The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, April 25, 1883, Image 2

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    1 '
ejL.LL.l-Ll..- '.' . L -
V are authorized to announoo II. O.
Wuittekln, of Tionesta, as a candidate
for county surveyor, subject to Repub
lican usages.
Tbe legislative apportionment bill
gives three members to Northumber
land county, Thora is 53,123 pop
ulation in that county, aod about 1,
? 600 Democratic majority. The Con
stitution : "Every county containing
less than five ratios Bhall have one
representative. for every full ratio and
' an additional representative wheu th
surplus exceeds half a ratio." The
J. K. WK5K,
i population of the State by tba last
! census was 4,282,78G. The Constitu
! tion says: "The members shall be
apportioned amoDg the several counties
I on a ratio obtained by dividing the
population of the State by two huu
dred." A ratio therefore, is 21,414:
two full ratios, 43,828; one-half a ratio
10,797. In order therefore, to be en
titled to three members, a county
raust have 53,535 population. The
couuty of Northumberland w there
fore 412 short of the number fixed by
the Constitution as requisite for such
representation. Democratic members
of the House took a -solemn oath to
obey this Constitutioa. Tbey .are re
formers, elected on a tidal wave of re
form and placed in power by the self
righteous Independents. This is but
one of the iniquitous features of the
bill they have passed. Is this reform?
Is it not a plain, palpable violation
of the solemn oath they took, as mem
bers of the A thousand Re
publicans of Erie couuty, in' a blind
fury agabst alleged evils in their par
ty, went back on their candidates aud
. helped put ,hia horde into power.
- J2ria county has almost 75,000 popula
f tion, tut by this Democratic reform
t. measure she is only given the same
' representation as the Democratic coun
ty of Northumberland, with 53,123
population. The exact population of
Erio is 74,682. The three ratios for
thVee members amount to 64,242, the
surplus then is 10,430, '268 short of
Lalf a ratio, which would entitle her
to tre four members she now has
liut oecauae sue is snort Zbs in popu-
on, she is deprived of a member
ji)e Northumberland county is short
.12 in population, but is given an ex
tra member. Every apportionment
bill passed by the llou cosuias fea
tures of ibis character to an extent
never before known. If members can
reconcilo such work with their solemn
) oaths, to Ky nothiag of decent regard
.for tb interest of the people who have
temporarily placed tbem in power
they are quoer cattle. Ilarruburg
J Telegraph.
The kid glove democratic club of
Chicago gave a banquet Friday night
and Carter II. Harrison, Mayor of the
city, was down on the program for the
concluding toast. Bayard, Hurlburt
Springer and other great lights of the
party aired their free trade views and
it was about two o'clock in tbe morn
ing when Harrison's turn came
AVhetber it was the lateness of the
hour, the character of the champagne
or the monotony of the free-trade
speeches he had been forced to listen
to, which so strangely affected the
djughty Mayor is not known, but
certain it is that he treated that high
toued crowd to a kind of eloquenece
they were cot expecting. Mayor
Harrison was to respend to the toast
"Publio Offices a Public Trust", but
instead of so doing, be proceeded to
make a rattling protection speech, in
which he denounced free trade as the
enemy of working men. He told bis
astonished hearers if they persisted
in their freetrade doctrine, they would
split the democratic party aud drive
thousands of working people out of it
while they would not win from the
republican party a single one of its
adherents, iie tola tnem it wr.s im
possible to change a govern
ment which, is fixed iu the minds of
the people wheu they have living wages,
od are workitjg every' day for these
lages. It is needless to add that the
Mayor's speech was not applauded,
aod it is also unnecessary to say that
he i not now very prominent as a
democratic candidate for Governor of
Illinois. Meadville Itrjtuhlictiu.
ItVfc MlLUus Gve cent coius of tbu
fatf patter having been distributed
nra6ng the public, the first installment
of the revised edition, with the omit
ted word "cents" now superscribed on
them, have made their appearance in
some places. Such of the original
pieces as shall not be gradually drawn
back out of circulation and recaiued
or washed with gold by the sharpers
to delude ignorant people into taking
them for half eagles, will be kept as
curiosities, after a while, and as mem
etoes of official obstinacy aod stupid
ity in (linking a coin without stamping
on it tbe denomination which it was
meant to belong. Meanwhile the old-
fashioned nickles continue to give
general satisfaction, as they always
did. so far as convenience ot size is
concerned, dsspite their inartistics,
The uuveiling of the statue ef Prof
Henry Thursday at Washington was
the occasion of a grand pageant
Trof. Henry's contributions to science
in electricity, electro magnetism, met
eorology, capillarity, accoustics aud
other branches of physics places him
in the front rank of the scientists of
bis day and geueration. His successor
as secretary of the Smilhsouian Instiu
tion is Prof. Spencer F. Braid, who
was born and raised in Reading. The
stately bronze to the memory of'Henry
the work of V. W. Story, is a meritor
ious addition to the many magnificent
statues aud monuments which adorn
the public parka at the National Capi
List of Letters.
