The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, October 03, 1883, Image 5

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3 .
Krrplnsr ThMr Minds to Bnln( VI hen
Twenty m" Tiiirtr In.triimrnH Are
I ng t'Hnnnnirathrllc Kxi'rrloiue-.
" 1 supposp," said tho reporter, "you
operators must havo somo funny ex
prrionees." "Yes there are some droll things
tvery once in a while, but wo get so
used to them tliat we don't mind any
thing about them. I suppose you
have he.ird that story about the
man who saw an operator working
an old Morso pttpcr instrument, and
calbd his girl up to see 'this fellow
make paper collars.'"
"How do you manage t:) keep your
ear on one instrument w hoa there are
twenty or thirty going in tho same
"There Is no difficulty in that," was
the reply. "It is as easy as it is for you
to keep the run of a friend's conversa
tion w hen there are other persons talk
ing in tha room."
" Hut no two voices are alike," hinted
the reporter, dubiously.
" So two instruments sound alike to
an operator, and there is no more diffi
culty in distinguishing the click of
your own instrument in a roomful
than in distinguishing the familiar
tones of a brother's voice."
" Can you tell who is sending at tho
other end?"
" We can easily detect a friendly
hand, although I don't know as I could
make you understand how."
"Do you har anything that goes
over the wires?''
" We could if we cared to, but that
gets to be a very old story. AVo only
listen for our call, wluVh is repeated
till we answer, and then the message
Is sent."
" I suppose you have some sad ex
periences when you receive messages
of death or sickness."
" Well, hardly. If we were affected
by such t hings "we would be in a per
petual state of grief. You don't no
tice them at all. "Why, once I received
a message addressed to me announcing
that I had become a father, but I had
become so used to such things I
mean to receiving such messages that
I never noticed to whom it was ad
drassed, and sent It down to the count
ing room with a bundle of other dis
patches I had received at the same
" Speaking of curious experiences,"
chimed in another operator who had
been listening to the convert-at:.on,
"speaking of curious experiences, I
remember when I was working nights
at a little station on the Chicago, Bur
lington and Quincy road. About 1
o'clock one cold, sle-'ty morning the
circuit was broken off for a little
while, and then I heard the word
h-e-l-p come over the line several times.
This was repeated at intervals for
some minutes. I was decidedly fright
ened, but nothing could be done till
daylight After the break had been
located, men were sent along the line
to repair the wire, and ai soon as the
instrument began to work w e received
word that the break wa3 at the bridge,
and that Charles Adams, the day ope
rator, had been found there dead with
both his legs cut off. "We afterward
learned that Charlie had been to a
dance in a neighboring town, and had
fallen, unseen, lrom the freight train
as it crossed the bridge, and had been
run over. With his little remaining
strength he had crawled to the edge of
the bridge and broken the wire, lie
had telegraphed the word 'help' by
, touching the ends of the wire together."
. Boston Qlobe.
Human Obesity.
"We recorded on Saturday the death
of the "fattest woman in the world,"
a member and special curiosity of
Nathan's Cleveland America,
who appears to have been smothered
in her bed. Miss Conley, though the
most enormous of her sex, weighing as
she did 4'J7 pounds, fell far short of
that prodigy of human bulk, the fa
mous Daniel Lambert,who died in ISO'J,
during Stamford fair, at the age of
forty. Lambert weighed no less than
fifty -two stone eleven pounds, ihat is
'73'J pounds, or close upon half as
much again as the American Jady.
Daniel Lambert's coffin with his body
coidd not be brought down the stairs
of the house in which he died, and the
wall at tho sides of the window had to
be broken away to provide an exit.
He was five feet eleven inches in
height, measured nine feet four inches
round 'the body and three feet uie
inch round the leg. He never drank
any beverage but water, and slept less
than eight hours per day. The
"Claimant "at his stoutest weighed
twenty-six stone, or les than half the
weight of Daniel Lambert. London
'1 imet:
Two Remarkable Trees.
Two remarkable trees of Central
Africa have lie;n described by the
Spanish traveler, Abargues do Sosten.
One of these, the Acacia mimosa,
grows luxuriantly in the mountainous
regions, sending out its branches from
the ground, much in the same way as
the ribs of an umbrella wh"n extended
S read out from the handle. To com
pleters resemblance to an umbrella of
gigantic sio the scanty leaves at the
top are closely interwoven, and the
whole forms a natural protection from
the sun's rays of no mean importance
to the weary explorer a hs mks re t
in the beat of the day. Many animals,
no doubt, also avail theins' Ives of its
grateful bhelter. Its height is about
ten feet. The oth.-r treo is still more
curious. Its scientilic name is Uaobab
diina. This tree has a huge, smooth,
dark-brown trunk, hollow In the center.
Into this cavity it absorbs during the
rainy season a store of water sufficient
to last for many months. In short, it
seems to be a kind of cistern tree. The
br. inches are thick, short and bent in
wn !. Few leave are produced, and
ses- are soon dried up, and, falling
the branches look gaunt enough.
