The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, February 28, 1883, Image 4

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Thoso who think cf our Alaska as
a small Held covert! with snowdrifts
Will bo surprised to hear that it litis
one river, the Yukon, navigable for
l,f00 milrs, nnd so wide along its
lower course that one bank cannot bo
seen from the other. The distance
across Us five mouths and intervening
deltas is seventy miles.
The Jin-riki-sha is the street-car of
the Japanese cities and was invented
by tlio Ucv. Mr. Goblo, a Baptist mis
sionary, M ho went from this country
to Christianize the Japs. So great has
been the favor which his invention has
found that there are now in Tokio fifty
thousand nf these vehicles, each giving
occupation to one man. Tho income
from each is" about a dollar and a half
a dav.
Tho growing influence of Mormon
ism outside Utah, ns well as in that
Territory, was freshly illustrated in the
Idaho legislature a short time ago. A
resolution was introduced providing
that every member should bo required
to take oath that he was not a bigamist
or polygamist, and has no sympathy
with the Mormon concubinage system;
but tho Mormons and their sympa
thizers proved numerous enough to de
feat it.
It appears from theGerman imperial
budget that Prince Bismarck, as chan
cellor of tho empire, receives an annual
salary of $14,000, with the free use, of
his otlicirtl residence and 5,000 a year
for maintaining it. Tho ambassadors
in St. Petersburg nnd London receive
$37,000 a year each ; those in Paris,
Vienna nnd Constantinople $30,000
each, and the ambassador in Rome
!?25,O0O; and every ambassador has a
free house. The, largest salary paid to
any state functionary is $45,000, which
the governor of Alsace-Lorraine re
ceives. Tho estimated cotton crop "in the
cotton-growing States and Indian Ter
ritory for the year 1882 is as follows:
Norlh C.'.roHrm '. 4;t4,tKX)
South Carolina Gl:5,0O0
Gooiyia 645,103
Florida K,(KK)
Alabama 7fi".00)
Mississippi f)7!,0Kl
Iiouisiima 475.000
Texas 1,311.00)
Arkansas fiJ'.I.eO)
Ttmness60 30"), (X) )
t irtfinin, Missouri aim intiinn rerri-
As compared with the crop of 1S80-S1
there is a falling off of 118,000 bales.
Antananarivo, the capital of Mada
gascar, which France wants to get pos
session of, is a beautiful city, inhabited
by 80,000 people, and ornamented with
massive public buildings, says an Eng
lishman who lived there many years
and recently told a London audience
about it. The prime minister, who is
tho queen's husband, is a man of
marked intelligence and culture. lie
understands the capacity and tho needs
of tho people thoroughly, has abolished
idol worship and other superstitious
practices of the Malagassy race, and
stopped the importation of slaves from
A frica.
Manuel Biases, commonly called
"Old Blazes,", is a Xew Mexican gam
bler, with a portable hell on wheels.
This is a car, something like those
med by traveling photographers, but
is as bright and gay as a circus band
wagon, and is drawn by six handsome
horses. Tho interior contains a faro
table, a roulette wheel, and other fix
tures for gaming. Manuel has several
assistants, and goes from place to plaee
according to the outlook for profitable
business. Thus he is sure to appear at
every large fair within 2 miles or
tho Mexican border on either side. A
new and prosperous mining camp offers
inducements, too, and lately ho cstal
lished himself closo to a Texas camp
meeting. He has tho reputation of
running square games, and his party
goes so well armed that they defy
. robbers.
Joaquin, Miller, the poet of the
Sierras, has become a prosy worker in
New York city. Ho writes cleverly
as ever, in and out of rhyme, but walks
Broadway with hair "and collar so
commonplace that he passes simply
for ono man in a crowd. Miller mar
ried into the hotcl-kerping family of
Leland two years ago, after getting ki
divorce from his Paeiiie coast wife.
He. had accumulated a moderate for
tune from his books, ko that by
writing about as much as he
felt inclined to his in
come was sufficient for fairly luxu
rious living; but ho boarded at one
and another of tho Leland hottls, and
always moro or less among stock
gamblers. Ho caught the fever and
carried tho money from tho bank to
Wall street, where, of course, he lost
it. So the poet, with a wife and baby
to bo housed and fed, has no time for
posing or picturesque eccentricities,
but works hard and manfully at such
compositions as will sell best.
A recent caso of suspended anima
ting closely resembling death, aroused
much interest in Washington. A
Mrs. Reagan was on her way to at
tend early mass at St. Aloysius church
when sho suddenly became too faint to
proceed. She turned brrk and just suc
ceeded in reaching her Lome, where she
fell insensible on tho floor. Jlerfarrily
thought that she was dead and so did
a prie:-t who was instantly summoned,
but the doctor supposed it to be a case
of suspended animation and sent out
for restoratives. The priest went to
the church where, after mass, he spoke
of the woman's sudden death and of
fered prayers for tho repose of her
soul. Meantime she had revived and
described her sensations. ' She said
that she wai conscious of voices at her
bedsidennd know that the priest had
pronounced her dead. In nn agony of
apprehension sho strove to move or
speak but hr r muscles would not obey
her will. AVhen the restoratives had
been forced down her throat she made
what seemed to her a gigantic effort,
turned over on her side and came
slowly back to life.
