She $cst $fjniMira. J. K. WENK, KDITOR. WEDSESDAT MORMJiO, DEC. i, ISS). The Legislative at HarrUburg has ooco more voted to adjourn, this time on the 12th lost, nd we guess ' they'll make it stick; that is, we hope they will. TnK trial of Oaraes Nutt, for the killing of Dukes, begins at Union town to-day. The public opinion is that he will be acquitted without much trouble. There are eighty ju rors drawn for the terra, . and it is thought some difficulty will be ex perienced in gutting a ianel to try the case. Congress tt?sembld on Monday and proceeded at once to organize. The House elected John G. Carlisle, of Kentuxkey, Speaker, and the folding other offices : Ex-Congressmau Clark, , of Missouri, for Clerk ; John P. Lee fdom, of Ohio, for Sergeant at-Arms ; : Dr. John S. Lindsey. of Georgetown, for Chaplain j J. G. Wintersmitb, of , Twas,1 Pooi keeper, and Lycurgua ' Dalton, of Indiana, Postmaster. Very Jew northern men in that gang. The j reason of Mr. Carlisle's election 'is given in the following dispatch which fully explains itself; Mr. Carlisle and bis manager, Mr. ' Morrison, have announced to every member who visited them that the -canvass was made on his part on the issue of revenue reform, and on that alone. Mr. Carlisle said to all that he was in favor of immediate effort to . secure a new tariff bill, or at leapt cer tain further reduction in the presont tariff, and that he would regard his election as an indorsement by the Democratic party of that position. Mr. Morrison has claimed that Mr. Carlisle's views were in accord with those of the great masses of the Demo cratic party in those sections from which Carlisle drew his support, and it is well understood that Mr. Cai lisle will make up his Ways and Means Committee with the view of early tariff action. For this reason Mr. Morrison will be made Chairman of that com mittee. Mr. Raudolph Tucker, of Virgiuia, Mr. Hewitt and probably Mr. Oox will also go upon it. The President's Meesage was re ' -ceived and read. It is a rather lengthy, though very able state paper, f and is very favorably commented upon by the press of the country. We : ' shall .endeavor lo lay it before our readers in the form of a supplement next week. Sensational Journalism. It turns out that the talk of Stew art, Lee, Quay & Co. having made s pilgrimage to Washington and all the enterprising stories told of what they went there for are all turning out to be tales made up for the purpose of beio contradicted. To the modern enterprise of the impersonal journa the quality of reality in their state- . menta is not so much a matter of im porlance as their sensationalism When a lie is telegraphed and tub liubed there is such a labyraitbef cor respondents, reporters, etc., and eo lit tie responsibility resting anywhere for what the paper says; that no sane man would undertake to unravel any story however doubtful or mischievous, and as nobody cares particularly, whether there is any basis for the vampiugs o the imagiuative youth who can make ten dollars by inventing a rousing whirl, when, if they . confined them 1 . a ss . selves 10 me recital ot actum occur rences, that nobody cares to take the trouble to inquire into their truth but rather want to see the sequel I t i wnicn always comet), ana serves as good purpose in contradicting tp-day what was asserted yesterday. As matters litUe to the general public -t.i - r s-x m . wuemer Mt. uay and bis mends go to Washington or not, the general public take no trouble with reference 10 me mauer. uui sucn canards are invaluable (beside the profit the senna tion brings to the reliable correspon dents) to the feeble-minded editors whose brain-supply is not equal to