The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, July 18, 1883, Image 4

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    i i
rnl Mlahnm iinrt Ilnlrhrrnrith Kara t raj
frnm llpnlh An ICxplnaivc Whlrb Itarrly
Tolrntiea Fonllne-.
A few days ftjo a reporter, traveling
on tho rpnnsylvania railroad, met u
man whoso nppei.innro wmild not de
note that he had pa-wed through nior?
narrow escapes than ordinary men are
usually subject t: He was tho pro
prietor of a nilro-glycerlno factory,
lie laughingly said that he was differ
ent from most tradesmen, for ho car
ried no samples with him.
" Yen, sir," he said, as tho reporter
gradually drew him into conversation,
" 1 have seen some pretty hard sights
in my time. I think tho worst,
though, was when I saw tho remains
of four men sticking all over tho
branches of a tree. The way it hap
pened was this: In one of our tanks
we had stored a small quantity of gly
cerine that belonged to a friend. We
were keeping it for him. We allowed it
to remain there for some time, as there
was no can for it. 15ut ono day, on
coming to tho tank, we found some
ono had been tampering with the lock,
and that it was impossible to get it
open. This was a fine fix 1 Well, the
next day was Sunday, so as there was
buaioeja on hand, tho owner of the
staff announce! his determination to
get that tank open, and three men
were induced to join him in the at
tempt. We tried to persuade him to
let it alone, but off he started. Well,
sir, it wasn't long before we heard the
awfulest explosion you ever heard.
It was frightful; We hurried up to
the place, and all we could find of those
men was to be seen on tho trees, little
pieces of their bodies, parts of their
lingers, and so on. "We never knew
-what caused the explosion, whether
they had tried to burst open the tank
and thus caused the glycerine inside to
go off or how it was."
' Probably you get very careless In
working .around the stuff? was re
marked. "Yes, indeed," he returned, "we
get so that we think very little about
it not any more than if it was so
much milk. In fact, it does look some
thing like milk. A great sport with
the boys is to touch otf the empty cans
with a fuse. One of our men was very
careful, and in consequence he was
made considerable fun of by the rest.
' lie always used a very long fuse. But
one day, in consequence of the ridicule,
. he said that he would try a short
enough fuse. So he took some empty
cans, made a fuse shorter than we ever
used, and touched it off. He started
to run, but he had not gone far, when
he stumbled and fell, and as he did so
the cans went off. Well it was a
mighty lucky thing for him that he
fell, or he would have been blown to
pieces. As it was he was completely
riddled with tin. It was as though he
had oil a coat of mail he was so
coated. He did not get over that for
many a month, and he always said
that ho would never be such a fool
, again, no matter how long it took to
touch off a can."
"How high salaries do you pay
pretty good?"
-" I can get all the men I want for
$75 a month," he answered, " and al
ways have more applications than
"Why do you stay in such busi
ness?" "It's a good paying business and
needs but little help. 1 earned $10,-
000 the first few months, and expect to
clear much more in the next fow. I
attend to the books and the business
now myself, but I know every branch,
and can take hold at any time if our
help runs short, and go to work my
self. I am now going on to see about
a Contract we have for opening a tun
nel in the east."
"How da you get the stuff to them
by railroad?"
" Oh, no; we don't send them the
fluid. We furnish only tho solid the
dynamite. That is harmless enough.
If you should put a little on the floor
there and touch it off it would merely
flash like powder. You see it won't
do to use the liquid around a railroad
where there are so many workmen,
many of them ignorant of what is
being done. It will do at the oil wells,
for there the men have got used to it
and know enough to get out of tho
way when we are going to ' blow in.'
In taking the glycerine around we
have to use wagons made especially
for it. They are made with compart
ments under the seat lined with cot
ton, and in these the cans are placed.
1 remember the first time I rode on
one of these wagons. The fellow who
drove rattled along as though we had
only a load of cabbagps. He laughed
when I tried to get him to drive more
carefully. l'ojr f ellow 1 his time
came. He was driving along one clay
with a friend. In going by a bad
place in the road the wagon tipped.
His friend sprung out just la time, for
over the wagon went."
" Well, wero they hurt ?"
"They never found anything of the
driver, horse or wagon,' he answered,
V but a few scraps. His friend, how
ever, wasn't hurt a bit.'
" Did you ever have to carry any of
the stuff yourself ;"
" Welll should say so," he replied.
"And 1 carrie 1 it in a leaking can. I
chanced to look in the pla :o here tho
stuff was and found it was leaking for
all it was worth. About half had been
epillod. I looked beneatli the wagon
and saw that the spring was completely
covered. I can tell you I drove mightv
carefully the rest of the way."
The iipjrter remarked that it was a
dangerous experiment.
"Oh, well, the stul had to In deliv
ered," the man modi stly replied. " I
remember once wrt hal to deliver a
couple of cans and thsiv was no one to
do it. Ahist I got mad an I sa d 1
would do it Viyself. So I shouldered
them and d:W.l off. It was rather
lilfP'ry and Ja4 f w!llk prrtty care
fully. Notwithstanding (sets, however,
I stepped on a piece of ice and felt
myself falling. Well I don't believe I
ever thought quicker fn my life, I
knew what the ressult would be If
those cans pfruck; so I just put all
my strength in my arms, and,
straightening them out, held tho
cans over my head. I
struck the ground, but the cans were
sate. ell, sir, 1 wasn t a bit scared.