A correspondent of tho Detroit Fire
Press who is traveling through Japan,
'says: Tho more one sees of the coun
try nnd learns of its history, the more
he is impressed with the fact that it
belongs to a wonderful people a
people courteous in tho extreme, the
very beggars saluting one another
with the mor.t profound politeness
when they meet; with a language con
taining no stronger term than "You
are a beast" ; a people industrious, in
telligent and possessed of tho most
vivid imaginations a nation of artists,
whether working in metal, wood,
ivory, silk, porcelain or tortoise
shell. A people, a'so, moral and
modest, according to their own stand
ards, but, judged by Western standards,
immoral and licentious in the extreme;
and yet withal a kindly people, child
like in their eager curiosity and the
ease with which they are amused.
Jugglers and dancing girls travel from
one end of the country to the other.
Every city has its theatres to which
the people will go early in tho morning
and remain till lato at night.
The .llissiny Ltuk.
There is now being exhibited at the
Royal aquarium in London a strange
hairy little creature named Krao.
Krao is described as a very bright
looking, intelligent girl of about seven
years of age. She was caught, accord
ing to tho account given of her, in the
forest near Laos, and brought to Eng
land by Mr. Carl Bock, n Norwegian,
who, since the expedition described by
him in "The Head Hunters of Borneo,"
has been exploring Siam and the wilder
States to the northeast. Hearing in
various quarters of the existence of a
raco of hairy-tailed men, similar in ap
pearance to a family kept at the court
of Mandalay, he offered a reward for
the capture iff a specimen. A
man was caught, and with him the
child now exhibited, and a woman
of similar appearance then allowed her
self to be taken. When the little one
attempted to wander the parents called
her back with a plaintive cry, "Kra-o,"
and tho call has been adopted as her
nams. The eyes of tho child aro large,
dark and lustrous; the noso is flattened,
tho nostrils scarcely showing; the
cheeks are flat and pouch-like, the lower
lip only rather thicker than is usual in
Europeans; but the chief peculiarity is
the strong and abundant hair. On the
head it is blackthick and straight, and
grows over the forehead down, to the
heavy eyebrows, and is continued in
whisker-like locks down the cheeks.
The rest of the faco is covered with a
fine, dark, downy hair, and tho shoul
ders and arias have a covering of hairs
from an inch to an inch and a half long.
There is, it is said, a slight lengthening
of tho lower vertebra?, suggestive of a
caudal protuberance, and there are
point3 in the muscular conformation
and otherwise which will provoke dis
cussion. Krao has already picked up a
few words of English. Sho is eaid to
be of a frank, affectionate disposition,
and shows truly feminine delight in her
clothes, jewelry and ribbons. The
showman exhibits her as " the missing
link." 2ew York Herald.
Murray Hill.
Joaquin Miller writes in the Phila
delphia Times about Murray Hill, one
of Xew York's noted spots : Murray
Hill, as you know, named after one of
the lucky ones who held on to his cab
bage patch till the spreading, growing
town reached and absorbed it, is not
really a hill, only a little swell in the
land. But it is the highest point on
island of Manhattan that is yet sub
dued to streets and brown-stone fronts.
And yet, low as it is, it is a height that
hundred of thousands of brave hearts
have been broken to reach and hold.
How few, indeed, hold their place
here for any length of time, even after
years of toiling, stealing and strug
gling to reach it.
When 1 first.p t hed tent in this town
one of the finest houses that crowned
Murray Hill and fronted Fifth avenue
was held by the man who "struck oil."
A good, kindly man he was, too; and his
I family of pretty children, born and
brought up since tho first flow of oil
en which he floated into power and
I prominence, I found to be cultured, re
lined and altogether lovely. But you
i seek lor their lamily in vsun on Mur
ray ii ill now. Some braver or more
I reckless soldier in this mighty com-
m'Tcial battle that wages hero cease
1 lessly has stormed their pretty castle,
carried it sword in hand, and the great,
gloomy and sullen old brown-stone
front that knew my happy young
friends knows them no more.
This man and all his family
have gone down in the fight. In
the roll-call of fashion on Murray
Hill lie answers not to Ins name,
Killed? "Wounded? No one knows.
No one stops to inquire. He is missing
at muster-roll when fashion gathers
her votaries for the r;y season. That
is all. That is the c-id.
And so it g .-; ali the time. I know
another man who invented a patent
hinge. Ho bought a houso on Murray
Hill and gave gorgeous shows for full
two months. One day a suit was de
cided annuling tho patent. Tho next
week his face was to bo met with no
more on Murray Hill. Another man
who invented a patent screw, is estab.
lished there and seems to be more for
tunate than his neighbor with the
patent iron hinge. Ho says ho has
screwed himself on to tlpy
Crimes lea 1 into one nnother. Tlry
who are capable of being forgers :ir
capable of being incendiaries.
Ole Bull's Infantile Love for Mnslc.
