Dusenbury, Guardian of Matha heirs. Account of D. S. Knox, Guardian of Lillie Hilands. Account of Thos. and F. D. Flynn, Ad ministrators of James Flynn, deceased. JUSTIS SHAWKEY. Register. Tionesta, Pa., January 14, 1884. TRIAL. LIST. Causes set down for trial in the Court of Common Plena of Forest County on the Fourth Monday ol February, A. D. 18S4: 1. J. E. Blaine vs. Henry Swaggart, No. 6 February term, 1879. 2. N. Myers, Cashier vs. Justis Shawj key, No. 7 February term, 1882. 3. H. P. Ford vs.'O. W. Proper, No. 53 September term, 1882. 4. Robert Gil more vs. A. J. Landers it Co., No. 42, December term, 1882. 5. John Cobb it Co. vs. Richard B. Wil. lis. No. 20 May term, 1883. ' ' 1 ' 6. J. H. Wilson vs. William Morgan,' No. '.8 Soptember term, 1883. ,. lioo. Jl. nepierior use oi ueo. y.xu Vard vs. Justis Shawkey, No. 33 Septem ber term, 1883. 8. H. P. Ford vs. O. W. Proper, No. 41 September term, 1883. U. John Thomson vs. Jacob Range et al, No. 47 Sept. term, 1883. 10. Peter Berry et al vs. L. F. Watson et al, Not 48 Sept. term, 188;!. 11. JohnS. Davis et al vs. Peter Berry et al, No. 61 Sept. term, 1883. 12. E. M. Southwick vs. The AnchorOH Co. & ileber Bros., No. 03 Sept. torm, 1S83. . 13. James Fitgoralds vs. George Eich ner, No. 60 Sept. term, 1883. 14. V. Bvrom A Co. vs. James B. Wat son, No. 61 September term. 1883. l.". John Mclntyrevs. Andrew McCray A Hannah McCray, No. 74 Sept, torm, .1883. 16. Rufus Dodge vs. Mahouey A Will- ' iams, No. 75 Sept. term, 1H83. 17. Robert MoCloskey et al vs. J. H. Rvder et al, No. 1 Deo. term. 1883. "18. Enterprise Transit Co. vs. P. J. Swain, No. 27 Deo, term, 1883. JUSTIS SHAWKEY, Prothouotary. Tionesta, Pa., January 14, 1884. OLD COUNTRY TEA HOUSE. Largest and most complete Wholesale and Retail Tea and Family Grocery west of New York. HOUSEKEEPERS ATTENTION. TN- DUt'EMEN TS EXT KAORD1NARY. Freight paid within KXl miles of Pitta burgh on all orders of $23 and over, or a discount of 3 per cent, to parties living any further distance. Parties not wishing to purchase $25 worth at one time, can purchase with an other family, and we will pay the freight. And Stilt Another Feature : In making shipments of goodn we inclose amount or expnces to you, in commotion with registering money or ob taining P. O. money order or bank draft ; also, amount of postuge in mailing, etc. On this plan you arc put to uo expense whatever. Tllo goods are packed and bhippod to your station, thus putting you on an equal footing with our city custom ers. Send lor the "ilousekecpersGuiile" a book of 21 pages, giving prices on every article we carry in stock. Please send vour address and the book will bo sent "free. WM. HASLAGE A HUN, IS lm uiond Square, Pittsburgh, Pa. Jan'il e4 ly Dr. Kline's Grunt Nerve Restorer is the marvel of the ago tor all Nerve Dis eases. All his stopped free. Send to Arch St., Pbiluda. ep2l-81U