the acquisition of sufficient knowledge of affairs to write oa topics that would b instructive aud interesting to their readers, aa supplying them with iome thing to write about that does not draw heavily on their stores of bra power; and to the e'ger sesker for political preferment, who reads them Mai discuss with avidity, as poiaUri to the way to shape their courses, so as to come in on the winning side, just as the greenhorn at a horse race pins his faith to some reported tipster, as an infallible index as to what horse to put bis money on in the pools. It is strictly true that neither the greenhorn in politics nor his counterpart in gam bling ever hits the right tipster, and their money rarely comes back to then). But they are all such hopeless idiots that no wisdom could turn them to wiser courses so that so far as it concerns them the world need not wor ry over their late. lhe etlect the practice has upn journalism, toe con tempt growing up for the profession, the habit of feeling that no respect is due to it, is a ruinons price to pay for cheap sensationalism and must work mischief. Stave Bolts Wanted. T. B. Cobb will pay the following prices cash, for Stave Bolts, on board f cars : 12 and 14 inch, $2.50 per cord. 18 inch, $3.00 per cord. 24 inch, $4.00 per cord. 27 and 32 inch, $4.50 per cord. WONDERFUL REVELATION'S. THE CIVILIZED WORLD SHOCKED lint Mnnbritin f Geml Frnrtlfr nnd I'rove IlipNNlnff to all Nation The American lpopl Klrwt to Ra . rlv Their Benign Influence). Two of Esculapius' most disting uished sages, natives of Germany, and life long teachers of medicince, Drs. ivraumetnann ana scnonlwin, have been devoting their time during the past three years to comparing the effect upon disease, what Drs. Ann, rrotessors oi tne Metaphysical uolieffe of Boston, call metaphysical process, with the enect or medicine. .Numer ous thorough experiments convinced them there was no beneficial effect in medicine except the metaphysical Influence, which every physician s presence exerts over the patient, and they found this influence over the disease was greater when admin istering sugar than when giving the medicines usually prescribed by phy sicians. They diu, however, notice that quinine m malarious fevers, and Iodide or potassium in certain specific diseases, exerted an influenc over those complaints great in degree than that of suear. It was suggested that the various patent and . proprietory medicines should be examined and compared with sugar, in the same way. 1 his was done and they, too, rapidly shared the same fate as the physician's drugs, excepting those containingquinioeand iodideof potas sium, which too showed an influence over disease similar to those drugs used by themselves, but less in degree. The list being about exhausted they finally came upon Peruna ; their ex periments with this article were most striking and in the highest degree exciting. Its effect could in no wise be compared with that of sugar nor with Dr. Ahn's metaphysical proeess. Its effect was immediate and positive, as was shown in the case of Miss Maggie Martin, of Oil City Fa., who had been a terrible sufferer from dys pepsia, liver complaint and kidney disease, sympathetically affecting ail the pelvic functions. The best physi cians and every thing else had utter ly failed. She was then given Peruna and in due time recovered perfectly. So with I. P. Dukehart, (superintend ent of the B & O. K. It. (Jo's hotels aud now conductor) case. All the best physician's and everything he could do or have done, failed to re lieve that terrific and indescribable malarial dullness of the head. One bottle of Peruna cured him and also cured his son of diphtheria. W. 