The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, June 06, 1883, Image 4

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Jlnrqe.S. D. InwiN.
Uownaihnan North ward. If, M. Fore
man. C. M. Shawkoy, A. M. ltoutt; South
ward, W, A.. Euirlos' J. If. Fones, A. 11. i
Jnt.t.e.$ of the PcaecJ, T. Drennan,
I). N. Knox. .Tames Swnilos.
tiehool Director S. J. Woleott. J. II.
Dlna-tnan, J. rovo. A. B. Kelly, U. W.
Robumon, D. H. Knox.
. Member of Conn-eit -J At. Mosokovb.
Member of Senate J. O. Hall.
Aembhi E. L. Davis.
frrMdcnt Judge Vf. 1. Bnoint.
.Moci.( Judge John Keck, C. A.
Venturer N. 8. FoitKMAN.
Irothonotary, Regitlcr ieeorder, 4-e.
Sheriff: C. W. Clap.
CbwunmAi'oner II. W. Lkpkbur, J. S.
Countv Sinerintendcnt J. E. IIlLI.-
District Attorney T. J. VanOiksf.t.
Jury Commissioners II. O. Davis,
J. Urkrkawalt.
County tiwmeiinrV. F. Whittekin.
Coroner C. II. Ciiuwrr.
Countv A uditar . W. WAnnKW, J. A.
Scott, R. B. Swai.t.f.y.
" business directoryT"
No. 309,
I. O. of O. F.
MEETS every Tuesday evening, at 7
o'clock, in the Lodge Room in Par
tridge's Hall. ' '
o W SAWYER Hec'y. 27-tf.
J Xn. 274. U. A. R.
Met on the first Wednesday la each
rnomb, in Odd Fellows Hall, Tionesta, ra
il, a, l.iu.., . ommiinaer.
A nd District Attorney of Forest County.
Office in Court Uouso, Tlonostn, Pa.
TTnHF.Y.A". .AW. i
TlonestA, Pa.
Collection made in this and adjoining
" u'--
Elm Street, Tionesta, Ta.
rrs v. IUTCHKY.
r B. AGXKW'.
Tionosta, Pa.
1 linvn been admitted to practice as an
Attorney in tho Pension Ollke at Wash-
ington, U. t,'. All oinoers, aomiors, or
wulor who were injured in tho late war,
can obtain pensions to which they may bo
entitled, bv otillintr on or addrewsinpmeut
Tionenta, Pa. Also, claims for arrearages
of pay and bounty will receive prompt at
Hnviiior boen over fonr years a soldier in
tho Into war. ami having for a number of
year engaged In the prosecution or sol-
.jliii-J lnlinn in . fivnnHnnnN will AMSIlroi
tho oollectioii oi "claims in tho shortest rms-
Hibla timo. J. Ji.
house. Tionesta, Pa.,
J II. s. Brockwav, Propriotor. This
Dime is centrally located. Everything
rw and well furnished. Supeiior Ac-
oommodation. and strict attention piven
to ifiluxU
VoL'i tablos and l rults oi all
kinds served in their season,
room for Commercial Agents.
rtENTRAL 1IOI.HL, Tiones a la,
- V J T C .Tniksnn. Pronriotor.
1 new Iiouko, and has just been titled up tor
i ms is a i
tlie aecomnioiiniioii ui inu juimi-. v ii
tion of the patronage of the public is solic
ited. "')
EAST llirKOHY. Pa..
J. W. Ball, Proprietor. Tins house Is
new and baa been furnished with now
furniture throughout. It is centralley lo-
catnd. and lias a hrst-class barn in connect'
bm with It. The traveling publie will
tiiwllit a tilpnaant Htollltlllir ulaCO.