The following letters remain un
colled for in Tionesta P. O., Apri
24, 1883:
J. W. Brown. Miss Emma Clark.
J. 11. Costello. Mrs. U. W. Hieks.
George Hilsoman. Susannah Myers.
Mrs. Margret Mealy. Otis O. Thompson.
Such as are uncalled fur at the ex
piration of thirty days will be sent to
the Doad Letter Office.
C. M. Arser, P. M.
Those wishing early cabbago and
tomato plants can get them of D. G.
Baker, who will have 40 000 ready for
transplanting as soon as the proper
time arrives. ' It
J. W. Maih & Co., Cotesville
Pa., says; "Every bottle of Brown's
Iron Blttcis we have sold has giveu
--George Hueget, Wrightsville
Pa., says: "Browns Iron Bitters has
entirely cured roe of nervousness and
sick headache."
A first class Wagou Maker. Good
ocaliou and shop rent free. Address
or apply to Win. Blum, Tiouesta, Pa.
Just Received, Dress Goods,
Prints, White Goods, Notions and a
arge line of Wall Paper, Window
Curtains, &c, at Wm Smearbaugh &
Co. 3t
A Dangerous Counterfeit
There are dangerous counterfeits in
circulation purporting to be "Walnut
Lai Hair lieslorer. I be strongest
evidence of its great "alue is the fact
that parties knowing its great efficacy
try to imitate it. a burn bottle of the
genuine has a fa simile of a walnut
lent -blown in the glass; and a Green
Leaf on the outside wrapper. The
"liestortr" is as harmless as water
while it possesses all the properties
necessary to restore liie vigor, growth
and color to the bair. Purchase only
from responsible parties. A6k your
druggist for it. Jacli bottle warranted
Johnston, IIolloway & Co., Phila
delphia, and Hall & Kuckel. New
York, wholesale agents.
Kuatched from the Ciravc.
Mywifewasat the brink of the grave
She had been given up to dio by three
of Allegheny City's best physicians,
They all pronouncou her disease Con
sumption. Her tinger-nails and lips
were blue; was pulseless at the wrist: we
were all called to witness her death. At
tliis moment a neighbor brought iu Dr,
Ha htm an, who prescribed 4 toaspootul
of Peruna every hour. She improved
from the lirst dose, and in a week tdie was
up, and now (less than six mouth) she
is well. See page 30 in tho "Ills of life"
a book you can get gratis from your
Druggist, If not, address Dr. IIaktman,
Osborn, Ohio. T. S. KDKRLKIN, South
Chicago, 111.
Influence uf tbe Soil on Health.
The influence of the soil upon health of
those livnig upon it, is brought out very
plainly during the prevalence of epidemic
diseases. That mal trial discuses originate
from the soil, is already accepted j and re
cent in investigations' show metiy conclu
sively that the germs oi cholera, Abdomi
nal Typhus, Yellow I'ever, and the plague
are in some way connected with tho soil,
which is dally corroborated by letters from
all parts of the country, btatiii) the mar
velous etl'cct Peruna has on those diseases,
aud iu their convalesent slate. John I).
Courtney, of Corry, Pa., 8a-s : "I am get
ting better, thanks to your Peruna and
Maualiu" See ago 21 in "Ills of I.ilo."
Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Restorer is
he marvel of the age for all Nervo Dis
omies. A 11 fits slopped free. ISend to 031
vrch St., Philai a, . sop21-HU'
ju.iy List may term, iss3.
1 "brand jtmons.
H S "Mnolleth, Forcninn, Harnett twp.
J J Keynolds Hnrnotttwp.