In a memoir of the late Ole Bull,
tho famous Norwegian violinist, writ
ten by his widow, nn interesting ac
count "of his early love for music is
given. His uncle, Jens, played the
violoncello well and had a collection of
instruments, lie loved to amuse him
self with little Ole's extreme suscep
tibility to music. When he was three
years "old Jens often put him in the
violoncello case anil hired him with
sweetmeats to stay there while he
played. But the candy could not keep
him quiet long. The ryes kindled nnd
the little feet began to beat time. At
last Ids nervous excitement prevented
his staying longer in the case. The
music was dancing all tiirougu mm
and he must give it utterance.
Running home he would seize the
ardstick nnd with nnother small stick
for a bow endeavor to imitate what
his uncle had plaved.' He heard it
with his inward ear; but- for fear his
parents were not so pervaded with the
tune as ho was he would explain as
he went along, telling how beautifully
the bass came in at such and such a
place. Seeing the child play this rus
tic and soundless fiddle, his uncle
botisrht him when he was live years
dd a violin " as yellow as a lemon.
He used to tell, later, how he felt car
ried up to tho third heaven when
his own little hand first brought
out a tune from that vellow violin.
He loved it and kissed it ; it
seemed to him so beautiful. To the
surprise of the family he played well
on it from the first, though he had re
ceived no instruction. Ho would
stand bv his mother's kneo while she
urned tho screws, which would not
yield to his little hand; but the tuning
was not easily accomplished, since his
ear made him verv critical, even nt
that age. His undo taught him his
notes at the same time that he was
learning his primer. His fondness for
the violin sometimes led him to miss
his lessons at school, for which beauti
ful trait of nature ho got floggings at
school and at home, Genius must
shine in spite of commonplace opposi
tion, it it would shine at all.
The bow, that "touchstone of good
reeding," says a French writer, has
undergone strange mutation since the
obsequious days of the Georges. Now
the bodv must not be bent, onlv the
head inclined, cordially or otherwise,
iccording to circumstances; genulloc-
lonsare relegated to dancing and pos
ure masters, whose palmv days are
now a record of tho past. In the time
of the Merrie Monarch the plumed and
jeweled hat was doffed with a sweep-
ng grace to tho verv ground, and tliers
held till the lady so saluted had passed
or retired. Now the hat is simply
raised in recognition of a fair ac
quaintance, who must give the initia
tive by a slight inclination of the head,
ind we are informed' by an aristocratic
luthority on matters of etiquette that
i gentleman returning the bow
of a lady with wlwm ho is but
slightly acquainted would do so
with a delerential air," but if
there were an intimacy ho would
raise his hat with greater freedom of
iction, "and considerably higher. In
France it is tho gentleman who bows
first, and there, too, the bow is the
signal of recognition between members
t the sterner sex; in .England a nod
suffices. The two most polite in the
old-fashioned sense of the word of our
ings, Charles 1 1, and George IV., took
off their hats to the meanest of their
A ladv's obeisance to royalty fifty
years ago was an acrobatic feat. The
knees were bent and the body slowlv
irought tor ward in irracelul and
reverent guise, the equilibrium being
recovered by a backward movement
very difficult to perform with ease,
But our monarchy waxes old, mid re
publican manners, assertive of inde
pendence, make high-flown courtesy
ridiculous; now a courtesy to royalty
is merely a deep dip, a sudden collapse
as if on springs, and as sudden reat
tainment of the perpendicular. Ail
the l.enr Jiound.
A College Without a Student.
Williamsburg, onee tho seat of tho
learning, wealth, fashion and social po
sition of Virginia, seems to be last
going to decay. I he college lias en-
tirely gone down. Last year there was
only one student this year none. The
president has a splendid residence lust
out of town and the buildings are
quiet and lonely-looking and seem to
hide within their walls much of wis
dom, but this is all that is left of the
once proud seat of learning, William
and Mary College. West l'oint ( Va. )
At a find Time.
Coinny.nder J. 15. Coghlan, 1 .'. S. X.,
writes to us from the Navy Yard at
Mare Island, Cal.: An enforced resi-
tlence of two years in California made
mo the subject of most painful attacks
of rheumatism. Consultation upon my
case by eminent naval and other sur
geons failed to afford mo the slightest
ridief. Dr. Iloyle recommended to me
St. Jacobs Oil, tho happy result of tho
uso of which was uy complete and
wonderful cure, WashinyUm (Z. C.)
Army cad Nary HeyLtcr.
Missouri has an assessed valutaion
of real and personal estate footing up
a total of WJ,269,242, and an out
standing debt of f 10,948,000.
Mother Kvnns Worm Syrup.
Infallible, tastc!ts,ii. u uiiowscat Imrti6;fever
i.slme?s, restlessness, worms, constipation. 25c,
The Frnzer Axle t.reano
Ia the bent in tho market. It is the most
economical Bnd cheapest, one box lasting ns
long as two of any other. hie preasinij will
last two weeks. It received first premium at
the Centennial nnd l'aris Kxpiwitions, nlso
medals at various Hinto fairs, liny no other.
