The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, February 13, 1884, Image 2

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    J. E. WENIC, ...
I WCD.VESDAT M0RN1""C, FEB. 1!, 1S84.
Our rates for announcing candidates
for Delegates to the Stato Convention will
be ?2, strictly cash in advance.
SAMUEL D. IRWIN. Esq., of Tionos
. ta, will be a candidate for Delegate to the
Repulbican State Convention, to bo voted
for on February 10,
Republican County Committee.
Tho following' named gentlemen
constituting said committeo, are res
pectfully requested lo meet at my
office on Tuesday eveuing, February,
2G, at 7 o'clock, to transact important
business relative to the campaign of
1884. As it is an important meeting
let there bo a good attendace:
- Harnett Twp Wm. It. Coon. '
Jonks J. J. Parsons. ,
Howe, upper A.P.Anderson.
Howe, lower L. Agnew.'
Hickory L. Keister.
Hickory, Braceville E. Witherell.
. Harmony, upper P. C, Blocher.
Harmony, lower John Thompson.
Green-rLyman Cook.
Kingsley Geo. V. Osgood.'
Tionesta Wmi Lawrence.
Tionesta Boro F. F. Whittekiu.
Let us thoroughly organize for this
' important campaign.
Samuel D. Irwin. Chairman.
Tionesta, Pa., Feb'y 11, 1884.
An exchange thinks that Howitt's
Presidential boom has been slain by
the weapon which Samson used so ef
fectively against the Philistines.
Morrison's tariff scaling bill has
been born, but in less.tban a week
many emiuent statesmen will be wish
ing it hadn't. It will be an offspring
to make life a buiden for its parents.
The bill, redisricting the State of
Ohio for Congressional purposes be
came a law last Tuesday. It gives the
Democrats twelve districts and the
Republicans nine. That's the way
the Democrats do when they have ac
cidental control of a Kepublicon
An exchange, says': It is unoffici
ally announced by an officer in high
standing in the National Guard that
the annual encampment will be held
in August, commencing on the 2nd
and ending on the 9th, and also there
is every indication that there will be a
division encampment and to he held
at Pittsburgh.
The Cabinet of the New York
Times, has been revised by sending
Attorney-General Brewster as' minis
ter to France, putting Levi P. Morton
in Secretary Folger'd place and mak
ing Folger attorney general. It may
be proper to add to this announce
meat that no changes are contem
plated in President Arthur's Cabinet
deutial boom gets a little shove from
the Peoria Democrat, which comes
out flat footed for his nomination. It
thinks that the Democratic party
has been trying long enough to get
into power through tricks and that it
had better try the honesty dodge once
So it wauts Mr. Morrison nominated
on the platform of an honest man.
Judge Acheson,, rendered a dec!
sion in the United States Court at
Pittsburgh, last week, which is of con-
- siderable interest ti rivermen. It is to
the effect that while it is the recog'
f raized law that moving crafts are re'
quired to keep out of the way of sta
tionary vessels, the latter should be
anchored in such a way as to inter-
fare with navagation as little as poss
f ible. When any loss occurs through
: negligence in this matter the owner or
owners of the anchored vessels are
liable for damages.
The Democratic Tariff.
If there is to be action on the tariO
at this session itis likely to be the
hill which has been introduced in tb
House by Morrison though it could
not get the endorsement of a majority
of the committee of which he is
chairman. This fact is quite nignifi
caut, as suggesting the measure of
unity existing in the party. Morri
eon, determined to make his bid for
the Presidency, lets tbem go when
they refuse to go with him and
, strikes out on his own book. If the
theory of the free traders is correct
e do not know but bis bill is as cor-
.reel as any that is likely to be devised.
Twenty per cent, reduction from the
present low tariff, on all onr most
important manufactures, and the abo
lition of specific duties entirely in all
cases where the advalorura system can
be made to apply, This, if we are not
mistaken will make the rate of duties
lower by a considerable margin than
those of Walker's tariff of 1846 and
about the same as the last Democratic
tariff that of 1857. The effect of it
may be illustrated by the result in one
kind of goods. The tariff of last
March reduced the duties on steel
railway bars to $17.00 per ton, and
the result wad that the importation
was largely increased. This bill will
reduce it to $13.60 per ton and be
substantially no protection at all.