Some way or other I retained perfect
self-possession. But as soon as the
danger was over I fainted dead away.
The horror of tho wholo thing and my
narrow escape flashed over me then."
" The temperature makes a differ
ence with tho explosiveness of the
glycerine, doesn't it ?"
" Oh, yes; if it can 1)3 kept cool there
is little danger. But we try to keep
it above fifty, or it will freeze. That
would not do, for some would be likely
to remain in tho cans after emptying
" Why, wouldn't it be a scheme to
have the cans packed in ice? Have
regular refrigerators for them, so to
He smiled a pitying sort of a smile,
and said: "It would bo too much
trouble. When persons are careful
there is little danger."
" But they are not careful. The more
thtf work around it the more careless
they become so you say."
" Well, that's a fact. I have seen
some very foolhardy things done. I
saw a fellow shoot at some empty cans
toexplodo them when a number of
other cans was standing near. Eight
persons beside himself were killed by
the explosion."
Lnniinous riants.
It is well known that many insects
and forms of marine life have a lumi
nous quality strong enough to justify
the name of "living lamps," which
was given to them by a writer in a
recent number of Harper' t Magazine.
sometimes the phosphorescence in
the sea blinds the eyes to the brightest
stars, and this is produced by minute
forms of organic life. Similar atoms
of the infusoria will cling to the hu
man body which has been bathed in
certain parts or tne tropical seas, so
that, seen in the dark, the bather will
have the appearance of a glowworm,
and when they are carried up into the
air in a waterspout at night the pillar
wnicn tne mariner sees will be one of
Among insects tho firefly is the most
familiar, its sudden appearance, as
night comes on, changing the gloom to
a scene of splendor, and in Southern
countries tho beetles are remarkably
Many plants, also, possess a light
giving quality. It is told of a party
of mining prospectors in New Mexico
that when, after dark, they looked for
shelter in a mountain cavern, they
were alarmed by strange lights which
gleamed and blazed overheard. When
touched with a stick the burning spots
fell at once to the ground, and when
they were picked up they were found
to belong to a curious phosphorescent
fungi, common in many coal mines,
especially in Sweden, where In some
mines they glow so splendidly that
they seem like festoons of light hung
from ceiling to wall. The rays of light
are like moonbeams delicately colored,
and it is possible to read by them with
out effort. This fungi, and others of
a similar kind, illuminate thebranches
of trees, the leaves of shrubs and even
tho huts and cottages of the peasants
in some countries.
Not only are many plant3 luminous
in themselves, but their juices also
possess the phosphorescent quality.
Naturalists have described the strange
scene of animals pursued by the
natives at night, dashing through the
vegetation as much in terror at their
own appearance as of the hunters.
Tapirs have been seen bounding
through the tropical forests as if
bathed in lire, simply be.ause they
have become entangled in the meshes
of the cipo of Brazil and Asia.
Nothing is more impressive on a
midsummer night than to listen in the
country to the insect voices that unite
in chorus on the mountains and in the
forest. We can understand the hum
which rises from a city, for there the
forms of life are familiar to us; but
tho invisible life of the woods, often
infinitesimal in form, has a mysterious
activity, which is only faintly echoed
in these sounds. Nor does the activity
go on in darkness, for many of tho
tiny workers carry their own lamps
with them. Youth's Companion.
I.awa .f Health.
Coarse bread is much better for
children than fine.
Children should sleep in separate
beds, and should not wear night-caps.
The more clothing we wear, other
things being equal, the less food we
The best beds for children are of
hair, and in the winter of hair and
Young people and others cannot
study much by lamplight with im
punity. Children should be taught to use
their left Imnd as much and as well as
their right.
Sleeping rooms should have a fire
place or some mode of ventilation be
side tho windows.
Children and young people should
be made to hold their heads up and
shoulders ba-k while standing, sitting
or working.
The best remedy for eyes weakened
by night use, is a tine stream of cold
water frequently applied to them.
Lon lun J.uiti:e.
From one to ono pound and a half
of solid food is stiilkient for a person
in the ordinary vocation of business,
l'ersons in sedentary employment?
should drop one-third" of their food.
J ud they yijl escape dy--pepi;i,
t'Asniojr NOTrs.
Gay hosiery is no longer in favor.
An entire new bonnot is sometimes
Of basket gilt straw.
Printed mull muslin drcssoa arenov
cities lately brought out.
Latest shades of color are " faded
Silver" and ' decayed gooseberry."
Plaited blouse waists and long apron
overskirts bid fair to remain in high
White glaco or Surah silk Is tho cor
rect lining for printed mull or muslin
The new Spanish laco grenadiry
promises to I e popular drape over satk.
or surah.
The favorite color for the dots and
scalloped edges of Swiss embroidery
bands is red.
Oigot sleeves and bustle are in
rogue in Paris, but are not as yet
popular in America.
Skeleton bonne's, showing all or
nearly all the coiffure, aro novelties,
but not much worn.
Dainty little breakfast caps, all lace
and bits and ends of ribbon, are com
ing in fashion for brides.
A new bonnet is composed of gold
and leather in alternate rows, witli the
brim lined with roses.
London girls of tho highest social
position are making it fashionable to
take lessons in dressmaking.
