WEDXliSDAY MORNING, AI'G. I, 188. BOROUGH OFFICERS. II urge. fi. P. Inwii. Councilmen North ward. H, M. Fore man, C. M. Shawkcy. A. M. Boutt; South ward, V, A. Eagles, J. If. Fonos, A. II. Dale. Justices of the Peace J. T. Brennar, I). H. Knox. Countable James Swnilcs. tir.hool Director U, W. Robinson, A. n. Kelly, J. II. Dlnirmnn, I). 8. Knox, J. W. Morrow, II. S. Broekway. FOREST COUNTY OFFICERS. Memher of Congreit-3 Mohokovb. Member of Senate-J. G. HaI.L. Aasemhty K. I,. D.WI. 'resident Judge W . I). IlRnifN. Associate Judges 3 onn Kkck, C. A. II 1 1. 1.. Treasurer Of. S. Foreman. lh-othonotary, Hegistcr cC' Recorder, ic JUHTU SHAWKKY.' NfierUr.V. V. Ci.awk. Commissioners II. W. Lkokbur, J. fl. II RNnKRSON, II. A. ZUKNDKI.L. Count Superintendent J. 12. HiLL- AKD. District Attorney T. J. VanGifski. Jury Commissioners II. O. Davis, J. Orkrnawait, County NurvAiorV. F. Whittf.kin. Coroner C. II. Cliunrn. Count it A uditors(i. W. WARDEN, J. A. NfOTT, R. B. SWAI.I.KY. O USIN ESS DIRE CT OR Y7 . TIONESTA LUDUh MIC UTS every Tuesday evening, at 7 o'clock, in the Lodge Koom inPar trlde'a Hall. KM HOLEMAN X. G. O. V. SAWYER, Keo'y. 27-tf. C AFT. GEORGE HTOW POST, No. 274, G. A, R. Meeta on the first Wednesday In each month, In Odd Follows Hall, Tionesta, Pa. I). S. KNOX, Commander, T'J. VAN OTESEN. . ATTORNEY AT LAW, Ami District Attorney of Forest County. OfiieP In Conrt House, Tionesta, Pu. L. DAVIi ATTORNEY-AT-TAW, Tionesta, Pa. Collection made In this nml adjoining counties. ' T TILES W. TATF, ll ATTORN E Y-AT-IA W, Elm Street, Tionesta, Pa. rp F. RITt'HF.Y. 1 . ATTORNEY-AT-LaW, Tionesta, Forest County Pa. JU. AG NEW. . ATTORNEY- IT-LAW, Tionesta, Pa. ATTENTION SOLDIERS ! 1 have been admitted to practice s an Attorney in the Pension Otllco at Wash luirton, ' D. C. All olTWrs, soldiers, or Bailors who were lnun d in the late war, can obtain pensions to winch tliev may he entitled, bv calling on or addressing uie at 'I ionesta. Pa. Also, claims for arrearages ofpav and bounty will receive prompt at tention. Havinir been over fivnr voars a soldier In tho Into war, and havintr for a number of vear onirasred in the nvo-ecution nt sol diers' claims, my experience w ill assure the eollection of claims iu the shortest pos sible time. J. It. AO NEW, 41lf. T AWRENCE HOUSE. Tionesta. Pa h II. S. Brock wa v. Proprietor. This house U eentrallv 1ocii((h1. Everything new and well furnished. Supeiior Ac commodations and strict attention given to lruest. Veu'ctablcs anil Fruits of ail kinds served In their season. Sample room for Commercial Agents. "CENTRAL HOI'S E, Tionesta. Pa., J T. C. Jackson, Proprietor, This is a new house, and hat Just been titled up tor the accommodation of tho public. A por tion of the patronage of the public is solie Red. "-' 77 AST HICKORY HOTEL. Vj EAST HICKORY. Pa.. .1. W. Ham.. Proprieter. This house is new and hus been furnished with new furniture throughout. It is centralley lo nteil. and has a first class barn in connect ion with it. Tho traveling public will lindit a pleasant stopping place, first class Liverv In connection witli tho Hotel TVTATIONAL HOTEL. Tidioute, Pa., 11 W. I), llueklin, Proprietor. A first class hotel lu all respects, und the pleas. uiitest stripping place in town. Hates very reasonable. Jans-si MB. COOK. M. V).. PHYSICIAN SURGEON, . Ofl ice at the Central House, Tionesta, Pa, All professional calls promptly nt tended to. TW. "MORROW. M. I).. .1. PHYSICIAN A SURGEON. Latn of Armstrong county, having located nyi . 1 1 ..,,....! ..H 111 ) IOlCl IS Jin!IHU'il fcW ItLVlTiivi Uii J'lu' fesslonal calls promptly and at all hours Otlk-e in SmearbaiiKh A Co.'h new build iuif, up stairs. Ottice hours 7 to H a. m. on.l II (nl'u , in ! unit I'A to Ti P. M timwlnvu o Ill m 2 tr 3 and fit to 74 r. m. Rosidonee in Fisher House, on Walnut Street. may-18-8I WC. COTIURN, M. D.. PHYSICIAN A SURGEON, lias had over fifteen vears experience in the practice of hiH profession, haviiiKtrrad liated legally and honorably May 10, 1K65. Office 'and Residence in Forest Ilonse, opposite the Court House, Tionesta, Pa, Aug. a-iso DENTISTRY. DR. J. W. MORROW. Having purchased the materials Ac, of Dr. ."teadman, would respectlully an liounce that ho will carry on the Deital nusiness in Tionesta, and having had over six years successful experience, considers liim'sell fully competent to give entire sat isfaction, i shall always give my medi cal practice the preference. mari-K2. a. B. MIT. 1. 