How they expect to reduce the reve
nue by a bill that must substantially
close the mills, unless it be by mak
ing the country so poor our people
cannot buy, is a puzzle to all unless
it may be to the free trade journals.
Of course thi egregious1 folly cannot
become a law, until the Democrats
control the Senate and the President
as well as the House but suppose they
Buccecd this fall then it will be real
ized. Well as to what the working-
men and farmer?, without whose help
they cannot succeed, may expect as
the result of their victory they have
only to look back to the very last
loan a Democratic administration
asked tor, we think to meet the ex
penses of Harney's Mormon expedi
tion. Five millions was wanted, and
average bid was 12 per ceBt interest.
No borrowing then by the nation of
hundreds of millions at 3 per cent,
bat 12 per cent asked for $5,000,000.
Wise and astute statesman. Patri
otic party, full of faith in the folly
of the people indeed they are if they
believe tbey will be intrusted with
power. Jlarrubnrg Telegraph.
Mercantile Appraiser's Notice.
Return of Mercantile Assessment of
Forest County, Fa., for the year 1884 :
Class. Tax.
Poarsall A Co., gen'l. merchadise...l4 $7 00
Pearsall A Co., patent medicines... 4 6 00
W. Patterson fc Bro. general mer-
cnauuise 14 7 00
.T. Miles Pierce, cen'l merebandiseH 7 00
Peter Gadley groceries 14 7 00
A. Cook, general merchandise. 14 7 00
II. W. Ledebur, merchant mill 14 7 00
T, D. Collins, general merchandise.14 V 00
John Woodcock, hotel 5 CO 01
J . Machesnev, general merchandise 14 7 00
uunn C Turner, gonl merchandise.14 7 00
T. J. Bowman, gen'l merchandise..l2 13 50
B. Hadley, 2 billiard tables 40 00
Chambers fc Son, general mer
chandise 14 7 po
W. A. Fitts, general merchandise..l4 7 00
Alfred Short, general mercliandise.14 7 00
Wheeler A Dusenbury, geueral
merchandise 14 7 00
Sigworth it Amsler, general mer
chandise 14 7 00
Campbell A Curll, gen'l merchan
dise H 700
II. II. Hullers. gen'l merchandise.14 7 00
I. J. Kyner, general merchandlHe.14 7 00
W. By rom A Co, gen'l merebandiseH 7 00
F. M. Koek, general inorchandise..l4 7 00
W. II. 1' rost, general merchandise.14 7 00
A. P. Aoderson, gen'l merchandised 7 00
Wagner, McClune & Co., general
merchandise 14 7 00
W. Evans, hotel 5 50 00
S. O. McLain, hardware 14 7 00
John Keagan, hotel 5 50 00
II. Davidow, clothing, 14 7 00
8. B. Robertaon, gen'l merchandised 10 00
John J. Cleary, hotel 5 60 00
Jjewis B Boyle, hotel 5 50 00
Dan. Rogers, gen'l merchandise.. .14 7 00
P. H. Manning, 8 billiard tables 50 00
C. A. Myers, groceries....; 14 7 00
C. W. Hawks, gen'l merehandise..l3 10 00
W. II ottel, hardware 14 7 00
W. Hottel, patent medicines 4 5 00
O. W. Hawks, hotel 5 50 00
C. W. Hawks, 2 billiard tables 40 00
Justis Shawkcj', gen'l merchandised 7 00
Wheeler, Dusenbury t Co., gener
al merchandise 14 7 00
Eli Berlin, groceries 14 7 00
Robinson & Bonner, general mer
chandise 10 20 00
II. J. Ilopkius A Co., general mer
chandise 10 20 00
T. C. Jachsou, hotel 5 so 00
Ed. Ueibol, hardware 14 7 00
John T. Carson, variety store 14 7 00
O. W. Bovard, groceries 13 10 00
O. W. Bovard, patent medicines... 4 5 00
Haslet A Sons, gen'l merchandise.14 7 00
Frank Walker, 3 billiard tables 50 00
A. Carson, boots and shoos 14 7 00
Wm. Smearbaugh A Co., general
merchandise 13 10 00
H. 8. Brockway, hotel 60 00
H. 8. Brockway, 2 billiard tables.. 40 00
Appeals will be hold at the County
Commissioners Oilice, Tionesta, Pa., ou
the 20th dav of February, A. 1). 1884.