8. Jenkins, of Salem O, was an indescri bable sufferer from nervous prostra tion, dyspepsia and constipation, caused by a sunstroke. The physi cians thoueht. since everything else Vhad failed, he might try Peruna. He iid so and Itperiectly cured him. But toap the climax and prove beyond doubt the wonderful eflieaey of Peruna, the physician recommend ed it to Mrs. T. H. Kberline, of 274 Market street, Allegheny City, Pa., now living at Keokuk, Iowa. Mrs. Eberline had been sick for years and finally p'lssed into consumption. The physician who attended her, were among the very best in city. They did everything the most gifted a monr them were capable of doing and honorably told her that nothing more could be done, that the could not live over that night. About mid night death began to close the suffer ing of the good wife and dutiful moth er, and as the friends and family were gathered around the bed in tears to witness her passage to eternity ; phy iician suddenly entered and softly whispered, "get Peruna, quickly, hurry 1" It was brought, and al though the breathing had almost ceased, her lips were livid, finerer nails blue, the pulse had ceased at the wrist. Oh J sighed the friends, it is too late, do not trouble her any long er, out she swallowed a little, rallied and expectorated a great mouthful; sue ureal neu easier : she swallowed a little more and again sh raised more phlegm; the breath improved; the Dy-stanaers toon courage aud they perserved with the Peruna until she was surely better. The pulse return ed, the circulation was re-established, the lips and nails became natural. after which a tablesjKionful of the Pe runa every hour was administered and sue continued to improve, in a lew days, she sat up, in two weeks she was the hearties eater in the house and in three months she was perfect ly well. Who is not convinced oi the unequal worth of Peruna. For affi davits and signatures of the truthful ness of this statement of Mrs. ilber line's case, see the' Ills of Life," and how to cure them, gratis .ofany drug- U1S16. SHERIFF'S SALE. Y VIRTUE of sundry Tvrtts of Fl. Fa. and Iiev. Fa lamied out of the Court of Common Pleas of orest County, Pennsylvania, and to me dlreotfld, there will bo exposed to alc by public vendue or outcry, at the Court jIouhs in the Borough'of TionoKta, on MONDAY, DECEMBER 17, A. D. 188.1, at 10 o'clock, A. M., tlio following de scribed real entato to-wit : JOHN A. PROPER vs. ANNA HTLT.S and 8 II. IIILlS, Levari Facias, No. 12, Decembor term, 1883. S. D. Irwin, At torney. The undivided one-half part of nil that certain tract or parcel of laud situate In the Township of Jenks, County of Forest, and Stato of ronusylvania, described as follows, to-wit: Boini; tho undivided one half part of four hundred acres and three tcnths of an acre, tho east part ot warrant number MA, Bingham landH, And bound ed as follows t Beginning at a pout where the original beech stood tho north-east corner of warrant IKV22; thence south one third of a degree west three hundred and twenty and live-tenths perches to a post; thence west two hundred nnd eight and seventh-tent lis perches to a jnrat ; thence north three hundred and twenty-seven and three-tentlifc perches to a post and noithliue of said warrant ; thence along the samo south eighty-eight and one-sixth degrees east two hundred and ten and eight-tenths perches to tho place of begin niug, containing four hundred acres and three-tenths (400 3-10) of land. Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Anna Hills and S. II. Hills at the suit of John A. Proper. ALSO, Mns. RACHEL BLAIR versus J. F. OVERLANDER, Fieri Facias, Nop. U and 10 December term, 18H3. All that certain pioce or parcel of land lying in Kingsley township, Forest coun ty, Pennsylvania, and being in warrant number 61S7, and a part thereof. Begin ning at a black jack corner, thence north forty-three degrees west one hundred nnd fifty-six rods to a post, an old cornor: thence south forty-seven degrees west sixty-one rods to a small oak on a rock; thence south fortv-three degrees east one hun dred and rilty-six rod to a small white oak bush, birch witness : thence north forty-seven degrees east sixty-one rods to the place or beginning, continuing sixty acres bo the same more or less. Taken in execution and to be sold as the property o' J. F. Overlander at tho suit of Mrs. Rachel Blair. ALSO, C. F. GILLESPIE vs. W. M. HEATH et al, Fl. Fa. No. 11 Dec. term 1883 V. J Vantiietien. Attorney. All thut certain piece or parcel ot land situate, lying and being in 1 lickory.towtv ship, Couuty of Forest, and State of Penn svlvania. bounded nnd described as lbl ows, to wit : Beginning at a dogwood tree tor a corner, and runuing thence north forty-seven (47) degrees east by lnivil of Josiah Mealy one hundred perches to a dead pine tree, thence south forty-three (43) degrees east one hundred perches by land of Hanna to a post, thenoo north forty-three (43) degress east eighty percnes dv land oi llannatoa post, thence south tortv-threo (4:1) degrees eust ninety (HO) perches by bind oflJ. Stowand Co.. to a nine tree, thence l'ortv-sevn(471 de grees west one hundred nnd eighty (180) perches by lnnd of H. Stow ifcCo.. to a pine tree, then north forty-three (43) degrees west one hundred and ninety (190) perches to the aogwoofl tree, the place ol beginning. containing one hundred and sixty-three and thrco-fourths Utti) acres, strict meas ure, more or lea, as surveved bv Walter Siverly, December 14, 18651, with all the improvements, buildings Ce. 'lakeu in execution as the property of the heirs of Hiram Heath, deceased, and to be sold at the suit of C. F. Gillespie. TERMS OF SALE. The following must be strictly complied with when tho 1. w tken the iiuintitt or omor lem cred itors become the purchaser, the costs on the writs must be paid, and a list of liens Including mortgage searches on the prop eity sold, together with such lien credit- or's receint for the amount of tho nro oeeds of the sale or such portion thereof as ne may cluun, must be turinshou the Sheriff. 2. All bids must bo paid In full. 3. All sales not sttled immediately will be continued until 2 o'clock p. in., of the day of Svle, at which time all property not settled Mi will again be put up and sold at the expense and risk of the person to whom first sold. "See Purdon's Dizest. NUih Edition page 44t) and Smith's Forms, nngo 381. C. W. CUAHK. Sheriff. Sheriffs Office, Tionesta. Pa.. Nov. 27, 1883. Auditor's Notice. In tho Court of Common Plead of For est County. w. (j. Walker and Frank llumiltou, doing business as W.C.Walker & Co vs. E. E. Beresford, No. C. D, 32 Mjiy Term, 1883. Judg ment confessed by e. i). irwm jstj Fi. fa. No. 4 May Term. 1H63. September 24, 1883, Miles XV Tate Esq., appointed Auditor to report at nesc lerin. run uujuam. To all Pkkson's Interestke : Please take jiolioo that by virtue of above Order of Court, anil appointment, I .1 n . . i iL. .1... ' j V win bii, iv uisi uurg uie uuiius oi my ap poininieuL at my ojnee in Tionesta, 1'enn sylvania, on Saturday. December first. 