The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, April 25, 1883, Image 4

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Tlin rotton factors of St. Louis linve
united In a circular nddresscl lo the
morcliants, farmers and tenants of the
cotton belt, advising them to abandon
the credit system and to discourage the
planting of a largo acreage. In cotton
this year, and to devote their labors
first to the raising of grain, cattle and
hogs, giving a smaller portion of their
time to the culture of cotton.
Drunkenness has been investigated
by Professor Vcrga, of Milan. Ac
cording to him, men or women given
V Intoxication are, strange to say, sel
dom giTen to kleptomania or suicide.
A woman is less apt to take tc liquor
than a man, but when die does she can
hardly be reclaimed. She becomes
shameless and abominable, but seldom
dangerous. Cold weather seems to
cause men to take to strong drink and
mild weather has the same influence
upon women. .
The son of a Baptist clergyman of
Philadelphia went into the army and
served through the war, faithfully as
an officer and uprightly as a man.
"(Then ho was discharged, to the
astoundment and horror of his friends,
he promptly and deliberately became a
thief, and follows that calling, serving
one sentence afttr another in the
penitentiary, refusing to return to his
friends and respectability, declaring
that he prefers his present mode of
life to any other. The case is one
without recorded precedent or parallel.
The swindle planned by a Cincin
nati showman consisted in advertising
for a treasurer for a minstrel show
and getting $500 from a candidate as
pretended security. A country grocer
was caught by the prospect of making
a tour of the country on a salary of
$25 a week, with all expenses paid, and
he supposed that he was safe against
fraud because a company was ready to
actually start out. But the performers
were amateurs, lured into the affair at
no cost to the managers, who fled with
all the nion:y after the first perform
ance. The grocer committel suicid.1.
An international exhibition of a
novel character is projected to be held
in Paris next autumn under the
auspices of the Societe Protectrice ties
Atimaux. The catalogue is to include
alj apparatus, furniture, etc., connected
wlih the breaking and use of horses.
It is possible that the exhibition may
become extended so as to embrace ap
pliances employed in the relations of
mankind with other animals. The
corporation of Paris have granted the
use of the Pavilion in the Champs
Elysees for the month of September
next for the exhibition. The society
referred to, which has been established
over thirty years, now numbers some
6,000 members,' and, thanks to its
efforts, in few: countries is more done
than in France for, the protection of
the animal world.
A specimen of the "angry tree," in
digenous to Australia, Js growing on a
farm in Nevad i and i now eight fejt
high. AVhen the sun sets its leaves
fold together and the ends of the ten
der twigs coil up like a pigtail. If the
twigs are handled the leaves move un
easily for a minute or more. A sin
gular thing concerning the tree was its
apparent resentment on being removed
from a pot, in which it had matured,
into a much larger pot. Hardly had it
been placed in its new quarters before
the leaves began to stand up in all di
rections, like the hair on the tail of an
angry cat, and soon the wholj plant
was in a quiver. At the same time it
gave out au odor most pungent and
sickening, resembling the odor given
off by rattlesnakes and other kinds of
snakes when teased. So strong and
offensive was this smell that it had to
be removed from the house for several
Atlanta has gained greatly by her
cotton exhibition of 18sl. There has
been a continuous inflow of people and
capital, and real estate has been in con
stant demand for residences and mer
cantile purposes. A grain elevator
And cotton compress has been built; a
spinning company has completed and
nearly filled its capacious building
with machinery, and is preparing to
double its capacity; the great fair
building has been purchased by a com
pany with a capital of $250,000, and is
half filled with machinery; companies
have been formed tor building appar
atus to prepare cotton for the spinner;
fertilizer and other manufactories have
been established in and near the city;
and a concern has been organize 1 for
the manufacture of oleomargarine.
The, aggregate capital invested since
tlue exposition in manufacturing enter
prises is about $1,500,000, employing
no fewer than 2,000 operatives, and
paying annual wages approximating
$800,000. '
According to Professor Langley sci
entific men are convinced that space is
not an utter void, but that it furnishes
the carbonic acid gas by means of
which plants and animals grow. It is
calculated that the earth has absorb, d
the carbon of the atmosphere ono hun
dred times over, and that its replen
ishment cornea from within the spae
between the planets. Newton hinted
at this, but did not fully comprehend
it, two hundred years ago. Once in
thirty years the tart his jrjeipitated
into meteor streams. These have been
identified with comets. These me
teoric fragments, which undoubtedly
come from the head of comets, are
composed of real sandstone, like that
which holds the copper of Lake Su
perior. It is manifest, therefore, that
these come from worlds not unlike
our own and that meteors and comets
are portions of demolished out-worn
worlds. This, if true, remarks tho
Detroit Free I'nss, is what the inhab
itants ol the earth must look forward
to, and which, tho igh not quite o
definite, Is far more formidable than
Wiggins' storm.