" : 1 . ' ' . .i .i . i I
r lrst-
claws livery in conneciion wuu mo uuuu,
NATIONAL HOTEL. Tidiouto, Pa.,
W. D. Bucklin, Proprietor. A first-
olasa hotel in all respects, and the pleas
nntest stopping place in town. Kates very
rvuuonuble. janK-HA
iVT B- piV.P;v , aT,c
Office at the Central House, Thuiesta,
a. All professional ealls promptly at-
J l 1 on x i i. a of it" ,
tended to.
Lato of Armstrong county, having located
in Tionesta is prepared to attend all pro-
tVMionul oalls promptly ami at all hours.
Oflieo in Smeuibaufih A Co.'s new build-
in?, up stairs,
and 11 to 12 M.
Office hours 7 to 8 A. M
: 2 to 3 and 61 to 7i p. m
Sundays, 9 to 10 a. m. ; 2 to 3 and 6i to 74
p. m. Residence in Fisher House, on
Walnut Street. may-18 81.
Has had over fifteen years experience in
the practice ot His proiesuion, navinfrprad-
iiatett legally ami nonorauiy aiay 10, irmo.
Office 'and Residence In 'Forest House,
opposite the Court House, lionesta, l a.
Aug. 25-1SS0
Having purchased the materials Ac, of
Dr. Stoadinan, would respoctluliy an-
bounce that lie will carry on tho Dental
nusinoss in Tionesta.
isuid havintr had over
tux years successful dfcSWience, considers
bimsolt fully competent to Klveontire sat- er jia had gone to size up the country terested citizens from the surround
isfaction. I shall always give my inedi- j i.- m . . , . ,
cal practice tho preference. jnar22-2.
li. B. HAT. B. KHLLT
ma y, Park & co.,
Corner of Elm A.WalnutSts. Tionesta.
Bank ot Discount and Deposit.
Interest allowed on Time Deposits.
Colleotionsmadeonall thePrincipal points
f the U. S
Collections solicited.
j. t. BBKNAy, c. m. bitawkky,
Real Estate Agents & Conveyancers.
Donlors In
( In Court House,)
57 acres. Tiones tutwo.. 10 acres cleared
and in wheat mid rye; small house and
barn; considerable oak timber. Trice
fiou i fiuu down, uaiauco in o yearn,
Houses and lots, and building lots in
Tionosta Borough for sale on; easv terms.
Wo have some pood bargains on liana.
Condensed Time Table Tlonmta SUallon.
Train 15..... 7:43 ain
Train 18 8:10 am
Train 3:G!I pin
Train 83 ll;0.r am
Train 10 1:45 pm
Train 16 8:20 P,n
Train 15 North, and Train 10 South oarry
the mail.
Preaching in the Presbyterian
Church next Sunday merning and
evening, by Rev. Ilickling.
Rev. Hicks will oooupy the pulpit
of the M. E. Church next Sunday
T) !,.!. CI I .4
l cu.wi ouuooi at
o y. ra.; in. iu. cuouaiu ocnuui ui. iv i
o . . -r "!." c.ll.iL ei 1 -l in
a. ru.
Oil Market closed last night at
$1.11 i.
Harvey Foreman has tho founda-
tion for his lew house nearly comple
Dr. Cook is visitiog friends and
relatives at his old home, 'Erie, this
O. B. Iloskius is shaking
s . i m t
uauia mm uia i.iuujr iiuuw u icuuo
this week.
D. W. Clark has adorned the
troat 01 1)18 property ny tne erection
of a new l'eace
Mr. Jovce is buildinir a porch on
each end of his hou?o, and otherwise
improving the same.
Mrs. W. J. liobers departed Mon-
, , c .t. ..u. .:n
uuy lor aim a. ui-aio, mucia sua mil
visit relatives and friends for a few
J W. Jamieson and Dr. Stead-
man boarded the 3:59 train north
Monday, the former for Bradford and
tie later for Erie.
Mr. T. P. Flynn, of Green town-
skip, is announced as a Democratic
candidate for County Treasurer in last
issue of the Democrat.