1883, at two o'clock p. m. MILES W, TATE, Auditor PROCLAMATION. Whereas. The Hon. W. D. Brown President Judge of the Court of Common Pleas and Quarter Sessions in and for tho county of Forest, has issued his pre. eept for holding a Court of Common Pleas Quarter Sessions, Se t TionesU, for the County of Forost, to commence on the Third Monday of December, being the 17th daj of Dec, 1883. Jfotice is therefore given to the Coroner, Justice of the Peace and Constables ot said county, that they bo then and there in their proper perrons at ten o'clock, A. M., of said duv. with thei records, inquisitions examinations und other remembrances, to do those things which, to tueir otlioes appertain to be done and to those whoare Ixumd in recogniisance to prosecute against the prisoners that are or shall be in the jail of Forest County, that they be then and there present to prosecute against inem as shall he lust, t.ivon un der my hand and seal this 20th day oi November, A. D. 1883. C. W. CLARK, Sheriff- Confirmation Notica. Notice is hereby given that the final ac,. count of Matthew Rort'.er, (fimrdiau of Susanna J. Holib, Las been tiled in my oftice and will be presented at next Term of Court for Confirmation. JCST1S SUA WKEY, Register, j lonesta, jnov. lit, 1883. WANTED Reliable and experienced men in every county in Pennsylvania, to sell Wheeler and Wilson Sowing Machines. The most liberal terms to good men : Correspond ence invited. Address WM. SUMNER & Co. l2 W. 4th Street, Cincinnati .unio. PALLWIHTERi . Fall is here and Winter fast approaching, nnd Conifortability Is the next thing in order, and we nro happy to Inform our friends in For est County thnt we are prepared to supply tlmt want nt as Eow Prices as the same qunlity of Goods can bo produced in Western Pennsylvania. We Inuite you to inspect our Stock before making your purchases, as we will SAVE YOU MONEY. We buy Largo Quantities of Ooods for Spot Cash, and having Two Stores to supply nnd buy together whon Quantity comes In question to get the Trlco, and being all workers and having no Idlo men to pupport, and not being compelled to live on tho profits of any ono line of business, we nre confident that wo will and can SELL YOU MORE HOODS FOR THEMOMEY THAN ANY OTHER HOUSE IN THIS SEC TION OF COUNTRY. PLEASE CALL AND CLOTHING, HATS, boots &c shoes; IFTTIRaISHIIsrQ- GOODS, DRESS QOOIDS, GROOEBIE3, 3? EQVISION S FLOU'B, FEED, - OOQ - NO TKOUBLE TO SHOW GOODS. H. J. HOPIIlSTS & CO. A BusineH Education Is the moot profit Ahln, Wn It !( the most nueful. Onr atm la in precUcany train young men for the actnnl roiinlreinrnti of tint commercial ncfu Individual Inntructlon. No Tacatlon. Students can enter at any tuno. For ctrciibuv, addretui 1'. DUFK A HONS, Pittatnnr, Pa. TRIAL IjIST. Causes set down for trial In the Court of Common Pleas of Forest County on the Third Monday ot December, A. D. 1883: 1. J. E. BUiiio vs. Honry Swaggart, No. 6 February term, 18711. 2. Nancy Dawson vs. Ptaralt Ann Dale, No. 20 May term, 1881. 3. Helen ts. i nomas vs. li. J. item, l'.xr, et al, No. 2 Feb. term, 18S2. 4. ii. rora vs. t. w. rropor, ro. i3 September term, 1882. 6. tho salmon .:reeK minoor ana .Min ing Company vs. W. A. Dusenbury, No. 1 December term, 1882, 0. Seldon 1, Mav vs. U. J . Held Jixr., No, 4 Doc. term, 182. 7. XV. w . liowman vs. J. ai. Kepiorrso. 7 December term, 1882. 8. XV. XV. Bowman vs. J. Jt, Kepler Ho. 8 December trm, 1882. 0. Wm. McLaughlin vs. Robert AlcOlos- key, No. 18 Dec. term, 1882. 10. j.j. t arson vs. jonn Larson, io. 41 Dec. term. 1882. 11. O. W. Dithridgo, Trustee, vs. J. I Acomb, No. 6 Feb. term, 1883. 12, I). W . Clark vs. eoter uorry et al, No. 17 May term, 1883. 13. John Cobb S Co. vs. lticnard u. 11- lis, No. 29 May term, 1883. 14. J. H. Derlckson X uo. vs. riitricKll. Powers, No. 31 May term, 1883. 10. Robinson it Bonner vs. Jacob M. Hood, No. 30 May term, 1883. 1(1. Fphraim N. lueker vs. ti arson Shamburg No. 1 Sept. term, 1883. 