8. KMLLT MA Y, PARK M CO., B A K K E B S ! Corner of Elm A Walnut Sts. Tionesta. Bank ol Discount and Deposit. Interest allowed on Time Deposits. w Collections made on all the Principal points of the U. S. Collections solicited. 18-ly, J. T. RRRNNAK, V. M. HIIAWKKY. BRENNAN &SHAWKEY, Real Estate Agentu & Couveyanoers. Dealers In ANTHRACITE tf; BITUMINOUS COAL (Onieen In Court llouse.) TIONESTA, FOREST COUNTY, PA. FOR RALE. f7 acres, Tionesta twn.. 10 acres cleared and in wheat and rye) small house and bam ; considerable oak timber. Price $700 (400 down, balance In 8 years. A Houses and lots, and bulldintr lots in Tionesta Borough for salo on easv terms. Wo have some good bargains on hand. llUKNNAN iVSHAWKKV. LOCAL AND MISCELLANEOUS. Condensed Time Table Tionesta Nlatlen. WORTH. SOUTH. Train 15..... 7:48 amlTralnO 11:05 am train 18 8:10 am Train 10 Train 8:011 ptnTrain 16 8:20 pm Train 15 North, and Train 10 South carry the mail. No preaching in the Presbyte rian Church next Sunday. Ilev. Hicks will occupy the pulpit of the M. E. Church next Sunday Presbyterian Sabbath School at 3 p. m.; M. E. Sabbath School at 10 a. m. AuguPt the 1. The trout season expires to-day. We noticed Capt. Geerge Kepler of Oil City oq our streets yesterday. Oil Market closed last night at $1,001. Opened this morning at $1,001. Miss Fannie Doutt, of Rochester, Pa., is paying her brother, A. M., a visit this week. Seuator Cameron will please ac cept our thaDks for a copy of the Com pendium of the Tenth Census. --Fred. Morgan went back to Rich burg, N. Y., yesterday morning, after a refreshing visit with Tionesta irieuds of two weks. Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Lanson re turned last Saturday from a vibit among friends and relatives in Chau tauqua couuty, N. Y. Charley Clark returned to his home near Philadelphia, last Wednes day after a pleasant visit of three veiks with his parents aod friends iu this place. An entertaining letter Irom our friend Rob lloskins, now one of Da' Rotas pioneer journalists, will be found iu this issue, and will doubtless be read with much i uteres t by his many friends here. A gjod share of the mountain above the depot at this place came down and landed un the railroad track last Saturday morning, inconsequence of which trains worn obliged to trans fer their passengers and baggage here during the day. The premium list of the Venango County Fair to be held at Franklin, October 2d, 3d., 4th and 5th, is before us. It is much larger this year than usual, and will boubtless be the means of drawing mauy more visitors as well as exhibitors to the fair. The Meadville Messenger has a correspondent who mentious the death of an old reiident of Evansburg 91 years of age, who was a soldier in the Revolutionary war and took part iu the battle of the Braodywina. That scribe needs to rub up his historical pen; it's evidently rusty. On Monday of last week Alonzo, son of Daniel Andrews of Hickory township, this county, met with an ac cident in the bark woods at Magee Run above Tidioute, which resulted in the fracture of his right arm above the 'elbow. He was stiuck by falling limb. 11 was working for Alexander lleid at the time. Alter to-dav see that your cows nd horned cattle are not running at large after nine o'clock p. m. The borough ordinance "sets in" to-day, and all etock running eut o' nights will be gathered in and one dollar charged for each and every offense. Who will be the first lucky man 7 Iden contribute the dollar. Pittsburgh experienced a eud a destructive flood on Sunday moruing last. The rise was so sudden that the lutubarmen were taken by surprise and lost heavily. All the lumber timber, coal boats, &c, lying between lltrr's Island and the Point were carried away. Among the heaviest losers we recognize the following names: Watsou & Dunham, 2,500,- 000 feet lumber and 60.000 feet tim ber, $49,000; John Shoup, 6 rafts tim ber, $2,000; Capt