Mercantile Appraiser.
Tionesta, Pa., Jan. 16, 1884.
Whereas, Tho Hon. W. D. Brown,
President Judge of the Court of Common
Pleas and Quarter Sessions in and for
the county of Forest, has issued his pre
cept for holding a Court of Common Pleas
Quarter Sessions, ifcc. at Tionesta, for
tho County of Forest, to commence on the
Fourth Monday of February, being the
25th daj of Feb., 1881 Notice is therefore
given to the Coroner, Justice of the Peace
and Constables of said county, that they be
then and there in their proper persons at
ten o'clock, A. M., of said day, with their
records, inquisitions examinations and
other remembrances, to do those things
which to their olhces appertain to bedone,
and to those who are bound in recognizance
to prosecute against the prisoners that are
or shall be in the jail of Forest County, thit
they be then and there present to prosecute
against them as shall be just. Given un
der my hand and seal this 20th day ol
Januauy, A. D. 1881.
C. W. CLARK, Sheriff.
BY VIRTUK of ft writ or Levari Facias
Issued out of tho Orphans' Court
of Forest County, Pennsylvania, and
to mo directed, there wi'l bo exposed
to rain by public venduo or outcry, at the
Court Houso in the Borough of Tionesta,
at lOo'clock A. M., the following described
real estate, to-wit:
No. 1, February Term, 1884, O. C. Irfra
vl Facias. Spoof it S.D.Irwin, Attorneys,
All tho right titlo, interest and claim' of
Rebecca Culbortson. J. M, Darland, Ida
M. Darland, Sadio Darland, Harry Dar
land. Elir.. Owens, Susan Young, "liouisa
B. Ritchev, Lizzie Ritchey, James P. Ca
rothers, Eliza Thompson, Marv Hough,
Mary J. Noreross, June Vnnkirk, Edward
Carothors, Caroline Carol hers, J. O. Ca
rothers, Caroline Hpad, Harry S. Woods,
Mrs. Jane P. Carothors, Mary J. Woods,
Mrs. Jane Carothers, John C. Carothors,
W. E. Carothers, Robert T. ('Brother,
Harry Smith and Brown Smith in hands
of D.'lf. Ewing, thoir guardian ad litem,
residuary legatees, under will of Hunter
Ritchey, deceased, of in and to vheso cer
tain tracts of real estate situate in tho
township of Barnett, Forest county, Penn
sylvania, bounded and described as fol
lows, viz;
1. All that portion of warrant No. 3148
beginning at a sugar north-west corner of
tract, thence by original lino of tract, east
348 porches to 'hemlock, thence south by
E. Shippon's part of sanin tract, 803.5
porches to post, thence by E. 11. Davis
l . (;. Johnson land 318 perches to a post,
thence north by original west line of tract
303.5 perches to beginning. Containing 7-15
acres 1 10 perchos more or less, beinir tho
same landconveved bv II, Shippen's Trus
tees 10 Kitciiey, 1'inKDine K Co. (See rtood
book Vol. 5, page 177, Recorder's Oflice,
jjorest county.)
2. Also that certain tract bcirinninsr at
a post corner of laud now or late W. II.
Chapman, thence by same north 122.3
perches to hemlock, thence bv land now
or late S, W. Payne east 154.7 perches to a
post, thence by same south 122,3 perches
10 post, tnence ly J . s. KicharUs lot west
154.7 perches to beginning. Containing
118 acres more or less, being part of War
rant 3312, and same propertv convevod bv
J. O. Brandon by doed dated Oct. 7, 1807,
(Recorded in Forest Co., "in Deed Book
No.4, jae 612) to Ritchey, Finkblne SCo,
3. Also, all that certain lot or tract bo
ginning at a point on lino of property now
or late of Forbes A Ilenson at corner of
land sold by Ritchey, Finkbine A Co. to
W. R. Coon, thence aloiur lino of Forbes
and Henson east 132.4 porches to hemlock
on south sido of Maple creek, thonce south
it 4 pereiics to a post, thenco west 34.4
perchos to a point, thence along W. R.