17. Clnrfc lirolliors vs. ueo. ngnor et al, No. 23 September term 1883. 18. A. J. l.arnlers x ;o. et ni vs. imugoi Landers et al. No. 28 Sept. term, 1883. 19. Elizabeth Thorn ps.m vs. John Will iams et al. No. 35 Sept. term, 1883. 2(1. 11. 1. ord vs. O. W. proper, 2o. i September term, 18S3. 121. John Thompson vs. Jacoo uango et al, No. 47 Sept. term, 1883. iZ. ti. Shainhurg et al vs. u. Li. jscaver, No. 49 Sept. term, 1883. ffTU'l'iU wlf AMn.'IV T..lliA.a ft Tionesta, Pa., Nov. in, 1883. Is hereby given that I have filed my ap plication in the ofllce of the Seciwtiiry of Internal Affair of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania, for 1000 acres of unimprov ed lnndituate in the Townships of Howe and Kingsley. Forest County, Pa., adjoin ing warrants 6100 and 5108 on the north west, land of the Commonwealth on the northeast, warrants 6107, 51 10 and 512'J on the southeast, aud warrant 5128 on the southwest. Also, 1000 acres of unimproved land sit uate in Howe Township, Forest County, Pa,, adjoining warrants 5K18 aud 5105 on the northwest, lauds of the Common wealth on tho northeast, warrants 61011 nnd 5107 on tho southeast, and lands of tho Com monwealth on the southwest. Also, 1000 acres of unimproved land sit uate in Howe Township, Forest County, Pa., adjoining warrants ol0., 5104, and 5101 on the northwest, lands of tho Com monwealth on the northeast, warrants 6102. 6103 and 5100 on the southeast, and lands of tho Commonwealth on the south west. Ajso, 240 acres of unimproved land sit uate in Howo Township, Forest County, Pa., adjoining warrant 6101 on tho worth west, waj-rants 6101 and 47!i0 on tho north east, and warrant 5102 on the southeast and lauds of the Commonwealth on the southwest. DAVID BERRY, l. s. Balltowu. Pa., Nov. 5th, 1883. Philadelphia Singer Machine Equal to any Singer in the market. The above cut represents the most pop ular style for the people, which we offer you for the verry low price of $20. Re member, we do not ask you to pay until you have seen the machine. After having examined it, t it is not all we represent, return it at our expense. Consi lt your Interests and order at once. Send, for cir culars and testimonials. Address C1IAS A. WOOD t- CO., No 17 N. Tenth fcjreet, Philadelphia, Ph. tfiayKMot mmi -a.yBEZBBSfl 11.11 .1 , i . - , f ,. J1: zmiti SEE OU R STOCK OF ScO. Buckoyo Forco Pump m 2 3 re ET 5 a & ! 0 C s n s o CALL AND GET PRICES, TIONESTA, PE.NN'A. Holiday Goods, 1883. Tho Largest and Best Assortment of Holiday Goods we lntvo ever hinuUcd ! Now and tresh goods in Gents' Chains, Ladies' CIihIiis, Rinjjs, Sets, t Imrms, ( utl-liuttops, Bracelets, &c, Ac. si l vie i twvina. Silver Plated Butter Dishes, Custors, Nap- km Kings in largo tussorimcnl. IlouIM tlll Sttitl ionoi'j-. Books in Endless Variety, Poems, Fancy jtoxrs, ink Mfliins, I'aper Hold ers, Diaries tor 1884, nnd goods entirely lew to this season. TOYS, TOYS, A Very Largo Assortment of Toys, new ana ueuulilul in design. LAMPS and TABLE GLASSWARE. We always have the best and latest novel ties in this line. Something new to tlds season. CONFKCTIONK1 IY. A very largo assortnie.i of Fancy Confec tionery ana twnnion l andies, N uu, and Oranges, lolitt KitlvoN. A very large variety of Men's end Boy's I'OCKot cutlery. NOTIONS, -Sjlk Handkerchiefs, Gloves, nud Holiday Notions, 21 Different Kinds of Fine Toilef Soaps nnaving ooaps, reriumery, Ac. Vuss iiil Vii-ltItH. Glass Vases in great variety, Childicn's Cups and Sauuers, Mustache Cups, Shav ing Mugs, Children's Knife, Fork and npoon, Aioutn organs, Curd liaskets, 'J o; ioi Keu), Aianllo Sets. SXlXIi GOODS, Hats, Caps, Gloves, and everything to nitiKo people happy aud comfortable, Come oarly