Kepler, timber, $3, 500; Robe't McClosky, 10 rafts $3, 500. Mills Jennie Williams", teacher of Clariogton school, makes the' follow ing report for the month ending July, 18: No. enrolled males 21, females 18; average attendance, males 17, fe males 15; per cent, of attendance, males 8G, females 89; names of pupils not absent during month, Efla Myers, Clara Slaugbenhopt, Ada Thompson, Rebie Williams, Ward Boyd, Alvin Boyd, Alvin Highgate, Willie llutch- esoo, Willie Slaugbenhopt. We have been asked to call the attention of .our borough authorities to the bad condition of the road im mediately above the Tubbs Run bridge the heavy rains of the past few days having washed it out so as to make it unsafe to travel. Last Saturday while Judge Hill was coming to town he was thrown from his hack and quite severely bruised. It would be well to look after the matter at once as some serious trouble might arise therefrom if not attended to in time. A notice has been sent to the sev eral Sunday Schools in Forest county, to send delegates to a meeting to be held in the Presbyterian Church, Tio nesta, ou Tuesday, August 7, 1883, at 1 o'clock, p. m., for the purpose of or ganizing a Synday School Association, to be auxiliary to the State Asocia tiou. The object is to advance the Sunday School work generally, and create greater interest in the cause. The organization-is undenominational, aud it is to be hoped all the schoels will be represented at the meeting. The storm which passed aver this section last Friday afternoon did con siderable damage to some of the crops The storm seemed to be coafined to a narrow streak, anil was accompanied by hail. At Hunter's station,- three miles below this place, the corn, po tatoes and oats were badly damaged, some of the farmers having their corn torn into shreds and totally mined by the large hail stones that fell. On Dutch Hill it passed between Wm. Heath's and II. A. Zuendel's places, doing considerable damage to the let ter's oats crop. The young men of this place have organized themselves into what they style the Tionesta Gymnastic and Dra matic Club. A meeting was held Sat urday evening last and the following officers chosen : President, Jas. B. Muse ; Vice President, Jas. Landers ; Secretary, Jas. D. Davis;- Treasurer, Dan. Jackson. The object of the or ganization is fully demonstrated iu the uame it has adopted. Dumb-bells, Indian clubs, soft gloves, and the like, have beeu ordered, and the boyer will soon all be practicing the manly art of self-defense, aud before long our town will probably be able to turn out a colony of athletes, all of whom will doubtless be stars in their line. Our devil speaks for a free ticket to the first entertainment, and should the club feel the need of a financial man ager be puts in first bid for the berth. "Time !" A Barnett township friend sends us the following important item: A sad accident happened at Coleman Mills on the 14th of July. While Joseph Geer, the head-sawyer,- was gumming the saw the emery wheel bursted, a piece of it about three inch es long and twa wide striking him ou the forhead above the right eye break ing through the skull. Dr. Burkett of Clariogton, was called, dressed the wound aud rendered all the relief possible under the circumstances but the unfortunate man lingered only until the following Thursday, when death relieved him of his sufferings. His remains were taken to his former home beyond Brookville for burial He leaves a wife and four children who were dependent upoc his labor for support. He was a soldier of the late war, being a member of the 105th regiment, and was also a member, at the time of his death, of the Grand Army Post at Brookville. FOR SALE. Situated on the Allegheny river, about three miles above Tiouesta, in Hickory Township, the tarm of the late George Sibbald, oecoased ; con tain tog about 96 acres. A first class farm in every respect, under good cul tivation; buildings aod fences all in good repair. Persons wishing to purchase address, Dk. J. Sibbald, Fox Chase, Philadelphia, Pa Latest Revised Map of Forest Co Oil Regioue, $1.00, and subsequent revisions free to subscribers. Address S. C. Smith, Civil Engineer, Harris