The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, December 06, 1882, Image 5

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The rapidly-dcei-rasing number of
li(V'p in the LniUvi JviDiIom loads the
English' '.Kress to n discussion of its
Shthch mm tho remedies neodod. In
1K there were nonrly 35,000,000 head
.'nf sloep. In 1877 the number Imd
fallen to 32,000,000, and since then the
dcereaso lias gone on without abate.
ment until at tho. present time the
cumber is estimated at only 1:,000,
POO. In Ireland alone in tho past ton
fears the decrease has amounted to
over a million head. .
The fortunes of four loading "West
ern railroad men were estimated
eighteen j'ears ago as follows: Stanford,
110,000; Crocker, $r,()00; Hunting
ton. $100,000; Hopkins, $100,000; total,
f'.!r5,000. They are now rather stint
Inglv recorded as follows; Stanford,
10,000,000; Crocker, $10,000,000;
Huntington, $50,000,000; Hopkins' es
tate, $;;0,000,000; total, $200,000,000.
These men formed a syndicate to build
a railroad to California, and made im
mense personal fortunes from the ven
ture. A little incident of Hungarian crim
inal proceduro shows that after all
torture is not so obsolete as was sup
posed. The facts are stated by a legal
adviser of the prisoners in a memorial
to the minister, and they show how
agreeably a commissary of police in
Hungary combines business and amuse
ment. His business being to extract
confessions, the criminal is hung up
by his feet, or if a woman, is suspended
over the fire, when the required infor
mation is at once communicated. All
this is forbidden by tho law of the
country, but still it goes on.
In regard to tho manner in which
tho Chinese are sweeping California
waters of fish, the San Francisco Bul
letin says: A walk of observation
through Chinatown in this city will
disclose the fact that fish of all kinds
are taken in nets and afterward dried
for both Chinese home and foreign con
sumption, that range from one-half
inch to three inches in length by an
eighth of an inch to one-half an inch
around the largest part of the body.
They are to be seen, day in and day out,
after being dried, in large baskets,
ready for shipment or consumption, at
every fishstand of tho Chinese. The
fish are not confined to any distinct
epecies, but are of innumerable classes.
The Duke do Santona, a Spanish
grandee of the first class, has just died
' at Madrid, leaving an enormous for
tune to his only daughter. He was of
obscure Cuban birth, and onco fol
lowed tho hatter's trade. At this he
acquired great wealth and was ever
ready to spend large sums in behalf of
the Alphonist party in all politicid
contests, even while Alphonso was yet
a mere cadet at the military academy,
.with only the slimmest chance of ever
teaching the throne. So, when at last
the young princo did become king, he
remembered gratefully the devoted fol
lower who had rendered him such sig
nal services. He gave him opportuni
ties of largely increasing his fortune,
made him Duke de Santona, and, at
his death, occupied a place among the
chief mourners.
Consumption has hitherto been re
garded as a disease of the lungs, which
cannot be reached directly except by
Inhalation, and the value of .that form
of medication is problematical. A
new theory of the disease, called the
Salisbury theory, makes it one of un
healthy alimentation? According to
this view, it is tho fermenting of food
in the stomach which furnishes to tho
circulation noxious material ' that
affects the lungs on reaching those or
gans. Granting the truth of the
theory, we shall have to con
sider consumption as curable. AH
that needs to be done is to use only
euch food as will not ferment in the
Stomach, and to clean out that organ
occasionally by a judicious use of warm
water, with simple tonics before meals
to aid the digestive process. A weak
solution of lt-rrie per sulphate fs rocom
mended for inhalation to check hemor
rhage in the severe stage of the disease.
The idea is well worthy the attention
of tho many who are supposed to be in
the initial stages of consumption. It
would be an inestimable boon if it be
tho means of saving them, to say
nothing of the many others whose cases
are otherwise hopeless.
"William F. Cody, better known as
r.uffido JJlll," believes that General
Custer kilh'd himself, when he saw
that death was inevitable, in preference
to being killed by the Indians. IIu
gives the following reason for this be
lief: "The Indians will not mutilate
a body which they find dead, and Gen
eral Custer's was the only one that
was not scalped and otherwise cut to
pieces or burned. My impression is
that he, lifter seeing all his command
Bhot down, and that he himself must
also go, turned and took his own life
rather than be killed by tho savages.