Coon's lino north 50 perches, thence north
westwardly 100 perches to a point, thence
along W. R. Coon's land west 30 perches
to point, thence along same 42 perches to
beginning. Containing 80 acres 3J perches
more or less, being part of property con
veyed by J. R, Steele to J. (J. Brandon
Dec. 8, 18(54, who afterwards conveyed to
Ritchey, Finkblne A Co.
4. Also, that certain tract known as tho
"Maple Creek Mill Lot," described as fob
lows: Bosinninir at a post on south side
of road 11 lect west of tho west end of tho
Maple Creek Bridge, thence north 10 de
grees west to post and stono on line run
ning east from pine coi nor 105 perchos,
thenco south 8Ui decrees east 25 perches to
a hemlock, theuce south 10 degrees east
21 porches to burnt pine stump, thenoo
Bouin buj tiegrees zu perctios to nemiocK,
thence north to a board on tho east end ' of
the dam, thence following the old line
south 89J degrees cast 14(1 perchos to post,
thense south 32 degrees oast 35.5 perches
to post and stones, thence south 411 de
grees west to a post at Clarion River 70
perches, thence north 53J dogrees west to
post on west bank of Maplo Creek at its
mouth 125 perches, thence 11 feet west of
Bridge, place of beginning. Containing
12t acres more or less, being part of war
rant No. 6701 j excepting one acre out of
south eat corner 20 rods at tho river and
8 rods back heretofore conveyed to Whito
lock. 5. Also, that other lot, be-rinning at the
southeast corner at a beech sapling, thence
by Davis land north 287.2 perches to a
post, thence by tract No. 3148 north 88 de
grees and 40 minutes west 256 perches to a
post, thenco along the west line of tho
tract south 288 perches to post and stones,
thonce south 881 degrees east 250 perches
to the placo of beginning, containing 431
acres and 144 perches more or loss, being
part of tract No. 3144.
6. Also, that othor lot, beginning at a
hemlock on south-east corner of lot run
ning north 187 and 3-10 rods across Ma
ple creek to a laural, thenco west 111 rods
to a stono pile, thence south 87 acres and
3-10 rods to Brandon's line, thence east
111 rods to the place of beginning, con
taining 1221 acres and allowance reserving
a strip oil' from tho west side of caul lot 15
rods in width troina: to the nart v of the
second part all tho timber to bo taken oil
at his pleasure.
7. Also, that other lot in tho township
of Barnett and county of Jotlerson, be
ginning at a post on the beach of Clarion
river nearly opposite the boat bcalfold
above the mouth of Maplo crock, thence
south 100 rods to a pine stump, thence
north 8'.iJ degrees west 140 roils to Clarion
river, thence up river beach 271 rods to
placo of beginning, containing 10i acres
more ar less being that part of 5701 of Al
berts' lands lying in Jctierson and Forest
counties, itecorued in forest county in
leed Book 4 page 243 and deed of Execu
tors of Duvid Ritchey to Hunter Ritchey,
recorded in Jellerson counlv in Heed book
Vol. 41 page223,dc .with the buildings and
improvements on toe samo with tho ap
purtenancos, and the improvements there
on consisting of water power taw mill, a
uoammg ana dwelling nouso aurt other
buildings and about 50 acres cleared land.
Seized and taken in execution as tiie
property of tho said Rebecca Culbertson
et al., residuary legatees. Ac. as aforesaid
under and by virtue of a decree of the Or
phans' Court of Allegheny county, as of
me wrpnans uourt ol f orest county, ac
cording to tho form und cllbct of the' Acts
of Assembly in such caso made and pro
vidod upon the petition of The Pittsburgh
and Allegheny Home for the Friendless.
TERMS OF SALK. One-third of the
purchase money mt)t bo paid as soon as
me property is KllouKeil down, otherwise
it will ;'.ir:iiii ,Avni,Lul
duo must he paid within thrue days there
alter and bctoro acknowledgment of Sher-
ia 's Deed.
C. W. CLARK. Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, Tionesta, Pa., January
Administratpr's Notice.
day been appointed Administrator of the
monv Towihin. flaceaNfiL Ami nil iipr.
sons owing said Estate or' having bills
against tiiu Kama will present same
Doe. 15, 1SH1. Perry, Forest Co., 1
Administrator's Notice.