Nearly all the sidewalk from the
0,j TJniversalist church to the
teuio- i
tery it completed, and that which
jot, will uo iu uuts uuuih oi iiiuo.
.. ...mi k : ,i r:
ho-jc i io uUUJr i juuug
M a.. 1 I. . L J S. I
.... -
Brownell, who was drowned in Tiones-
, Tiin u
la creen, near jsa.itown, two weeks
SQ ljave a. vet )feu discovered. .
Jii, lseaman, of Tryonville,
Crawford county, brother of Mrs. J. R.
Chadwick. is visitinff the fatuilv this
week. He is a pleasant gentleman.
Mrs. T. B. Cobb and Miss Kate,
departed oa Wednesday last for East
Poultney, Vernioot, where they will
spend a month with relatives and
Mrs. Suaulding of Richmond
Centre, Ohio, and Mrs. Beruie Heath
, ,. .. I
0t i idioute, aunt ana sister, respective-
i m t - i . I
ly, 01 IVlrs. U60. lloieman, are Visiting
l .lj. l
kVA UIO 11WX. . I
Editor Hayden of the Democrat
has commenced business on the first
floor, having fixed ud the lwelliDr
floor, having fixed up the dwelling
nexl ,;8 0g5CB very. netttly, and DOW
Mr. Ed. Bennett, Wra. Blum's
wagon and carriage maker, has brought
l9. ,ill ,j
bis laoiily on from Pleasantville, and
n occupi.g the dwelling just above
v r a J
sawyer lave s oiuce.
Many of our citizens are beauti
fying their residences by fresh coats
of paint, the latest among whom aro
W. Y. Siggins, on River St., and G.
r. Bovard, Vine St,
The buildiug between Hopkins
& Co.'s store and Tate's office, is being
remodled and fixed up for the post- Tha Memoriai cer,monie8 on
office. It will be ready to occupy WedBe8day iait Wir, carr;ad out Bd
about the first of July. rordin? to nrot ram in so far as the
Alex Dale retarned last evening
from an extenaed trip through the
I . . , . .i.:.u
limoereu poriiou oi j.euuusse., tvuiw-
and invest if it suited him. We bay-
ea t heard his opinion of it yet.
Mr. A. Bignon, the boss clothes-
cleaner, tells us be expects to leave
V!b r.ln sia in m haa1t Anm w a tat a n A
lino iu a nci.a iivw uun( nuu
those having anything to do in his
line should call early. The work he
has done for our citizens baa given ex-
cellont satisfaction, and fully dsmon-
strates that Le understands his busi-
n.c. tWnnoMv.
a new cfossinc has been put
in oq May St., near the lower corner
of the public square. Also tlie one
at the mapi9 tr9e 0B jUfKe Reek's
coraer has been replaced by a new
Our Kellettville correspodent
gives the particulars of the frightful
accident by which a young man was
instantly killed in the bark woods,
near that place, last lhursday alter
Mr. Geo. Holeman is moving his
family into Wm. Richards' bouse in
the north ward, and Mr, R. L. Haslet
will cotnniense housekeeping iu the
bouse sext the store made vacant by
George's removal.
Joseph Adamson, Esq., of Thila-
delphiaspent a portion ef the past
week with lionesta friends. During
his stay be paid a visit to the mills of
the Salmon Creek Lumber Co., of
which he is President
The East Hickory Hotel, which
is already receiving a large run ef
custom, has added a first-class livery,
and hereafter parties can be furnished
with a. rrnod ritr at reoon&hlo rates
p. M Hall a rail whan traveling
- a
Carpenter Chadwick has erected
a wire fence in froat of Hon. E. L
Davis' property, which takes the cake
for neatness. Mr. Chadwick has the
agency for this style of fencing, and
agrees to put up one that will out
shine and out-last any picket fence
made, and at far less expeose
It is stated that at a recent term
0f court at Tionesta. the jurors sum
m0Qed to lit on important cases were
uoiversally bright. One ef them
rould not tall the name of tho town
ship in which he lived, while another
got tired and went home before the
evidence was all iu. Bright citizens
indeed. Derrick. The above item
u" uKU.uli tu..UuUU.
for the past two months, but was cred-
ua 10 Huntingdon county jury, un
til it finally came to the notice of the
Derrick, where it is made to do duty
s an original item. But it is plenty
good enough for a "fuunv item" in
that sheet, and fully up to its stand
ard uf truth and wit.