The iotooje V,'remltj, of St. Peters
burg, recently gave an outline of a re
markably drastic law which It is pro
posed to ena't to lessen the evil of in
temperance in luis.nii. t it is pro
posed that no drinking-houso shall bo
allowed to bo creeled iu the neighbor
hood of factories and workshops; that
no selling of drink for consumption on
the premises shall bo permitted except
in a limi'e l number of places in the
more public and general resorts; that
if diink is soil lo children and
minors, whether with or without their
parents' consent, the public house at
which this w.n done shall bo closed by
the police. Secondly, among the
clauses dealing wit'i the customer,
there is one which proposes that " every
incorrigible chronic drinker " shall
forfeit the rights of a father. His
children are to be taken away from J
mm ana regarded as ine children oi
tho state, by which they will be placed
in some educational institute, where
the father will bo prohibited from
interfering with them. In the case of
an incorrigibly drunken husband the
project suggests that the courts shall
bo allowed to grant his wife, upm her
own appeal, a species of conditional
divorce, with a guarantee of exclusivo .
right to her turnings. Similarly at
the request of a husband whose wife
is an incorrigible drunkard, it is pro
posed that he be freed from the obliga
tion of maintaining her and living
with her. In neither case is this
separation to bo counted as a legiti
mate divorce, enabling the spouse of
the incorrigible tippler to contract a
second union. Ve hear that the
special commission included a large;
number of medical assessors.
The Bad Boy and tho Grocery Maa
"Say, do you think a little practical
joke does any hurt V" asked the bad boy
or the grocery man, as he come in with
his Sunday suit on and a bouquet in hia
buttonhole, and pried off a couple ot
figs from anew box that had been just
" No, sir," said the grocery man, as he
licked off the syrup that dripped from
a quart imasur from whicli ho had
been tilling a jug. " I hold that a man
that gets mad at a practical joke, that is,
one that does not injure him, is a fool,
and he ought to be shunned by all de
cent people. That's a nice bouqiu t you
have in your ccat. AVhat is it, pansiesi
Let me smell of it," and the grocery
man bent over in front of the
boy to take a whiff at the bouquet.
As he did so a stream of water shot
out of the innocent-looking bouquet
and struck him full in the face, and
ran down over his shirt, and tho gro
cery man jelled murder, and fell over
a barrel of ax-helves, scythe snaths,
and then groped around for a towel tc
wipe his face.
" You blamed little rascal:" ye led the
grocery man at the boy , as he took up
an ax-helve and stilted for him
" what kind of a golblasted squirt gun
you got there? I will n;a il you by
thunder," and he rolled up his shirt
" Tiiere.keep your temper. I took 8
test vote of you on the subject of prac
tical jokes before the machine b.-gan tc
play upon the conflagration that was
raging on your whisky nose, and you
t-aid a man that would get mad at a
joke was a fool, and now I know it.
Here, let me show it to you. There is
a rubber hose runs from the bouquet,
inside my coat to my pants pocket,
and there is a bulb of rubber that holds
about half a pint and when a fellow
smells of the posy I squeeze tho bulb,
and you see the result. It's lun where
vou don't squirt it on a person that gets
The grocery man said he would give
the boy half a pound of figs if he would
lend th3 bouquet to him for half an
hour to play it on a customer, and the
boy fixed it on tho grocery man, and
turned the nozzlo so it would squirt
right back into the grocery man's face.
He tried it on the first customer that
came in and got it right ia his own face
and then the bulb in li s pants pocket got
to leaking and the rest of tho water
ran down the giocery man's trousers
leg, and he gave it up in disgust, and
handed it back to the boy (J. r. Feck.
A. II. Stephens' Doss.
Like Sir "Walter Scott and Henry
Clay, Stephens had all his life been fond
of dogs, lie owned one which he
named "Sir Bing Binks," from one of
the characters in Sir Walter Scott's
"St. Konan's Well." Another, who
was his constant companion for years,
was named "Kio," a poodle dog. U pon
his death ho was buried in the garden,
and over tho red-lay mound a marble
slab was placed, which, in the follow
ing epitaph, written by his brother,
Mr. Linton Stephens, records his
: Here ret the remains of :
; What, iu life, was a satire on the:
; Human race, ;
; And an honor to his own, :
; A Fuitliful Dog. :
Goldsmith used to write and teach a
pet dog to sit on his haunches, and Mr.
Stephens, wifeless and childless as ho
was, lavished on his pet poodle all the
warm affections of his nature. Tho
first tiling in in the morning he romped
with Ins dog. Jle slept In the same
room with his master, and when he
was sick the faithful brute never left
the room, save for a few moments, for
days and weeks together. The dog
accompanied his master all over the
State. When left behind he watched
the arrival of the trains at the depot,
going through all the cars in search of
In Plorlda the strong fiber ofjthe
leaves or a species or cactus is turned
into rope, its juice into a pleasant bev
erage, and its trunk, after the removal
lit. i.he pith, into pails.
