The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, March 28, 1883, Image 3

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T ''',
'ffEbs'Esnn innimKO. mr. s. tssi.
Burge J. 1. HrMwas.
CiMmitittsn -Nrtl! ward, W. A. Orove,
T. H. Cobb, Patrick Jovco ; South Ward,
Ova. W. Robliwon, V. F. Blum, O. W.
Juntitwa of the rente- J. T. Bronnan,
p. S. Knox. -
Vonnlalitfl .Tamps Swnile.
ahool Director S. J., J. II.
Dlnifinan, J. Grove, A. R. Kelly, G. W.
Robinson, D. S. Knox.
Mmher of Jrmpresi-3 as. Mohokove.
Member of Sennit 3. G. 11 ALL.
Asemtily V.. L. Davi.
Fr trident W. I). Bnowjf.
Anociato Judgea3onn ItKcR, C. A..
' y'rrirer X. R. Kotikmaw.
I'rnt ktmotrtry , Il'yUttr Recorder, etc.
filteritr.C. W. Clark.
amronsoa'M-II. W. Lkpebur, J. S.
Oiunty Superintendent J. E. JTlLL
Afcn. J)ilrint AUornevt. 3. VanOiksf.n.
ry Cbwm(M)'o(!M-II. O. Davis,
Omnty 8urvenrT. F. Wiiittekik.
Cirnncr O. If. CllBWir.
Obtiiir? -.4 vtlitar O. W. WAr.DKit, J. A.
Scott. H. B. Hwallky.
JVb. 3fi0,
I. O.of O.F".
MEETS every Saturday evening,, nt 7
o'clock, iiv tho Lodge Room in Bar-
ttldge'n Hull.
U. W. SaWYEH, Sce'y. 27-tf.
No. 274, M. A, It.
Moot on the firt Wednesday in each
month, in Odd Follows Hull, Tionesta. l'a.
D. S. KNOX, Commander.
17 L. DAVIS.
Tionesta, Pa.
Collections made in (hi and adjoining
j 'counties.
MTles v. tatf,
Ehn Street , Tlonoata, I'ft.
Tl"n8tn, Forest County l'a.
Tioncsta, l'a.
I lvare leen admitted to pmctiee a nn
AtMrney In the I'ension Otlieo nt Wash-
Jnton, I. O. All nfflocrs, aoidiers, or
uflcr who were injured in the late, war,
mn ohtnin pensions to which thev may be
entitled, hv oullinK on or addnwtinK me at
'li'Uiesta, Ba. Alo. rlaima for arrcarajreH
,f pnv anil bounty will roceivo prompt at
tention. Jlnviivj hen over Rmr years a "oldier In
ffio lio war, and hftvin for a number of
ymir Diiaaacd in the prosecution of sol
iiier' claims, in v tixporlonce will amure
ttif collflction ol'clalnjs Im tho shortest pos
uihle time, J. B. AG NEW.
IAWKKNCE HOUSE. Tio.iesta, Ha.,
J Win. SnioarlKmtfh. Broprietor. This
lioiua U eentrallv located. F.verythiny;
iviw and well, fu'rnihe.l. Kupeiior Ac
iiomiiMMlations and strict a'terition piven
to ifiiwst. Vegetal les "d Fruits of a'l
Kinds rervod in their aeasnn. Sample
room for Commercial Ajiont.
CENTRAL HOUSE. Tlonesta. Ba.,
T. ( Jackson, Broprietor. This is a
now house, and hits juit been fitted up tor
Uio nceommodation oi'thn public. A por
tion of the patrooiige of the public is solic
ited.' . ''.
NATIONAL HOTEL. Tidioute, Ba.,
W. 1). lincVlin, I'roprletor. A fust
clnsn hotel in all i-ek.pp.-ta, and the leas
tintcwt stopping pines in town. Ratesvcry
ruttMoiiHbln - Jvk8--
Ofllcflat the Central House, Tincsta,
r. All professional ealU promptly at
tended to.