burg, Pa. tf. OIL NOTES. A gusher is still brought in occa sionally up in the Balltown field', just to liven up things a little when tbey get too dull. On Monday afternoon Porcupine Oil Co.'s No. 8 struck the sand. It began flowing strong. Iu the first twenty-four hours It put eight huudred barrels ia the tank, aud at the end of that time was flowing at the rata of twenty-eight barrels an hour. Its location is four hundred feet north of Porky No. 6. Grandin No. 42 was drilled eight feet in the sand and is flowing. The first six hours it made thirty-six bar rels. It is expected to improve by further drilling. The Tubbs Run well is now down over 2,000 feet, says Web. Clark, the boss of operations up there. He also Bays they will be down 3,000 feet or have some oil by the time we are ready to report it again, no bad luck. Their pluck is good and ought to be rewarded by a gusher. Notes by Our Tramp. BARN El T TWP. Dr. Burkitt has been quite unwell for a week or so, but is now better and able to get around amongst them again. Tho Dr. has a nice barn up on his lot, and has his house under way. John Snyder, our blacksmith, is building himstlf a house also. We don't know'who will help him occupy it. -The road laid oat some time ago running from Clarington to the head of Button wood eddy along the creek is being made by David Wingard, he having taken the job at $2.40 per rod. The roads out through our township are in anything but good condition owning to the severe rains. Our schools are open for a two month's summer term. We have six months of school this year. Our town ot Clarington keeps right up with' the times, and revels iu ice cream suppers once in awhile. Andy Slaughenhaifpt has had built this summer a very substantial barn. L. Warner's new house at Redcliffe is nioviug on toward completion. The boat-scaffold at Coleman pre sents considerable of industry. Sol. Fitzgerald is contractor for building a number of boats and ia pushing things right along. The Clarion hus been "up" so much this summer that it looks sort o' tired The boys at Colemao, it is reported, captured a big fish some time ago. It weighed 23 pounds: The rain is interfering with harvest ing. Hay is good. Potatoes look well. Ouce iu awhile a field may be found slightly struck with blight. NEILLTOWN. The Flemming Hill school closed with a nice picnic on Monday. Miss Kerr will teach in Jenkstown ship this fall and winter. Major Woodcock is doing some fix ing up to the wall and porch of his house. Miss Coihnes of Bradford is the guest of Miss Lizzie Hopkins. Carsonville had a church dedication a week ago Sunday. The U. B. con gregation built the church. The effort to raise the amount yet dun on the cost of the building ou the day of dedica tion was strong and successful. The people who attended the services were well pleased with the proceedings, ex cepting the paint they carried off with them. Tramp. July 31, 1883. Brookston Bubbles. On Wednesday evening 25th, Mrs. C. C. Smith missed the last train at Sheffield and her oldest son borrowed the "speedei" in Brookstou and went after her. Upon their return, when near Martins, the car jumped the track, throwing Mrs. Smith into the creek cutting her face severely. Dr. McNett of Sheffield was called and took some thirty stitches in her face. She is doing very well now. Chas. SvenBSon, a Sweede, peelicg bark for Wm. Stover, cut his foot bad ly a few days ago. The Free Methodists, who have quite a hold in Brookston, will hold a quarterly meeting here on Friday, Aug. 3d, and Communion services Saturday and Sunday. They extend an invitation to all. Peter Anderson seems to be doing quite a nice busiuess. The word of warning in our last appears to have been fculficient. July 30, 1883. Bijau. , Whig Hill Talk. J After a long tilence will again grasp our quill and try to givo you a minute account of what we are all doing, at least so far as we koow. Everyone is busy, from our greatest farmer down to the poorest laborer. Crops are exceedingly good indeed. They exceed our expectation, but ow ing to the inclemency of the weather we are barely able to gather them in. Wheat never was so good in tbia part as the present season. This we know, for