William Johnson, a wealthy farmer
Of South wold, "near Fingal, Ontario,
owns a milk-white, mild-eyed steer
weighing 11,200 pounds, and standing
fully nine feet high. Mr. Johnson is
very fond of his "pet," and rather than
part with him has refused somo liberal
AVater saturated with alum is recom
mended by a French scientist as a
speedy and effectual remedy for ex
tinguishing fires. His proposition is
based on tho theory that tho alum
would coat the objects wetted with it,
intercept tho access of atmospheric
oxygen and thus stay combustion.
The belief is common that during a
considerable fall a person must bo as
phyxiated by the rapid rush through
the air, which constantly accelerates as
tho distance fallen increases; but tho
weight of scientific opinion seems to
favor the view that, if asphyxia ever
results during falls, the distance fallen
must be very great.
It takes two hundred and fifty
bushels of potatoes to make a ton of
potato starch. Its manufacture, which
is very simple, is as follows: After
being thoroughly washed and freed
from dirt tho potatoes are reduced to
a pulp by means of a grater. Tho
pulp, placed in a sieve, is washed by
streams cf falling water, the starch be
ing carried through the sieve into a
proper receptacle and the liber washed
away as waste. The starch is carried
with tho water passing through tho
sieve into a stirring-tank, in which it
is washed from tho finer particles of
waste, and, being heavier than water,
sinks to the bottom. It is then fur
ther cleansed in other tanks by w ash
ing and stirring, until the water is
clear and is drawn off. Tho starch is
then removed to a kiln, where it is
dried and rendered fit for market.
A correspondent of the London En
gineer makes a curious suggestion :
Men have not yet learned to lly
through space like birds ; but why
should they not take a hint from the
Engineer, and construct an aerial lino
worked by electricity ? Locomotives
are almost useless off the rails, and
aeronauts may be well content if they
learn- to lly along wires. The projec
tor would substitute for the un wield
ly balloon a light, stout plane, shaped
like a kite, balanced by a car, and pro
pelled by a screw, driven at a good
speed by a dozen or more Trouve ma
chines arranged in couples along the
propeller shaft. By a line of stout tel
egraph wire led on poles from Berlin to
Paris, or from Pekin to St. Petersburg
he would transmit a 100-horse power
along the wire by powerful dynamos
at stations, say a hundred miles apart,
which would be taken to the flying
plane by two light wires, having con
tact carriages at the lower ends. The
wire would have to be strong to stand
the strain of a heavy wind on tho
buoyant kite, but it is much more
probable that men will learn to fly
along wires before they are able to lly
alone promiscuously through the air.
A big-handed sawyer named Shaw,
Put hia finger too near the buzz-saw,
He Sciw his mistake,
But each pain and ache.
St. Jacobs Oil cured in his paw.
A rheumatic old man named Meeker,.
Was sick a whole year in Topeeker,
He there would have died,
But St. Jacobs Oil tried,
It sent him b ick cured to Osweeger.
One Poisonous Lizard.
A reaper recently presented before
the Philadelphia College of Physicians
stated that in response to inquiries two
letters had been received from Ari
zona, one of which described the lizard
as more peaceful and harmless than a
young missionary, while the other de
clared it to be " worse then a whole
apothecary shop." Kecent experiments
made with captive specimens of the
Gila monster, however, seem to demon
strate satisfactorily its poisonous na
ture. Small animals and birds were
killed by its bite. It has numerous
small teeth, and when it bites a quan
tity of saliva is discharged. This
saliva or fluid is found to bo an active
poison of very peculiar nature. It
causes no local injury, but seems to
act directly upon the heart, arresting
its action in diastole. Its effect is en
tirely different from that of the venom
of serpents, which causes local hemor
Knakea aa Life Destroyers.
The loss of life in India due to the ravages
of venomous snakes is almost incredible.
let Consumption, which is as wily and fatal
ka the deadliest Indian reptile, is winding its
eoiis around thousands of people wltile the
victims are unconscious of its presence. Dr.
K. V. .Fierce a "Uolden Medical DiRoovery "
must be used to cleanse the blood of the
sorofulous impurities, for tubercular con
sumption is only a form of scrofulous disease.
" uolden Medical Discovery " is a sovereign
remedy lor au lorms oi acromions, disease,
or kma's-evil, such as tumors, white swell.
insrs, fever sores, scrofulous sore eyes, as
wen as lor otner Dioou ana sKin diseases,
By druggists;
The stock-raisers of California estimate
the agreate value of their flocks and herds
n 835,000,000. The number of horned cat
tle is estimated at 2.2.iO.0O0.
Taken Out of lied.
Dr. K. V. Pierce, bunalo, H.Y.: Dear Sir
I have to thank vou for the creat relief re
ceived from your "Favorite Prescription."
My sickness had lasted seven years, one of
which I was in bed. After taking one bottle
X was able to be about the house, Jiespect
fully, Amanda K. Knmh, Fulton, Mich.
The monument at Yorktown. Va., is to be
built of Maine granite by a Maine company,
ana to cost ff bb.tK.'Yi
VI.- 171.. Y?l.
