A WEDMSDAi JIMRJIISG, Jl'KE 20, 1881. BOROUGH OFFICERS. Purge. H. D. InwiN. 0unilmcn North ward. If, M. Fore man, O. M. Hhawky. A. M. Uoiitt; Honth vnrd. W, A. KunloN, J. If. Foiics, A. II. Diilo. .luntie.e, of the Peace J. T. Brennnn, 1). H. Knnx. VonttaUle .Tame Rwnilr-. School Directors H. J. Wolnott, J. JI. Plnijtmim, J. (Jrovo, A. IJ. Kolly, O. W. ltobmson, I). H. Knox. FOREST COUNTY OFFICERS. Memherof Contjre-3 as. Mosouovb. Member of Senate 3 . U. Hall. A it em hi' K. h. 1AVI. President JudqeW. 1). Hrow. XMoein( Judge 3ov Keck, C. A. Him,. a Tre.a.iH.re.r'tiW. FOREMAN. Prothonotary, Regiiter Jt Recorder, 4cc JUKTIII SlIAWKP.Y. Sheriff. O. W. Cl.AVK. Comm.iUners II. W. Lfpfbur, J. 8. llEKPRRSOff. II. A. Zl'KNDFM,. County iM;ertnffnden J. E. IIlLL- AB1. District Attorney T. J. VanGifsk. Jury CommMi'unera II. O. Iiavis, J. Okkbnawalt. County Surveyor F. F. Whittekin. Coroner C. H. CHtrnrn. Countn A uditori. W. WARDEN, J. A. ROOTT, K. 11. RWAI.LKY. "b usine s s d i n e cto n yT ps. TI0HE3TA LUJJUU sey i. o. of o. ip. MEETS every Tuondiiv evening, lit 7 o'clock, In the Ijndgo Room in Par- trlJge' Hall. EI,T HOLEMAN N. O. (1. W. SAWYER, Sec'y. 27-tf. CAPT. OEORQE STOW POST, No. 274. U. A. R. Motti on ttio flrnt Wednesday in eoh month, In Odd Follow Hall, Tiononta, Pa. H. S. KNOX. Commander. HI J. VAN WF.SF.X. J . ATTORNEY AT LAW, And District Attorney of Foroat County. Oilloe in Court Uoiinc, Tionesta, Pa. "J7 LT DAVIS, J!. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Tionenta, Pa. Colieetiona made in tills and adjoining count) pa. ILES W. TATP. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Elm Streot, Tionesta, Pa- T. F. HITCH FY. ATTORN EY-AT-LaW, Tioneatn, Forest County Pa. JB. AONEW. . ATTORNEY- fcT-L AW, TioneHta, Pa. ATTENTION SOLDIERS ! I hare been admitted to praetlee as an Attorney in the Pension Ollico at Wash inqrton, " D. C. All officers soldiers, or kul nr ivhn warn iiii-H In tl 1 lit A WBT. I rn ohtu n notm ons to which thev may De erititlo.1, bv-WllinnonoraiKirej-smnnioat 1 louexta. Pa. AImo, rlalms for arrearasres of rmy and bounty wiU recoive prompt at- tention. Hav im Deen over tout voars anoiiuur m the late Sar. and harimr for a number of years ennBed in the prowntion or soi- the collection of claims in the shortest ros- I lors v nunx. mv uticiht m iv-ii..d nitiifi time. J. J i. aujsi!, . m LL kV: ruii house is eentrnllv located. Everything 1ICW tlHl WOW Il.rniKIUMl. OUWiiwr yvu- oilntions and strict attention elven tn o-iu.ntM Venrctuliles and Fruits of all kinds served in their season. Sample room for Commercial Afients, O EXTRA L HOUSE, Tionesta. Pa., J T. C. JackKon, Proprietor. This Is a now house, and hasjust been fitted up tor the Accommodation oi tno puonc. a. por tion of Iha natrouaire of the public is soiic- Ited. 4rt-ly. 17 AST HICKORY HOTEL. EAST HICKORY. Pa.. J. W. Bai.T,, Proprietor. This house is aw and has been furnished with new furniture throughout. It is centnilloy lo cated, and has a 11 rat-class barn in eonnect- lindjit ajdeasant sUipplnir place. First- class Livery in connection with the Hotel. RATIONAL HOTEL. Tidioute, Pa., class hotel iu all respocU, and the pleas- 1J. JJUCKIIll, l n.i...i-n... " itntest stopping place in town, ivaies very i.i luiiR.A- MB. COOK, M. D.. 5'HYSICIAN SURCEON. Olllce at the Contral House, Tionesta, Ta. All proleshional call promptly at- tenuoa to. T W. MORROW. M. D.. .1 uuvcinii m cminpnv V l II 1 U1V 111.' ...'V n , Late of Armstrong county, bavins located In. Tionesta is prepared to atteua au pro- f t i 1 1 . .mi In nt oil linnra lOHMioiiai cmi pi uiu jh.t !. Office in Smcurbauith & Co.'s new build- i uf.ii.D Olfnua linnra 7 to K A. M .. and