Cyclones of l it p.
Every half mile or so brings to the
sight of tho (loafing voyager on tho Au
Sable, writes a Michigan correspondent
of tho New loik livening 1 o nn
open space in tho forest many acres in
extent. There are thick, blackened
tree trunks on tho ground protruding
in all directions from their sliroud of
green underbrush. A more Impressive
spectacle are tho dead pino troes still
standing in these or. en areas, black
around the roots, but reaching, straight
as a dart, for a hundred feet in air.
These are tho gaunt skeletons of what
were once splendid lning pines, now
killed by tho forest fires which period!-
illv sweep through tho jmemgan
woodlands dining drought. Not far
below the mouth of the Au Sable, and
on the other s';do of tho Saginaw Hay,
is the region where the deadly fires of
two-years ago devastated tho wood
lands" so terribly, causing the loss of
hundred of lives and millions of dol
lars' worth of property. A well-informed
resident of iviichigan, who lives
but a few miles from tho scene of that
horror, has described it to me, not as a
burning forest in .tho ordinary sense,
but a cyclone of flame, marked in char
acters of firo by many of the phenom
ena of wild torna Iocs. In some way
the forces generate I a powerful vol
ume of air, tilled with gases in com
bustion, anl penetrated with almost
supernatural heat. It was a sort ol
earthly counterpart of those torna loes
of fiery gas which men or science teu
us sweep over the incandescent en-!
velope of the sun. "Wherever it touched'
tho groun 1 this flaming destroyer con
sume.!. Woods, fences, houses, cattle'
and human beings wero not merely
burned, but almost vaporized. Often
tho whirlwind lelt behind a niarKeu
track of ruin with clearly delineated
sides. One man would be taken; an-'
other a few feet away would be de
stroyed utterly, while the remaining,
half Would not even be sjorche.l. The;
whirlwind of heat, like a cyclone of
wind, sometimes bounded from the
earth only to des "end again and lick
up the houses and forests. It leaped
open fields and rivers in an instant,
converting tho surface waters into
steam, and finally stopped its career ot
destruction, not because of lack of
fuel, but because its strange, fiery
energy was in some occult way ex
hausted. As proving its peculiar cy
clonic quality, there is a well authen
ticated story of a farmer who hal left
his pantaloons in the middle of a ten
acre lot. In the pockets were five
trado dollars, and when he returned
after the swift passage of the flaming
whirhvinl ho found only a lump of
melted silver where had left the coins.
Looking upon the enormous mass of
pine trees and vegetation wnicn line
the A Urisable, conceiving their inflam
mabl e condition during the drought,
and then glancing anew at the open
burne 1 spaces, with their huge, charred
tree trunks, one could easily imagine
th at the stories about the Michigan
forest fires of 1381 were neither fanci
ful nor exaggerated.
The Causes of Mushing.
The physiology of blushing has long
presented a difficult problem to solve.
Many unsatisfactory explanations have
been given of the causes of that in
teresting phenomenon. The British
Mtdka', Journal lately received an
inquiry as to the measures to be taken
for the cure of a chronic tendency to
blush, and one of its correspondents
takes up the matter in a very prac
tical way. Among other causes of
blushing he gives prominence " to the
wearing of too thick underclothing
and especially of too thick socks." He
a Ids that long-sleeved woolen sacks or
jerseys are often a cause of blushing,
and, in fact, warm clothing in general.
He does not fail to remark that the
blusher must choose in this matter be
tween the risk of rheumatism and the
annoyance of blushing. As collateral
evidence in support of his views he
says : "An aunt of mine had habitual
ly a red nose from this cause alone,
which disappeared whn she took to
thinner stockings. '
Regarding tho matter from a social
standpoint, tho writer says: "The
best plan for an habitual blusher is to
laugh and be very gushing, as, for in
stance, on meeting an acquaintance in
the street, when ho colors up ; and he
will feel more at his ease than if he
looks sheepish and reserved."
An obvious cause for blus'dng is
oversensitivenoss and self-consciousness,
which will we ir away as the
person becomes used t so. My aid
strengthens his character by adopting
wise principles of thought and action.
The physiological explanation of blush
ing given by the writer just quoted is
that it is duo to p u a'.ysis of tha sym
pathetic circles of nerves surrounding
the, arteries, which, not contracting
properly, allow a freer flow of blood
to the surface.
As (Julck as liglilniu?.
"As quick as lightning '' is a phrase
well chosen to illustrate an ini oneeiv
ahle rapidity, but of th se wh use the
exprewon probably very few appre
cia'e its full meaning, for Sir Charles
Wheats. one has s'lown tha' a Hash of
lightning lasts le: s than a millionth
part of a s con 1. This is vastly more
rapid than our perce, ti n of the flash,
and a', least one-tenth of a s ;cond mu-t
elape accoid ng to l'rofessor Swan
before our sluggi.-h sight cm take in
the full effect of the light. On account
of the slowr.e s of our perce; tion we
never see the light at its real intensity.