Cha Coon " "
John Hlnrk " '
.1 W Klder
Wm Hunter
Henry Dyers
D. O. Scott
.1 II Duller
W Ferry
John Tuft
J W Allinuith
Mathow Douner
Nrttnuol Spcneo
Wm WntNon
Krnest Zuondal
Abraham Wcller
John Hilliard
H Downintf
Rudolph Rudolph
Jacob -titziner
J R Clvidwirk
Oreon "
Harmony "
Hickory "
Kingwley "
Tionivda "
Tionesta Doro
W I, Wolcott
Wm Hubenthal " "
Robert Hillings
1'etct Hepler
Rudolph Kamau
John Myers
Elmer Fleming
A Hopkins
C II Wright
Lvmon Hanly
W C Dromley
Nicholas Arnold
Uco iSiL'gins
Iv.uid Hurler
Caleb Myddlotou
J C Dettigrcw
Oscar Fox
C W Siilade
Raymond Hettish
1 V Mereilliot
Samuel A'alker
T J Kyncr
Win Nugout
Jas P.lark
Jno Matha
Henry Doshner
I'ritner Agnew
James Humes
John Hood Sr
John Hood Jr
Nick Thompson
Wm Shellhouse
Joseph tlrovc
Geo Walters
) W Proper
Ij .1 Hopkins
John Carson
A Carson
Jas Haslett
Runictt twp,
(1 recti
Tionesta Doro.
Flour Ti barrel cholee - - 4.75(i7.00
Flour V saek, - - 1.1", 1.70
Corn Meal, 100 fbs - - . - l.Su1.60
Chop food. pt"ire grain -' 1.50
Corn, Sliellotl - - S5
Deaus 13 bushel - 1.50((i;3.00
Ham, sugar cured 16
Break last Bacon, suar cured - -1(1
Shoulders - - - - l'i
Whitefish, half-barrels. - - -8.M
Lake herring half-barrels - - 6.")0
Sugar - flll
N. O. Mohis-.'s new - - - 80
Roast Rio Coilbo - - - 15 (ft 22
Rio Coffee, .... 12i(o18
JavaCotreo ... - 28:!0
Tea - 4 200?, 00
Butter Jti 28(a30
Riee t 810
Kggs, fresli .... - 15
Suit best lake .... l.r,o
Lard 16
Iron, common bar .... 3,75
Nails, lOd, keg .... 3.U0
Potatoes .... 75
Limo 54 bbl. .... l.f.O
D'ied Ailes sliced per !b - - 11
Dried lieef .... - 18
Dried Pouches tier tti - - - 10
Dried Peaches pared per -
Wiikkkas, The Hon. W. D. Drown,
President Judge ot tho Court ot Common
Pleas ami Quarter Sessions in and for
the county ol rorcst, has issuc.t Ins pre
cept for holding a Court of Common Pleas
Quarter Sessions. Ac., at Tionesta, for
tho County of Forest, to commence on the
luird.JMonUay ol Alay, Ixitiy: the 21st
da of Mav, 13X1. Notice is therefore
given to the Coroner, JiiKtico of the Peace
and Constables of said county, tiiat they be
then and there in their proper perrons at
ten o'clock, A. M., of said day, with their
records, inquisitions examinations and
other reineinbrances, to do those things
which to their olliees appertain to be done,
and to those whoare bound m recognizance
to prosecute asrainst the prisoners that are
orshall be in the jail of Forest County, that
they be then and there present to prosecute
against them as shall be just. iivt n un
der my hand and seal tins 2,jth day ol
April, A. D. ISS.t.
C. VV. CLARK. Sheriff-
Causes set down for trial in tho Court of
Common Pleas of I'orest County on the
Third Monday ot May next:
1. J. 10. Maine vs. lleury Swaggart, No.
0 February term, 1K70.
2. '1 homas Nugent vs. C. J. Harris, No.
25 February Win, lsi2.
3. Alexander Mealy vs. II. P. Fordet al,
Kxrs., No 21 September term, 1N2.
4. The Salmon Creek I. umber aud Min
ing Company vs. YV. A. Lmsenbury, No.
1 December term, 1882.
6. William W. Ilowman vs. Kepler &
Foreman, No. 7 December term, ISK2.
6. William W. Ilowrnan vs. Kepler &
Foreman. No. 8 December tern), iss2.
7. William Pt-trio tor use vs. William
F. Wheeler et al, No. 12 December term,
H. William McLaughlin vs. Robert Mc-
Closky, No. 18 December term, 1832.
H. Tho Tionesta Savings Hank vs. 8. N.
Flowers, No. 18 December term. 1382.
10. J. J. Cursou vs. John Carson, No. 41
December term. 182.