ll to 12 m. ; a to 3 and 61 to 71 p. m. Sundays. to 10 A. M. 2 to 3 and 61 to 71 tv m KPHnimicB in r inner nuunn, im Walnut Street. may-18 81 Wc coburn, m. n., PHYSICIAN A SURGEON, Vfa liad over flfteen vears experience In the practice of his profession, having grad uated legally and honorably May 10, 1865. Office and Residence in Forest House, opposite the Court House, Tionesta, Pa, Aug. 25-1880 DENTISTRY. DR. J. W. MORROW Having purchased tho materials te., of Dr. Steadman. would respecliuiiv an- bounco that he will carry on tho Hental nusinoss in Tionesta, and having had over it nam uiiccnsHfnl oxnorionce. considers hhnsell fully competont to Klve entire sat- isfactlon. I shall always give inyineui- oal practice tho preference. mar22-82. M. H. MAT. A- KKi.IT MA 1', TAJIK d CO., BANKERS! Corner of Elm & Walnut Sts. Tionesta. Bank ol Discount and Deposit.' Interest allowed on Time Deposits Collections madeonall thePrlncipal poinU of the U. s. Collections solicited. 18-ly. J. T. imKNNAN. C. M. ftlTAWKKV. BRENNAN & SHAWKEY, Real Estate Agents & Conveyancers. Donlorn In ANTHRACITE C R1TUMINOUS COAL (OuIlth In Court Uohho,) TIONKSTA, FOREST COUNTY, PA. FOR SALE. 57 noro, TlonPMtntwp.. 10 n:r cleared nud in wlmtit and ryoj mrmll Iiouho anil barn j roiiHiilnralilo oak tirnbor. Price $760 ( ? 400 down, Imlanco In 8 years. A I.SO. llouaesand lot, and building lota in Tloniwta llorounh for hrIo on prhv terms. Wo liavo Homo pood hnriim on nana. JillKNNAN 1V.NIIAWKKY. LOCAL AND MISCELLANEOUS. Condemn! Time Table Tlonoata fttnlUn NORTH. SOUTH. Train 03 11:0.' Train 15.... 7:43 am Train 18 8:10 am Train ... 8:50 pm am Train 10 1:45 pm 8:20 pm Train 16 Train 15 North, and Train 10 Soutb carry the mall. Preaching in the Presbyterian Church next Sunday morning and evening, by Rev. Hickling. Rev. Hicks will occupy tho pulpit of the M. E. Church next Sunday Presbyterian babbath bebool at 3 p. m. a. m. M. E. Sabbath School at 10 -Hon. E. L. Davis returned to Ilarriaburg yesterday. Oil Market closed last night at SI. Hi. Opened this morning at $1.14. Here is the old Allegheny again 18 inches above rafting stage this morning. Rov. Ryon of Clarington, was tbe guest of Editor Haydun the first of the week. The Star Route trials have come to an end, and the jury brought in a verdict of "not guilty. Supt. Hillard held a special examination of teachers at the scheol house in this place Monday. -Mr. Dinirinan and Mr. Heibel earns up smiling last week, each re joicing over tbe arrival of boys. -A new sewer has been put in at the corner of Hiland and Elm Sts. Geo. Holeman and Bruce Crawford Artists. Rev. Dr. Riley of Braceville, 00 cupie(J the M. E. pulpit in this place ' last oaDDBUl evenmz, preacDiuz " , CoU?reation larKe COUgreganon Prn U rettinir a little the worst 1.7 . . . , . oj m uu.tnui u ii iuw ""' ,, p ,,, U bptrinH . ,ook - ,, inmiiiiiii, TBllcr. Ttoere has beeu one continuous i n j rn; i ;M uooa la iiouesii cree eiutu wunj m P"S- Th hea " keP U continuously on the "boom. One of NVm. Authoay a cows, noar Nebraska this county, gave birth to twin heifer calves recently. Both were doing well at last accounts. -Many of our public roads are very i .l l J Dau on account oi toe neavy rams .uu iu many p.aces vney ar ounruu uy laucn uraoer so as to bc ..upn.u. late Rev. Elibu McMicbael, who lived near Lickingville for many years, died on Wednesday eveaing last, aged gbou(. CQ yearg The only business transacted at m be directors meeting last saturuay ... . . . . , evening, was the settling up of old ac- counts. Another meeting will de held nTt Saturday veninp. O Buck Mills are again running with John Matbt at the lever. The Newtown Mills are also runnintr. and I . . 