1 was in General Crook's command that
soon alter arrived upon the scene, and
although Custer went into tho tight
with seven companies, and had 1500
men killed, 1 am satisfied he would
never have given tho Indians battle
Lad he not thought reinforcements
were near at hand. Some time after
the engagement an Indian warrior tuld
Hie that Custer was the last man to
lull, and killed himself. Had Custer
lcen given entire command of the
troops he would have whipped tho In
lians instead of being crushed by
tlu-iu. I liey did not recognize Custer
after he was shot, as he had a few
months previous cut oil his long hair."
It is estiaiaied that Alabama will
turn out 1)70,000 tons of yig iron in
A Romnntlo Story,
An Innsbruck (Germany) correspond
rnt of the lioston Ad certifier tells this
In tho Silver chapel is the tomb and
marhle effigy of that beautiful woman,
riiilippina Weiser, whoso photograph
you see in all the shop windows of
Innsbruck. Her eyes were divine, it
is said, dark blue, her hair golden chest
nut, and the skin so transparent that
tho "red wine could be seen ns it ran
down tho lovely throat." In the pho
tograph her beautiful face rises tip like
a lovely flower outof a high ruff, a su
perb jeweled collar with pendant jewels
is bound close about the high-mounting
neck of the rich dark velvet robe.thehair
is parted and rolled back from a high,
broad, intelligent forehead that luis
nothing Greek about it, but is a clear,
good, Anglo-Saxon brow ; on the head
is a net-cap made of small gold rosettes,
with pearls and a jeweled border around
it. Tho arch of tho delicato eyebrows
is perfect ; the eyes have a bewitching
expression that is both courageous and
pleasing ; sho had a shapely nose, a
lovely mouth and chin, and an expres
sion of dignity, refinement and gentle
ness ; perfect womanly loveliness
characterize this pictured semblance of
a woman who was the most beautiful of
her day, and whose romantichistory has
inspired many a poet and dramatist. She
was the daughter of a rich Augsburg
banker. Ferdinand, nephew of Charles
V., fell madly in love with her, and
they were married secretly. She amis
the mother of two sons, whose por
traits you can see nt Schloss Ambras,
the charming castle on the Mittelge-
birgo mountain slopes, a short distance
from Innsbruck, where l'hilippina
and Ferdinand spent their long, happy
married life. The Emperor Ferdinand
was naturally very angry at this mar
riage, but during one of his visits to
Innsbruck the lovely woman came
with her two young boys and begged
him to forgive her. History tells a
pretty, touching he had only
to look at l'hilippina to justify his
son. "When Ferdinand the emperor
died she lost her best and most pow
erful friend. Her mother-in-law was
forever taunting her. So one morning
the poor woman lay down in her bath
tub and drowned herself, in order that
her dear husband might marry a royal
wife. You can seethe bath-room at
Schloss Ambras, lint the custode denies
tho legend, I am happy to say, and I
am unwilling to believe it. iler hus
band, the Count of Tyrol, mourned her
loss. Tradition says he was frantic
with grief, and built the beautiful
Silberno chapel, where each lie buried.
True, he married again only two years
after her death, and his second 'wife
was of his own rank, the daughter of
Duke William, of Mantua; but he
never lived again at Schloss Ambras.
A Story of the Swiss Minister.
A Washington correspondent writes:
The following incident is related of
Emil Frey, the new Swiss minister
here, who was a captain in the Eighty
second Illinois volunteers during the
war. The new Swiss minister re
cently arrived in this city. Mr. Emil
Frey was confined in Libby prison at
one time, it will be remembered, as
hostage for the Confederate Captain W.
J. Gordon, condemned to death by a
Federal court martial. President Lin
coln, upon being so informed, stayed
tho execution of Gordon, and tho then
Captain Frey, of tho Eighty-second
Illinois volunteers, now the first
minister plenipotentiary from Switz
erland to ttio United States,
virtually saved Gordon's life, who was
soon afterward sent to Richmond by a
Hag of truce, and in return Captain
Frey was released. This morning
Captain Gordon, who is sojourning in
this city, called on Minister Frey, and
the two saw each other for tho first
time. As may be well supposed tho
meeting was highly interesting to both,
and to all who chanced to be present.