W-The bill shortening the deer kill
ing Beaton by taking off the month of
December, and making the open sea
una from Onlr.hpr 1st. tit Nniamher
3()th hM ped bolh HouM of lhe
Iungisinturv uuu now ouijf ueeua iua
. -i u. r . l.. :.
T ... , i . j .i.
Biguaiure ui mo vjoveruor io uixa ii
al. Tbl. m00ar wn. introne-d
. , . a a .
oy ltt jjavis of this connty, ana US
paasace will be hailed with iov by al
who wish to see this noble came pro
,A r, :,K..;m;.. .1,
u. uUvmuIIIi. B.mB
ter of poc-hunters. who make ita bust
nets to come early in the season from
others Status and "stav all winter " as
lt were. In this way no less tbaa 800
deer were slaughtered ia Forest coun
ty alone last winter, and nearly al
during the month of December.
Edward Hyde died very suddenly
at Cobb & Co.'s mill. Dawson Ruu on
Monday. He bad come in at noon
put up his team, went into the house
au tat uowu opou a uencu.
1.1 - I 1
ouier uieu were iu me room si ine
tima. who sav that the onlv sip-ns ivon
. a 1 1 a L . A a 1
V J J - O
'nat nytbing was wrong was a quick
i j i i j i.r
B88P- nn "S "rounu saw mr,
Hyde sink over on the bench. They
went to him and applied cold
water to his temples and pulses, and
administered other restoratives, but no
signs of life were visible. His death
was evidently caused by heart disease
The deceased resided at Tylersburg
where his remains were taken the same
day. He was about fifty yoars of age
and leaves a wife and seven er eight
daughters, four of whom are grown up,
Mr. Hyde was a pensioner of the late
war, and held an insurance policy i
the Economical Mutual Benefit Asso-
ciation, of Sandy Lake, Pa., for $1,500,
at the time of his death.
i t o
inclement weather would permit.
I The morninsr crave Promise of a beau-
. , .
lltul aay ADa many naCK loaas 01 in
;Dg country came in, but at noon rain
get in and continued during the entiie
afternoon, interfering greatly, if not
almost destroying the beautiful exer-
I a. aaa UVrennroJ tV r iYa APpaiittN At. 3
i vioca imuwu v tuw wwvvwu
p. m. the Post veterans formed iu line
headed by the martial baud, and
marched to the Presbyterian church,
where they were joined by the civil
haus and the procession continued
march to tna Court House where the
ceremonies were carried out, and the
'.oqaent address of Col. John Mc-
Calmont was listened to, aflef ' which
the old soldiers marched to the Cem
etery and strewed flowers' ove' the
graves of their dead comrades. The
music of both the Post band and the
hoir on this occasion was excellent
and elicited great praise from all
present. It was the largest crowd
ever in attedaoce on Decoration Day
in Tionesta, and the occasion will
ong be remembered by tboso who
witnessed it.
The sale of Heury Brace's prop
erty at Braceville, consisting of the
arge mill, machiaery, teams, wagons,
umber, store, and in fact everything
on the premises, took place on Tues
day ef last week. It was quite a re
markable sale, as the mill never stop
ped running, the store was busy and all
was activity about the place, as though
nothing unusual was going on. Hon.
Alfred Short, of North East, Pa., was
the heaviest creditor, aud to him the
property was knocked down. A few
days before the salo Mr. Brace held a
ceoference with his laborers and told
them if there were any who wished -to
file labor leans he would assist them
to get their papers in proper shape
without suttiug them to any expense
Such was their confidence in Mr.