Tho dressy cloth wraps are mantilla
shape, with square sleeves, and are
trimmed with passementerie in bright
Capotes nre oiten made of tho dress
material; ottoman ribbon is formed in
a bow on tho side and is used as
The Chinese capote is the latest fancy
in bonnets. It has a conical cap crown
and cutaway brim, pointed and close
at the top.
Handsome toihts male of heavy
materials have tho drapery held in
place by birds, largo buckles and some
time flowers.
Gainsborough straw hats, lined with
white velvet and trimmed with white
plumes, are the acme of elegance and
style for riding.
Cloud and Quaker grays are the new
shades of gray for ribbons, dress ma
terials and glovco- intended for the
coming season.
Waistcoats are again in favor ; they
are mado just liko a man's, and over
them is worn a little cutaway jacket
with loose fronts.
The Mother Hubbard slip, without
sleeves, and low in the neck, worn over
an under waist, or gnimpe, remains the
popular dress for little girls.
Some of the collars with plastron
waistcoat attachments are made of lace
and velvet ribbon, the ribbon outlining
tho Moliere front of lace.
Black relieved with the merest daub
or touch of white in tho way of lace or
flowers remains the favorito costume
of high ceremony with New York
Some of the newest brocaded gauzo3
have designs so rich and heavy as to
closely resemble hand embroidery ;
these Bolid bla"k goods havo single
sprays of flowers, such as hyacinths,
ti'lips, ro?es and daises, scattered at
wide intervals over plain ground. A
very beautiful dress is produced by
taking one of these gauzi s and em
broidering the brocade figure with cut
jet beads. Enough of tho material is
beaded in this manner to form corsage
and skirt draperies. Tho costume
thus arranged has a very elegant effect.
The Last Olympic Festival.
A correspondent, in describing the
excavations at Olympia, writes: The
last Olympic festival was held A. 1).
393, in" the same year, or the next, the
great gold and ivory statue of Zeus,
the pride of Olympia and of Greece,
was carried off to bo sit up in Con
stantinople, where it was subsequently
destroyed by a great lire, which con
sumed a large part of the city. In
395 Alaric and his Goths ravaged the
1'eloponnesus; but it is impossible to
tell how much harm they may have
done to the massive stone structures
of Olympia. In 4i2'j Theodosiu.i II.,
in his eagerness to destroy all relics of
heathenism, ordered tho ternplo of
Zeus to be burned, but, as the whole
temple, with the exception of the roof,
was built of huge bh cks of stone, it
must have remained standing after
this 1ttempt at its destruction. The
ruins, as they were found during the
excavations, show that the overthrow
of the great temple of Zeus, as well as
most of the other structures at Olym
pia, was due to earthquakes, which are
not by any means of rare occurrence in
It is estimated that there are 18,
000,000,000 feet of white pine now
standing in the lower peninsula oi
Michigan, while in the upper penin
sula there are probably not less than
5.000,000.000 feet.
" Mo I.iurwlac."
Dr. R. V. riKuce, UuUhIo, N. Y.: "Five
yean bo I was a dreadful Biiflerer from
uterine troubles. Having eihaustod the skill
of three physicians, I was completely dis
couraged, and so weak I coulJ with ditliculty
cross the room alone. I bean taking your
' Favorite Prescription and tnin the local
treatment recommended in your ' Common
Heuse Medical Adviser.' In three months I
wis perfectly cured. I wrote a letter to my
fiimily paper, briefly mentioning how my
health had been restored, and offering to send
the full particulars to any one writing me for
them and inclosing a ttamped emeoiie fur
reply. 1 have received over four hundred let
ters. In reply, I have described my cate and
the treatment used, and earnestly advised
them to 'do likewise.' From a great many I
have received second letters of thanks, stat
ing that they had commenced the treatment
and were much better already." Mas. K. F.
Mouoan, New Cat-tie, Me.
Thhee billion pins are used in this coun
try every year.
"Beauty I'nRdornrd (wlili Pimples) U
Atlurued (be .Mui.
If you desire a fair complexion free
from pimples, blotches and eruptions, take
" liolden Medical Discovery." Hy druggist".
It is estimated that Nebraska's crop of
for ttui year will reach. UUU.
An Article thnt Villi Mnke toe Ilnld nnd
! Mnny of tho Irnir dressings of tho dny ar
ri-omui, out me great mass or the stntl sold
for tirnmntiiin 1 1. 1 1, 1 -: .. '
- - - . .... ...... ,H uio(iuwtii nim 111 nixing i'i-iv
the original color, nre more humbugs, while
ipw are pernicious in their eUucts upon
t.-.esonlp and hair. Tho fiillitigout ii teshair,
tllO ACntltnntnfiiilta nf it .1 .... T ....1 tl...
'""" ... 111,, ll.l.l ' V
rnnture ohnnge in color tire all evidsm-) 'ji .
.iintmneu condition ot tho scalp and tho g-njula
which nourish the hair. To arrest t hmo cm.!' ;
uie nrtirie used must possess medical as well
aS Chemlnjll virfuna buJ 4I.a l.n.. K
.. ....v. nir v". llltnk UL"-
ftm under the scalp to be of permanent and
listing benefit, l'etrolouin oil is tho article
which is made to work such extraordinary
results; but it is after the host refined article
has been chemically treated, and completely
deodorized, that it is in proper condition for
1 no muni nna receives tne name ot Uarholme.