1'rot'essor Tait ha suggest el tl a; the
fall brilliancy must be in some degree
comparable wit li the sun, as Wheat
stone's an I swan's data prove t .at
the apparent brightness of the land
scape as bt up by a lightning Hash is
less than one-hundred-thousandth, part
of what it would be were the lightning
perm ment. The apparent brightness,
it should be me itioned, was shown by
Swan to diniini h in about the ratio
borne by the length of time required
for lutojerceivy it.
select simsGs.
A man breathes about eighteen
times a minute, and uses 3,000 cublo
feet of air per hour.
Inclosing wast.) lands nnd commons,
in ordor to promote agriculture, first
began in England In 1517, and caused
a rebellion.
English sparrows were first intro
duced into this country in 1853 by a
gentleman named Dubois in a garden
in l'ortland, Maine.
Tho ostriches in California have ex
ploded tho old story that tho female
covers up her eggs nnd leaves thim to
be hatched out by the hot sun. The
female sits on the eggs in tho daytime
and tho male assumes that duty at
When fans were invented no man
can tell. There can bo no doubt, how
ever, of thoir existence 3,000 years ago,
for representations of these familiar
articles havo been discovered on the
tomb i at Thebes. Fans, therefore, are
tho oldest articles in use by ladies, ex
cept their tongues.
Uarnum says that ho lost $130,000
in h s vain attempt to bring two Sia
mese white elephants to this country.
His agent bought tho luasts through
the connivance of a priest, and after
tho king had indignantly refused to
sanction such a sacrilegious sale, but
t ley died on being taken aboard a
ship, and tho old showman believes
that they were poisoned.
Tho Japanese believe that ammon
ifies are petrified snake?. Fossil
brachiopods (lamp-shells) are called
"stone swallows," and are said to come
to life and fly from thoir hiding-places
at the approach of wind and rain,
changing again to stones on tho ret.irn
to fair weather. Fossil fish appear
and disappear at pleasure. Their ap
pearance is prognostic of a plentiful
harvest and prosperous times. The
stones if burned have a decidedly fishy
Minneapolis is reported to ship an
nually, beyond her local consumption,
l,boO,S70 barrels of Hour. "These,"
says the Tribune statistician, if piled
one above the other, end to end, would
reach 780 miles. The flour would
make about 493,255,000 loaves of
bread, tho ordinary size of bakers'
loaves. These, piled in a pyramid,
would inake, roughly calculated, a
square pyramid with a base 300 feet
square and with a height of nearly
1,000 feet."
From the earliest times there have
been laws in England enforcing a
proper respect for Sunday. The most
ancient of these, which is still pro
served, was made by Alfred tho Great,
in the ninth century. The second
dates from tho time of Henry VI.
Another was passed under James I.
The fourth, which is now the Jaw of
England, was made by the parliament
of Charles II. This latter law has
been made tho model of Sunday laws
in a'l our States except Louisiana; and
the decisions made under it now form
a part of our common law.
Firecrackers, 6ays Nature, play a
large part in the superst t'ous observ
ances of the ordinary Ch nese. It is a
popular belief that the evil spirits
everywhere inhabiting tho air are dis
persed by crackling noises attended by
fire and smoke. Accordingly, fire
crackers are used on all special occa
sions to frighten away tho demons who
are tormenting a sick person, or who
crowd around the people ct the be
ginning of the new year. Bamboo,
which emits, when burning, a crack
ling sound, is also used lor the sums
Out-Trotted by a Calf.
Colonel Charles Burns appeared on
th? race course at Evansville, lnd.,ona
day recently, leading a very thin calf.
It was a dusky brindle in color, hair
long and full of cockle burrs, while its
diagonal tail was weighted with tha
same prickly nuisances. It was an
ungainly creature and looked half
starved, but when the colonel said it
could trot the crowd .laughed. Fin
ally, after much banter, he wagered
$ 100 that his cloven-hoofed pet could
outstrip any horse n the grounds. Mr.
Jay Rowland promptly accepted and
produced his handsomo gel ling "Day
light," who has a record of 2:20. It
was agreed that the calf should go
under saddle, while the horse
trotted in harness. They were
led out on the track. Twenty
times the calf sleepily loped up for th
word, but at the neat trial they cams
under the wire neck and ne k, and
were sent off. Instantly the calf
seemed to lose four inches in height,
and pushed oil, with tail erect, like a
flash of light. At the quarter pole tha
horse forged two lengths ahead, but at
Ithe upper turn the calf settled into a
shambling sort of trot, bellowing at
every step, all the while gradually
decreasing the distance between itself
and the gelding. The nearer it ap
proached the horse the more nervous
the equine became, until when the calf
reached his sulky wheel the gelding
bolted. Before the gelding could be
controlled Burns' calf had a hundred
yards lead, and all ellorts of the horse
to overtake his split-hoofed competitor
were unavailing, the calf landing at the
wire, head and tail up, 200 yards ahead,
in 2:29.