Successfully treated by World's Dispensary
lot jiompuiei, Dunaio, rt. I.
Leipsio is one of tha leading centers of
me aoii-inaking trade.
On Thirty Mays' Trial.
The Voltaic BeltCo., Marshall, Midi., will
Fena Ur. Uye s Celebrated JUoetro- Voltaic
ueiiM unu r.iei-ino Appliances on trial tor
thirty days to men (young or old) who are
afflicted with nervous debility, lost vitality
ami miidreu troubles, guaranteeing speedy
and complete rontorationof health and manly
vigor. Address as above. K. 11. No risk is
incurred, us thirty days trial is allowed.
That llueband ofMine
it three times the man he was before using
Vbll' Ueulth Renewvr. $1. Druggists.
"Ttonoh in rnrnn."
AfOtforVrplls"'KoiiKli on Corns." llSo. Quick
reliefs complete cure. Corns, warts, bunions.
The Axle Grease
Is the best in tho market. It is the most
economical and cheapest, one box lasting as
long as two of any other. One greasing will
Inst two weeks. It received first premium at
the Centennial and Paris Expositions, also
medals at various Htate fairs. Hny no other.
Catarrh of the lllndiler.
Stinging irritation, inflammation, Kidney,
Prinnrycoinplaintff.CTrpd by Huchnpaiba. ft.
Tim hnbit. of running over hoots or shoes
oorreoted with Lyon's Patent Heel Sti (Toners.
Voluntary Tributes of Urntltnde for Dene,
fits It reel veil.
Dfar Bin Dense llow me the privilege of (trine my
testimony rpgnrriins; the tvondnrful curative properties
of your invaluable medicine, Hunt's Hcmedy. During
the past nix or seven years 1 have boon a great enffarer
from kidney disease, and during: a groat part, of the tlma
my mfTrriniTH hare boon so intense se to be lndeecrlu,
ablo. Only those wholisve auffered by thlsdrosdrilseasa
know of tho awful backache, and paina of all kinda,
accompanied hy great weakness and nitrmnapmatratloa,
loaaof force and ambition which Inrarlably attend It.
had all thoee troubles intensified, and waa in anch a
bad condition that 1 could not not up ont of my chat,
eicopt by patting my handa on my kneea, and almost
rolling out before I could at raightennp. I tried tha heat
doctors, and many kinds of medicine, bnt all failed to
help me. and 1 experimented so long endeavoring to get
cared that last spring 1 was In Tery poor shape, and In
seeking for relief my attention waa directed by a friend
to the remarkable cures of kidney diseases, ate., which
were being accomplished by Hunt's Hemedy. 1 waa in.
"duced to try It, and began to take It, and Tory aoon
"limbered up," as it were; my aerera backache and
the intense paina 1 had auffered so long speedily die.
sppearvd, notwithstanding 1 had been bothered with
thia complaint ao many years.
When 1 began to take Hunt's Remedy I waa consid
erably run down in my general health, and suffered also
from loss of appetite. Kror since 1 hare boon taking the
Remedy, however, my Improvement hat been moat
marked ; my former complaints, aches, paint, etc., hate
disappeared, and I now feel like my former telf, hale,
hearty and sound in health. I shall alwaya keep Hunt'l
Remedy with me, and would most earnestly reoommend
all those who are snfferert from Kidney or LWer dis.
eases, or diseases of tha Bladder or Urinary organs, ta
oe iiuni-a nemeay, ana take no other.
Yours rery truly, IlKMnx H. SnELDow.
No. SCO Westminster St.. Providence, R, I.
"In the leiicon of youth, eto., there Is no such word
as (." That "lexicon" is now found In the labors ton
nf tin..,'. 1) 1- T , I . u . , .
- ' ".' j Miiiiwe un biico wora as full.
The Doctor's Indorsement.
Pr. W, D. Wright, Cincinnati, O., aenda tha tub
Joined professional indorsement: "I hare prescribed
Dr. Wm. Hull's Balsam for the.Lnnaa in a great num
ber of cases and always with tncceaa. One case in par
ticular was given up hy several physicians who had been
called in for consultation with myaelf. The patient had
all the symptoms of confirmed Consumption cold night
sweats, hectio fever, harrassing oongh. etc He com
menced immediately to get better and waa Boon restored
to his usual health. I have also found Dr. Wm. lull's
Balssmforthe Lungs the most valuable expectorant
for breaking up distressing coughs and oolda that 1 have
evornsed." Durno'a Catarrh Snuff .euros Catarrh and
jilt affectionsjfthemucouajnembrane,
llrat f 'ntiirh llnUnm In the World." Trv II.
Trice lOc. V. W. Kinsman Un., Augusta, Maine
o ii d r ft
Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica,
Lumbago, backacno, neaaacn, looinatne,
lluriia, Nenll. Froal Ultra.
iin all oiiim uoDii.r rti.ts kiics.