. " Uiu'liiuIHibaI7'
The Quick, comoU-to tnite.iinnoying Kidney,
Bladder, I liniov l)i-;e;isei. 1. IJruntjiats.
Good health is the kic HO-st of forttilios; lici
leuiedy Iihh to otteu rcsturid this pri.u to
the suffering as liood'u Karsa ai illa. Try it.
"floi.riKK MrmcAti Pirootf.rt " (Trmlo.
mnrk rerii"t("rpd) in not only n anvoroifrn
remedy for consumption, but nlo for con
Kiunptive niilit-on. bronchitis, rouelm.
Bpittinn of blood, wenlc lnnn, pliortnoH ot
brenth, nnd kindred nffoctioiiR of the throne
nnd clirst. Hy tlntgistn.
It iaestiirmtpil tlint there nro nbont ;M,000
blind perooiiR in Franco, nnd very littlti lms
thus fur been done to improve their condi
tions. , To l.ntlra
Suuproiif from fmirtmtinl derangements or
any of the pninful disorder or weaknesses
incident to their M'X, lr. Tierce's Irentise,
illustrated wild wood outs nnd colored plntes,
MiCpests sure iiioiu.b of complete self-cure.
Sent for three letter potv.ito stumps. Address
Wom.d'b Discenkauy Mkoicil Association.
Buffalo, N.JY.
Tim total vnlue of the exports of domestic
products in 1SS' was $'.x;,,.KlM'.M, nniiist
I'nliko other cnthnrtics, Pr. Viorm's " 11.
Icls do not render the bowel costive nftot
operation, but. on the contrary, estnblish a
I ermanen'ly lienllhy action. V e in; itfi';Wii
vnjrtol I no pnrlieiil ir cine i ri n rod whiU
usiiij; them, By 'Ini .'iris's.
It is not t;eneridly known tlmt the preflxAli to
n Cliinninun's name is equivalent to the title
Mr., nnd thus Bret llarte s famous Ah Sin,
becomes, in plain English, "Mr. Sin."
IIosik, We nro pleased to notico that tho
testimonials relating to Hood's (snrsnparilln
nre from New Knirland people, nnd many nro
from lowed, the home of this medicine. We
nre nssured that the side of this article in
lowell, where it is best known, s wholly un
precedented in the nnnnls of proprietary
medicines. We leave it w ith you to decide n
to the probable merits of nn nrtiele with
such a Bolid foundation. Sold bv druccists.
BrFFAiiO mcnt hns been so plentiful nt
Dendwood, Dakota, as to become almost un
salable nt nny price.
Kmmli on Km."
Clears out rnts. mice. ronolioH. Hie?, bodbuirs.
nnt(,BlniiikF, chipmunks, Kopheis. lfc IVg'sts.
Farm ami flames.
The best in tlie world, nre easily obtained in
Dakota, Minnesota nnd .Northern Iowa. iot
ready to move in the Spring. First come, best
served. County maps, description of lands,
rates of passno and freight, furnished free by
ii.lum 11. l.KHi.iK, Agent, Chicago, Milwau
kee nnd St. Tniil H. K., Rochester, N. 1". No
trouble, to answer questions.
Straioiitkv vour booU A' shoes w ith I.von"
Patent Heel Siitfoners, and them n mi'
A million bottle.' of Cavboline, n deodoriei?
extract of petroleum, will produce new hail
on n million bald heads, w hich is something
that no other preparation ever uiscovorot
wdl do.
DosoCup. Advertisement in another column
As inch advertisement in n paper is worth
two on n tree.
Dors not diractly Imperil life. It is s dlstrMful, vex.
tioim nnd nwluto complaint. Fatient endurance of Its
numerous Trrjf small watery pimples, hot and amartlnc,
requires true fortituda. If the discharffed matter atloka,
itt'lies, and the scabs leave underneath a reddened I nr.
faee, the disease lias departed, and llootl's)8arsa
pnrllln, in moderate diwos, should bs continued.
" Mr little four year-old gitl had a powerful ernption
on htr faoe and head. Under her eyes it was regular
onld:ns; rod snd eore, like a burn. Hack of her left ear
we had to shave her hir closo to her head. Firs or six
physiciane and two hospitals ave up her case as lnonra
ble, save tht he miitht outKrow it. When it began to
mntunt 1 Imcame Harmed. In three weeks, with
Hifeid's SarsapaHlln, thosuresbejran to heal ; two bottles
loado her eyos as clear as over. To-day ahe ia as well aa
lam." JOUS CAKEY, 164 O Street, South Boston.
ATTEST: I knnw JohnCaroy. He is anhonoat, food
man, whose statements are worthy of entire crodit. 1
believe what he sjvh about his child's sickness.
CLINTON II. COOK, Milk Street, Boston.
Bol lSa? DrugrfiFta. $1; six for (5. Prepared only by
V. I. HOOI A- CO., Apotheoarlaa, Lowell, Mass.
Tbe .secret of Living.
8ooviirs SarsaprilU or Ulotld and l.iver Rymp will
euro Scrofulotia Taint, nhoumatiam, White Swelling,
Gout, Goitre, C'ona-itni)tio;i, llronchitis. Nervous
Debility. Malaria aud all disoatwa arising from an
impure condition of the blood.