T W.
' l4te of Armstrona county, hnviiiR located
iu Tionesta is prepared to attend all pro-
, fcssionai .mils prompllv and at all hours.
Ofilce in Smeailiauiih it Co.'s new build
ing, up stairs. Office hours 7 to 8 a. m.,
Hnd 1 1 to 12 m. ; 2 to 3 and CJ to 71 p. m.
8undavs, 1) to 10 a. m. ; 2 to 3 and 6 to 7
p.- m, " Residence, in Fislior House, ou
Walnut Street. may-lS 81.
1 las had over fifteen vears expei icneo in
the practice of his profession, having prad
listed leaallii and honorably May 10. 1805.
Office ami 'Residence in Forest House,
opposite the Court House, 'I ionosta, I a.
Aug. 25-1880
Having purchased the materials Ac., of
Or. St.ea. man. wiralit rescecnuiiv an-
.ounee that ho will carry on tho Rental
nusinesa in Tionesta, and having had over
ix vears tiui-cesst'ul experience, considers
liiuisell fully comj.ctont to give entire sat-
tsiaciion. i snail uiwaya mvo ui.v uumi
al practlee the preference. niar22-S2.
F. F. AVhittekin, H. C. Wiiittekin.
Sheffield, Ba. Tionesta, Ba.
Civil Engineers and Surveyors.
Land and Railway Surveying a Specialty,
Magnetic, Su!ar or Trianuulation Survey
in:;. Best of Instrument and work.
Turnu ou application.
'rner of Elin A Walnut Sts. Tionesta.
Rank ol Discount and Deposit.
, 3ut8rXst allowed on Time Deposits.
Co'liLoUonsmadeonall the Principal points
of tho U. 8.
ColBPtions solicited. 18-ly.
Jill; WORK of every ueseripnon t-xecu
J..I Ht the IU'.I'U Ilf.H'AN office.
Real Estate Agents & Coiivcyaiccrs.
Dealers in
(Offices in Court House,)
t.onitcimed Time Tnlile Tlnnnta Station.
Train 15...- 7:4S am
Train IS 8:10 am
Train U S:50 pin
Train C1 11:05 am
Train 10 1:45 pm
Train 10 8:20 pin
'IVuIn 15 N'nrlli niwl Train 10 South carrv
the mall.
Preaching in tho Presbyterian
Church next Sunday morning and
evening, by Rev. Ilirkling.
Rev. Hicks will occupy the pulpit
of the M. E. Church next Sunday
Presbyterian Sabbath School at
3 p. m.; M. E. Sabbath School at 10
a. in.
Dr. Sadler cures all discharges
from the ears.
There will be a general moving
hereabouts during the next week.
Oil Market closed last night ot
!)5a.. and onened this morning at
Oar genial friend Geo. Stephens
of Titusvill, paid us 8-p.VMl cull
yesterday uf'ternoou.
Supt. Ilillard is at present en
gage; iu holding the annual spring
examinations of teachers.
Dr. Sadler, the Oculist of Pitts
burgh, will bo at Tidioute Wednesday
and Thursday. April 4th and 5th. It
Dan. V. Agnew has arrived in
town with a number of rigs and will
forthwith tmbark iu the livery busi
ness Dr. Sadier pays "Exclusive" at
tention to all diseases of the Eye, Ear,
Throut, nun Catarrh. It
Mr. J. P. Lawson of Corry,
forruely section foreman at this place,
was in town yesterday and ihook
hands with his many old frieudd.
Ministers and Justices are re
quested to send us notices of all mar
riages and deuths iu their localities.
We publish hem f:ee of charge.
After May 6rst no two cent stamps
oo batik checks. We'll ait till then
before g'mug ours ; but will accept
them at any tiruo ou account, two
ceuts anil all.
Mrs. Aon Stow, of Cincinnati,
who has been visiting this winter with
her daughter in Pleasnntville. Mrs.