Bold by DrugilsU and pa1rseTrTWhere. Fifty Csntsa bolus.
Direction in 11 !.aitfuafl.
THE fllAItl.KS - VOUF.l.ER CO.
Ihiaana A. VuukUIS, a CO.) Balusters, L, 0, i.
N Y N U 13
InTalidi who are
ooTering tHa! stamina
declare in grateful
torma their apprecia
tion of th znenta, &a
a'tonio, of Hoatetter's
Stomach Bitten. Not
only does it Impart
trenffth to the weak,
bnt it alao corrects an
irregular acid state of
the stomach, makes
the bowels act at
properinterrals, firea
ease to thoee who auf
f fir from rhtumat ic
and kidney troiihlrw.
and conquer as wull
as prevent fovrand
ague. Foraala by all
iirufrffifitn and Dual-
ere generally
I :orna,Buijiun('.Hcaltls,lirutw,Sor.'niH of ftwt.bandt.
eyes.etc. ; Itching from unyciiuao. ABkyourdrug
It rcltovM nt titiM Ttiirnti. I'ilwu.t'hanrvM Hands or Lint.
awa k"' or aeua to V4 tuiwa b trout, a. i.
HISTORY t?.'e U.S.
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battles and other hintoncitf scene!, and ih the muttt
complete and vnlunhle hiKtory ever puhlmhed, I r lfl
feOi.u lty hi'HrH Hti'TioN only, an( atientH are wanted
In every county, rwnrt for irrumrs and eitra tenni
toatfent. Aiilrrs NATIONAL VI 1U.1III.M
C O., riiilnd.-lphiu, liu
liU U opinion i-t nKidlulunuiiaut t hut can be
Ullt-r.ston(l;tll' WUill't-:-t, liillt-ht iiiul lliofit lu'i'linttc
hitclli'iH-e nt whiitrviT in the wldo world is worth
ntti utiiin. That N what everybody is mire to find in
any edition ot T1IM tsl'N. Kubrritim: Daily (4
I'tifeM, by mail. a month, or ftj.50 a year
I. V. KNGLAN'D, Publisher. Now York City.
1 iiav a .-.UU t n n.iuiy U-r tUe atoT illnvuo; by Us
Vh thou a n tit. oi cat. oi lite worm, snui aim oi whk
stand in k hrtvo been cun'd. Jntli't-il, no nrnni! is mv faith
In li-Ptiifu. v. ttiiaL 1 will Kent. TWO UOiTI.Kd HlfiK. to
gother with YAM'4bl,K i KKATlNb on flits (.Una, W
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Indescribably beautiful, l.asily applied to window
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by tMNUlUitoveruiiient ottu-ialaand ejti.mitt. iiarechanets
to foot moneti. iSutmcriptKin 60o. NEW subscribers
ONi.Y a.(!a to tinder of humest word, earn edition
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iamini uniiiaTiniiiil
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It relieved tt once Hums, l'n,rhapped IT and or Lips J
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eyes.etc. iltclilnirfromunyrauxo. ABkyourdrug I
Are the best mnntha to pnrify the blood, and Tfood'i
HanaparilU w the bout, medicine to do It. It will cure
India-eat ion, apnn debility, bUlouaneas, headache, loss
tf appete, and all rilneanes arlnlna? from an impure
ttate or low condition of the blood. It works npon the
kidneys, the Hrer and the bowels, thro nth the blood.
I had no appetite, nnatrength, and was feelina: aa
mean aa any one could, and be about my work. Aa soon
m I bea-sn takinn Hod'a Harsaparilla my food rellnhed.
and 1 felt myself stow Ins; atmna-er evert day. I thor
ouffhty believe In the rshie of llnod's Harsaparilla.
"I owe my recovery to Hood's Bantansrilla. H de
erres the confidence of the public, especially those who
ire troubled with humors." J. Pitiw, Uhotsea, Vt.
A ant Ionian tella na: ' Before I commenced taking
llood'a tSarnaparilla I had fallen in weight from 1W to
140 pounds. My appetite has returned, my strength la
fvtitorerl, snd I am rapidly reajnlnlns: my tieah."
Internal humor caused a horning in my stomach ;
my food dintrnmcd me; I couldn't sleep nights. llood'a
Ssrsspsrilla haa relieved me of these troubles, and I
ileep well now." Mrs. 8. A. EnMPKPg, Warner, N.H.
I have neTer found anything that hit my wants as
Hood's Nsreaparill. It tones up my system, purifies
my blood, sharpens my appetite, and seema to make
me over."-,!. P. Thompson, Register of Doeds.
Lowell, Middlesex County, Mass.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Hood's Harsaparilla will ivoaitively cure w ion in the
power of medicine dyspepsia, indigestion, headache,
constipation, btllousnesa, lose of aitpetite, general de.
billty, pains in the back, kidney complaint, female
weaknesses, catarrh, scrofula, scrofulous and cancerous
humors, ulcers, sores, tumors, salt rheum, and all dis
eases ariaing from an Impure state or low condition of
the blood.