It was in far-off Russia that the effects of po
troleum iiKn the hair wore first observed; a
government officer having noticed tlint a par
tially hald-tiraded servant of his, when trim
ming the lamps, had n habit of wiping his
oil-lpsmfinril Itmwla it, l.i. .n.w.t 11. - 1
. - viHiuij n, mill
the result was, in a few months, a much linor
" "l c, giossy ninr tnan ne evor had
before. Tho oil was tried on horses nnd cattle
thllt llllil lftnt ihnir hnip f. 1 1
the results were marvelous. TNi manes and
lain 01 norses, winch bad fal'er. out, were
completely restored in a fow weeks. Those
ejporinieuts were heralded to the world, but
no one in civilized society could tolorate tho
use of refined petroleum as a dressing for the
hmr. lint fhi .1 ill n, i : 1
....... rniiivi "in- m viii i;iiBiuinu4 11ns
overcome the difficulty, and he hns succeeded
... ii-uiiuK m uuune, renuermg li as dainty
ns iho famous eau do cologne. Experiments
on the human hair and skin wore attended
with the mostastonishing results. A few ap
plications, whore t he hair was thin and falling,
gnve remark nl ile lo:ie and vigor to tho scalp
Bnd tho hair. Every particlo of dandruff disap
pears on the first or second dressing, all cuta
neous disease of the skin and scalp are rapidly
and permanently healed, and the liquid seems
to penetrate to the root of the hair at once. It
is well known that the most beautiful colors
are made from petroleum, and by some mys
terious operation of nature the nse of this arti
cle gradually imparts a beautiful light brown
color to the hair, which by continued use deep
ens to black. The color remains permanent,
and the change it so gradual that the most
intimate friends can scarcely dotect its pro-
ress. In a word, it is the most wonderful
iscovory of the ago, nnd well oalculated to
make tho prematurely bald and gray rejoice.
Carboline is put tip in a neat and attractive
manner nnd sold by all dealers in drugs and
medicines. Frice one dollar a bottle. Ken
nedy A Co., Fittsburg, l'n., general agents
for the United States and Camillas.
We ndvise our readers to give it a trial,
feeling satisfied that one application will
convince them of its wonderful effects.
They are now paying one cent bounty on
fparrow nenos in j-.vansville, Ind.
Dr. Pierce's " Fellets," or sngar-conted
granules the original "Little Liver Pills,"
(beware of imitations) cure sick and bilious
headache, cleanse the stomach nnd bowels,
nnd purify the blood. To get genuine, see
Dr. Pierce's signature and portrait on Gov-
em men t stamp. Z;c. per vial, by druggists,
The California wheat crop for th.s year is
esuraaioa at uo.'.i.iU.uoo UukIioIs.
When your wife's health is bad. when ront
children are sickly, when yon feol worn out,
nse mown s Iron iSitters.
Kansas increases the railroad assessment
i',l,uoo this year!
Woi.rEsviM,E, N. C Dr. I. C. McLnughlin
says: " i nsed Krown i Iron Hitters for ver
tigo, nnd I now feel like a now man."
Twentt Birxum wooden hoops are nsed
nnnunuy m tnis country lor barrels only. .
Elktok, Ky. Dr. E. B. Weathers says: "1
regnrd Brown's Iron Bitters as a medicine of
nnusunl worth."
t'ntnrni ot Inn lllnuurr.
Stinging irritation, inflammation, Kidney,
Urinary complainta.cnrod by Buchupaiba. 1.
Stbaiohtf.n your boots & shoos with Lyon's
Patent Heel Stiffeners, nnd wear them again.
Hce Ilcr, oun Men,
(hat girl of mine is twice as handsome since
she commenced using Carboline, the deodor
ized extract of Fetrolonm, and I would not
be without it for a fortune.
"Hough on Corns."
Ask for Wells'"Kough on Corns."-15c. Quick
relief; complete re.Corns. warts, bunions.
Tho PrnvAV Jlvlo UrmH
Is the best in the market. It is tho most
economical nnd cheapest, one box lasting ns
long as two of any oilier. tne greasing will
Inst two weeks. It received first premium at
the Centennial and Paris Expositions, also
medals at various State fairs. Buy no other.
B.1 f'rnta
Will bny a Treatise on the House and His
Diseases. Book of 100 pages, valuable to
every owner of horses. Postage stamps taken.
Sent postpaid. New Your House Book Co.,
134 Leonard Street, New York City.
Tbnt Husband offline
Is three times the man he was before using
Wells' Health Renewer. $t. Druggists.
Are you bilious? Try the lemedy that cured
Mrs. Clement, of Franklin, N. II. Hood's
Sarsaparillo, innde in Lowell, Mass.
r yon feel depressed in mind and body, ot
have a touch of general debility cr malaria,
try Gastrin e. It gives tone to the stomach
and promotes thorough digestion. Druggists.