Dr. lilaioe, was the guest of her sister,
Mrs. May, during the week.
M. W. Tate Esq , has lately had
his law oflice overhauled, and with
the new aid handsome wall paper
aod carpels bis is us pleasant an ollice
as you would fiud in a hundred.
Mr. W. A. Eagles has rented and
moved ioto the Winans bouse, lately
occupscd by Mr. Iloskins. Tho uiau-
sion ou Viue St., vacated by Mr. E-
will aoon be occupied by the subscri
ber. The serious illness of Mrs. Vought
for the past inontn has caused the
friends much alarm, so much indeed
that lhay have telegraphed toCarmau,'
Miuo., summoning hi-r son Luther to
her bed-side.
Acting Pojtmaster General Hat
ton has ordered all post offices to close
business from 'I to 5 o'clock this
(Wednesday) afternoon, out of respect
for the death and burial of Pustmaster
General Howe. '
A few flocks of pigeons have been
observed circulating around i:i the vi
cinity of Guiton's and the beech woods.
These are probably scouts sent out to
see what the prospects are for beechnuts
this spring.
Now and then there comes a
warm, pleasant day, which, if you could
fiud worms, would ba good for catching
suckers. They tha suckers, not the
worms make very nice eating this
time of year.
Miss Myrtle Nellis, of Presidont,
attended examination yesterday. Miss
Nellis haa good recommendations as a
teacher and lady, and if wo have to
imnnrt anv taachers we would lose
. , - j
nothing by importiug such as she.
Alex. Dale has dispoeed of bis
furniture establishment to Messrs. S,
H. Haslet & Son, who have moved the
stock to their spacious room over the
store, and will hereafter conduct the
busineis. They expect boou to bring
nn a laro-e, stock of roods io that line
13- a
and propose to sell ou very small mar
gius. We bespeak lor them a
patronage. I
H, L. Miller of Lineville, attended
examination here yesterday. He was
accompanied by two gentlemen, one a
teacher, and tho other desirous of be
coming a member of the "forlorn hope."
Professor Bell, resigned his posi
tion as principal of tho borough school
last week. The term lacks but one
mouth of being completed, and we
understand the directors will make no
eir.irt to procuro a teacher for that
lentil of tiffio.
Encourage newspaper readiog
hiuoug your children, and you will
soon discover what a foudness they
will have for their family journal, and
how rapidly they will improve. Tho
ncA-rpaper is the poor man' library,
and every family should bo provided
with a good newspaper,
Hon. E. L. Davi-, of Tionesta,
was in town Wednesday aud Thursday
of last week. As representative of
"Little Forest" bp is oue of the most
active and . able members of the
House. He thinks the final adjourn
ment of the Legislature is iu the
distant future. Warren Mail.
Will. Klinestiver aod his wife re
turned from their trip to Minuesota
last Saturday, fully satif-fied that that
is a littlfe bit tho coldest clime on top
of ground. Billy contracted a very
eevere cold while out there, which took
about twenty pouuds of flesh off his
,body and came near finishing him en
LasMvc-ek Mr. and Mrs. Iloskins
broke up h'oiise keeping, intending to
leave Tionesta' NleXore long. They
have not selected an abiding" pjaco as
yet, but when they do it will doubftV-',9
be somswheie iu the oil regions. We
are sorry to lose such agreeable neigh
bors from our midet, and wish them a
pleasant future in whatever communi
ty they may cast their lot.
Last week it became public that
Postmaster McKay, owing to contin
ued illness, had resigned the office
subject to tho appointment of Mr.
Chas. Bonuer, who it is said was to
turn over any surplus to Mr. M. after
deducting actual running expenses. A
petition was circulated which was very
largely signed asking for the appoint
ment of Mr. C. M. Arner, who had the
misfortune, two years ago of losing oae
of his legs. How the matter will ter
minate cannot be told at preeeut.