The beneficial effects from Hood's Sarsaparilla hare
been more speedy than fmn any other preparation of
the kind. " K. ti. Woupnax, Wilton, N. 11.
F. 11. Pinkham, editor Newmarket (N. H.) Alroct,
'I have taken four bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla this
spring, and it has done me good.
My appetite was Tory poor, my bowels all out of
order, suffering from the piles, my general health waa
In a, very low condition, and had no ambition to do any
thing. Have lust tinirhed the third bottle of Hood's
Sarsaparilla, and my appetite is eicellent, my bowela
regular (no trouble from piles), and my general health
and strength restored."
Remember this fact You find In no other blood puri
Her or sarsaparilla the same combination of valuable
wiedicinal agents as In llood'a Sarsaparilla.
Purifies the Blood
To purify, vitaltte and enrich the blood, to cure spring
debility, biliousnem, dyspepsia snd sick headache.
llood'a Saraaparilla Is pre-eminently superior to all
other articles.
W. H. Curtis, Ticket Agent, H. A- M. R. R.. Haver
hill, Mass., writes: " I consider Hood's Karsaparillaone
of the ttent medicines for spring when the blood Is in a
low contlition and needs cleansing."
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Bold by druggists. Price (1 ; six for $&. Prepared only
by O. 1. HOOD A CO., Apotheoariea, Lowell, Mass.
la nnfalllnfranl Infai.
Ilahle In curing Kpll
.nllo Klta, Hpanins,
Convnlalons, 8t. Vltia
lnnre, Alcoholism,
Opium Una;, Icr
voua debUlty Jiirofiila
and all frvoua ami
Illood dlaeaara. To
C'lprcvmea. Lavrvrra.
T. Ltlterarv men. Al.r.
, .''"'chanui. Banlixra, Ia
. 'J diet and all whoa a.
A di'titary rmplovme nt
1 causea Nervous Proa-
Kruiion, irreguianiif1.
of the blood, atomach,
bowels or klndrya, or
who require a nervt
tonic, appetiser or
stimulant, Hamarltau
Nervine is Invaluable.
Thousands proclaim It
the mmt wonderful in.
'!rorant that ever sustained the sinking systrm. For
-.Ii' by all l)rug((ltB. T1TK Mt. 8. A. RICHMOND
1IU)1CAI. CO. Vn.iiriMii.m. Kt. Jneeph, Mo.
K rxm-amtn tvnsvmrirn fT7 i
To (Ins nnd AH. Are von suffering: from n
Cough, Cold, Asthma, lironcnitis, or any of the various
pulmonary troubles that so often end in Consumption ?
If so, use ' H'tW lurt Cod-Livr Htatut Lieu," a safa
and sure remedy. This is no quack preparation, but is
61-(1' by tho medical faculty. Manuf, only by A,
. Wilhor, Chemist, Huston. Hold by druggists.
A IemdlasT leondea Vkym
irisia eat Dilate aa
Ufflcoln MevrTork .1
for the Car of
jfYom A mJoum a I of Medici
Dr. Ab. Meaerole (1st of Lendes), whe rnakss a spe
cialty of Epilepsy, has without doobl treated and cur4
mors cases than any other living phvslclaa. Bis sncca
has simply been astonishing; ws nave ntard ef eases M
over to years' standing successfully cored by htm. lis
hss published a vrork on this dtseass, whlth ks ss&ds
with a large bottle or his weneerrut curs rrse te sn sur-
lerer wno 1
aJvlso any
f.rer who msf send siprsss and r. O. Addrssa Yl'a
Lny dns wUhisg arnrs to ailnrsaa
l)r. IB. MfciKOLB, ha. as J oka ., MswTsrk.
1, I. j Newara, ft. J. VYnt fnrJJalalocua.
74 A WKKK. fl2adssthomilinade. Oostl
Vs outtit frwe. Aadresa llil'K a Co., Augusta, Ma.
&M A day at horns. 16 sampW'S, wurlh 4i.'hy rvtummsil
WimAiMissJIAWIN A- Cl., Montpeliar.Vt
tCC "aokln ur own town. Terma and tHontBt
Bn free. Address H. llALl BIT a Co., Portland, Ma.
A Sure Cure fur Epilepsy or Kits in 3 nours. Pre to
poor.l)B;KBi:a. KnM Arseuaat., lit. Louia. Mo.
S H 11 R T . H a II fl Ky Stan. stTTactlnll anar.
Illin I n M ri U mld m evi.ry reniwi't . Send
llc. f or Kpeciraens snd trms. Cl.AKKI-:, Kten,ifapliur,
4.i741 Germantowu avenue, PluUdelphia, 1's.
Remedy Ever IIadeIt la Compeaaded
from 1 1 opt. Malt. Bach a. Matt
drake and llandelloa.
The oldest, best, most renowned and valu
able medicine in the world, and in addition
it contains all the best and most effective
curative properties of all other remedies,
being the greatest liver regulator, blood
purifier, and life and health restoring agent
on earth.