Brace's integrity and his ability and
willingness to square up with his men
that not one of them took advantage
of his offer, but all kept right on at
work as before. Mr. Short will con
tinue the business at that place and
being a man of large means, and a
practical lumberman, under this su
pervision the business at Braceville
will flourish as in the past. Mean
while we are pleased to state that Mr
lirace intends remaining the same
popular citizen of Braceville he always
has been, and that not one of his cred
itors will lose a dollar.
Mr. J. D. Ilulings returned last
Friday from a three-weeks' trip
through the wilds of West Virginia
The nature of his business was such as
to take him through much of the hunt
ing and fishing country in that Stale,
aad the accouuts he gives of it are
calculated to makeoneof aNimrodian
turn of mind long for a chance to get
there. On the beadwaters ef the
Cheat River (where the stream is
about the size of Tionesta creek tU its
forks, a short distance below Sheffield)
trout are caught that weigh from one
to two and one-half pounds, the small
est ones averaging from 10 inches
in length. From 100 to 300 of these
spockled darlings is considered a fair
day's catch. He took occasion to
drop in his hook a few times and his
largest trout, he thought, would weigh
a pound and a half, and the fun of it
all is that thep have the same gamey
bite that our treut have. Think of
thatl Bear, deer and wild turkeys
are abundant, and gray squirrels by the
thousands. He also saw plenty of
woodcock on his travels along the
streams, but the natives did not know
they were fit to eat. Now just think
of that! I Mr. Ilulings says the prin
cipal drawback to that country is the
difficulty in getting in and out, horse
back being the onlv way, except' to
"foot it." The staple article of food
is corn bread and maple syrup, and
the natives consider it a delicacy to
indulge in "store molasses." No won
der game is abundant there.
School Report.
Report of Fleming Hill 'School for
the month ending May 29: Number
of pupils enrolled, 46; average attend
ance, 39; per cent, of attendance, 87.
The following pupils came every d&y
during the month :
John Caiman
Willie Caiman
Willio Blocher
Howard Blocher
Willis Hunter
Willio Murphy
Johnnie Murpliy
Robbie Caiman
Irviu Small
Henry McCoy
John Mooney
Fannie Small
Neilio Ciiiiiiaii
Ella Blocher
Minnie Cunnan
Ida McCoy
lhe superintendent visited our
school once during the month.
Rebie E. Bkaden, Teacher.
Bark Spuds, $1.25; aud a good
Double-bitt Axe for 81.25, at Robin
son & Bonner's. 2t
Mrs. M. C. Myers, Reading, says:
"I have used Brown's Iron Bitters as
an appetizer and touie and found it
strengthening and beuficial."
Wm. Kime, Wrightsville, Pa.,
says: "I have found Brown's Iron Bit
ters to work effectually as a remedy
for dizziness and nervousness."
A. Cuisod, Jeweler, Tionesta, Pa.
sells fine Hniss and American watches
usCh.'ap for cash. Watches repaired
1 and all work, warranted. It
' ptH0jES :.r 1
, Twe-wildcat wjtl j are expected in
Un week fttuPsvarej the lvepler x
Dufm wil, o? Jraat26S, on Salmon
Creek, and QrotaJIaft & CV, 5,-
228, at Braceville, Hjckory, township.
The former is now thought to ',be be
low the Bradford sand level, while the
latter is reported below the level of
the Balltown wells. How this may be
wo cannot say, but one thing seems
pretty well settled, tint is they are
both very close to the depth where
the oil should b found if it is there
to be found.
The operators on the Tubbs Run
well had tho misfortune to break a
bran now cable at their well last
Thursday afternoon. They were
drawing the tooU and when withiu a
few feet of the top of the hole the rope
parted near the top of the derrick let
ting the entire string with about 50
feet of rope go crashing down the hole.