As soon as tho disappointment and
the mortification of the losers bad
somewhat worn off, the colonel wa3
besieged by them with offers to pur
chase, one going as high as $1,100.
The colonel, however, refused all oilers.
The Kaw Indians in the Indian Ter
ritory are disappearing with strange
rapidity. There were fully 10,000 of
them in 1870, and the tribe was noted
for the physical power an I warlike dis
pohit on if thsiiu-ii, b itj-ince then tho
s:iia'lj'ox and otht r mal.gnant diseases
have ilium the most ib a ly work. It is
;iaid th t only about three bun 're I
! now in in .in, and these are diseased m!
I likely toon to die. '
Rescued from Affonizlnfr Death.
New York. Mr. James White,
1552 Broadway, formerly chief instruc
tor in nickels' Biding School, in this
city, said to a newspaper reporter: " I
broko my shoulder, arm and elbow,
splitting tho socket Jn four parts.
Bheumat.ism set in nnd I employed the
best physician. Ho tried everything,
but 1 grew worse, and at last he said:
I havo one more thirig to try, and if
that fails nothing can give you rt lief,
nnd that is St. Jacobs Oil.' I used this
great pain reliever, and am able to us i
iny arm, fno from all rhcumatiu
trouble. I have also recommended t he
remedy to a number of people, and in
every case they havo been speedily
and effectuallv cured,'
A barn in Butto county, Colorado,
is capacious enough to hold 4,000 tons
of hay anl shelter 1,100 head ol
"Nw Wrll nnd K;rn;i.
Whitman, Illinois.
Dr. R. V. Tinner., llulTulo, N. Y.: Dmr
Sir I wish to Mute t'.mt my ilaiiL'hU'r, ntfi'd
eighteen, wns pronounced incurable nnd wns
Ja.t f.tiliiiK, n tho doctors thought, with
consumption, I oMninivl n h:ilf dozen bot
tles of your "(ioldon Medieid Discovery"
for her nnd she. commenced iuiprovititf nt
once, nnd is now well nnd strong. Very truly
yonri, Krv, Ihaao Is. At'ovari.
" Discovery "Js sold by linguists.
It is no uncommon tiling for hot words to
produce a coolne-s.
Tamtioo, Tenu. Hovn7"iMnnly says:
"lirown's Iron Hitters relievo;! me of imli
pestion nnd nervousness after iihysicinns
Vhk is a clock on the stnirs dnngerous?
When it runs down.
Nlrk llrnriiietie.
Mrs. J. C. Hkmukkhon, of Cleveland, writes
" The use of two of l'ieroe's ' l'lensnnt lnr
gntive 1'elletB ' n dny, for a few weeks, hna
entirely cured me of sirk headache, from
which I formerly suffered terribly, ns often,
on nn average, as once in teu days." Of nil
What is the worse kind of fare soldiers con
live on ? Warfare
Huntsvillk, Ala. Dr. J. C. Spotswood: "1
highly recommend Brown's Iron Bitters for
dyspepsia, rheumiitism nnd general debility."
1'bofbisob Bell Fay there are over MX),.
000 telephones in use in th j I'nited States
ViKOr, strength nnd health, all found in one
bottle of Brown's Iron Hitters.
Fbvoe has a total war navy of 4!8 vessels
Geat Britain 2 Ui, and Russii 2-:t.
Don't let any one convince yon that those
pains around your he irt are not heart dis
ease, they are, do not delay but procure Dr.
Graves' Heart liejjulator. Thirty years have
proved its value.
Out of 22",0.X00fpeTila in British India
180,000,OOUnre Hindoos.
Never give np ! yon can find a remedy foi
fit-art Disease. Every ons who has tried Dr.
Graves' Heart Hegnlntor snjpt is a sure cure.
New Yobk State hns 127 snvinga bank'.
Wnlnut I.enf llnlr KFNtnrer.
It is entirely ditlerent from all others. It
is as clear as water, and as its name indicates
is a perfect Vegetable Hair Restorer. It will
immediately free the head from nil dandruff,
restore gray hair to its natural color, and pro
duce a new growth where it has fallen off. It
dots not in any manner affect the health,
which sulplmr, sugar of lead and nitrate of
silver preparations have done. It will change
light or faded hair in a few days to a beauti
ful glossy brown. Ask your druggist for it.
tnch bottle is warrnnted. SMUU, K1.INE
fe CO., Wholesale Agents, Philadelphia, Pa.,
and G. N. CIUTTESTON, New York.
Skinny .lien.