our oldest settlers, who have been here since this settlement's infancy, tell us so. Joe Wuerzka beats us all in having the best crops, which speaks well for him and for our community. It is well, for such things have a tendency to arouse a feeling and an anxiety on the part of all to try and excel and be come foremost iu the ranks of the husbandmen. Sunday School never has been so good as it is this year. All are anx ious to make it a success, and our ef forts are being crowned as they should be. The attendance averages sixty; good order prevails, and there appears to be a great interest awakened con cerning the instructions. Day echool we bear nothing about so conclude it must be good, for if otherwise complaint would be made. Len. Barnes broke his valuable phtclon on Friday evening last. Sor ry for Len!, also for tho girls who were fortunate enough to get riding in it. Jesse Shrcfler says it is a mean man who dares to run a rubber boot crooked. J. L. Klinestiver has returned and says there is no place like his old home. We welcome you back, Jacob. Long may you live and be happy. Intelligence recoived from Ed. Gil lespie is very favorable. The estimate made ou his hay is between fifty-five and sixty tun6. Also bis other crops are very flattering. We bespeak for Ed. success, and we are safe iu stating he will achieve it. Eli Berlin and lady depart for Fair- point in a few days. John Shunk is around again. James Faichney still makes the an vil ring in the shop on the corners. Roads are iu the worst condition they have been for yeais. C. F. Gillespie has gone to visit his son at Uuion, and also to look after his interests in that section. Send up some of the candidates for office. We are ready to be bulldozed If you wish to see the latest im proved farming implements in opera tiop come up, for we can boast of hav ing the largest assortment in use here of any farming community in this county. Ichakode. Whig Hill, July 30, 1883. Kellettville Krumbs. Rtr. Hays preached his farewell sermon in Kellettville according to previous announcement, and it is re gretted very much by the church-going people that his services cannot be secured longer. The kindest wisheB of his friends here go with him wher ever he may journey through life. Mrs. Rarrick, of Painted Post, N. Y., is visiting her daughter, Mrs. R. R. Andrews, and son Charles Rarrick. Dr. Stead ua an, Misses Sallie Hu ll ugs and Jessie Knox, of Tionesta, were the guests of Mr. aud Mrs. S. R. Cogau one day laBt week. Mrs. E. II. Chase and family of Miles Grove, Erie county, Pa., are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Arner. Master Charlie Audrews returned home a few days ago from Canada, where he has been visiting bis grand father, Mr. Audrews. School rouirueuced last Tuesday with Miss Libbie Guenther in charge. The building is not finished yet, but near enough so that it could be occu pied. J. M. Kepler, Supt. of the Salmon Creek Co., was around looking after the interests of that Company a tew days' ago. X. Y. Z. July 30, 1883. Kuuti-lird Tram I lie (.rate. My wife was ut tho hrink of the grave. She had hecn given up to die liy three of Allegheny City'a heat physicians. They all pronounced her disease Con sumption. Her liiiucr-nail and lips were blue; was pulseless nt tiie wrist; wo were all called to w itness her death. At this moment a neighbor brought iu Dr. llAHTMAy, who prescribed tcaspootul of Peru mi every hour. Sho imiiioved from the lirst dose, aud in a week she was up, and now (less than six months) Miu is well. See page !10 in the "Ills of life" a book you can get gratis from your Druggist, If not, address Dr. Hautman, Osboru, Ohio. T. S. KBKKLKIN, South Chicago, 111. -For good fresh Goods cheap g to Hamlet & Sons. Feb. 1, "82. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. We take pleasure in announcing that we have perfected arrangements : witli the publishers of the American Farmer that enable us to club that magazine with the Fcjhest IlErrBLi- can at the low price of $1.75 per year, a trine over the price of the Ketubu can alone. This is beyond question the first time that a reliable agricul tural paper has beeu offered at so cheap a price, and we trust all our subscribers will avail themselves of tin unusual opportunity of securing a first class agricultural magazine. The Anicri cau Farmer is beyouJ doubt worth three times the prico, at which we place it. Try it. li is a monthly publication. A Dangerous Counterfeit. There are dangerous counterfeits in circulation purporting t be "Walnut Leaf Hair Restorer. 