The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, July 25, 1883, Image 3

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    ; forest glqmMkrm.
flurgeiit.H, P. InwiN.
Couvrilmen North ward,' IT, M. Fnre
inn. C. M. Nhawkey, A. M. Douttj South
ward, V, A. Eagles', J, If. Folios, A. II.
Jitittieen of the Peace 3. T. Urennan,
I). H. Knox.
Constable, James Swniles.
School Dirertnr. U. W. Robinson, A.
R. Kelly, J. 11. Dingman, 1. H. Knox, J.
W. Morrow, II. N. Itrockway.
Member of Conrjr-3 AH. Mono KOVK.
Member of Smote 3. G. IIai.I..
Anne.mblii K. Ii. Davis.
J're.iiili'nt. .Inline XV . 1. Rrovit.
Annoeialo Judge John Ruck, C. A.
Hi i.I,.
Treasurer "N. S. FonrcMAN.
Vrolhonotarii, Itegiater tC Jlecorder, ire.
Justi Shawkkv.'
. Sheriff: V.. XV. Cl.AV.ic.
Commissioners U . XV. LttDKnUR, J. B.
County Superintendent J. J. HlLt.
Ann. Jhstricf Attorney T. 3. VanGikskn.
Jury Commissioner II. (). DAVIS,
County Surveyor T. F. Whittkkin.
Coroner C. II. Cumin. .
County A uditorsU. XV. XV A nDKN, J. A.
rVoTT, R. 11. KWAI.f.KY.
I. O. of O. TP.
MEETS everv Tuesday evening, at 7
o'clock, in' tho l.odgo Room in Par
tridge' Hull.
a. w. sawyer, wy. 27-tr.
No. 274, G. A. R.
loet on the first Wednesday In oaeb
month, in Odd Fellows Hall, Tionesta, Pa.
J). S. KNOX, Commander.
And District Attorney of Forest County.
Oftlee in Court House, Tionesta, Pa.
17 Ii. DAVIS.
Tionesta, Pa.
Collections niado in UUs nnd adjoining
Elm Street,
Tionesta, Pa.
Tlonesla, Forest County Pa.
Tionesta, Pa.
I have feeen admitted to practice ns nn
Attorney in tho Pension Olllco fit Wash
ington, 1. C. All ollleers, soldiers, or
pallors who were injured in tho lata war,
enn obtain pensions to which thev may bo
entitled, nv call nitron or addressing mo at
'( ionesta. Pa. AN", claims Tor arrearages
of pay and Isninty will receive prompt at
tention, .
lbiviinz been over four years a soldier in
the l ite war, and havinir Tor a mini Iter of
yearn onimired in the proMx-iitlon ot sol
diers' claims, my experience will assure
the collodion uf chums in the shortest nos
sihletinie. J. 15. AGN EV.
T AWRENCH HOUSE, Tionesta, Pa.,
XJ II. S. P.roekwav. Proprietor. This
house is centrally located. Evervthinir
new ajid well furnished. Supeiior Ac
commodations and strict attentiou given
to truest. Vegetables and Fruits of all
lcinds served in their season. Sample
room for Commercial A cents.
"1EXTKAL HOUSE. Tionesta. Pa.,
v T. C. Jack on. Proprietor. This is a
new house, and has just lieen tittod up tor
the accommodation ot tho pulihe. A poi
Hon of tho patronage of the pulilii! is solic.
ited. . 4-i.v
J. W. R.M., Proprietor. Tliis house is
now ami hns lieen furnished with new
furnituro throughout. It is centralley lo
cated, nnd has a first class ham in ooiinect
iili it.. Tho traveling nuhlio will
llndlit a uleasHiit Htoiiiiinir place. First-
class Livery in connection with the Hotel.
XV. 1). Ihloklin, Proprietor. A first
class hotel in all respects, and tho picas
uutcst stopping place in town. Rates very
reasonable. jan8-S2.
MR. COOK, M. T..
Olllee at tho Central House, Tionesta,
Ta. All professional calls promptly iu
t(.iided to.