Wells' Health Renewer restores henlth.vigor,
Compare the dose and quantity of Hood's
Snrsaparilln nnd you have conclusive proof
of its superior strength and cheapness. Try it.
Mrs. J. 8. Littell, Newark, N. J., was badly
nftlicted with Bright's kidney disease. Three
doctors gave her up to die; then Dr. Frazer,
L'G New street, gnve her Dr. Elmore's li. U. It
relieved nor m a day and cured her in 3 weeks.
For TMrk Ilend.
Heavy stomachs, bilious conditions Wells'
Mny Apple Pills untibilious,cuthni'tio. 10 2;"c
The cheapest and prettiest collars and cuffs
ere the Chrjlithion. Try them and see for
Fon dyspepsia, indigestion, depression of spir
its and general debility in their various forms :
also as a preventive against fever and ngue and
other intermittent fevers, the "Fcrro-l'hosphor-ated
Elixir of Calisaya," made by Caswell,
Hazard A Co., New York, and sold by all Drug
gists, is the best tonic ; and for patients recover
uig from fever or other sickness it, has no equal.
The ills which tlesh is huir to are more
often due to impurities in the blood than is
generally supposed. The purification of this
vital iluid enables the system to ward off its
worst ene mies. Hood's Sarsaparilla is the
best blood purifier, nnd those who give it a
trial will not be disappointed. It comes wit h
high individual indorsement, is compounded
by practical druggists, and of mnterinln
recognized as valuable by nil physicians.
Thrt medical iiroperties of petroleum have
long been known to the aborigines, and since
Carboline has become so well known us a hair
restorer nnd dressing, petroleum takes front
rank among the new remedies.
Walcott, the gentleman who ate thirty
brace of quails in thirty days, was relieved
from any disagreeable stomach troubles by
using Gahthinu, and took nothing else during
the tusk. Sold by druggists. .
Don't IMe In the IIoiini
"Rough on Rats." Clears out rnts, mice,
roaches, btd bugs, flies, ants, moles, chip
munks, gophers. 15c.
Nothing is uglier than crooked boots,
ntraighten them with Lyon's Heel Stiffeners,
There is a sensation of futntness, with dtrttress in the
stomach, and soreness acrutis the pit of that orffitn.
oriKinating in the pressure of the half-diKested food.
Keoovery is slow, but is much forwarled by Hood's
barsaparilia, which sharpens the appetite.
My wife became so debilitated that she weighed but
116 ponnds. biace taking Hood's Harsaparilla her health
is better. She now weighs I'M pounds.8. Wool
BKBBX, 1U6 bummer Street, lioston.
I have been suffering most of the winter with malaria
and blood poison ; my physician helped me in a measure,
but nothing permanent. I was urged to try liood's
Hareaparilla, audit has wholly eradicated the disease.
Mas. F. A. Lincoln, Chicago, 111.
Mr. Geobok K. Russki.1., proprietor of an extensive
paper mill at Bellows l-'ulls, Vt., says be has fonnd
Hood's Kartiaparilla the bust remedy he erer used foi
constipation the bubiuess man's most serious antio
tion and he would on no account be without it.
Hood's Surmipnrllla
Sold by Druggists. $1 ; six for $5. Prepared only Dy
O. 1. HOOU A CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass.
Hattafnclory l-'vitleuee,
J. W. Graham, WUoleaulo Drutin'st, of Austin
Tex., writes: I have becu handling Or. Wm. Hull'
B&lsara lor the Luuk's for the past year, and have
found it one of the most salable luediciucs I bare
ever had tn my house lor Coughs, Colds and evoa
Consumption, always inviu? entire satisfaction.
Vle&ae suud me ouo ross by (Saturday's steamer.
Ilr, (.rei-ii'nOxygcuuteu Hitters)
Is the oldest aud bmt remedy for DyHieiia, Bllioua.
Doss, Malaria, IudiKt-tstion, all disorders of the
titouiach, aud all diseases iudtcatiug au impure ooa
ditiou of the Blood, Kitlucys aud Livor.
Dr. Koger's Vcnetablo Worm Uyrup iustautly tie
stroya worms and reruovcM all secretions.
SH reals will Lay a TRrvnai oh tub House and
Ills Diseases. Buok ol luo pays., saluabla to over)
owuorof uorses. Wag btautus taken, bunt poblpald
(iW UuUMt Uuo u M Lewiatd DWwb
After Three Iy.