There was a inutal interchange of ex
periences during the prison life of each,
and a recital of the fearful suspense
both were subjected to for a time.
They separated, evidently highly grati
fied to have personally met each other
after an interval of seventeen years,
when the life of one depended on that
of the other, and under circumstances
so changed. Mr. Frey on his return
to Switzerland was compelled to re
naturalize himself, which he did, to
become president of tho Swiss council.
He is also major-general in the Swiss
Telegraphic Cablo Incidents.
The work in the onertitinrr room nt.
Heart's Content, X. F., has brought
out 'a number of curious facts about
cables and cable operating. For in
stance, New York city sends and re
ceives about two-thirds of all the cable
business of the United States. Phila
delphia comes next, then Chicago ;
whiie some of tho smaller Southern
cities, with their messages relating to
cotton sales, outrank more Northern
cities like lioston, lialtiiuore, St. Louis
or Cincinnati. It amazes tho teleg
raphers there to tell them of the im
portance of places like Xew Haven,
Albany, Troy or Buffalo, from which
tho cable business is so small tlmr in
the Heart's Content station they are
supposed to be little towns. Tlie
present price of a message is fifty cents
a woru. x ei, a lew years ago, when
competition reduced tho rate to twelve
cents, the increase in the number of
cable messages was relatively very
small, lint as tho competition was
comparatively briif, the test of cheap
rates can scarcely be called u fair one.
As showing the importance of clu osing
steady nu n in cable work, the example
is cited of a subordinate at Valentin
charg.1 Tvith the duty of making cer
tain Complex connections with tle
wires then?. One day he became in
toxicated, and, as no one knew the
intricate connections, communication
l.i-t U'io n tun fi ml i ru.n t o c o ..1 L.i I ..1.
! stopped for a larger part of a day until
a (iruniiaru coma recover Hum 1.13
' Hire 1 lio OitHriiian."
The new verbs which the rush of
progress brines into use are often
stumbling-blocks to the simple. The
fun comes in when ignorant persons
Kct. 1 Tightened at them and go oil with
out. asking what they mean. The
Louisiana Commeriinl says:
Two young woolen entered an in
telligence oll'iec and one, of them asked
if there was any situation open.
The agent said he had just received
a letter from a .gentleman in Fough
kcepsio, asking if they could send up a
servant girl. The agent explained
What work sho would be required to
perform ami tho wages she would
I ho girl consulted for a few mo
ments with her companion and then
said she would go.
The agent, gave her the necessary
directions and told her at what time
she would have to be at the station,
with the assurance that she would go
through all right. The girl listened
"Now you must be sure and go
through all the way," said tho agent,
" and not get off."
" Yes," said the girl. '
"And don't let anybody talk to you
and ask you to go with them," said
the agent.
" Yes." said the girl.
"I will write at once what time you
will get there and they will expect
you," said the agent. "You will get
there to-morrow."
" Yes," said the girl.
"If you have any difficulty when
you reach the railroad station, wire the
gentleman." handing her his card,
"and he will meet you at the station."
" I'll not stir a peg, so 1 won't. I'll
engage to wash, iron and plain cook
for the family, but I'll not do all this
and wire gentlemen for fourteen dol
lars a month, so I won't," and she
went out of the office.
Could Itrenk Oft".
When a certain family on the F.rush
farm took a new cook last month it
was specifically stated and understood
that she was not to have any men
hanging around the kitchen. She
held to the agreement for three or
four nights, and tlivn tho family dis
covered that she had a beau. He came
regularly every night after that, and
three or four nights ago the colonel
was at the back gate waiting for him.
AYhen the young man appeared, the
colonel threw a whole iceberg into his
tones as he inquired :
" Well, sir, did von come here to
spark '"
" I diil," was the calm reply.
"In love, are you?"
" Yes, sir."
"Who with?"
"Sarah, the cook."
" Oh, I didn't know but you loved
one of my daughters." sneered the
man as
I don't at present," said tho
lie seemed to catch a sudden
idea, " but the thing hasn't gone so far
with Sarah but what I might break off
in case you had something better up
stairs for me !"