111 " im company is preparing io reou.m ,t8 neeters and repair Its booms I Clarion county has negotiated all her new'court house bonds, some $S0, . , of lhree aad-a-half per cent., which speaks well for ber credit, and over which hsr citizens justly feel proud. -By a new order ef the Postoffice department postmasters on.y require.. 10 xeep leutn seven uay. ueiorc ..uu- ing to me.aeau-.etter uluCe. ilBr.t.,- lore me law compel... w ! .1.1 11-1 ,1 , . 1 I sucn letters miriy uajs. 1 1 J Mr. R. S. McBeth of Cooksburg, ju(jge Cook's accomplished book-keep- I . . ........ er, was in town yesterday. Mr. J. 11. n . will take i trio throueh the Balltown oil Gold to see, as he says, , " I - 9 " the elephant ia an oiltown. . . . On Jriday evening last while the storm was raging lightning struck the house of Mr. Dekracer. on Dutch Hill, runing down the chimney and a r. r . across the floor passing over Mr. L. s 0 l. i-ri 1 . w '"," i fr rv iam,nr was nAna tvMni in shatter tne cnimney siiguuv, ana eitb Mr. Dekraeer some slicht pains. The same boys who gave such a satisfactory dance last Fourth of July will give another this jear at th Law rence Home on the night of the Fourth to which they extend a cordial invita tion to all who love to trip the light fantastic The bill introduced by Represen tative Davis of this county, requiring assessors to assess such tracts of land as are divided by county lines, in the county in which the mansion house is situated, has received the Governor's signature W. A. Urquhart, Esq., was here last week gathering statistics for II. L, Folk & Co.'s State Gazetteer, and paid our sacctum a very pleasant visit. lie is a fine looking man, a souud Repub Iicau. and a eentleman whom it is a pleasure to meet Baldwin's Official Railway Guide for June is eut, ad chock full, as usu d of good reading matter for travelers Tbe Guide, at this season of the year, when travel is so great, is more valua- ble than ever, and more than ever appreciated. Buy a copy for 10 cents. Mrs. G. W. Sawyer departs for Boston, her old borne, to-day, to be present at the 60th wedding anniversa ry ef her father and mother. Few people have the pleasure of attending a gathering of this kind, and doubtless Mrs. Sawyer's visit will be fraught with joy. Mr. A. B. Kelly departod Men- day for Little Washington, Pa., to at tend the reunion of his old classmates of Jefferson College. Of tbe 'class which graduated 25 years ago, some thing over 70, more than 20 are still living mosVof whom will he at the re union The following officers of Forest Lodge A. O. U. W. were installed la8t Friday night, by representative Q. "W. Sawyer, assisted by Q. Jamie ion and G. W. Dithridge: P. M. W. C. A. Hill M. W. Jas. R. Clark. F. Jas. II. Butler. ' O. S. S. Canfield. O. W. Y. Biggins. Recorder W. C. Coburn. Financier G. W. Bawyer. Receiver G. V. Bnvard. Medical Examiners Drs. W. C. Coburn, and M. B. Cook. Our Kellettville letter arrived . rather late tms weeir, h lence we can ;. k, only the most important tem in it, as follows : "Uur little village was thrown into a state of intense exoite ment for a few moments last Sabbath i a t eTCDing. A. jOUDg cubq accompaniea by three youag ladi.s.