The undersigned have been appointed
Administrators of Estate of Hiram Osgood,
deceased, and all persons owiinr said es
tate, or having bills against tho same, will
present same lor settlement.
Tloneuta, Px, Doe. 7, 1BS3.
1883. FALL &
Fall is here and Winter fast approaching, and Comfoi tahllity Is tho
next thing in order, and we are happy to inform our friends in For
est County that we Rro prepared to supply that want at as Low
Trices as tho same quality of GooiIh can be produced In Western
Pennsylvania. We inuite you to Inspect our Slock before making
your purchases, as we will SAVE YOU MON E Y. We buy Largo
Quantities of Goods for Spot Cash, and having Two Stores to supply
and buy together when Quantity comes in question to pot the Price,
and boing all workers and having no Idlo men to ftipport, and not
being compelled to live on tho profits of any 0110 line of business. wo,
aro confident that wo will and can SELL YOIT MORE GOODS FOR
uTisHiiiNra- o-ooids,
0? ?nMTiw.ujwcm
N. S. FOREMAN, Treasurer of Forost County, iu Mi-count with tho Funds of said
Countj' for the year ending January 7, 1SS4.
To balance last settlement ?U,419 65
Torec'dtrom Green tp. on ac-
count of Sarah Shonn.lunatio 1G3 2.1
To ree'd for county hinds re
deemed 224 4(1
To ree'd from Shapero for junk . 1J 32
lo rec a irom 11. W. jjeitebur ou
ac't of John Clary, lunatic... 300 00
To seated lands returned county
tax 18S2 fj)5 71
To roe'd from G. W. Zcnts for
brick 3 00
To ree'd from II. M. Foreman
for brick 3 25
To seated lands 1KS3, county tax 0,4!4 47
To seated lands 1883, county tax 2i 80
To roc' d from Harmony tu. 'on
ac't of M. Callinan. lunatic.. 357 75
To sixty day list. 1883 253 20
To ree'd from Robingon&Ronner
for redemption of land 17 03
To balance due ou Stuto account 382 64
18,)80 41
JN. a. JJOUAiMAN, lreasurer of Forest County, in aooount with the funds ofthe
monweaitii ior me year
To balance last settlement
(530 20
To state tax 1883
25(1 ti'J
?7SG 6! &780 89
N. S. FOREMAN, Treasurer of Forest county, in account with the Redemption Fund
oi said County for tho year ending January 7, 18!I.
To balance last settlement 2,393 IS By paid Individuals fdOl 12
To rccd from individuals Oss 45 By transfer rod to Win. Sniear-
baugli, Treasurer 2,420 51
$3,081 63
COMMISSIONERS of torost County, in
To county orders drawn $109 80 By 40 days' service ,,..
By 2V"i miles tn.vcl
$109 80
To county orders drawn $109 80 By 49 days' service
By 22s miles travel....
$1(59 80
To county orders drawn $134 80
$134 80
C. W. CLARK, Shoriff of Forest County, in
10 county orders drawn $392 90
JUSTIS SIIAWKEY, Prothonotarv of Forest County, In account lor tho yir ending
January 7, 1881.
To county orders drawn $24 1 85 By fees $24185
We, the undersigned Auditors of Forest County, do hereby
certify that we met al the Commissioners' Office, in said county, accordl'i.J Uj law, mid
did Biuiit and adjust the several accounts of ttie Treasurer, Sherill', Prothonouiry, and
County Commissioners for tho year ending January 7, 1884, and find them as set forth
in tho ioregoing report. In testimony wtieroof we have hereunto bet our bauds and
seals this 18th day of January, A. D. 1884. '
G. W. WARDEK, LS.) "
.4, L T ' , R.B. SWALLMY, L S.I County Auditors.
Attest J. T. Brensak, Clerk, JAMES A. SCO IT, L S.J J
EXPENDITURES of Forest County
Treasurer's commission $120 82
Witness fees, Ac 0 00
Auditors and Clerk Ill 40
Counsel fees 122 64
County Commissioners 474 40
County Commissioners Clerk 720 00
Cat and fox bounty 244 30
Jury fee'. 1378 27
Jury Commissioners and Clerk Oil 30
Assessors , 327 50
Printing 655 45
Constables and Tipstaves 2(il 98
Court Crier 52 50
Road view 422 07
Fuel and lights ,., 209 79
401 00
00 53
203 09
172 80
789 81
Common wealth costs.