11. t.loo. W. Dithridge, Trustee f-o., vs.
J. L. Acomb, No. 5 February term Is8l5.
J. SI1AWKF.Y, Pr'othonolary.
Tionesta, Pa., April 21, 1881.
Confirmation Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the follow
ing accounts have been filed in my otilce,
and will be presented at next Term of Or
phans Court of Forest County, for Con
tinuation :
Finul account of Thomas J. llowiiian.
Guardian of Klmer E. Fleming,
minor child of Jeseph Fleming, deceased.
Final account of Thomas J. How uiaii,
Special Guardian for Pennsylvania, of
Lena MaGill and Luther MaGill, who
were minor children ol Charles G. MaGill
JUSTIS SHAWK10Y, Register.
Tionesta, Pa., April 16th, 1883.
Hnvlnjr, Jus;t returned from
P(i'taining to our Lino of Trade,
to eall and see our stoek, which is IMMKNSIC, mid
Wo enn assure you that wo wjl! give you
than any other house in Western Pennsylvania.
r T-yy.:rtv:ii.T'iiiirw'naarJjr'iiifrOTri..u'iiiiiri
That Brown's Iron
will cure the worst case
of dyspepsia.
Will insure a hearty appetite
and increased digestion.
Cures general debility, and
gives a new lease of life.
Dispels nervous depression
and low spirits.
Restores an exhausted nurs
ing mother to full strength
and gives abundant sus-
tenancc for her child.
Strengthens the muscles and
ncrves.cnriches the blood.
Overcomes weakness, wake
fulness, and lack of energy
Keeps off all chills, fevers,
and other malarial poison.
Will infuse with new life
the weakest invalid.
37 Walker PL, Baltimore, Dec. iSSt.
lor six years I have been a great
eutlerer from Klood Disease, Dys
pepsia ,aMtlConstip:ttioi.ndbecaino
to debilitated thai I could not retain
nnythini; on my !omach, in fact,
i,fe had almost become a burden.
Finally, when hope had almost lift
ine, my husband ftecinff liuows's
Ikos Hitteks advertised in the
paper, induced me to give it a trial.
1 am now taking the third buttle
aud have not f.-tt s.i well In six
years as I t!o at 'he nrer-ent tin.c.
Mrs. L. (Jut: ri.
Brown's Iron Bitters
will have a better tonic
effect upon any one who
needs " bracing up," than
any medicine made.
Al. CARPENTER, . - Proprietor.
Picturw. taken in all tho latest Btyle of
tho art. "i-t
Inlane fersons Keslored,
DR. ALlnci b Un LA I
fcV'S3ir all I)kin 4 .N ehvk IIikoska. diilu iurt
.f.'vt't fur F.H, tjiilxtuu and Xvrr. Antirms.
1 1 NFAi.l.luLE it laKen an uireeii',,. j" r,i'yt"
tir.iltiuv'a.e.. i real li,e and l- trial bollleln.'olo
P. O. an 1 Ki,rrM addreall to lui. K I.I S K, .ll
AicUfcl.eiilulrlita.l'a. JxepriitciihilUt uvuLsU.
Letters teHtiiuientury upon tho estato of
Caroline Hood, deceased, late of Tionesta
Uorouli, J' orcst eoiiuly, l a., havint; I'Ci n
granted to the undersigned, all persons
indeiited thereto will -make inline bate
liavment, and those havinit claims against
tho samo will present them without delay
to I'. SI . I'IjAIvW, Executor
Tionesta, Pa., April 11, 1SS3.
is hereby jjiven that an application will
he Hindu to II is Fxcellonuv, Koliert 1
i'attison, (ioveuorof his Commoiiwet lth,
on tho lioth day ot April, A. 1. lss;, for
tho incorporation of the Tionesta (las
Litiht and Heating Company, thi nature
aud olijcct of said corporation being tho
inanulm ture ami tlie suppl v n (.as, not
air or Klcain for Liuhtinr, Heatiiiir, Cook.
ini' and other useful purposes to the peo
pie of the iloivuuh of TioncM.ii, Forest
coiiotN I'tniisylvania, and the territory
adjacene thcrelo.