Mr. CuAhT,v.s W, Mounts, "Kngle" ofTlfw,
rittsfleld, Ma writes, Ma? if". ".K,r
F-voral month my wifo'd niulliM (Mr. Amy
llovrO) had b. cii in n very prvearlon" condi
tion with dropsy or Hright's disease of WJ
kidneys, nnd havititf tlsml nil me'huiM nnd
measures for her rtorntioil In tha line ot
treatment hy otir lending physirlull1', Mill
having failed to benefit hr) her family fle
paired of seeing her relieved( and pn her
up to die. Happening to run across th tes
timony of a Mis. Dawley. wholmd beenourod
of similar sielmess by using Hunt's Remedy,
w nt Mice procured a botllo of it, and com
menced giving it ft directed. After using it
three days she was so fat improved that she
could pet from her bed to her chair without
assistance (n circumstance that had not hnp
j eno.i for months), l'rjvious to taking it
sho was troubled more or lens with short
bro.ilh, requiring a continuous fanning to
1po;5 her nlive. This gradually improvod as
v,o coniinu'.u uiu uwwu. i...... r. ......
f) i tho fourth bottJo she was able to set np all
day. She was bloated terribly in both limbs
nnd body upward to the lungs. The tenlh
dny tho bloating loft her bowels, nnd how she
is not swolh n above the knors. Her kidneys
were very bnd nt the time, discharges being
of a bloody character and omitting a sicken
ing odor. I can say that the change in her
rnse has been wonderful, nnd Hunt's Komedy
un. wjiked a mire. bio ill her."
Tits numb 'r of these who oomprisfl tht
roiito of the shah of l'ersin is not far shortof
Young nnd middle ngol nii'ti.sulTering from
nervous debility and kindred affections, as
loss of memory and hypoehondrin, should
inclose time stamps fof I'art Ml. of World'r
Dispensary Dime Series of pamphlets. Ad
dress W oiii.d's Dispensauy Mkuiuai, Asso
ciation, liullnlo, N. Y.
Ouly t.vonty-o;ght of the (8) foreign mis
sljiiiinoi In India are phjsicians.
Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica,
Lumbago, Backache, Headache. Toothache,
More Hi ront.N pilings, stprnlnn. Ilrnlaee
Hunts. Nffilda, s-'ruel Itllva,
8oldby Drug-gUla mill llriFTrtwhr. Fifty Chui belt!,
lilroti(in In 11 tantMti. 4
THE 111 Mi I. Fa A. VOtJKI.Klt 0. 13
unwiM.I l A. ToUXLta A CO.) ihlllaiare. 14 Ct. A
N V N u-:wt
In .Vyer nnd mcue
dlntrietn, la tropical
and other regions
visited by apidtmticB,
and Indcmd In all
localities whera tha
conditions are unfa
Yorable to health, this
famous Yegttt&MA in
tigorant and altera
tive. Hostetter's
Stomach Hitter, tus
bfen found a potent
fULtftruard even to
i ot bin mnstil utinns
and fragile fi-Mme,
wlnle nn cure fur in
digiStion, biliuunnt'sn
and kindred cotu-
plmntn, it is without
a rival, for nale I
all Druggists i
lHalers generally,
Payne's Automatic Engines.
Reliable, Durable and Economical, ttf!f frnU a
Iotm poxemr tcith leu fui and vattr lArin any oiKf
Xny in built, not titled with an Automatic Uut-otl. bund
lor lUuMtratuU Catalog je "J," fur lutonnatiun and
trice, li. W. Paxisk A tiONtt. lioitiMJ, Coming, N.Y,
ELMORE'S it. i. the quit-Vest, pleasnntent,
turflt nua iBt, romo. y lor itmuey,
liver, stomach, bladder and blood
citu-atses, ami only rai -urauv evi-r
(..inuuvtri'd for acute and chronic
0MVr5rxS ica. iitHiralriA. etc. linn cine I hta'-
tr. i h tniiiMt in in irotit liinitifuMt. BiMmL.
tesri cartel, ling I it's dirionne and UyH'pia in U weelti nil
forms of rheumat ic disorders in i to U wekH rtlivf
tntlammatury in 1 dny. Can refer to hundn dof relia
ble people cured who had tried in vain everything eUe,
Purely botauio, hannleas, and mow to lnnk. Auk your
druggist to get it; it he Uoulmea send to us for it
tolhing elae i-ilinort), AdauiB A Co., luj William at. , IS. Y
ft f"4 i'5 Ctl lSIi 'o all fruiters who
lucrrrrii during their atTTice, n ot a tlioior. or toa, anttis
fir partial losa of si'ht or hearing, ullua, !..: rlm-a. rheuiua
tlitru.orany other Ultablliiy cutltlf you. WWuw, chiM
run, or dependent partmia enlltie I. I ciinken procured
Where dlat-liare l lorl. New dl'liarpR obtained. Uoitnr
able dlsi'liarpcti and pension! procnrud for iluaurters. I'cu
al.ina IklODCaCtn It .-Itn-I t-.i r.ttiniB aurref Hf 11 1 1 V
prosecuted. Uavt p.y nnd bounty collected. EXPERt
in laud raios. I rompt utteutum pivea ail kvinoaui govern
ment claim Mvii e free. Ale vtT.u atniup, L, C. Wood,
Box 84, Vnt-Mliptmi. 1 C.