-Mary, Cora and Nettie Wolf, attempted to cross tbe croek at this point in a jotu-boat when they bad reached the middle of the stream the boat came in contact with the ferry wire (which had fallen into the water soma time durinc the . . . , ...:.;. I J J " f fa bo and fa contentI! pIunged f t into the creek Fortu , , numhar ftf mfin h-nnnnn1 ,n j ri be sitting on the bank of the creek at the time, and the moment the boat upset two or three of the most daring youag men, regardless of their Sunday clothes, plunged into the water and swam out to them ; others jumped into I 11 tl.ul. L.., J L.l L. utuoj uuais mu maucu vo uto rescue, and in so doing saved them H. lbe screams of tbe girls brought the citizens to the bank of tbe creek . II - I in a moment : one ei me smauer giri floated down stream several rods before they caught up to her. The young mu showed great presenee of mind ll li . .l. J ne caagni two oi iae gins ana sue ceeded in keeping tbeir heads above water until tbe boats came to his relief. After they were all safely landed ou tbe opposite shore the crowd dispersed to their homes thankful that no lives were lost. Carpets ! Carpets ! ! We have mtde arrangements with on of th larct New York .Tobbinc noum -n Carp9tg t(J handj8 CRrp(Jt by 8amples,-Samples shown by th carnetexhibitorshowscarpet as if on tU flQOr matched nerfectlv triv I " " , ni...:B- .,! V-i.utiful sfTect We will carry at all times about 25 to I "o i o 50 samples of the newest and best I ... . patterns in all grades of Ingrains, Brussels, and Velvets, and pet new I " ' W patterns as fast as they come out, so I you can select from a New York Job Dins nouse stocx. ana nave us re inougibU for them to be rieht in a particulars. Carpets cut to fit th rooms and also made up if detirev We can and will sell carpets lower than houses carrying a stock having . , , J. ? capital invested losing on remnants, I 1 . Uall and see samples, get prices I . . . kn be convinced tl Wo, Smeakbaugii & Co The Bonner.KeMey Wedding. This happy event which may just ly be called the'event of the season took place at the residence of the bride's parents on Thursday evening of last week, and was witnessed by the relatives of the bride and groom, and ' a large assemblage of the young peo ple of this place, besides quite a num ber from a distance. At precisely six o'clock, Rev. Hickling pronounced the words which joined the happy couple in holy wedlock, and made Mr. Charles Bonner and Miss May Stanley welly man and wife. After cougrat- lations and good wishes had been ex tended, the guests assembled about the sumptuously spread tables and par took of the many delicious viands set before them. At eight o'clock the ewly wedded pair bid adieu to their friends and took the 8:20 train for an extended tour of the Eastern cities nd other places of note, leaving the guests to enjoy themselves to their hearts' content, which they did until late hour. The affair was one of grandeur and splendor and to say it was heartily enjoyed is but reiterating the expressions of all who were pres ent. Both bride and groom have al ways been held in the highest eeteem by our citizens, and enjoyed a high station in society, and. we join their many friends in wishiug them a happy and prosperous journey through life. Following is a list of the many ele gant presents: Diamond earrings, from Mr. Cbas. Bonner; dining room set, Mr. A. B. Kelly; silver forks and spoons, Mrs. I. li. Kelly ; silver tea service, Mrs. I. II. May ; bed room set, Mr. J. E. Bonner; China dincer Bet and finger bewlr, Mr. B. W. May ; brass antique clock, Mr. and Mrs. W. II. May ; sil ver card case, Mrs. V. Jb. Lathy; white parasol, Mrs. II. S. Bates; Duchesse lace fichu, Mrs. Suie Sharpe; pearl bandied tea knives, Mr. J. D. Kelly ; table cloth and napkins, Mrs. J.D.Kelly; silver pitcher and cup, Miss Bertha Legnard; silver berry dish, Mrs. h. Bonner; Liimoge vases, Miss Bertha Bonuer; silver pitcher, goblets and tray, Mr. and Mrs. Q. W. Robinson; banging lamp, Mr. J. P. Cornwall ; toilet set, Maggie and Ar tie Robinson ; silver tea service, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Matchett; Limoge