Att'ys for Applicants
UK. A. FISlIKlt,
Hayins; resumed his practice in Forest
county he will make his accustomed visit
to Tionesta on all regular court weeks
II 3 will bo found at the Central House
Perfect siuisl'aclion guaranteed. iniuh-HJ
Wfclclie. Stem Vinlerot? 0. W'iIIh mftl Hiintliu- CH
itaituu (u;a. SUi.l if dJill. t'uui-, nt ;i I l e.t
tlio Cistern Cities with u
I take pleasure in telling tho Sporting
Fiaternity that I have re-purchased
SOLD IT IN 1871,
1 stand, and 1 iitti prepared to attend to
all my friends, aud tho public; tfouorally,
who need
I shall keep a perfect stock of a'l mds of
And nil kinds of
I shall also continue to handle, th.
And tho
Coinn and son ino. You will find inc
Muzxlo Loaders made to order and w nr
rantod. TTT'Il E P A I R I N ft ITT ALL ITS
B2. a . usAxmvsr.
TiJiouto, l"a., An?, 12.
Is Natiiro3 pnwtost ronirdv, and 1 the
prhirliul l:irMilviitcr uliimst "cry in
scvlptti.u 1 tr. Ilartncm plvr-t mW vrlvntc
j-attcntH. i3aivkffns5asiK4CTrvJ:5"
oik tho young, IhiH'M, tli inMilli'-mctl,
tl.oIiulmKiidilioiiK.tlicr. BXWiS&MOtf
IM.ltrNA Cli'UIISt! tlirt h:ltIU Ul Hint-'
fmpuiilU'fl ; lom-ft llirt tttoinuch, rcnl;itch
tho heart, unUn'kft the wcri'tlons of thr
liviT. HtrcrcriUtMi's t't" iitvcs runt tTivlror
atcH tti 1'iala. U " 1 V: .' .TT'lirtW
ri:ui'N is tho j;ri'.iU-.'.l1vii;ci-, iiuK
l)lii'nl, niul totliA weary nml tiled from tin
tolls nml cares of thod ;v Ii irlvcs sw.t't ami
ivfivsldntf frlccp, tmiSiiMllj
I'KHi: N A lSCmnpuM'U W JH'U Ul Ct'l.HMC
IniPi-filfi ti!u fii-li mm n. it tt "it ri'i'n ilv in
I l.itt a l.". ) ii tttii i in i.i;n.; .inn in in li
the stuinarU t' Ui't any article of fKxl.
In Liver niul Kidney diseases nnd In
itli'lliu ;ii.ii i iu i if ii.i.i i" i . i i
etu:tl. It never f.nH. trOTUS-Uirri;
Ak TiMir dniiitfUt for 1 r7llai I nu n's i
painrhfcton lllsof I.lfo." U&2SSau
tor l'ueH, liiarrhiuu, or Kidneys, Ub.o
Iiealeri iu
WA It IJ, Q U U 1J N a
W A 11 1J. (i L ASS WA K IJ,
TIJltS, Ac.
Goods Always First-Class.
H2J,a, J3.50, f l.')U, i..rl) ii"d upwards.
I'UI Till; C-HK Ol'
((pitting ft l!',iml, r-
tlliliH. I'lillcllH. I "
l atttrrh of li--t b' u
ltint-ma of tl.o I'uUiiu 1 1 ..
1 rici', 50 ri'iitK a''1 ' ' l'i
AaU ymr Itui-t:hI I r it.
UiLMUl ll A to. 1'illHituaii.
Manufacturer of and I'ealer in
And .ill kinds of
may 181 'i OX LSTA. TA.
' "wm."''
1IMK TADI.U, IN I I'I T.CT Oet, Si),
South. Sa i. a ma m-a Di vision'., Noith.
A. M.
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loL.Kniilo llock...
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A. M.
j l. M. ! P. M.
Aiii'i'iioNAi, Tkainh Leavu l,'.i-ndford
cm a, m., wn) a. in. Arrive
Warren l(l:l."i a. in.
Aiini i ioNAi, Ti'.ain Leaves il City
fi:UI am. OleniiolU H:,M am. Kurrlo Kock
7: Ilium , 1'rcMident 7: Hiiitu, Tionesla K:lH;iti
Hickory !i:(Hhim.Trunkovvilln l':i!i)iuii.Tl I-
oule l(l:(!(litm, Thompson 10:.V(, Irvineton
U:.i.iini, Warren l:J.i pin. Arrives hin
zua :):li(lpm, lirndl'ord 4: l."ipm.
St' ni. v Tn a inn - Leave Warren l':"(!am,
l;l!Opm: Klnua lll:'iratn. rj:(Hipm: tirrivo
Hrndford l'J:0.'inoon, (i: ll'pni, Ieave Urad-
ford S::'.onin, :;:eopm, ariive Ul:UI
am. 4;40pm; Warren lii:M'am, .ri:4"pin.