Sarah doesn't work there any more,
but the colonel won't get over being
mad for several weeks yet. Detroit
Free Press.
A curiosity in the shape of a vast
army of small toads was lately to be
seen at Linkville, Oregon. They were
migrating up Klamath river, and were
so numerous that on large areas it was
impossible for people to walk without
stepping on them.
Tho Richmond (Va.) State writes:
Ex-Mayor J. A. Gentry, Manchester,
this State, was cured of rheumatism
by St. Jacobs Oil.
Ignatius Donnelly argues that the
drift deposits which the geologists say
are the result of ice action are merely
the remains of comets that have just
led the earth in their race through the
solar system.
We know from experience St. Jacobs
Oil will cure rheumatism. Peoria
(III.) Peorian.
It is estimated that Alabama will
turn out (170,000 tons of pig iron in
A Futnl mitatukn
would he not to luke Dr. It. V. Tioroe's
"Gulden Mudicul Discovery" if you are bil
ious, mitleriiii; from impure blood, or fear-inn;
coiiKiiinptiou ( scrofulous disease of tho
lunys). Bold by nil drntristB.
Mes. Mkhnkut, who U ninety-nine years old,
1ms kept the Golden Trumpet "lotel, Keicheu
baeli, Germany, for eighty cuiioecutive yeios,
and is still hide unfl henrty.
Dr. Fierco's "l'lonsaut Purgative Pellets"
are tuiir-coutad unit inelostd ill glass lot
tles, ihcir virtues beinjr thereby preserved
uuimiutired for uny length of time, ia any
cliinato, so thut they urn always fresh and
reliable, No cheap wooden or iiaateboard
buxea. By dnu:i;ints.
Milwaukee claims to have the lamest brew
ery oil this continent and the second largest
in the world. This establishment turns out
HJOjOOO barrels of beer per annum.
Functional derangement of the female sys
tem is quickly cured by the use of Dr. H. V.
i'leroe's Favorite Prescription." It re
moves pain and restores health and strength.
l'y all tlrutris's.
Texas reports place the number of sheep
in the Slate at 7,000,000, and estimate the
wool crop of the present year to be worth
jl KNSii an's Pew inizkd beef t inio, the only
preparation of beef containing its entire na
t fit iuiis properties. It emuains blood-making,
foree-tteneiatintf and lile-sustainini,' proier
ties; iu valuable f or hulinestiou, dyspepsia, ner
vous prostration, and all forms of general de
bility ;also,in all en feebled conditions. whether
the result of exhaustion, nervous prostration,
overwork or acule d.sease, particularly if re
sult ill.' from puh nonary com plaints. Caswell,
Hazard A Cu.Jnj;i-.,.. Si.ld by UrUi,'i,'iM8
The I'l' A?Jf (.i-i-hih.' .
Is Ihe best in li.e in. i it is the most
economic d aed i-!ie: cm, one !iVv lasting as
h in; as iv. o . if I'.i' v o! !)..- Hie .;. i it; will
I- s: iv,o m ek'.. Jt r ivivci H,.-; r., --.niuiu at
the con ntoi.l ei'il Pari i-; atioiis, also
::.( i'. .l at '. ari i.'- S: lie iaii Pay o utistrr.
Tl c Si a ;."j of Pile or l-eU'-Prci-erviitioii. u
iai .he d v.taii I. j i every loan omi'. midJiu
li t: .'J or old. iiivaluubio preneiipfiuiis.
TVirt mrirfiil mnn has twinr imil.ttors in
hip line of bn.;iini,liiit there is only one uriu'i-
lialor. So, nlo. the cront pet roleam hair ro
newer, Cnrbolinn, rti now improved mid per
fected, holds tlm pnlin n'annt nil mutator.
" lionnli fin Unfa " 'l,.nr.,,,f (a ...,
flit. rowdies, lied -hTlk". nntn, vermin. 1M
Motiirii Imvan 8 ohm burp, for feverish
Iiess, rostlespneiss, worms. Tnakilessi. ia'jO,
Onii pir of hotila imvod pvery your bj
usuii: iyou i nioni AleuiwotietMiiiiiloiiers.