and got tho best selections. WM. SMEARBAUGH A CO., Tionesta, Pcnn'a. XOTICI2, Is herby given that a meeting of (tie stockholders ot the Hickory Bridge Co, will be held at Hickory Station, Forest county, Pa., on the 8th day of January, 1884, lor the purpose of submitting tho question of the issuing of bonds, and to giving a mortgage to secure the same to raise money with w hich to provide for the indebtedness incurrod or to bo incurred In building said bridge By Order ok thk Board ok Directors Attest ORION SIGGINS Socretarv. For good fresh Goods cheap go to V' j CO 'I 1 OO I "o .... 5 . o era I CO -o m ',1J o II ! 1 t 3 Haslet & Somj. Feb. 1, '82, Press. THE FOREMOST REPUBLICAN NEWSPAPER FOR THE PRESIDENTIAL YEAH. 1831 Weekly Prose, - . - $l.O0aYeor. Dally Presa, ... -ja.OOaYear. Tlie coming year w'H hn tiotnMo. CuncrrMo. illvtili'd lmtwron a llnpuMleun Kcimtn nnd a licinocnutn limine, will lo busy l'rpsldont mnklnr. Tlio crciit, bfttUeof Protoptlnn mrnlnnf Krc Iratla lll spltnto tlie C'npltol nnd tha country. Tlio Prruluutial cmnivilRn will bn tbn liintlest fought end most excltinjt pnUticnl Btrncalo fur a ijuartrr oC a century. F.urnpo, in tlio oplnlim nf tlio bcbl Infuriuud, tremlilcH ou tlio evo of a grout war. With ucti nn outlook llvo nowfinrter which prlntu ll tlio now nnd tll tlio wholn tvnth nlwit It Ii inoro tlmn ever a nwewilty. Hu h k i.oh rnpor is The 1'iiif.AnicLriitA I'ltr.vs. Tclr(tniih wliva In lis own olllco plucn It In luMimtanuoiK coimniinlcntfoii with a ctt)f of oror 11 va liuudred ncwKiithciorscllHtrHiind all over tlio clvir.sril world. Tho kimvIiiI rtnlly ciiMo srrvloo wliicli It iharos witli tint New YorU VtraM cornr evory fhtao of activity In Karopcnn tifo. No paper excel It In nil tlio cloments wliiob ;o to nuiko up a lirond, full, tomploto journal. ItoBidca lieiiiir a coutiilcto liwst'nflr. TUB Wfkkly Phksh lma aorerat apnclnl Inuturr willed put It at tlio t ip. The Aoiiict'I.Ti'itAi. Decaktmknt, enriched hy con."itnt oiititrihu- tlona from the forcmoKt wrltnr-i In vnrlou branches, elves the practical thlni thai pooplo want to know nn tlio and In tfln Rantft). Tha Hand Kik oMitN or Home Prnart- incnt, edited by Stra, Kitn Upon Clark, In full of tnformntion, lilntannd happy thouhu lor every wife, mother mid head of a household. Acrcat fivdmoof tlio ennlnj; will lie the highly valuable lotteriof Juskimi P. WtKKH on Jciiegd hi TUi lAlxir and tlio Lost or r.ivinn 1:1 iMirnpe a com pared with Arnerlcrx. Mr. Week, who hnd ehaii of this atthjeat lor tliol'onsuK.f IMW, lma uim'.o it n life study, and hal been i.Nr.rul this yo.innn tliiutlnif a rjn-clal I;itc;m,: lo:i. Ilia letters will Rivo tlio fUets m t i r.irr.iniM In ail tlu v illous. iiiilii9trl.5,t!iopun:li:w!n.f (MMvcruf w.ii;s,Hir!ke:, Iradch-uiuoiiiu, uitiution, e:o. ' TIicWkhkm' PriKss Is fu'.lotc.botart h-imn ri:el Injt, Willi puzzles) an t titan lu.iticr for l'n; l.kiitv foll.,atkru'.nait pajtlioct lorr..ltlbfa.nt ciiiliireu, lathirin lule.s i-ecijA'-t, i1 1'Miiiii':1! finiii currper. litcratuve, a c.iiclul cuiuiiiry ( domesun an 1 loi ei;n H'4, mid an e.r. :.;' iliuusAion uC :l'r j-reai tjiiori m of thrdn). iiaiiipw ci'pitt timni.t ,. FEW TERKS OL7 lrHE FffiS: Py mall, postan true in tin; IT. F:. nr,d Cna.I.u Daily, vxoopt fnml.iy. S) ft.s. a innrrt!.: C a yr-r Lni!y,incliMli!iiHumlay,.i)e.i.a,iiio;itb;fc7.iJa .r fjuiiday Pres, &.C0a j enrr. Woekl, - - fsl.OO a Ycnr, frur I'Uik UMt.i clsjuli bt iaut p ijtiiric to l,',ii vrttr , J HlAnIJl.Cn mm ATrailroiid. - -mr TIME TABLE IN EJ'FECT Apr. 1, 18r.. V-ftW;lil.j KlVKK l'lVICtON. I'llMtWlllW. V. M. A.M. A.M. K. M. tl on! 12 Hi 1 '! , A'rt h a, ii miliar PittMburph Iv f)4tl ...New I'nmttr... 