The merits of this valuable preparation ara so well
mown that a pinaiim n'ltico ia but nooesaary to remind
flic readers of this journal of tho uoceaaity of always
harm? a Nettle -of Hcjvi.Ta Hiod snd Llrsr Syrnp
aiming tbi(ir tock of family nocoMitlt is,
CurUtictfl4s oan bo prortoutod from many leading
physician, ministers and heads o( faiuillea throughout
the land indorsing it in the hiKhoat terms. We am
constantly m rocuipt of certificates of oures from tha
most reliable source, and we do not hesitate to recom'
uiend it.
We recently (.yorhoarJ a sufftoer from Norvoua i5e
tnlity aay ot Allen! liritili l''oot l "It ia Meat,
Ornik, lAttK Uic. and a irook'H waaliinfr thrown 111."
A drugKimM ami at Alien's ei.-irmacy.l,!,, 1st ave.. N, Y.
CURES,, ....
Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica,
lumbago. Backache. Headache. Toothache,
llurua. Rcnll. t'roat lU-a.
isd all 01IH.U noiui.r rti.s antra.
Bsls T BrililUU anil n-alersevsrvwh-ra. Filly Ctuu a Solllt.
ukrcctloua In 11 l.ttiit"t. . -
A vooll.Kll''0 1 Mlllr. a., L.i. A.
NYlt U .5
mt-H'r K'Tr"i?p9'.(l uallila tiruki-n ilowl
i aVif or uflt.ring from the
I hat lotlowa th at
i ncka of acut diseait(
the timf)ny of
thounands who h&T
been raiiwd, by a
miracle, from a siui
Ur itato of prodtrtv
tion liy Hostettor'i
BtoniacU Hitters, is a
ure tuiranloe that
ty the mms meant
ymi, tno, may be
frtrt-nctlw-nmi and re
txtorvd, i'-r Bitle by
ll DrufcKiotrS and
Ddaleru guuerajly.
Tndetc rib ably beantifuj. K&eUy applied to window
glaH. 1,(ki roft-rejncpi, Hamule, etc., 'iltc. in stajupfl.
Ai;i:NTS llKIt ALU. Kidbo.): Iar-
lettb in iia tleuunciatitmn ot Huudry nnmbugn. Indoraed
by t00U0aj(((vonioerit otH i ilband oiti?i8. Hare chunctm
Ut roiH m-rnrjt. rubcrijilnn Uki. 1 JO W eubechbere
ONLY Sj'rC !fJ0 t findt-r nf lonptit word, each h1iUod
of lleraid. l, J.f.M S.HITll, PlnUat-lplua, Fa.
Hand-PoYer Elevators
An1 Hni't- Wheels fnr ftnrpa, fnrtorim,, tc, Duml
't.ittra (pat. Feb. N, for dwelling h.ujwH, tln'.H, fiti
Tht)l in i'h, Priertand trt n-ulnis i. n.n it pi lica l km
l.urdtMi llroa. l-'tuituiy, IM ivnuh Mh Au-., N.
dun lo UUBumns). lilt
rraati your i-eniKni. ui.stifi'rita
back-pay, bouiily, .and all di.-at
nMtltd totlitu-Jiartf
uudor new laws. DflTF MT'"r n,lul'"'- ui.., nlm
tj taiulSiiliuuairMI tmii I ri.n.itlf, a b.., ii,.i'tf
taiMaT. hiniiiu i (n. Ktl-i ta lit-v. K. J. I it.yer
U,.l4vm U. b. II. 11. XJT t-T l.laiik. niiil mr..r
lualitui, atidn-8 (with tjup illl.l ( y 4 i if
4c i'U.i Aturix)ji, boa WuMhin ion, I. t
CMCqps Off
n t, i .: i ;S.
of Frail?.
p U I 0 u
nave tried
to im Itato
our Rem
edy and
by using
b u t d o
not beds
eelvedf see that
the word
with pie
tureof an
Iron Safe,
on ablack
ana white
letters Is
on every
Also, see
that It Is
on the la
bel and
and take
no others
ft 4KvA.wMsasi t
ITIile romrdy In an ntiaolmo iierlfle far
the riinmnrs of avotnrni far the nelMnflirtnl
nrrvoiifitroiihlrs of youth anil fnrihr ilrhlllty
Ulrh prcrrrlc ol-' line. Aa atntlatlra ahovr
ihnt sill dlftcanra uriae from the kidneys r
iWer, we enn nunrantn ft-redom from dlaenaie by
rennon of the power n ltlrh our Note Kidney
end I.Wer Cure pasarsars orrr thene oraana
Ot InCi-rlor Quality ofUoada
araoi m t'i pi-iimiin Mi,liilrars," vthlrharenoi
ma to iv nil null. Tin, Miil.lliwfrx ( ompanv , In onlvl
t 1 it U -r'Uf- nil Oh.lhliw mailo from TIIK M1II1H.K
HK Sr.SMitll ISlllili) I.l.I'K KLANNKI.H AMI
i v-iii ' iJPiin hoi, i i v a. icnititiv rlnlhlrra. luu-l
lipinin "SILL IIASUKltS." HiiniliM by the Stlimii
aviiui un'i ,iii ur, iTkiuruii; Hie Knows.
prr.MNu Aiii'.MH. Mtmn i:skx ciimi-ant.