1 he etrongeBt evidence of its great ralue is the fact that parties knowing its great efficucy try to imitate it. Each bottle of the genuine has a fat simile of a walnut leaf -blown in the glass ; and a Green Leaf on the outside wrapper. The "Restorer" in as harmless as water, while it possesses all the properties necessary to restore life vigor, growth and color to the hair. Purchase only from responsible parties. Ask your druggist for it. Each bot tle warranted. Johnston, Holloway &, Co , Phila delphia, and Hall & Ruckel, New York, wholesale agents. DIED. PETIT at fior home near . Newnanville,-. Clarion county, Pa., on July 30th, JlSSIt,' after an illness of three weeks, Mrs. Al bert Petit, aged about 38 years. ' CORRECTED EVERY TUESDAY, BY RELIABLE DEALERS. - Flour p barrel choice - 4.(57.00 Flour "0 sack, - -' l.liifcjg 1.70 Corn Meal, 100 lt.s - - -,1.001.75 iioji letiii, I'urt grain - .. i.uu . Corn, Shelled - - . - - 85 Beans bushel - 1.503.00 Ham, sugar cured - - 10 Breakfast Bacon, sugar cured 10 Shoulders - - - - -1 13 Whitetish, half-barrels - '" - 8.50 Lake herring half-barreU - - - 2-50 Sugar - - - . - - - 9H Syrup - - - - - - "5' N. O. Molasses new - - - '80 Roast Bio Coffee - -. 15(fc22 Rio Coffee, - 12Jf5,18 Java Coffee - - . - 28 SO Tea - - - - - - 20(a,t0 Butter - - - - DIi,2o-' Kico .' 8(ujl0 Eggs, fresh - - '.- ' . - M Salt best lake - - '.. l.-V) Lard ------ -- IU Iron, common bar - - - - S.-o Nails, lOd, keg - - - -' 3.75 Potatoes - - - -- . 75(3100 Lime 1 bbl. - - - - 1.50 Dried Apples sliced per lb - - 11 Dried Beef - - - - - 38 Dried Peaches per lb 10 Dried Peaches pared per - 2 Tho Union & Normal HIGH SCHOOLS, AT TIDIOUTE, PENN'A. Opens September 3, 1883. HMirc (rounds and Buildings havoeeii , -I enlarged and relitted, thus offering better facilities than heretofore. Besides the advantages of good Teachers, etc., us usally furnished by Union School, wo oll'er'tho following SPKCTAI, ADVANTAGES :' A NOHMAL COURSE, for the thorough pioparation of teachers. A BUSINESS COURSE, for the prepa ration of students for practical biiHim s.i lite. A CLASSICAL COURSE for preparing for col lego or for a profession. A SELECT LIBRARY and Reading Room. New Apparatus, Cabinets of min erals, etc. , INSTRUCTION in German and French by the new method. A SPECIAL TEACHER in Vocal Mr sic. KINDERGARTEN WORK. A SERIES OF FAMILIAR EXPEIU MEX'l'S for teachers by the Principal. For further information address II. 11. CUMINGS, Pres., or S. F. 1IOGE, Principal. Notice. Notice is hereby given that a niectiuir ' flic qualified voters of Tioiita boroii) 1 School 1 istrict will bo held on tlio ELEVENTH DAY OF AUGUST, NKX at t lie usual place for holding the uimii pal t leciioiis iu said Borough to decide i ballot of the (jneslion of (lie incurring, said School District, of hiHcbtcdues Hit- purpose of building a new sclu house therein, in accordance wiil) the .' of '.'Mlh of April, lsl4: "An Act to rcj late the manner of increasing tho hide' t-diii'i-H of municipalities, to provide I he redemption ul the same, and to i pose penalties fur the illegal inert thereof," and the corporate auilioi-itiee said School District have bv their v duly recorded on their minutes auction t he inciiri ing of a dehl to the amoiiu four thousand dollars for said p:ii' iicennling to said Act. aud set fttitli stitti-iiient required uniler the same as lows: Amount of the lust assessed . . iitiiui for school purposes, $110,: . Amount of the proposed debt. - . Amount of the percentuKc of the iru; iiii-l-case. ;ij per cent. Surplus in ' of Treasurer, per Auditors' with i.. G. V. KOBINSOX. Presi.l. .1. li. UINGMAN. Secretin -Tiouesla, Pa.. July 11, ls3. Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Kcxi the marvel of the age lor all Nu "t'i- .i A II tits slopped lice. Semi Ivl-ii'yt-i 1' i . bep-'.