From John Knhn, l-efnyotto, Incl., who umioniw
Uikt he la now In 'Yrfpt lif-HUh." wo lmr tho fol
lowing; "One yrnmirn tnw. tonll di'nuiri, in
me it tniy or Conaumption. Our bent lihyi.
otan gave irj.r r.o up. t Dually pnl no low that
our doctor hhM I could not Hvo twenty-four hoiim.
My friend tli-n imri'luwil a but (In of 1U, WM,
1I.I,1H llALMAM l'Oll THE MTNOH. wlilcli cn.
fiilirahly bi-uetltoil mo. 1 conduiuvl until I took
nlna bolt lea. I am now In lwfqut health, having
iipoa no otiirr niciiu'inn. -
111 1 h 1 1 i I ) cure lor KhtMiiiuit imiii, Spnuim. 1 rfttiiiiievia
I'll. 'K 1 '. h . . . .( '. 1 H . n K.TI, an
nun ..rn.i, , on, rKll, HUU lOf prOlUUl llltf IU6
m' t ii oi i iu? iimr.
- '
.or- (
'A it .
tieuralnin. S
Backache, Soreness of tho Chest,
Gout, Quinsy, Soro Throat, Swell
ings and Sprains, Burns and
Scalds, Gsneral Dodily
Tooth, . Ear end Headache, Frosted
Foot and Ears, and all othor
Pains and Aches.
Vo rrfrurstl.m on earth equal. sT. Jicona On
m a ffr, tnir, Klniplr and rhmp Kxt-rnul
trim J' .,A "i;'L l"lt '
In ling ontlar , f 50 Onts, J Mtry one .unVrini
ct'iiirij Ma Cb,'P ai"1 P""' 9" ut
birtlom In Klere n LungnagM. 1 3
timioiliofl are rnuidtr
tfivitiff ground beftirn
the advAnce of this
conquering upeciflo.
and old fa8)unned
idaaa in mg&rd to de
pletion as a mttAna of
- euro, have been qaite
T exptmled by the guo-
aVUUi th vnut Irin.
oraiit, which t4ina
"7t.;" the mmWm. tmnauiU
lirentlie ni'rvtm, nmi
1nii Mti ntiil -nriCiM
lu I1mmI, nmptiM Ihe
rivt-r writ-. i dormant,
mid i tri mint a r.n.
For huh. by nil
Magio Lanterns Outdone by the
P.rt'ir,s f r nn booko, imiipn., ctT), ctfl.t
fe 1 J 1 fill l. rH't iiiirn t Uu rt ill K"'atlv t-nlnr-'(i ;
w N fhroMHi t-:.ri)!i vih uH tf,. ir r-i'nr-; or t ho
Wi-rlvHoi a a-afi-h in mutim,. I:ii..tH rnldrnd toliu-hi.f,
it t imph ;:uvr. Uft'i'il t p.iri r it vrl iih and uhi.l-
i.-jrjt'it chriniii c ir" mid pi
Ourciicui.. u-!I Lr,v t'M.t(l .
vhhii.uiic r.(y iti-ili .iU't tfJNIirnnilt' Im-tun
U'litni ti
rtr.iil'-, by iihi1 tr Jfj.-Vi,
u :ttt wanted.
Murray WW) Pub. Co., 123
Piilmiiin' I'm ui. live
Itlouil, mill will chuilif.l OiM hl.M-1 In (I.MH...
Or hy.l,.iii in thing niuullia. Any tm.ii who will Inks
i.nt. pill i.a. li nithi In. in 1 to VI wnttkn may I.. r, l..rnd
tomiiinil lipullh it Mi. ii a thins Iih p.wnil.lH. Sold erorr.
Vtiirt. .ir Hciit l.y niml for i-ilit l..tlr Htatno..
I. N..tOMNSO. Ac CO., liaatou, .tlausH for
mi rlv IIhiihoi, !'.
lliav. a i,,ii.-j r;- .i.Jy t r the abura uiu; by It.