6 A 7 Chamber of
Commerce, Chicago.
bb ii roan way.
ISew Yorg.
Mmuberti of all prominent Produce Exchanges in New
iiiik, i nuago, nt. Jjouis anu muwaiiitoe.
We liuve eicliiKive private telegraph w ire between Chi
cago and New York. W ill execute orders on our judg
ment when NtD't for circulars containing
parucumm. nut, iiaimwajju a i;u.p uiiuago.
VJ -
y Latest Btyloj, Largest Catalogue.
Full lufiirmatlon for 3-ccnt stamp. 21
Lowest Price.1. Beat Assortment,
IIhmi totiiih by run. 'lRStescoi
INe in Unit'. Kold hy di -iig-gmtH.
TATi:i-I.ADIES to take our tit-w Fancy Work
T at their homer, in city or country, nnd t arn Mt to
ff I per wt'k. uiHking g-mitri tor our I nil nnd :t t
t rutin. Nf ml 1 5c. lot h mijile and pariu uIjit-. 1 1 ' li.
SON MHi. ( O., 'Jii.'t Sixlli Av .. New York
Iflf lurrn kii-ty yoitnu .mi-:. v. ih v.-nn .ii.
f9 Hal I It.W to U-atn the Matter's trnde. Tay four
lolt.Mn vf-kly, to Btart on. Apply in iknson at
V IIHli:i'S, f lixuliftn, NiwJi'n y.
A 7onte WnntPd for the Rt-st and Kantest-anlllng
J I'u tonal ittHiksand ltibltm. lru rodun-d Si por
cent. National 1'ciiLibUiNa Co., fhiladelphia, la.
Nil MKTS litn- writing lMlr. in hlottor, with
& S3 W '"-''"'. ii mi i mi , Ft-, ll-lll rt If It III l-l
prv KcONoii Y I'UINIINU t o.. Nt-whurynort. Mass.
Yrt!fVfS rrMT,B,irn telegraphy here and e will
I VUEtfU lrtlLuiv you a situation. Uirulanlrce.
VAI.l.M IM. HKOS.. Jaueevilie, U U.
Tf A Wi-.KK, $12 a day at hoineHatnly inade. Oostly
Via outlit irou. Atldrunb Tit UK 4 Uu AuKaia, Mu.
C10I.KdAN liuhim bh Collect, NewHrit, N.J. Torma
J Ho. ih. it a jfriiduuii b. viio tor (JircuUrd.
tCU tffOfil ler dayat homi. S(i'nplogworth!5frrt,.
Addmtu bn.ssuN A Co.. ortlnud. Me
TIIR 3IINISTEK WHO FAILS to interest liis.'congrega--tion
and build up his church is generally accused of beinjra poor preacher,
or of not studying hard enough. lThat is not always where the trouble
comes from. Dyspepsia and liver disorders are responsible for many a
dull sermon and many a vacant pulpit. When the Dominie's digestive
apparatus is working wrong and lu3 neives are giving hiin pain, and his
brain refuses to do its duty, it is almost impossible to make or to preach a
good sermon. .. Give your suffering minister a bottle of lirown's Iron Bit
ters. You will see its effect on next Sunday's preaching. 5The Rev. Mr.
Zehring, of Codorus, Pa., was paralyzed, and could not walk except with
crutches, until lirown's Iron Bitters made a rev man ef him. The Rev.
Mr, 'White, of Rock Hill, S. C, says: "It restored me to strength and vi
gor,''' Uiy.ya'a lion Dittm isjiot only fcrtlw, but 1'cr all people,
I w r M
l n riwitivi' 'nn
For all thasePnlnftilOomplKlntsiina WfiiliDfew
so oomiaon to our brt female population.
A Meillcln ftr Woman. InTinl4 br Woman,
rrf-pnrcil lijr a Woman.
Th. OraalMt Wir.rfrr RIiks lbs Pswa of RleUrf.
t frit rerlree the dronplna spirits, inTlptoratee and
harmnnlros tho onranlo f Uiitrtlous, gives elasticity
firmness to tho step, rwitoroii the natural lustre to thr
eye, ami flanta on the pale cliwlc of iom.m the fros
ro-s of llfo's iprln and early summrr tlino.
( fy-Physlclane Uso It nnd Proscribe It Freely.t
It removes falnl n.-s. llatul'wy. dostroys all rrarlne
for stimulant, ami rolltiTcs weakness of the stoinwh.
Tlmt fmllnrf of twarloj down. ram.lii tn. -wclsM
end ba.'kache, Is always porm.inMitly curr.l by Its use,
ForUieure or Kidney Cem?lnlnts of cither hi
this Compound ! eiiMiiirposscd.
will ...a.lloalo rv. iy .;-tiir.. ol 1 n . .s '
HI.K.d. and Klve tono and Hr.'liftl. to t he, (
nuuiwouiauoroUlld. liiKlrton havUielt.