T W. MORROW. M. 1.,
Late of Armstrong county, having located
in Tionesta is prepared to attend all pro
fessional calls promptly ana ai an nours
Otlieo in Sniearhauh A Co.'u now build
int, up stairs. Office hour 7 to H a. m.
and 11 to 12 M. : 2 to 3 and 61 to 7i P. M
Kundaj's, to 10 A. M. i 2 to 3 and 6t to 7i
p. m. Residonco in Fisher House, on
Walnut Street. inay-18 81.
WC. ConURN, M. P.,
lla had over fifteen years experience in
the practice ot his profession, having jtrad
natod lenaltu and honorahlv May Id, JH05,
Otlieo and Residence in Forest House,
opposite tho Court House, lionesta, l a,
Having purchased tho materials vo., of
i ... I... i i ....ii.. .
nr. fMoaaiiiaii, woum icspecuuuy nn
Ixiuuce that ho will carry on the Dental
iinsiness in Tionesta, and having had over
six years successful experience, considers
him'sell fully competent to ilve entire sat
isfaction. 1 snail aiwaya give iny ineui
cul practice the prcferencs. iuar22-h2.
H. B. JilT.
Jl. b. kkllt
m a y, rAitK c co,,
Cinor of Elin it Walnut SU. Tionesta.
Rank ol Discount and Deposit.
Interest allowed on Time Deposits.
Collodions inadoouall the Principal points
of the U. S.
Collections solicited, 13-ly.
C. M. RH AWltKY,
Roal Estate Agenta &. Conveyancers.
Dealers in
(Offices in Court Houso.)
57 acres, Tionesta tw p., 10 acres cleared
and in wheat and rye; small house and
har:i ; considerahlo oak timher. Prico
?7o0 ; 100 down, balance in 8 years.
Houses and lots, and buildinir lots In
Tionesta Itoroutli for sale on easy terms.
Wo have some good bargains on hand.
Condensed Time Tnliln Tlonevt a Nlnllon.
Train 03 11:05 am
Train 10 1:4" pm
Train 10.,... 8:2,0 pm
Train I5... 7:4S am
1 ' ; to u.i -
i ittiii 10 ci;iu uui
Train U :i:.r!) pm
Train 15 North, and Train 10 South carry
tho mail. ,
r-Services in the F. M. Church
next Sunday eveniog.
Rev. Hicks will occupy the pulpit
of the M. E. Church next Sunday
Presbyterian Sabbath School at
3 p. m.; M. E. Sabbath School at 10
a. ru.
Mr. O. W. Troper is in New York
City on bimnesa.
Mr. J. Bonner of StoDeboro, ii a
guest of our town at present.
Dr. Coburn is moving his family
into a part of Judge lleck's house.
Herman Blum of Dutch Hill,
hns lately built a large addition to his
Oil Market closed last night at
$1,029. Opened this morning at
Watermelons at 50 cents each
puts the cholic out of reach of 'most
Mr. Oil. Limbert of Akron, Ohio,
has been spending the past week with
Tionesta friends.
Mrs. J. Ii. Chad wick has gone to
visit friends and relatives at Tryon
villc, Crawford county.
lion. E. L. D.ivis came borne
Saturday evening and remained over
Sunday with his family.
Since receiving the nomination
for County Treasurer by the prohibi
tionists Mr. S. J. Woicott has an
nounced himself as a Greenback can
didate, also.
Mr. G. W. Dilhridge ami family
are spending the season ut Chautau
qua. The attractions at that favorite
resort are said to be greater this year
than ever.
Our congiatulaiions anil best
wishes are extended to Mr. Truman
Hill and bridu uf Hickory township,
who?e marriago announcement appears
in this issue.
Hon. J. B. Agnew, Surveyor
F. F. W hittekin, and J. A. Long
were in Harrisburg last week attend
ing a suit for vacant lands before the
board of properly.
Mrs. W'm. Hebenthal, with her
children, returned to Tionesta last
week from her trip to Dakota. Mr.
Hebenthal has taken up two claims
out there and will remain to take care
of them.
While the farmers of this eection
are hoping for sufficient dry weather
to harvest their crops those of the
Northwest ure praying for just a little
moisture to save their crops from ruin
by tbe drouth.