vase, Dr. Chas. Matchett; celery glass aud silver spoons, Mrs. Cornwall; silver fish knives, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Ilines; lunch cloth and napkins, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Woodburn ; silver card re ceiver, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Woodburn ; silver water pitcher, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Bonner; vinaigrette, pepper and salt bottles, Mrs. H. Garlick ; em broidered breakfast sacque, Miss Re becca Garlick; toilet set, Mr. aid Mrs. S. D. Irwin ; embroidered table scarf, Mrs. J. E. Blaine; mustard, pepper and salt bottles, Brownie, Har old and James ; silver cheese dish, Mr, Ceorge Park; satin wedding card, Mr. W. A. Hosey; Limoge lamps, Messrs Dillon and McGowan ; silver card re ceiver, Mr. C. W. Baker; jewel casket Misses Stow; Bilver butter knife, Mr. J. Haslet; toilet case, Mies Salhe Hu lings; embroidered satin toilet 60t, Miss Ella Porter; opera glasses aud silver sugar spoon, Mr. Orion Siggins; book. "Wild J; lowers. Miss Fannie Sigarins; poems, Lognfellow and Whit tier, Dr. 1. D. Uann; ulbum, Mrs. Jas. Hickling: silver knives, Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Lanson; book of poems, Mrs. II. M. Dithridge; plush album, Misses Hunter; tea spoons, Mr. A. M. Doutt: Scott's poems. Miss Emma Sloan; lace tidy, Miss Cora Knox; shoe stand, Mr. J. F. Preper; basket of flowers, Mrs. John Park; basket of flowers, Mrs. C. Ileydrick; silver fruit dish, Messrs. Conk, Hopkins Dale, Raisig and Proper; silver but ter knife, Mrs. .aterman. OIL NOTES. BALLTOWN. Things are not as lively here at preterit as sometime ago, on account of the Balltowa Oil Co. having but little work laid out in advance of what they are at present prosecutiug Jas. Welsh is drillin? a well on his lease on the northeast corner of 4821 and is down about 550 feet. The Grandin & Kelly No. 9 put C50 barrels in the tauk for twenty four bourj preceding 8 o'clock Sunday morning. The well is doclining slow y and will probably at this writing Tuesday, be good for 550 barrels. Several new wells will be put down on 5236, near No. 9. The presen theory is that the "belt" will deflec toward the south and cross Tionesta creek, passing through east of New town. Whother this be correct or no time will verify or deny. Jas. Welsh will drill a well on his lease on 5235 or 5230, being very near the line. There is but little ac tivity at Porkey, and Murphy & Co. are resting on their oars, I guess, for arise. W. Kepler & Defer's Salmon creek ven- ture is still puzzling the trade. The! general impression seem to be that it dry. ' ' . . The Tubbs Run wildcat is still fish ing for the lost tools, with little hopes of recovering' them. ' ' $1.50 PER ANNUM. It i and told ma to have them wire clothes lines changed for rope ones." Presence of Mind. Four officers sitting in a bungalow in India, writes Miss C. C. Ilopley in her recent book, 'Snakes," were deep in a game of whist. Suddenly one of them, turning deadly pale, made signs that no one should move or speak. In a hushed whisper he exclaimed : " Keep still, for heaven's sake 1 I feel a cobra crawling about my legs He knew that timidity was one of the strongest characteristics of the jnake, and that, if not disturbed or Alarmed, it would in due time depart ' of its own accord. All present were ' accustomed to the stealthy intruders, and did not, happily, lose their pres-) ence of mind. They very noiselessly J bent down so as to take a survey be-1 ncath the table, when, sure enough, there was the unwelcome visitor, a full- j sized cobra, twining and gliding about the legs of their helpless friend. Lit- I crallv