We are iuformed that during a
public meeting at the Court IIoue
last Monday evening, some of the boys,
who are old enough to know better,
acted in a manner very unbecoming
boys of their age. We are requested
by Sheriff Clark to state that another
uch a demonstration will not be
allowed to go unpunished, aod that
he perpetrators will bo taken to the
ock-up if caught in the act of disturb-
tri ..
nx meetings, mis is pretty severe,
boys, aud we'd advise you to mend
our ways.
A gentleman named John Fa
miliar, of Union City, Pi., drove into
the barn at the Lawieuce House on
Monday evening, and while alighting
from the buggy his hand, which he
had placed upon one of the wheels,
slipped, allowiug him to fall with his
face upon an old sewing machine
which stood in the barn, aud biuisiug
the face and cutting tho upper lip
quito badly. Dr. Morrow put in
couplo of stitches and thought the
iniurv would heal without further
We learn with ierret that Col.
II. Dewees, who occupeid a respon
sible position in the Pension Depart
ment ut Washington, was last week
notified that his services were no
onrrer reauired. The Colonel was
promoted Beveral mouths ago, ant
about two months since seut for bis
family to come ou, and they bad just
become uictly settled wheu the blow
fell upou his head. No good reason
has beeu assigned for the removal, but
it iu supposed 'bat some of the civil
service geutleuieu had a relative to
put in.
Representative Davis came home
last week aud returned to Harrisburgb
ou Mouday. lie has succeeded
getting through the House tho bill re
quiring assessors to assess the land in
the county where tha mansion house
is situated where county lines divide
the tract or farm. The bill he thinks
will undoubtedly get through the
Seuate without much difficulty. The
deer bill has passed second readiug by
a decisive majority, and Mr. Davis h
confident of its passage finally. This
bill takes oir the month of December
from the deer-killing season, and adds
the mouth of September, which w ill be
hailed with satisfaction by our sportsmen.
Dr. Sadler, tho renoned Oculist
and Aurist, of Piltburgh, will make
this section another of his periodical
visits, and will be found at Tidioute
next Wednesday and Thursday, April
4 and 5. Those io need of treatment of
the eye or eir should make a note of
this fact, as i t is not often that patients
have" an opportunity of consulting
such eminent tl'ill without going a
great ways from home. Those who
expect to go to Pittsburgh when the
spring rafting comes will have an ex
cellent opporturity of consulting the
Doctor in caso they have need of the
sei vices of an oculist or aurist. He
will bo found after May 1st at
Peun Avenue.
Fatal Accident.
Tho earl freight train up last
Saturday morning brought with it the
remaios of Jobu Foyer, who had met
with an accident near Oleopolit that
caused his instant death. Foyer had
been a brakemau on this road off and
on lor 10 or 12 vears past, and was
well known to many of our citizens.
It seems he was running on tho tops of
the cars as the train was tiearicg Ole
opolis when he ei.ber slipped or stub
bled and fell between the cars, no less
than six of which passed over his body,
diagonally, completely severing it.
He was horribly mangled, his entrails
being scattered tor several icet along
tho track, and his death was evidently
instantaneous, as he never gasped after
the train-men reached him. His man
gled remains were placed iu a box
aud conveved to his home in Tidioute,
where his paretils reside. He was
brother of the boy who was killed at
thatvJace some time last summer by
attemptitto jump on amoviugtraio
Neillf Notes.
A little child of JohV Wilds'
buried on Sunday last.
Sunday last. ftdied
nneuojotiia of the luncs. V
Mr. Howell, who lived near Nen
town, was buried ou Friday last.
Our blacksmith shop is going again.
The teachers' examination here on
ast Saturday, iu additiou to the meet
ing of the board of directors, caused
quite a gathering of folks, 'specially
school ma'ams. Teachers were hired
by the Board far the coming spring
and summer term. Of the six teach
ers employed by the Board two held
professional certificates, and oue a
permanent certificate.
Oliver Amsbury has up into
the Bradfurd oil country.