Billy Hendsrson has gone to East
Hickory to start a barber shop, and will
occupy rooms in Mr. Ball's hotel. We
can roe oni mend Billy as a good shaver
and we believe will supply a long felt
want in that town.
Mr. Stnith at Carpenter's photo
graph gallety does work in Oil, Iudia
and Crayon, and guarauteas satisfac
tion. He also makes good ice cream
and has it for sale by the gallon,
quart or dish at all hours.
Our young friend Johnny Shunk,
of Whig Ilill, who is just recovering
from a severe attack of inflamatory
rheumatism, was in town Monday
looking somewhat reduced in flash
but had given up the idea of passing in
his checks yet awhile.
For a week or two past our pee
pie have wondered why Charley Hin-
toa wat fixing up the dwelling oppo
site Lawyer Tate'is office so comforta
bly. Well, Charley and his bride,
formerly Miss Sarah Host, have since
commenced house-keeping there, and
although the wedding took place some
five or ix months ago, we're bound te
extend congratulations, if we are a
little late.
James Kutter, who carries the
mail between this place and Tylers
burg, has provided himself with anew
hack, and passengers will now be
trnasported with ease and comfort.
"All aboard for Tylersburg I"
Although a little late the chest
nut blossoms give promise of an abun
dant crop. 'W also learn that beech
nuts are going to be plenty this fall;
likewise acorns, which will doubtless
be the means of bringing in the
The crops generally over this
county look well, and the indications
point to a rich harvest. Many of the
farmers are now cutting their wheat
which is fast ripening, while the rye
will be ready for the cradle in a week
or ten days.
Some fellow has just brought to
light the information that the first
snow of the past winter fell on the
night of the 12th of November, 1882,
and the last on the 21st of May, a
winter period of six months an j nine
days. Ex. And then rain set in and
it has hardly let up a day since.
In the marriage notice of Mr. II.
W. Roberts, published two weeks ago,
we gave the biide's name as Miss
Viola Hunter, when it should have
Hubbard. Your pardon, "Elder,"
for this error, and at the same time
receive our best wishes for the future
welfare of you and yours.
Attention ia directed to the card
of the Tidioute Union and Normal
High Schools in this issue. To those
intending to send their children away
to school we would recommend a con
sultation with the managers of this in
stitution of learning, which is rapidly
growing ia public favor. Read the
The last installment of lock
drawers for the post office arrivei last
week and have been placed in position ;
they are 24 of them, and they finish
up tbe office very handsomely, and are
going off like hot cakes on a frosty
morning, there being but one or two
that have not been spoken fur, so call
early if you want a big box.
Our young people had "laid out"
a picnic for last Saturday at the Tubbs
Run platform, on Dutch Hill, but the
rain put a damper on the affair. liar
ing their minds set on a dance they
were not willing to give it so, so they
adjourned to I'urtridge Hall, where
they whiled the evening away until
12 o'clock, in the mazy whirl.
Miss Flora Kelly teacner of
West Hickory School makes the fol
lowing report for the month ending
July 4th: Number of pupils enrolled
10, average attenbance 14. Pupils
who have not been absent duriug the
month, Merta Copeland, Pearl Cope
land, Truman Siggins, Garvey Cope
land, Frank Jones. j
A good day's cradling, and one
that is hard to beat, was performed by
our young friend Jake Siggins, on Mr
Kelly's Oldtown farm, now being
superintended by Mr. Wm. Young.
Last Friday Jake cut six and one
fourth acres of wheat in 10 hours by
the watch, drill measure. If this rec
ord is beaten in the county during the
present season we would like to hear
from the man who docs it.
All the Western Union and
American Rapid telegraph operators
went out en a strike at noon on Thurs
day last, in consequence of which there
is much stagnation in business, and
very little news. The strike extends
all over the United States and Cau
ada, as well as to the cable operators.
The strikers demand fifteeu per cent,
increase in wages ; a reduction in the
hours of work ; equal pay for equal
work, man or woman, and extra pay
for Sunday work. There is no telling
when it will end. '
Tho School Directors of Tionesta
borough mot on Monday evening, ac
cording to previous announcement, for
the purpose of selecting teachers for
the ensuing term, with the following
results: Advanced department, Geo.