ilpj.y:", ' ' Ine saw mills have increased by one and all are busy. Cherry, asb, poplar, cucumber, pine and hemlock ship- ments are Jarge, and consignments are sent from Maine to Chicago, and one aipment even to California. a Hub Factory is being enlarged and will soon run nearly double its present capacity which is now four hundred hubs per day. The R. R. people have put in switches or short side tracks of one mile each into Reek's, Byrom's, Towler's, and Curl & Campbell's mills, so that places that old hunters and fishermen never dreamed of seeing a wheelbarrow, now echo to the whistle uf the twenty-four ton engines. This year the bark' peelers have invaded tbe township ani the falling of trees and shouts oi the army of peelers are heard ou all Bides. Much improvement is manifest in farming and new houses are sprinsine up in all quarters. The schools of C7 J the towaship are excellent, and the board of directors is determined that pupils and parents shall have the full benefit of Pennsylvania's grand sehool lav A nuw aphonl honsn will hn nut up at Gilfovle, or Curl, Campbell & Co.'s station forthwith, and needed re- pairs put na the others. In this con necti n it's only just to the liberality of Curl, Campbell & Co. to 6tate that they give to the board a deed for one acre of ground and all the rough him ber needed in the new house, it u just such men as these that are needed; men who not only talk but act; men who not only say they wish the chil- dren of employees could go to school, hut who. without urtriue. oD'er the board liberal help to accomplish the end desired. In religious matters we aro advanc ing fast. Two most excellent Sunday Schools, one at Byrom's Mills and one at Marienville. are in full blast. Two church organizations, one M. E. and one Presbyterian. The latter will prob- ably make an effort to build a house of In political matters .leaks is about as eood natured a township as is in existence. Ib local elections, politics dont count. Oue J. P. is a Democrat, ... ,, . . the other a Republican; the school board has four Republicans, one Green- backer and oue Democrat ; road com- missioners, one Democrat and two Greenbackers ; auditors, oce Kepubli- can and two Democrats. In county and State politic every chap runs his wn hnal and 1st. tl. otha. follow do tbe same thing. Morallv the township is above the . .t ..1 1 average: once in a wtiiie a "drunit ,,.,, i .,u .i,..v. v r-- i i . n , . , tn nnt a I IrtUf n n rmvtf tarn nnrl t.hfl lni( thA Ho arminatinn rtf trnnri ntrAtl 1 " V' . . tact that eur d. r. s are determined to give roughs the full extent of the law, has a ieudency to keep any "would-be .luggers" in the back ground. . finally, we are in hopes that some day we will have R. R. conuectious direct with the county seat, when ye :ui.:...a ,.p .k.., ,.,.; ;iiaa '""u""" " """'" ""b- nn rxML nr til Uarn linw in run town soberly. AAA. The glorious l'ourth ot July is coining, aad H. J. Hopkius & Co. have just received the fiutst lot of Hats and Clothing, yet brought to this market. . Drop ia aud see them. H All Around the Circle. .Oh, for tbe monotony of a - week c continued dry weather. , ' The rain it raineth almost every day, and the romantic youth is shut out from the glories of the summer woods by want of a dry pathway on which to tread.. The flowers of spriog- t time and early summer ' time have yielded to the rain even as a stale joke yitldeth to toe necessities of the; Oil i City Derrick. rrick. Such a weight ".and. density of foliage as .'qur , ..fateste r Dow bear, though the leave are not nearly ' grown, one seldom sees unless he 'Jias traveled. The .smell ttriaing. frorav,l ground out in the woods oija ' warm day at this time is sickening." The roads everywhere exhibit the'Rtale -of a bad condition in a lseser or greater 1 degree. In mauy places what are knowr as the "back woods" seem to ' have dtnouueed all claim to even common dryness and presect the op- , pearance of a series of mud-holes of the greatest length, width, and depth possible. What a paradise for ducks . ani school children ! In Old Forest . the rains appear to have been mora excessive than in other parts of the - , county. In many places the rain storms have been accompanied with heavy winds, although little damage has been doae. Yesterday a seveie wind storm swept through Harmony tewnship, as -did : als0 0Q Tuesday morning of last week. Tlie storm ye8lt.r(jaT was accompanied with hail. Last nisht the rain fell in t0Prent8 flg!liD and tue display of elec-, tricity ,n tha heaveD9 wai , gran(i and awful. Ia many places our farmers were planting corn and potatoes last week, and in some places if they do not plant later will not plant at all. ihe potato bug, connued in tils movements to dry weather, will direct hi8 efjorts principally to the late pota- t,es. The punkies, flie9, and other .pe.ts of the woodland hold high "carnival between showers xeilltown.- Cal. dinger's house looks wonder fully improved under its new 'paint "die V oodcock is expected homo from Philadelphia the last of .this week. Carsonville will hold high carnival to-night at an ice cream festival. John Wiles' horse immortalized himself by a runaway tbe other day. We have not space for particulars. bu Buffice j1 to ? tLL.bu ff PreV ence oi miuu eiuiouau uj i una'u Bright serious conseqences might hava resulted. Mr. Reed of Flemming Hill lost one of his horses about a month ago by his team's goiDg through a bridge on the Siggios' Run. The Road Com missioners of Harmony twp. have smco settled with him for the loss oi bis horse, paying him $40.00, howe, Brookston, aside from the bark peeling going on near by, and the saw mills in the vicinity, is very quiet. Peter Anderson is running the store now, ana is aoiug 11 rut rate, reier makes as fine a clerk as is round in tbe county. Kev. baudy has been holding meet- incs in tha Hall. lie has discoutiu- ue(j tbe game untji a future time. Rev. Ryan has also been preaching at James' mill. A class will be organ ized mere. It was vour correspondent's eood fortune to meet M. M. Seybolt. well and favorably known to you, at Shef- bll. Mr. heybolt is ia tne employ f IJorton & Creary as book-keeper e also met Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Ein8tein. and likewise Morris of the sama 6uruaiue, who made inquiry after Tioaesta mends. marienville 1 was under a cloud when we were tlre, aua a very ieaKy one, 100. u 0 I . 1 II . 1IT could see, however, irorn under the fcover uV.r .u.F.u.- old friend S. F. Robrer. who had iust returned from a three week's visit to I liia nl.l linniu tn 1 .unpuatnr whfira 1'A spent a most neligbttul time. .....-a. ! is there vet as w J'oudJ upon making I ... . 1 diligent inquiry. Ibero is a new landlord in tho Shields House name unknown to us. Philo illiams has built a new house r.now ,,ccuPie8 5? mf-1 ull bought a lot and is building a house 1 lllioui .itrwjvi -ft-sc -a u i aviv and barn. He has also bought ether grounds and is having the same en- closed, a moveineut is on iuoi vo io . ...... .l.,.k -,i k;i, i... a I ' ; 'j-lie B)uU:aud day portion of . thu j i- - -1 - new bridge at the mouth of Khplr Creek needs some repairs. Ihe Loo missioners gave tho contract for dou the same to Joe Landers. - Kob't Hillard lost a valuable r not long Vince, as did also Jackm (uz'i auJ Uob t ualford oue each. Juue VJ, 1863. Tkami1. 7