A Veteran Moldlcr. Xf
Mr. O. F. Bowles, of No. 34 Common Btrseti Urim,
Mau., st:
Whllo in th army, at Oi lttlt of Biiottujr ir.nn, i
fell while fettlng orer a nil tunc and oat nadir injured
and left for dead, but after a time 1 ma plokei up bj
comrade,; and upon eiamination it was found that ni
back waa badlr hurt and nir kidneys aerioualjr injured,
and I have Buffered the most excruciating pain iince,
and oould obtain no relief although treated by aeral
phjraiciani, and I had giin up all hope of gettuig help
when I was recommended to uae Jlunt'a Kerned?. 1
purcliaaed aeveral bottle! at one of our drug aUirea in
Lynn, and began to uae It aa directed, and can now
attend tobuaineaa, and am free from the paina 1 for
merly had ; and 1 wiah to aay to my f rtenrta and comrndea
that Hunt's llemedy will do all that ia claimed for it.
and ia worthy of all pralae. You can uae my ti atimony
when you haya oocaainn tn, aa I luoat heartily reooin
mend it to all that have kidney or liver troubles. "
April 1, 1SS.1.
"You May l ae .My Name."
I desire to inform yon what your valuable medieina
haa done forme. 1 waa induoed to try it by a member
of our family, "who had been beneited by its uae."
I have auftered terribly from kidney dilticultiea. At
timea I have been very bad, having severe paioa in my
back, with general lose of strength and vitality.
My urine waa very bad, witil a heavy sodiment of
brick-duet, which was faat leading to gravel. 1 com
menced uaiug Hunt's Keinody, with a marked improve
ment from tha atart; the palua left, the uriue became
more natirTfrl, and I can truly aay ens bottl t
1 have recommended it to many persona both here and
in Boston, all of whom speak of it with the highest
You are at liberty to nee thia letter or my name In any
manner you may think best, that other sufferers may
learn the value of the greateat of all remedies. Mnel
truly yours, JOHN K. COX,
IB Pleasant Street.
Maiden, Mass., April S3, 1SK.1.
An Edltor'e Teatlmoiilai.
A. M. Vaughn, editor of the "Oroeuwlrb Krviow,"
Greenwich, O., writes: I .oat January I mot with a
very aevere accident, oaust-d by a runaway Uorac. 1
naed almoat every kind of aalve to heal t he wound,
which turned to running aoroa, but found notuiiur
to do me any good till I was recommended Henry'
Carbolic Halve. I boiiKht a box and it ui-l-d uie at
once, and -l the end of two moutha 1 waa completely
well. It la the beat aalve in the markot, and 1 never
fall ot telling my friends about it, and urxe them to
uae It whenever they need a salve.
' Durno's Catarrh Hnutf cures all affection of the
mucous membrane of the bead and throat.
85 C'rnta will buy a Tbeatisk on the Ilnasg and
111 Diaaaats. Book ol lot) pages, valuable to ever!
owner of borsua. Postage stamps taken. Bent peel piid.
h'CW YOBK Hobsk bona Uo,, :U l-eonard Htreet.
ANII-MMIK I Senrtto Kino 4 Co.. Mfrvlvnc
II A KM-:. N.Y..f.rra:ai.u... s..L
ouble, with 1'at. Lea. (ilar.. e4. hi:ut itu uu:.r .vuj'
I" vt 1 1 j Morphine Habit
fnrnl In 10
.V till urrrf.
100 Doses SLOO
Not ii.wftjr Mr1mi pnmiith to pat on In bful, or rt
wtlhin d-mra; the ftllmentA and rfinrmfnrf prmtuofHl bj
Impure lilofH. fit MtTnipljr distw-winir. No rtinlM
thnmufihlj hoftln nnd cumi holm and bltlni. tumor and
awttllinf r, running ra and dull pains, as
Hood's Sarsaparilla
At th uun time It la tli rliMpnit, If o other prepare
tinn fiTt one hundred dost for rma dullar.
Hxi.roHt) Fltnn, nf Npw York, had ao many plmpl
and blotch on hi face that he waa aahamed. Hetriwl
varimte nmHl.e without rffwt. Hood' a Kantaparllla
purtlird hi blmnl, and all blsmlnh dlaappftared.
The H-jrrar-old eon of M, M. HoixiNa, Damerlaoott,
Me., had thrre large fatty bunchea on hi neck. On
waa Lanced and became a painful, running aore. Jlood'i
Barsaparille, four bottles, made a euro.
For twintjr-one yeara Thomas Rknkktt, of float on
carried a lump un his log. It Hrhml intolerably and
th eora waa to trout ilenoma t hat he wanted to out It mil
with his knife. Two bottles of Hood'a 8araaparlll
curod the lump.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Fold by dmgglsls. Mce l. sli for 5. Prepared only
byC. I. HOtll) A CO.. Apothecaries, lwell. Mam.
Hnatetter'l Stomach
Hitters meet the re
quirements nf th,
rational medical phi
losophy which at
present prevail!, m,
a perfectly pure vege.
table remedy, em
bracing the three
Important properties
of a preventive, a
tonlo and an altera,
five. It fortifies the
body against dines,
Invieorntee and re.
VJahaea ttie torpid
pn'nmr.i nnn liver.
l.i a nnd inln.
t nAl'TKR I.
"I wna taken sick a year ago
WitU bilious fever.1'
" My doctor pronounced me cured, but 1
Rot pick ntrnin, with terrible pnlna in my
back Bnd Hides, and I got bo bad I
Could not move!