W.Kerr; intermediate, Miss Flora
Kelly; primary, Mrs. Truman Hill.
The selections give very general satis
faction to our citizens, and tbe teachers
come highly recommended. Mr. Kerr,
for the advanced department, is con
sidered a good selection, and it is be
lieved he will not be troubled much
witk unruly boys, but on the contrary
will have good order in his room. The
other teachers are'quite welt known in
our county, and receive much praise
from tho communities in which they
have taught. The schools will open
on the first Monday iu September.
-Mr. C. D. W. Baker, who has.' for
upward of a year occupied a clerkship 1
in Robinson & Bonner's store, severed
his connection with the firm last week
and has gone to ' his former home in
Warren county. Mr. B. was very !
popular both as a clerk and with the
young people of Tionesta all of whom
are very sorry to lose him as a citizen.
We hope he will find it convenient to
visit Tionesta occasionally, and if pos
sible again become a permanent citi
"Bijah," our Brookston scribe,
sends us the following items : Brooks-
ton has a traveling photographer vis
iting them and making qui to a lively
time, especially among the "sparking
clacs." Mrs. MCrea, while out fish-
iug a few days ago near James' mill,
caught the fish hook in one of her
fingers. Mr, F. W. Brooks was called
to take it out. The lady saO'ered con
siderable pain for about two hours.
A word of warning to the T. V.
R. R. brakeman is all it is necessary
to say at present.
At this timo when showers are
making themselves numerous it might
be well to understand "umbrella flirt
ations." To leave your umbrella in
the hall "I don't want it auy more."
To purchase an umbrella indicates
"I am not smart but honest." To
trail your umbrella on tbe sidewalk
means that "the man behind you
thirsts for your blood." To lend an
umbrella indicates "I am a fool."
To put a cotton umbrella beside a silk
one means "exchange is no robbery."
To return ac umbrella never mind
what that means. No one ever does
Messers Watson & Root are build
ing an exteusivo mill on what is known
as the Davidson tract on Hickory creek
about five miles from the river. They
expect to move their families there
and build up a small town, as it were.
They will have a store, blacksmith
shop, and in fact everything that goes
to make up a first class lumbering
town. The mil) will be built with a
view to sawing extra long material,
and will cover a good deal of ground.
They have nearly fifteen millions of
lumber to cut which will occupy sev
eral years iu its completion. It is
calculated to have the mill up, house
built and everything in good running
order in two months. The firm of
Watson & Root has been a great
benefit to the trade of Tionesta,
amounting in some years to over 810,
000, and we are very sorry to think
they are going to leave us, the worst
ef it all being that they will be out of
the county. They have always con
ducted their business in a straight
forward, honorable manner, and there
by have built up a credit for them
selves which is second to noue in this
section. We wish them the same suc
cess in their new field which they have
always met with on Tionesta creek.
Panther Rock Squibs.
Our populace is at present very
much rushed on account of the large
hay crop that is beiog gathered in.
The gentleman that owns the roan
and sorrel horse team works night
as well as day at haying.
The Noble & Stroup bark job seems
to be flourishing well considering the
wet weather we are having.
Tobey & Normile are rushing- the
lumber through on the old mill.
Mis. Streup has been very sick, but
through the kind treatment of Dr.
Smith is improving slowly.
Miss Mame Murphy is visiting
friends here.
Mr. Tobey aud family have been
visiting relatives in Mew York State.
Miss Hattie Tobey just returned
from visiting friends at Frewsburg,
N. Y.
Miss May Sloan, tho teacher of our
school, is very prompt in bringing the
directots to time in the way of repairs
aud improvements about the school
house. We find that the beech trees
near tbe house are being trimmed.
Mr. Criswell has been suffering for
the past few days with sore eyes.
W. B. Roupe has just returned home
from an extended trip down the river
with lumber.
Mr. J. T. Brennan enlightens the
people of Panther Rock every two
weeks in religious matters.
July 21, 1883. Buzzigiu.