Books and stationery
Warren Hospital
Shenlf's fees
302 99
Prothonotary's fees 241 85
FINANCIAL STATEMENT of Forest County, for year ending January 7, 1884.
Balance due on County account and transferred to Wm. Smearbaugh, Treas.. $8,455 93
Seated lands returned for 1883 407 60
l ounty taxes on unseateu minis ior 1883 3 444 7a
Due by Harmony township on account of M. Callinan, lunatic......... '3.JS 07
Due by Green township on account of John Clary, lunatic 104 78
Duu by Tionesta borough on account of Samuel Haw thorn, lunatic UiO 14
Due by Tionesta township on account of
Duo l;y Hickory township on account of
$13,314 62
Libabllities NONE
Forest county, ss:
. ,. , Pursuant to law we the undersigned Commissioners of For
est County, publish the foregoing exhibit of the receipts and expenditures of said
County, ior the year ending January 7. 1884. Witness jur hmulu n.l u.i.iii.i.)ut ,1.,.
u''i"i iiuiiiM'iUouin, 1 li n
By c&untv orders redeemed, 13 S 205 08
By seated lands returned bv col-
437 2(5
180 19
By exonerations allowed collec
tors ,
By 3i per cent on jii.2tl5.08 coun
ty orders redeemed 321 27
By 31 per cent on $iiul.l2 re
demption money paid 21 14
Hy 31 per cent on M.2 Tionesta
bor. poor order redeemed 11
By credit on balance of school
fund of Tionesta borough 43
By amount transferred to Wm.
Smcai baiij-h, Co. Trousurer . $8,455 03
(8(i 41
ending January 7, 1884.
By publishing Mercantile
praiser'a list for 1882...,
$23 PO
129 68
232 50
18 11
882 U4
By Stale Treas,
20. 1883
rocoipt, June
By State Treas. receipt, Sept,
5, 1883 ..
By 5 per cent on 302.24
By charged in county account..,
$3,081 03
account for tho year ending January 7, 18S1.
$1 17 00
22 80
$109 80
$147 00
22 80
$109 80
By 37 days' service $ut CO
By 238 miles travel 23 80
$131 80
account for tho year ending Jan. 7, 1881.
By fees $392 99
for the year ending January 7, 1884.
Janitor R3 ft.
BridKe repairs J212 48
1'ostage and box rent 17 92
Collectors' commission 324 27
Expenses . ho
Court Auditor for 1882 and 1883 20 00
Stenographer 180 00
Refunding orders 415 oi
District Attorney 35 00
Coroner 31 49
Western Penitentiary.. 65 44
Lunacy cases 87 7,-,
County Institute 07 00
Appeals 7s 84
New Indices 291 75
Sale of Stray 2(1 60
Reward for Bush boys , 35 00
Depositions in Coojk Estate and Ag
new V, Bogers ciiao 11 5Q
Transcribing Treasurer's Unseated
Land Book 30 00
Andrew Salsgiver, lunatic.
Olive Noble lunatic
145 19
89 25
TESTABLE IN EFFEtfrNoy. 18, 188,1.
WPBtwiud. III v F.Tf f)Tv 1 JTo n7" Eastward.
r. m.
8 00
4 38
4 27
3 10
P. M.
P. M.
2 3.
12 13
t2 02
A. M.
A. M., P. M.
8 ;"! 8 W
12 It 11 Al
12 4o:i2 40
2 ()0;tl"30
I', M A. M.
I'. M.lA, M.
3 10 7 00
13 31!
7 60
4 Mil
4 20
13 10
A. M.
ar Pittsburgh lv
I in ker
Fox burg
ar.. l'ranklin.. lv
CM. I P. M.
12 4.r. 0 20
12 07, tS 58
11 54118 M
II 4'tS47
II 17 U '
ar... oil
...l"a!.'lo Rock...
.. Triinkovvlllo..
...Thompson ...