I Rhrnnkl
From 228 lbs. to 1201 I lirid been doctoring,
for my liver, but it did me no good. I did
not expect to live more than throe months, I
began to use Hop Hitters. Directly my appe
tite returned, my painn left mo, my entire
system seemed renewed ns if by magic, and
after using several bottles I am not only ns
sound as a sovereign but weigh more than I
did before. To Hop Bitters I owe my life."
Dublin, June C, '81. R. Fitzfatbick.
"Maiden, Maav., Keb. 1, ltwn. Gentlemen
1 fullered with attat-ka of sick headache,"
Neuralgia, female trouble, for years in tho
most terrible and excruciating manner.
No medicine or doctor could give me relief
or cure until I used Hop Bitters.
"The first bottle
Nearly cured me;''
The second made me as well and strong as
when a child.
"And I have bt ea so to this day."
My husband wai an invalid for twenty
yearn with a serious
"Kidney, liver and urinary complaint,
" Pronounced by Morton's bost physicians
Seven bottles of yonr bitters cured him,
and I know of the
" Lives of eight persons "
In my neighborhood that hnve been saved
by your bitters.
And many more nre using them with
"They almost
Do miracles! " Mrs. E. D. Slack.
How to Grr Sick. Expose yourself day
and night; eat too much without exercise;
work too hard without rest; doctor all the
tinio; take nil the vile nostrums advertised,
and then you will want to know how to get
well, which is answered in three words
Take Hop Bittors!
lnforinntlon regardini
Temftatnt Arknnaaa lamls.
I. OH Pit U K. I.nna
t'rodll. Hu h agricultural
Kye, Oats, Com. t;.tt.m, tlraewa, and all Choice Kruila'
near erhoola, diuretic and railroads. Kit KK faretosll
rhopurchane land. V,it map. of i'eiae, Arkansas, Kan
'd M si,mri with , inlurinatnm t.ent free), aililr.
J. U, . McHoath, V Knulanil Hans. Agt., jaai Vt aalnngton
tv.,.!,'.,"n' D.W.Jan.miti, ho. Kaal'n FaBS.Agt.. I Ml
. Ilaltmiore St., Halfi., Mil. : J. J. K.wler.!
l'a-e. Agt.. Utica. N. V.. or II. It. .tli-t'l.RI.I.AN,
ben. hast. Paae.Agt., 2 13 llrou.lwuv, Nrw York.
Dottle at Sec.. BOO., ftl.bu: half and ll.,n n
Kami making 10. ii, Km. 4iVand Kalgallunaof Hear
P. B. KNAPP & SONS, 362 Hudson St., N. V.
yTV- jii.ujsi ...u SI
BrntOMifthttyrup. TuMm food. l3
lMltillirh Nvmn I'sasitgaa ev.wist. IJ
' ' III Ullir, f-rl.MU UT li IIIKK IKIn.
iXitrlilnv vir invented. Will knit a pair of MlockutKi
witli II KIKI.ih TOICromiih'ttt inUuminuU. It will
alHo knit ftivat variety of tanry work, (or winch thtre
is Iwhji h n'dy mark. t. K n f fr circular and tnrraf
to the TWOtlltLY KMTTIN44 MM lll.VE
C O,, KCJ Thkmunt Ktukkt. lithSTON, MAhfi.
ennil)- nmtle. hkM mk Circulahh. Aridr ofhovul
W 1 H
Mn-rl. fv ink ln.
"-XT-' 'U'B ou 't'V. tr(in, oliickfivii; Cur-
rant flridt'a.tilifii'sa W.irmn ltHtrnve(1 liw
Kf..tV.u Ai.t. k'l...u tn... IV.. w,,..
NoI'iiihoii. fc.t"fo'C.m:iUMtorcH.ja0.i UriMiiilt) hi., N. V.
O' N ttt K It ul) wlio will ma!
W ita". .'! imiB uit. iU hHAY Hi
k Kpart. timt itrotit
jruu lAntltwiyour
ILL, Iti'il SH. N.y
A snta an led for ttm Itest and FaaUMt-twIliuir
f i'u itinal tiMkn and Hihlea. Pn;.a iwltn-fd if nur
eut. National Publish. NU Co., PhiUUalphia, Fa.
Ty P ET f 1fy return mail A full dnaortptlnn of
" mam A
ikhIv's lS'ew Tailor lSvittin uf Dmai
I). VV. Mr-Kl 1 Co., 31 W. mh, Cincinnati. O.
YlUlKR kit- ti "" """" lotieammeTIXEOHAPH
rmpluyment, addr -as U . ItUA.H, Ana, Ohio.
Parted ll.mllh. H.U. bux iOI.Uuttalo.N.Y
VflEVl frillw telejn-'phy her and wa win
I VivnU yuu a siiuaiioD. Circulars froa
f AWKIiK. $ladayathomtaeaailymatltf. Costly
9 I a. ouitil liutt. Aadrwea 1'uuk at Cu.a Auguaia, Mo.
CtOLKMAN HuBintasColloK", Kewaii, N. J. Tnna
i jjnu. Positions lur ifruiiuHt-fs. Wnie for Ctrculanta
fJP a week in your own town. T firms and $5 out tit
0UU fret. Adrfrtthsll. H ALLJiTT Co., I'urtlsnd, Mtj,
C Ia AA par day at hnm. Matnplea worth $5 fre.