New Catch Mackerel at retail
aud in kits, quarter and half batrels,
at Robinson & Bonner's. 2t
For good fresh Goods cheap go to
Haslet & Som. Feb. J, '82.
OIL NOTES. r ; 5
' ' : '.
Very little, if anything, worth raen
tioning has occured in the Forest
county field' during the past wbek;.
drilling continues at the lubbs Run
venture and doubtless they are Very
near the finishing point. In our next
issue we think we will be able to re
port a good well there or a dry hole.
There is only one well expected in
in the Balltown district this week.
This is Dutch Oil Company's No. 2,
and it is doubtful whether this will be
Balltown No. 5 still has the tools in
the hole, and the chances are they
will never he got out. They are now
waiting for s steel socket from Brad
Lineville Locals.
The farmers in this vicinity are
buisy haying and harvesting, but ow
ing to so much rain their progress i
rather slow.
Mr. C. P. Rickenbrode has erected
a large barn on his farm near this
The smiling countenance of II. C.
Whittekin can be seen looming up in
our town occasionally. Hank, you
will have to "set 'era up" after Novem
ber next.
Prof. E. P. Williams, who has just
finished a term of school at the Tubbs
Run school house, in your county, is
again among us. He reports having
a spleudidtime among the people of
of Dutch Hill. A party was gotten
up on the platform in honor of bis
Miss Luticha Kahl, who has been in
Cleveland under the doctor's care for
nearly two years, returned a few days
since looking quite well.
Hon. John W. Kahl, of Marienville,
spent a few days with his family at
this place the past week.
Capt. A. W. Owens has been sorely
amicted with rheumatism, lie is
again able to be up around.
Our young folks concluded to have
a "fourth'' of their own ; they there
fore went to work and built a platform
and have hud several little fourths
Mr. Henry Zink, one of the oldest
citizens of this community, and a sol
dier in the war of 1812, died a short
time ago, aged 80 years and 9 months.
The greater part of Lineville is built
on his farm, upon which he has lived
about sixty-five years.
July 21, 1883. Mokae.
we receive the following additional
items :
The boys will give a dance on the
platform at this place on the evening
of the 20th. It promises to be an en
joyable affair.
The M. E. Quarterly Meeting will
be held at this place by Rev. Framp
ton at an early date.
The Lineville brass band, under the
leadership of H. Auge is progressing
finely, and bids fair to become a band
of no mean attainments. Lank.
July 24, 1883.
Atiempted Kidnapping.
Of thj attempted kidnupping of
Ex-SherilTS. V. Davis tbe receiver
of the Ford & Lacy estate appointed
by Judge Brown, the Warren Mail
of last week gives the following par
ticulars: About three weeks ago an injunc
tion was served on Davis prohibiting
him from receiving certain money and
directing him to appear before the Al
legheny county Court. He took coun
sel aud did net go as be was not am
enable to that Court. A warrant was
accordingly issued by the Allegheny
judge for his arrest for cootempt of
Last Satuaday evening just before
the train for Kane arrived he was
driving near the depot with his niece
Miss Valentine, when he was sudden
ly arrested by two men, hurried on
board the train and taken to Katie.
One of them pretended to be the sher
iff of Allegheny county, which proves
to be false. Tho news soon spread
and a writ of habeas corjma was pro
cured from judge Browu and a special
train was Btarted for Kane witk S. 11.
Davis, Policeman Utter, Geo. Davis
and others on board. Telegrams had
been sent to Dr. Preston, ' Kane, to
prevent the kidnapper f'rJua procuring
livery rigs to go beyoud Ifaue. Wheu
the special arrived Uttel showed his
authority and after fcoml parley got
Mr. Davis and relurutdl to Warren.
Probaly lie ought to have taken the
Idctf ctive also."
is It appears the detectives had been
hanging around Warren for some tite
weeks under assumed names, trying to,
nab Davis and run him out of the
county. Their little game was final
ly blocked by the energy and prompt
ness of Davis's friends. Probably
the end is sot yet for Mr. Davis is not
a man to be fooled with unlawfully.