Irvlneton ...
lv. ..
13 40. 7 23
13 42 17 SI
1 45
1 30
11 22
I 10
12 50
12 35
12 14
11 40
A. M.
10 00
A. M.
1 1 30
1 1 05
10 47
10 42
10 20
10 10
9 55
9 44
9 27
9 20
10 62 8 121
10 38 IS 031
4 00
4 15
7 48
8 03
8 II
8 24
8 44
9 05
9 20
9 60
10 15 7 60
4 30
9 4
17 2S
7 10
0 49
0 15
P. M.
lf4 64
9 15
6 16
5 r.o
tl 00
A. M.
P. M
p. m.Ia. m .
8 0(ill35
P. M..U. M.
0 10:1(1 m
ft .12! 10 32
0 45' 10 37
0 51 10 42
7 05 10 67
7 21 11 12
7 35.11 2H
7 4li:il S7
11 62
8 10,12 00
P.M.I M.
4 2(:iv 'Brndlbr,! nr
A. M.I P. M.
11 30 0 19
ar...Kinznn.. .lv
10 14
9 4H
9 20
8 51
7 50
7 HI
0 62
0 15
0 no
A. M.
5 4't Corvdon
5 30 ....Wo'.f Run....
f 31 Quaker Bridge.
5 17 ...Boil House....
5 04 ... Salamanca....
4 60 .So. Carrollton..
4 4 1 ...So Vandalia...
4 2lf Allc;ranv
4 Oleaii -... .ar
p. .M.I
nui'iuunAl, liuifl 1A
11:50am, Warren 1:35pm, I
ptn, Tldlouto 3:54pm, Tlones
Adiutionai. TitAiN Leaves Kinzua
Irvlneton 2:30
Mta 6:20miii . nr.
riven uii 1 uy ;i"ipm.
a him noNAt, Thain Leaves Oil City
0:10 am, Oleopolis 0:54 nm, Enulo Rock
7:09am, President 7:15am, Tionesta 7:4Sain
Hickory 8:37am. Trunkey ville 9:04a tn.TM-.
outo 10:15am, Thompson 11:0(5, arrive
Jrvinoton 11:55pm.
PlTr.simiion Division Trains leavn
Oil Oltv 2:05, 7:00, 10:45 a. m.. 2:45, 4:55
p. in., arrive Oil City 2:30, 7:45, 9:15 u. In.,
2:20, 3: 15, 8-30 p. m.
t Flag stations, stop only on siinud.
Trains run on Eastern Time, which is Hi
minutes faster than Ho Halo time.
Pullman Sleepinir Cars and Throujdi
Coaches between Buffalo and Pittsburgh
on trains nrriving Pittsburgh 7:0 a.m.,
an'l leaving Pittsburgh 8:20 p. ni.
Parlor Cars and Through Coaches be
tween PiU-burgh and Bull'alo ou trr.lni
leaving Pittsburgh 8.45 a. 111., nrrivii.;;
Pittsburgh 8:00 p. m.
iTO'Tickets sold and baggage chocked
to all principal points.
Get lime billies giving full Information
from Company'" A (tents.
WM. S. BALDWIN, GotiMPass'r Ag'l,
GEO. S. G ETCH ELL, Gen l Mip'l,
Nos. 41 .te43 Exchange St.. Buffalo, N. Y.
J. L. CRAIG, Aucnt, Tionesta, Pa.
& CO.,
Dealors In
wa r e, q u r: i: n s-
W A R E. G'L ASS VA R !',
Goods Alwavs First-Class.
82.50, 3.50, $4.50, 0.50 ad upwards.
Buckeye Force Pump
IBID. "31 "BJ I B IE Xj ,
We wish to notify all psrties haviuv oh.
structions in the Tionesta Creek between
Balltown and Tionesta that wo liavo con
tracted to run lumboi und .barn out of
said creek. All owners of such obstruc
tions will be held responsible f r damage.
W. fc J. COOPER, Balltown, Pa.
Jan. 28th, 1884. 3(ijan0
General Merchandise
gas it 3 m' r,
. v'::j . a 5- 0
I ' I -a3 s m
I i o rr
I -- i c W 2. J
I 3 tz '"?
I crq
Tionesta, Pa.,