Fishing tools arrived Saturday and
on Monday they intended to com
mence the work of fishing them out.
What success they will have cennot
be told at this writing, but it is barely
possible the tools will stay there for
some time, iney are clown aoout
1500 fuet, aear as we can ascertain
The Cooper tract ought to furnish
four new wells this week, luey are
McCalmont Oil Co.'s Nos. 7 and 8,
Anchor No. 19 and JClark & Foster
No. 4. Among the wells that aie due
this week in the Balltown district are,
Balltown Oil Co.'s No. 7; Porcupine
Oil Co.'s No.5, and Grandin & Kelly's
No. 9.
Balltown Oil Co.'s No.6 was opened
last Friday, and at last accounts was
doing 500 barrels. The same compa
ny's No. 1, on 4792 was on Saturday
making 352 barrels, while the Dutch
Oil Co.'s was doing 120 barrels;
Welsh's well, No. 2, Cook lands 400
Grandin Kelly & Co., No 8, Cook
lands, 120 barrels, making the tota
production of the latest strikes there
1490 barrels a day.
Kellettvillo Krumbs.
A horrible accident occurred in the
bark woods, a mile and a half from
this place Thursday afternoon at 2
o'clock. A young man by the nam
of Frank Newstrom was killed in
Btantly by a falling tree; the tree in
falling struck against a dead pine tree
and then fell to the ground ; the pine
tree was struck with such force that
on its backward bound it fell to the
ground, and literally crushed the
young man, and drove a limb fou
inches in diamater right through bis
body, passing in between the shoulders
and coming out through his breast
It appears that when the tree started
to fall be ran away two or three rods
and then back, seemingly to meet hi
death. He was 22 years old, and
native of Sweden, haviar come to
America two years ago; could tal
English quite well, and seemed very
intelligent. His body was takes to
Jamestown, N. Y for interment, by
his friends. Quite a number ef acci
dents have occurred since bark-pee
ing commenced this season, but nu
that has cast such a gloom over the
neighborhood as this last ou.
J. B. Haggerty was the guest of L.
Arner's last Thursday night.
Scouts are gathering in lively and
trying to gain all lhe information pos
sible in regard to the Kepler & Dufur
well, ou Salmon creek brauch.
Mrs. L. Arner returned to uerhome
ia this place after a week's viuit among
relatives and friends iu Nebraska,
this county.
New bark is now being placed ou
the piling ground at the Extract
Plenty of gas and a goed show for
oil in the Kepler & Dufur well.
Those "twiu cal ves" at L. Arner's
barn are the principal attraction just
sow; they are perfect beauties; one is
white as snow, and the other red and
Billy Rensom, the obliging and ac
compli. bed book-keeper of the Ex
tract Works, returned from a week's
visit among bis friends at Grand Val
ley and vicinity, last Tuesday.
Rain nr.d high water has interfered
greatly with the bark-peelers, and the
hauling of extract from this place to
tho railroad ; the need of a bridge
this point has been felt very much in
the past two weiks.
Presbyterian services will be held at
the residence of L. Arner, by Rev.
Hays of Pittsburgh, no preventing
providence, June 10th, at half-past-three
o'clock, p. m.
June 4, 183. - X.'Y. .
A Minutes of Council.
' Council met June 4, 1883. Burgees
bsent. Present, Councilmen Doutt,
Foncs, Foreman, Eagles, and Shawkey.
On motion Sbawkey elected Burgess
pro tempore. Minutes of last meeting
read and approved.
Various bills presented, approved
nd orders drawn. . '
Moved that Irwiu Heirs and Hey-
drick, be notified to build sidewalk on '
21m street, iu accordance with Boro.
Ordinance.-' Carried.
Moved, that Joha A. .'roper be no
fied to build sidewalk bn Elm. St.,
n front of Couneil Run properly, and
betweenr Daniel Walters and James
lickling. Carried.
Moved that Daniel Walters be no
tified to build Bidewalk in front of his
iroperty, on Elm street. Carried.