Our directors will put good furni
ture ioto some of our houses in need
of such, right away.
The school at West Hickory will be
moved nearer the station this spring
A new bouse will be built at West
Hickory the coming summer.
Mrs. Bromley, of Stewarts Run,
has been very low for some timo past.
She is not much better yet.
It appears that the papers have
married Mies Zahniser, our school
ma'am as taught at Stewarts Run, to
the wrong man. His, the man whose
good fortune it is to ba the husband of
our friend, initials are J. G., whereas
U. II. is the way the papers had it.
March 27", '83. Tit amp.
School Report Oth Month.
Room No.l, J. II. Bell, Principal.
Whole number in attenance 24;
Names of those "vho have not been
absent one day : Sallio llulings, Jessie
Knox, Clara Young, Eflie Walters.
Room, No. 2 It. M. L. Dithridge
Teacher. No. enrolled boys 19, f iris 19 ;
average attenance Boys 15, Girls 15;
Per cent of attenance boys S7, gills 88;
Names of those not abseDt duriog the
month : Ilartmau Lawrence Jehu Tate
George Nellis, Joseph Richards, Char
lie Bovard, Forest Bovard, Rachel
Dithridge, Blauche Pease, Charlie
Morgan, Willie Kepler, Mary Dith
ridge, Charlie Mueuzenberger.
Room No. 3. Aggie Kerr, Teacher.
No. of pupils iu atteudauco during
month 49; average 41 ; percent. 93;
Names of those present every day dur
ing month : Wilber Tate, Curtis Hud-
dlesou Harry Davis Freddie Partridge
Harry Saul Beuuie Kelly Edward
Dithridge Edward Kelly Roy Leard
Mionio Landers Eva Eagles Tillie
Morrow Birdie Chadwick Ella Albaug
Ada Huliiig Dora Huddleson May
Hulin; Hattio Saulsgiver Bessio Tato.
F.-esh Clover aud Timony seed
at Robinson & Bonner's. Call early
aud ee.t supplied at lowest prices. 2l
Dr. Sadler, at Tidioute, Pa.,
Wednesday and Thursday, April 4th
aud 5th. Two days only.
Tho Murphy well, on 3194, Balltowo
district, struck the sand unawares last
Thursday, aud before the drillers bad
time to remove the engine, forge, Ac,
the gas caught fiie and burned the
rig down. The fire was finally extin
guished when it was fouud the well
was flowing at a 100-barrel rate, which
it has continued ever since. This well
is about 80 rods north of the Porkey
well, on the same run, and it insures
the striking of one or two other good
wells that have lately been located
there, amonz them tha ''Bis K." Of
this new strike the Derrick of yester
day says: "Murphy's Porcupine well
was flowing at the rate of ninty-five
barrels yesterday, making a flow of
5 minutes through one lead pipe, every
55 minutes. The w el! is connected
with a twelve hundred-barrel tank.
The rig was completed this afternoon,
and the well will be oponed as soon
ns another tank, which is now on the
way, can be put up nod the tools taken
out of the hole. It is probable it will
be opened by Wednesday. So far this
well is making a better record than
the Grandio gusher did, but its friends
do Dot estimate it at mora than three
hundred barrels when opened."
D. W. Clark, of this place, shoul
dered his implements yesterday moru
ing, and started for Tubbs Run where
be will locate a well. He thinks it
will occupy a place on or near the
road leading to Cropp's, about three-
quarters of a mile from the mouth of
the run. He assures us that drilling
will commence just as soon as it is
possible to get the rig up and machin
ery in place. What a bonanza this
well would be to Tionesta if she should
be a good one.
The drillers on the well on the Wal
ters farm, near Newmaosville, were
obliged to shut down ou account of
tha strong vein of gas struck. They
are down over 700 fett, aud the gas is
so strong that it blows everything out
o'f'ihe hole.