W 10 d&U Addrvaa .SrihbON A Co., ForUaud, Ma,
Kure Cura fir Kpilphy or Kits in 24 nnurs. Kr fj
poor. Lm, Kaubjc. M4 Arat-nal it., bt. Louis, Ma
Bt ITOMAC W e and enVrta a aalul ary
F" 1 -TI
.1 1 llllnin fl
Kvt LllMktS ,;khii h.ixik y V
&fttJViyuZiui r? 'Slew
JTM sit. baHk saa a4 V-J ear- JaX fcJ
C te.. v,iiomI . r . A.t.hMII lljit 4l.htA(.l.l's.)s.llr.tll
eVH Rnnnfi mokvh ink it Aid r.
B SHBMkTINo iay tiil cnr1. Ten
TP at M n i A years entabtiBheii, ,ihh
HI M w 71 U Jm rurHtt. htata cai.n. Ir,
Ml B Kid Marsh, giuucy, Mich.
J," ro,fvVv?i'i'!,n.,i ".""' 0uid" nd. band bu" r publiHlieU. Much the latest It tel.
ll UO hV hHV 1 HIM, in the IibhI ay. 11 .w to bo .iur owu awjer. 11. ,w to do liu.n L .rft . 1
iu -fi,llv. tl.,wl..a. t iu iKK-totvand in every un ..f lifH, aiul contains a n"ld I u.n, ,.l "tiri. i V 'r""'."!
lud,.,H,ni-al,l t- all r eut t ref.-rem.-e" AUK.M'rf V NT1 II f? .11 ", ",d., "'"""'",
Ullk buok uf JtUAL value and .Urul o i sell, letter than an. " liu"- -l-aUow ml
trron -. Boston Clot.
The aboTv la it (rood HkrnpM of Km, t.ydlm R TIn1b
ham, of Lynn. Mans., nhn tixrf all other tinman bstnir4
may b9 truthfully called the "Poar Frlrnd of Woman,
as son.a of hr rorrrnionlonts loTctocalt her. Bhf
Is svajously dcrotcd to her work, which Is t he ontoomt
of a llfe-sluny, and lfl ohlurd to keep tlx lady
mistanta. to help her answer tho larffo eorrespondene
which dnily poure In npon her, rarh bearlnv tta special
bunlrn of unriijr. or iy at releariafroro It Her
Veiretahle Compound Is a miHllcIn tcr rood ar.d not
evil piirposra. I havo peraonaHy lnroatlffatod tt as4
am aatlsflid of the truth of thK
On account of Its prorcn merits, it 1 reoommtfided
and preacrlheil by thehct phyntcliuis In tho country.
Ono tayat "It worka like a charm and saves anaoa
fxvln. It will cur entirely tlio worst form of falling
of tho o torus, Leucorrh'.rn, lrrepuar and painful
MrnittniAt'nn.all Ovarian Troubles, Inflajnmatlon and
Ulceration, Flooding, alt Dtsplorements andtheenn
arquf-nt npinsj wfyiknoen, and la csiwolally adapted t
the Chang of Life."
It pf rmeatea every fortion of the system, and (flvea
new life and vlffor. It removei fulntnemi, flatulency,
dertreya all craving for stimulants, and relieves we
nem cf thestomnrh. It cure Ploatlnfr, HendacbejvV
Nervous iVostratlon, General DrbUlty, Blrepleasness,.
Depression and InriLfrcstton. That feeling; of Leaxinsj
down, cauRlnff pain, welpht 4nd bark.vhe, la always
permanently cuiTd by Its una. It will at all times, and
under all circumstances, act n harmony with tiu taw
that governs the female system.
It eons only 91. per bottloor air for fV, snd la sold by
drUKtrlsts. Any advice required as to special caeo, and
the names of many who have teen restored to perfect
health by the use of tha Vegetal)! Compound, can ba
obtained by sddmwlnfr Mrs. 1, with stamp for reply,
at her home In Lynn, Uasa.
For Kidney Complaint of either aes this compound W
lusurpaaiied as abundant test ImontaH show.
Mrs. rinkham's Uver Till V y ne writer, "ar
tasoesf fne poW1 f or th cure of Constipation
IUHousneM and Torpidity nf the liver. Her Blood
Purifier works wonders In tta epeclAl line and bids fait
to equal tbe Compound In it populan'ty.
All must respect her aa an Anpol of Mercy whose sola
ambition Into dofrood to othoru.
Philadelphia. Pa- 00 Mm. A. at tX
in some ronai.
or Heada c h e.
The disorders which slwavs follow the failures of th
l.ivfr snd Hwls to perform thfir proiier fiineiions, eaa
tt eonturd at nnct by Ilia umi of Kxiney. Wnrl, Any
drniiKmetit of tlm tuleatmu'tt niiiiiffstittlf tn rrat
IxhIiIj disoouifurt, In ImsmoI Ktpttiland in despundauej.
Pain In the Tight side whloh ia very sensitive to pre
sure. The pan will eomettnit-s aptxar to Iw ItKxated
undrrtlin Ktmulder tilsde. Thrre isalru Irreffular appk
tite, tlntuleney, a efnnff of fulltipns tn thf rvaton of ttia
sttnach, and soonar or latr ttm akin and whites of th
erstecoiii yellow, I hn stools rl- lort1 anl theunna
yfllow, (ltiM Bitinir a eoptous eMlitiiitt. There ia nr
ally a fnrrnl tua-iie, and at times disrriupa, and at
othf-rs ohsttnatn t-onstipstiun : in short, difcordnred
functions ol inn stomach snl entire trat t of tha tKiwals.