It gives new life and vigor to the aged and
infirm. To elergymen, lawyers, literary men,
ladies, and all whom sedentary employments
cause irregularities of the Blood, Btomaoh,
Bowela, or Kidneys, or who require an appe
tizer, tonio and mild stimulant, it is invalu
able, being highly curative, tonio and stimu
lating, without being intoxicating.
No matter what your feeling or symptoms
are, or what the disease or ailment is, use
Hop Bitters. Don't wait until you are sick,
but if you only feel bad or miserable use the
bitters at once. It may save your life. Hun
dreds have been saved by so doing, at
moderate cost. Ask your druggist or physi
cian. Do not suffer yourself or let your
friends suffer, but use and urge them to use
Hop Bitters.
If you have lameness in the loins, with
frequent pains and aches; numbness of the
thigh; scanty, painful and frequent discharge
of urine, filled with pus, and which will turn
red by standing; a voracious sppetite and
unquenchable thirst; harsh and dry skin;
clammy touLnie, often darkly furred; swollen
and inflamed gums; dropsical swelling of tha
limbs; frequent attacks of hiccough; inability
to void the urine, and great fatigue in aC
tempting it yon are suffering from soma
form of Kidney or Urinary Complaint, suoh
as Brioht's Dibkass of the kidntya, stone or
inflammation of the bladder, gravol and renal
calculi, diabetes, stranguary stricture and
retention of the urine, and Hop Bitters is the
only remedy that will permanently eure you.
Remember, Hop Bitters is no vile, drugged,
drunken nostrum, but the purest and beat
medicine ever made, and no person or family
should be without it.
Don't risk any of the highly lauded etufl
with tentinioniuls ot great cures, but ask your
neighbor, druggist, pastor or physicians what
Hon titffra liHrt Mri't i-nn Ho for you and test it.
Ft" I? P f Hy return mail A foil description of
a a-, a . M.oouy'a N'ew Tailor SysUiui uf Ureas
Dutuu. D.W.Mwotly Co.. at W.ln.MAuciuuti.O.
IPjy..JKP .
At tto other season la the sysfom aosuaeeptibletoUi
benefleltl rftoota of medicine, This Is the time to takw
Hood's Harsaparilla to purify your blood and firtify yost
ayatemagslnnt the dnbtlttntlng effects of noring weather.
Try this Spring Medicine now. It sharpens the appetite,
tonea the stomarh. Invigorates the aged, and impart)
new life and energy to all who take It,
" If people wnnt a medicine to go all through ,em andl
wake Vm up, tell them to take Hood's HarseperiUi."
Fufkman N. Hitny, Meredith Village, N. II.
"When I finished the second bottle of Hood's Harsa
parilla 1 felt like a new person, I can do two daya work
in one now," Mns. A, 1). Alt.rn, Lowell. Mass.
"Three years ago scrofula broke out on my face, head
and ears so they wore one solid sore, my hair fell off, my
sight and hearing were Impaired. I commencod taking
llood'a Harsnpsrilla, and In ono year's time was entirely
cured. "Mhs. Maht H. Tahkman, lhiitor, Me.
' lief ore I used Hood's Ssrsnpsrilla suffered eon.
slsntly from sick headache. Now I am rarely troubled,
and my food does not dixtroas me as it did, It has done
me good." H, J, Moitnti.L, Iiwell, Mass.
" I suffered from billoustHHis I ft years. Hood's Barsa
parilla cured me."- J. J, Conm, Drsont, Mass.
'Subject to severe bilious attnrks, 1 last spring need
Hood's HsrsapnrilU snd was much bencttted by tt."
Mbs. J, W. I'i.fmknt, Franklin, N. U.
Hood's Ssrsspaiilla Is a compound concentrated ex
tract, skillfully prepared, by a pr toe: peculiar to itself,
of the active moillclttal properties of the most approved
alterative, tonic ml Mood purifying remedira of the
vegi'tnhle kingdom, known to me heal science se Altere
tlvti, Blood I'urihers, IMnmtica, Tonics and Stoiuachies.
These srticles have been lined for years, and their medi
cinal value Is appreciated by every mother In the land.
"I have suffered with milk leg for eleven years. I
have been taking HoshI's Hrnarilla fin about one year,
and have eiHrlonccd a sternly gain since I commenced
using it. Have tnken sis bottles; It hss done wonders
for me." Mils. !. ItKNTMA", leter, Me.
" I cordially afloat my faith, barked liy actual trial.
In the ethracyof Hood's SaniSpsrilla as a curative for
headache, biliousness, and that condition which at
times pervadoa us all, commonly nailed 'the bluet.'"