A c-'mPauf i which our townsman
O. W. PrV,l,er 3 iutsreeted, has rig
stuff about aTon the ground for a well
ucar Russell's m'.". n iviugsiey wwu
Hancock & KenuedV, are drilling
their WaUnn farm well nniyhig Hi!
deeper. Work is progressing ra
aud with good luck they will strike
the sand this week. They have only
to go 175 feet to get tho same sand
level as at Balltown, and that's what
they are heading for.
List of Letters.
The following letters remain un
called for in Tionesta P. O., March
27, 1883:
Andy Thompson 2.
John Frain
C. Towler
Goo. Millstone
Jas. E. Thompson
J. Chinso
John W. Dowell
Jas. S. Sharp
W. J. Vannatlen
Mrs. M. E. Rouble
Miss Tillie Curr
M rs. M. r.. Spenco
Miss A. Painter.
Such as are uncalled for at the ex
piration of thirty days will be sent to
the Dead Letter Office.
J. M. McKay, P. M..
Teachers' Examinations.
Neilltown, Saturday, March 21.
Tionesta, Tuesday, March 27.
East Hickory, Thursday, March 29.
Whig Hill, Friday, March 30.
Clarington, Wednesday, April 11.
Marienville, Thursday, April 12.
Nebraska, Friday, April 13.
Teachers will briug all tho old cer
tificates they holt ; also, all tho refer
ences and rceomincudatioiiB they hold.
Strangers must bring testimonials as to
moral character. Let there be a good
attendance of directors and citizens.
Examinations will begiu at 9 o'clock,
A. M , aud will bo oral and written.
J. E. IIillakd, Co. Supt.
Having made arrangements to re
move from this place, I hereby request
all those knowing themselves to be in
debted to me, to call and settle. After
April 15th, all accounts unsettled will
be left in ire hands of au Attorney
for collection.
W. C. Cobl-kn, M. D.
Tionesta. Pa. Mar. 14, 1883. 3t
A first class Wagon Maker. Gooi
locatiou aud shop rent free. Address
or apply to Wm. Blum, Tionesta, Pa
Charles Nace, WrighUville, Pa.,
says: "Brown's Iron Bitters greatly
benefited me iu chrooio rheumatic"
Fur good fresh Goods cheap g to
IIasi.i:t & Sons. Feb. , '62.
Canned good?, dried fruits, benns'
pickles and sauces, are seasonable
nods and low, at Wro. Sniearbaugh
St Co.'s. . ?.l . '
Wm. P. J. Painter & Son, Muucy,
a., says: "Brown's Iron .Bitters is
giving excellent satisfaction to all who
use it."
Woolen shawls, flannels, blankets
aod woolen goods at cost for 30 dayr,
at Win. Smearbaugh & Co.V. 2t
Walnut Leaf Hair Restorer.
It is entirely different from all
others. It is as clear as water, and,
as ils name indicates, is a perfect Veg
etable Hair Restorer. It will imm
diately free the head from all la,u
druff, restore gray hair to its natural
color, and produce a new growth
i -.i . i rr T.J .
wnere it nas ianeu on. it noes not in
any manner affect the health, which
Snlpher, Sugar of Lead, and Nitrgto
of Silver preparations have done.. It
will change light or faded hair in a
few days to a beautiful glossy brown.
Ask your druggist for it. Each bottla
is warranted. SMITH, KLINE &
CO., Wholesale Agents, Philadelphia,
and HALL & RUCKEL New York.