Btt ami MN W,-"h St . N,.,v V,,i k: 117 l iunkliu BL,
u!.ioni fa a v,iic.iiiiiiieM., j-uiuucltlin
Payne's Automatic Engines.
Reliable. Durable and Kominmlcnt. rff furnUA
Xort0 powtr trtlk S ui and irtifrr that nny n(Ar
Mngint built, not f.ttd wit ti an AutomatM t'ut-utl. bnd
for JiJuetrntod ('atalogje ".I," for lnfitrniation aud
"Ticee. . W. PaiNK A ttoNa. Boa will, L'uruiiitf, ..
JluU'i utli-rs tht.umt nienimof inakinK reyulur monihi)
rtrMfs lrom In vt'Hf tin mnior inure deal. n In
I'.ui'h ini'inbtT nttn ' t't bfiiciiU'l cuiiibiiutl ca nihil of ilt
t ) lib. lirjuirti sent wcpkly. IMvub'tids paid tiioulhljf
L'lub 13 iud BharWioldfra bm k ilicir money in tirofttx in
oubt t titer iiiuiahn. JcuvUik ut i!u:U .unuunf tnuklnii
mniia-y in jiuo, or rt'iurixti on iioinuii'i. MiHri'H, aiucai h.
txiiuiiaury circnluri, wnt ii tr. Itdmblrcoi rojMjndt'iit
tvntiii'd fvc'rvwlHMv. AiidnuH 1L K. Kkmiall tfe i
'oill'll Mlll. In & 1J 11 ISHlU' St.. ClllCAatO, lUU
e!:g;;;e beds
Built In tbe etroiif est
poMHime niannrr. ana
eniriuosi et rea'fy for
work, either with or
without niMcin-
i)n. All tli mason
irk wm t htim done
loweMt prices.
Ninnke Starka
nnd Sinrltlno; Furnncra bntlt, and all in anon
work Tor UoIIr, l-nprint'i, rlr. nt liort
uuiire. IliKbcHi rclnriMHresi fur beat work
nnd LOW I T 1MU i:s
CHAS. piKGER, 83 St. Marks Fl., W.Y.
This N.Y. Singer, $20
A'lth iH B.-t of Attachments Free.
. Won iuitd iwrrect. lAuhl mnniitff.
fiuift, hiiiK.M'ine andilurable. rVnt
on t't trint nlun wht-n uuoiriMi.
llMy lloiu OrgeBil i -IS
lUfdtt, li titops: Wh liajiirHl Hub
l:nH,otoTroupif r.V knee swella,
v illi $:i Htonl and $1 H ok, only
Al-o tu-nton Ut trlai-nlan If de-
hlivtl.'irant coilo, nmKtililt rnt
1.iit Oviralilt insitie ano ouu Jir
rulur. Willi tt'Htiniuniala. free. Axk
(M'nync tV Co. .47 Third aT,C'hlrao
ofv'iE k " t? inviiiui a noon ana nurse's nrnpni
ri,ivjn,a...7 win nitirM prips iw a iirPinniri
3Ikai.HI MoN l ilI.Y to tliOM! Muiduif
onlv 4 I'-iut htuiiiLm for a 3 month
V trial Mil wt: notion. Hie Ijosk L't'l
z riH'uwurffi H4viinii4ly one dnu-hm and
13 jiriwnis mist.ikfa ; the cork-screw
fejvnLrt brrtiking onrks anil knift
liliult's; the Jlniltb Monthly prevenu
? hunmn ill"- Addros M. HiLL l'LU.
a CO., lkx .W, Auw lurk City.
tit of r(s of the worn, kind and of finna
atMndhur have hreii lui mU. Imleni, an Micfr 1 niv falta
lu Hi efilmcy, tint I will end TWO tooTi'LiU KKKK, U
potlmr nun a V M 4H1.K TKKATIKK on ttila diSHaae. !
juiy aaUvrcr. Qi vt Kiprens aud O. addruM,
JLK. r. A. I'l.UCL M, 1B1 Tear, til., Nr Tork.
1 l-Qvo a )otutvta
i tit! v tor Die above riUuunu: bv ita
t i Vae In liniB. bold by druKista.
Has a Pad rt i faring turn al I otaara,
b CUUibAn. WUD felf-AiUaaXlHav
.-) lkUincoaer, adatrtai tsall u ail
ouiaa ei tlx body, wait la
n maewppraaasas eaa it
scan prseaM bak ttl
i J iniaMiiwsMwai 1 )
Li 4am arc thai iurnlaaia katUi a4aruidl a
layand olght, and a radical cvracria'.n. Ills ducaala
s.l t-i. &at hy nksvL, CUvuL-vrt iroa.'