J. J. Lovr.M., t.reenpoint, N. Y.
A searching investigation resulted In the combination
of llood'a Ssrsapantla, which is peculiar to Itself, la
vastly superior to other preparations, and Is much mors)
positive in Hh effects upon the blood and organs of the
body. Time and constant use have proved, its efflosey
beyond a question. The wonderful roaults from Its use
prove mors than was ever claimed for It,
A good name at borne 1st tower of strena-th abroad,'
A recent vsnvsss proves, despite sll claims to tha toa.
trary, that ten bottles uf Hood's Harsaparilla are sold,
by the drufTKlsts of Ixrorll, to one of all tha othef
aarsaparillas combined. This stamp of publlo appro
bation proceeds from lta numerous, unprecedented,
well known and remarkable cures In Lowell tatt
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Bold bydnitRlsta. Price 91 ; all for Prepared oalf
by 0. 1. HOOD & CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass.
ThMtlim back or disordered nrine Indl
oate that you are a vicUm ? THEN DO MOT
HESITATE; use Kidney-Wort at ones, (dru.
'data reoommend lOand It will speedily ovor
iiuim tha dlsoase and restore healthy action.
as. I nH ae "or oompiaintt peouuar
kUUI bsi to vour tex. tuenaa pain
and weaknesses, Kidney-Wort Is onaurpaasaa,
aa it will act promptly and aafely.
KltherSex. InoonUuenoo. retontion oi urine.
brick dust or ropy deposits, and dull dracginc
paina. all speedily yield to lta curauve power,
A IMTv y fwt ' iwvu niuuvs vv ui ay avHn w W "
inatoor or morn obstinate caoaa of ktdof ami Um
tronbiea, alt for fwmal wtuUiQearo." Phlli O
i s 1 1 (td t m. J.. . mmiBWun. 1 ,
tm talfaa mm kaaan sni-eh haitaataf A (mm Vtaa nasaa rtA
Kidney-Wort. Kha bad kidney and other oompiainta,"
writes RitT. A. R. Cowman, Fayetterille, Tenn.
for all diseases of tha Kidney and
It bat tpeelAo action oa tnit moat Important
organ, enabling It to throw off torpidity and
Inaction, stimulating the healthy teortUon of
tha Bile, and by keeping tha Dowalt la tree
oondiUon, e fleeting iu regular discharge.
PJtltrtl If yon are Buttering from
lalulClllClt nalana, navt tha ohilla,
art bllioua, dyapeptio, oroonatipated, Kidney
Wort will surely relieve and quiokly oura.
In the Spring to cleanse the System, every
ont thould take a thorough course of IU
1 am a living advocate of ttie vtrtuca uf Kidney.
Wort. I auffered untold agony from liver disorder, ii
svrsdeM." ,1no. T. Nevins. Kpiinrtleld. Ohio.
No other diseaae la ao prevalent In thia ooun-
tnr aa Oonatipation. and no remedT has erari
equalled the oelebrated Kidney-Wort aa a
ctire. Whatever the cauee, however obatlaate
the eeee, tn.a remedr "Ul overocune tt.
DM trO Tins dUstreaalns oom
aWaWwa pjjtlnt ia verr aut to fae
ooraplioated with ooniti patlon. Kidney-Wort
atrengthena the weakened parte and quickly
ourea all klnda of PUea even when, phyaloian
uit mrujciuow iLtavo ociore xaiiea.
I Wit you have either of thae tronblee
PR.CK tl.l USE I DruRRl.ta Sll
Best Dyes Ever Mads.
RIBBONS, FEATHERS, or any fabrio oi
fancy article easily and perfectly oolorad to any
shade. Black, Brown, tjreen, Blaa, Starlet,
Carelnal Ked, avy Blue, Beat Brewa, OUvs
Greea. Terra Cotta and 0 other beat anion.
Warranted Fast and Durable. Each package will
oolor one to tour lbs. of goods. If youhavt nsrvsr
used Dyes try these once. Ton will ba delighted.
Sold by drugglata, or tend na 10 oenta and any
color wanted tent post-paid. & oolored tamplet
and a aet of fanoy cards tent for a 8c stamp.
W ELLS, Kit IIAltUHO.MA COn Barllagtaa,T.
Bronze Paint. Artists' Black.
Vor gliding Fanoy Baaxeta, rramet. Lamps,
Chandeliers, and for all kinds of ornamental work
Equal to any of the nigh prioed kin da and only
loots, a package, at the drugglata.or post-paid from
WELLS, ltl( HAHItm A ( O., Hurllngtaa,Vt,
Payne's Automatic Engines.
Iteuable, Iurahle and Economical, eWfi fmnUK a
ors poicT KitK 4 Utt utl o.i vatrr than any Ar
aHans6utll not htu.d with an Antoiuatic(Jut-ulf beud
fut luualrslud l:ialnjo "J." lor liilorn.i ,.i
I'ncea. 11. W. PaVNE a bons.' Bot Don
Wuiiut, sit.
rvi Jtmtl'uUlrrll
r-l X iu lime.
aO Tb. -
,ml i Ft
. n
ii U iisi ; iails! t JT
yrup. TantKod. tJ
Kild by driiL'Kisu. Li