Both the Cotmwund andUlnod ruritlor are prepared!
at 333 and !CI3 Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass. I'rloeeC
either, $1. Bt bottles for $5. Bent l.y mall In the form
of pills, or of losenjt, on roectpt of price, l per boi
forelthor. Mrs. I'liiUhnmfroelr eiwworsalllottoreor
Inquiry. Enclose 3ct-sUmp. Scudforpamphlei,
No famMy .hould he wit hoot T.YmA. VI. TV
I.lVKll lil.lA Tlier eni-e coiirf-iiwiiloti. liUlouancea,
aud torululljr or uvor.
. mi,i nil liructrtHts.-uft C
),mm MUSH?
i io cost Dyas Evor Hmw
ra-ron biik, ool. on cottom.
RiBBONS, FEATHERS, or any fabrie , or
flic, rtloli easily a perfectly colored to an,
shade. Itloek, ilrown. ircrn. II nc, ',e,
Cardinal Ked, Kavy lllue. fe..l llrown, II
wn, Terr. Cotta and CO other best colore.
Warranted Fast and Durablo. Each package will
oolorono to four lbs. of goods. If you have never
Deed Dyes try these once. You will bo dellgatod.
(old by dr.iBBtsts.or sond us 10 oente and any
eolor wanted scut post-paid. 04 colored sample
and eet of fancy cniv'.s emit for a 3o. etamr.
WELLS, ItlCIl Alt IISU.N A fU.,llurllegt '
Bronzo Paint. Artists' Black.
Tot gliding Fancy Baskets, Frame. luipe,
Chandellore. and for all klnde of ornamental work
Eiual to any of the hlch priood kinds and oly
loots, a packa(re,at the druglaU,or post-paid tram
....... . . .... . itiinvia.'e'
r.l.l.". itn iiiii.i''- " - -
IwSSVerA luts, Moths, Klies, Fleas, Ants,
ffirVKvVVO ". I'o v. It.r.l". . ill.-ke.i-, Jin
ill I Ifon.-liM. Mire,
l. Ants, A.lcs
i socle.
- 7dL-. tufa idle lwil"- i" ";'ZL."i i
K Kt..r... 111., tofceo.
40. Hro
no St., N. V. 1'i.eonly
Mlvt rtn j .-Mote i inish . tiiant o-i-uut giiters-
f DR. 0
Elicblo i;jl'.icn m eont n 33 lap' Tr'.il,
WHO are sufforlnR from Nh-nvora Pkiuutt,
Viaoll, wkakneksus, nil kliolied
lllHeaHOS. httedv reliel lill'i .-oiiioien. i .-r.....
tion of Vhiok nn.l Mahhoiid ui'aka.i
tbkd. The uri.nil. Kt dlKOv. ry of the Mne
tofiith Century. Neiid at uuce for IllustratcU
Himuhkt free. Ad.lreas
Pltlil'.tHI II
- T if Nor hi,i hy Yona in..
, ' v I'l.l'.S AND PKIChS. ! A I
II If I 1 1 1 I . i
IF Nor hoLI HY YOini UK At
1 1 relievpn at once Hums. l iu, ( 'hnpTK-d if nmiHor i.hw.
i'onia,inuitons.8i-alcl,ltrulhfH,SorriH-ss of fi-ft.hanan
'yea,ttc. . lu-hin frouuiiiy-'.us.'. ttr.r. AhkyourdruK
mmmt. lUt. or M U-1 to Ui l ulit-n hTft't.
iiiaa! ill!.
. s. v..
Itrt III the worlil. l.'i t the Heiiiiinw. l.rery
Iiiit'kiiuo luti imr li'iirl.'-Hiiirk i.o.t i lilarnvu
imcr'.. roi.ti 1 Kit V Wll l it li.
Ei Bo'i Gfien Happen
When a r.'li ililf houe, in lulvt-rtistu iTolr roulai
Luam- as, uilMtil, nn linn hoiiH" U t-s, (or ne dollar,
a iMinpli'l H'iiHi.t ou: 1' t t lirtt will cual'lo r.ny one t-uinrt
ji ii1 out t r pi imi k t o i ihily iii.i tti iflU m r dny and
t n nttoi. Sfiit vr- if' I ii ud two htrtiui.s tor rt-turn tol Ml:
DANA iilt.'M OlUX'O.. Kli. Kit j Ml Hr.uui wny, N. Y,
F r? V Uyn-iorn mail A full description of
I ikM Ihmm a IMOi'il H Jt!VV Jjlllof h'Sl
SvkIwhi ol lrti
(JuttniK. i. W..Mui.ii a i;.
III VV.'.Hli.l'iuc.uniiU.O.
? ft wik in vi-ur o.wi t it n. T'tium rud ir 5 out til
0 J. i roe. AJ'Iivh. U. hall t .1 i Mi ii., i' .r(l..ud. Ma
evv : s B3 poi- it i