Moved that all Court Proceedings
n matter of opening street from Hun-
ter's Bridge to Juliette street bo trait-
scribed on Minutes of Council. Car
ried. . ' ., . -
Ordained that , a Streetrlie opened
from the eastern end ." a? Hunter's
Bridge to Juliette Street,, in accord
ance with survey ; that parties inter
ested bo notified to appear at a special
meeting of Council to be held on Sat
urday, June 1G, 1883, and that Secre
tary be instructed to notify parties as
sessed with benefits, to pay the said
amounts respectively, forthwith. . Ad
journed. ',. '.' v :, ;
A Dangerous Counterfeit ' .',,
There are dangerous counterfoils in .
circulation purporting t bfc-VW'alout
Leaf Hair Kestorer. lbe. siren gen
evidence of its great value ,13: the .fact '..
that parties knowiug its graftt eflicaey
trv to imitate it. Each bottle :of the . .
genuine has a fac simile ofa walnut
leaf -blown in the glass ; ana a ureen
Leaf on the outside wrapper.- 'Tho -
"Restorer" is as harmless, as -water,
while it possesses all the properties
necessary to restore life vigor, growth .
and color to the hair. Purphase only
from responsible parties. .Ask. your
druggist lor it. Each bottle warraated.
Johnston, I1olloway'& Co., rhila- -delphia,
and IlAbb & Ruckel, : New,..
York, wholesale agents.
We take pleasure ? in announcing
that we have perfected arrangements .
with the publishersof the American
Furmer that enable us jo clubthat
magazine with the Forest Republi
can at the low price of 81.75 per year,
a trifle over the price of the Reiubli
can alone. This is beyond question
the first time that a reliable agricul
tural paper has been offered at so cheap
a price, and wo trust all our subscribers
will avail themselves of this unusual
opportunity of securing a first class
agricultural magazine. The Ameri
can Farmer is beyond doubt worth
three times the prico, at which we
place it. Try it. It is a monthly
For good fresh Goods cheap go to
Haslet & Sons. Feb. 1, "82.
Flour 'fS barrel choico
Flour "fc sack,
Corn Meal, 100 ll.s '
Chop food, pure grain
Corn, Shelled
- 4.757.00
1.15 1.70
. l.G0$1.75
- - 85
Bonus bushel -Han),
supir cured
Breakfast Bacon, sugar cured
Shoulders - - -, balf-barrels
Lake herring half-barroU
Sugar -Syrup
N. O. Molasses new
Roast Rio Coll'co
Rio Coffee, -Java
ColVeo -
EpKs, fresh -
Suit best lako -
Lard ------
Iron, common bar
Nails, 10d, c kc -
Potatoes -
Limo ; bbl. -
Dried Applev sliced per lt
Dried Beef -
Dried Peaches per IN - -
- - 10
- 8.50
- 011
- 20 25
- 15
- 3.2.5
- 3.'.K)
- 75
- IS
Dried Peaches pared per
I -
the B urges and Town Council of Tio
nesta Borotiirh,
' That tho Biii'it'css and Town Council of
Tionesta Borough hereby cause to be iaid
out, opuiicd ami maded. a Street from tho
east end ot tho 'l ionesta ltiido Compa
ny's Bridge to Juliette .street, in said Bor
oiiith ; Said Street to be laid ot.., opened
and graded Inly feet wide, and in accord
ance w ilh survey nitulc ami duly record d
union;: the procecdiut;s uf said Council.
A I'l'lioVKli---the. -4 1 1 1 day of June, A. D.
hs,i. NAMl.'EI. D. 1HWIN,
Attest, P. M. Cl.AItK, Bill'Ki'-".
Ir. K line's il eal Nerve Kestorer' is
bo marvel of .the ao for all Nerve Bis
eases. A II Ills slopped fl i c. Semi to (I'll
.iivli St., I'hijada. sepl-Mli