Ib Kl'Al.o Iuvishin TraiiiM leavo Oil
City 7;i. hi: Id a. ni., 1!: !", 4:t.r, ti;ir p. in.,
arrive Oil City S;(K, i; a. in., i:;til, .'l:.Vi,
S::t(l i. in.
Ni'ndav Tkainm Leave Oil City 7::(iam
TitiiNville 7:lliam. Corry MiiiSam, I'.roclon
10;-l!'ani, Hi'i-ivo llutbilo lJ:.Vipm. l envo '
llnllalo '.':LI(ipm, Urocton 4;2.'pm, Corry
(::irpni. TituKville 7:-l."ipiii, arrive Oil 1'ily
S::Ult -tit.
f I'lasr Ktatioim, stop only on Minal.
Trcins are run on 1'hilndelphia time,
I'ullinan Meepinv; Car between Oil City
and l'ittslnir;h on trains arriving I'itt..
bur'h (i;(lain., aud leaving l'iUuburyli
Parlor hot ween Oil City mid ISufi
)o on ir.iins leaviu.u: oil City :4'pin, I'.uf
falo H;-0iiiii, and between ( hi City and Kin n trniiiH leaving Oil City :i:i0piu, Kln l;'J( pin.
J i-Tii kets hold niul haa;,'?! clu'tkoj
to all prini-ipnl points.
Oct lime table pi mi; lull iiilorninuon
from Company' Airent.
o. v l'.T,l.N, ticn 1 Mint. .
( ier'l Viihm. A irent.
Nns, 41 t4 t l'".xchiiiii.-e St., nulOilo, N. Y.
L. CHAIO Aaent Tionesta ra.
IJuckcyo For co Vm)
,:;i i;lt riticus,
IU ID . Z-I ItLi J. S "JU Xj ,
ft G.1EAT CAUSE CT Hlir'iAI! miWt)
Is tho Loss of
A Lecture on t lie Nature, Treatment and
Kadiial cure of ,Seininal We.iknens. or
Sicrinatori hoeu, indwed liy belf Abuse,
Involuntary liinisKioiiH, Impotency, Ner
vous Dcliiiity. and Iinpedinient io Mar
iin;;e generally; CoiiNuiiiition, KiilijiRy
and lilt , Mental and l'hsical lncapiu-iiv,
Ac. Lv Kul ii it J. CULYIJKWF1 L, W.
1),. auilior ol'tho ''tireen liook," d'c.
'I'lie world-renowned author, iu I hlt nd
miralilo Lecture' clearly jtovp by biat
own cieiienco that the awful eonequen
cck ol Self-Abuse may be etlectually -iirc(l
vi!!io..l dancious surei' ul oneratious,
lioiitries, iust ruiiicnti iiu-' or cordials;
poiniinp out a inodn o cere at once cer
t iiu and ellcci mil, by w lucli every Biid'eicr
no 1 1 1 : it ' r what hit condilion maybe, may
curi' Limself i licaj ly, jirivately and laii
iculM .
Sv.-'iliis lecturo will prove a boon t'.
tiiou -ands am! thousands.
Sent under seal, in a -Vin envelope, f
any address, on receipt of bix centa, or
two postajiO stamps. Address
4 Ann hi.. N. V., N. Y., I', li. Box 4"
1 iicnrporated by the SJato of Penn'a.
Eviry Mciriher of Whch Wears 8:1
Artificial Leg.
Tlio most coinfoi'taliU'
'Hid durablo limb, and
lie nearest approach l
die natural member 01
any invention 01 tlio
ao .
Wrifo for catalogue
w hich ;i ves a full ti is -crip:
ion of these lt,
with numerous certio
rates from persons u
int! them.
ltlauks of all kinds
and circulars sent 011
application; also, oh
hand aud made to orijli r
Trusses, Shoulder
llraces, Crutches, iind
vive bjiecial atten;,vin
to tho lniuiufacturc1 'ol'
siippoits and uppliances for Week andi li
I01 'ined Limbs, etc.
A K IT I K ' 1 A L 1. 1 M 11 M A N V F A CT L K -
r v , , . . . ... . . . .
i.mjio,, no. renu ssi., riiubik
1 a. mar:
J in
CI HSCJtllU: foi the KfciuiiLicAN,
f j'tr auuiiui.
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