4 ' f Meri rr 'J, fill 2 :'.o 1. M. I". M. II) tm Franklin i I,'. ! .Oil t'ity...n'r 'l Otij 0 no r. M. !!', M 1A.M. I'. M. V. M. t'lllin. 'I'lHK', e. m. A. U. 7 till i:ti!PJ( 0 10 ur... nil CiW...lvi 10 U r,i Olcoiwilii.... t:tll (: :w i ii- i3 4l!-)7rtl' :t Si'j 7 -r. 4 I I! HWi f t w 1 1 4 :'.H H 2 f4 r.4 fH4:: it lit, II '" ' .') "Oj II L'O ti 00 1 6( I". M. 'A. M. P. M.'A. M. tiit"i!n -Hi ,trt II .Failo Rock.. ... I'reHiiieiit... fJ02ll :M t-'!H 1 4fi 1 1 o . M ai, l iones'a 1 .10 10 .Ml tSOA! ilicknrv tl 22;M2-.t: ..Trnnkevville. 1 10 1011 7 4."l Tidi.nite 12 f;(i:f!t 2X f7 V"'1. .. rii.)iii))Hon h... V :X !i no' 7 lo1 lr-. inet.m V 11 il r.0 Wm ten. it 4o; ...... . a.m.Ia. m. ! tl M iv P.M.! ,.K;nzu:i... A. N. 10 0(1 8 0-'. A. M.i i 4 15 lv...Bra.l:or ; 1 10 lv...olciin if. M.I !, 7 ;';( 11 .. ur ' 1 tV I 1". V . A M. ! f. M. S .".o nr... Kim-nil. ...Iv 3!Sii 7 4 I' I t' 4 17 7 PI ....Wo t Bun I 4 47 7 GO' ' 'linker Bridge ft ( 0 tl:;o; L.ltoil lIouHo....i....... S3 li I Iv Siiltiiiinnca ur (i 00 A. M.i "I P.M. Additional Trains I,oav Biiiclfo;-,d 7:10 a. in.. U:00 a. n). Arrive Warren 10:1,1 . in. Aimn loNAi. Train Leaven Oil City 6:fo am. Olonpolia i:.ri4 am, Knle BocJt 7:i0atn, 1'resident 7:10am, Tloiiestu 8:IOiu'u Hickory OOnin.Trunkeyville .S'.'OHiii.Tl 1. oute llhutlam, Thompson Jl):5tt, lrvineto;i 12:5.511111, Warren 1:27 pin. Ai riven Ki Kim :i:lKl;nn, Bradtord IHapm. St'NiiA r Trai.nk Leave Wnrri n !':20!itii, 4:2ipin; Kinzim 10:2"iiin, 5:00pm; arrivu Bradford 12:0."noon, (;4iipiii. Jcnvi) Brad lord H::l0ani, .:00pni, arrive Kinzua 10:.1(J am. 4:40pm: Warren liiil'iiiii, j:4'ijin. TraiiiH leavinjx Oil City l:0onm. 2:o()pin, arriviiifT nil City 2:ll0pni, 12::i(lniL'lit, run daily lictwecn Oil City and rittslinrrli. l'lTTsinnuiH Division TraiiiH lcava Oil City l::o, 7;ou, io:4, a. in., 2:15, 4:15, 0:15 p. in., arrive Oil City 1:00, h:00, (J:4o a. m., ::l", :t:4.r), S-8i) p. in. Trains leavitj nil City l:30ntn, 2:4'pui, arriviui? Oil City l:t)0nni, 2:MApm, run daily hetwem Buffalo and l'ittuhurh. t Flat; istatinna, stop only on signal. Trainti on tlie Kiver i)ivi.ii)ii botweeri New Castilo and Oil City aro run on Col umbus time, between Oil City and Sala manca, and on tlio Buffalo Division on Philadelphia time, -which in 80 midutea faster than ColumbuH time. I'll II man bleeping Cars between Buffalo And Pittsburgh ou trains arriving Pitts burgh S:20um., mud leaving Pittsburgh 6:20pm. Parlor Cars Between Oil City and Buffa lo on trains leaving Oil City 2:l.ipin, ar riviui; Oil City 2::t.r)pm. r-rr-TieketM sold and baggage checked to all principal points. Oet lime tables giving full information from Company's Agents. WM. S. BALDWIN, lien'l Paxs'r Ag't, GEO. S. (1 ETCH ELL, (len'l Sup't. Nos. 41 & 4,1 Exehango St., Buffalo, N. Y. J. L. CBAIH, Agent, Tionesta, Pa. Mtents. MUNN k CO., of lhe SriKprnrio Amerioav, con tinue toutit un Stillcilnrs for J'utHiiln, avoal. Trad a MttrKM, CopyriKlUB, far tbe UniUMi KlatttM, Cutiiula, Knylrtnd, f rune', Oermany, etc i land Book ttlxmt t'tiieula aHtnt freu. Tiurl y-tven ytuiiB' expurlcuce. I'utontt" (ht allied thntuuh MINN St CO. ar nuUct-d tn the HriKNTiKio Amkhican, th lurxost. Inknt, hiiiI i n oh t widely 4'iroulaUd twitentitio ptuwr. ISOa year. Weekly. Hpltndid ttiiKtuvlittfat itiid IntetHHttitK 1q formui Ion. bMJoiuitn C4ipy of t lie Kclfiniho A tner lean MHiit frvtt. Addresa M l'N A Co., ht IKNTIFIO Amkuican Oitice. 'A I liroadwuy, New ork. F. F. "WJIITTEKIN, JI. C, WHITTEKIW. Hhefiield, Ta. Tionesta, Pa. WHITTEKIN BROS. , Civil Engineers and Surveyors. Jiiuid and Kaiiway Surveying a H.ccialtyB Magnetic, Solur or Triantuhttion Survey? ing. liest of Instruments and work. Terms ou application. 1