IGlE&l'OIf vxm tOM CMC Ula
Traction df rortablAittt
arm, haw Mill A i'laJV
taiuiQ tor nncev rto.
wnta Tit AULTMAJt A TAYLOK CO. Maiu.litld.0.
a week In your own town. ToTma and i outfit
O0 frve. Addrt'uatl. r A l'o., I'tirtlund, Me.
A bVJ,,, Wauled fur the Ilest and i"art-Ktml!tn
J Tir tonal and Hibles. lJrif rt n-drn wi;'.! unr
SUUt. Ni JlDiN'AL 1'Llil.lbillNci (.'O.. 1'iulailtpUlU,
(1 ' "I (i COLI-.MAN HrSINKSS rui.l.iU.K,"
J ! Va Nowark, N. .J. Wniu fur (.aUlouo.
mAHl'iiK. ty.udaa! ti. iiiKev-11) niMdn. Cn-tly
Ollllit tl). Atlttlt r-a 1 III k tV l'o., A tldiritit, N.r,
A Bore Cur fr llpil.fiy or Kuh in i iiuurs. ' t3
poor. Ia. KlttbK, It Arbtuiat.KtLouia, MoJ
rf&feiu ML
Vi ' 0?MEk .- .iJ
ir Tirrr-r-.- j
w.i....,.ia. .iiya.., ...n...!,,,,, ,1t ,, ,1,,. . i.,
r ""... - - .- - ... :,!'.:, i'- ; ..
ray sr,., -mw , a-. TV 7ft .. . : FT I
J Us la- . .... . , ...-.' '
A Pore Crire for nil FF.MALB WEAlpi
'.NRSSE.Htl Jnolndinaj r.cnrorrhfn, Ir
tefalnr' anal 1Virnl Menstmatlo
ifelBa.iitJtrt'Atl Clcentlltmajf '
th iSi )mb,Vl loollnf, FRO
I..rfrt! UTEJU, Ac ,
fa"PlAa.nt to Ilia taati, afflarlmif aafl ImvMitlat
InltartTrrt. It li aereat holfln 'prSBaily, aA ra
Usves pain daring labor and at revular parloda.
ritTsin.tss tss rr aud mEscitiBi it rwiir.
IfTFoa iixTVaiaTnoists at the frnrrattva crrantf
a( althsr ari, II la swond aa irml J that haa var
rxwn before ths rmbllo t an for all tUass af Ika
rrcxXTS It Is ha OrtotMl Ksatsdy tht World.
PT"KIT)NET CO.Hri.AINTS f rither Res
Find Great Rellrfln Ita I'ac. .
Will sra.ll ate sverr vnstlita of llunimi fross tha
I1!"0I, at the aamv tlmo will irtva tons and rtrrnra I"
vhv.vstBi. A inaxTuUoua tn rasiUia aa Uxa Ooaayoaa.
t7"Both ths Compoond and Blood ParlSsr ara prav
parad at B and Western Avrnua, tjrna, Haa.
Pries of slth.r, 1. Bl bottlaa foi-tt. Tha Compound
Is tnX by anall In tha form of pllla, of loaamgaa, oa t
rwslpt at prioa, 1 por hoi for cither. Mrs. rinkhare.
froalT answer all letter of Inquiry, tncloaa I aeaU
stamp. Send for pamphlrm, JTmtto thlt ftpan
ryl.TTita PJ. pnrsriAK's I mm rora Cu ntpe
Vou. Hillnuaiio, and loi Dldllr of tha Liver. B sit
i-Hold b all I)rBlata.-
Noothevdinorw la sorrrralont in this1 bourv
ti7 na Conatijiation, nnd no rsmod.r hruiaver
rqualledth oolnbrated KLDNKX-WORT m a
f cure. Whatever tho CAtwo, howavor obsUaat
tho oaeo, this romedjr will ovi rooms it,
DBI THlfldSifKinff ooiAplalnt
Mr I tm UO s very ant b be oorujUloavbed,
with eoristljwtlon. Kiting -Wort strenirta'ietsA
tbe weak on oil parte and quickly eye all kinds
of File even whoi &Uwuiulav iiuCl nlloln
have before faiiXtdL v 4 ; e
EEaFUtt CURB, as it 1s for ALL the pnUuXtl
r A ' ltrrataMa et llta If llnaaitai- I I wank n M t EtAIMftla.
is c.eiuises) uie ayuutui oi uio occ-u io;:t n un n
oou os the drradrul aufloritur wblcu oaxy uxm
p TioUnui cf rhrumtipra oan reM..
nrrtAvamrat fvmn ant (Vila tfirHMn rl iaWvaae baT. i!
a. UWli VUaLbiy r;iintti, aii'i 'i nnnum wiw
tlvTt elranara, HtrriiRthena nnd rrves New
l.U'eto all tlto important orr.aiia of tha body.
Tho natural actloa of tha Kidnrva la realorrd.
Tha Uver la rleannod cf all diaeaeo, aut tha
BowaUmove ti"ocly and houltiifully.
rlt Acta nt the same Urr m the FTDNCTrl,
l. l.nil III or IHIY. Dry ran bo sent bTDlallT'
W7MJ1, Kli'nAUIiSdN ft CO.. Illlrllni.-ton.Vt. (BT
Esst Dyes ver Mads.
jrron saK. "vvool, oh cotton.