We take . pleasure ''in announcing
that we ha,vd perfected arrangements
with the publishers of the American
Farmer that enable us to club that .
magazine with the Forest Republi
can at the low price of $L75per year, .
a trifle over the price of the RirHBLi-'
CAN alone. This is beyond question
the first time that a reliable agricul'
tural paper has been offered at so cheap
a price, and we trust all our Subscribers
will avail themselves of this unusual
opportunity pf securing .a first class"
agricultural magazine.' Tho Ameri
can Farmer- is beyoni.. doubt, worth
three times the pTico, at ' which wa
place it. Try it. It.U a monthly
publication. ; 1 . '
I. P. UlKEUAUt, ; Vi ". '
Supt, of B. fr O. R. R. Co; Uotcia (Con
ductor on the Baltimore -iind Ohio Rail
road for 28 years and previously a Druff
pjfct) writes: "Cumberland Md.. Deo. IS,
ISM); I have used but ono bottle of Beruna
between myself and son. He had Diph-
theretic Sore Throat, and is now well. As
to myself, it has entirely relieved the
dullness in my head, which has boen of
long standing the result of Chronic Ma
laria. I rrever took anything in my life
that gave me such great satisfaction. My
wife is now taking it also." Ask your
Dauggist for the "Ills of life" and how to
nrn thpm-A hfmlc.
Warsaif Jefferson Co., Pa. Tho swell-
inn is all e le- A uu 8 "vl1 aliu iiuimm ,
as I ever wiw,fo,re 1 was e"'fl.rK('-. 1 a!?
delighted with iVluua "uu .
B. Shal'er- K . . , ...
Mv son is still ininT '",
Your Beruna is just thiH. "Jr "
W. Bauer, St. Mary's, BaV., .. ,
The large Chrome Ulcers, o;,
standing, are entirely healed. ,
ing, pain and itching have all s u '
tho leg is healed, and I am perfectly V.. ,
Beruna is a woiidertul remedy. W . aitf
Griffith, Ashland, Kv.
It vou desire health ami to t-ave money.
ask vour druggist for Dr. Hartman'a "Ilia
of Life."
Flour 13 barrel choice - - 4.75&7.00
Flour Hack, - - 1.15(.i,l."0
Corn Meal, 100 lbs - - l.MI&l.fiO
Chop feed, pure grain - - l.W)
Corn, Shelled - - 85
Beans bushel - 1.50(5)3.00
Ham, sugar cured - - - 10
Breiikfast Bacon, sugar cured - - 10
Shoulders ----- 13
Whitclish, half-barrols - - - 8.50
Lake herring half-barrols - - 5.50
Sugar A&ll
Syrup ------ 75
N. O. Molasses new ... 80
Roast Rio Coffee - - - 15 22
Rio Coffee, ... - 12(1
JavaCoffoo .... -(i'.O
Tea - - - - . - - 2C90
Butter 28&30
Rice SO I"
Eggs, fresh - - - . - 20
Salt best lake .... 1.50
Lard 1
Iron, common bar .... 3.75
Nails, 10.1, 't keg - - - - 4.0
Potatoes .... 75
Lime l bbl. .... 1.50
Dried Apples fcliced per tb - - 11
Dried Beef .... - IS
Dried Beaches per lb - - - 10
Dried Beaches pared per - - 25
i iiiii mw 1
By virtue of Fi. Fa., No. 2, May term,
lKs;t, at suit of Justis Shaw-key vs. Junius
K. Clark. S. D. Irwin, Bill's Atty.
at 10 o'clock a. in., at tho Court House,
'1 ionosta borough, the following real es
tate :
A certain lot in tho Village of Claring
ton, County of Forest, Stale of Pennsyl
vania. Bounded North y Cherry Alley,
cast by lot No. 61, south by No H, west by
l'liio Street, and being lot No. 50. One.
small frame, house being elected thereon,
and other improvements.
C. W. CLARK, Sherill".
Tioucila, Ba., March 1", 1 n"3.
Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Restorer i
he inarelof the. age tor all Nerve Dis
eases. A II tils hloppcd free. Send to Kil
Arch St., Bhilada. se.l-Mii
.-,TTCl T A T'P'I? "mv N. f.iuml nil Mo lit tier,.
xllli) A ili IjXV (. (;,!! & iVa Ncr
A'UMrttt-lnfcc hurt-mi I IU .Sj-uci bl . l."f' 'Hi. -rl -Hi
i-oiiUuiU luay U lor U liV ftKW lOHK.