Situated on the Allegheny river,
about three miles above Tiouesta, ia
Hickory Township, the farm of the
late George Sibbald, oeceased ; con
taining about 96 acres. A first clasi
farm in every respect, tinder good cul
tivation ; buildings and fences all in
good repair.
Persons wishing to purchase address",
Dlt. J. SlMtALD,
Fox Chase, Philadelphia, Pa.
We take pleasure in announcing
that we have perfected arrangements
with the publishers , of tho American
Farmer that enable us' to club that
magazine with the Forest Republi
can at the low price of 81.75 per year,
a trifle over the price of the Republi
can alone. This is beyond question
the first time that a reliable agricul
tural paper has been offered at so cheap
a price, and we trust all our subscribers
will avail themselves of this unusual
opportunity of securing a ;(first class,
agricultural magazine. Th, Ameri-;
can Farmer is beyond doubt worth"
three times' the prico,. at which "wo ,
place it. Try it. - Ii ia a monthly
publication. . ' '. ?
Latest Revised Map of-Forest.Co.
Oil Regions, $1.00,' and subsequent
revisions free to subscribers. '. Address
S. C. Smith, Civil' Engineer,- Harris
burg, Pa.
Y iLivr.i Air iiinriouviuf, r urust vouilj
ty, Pa., July 12, 1883, "iHlver, Bon of
Samuel Walker, aged 11 years, Crnonlha
and 12 days. Curried at ahoVe place. ;
Kittauin papers pleaso copy.
HILL GUENTUER July 18, 1883, at
the M. E. parsonage at Fagundus, by
Rev. F. M. Small, Mr. Truman L. Hill;,
of Fa-it Iliekory, and Miss Anna Gueu
thor, of Church Hill, all of Forest coun
ty, Pa.
ALLIO MOXG At tho Lutheran par
sonage, in Fryburg, July 12, 18S3, by
Rev. Wm. O Gittle, Mr. John N. Allio,
aud Miss Casio Olive Mong, both of Tio
nesta township. Forest county, Pa. t
Flour barrel choieo - -4.75(5,7.00
Flour tf sack, - - l.lo 1.70
Com Meal, 100 ,s - - -1.00(1.75
Chop feed, pure grain - - 1.50
Corn, Shelled - - 85
lleans 'jr bushel - 1.50(3.00
Ham, sugar eured 18
Breakfast Bueon, sugar cured 10
Shoulders .... - 13
Whiteiisli, half-barrels ... 8.50
Lake herring half-barrels - ..50
c. n-."iY.
?iitii . .
Syrup ------ 75
N. O. Molasses new - - - 80
Roast Rio Coiloe ... 152!
RioCotlV'O, .... 1240? 18
JavaCofleo .... 28Q30
Tea 20M90
Rutter 1820
Rico - 8 10
Fggs, fresh - - - . - 18
Salt best lake - - . . 1.50
Lard - V. 1(1
Iron, common bar ... v!.2''
Nails, lOd, f keg .... 8.75 .... 75(S,100
Linio '0 bbl. .... 1.50
liriud Apples sliced per lb 11
Dried P.cef - 18
Dried Peaches per It) 10
Dried Peaches pared per .C - - 26
Tho Union & Normal
Opens September 3, 1883.
rpill. Grounds and Huildings have been
1 enlarged and rutitled, thus ollcrinj;
better facilities than heretofore, lleaicics
tho advantages of good Teachers, etc., us
usally furnished by Union Schools, wo
offer thu follow iug
A NOUMAL COl'ltSI., for the thorough
preparation of teachers.
A 111 SlNi:ss CoL'KSK.'for tho prepa
ration of student lor practical business
A CLASSICAL OOUKSK for preparing
for college or for a profession.
Room. New Apparatus, Cahiuuts of min
erals, etc.
lNSTUrt'TION in German aud French,
by the new method.
MENTS for teachers by the Principal.
For further information address
11. II. Cl'MINGS, Pres., or
S. F. MOGK, Principal.
YY!I'. Sitii wf'i-lem t.' r.Q. W in-U! Hunt liir (
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I H y. HI I nn II i. i ..r r ... I! t- -H, x i. - lii -
.elite lUl'mW),4ti.. J--tNMM. v lufk.
I -
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