RIDBON8, FEATHERS, or any fabrio mi
f aucy article ooally aud porfcctly oolored to any
kliodo. Rlaek, Jlrawa. Urera, Illue, Searlet,
Cardinal Krd, Navy Iilne, kVsl 11 raw a, Ollvs
flreen. Terra Cotto, and SO other boat oolora.
7arrftnted Faat and Durable. Each package will
color ono to faurlba. of goodn. If you have never
us?d Dyes try these onoa. Von will be delighted.
Bold by drucetste, or send ua 10 oenta and any
oolor wanted sent post-paid. Sa oolored aomplea
and a act of fanoy cards aont for a 80. atamp.
HULLS, HU'IIAltlMO'V,&CO.,Harltarto,Tt. 1
Bronze Paint. Artists' Black. I
For ffllcllng Fancy Easkota, lfram(s. laampe, j
Chandeliers, and for all kinds of ornamontl work
Equal to any of tho high, priced kinds and only
lOots. a the dnielpta.or post-paid from
H'FIIH, ItlOn AIOX Jk CO.. Hurltnrtea.Ta.
taahiii-aTijiV-aiaf t'rriS arifViaf rnii- rrtatti
tonsumption can Be Cured I
I 'it its Conniimptlon. 'nlilM, Vnrumnntn In
liut iikm Kroiirhhil lliItrnllliM, ItronchltltH
lloitrHrnt'. AhiIiiiiii, Croup, Wliooitinic
( ouuli, ana nil OiHiiMpi H tbe ltrrntliin
OrKniiN. It noulhra iiiitl henU the ilfiubritiio
nl tho 1. Milan, iiillaiiiril find in.foneil bj bn
tliinir ni Ml pretfiitM I he it i it lit nvii'hIn nml
liH'tiin M4rifKM tlit rtit'Nt vlilcli niTiiiuuiiny
ll. t 01111111 pi ion in uol mi iiirnrable iimlHflr.
11AKIK II A I, S A M cure you, even
Ihmiuh protrnnioual iiiit (iiIIm.
TtsS aasatasaffisfflir aa i s anamfl i laansfcani mWLWmHMBStBOam
J unfailing And InfnV
liattlu In cumiK Kpii
opiio Fils, ripaj-nits
t'otivubiuns, Ht. Vmsj
1 lance, Alcobotim,
Opium Knttne, t-r-oua
debility .St-rofulai 1
nnd all Nervous nnd
tlood diseases. To
Clergymen, Lawyers,
Literary men. Mer-
fliaula. Bunkers, La-
&Wh '' ad ft- wboseR
t lary employment
- 'A w V-"! tiattbm.
leiroua 1'wis-
bUxxl. Btoniaoh.
bowels or ktndeys. or
who requiro a nerve
ie rcquiro a
siftfv tonln. Hppetis
l P RtimulHtit, Han
1 ra Nervineislnva
unifier or ;
'ahiable. i
itrtx'lMlin it I
RUfltnind the
ilh. THK in
ole Propria to
tlie nioht wonderful in-1
siile by all lruK8-iih. THK IU. fci. A. ltlCHMOND)
Ml'JJJCAL CU. tK'le Proprititora, fit. Joseph, Mo. (
For Two Dollars.
Vemorest'a Illustrated Monthly.
8old by all Newsdenlera atiid Poatmnatora.
ar I be Editor ofthia paper will take your sub
rriptinn. Nrnd twenty crnta fur a eperlmra
ropy to V. JKNM.Nt.a, llKHOKKoT, Fub-
lilier, 17 J. nat 14th Htreet, Hew or.
GamsuGn Sense Chairs
Ami Kuoaera. htiucs, durable and conilortable. No I
liKtit, triihlijr atulf, but coud, bouuat bums ctmiforta. I
aH'cial diiutitit to t'lurKi iiihu. bfiiu siaiiip lur Mtl
I !) to J . A. SIM I.AIK, .HottviUe, Uum.
ittiaa i ouii. jsevv au la.
rXTiVnj ..Mn not
tk. .1-xzl'u . ...i.'.iVm y i,au ill
Qa1 M ff-'' watt tiruikra. liy mail liDO. (Jucu
rrn m fm S'euralgia and Cbrnnlo Plorrbea, or
M 1 1 1 I Bowel GouiLilaitit. Why sufter wbun a
J II J oJ tain cure tir either inav be obLami t4
rci'iita, or lHttj lor$l. lJtiatAK"ttaniiatakHD. Atiilre
Ii. K. Kmiulkh, litu tJitavvii, Putnam Co., Ohio.
YflMVfi l"'"nl l'lH"l,'iy iei" and wa'wij
VAl.t N'i JM. KKOS., JuiM-illr, Win
a V W IB Va llla.11 tllMI )HU U MIUUIHIII, . ITaUlAia in
a R t 5 rt I11 da at hciiiH. tSauipbts wm tti tybtTwl
f) 10 tJtU Addrvaa hiU-wj.S A Cu., Furtlaud, Mt.
s IV-
- -