These stmpt-oms, if not spmuiily grappled with, will
result tn tne most Sfrtous con tie gunners to tha whola
system, prostrnnnff it and dftroinif nil Ita vitality anl
enrti-s. W hen the Hrtr bacoiiitvs torpid or aivas avl.
dvnee of undue activity, a fiw dotMnof hi'tnty- It ort and
a little caution in relation to a dtt will rfstore ibr
patient to health and vixor aa if by fUfhsntm(nt.
Most rtmidns uiwd lor disorders ot the hrer and btlf
acton tha wnna: pnncbtle, aa tiicyara atmply eathur
tics, and merely carry oil the accumulated scr4t ions.
I s7 Kiilnry- Wort tmth runtruty ; tu th rry rtxtl
the rril, at it al n th l.ivr un'ii Kitnvnt th tim
ftm, and by its mild but etticit-ntcatbsrtlc action movea
tha bimals fntly. The morbid hih.hik that hetmB
tlia cause ot all this dines rn t riuHftiEtg will be thniwa
otf , new lite will tie intuwtd into ry organ, and tha
hpftltti-giviiig forces will agmu eitrt tliwir powar.
It is well known that tlm kultics are nature a s1utee
war to wash away the debris and iniiumtua ht art
Iwmg constantly oVvdloited iu vtry human yHtm. II
thpy fail to act irly, health wiii swn Miifttr. Hut tha,
kidneys cannot rtorm I heir own proper orticee and at
tht same time e:iiniiuit tluwo impurities thatatioul)
aiMiolf by frte action ot tlte bmti. How important it
ia, then, to havn a rfiiiedy that will have the powrt4
kap up the natural action of Ut.i t'teaa liuportan'
I unctions.
Have we bid tested the tr.mMn that has harrssiw-d you!
Theu use a packugu of this uiuUiciue sud be cured,
"I Prayed ,'od to O.livrr Mo by Denth."
Uoadguartors 'etran t'orps tivth Kegrlment, ;
Armory, 'Jompkins .Market,
Nw VoitK, May 9, f3. )
Gmtlfitten have just ootninenmd on my second fiot.
t!e Kidney-Wort, lhavebut Ititla faith in eithfrdoc,
Uira or medicine, inorv particularly in niedicinea ait n
sivt-ly advertiM'd. HoweTtr, I have Buffered prtiapa ai
uot.tlu'r man has tu tiered from liver disease btuughl
on by malaria. 1 Buttered lor years, till it becams
chronic simply from ue(lct. 1 have taken quinine till
in y bead swam, and mv nerves wrre totally un at rung.
Liat year I went to humpa to try and bettr it; but
came hackwirse. In reacting many of your advertise,
ments 1 cams to th conclus on, as a dernier renort, to
try the Rniney-W..,t. and did so. Aftr the fourth day
1 got an attack of the old malady. 1 prayed God to doath, but kui tot htt u.e.licine as ordtviad,
snd 1 want to toll yuu to-dav, and all mifWur I rum liver
dueaae, that the l.tnt lUrne wovka 1 have eujoyad auoh
g-K.d health as I Uarve not had in many, many years. I
siuiply writ rou Una that utln r autl.Tfra my beuaiil bf
it. ery truly youm, IIKNKY VAHl,
lilCol. twh Hug., N. ti., H. N. T.
178 West Bide Ave., Jersey Lily lb'ights. N. J.
! DR. s''
XlKblo ppl!ueu tn let', ra 30 Ctrl' Trial,
WHO are sufTi-rlnn fnm Krnvoi's t)BiijTT.
Lost iTai.n y i,ai k ok Nkkvk Voh a aao
Vpook, WkAKKKKji, huiI all kindred
rtlmn-i. Kpei-iiy rt-llef nml i-otiipU-te r. alura
tloit uf Hkaltm, Vlii4)H and MANiioolt Uuahan
tkh. 1h nau.if.1 (llM.-'vi ry of the Nlrio-l.-einh
(Vninr. K. ml at i-uce for Illustrated
Itimuhlt'l free. Aildt'eas
Iroe levers. Hll K".r1:iss,
"-as TAdJ ttm.
josaa, m-: rtv, iHt
Kola mi ii -1st. 1 luia All
fix UMik, auiiiTna
sUtUlaJITOJI, a. T.
t rellevt-sat once Itunia. I'ilHS.tiianped Tlnndsor I.ipa,
'oma. UuuititiM.SiMldft, lirui.uat.Kort'n.'iia of fit t, hands
yea.ele. . IiJiIiik- fromany cause. vf. Abkyourdiii
mm.. B'i. or bi au to v l uiion Direct, i. i .
fftilTII aVKISjr. iiiiiiiMitid tuacli
V'lUMIUnj Im and cui.y of our
V4 Juunial" ai'iit Inr tMiMUi.-e. Addreaa Nii.
hi'lloul huiildy Unrcuil, hi Fill liAi., Chicago, 1)1.
a iiinim v