Uiu 0..m.ii:.lrt v.f cu.- nt t!ie .nt rtlnd aad of liiLif
txiiilni he lx.-n cirri."!. In.l,l. noe.onn 1 ni huh
ll: Ity cn.. !. Ititii 1 i;ll twnj IH'i) noTTI.Kd KKftC t.
g'l'.er Kli u VAl.l'ABI.M VRI! M ISK .,11 tin. dii ut
OUf Civil Ka,.ri. Hurt r. O- .l!r.
jr. . w.uci; j, i reiu-i at.. n, Tort
cf. ril v; II tiuiu maunuuii
n m: 1.1 n c , a n
U liaty U For Two Dollars.
l)t m mat's 1 tl ust inted Monthly.
Solil by nil Nen nlenlera iind I'oHtninritera,
or rlie l.ililool ihi in. per M ill luke your aub
erlpliou. Nrnil In only eeiiln lor a Kperiiiirii
ropy lo W. JMNMMiS III: llolt i:s'-, iuo.
Ii-her, 17 JOiisM lib Slreet, New York.
jiest ('ouKtibyrup. Twit(MK
us in hum. isoiil hy Unik'i:
TP K 1 1 TTtJ la JiH.iiry. praf. waktinii,
HA i'.j-i. til, ti Ju ttt u. Leif!.., C" "
fcii. I plr ..f u.iHii.', i.O .!U
TKriil K'S ISIliM . Uxtoni"
fL-i!ii!Wird., .tit-t ...
i iff , v'lirxj ubui itiici ni-
Ali 111 e'llllil'll Lrl if.'li llftl '( lilLlt'l HltUt ' 1 1(1 linVen. 1)1111
b.i 'lintf. tint f.iKi-. tor Ohm Lhiiitit nml 'I'liiiiy 't nlH.
1H ltil.Ko, i'roiu 4uvi-iiU unvtaid. XAViU(J. CUUK,
4ti Adu inn trtn'til, J)il4.'iiKti, llUlioifl,
UNM.Ifll 1) JIWAK!) pOOKK,
X jli:i.i: t-t rnw trd I b".k lor Jlnli-1 -! r.-rtr.i
.s i(.rii..r Ii it: i.. t liiiitf m llim cuiinirjr fwr llitj iimiit-y,
ii, it: iiituti:it'i tT bo., Ukj. nud upward. JeMtiti.
ml iMHirv tin 'h-. to 5(i:., v.Ah Luf UibiiHiut fur
ler ordi-iTi, lo introducH ; Iruw. DAVID C.
LUOK, 46 A d aui n b Irvut, Otuig..
l Ij .uu.l .uuii. for il.e uoit toi...lrie Caijuiiriia al
!' 1 ii. LAitci:s'r VAr.o.rir.
ml'"-lTT tuijr. Ali. J-aii.m, 'r..iin.i tu., kid.
V ' i' '! .iu ' .lj..:i, ( 'liui.:.', llt'VV . .ll.-llr.i, l.-r Sllll
..1 -. ll - Ull.i If Ui'J ,ill.-it ic. Iu )j,l f I. ll. Aiidl.ra
lj.l 111 C. LOOK, i' AiUius e.lroi-1 , i;l.i, a.., 111.
1 I i;l 11 :i
i ir i; it h-r MiMii.m j:i 1 Music.
I.. I
' 1 K R J h Y, hll.VKKW Mil'., rt llllnC
H-' Oi t'C ixt wi.oli-nalt! i.vlr.. I'ru hit Irt-n
a tltattW T. V.'. Keiiiitd, r.U.buxtjO.N.V
pen if,
JiA Hft.K
5 Wm
ft ft h d ' S I I3H m -a - h r.u
ii.V,AiJ2.V3.& H A 1111
flllM II1HI.H X.'W Kil't
sc iiis. r 3
Kid. H
111. IB. L 1
' ; ,V . . '
.JZl':- JO -I'M .1 .)--
Hum. Heiil.N, ( iiill.lnltin,
, ,( nKt llili-.. ( Imi,,(. Hiimla,
'hwli W. inn,!., sjiritliiN, llrnlaoit,
u r-iterniil I'ntauiiB, Cakwi lli-onats,
CriinipH or Sj.nwna or Slomnrli,
Colic, AhUiiiih, ir Inlernnl l'lltn,
.. . ,,'",'1' 't'lek. Hilca of Auiuiols,
Gnllaof nil klinlH, Mt last,
Hiiiitlx'niw, Criu kril TentB, ,
l'oll l'.vil, (litriret In I owa, fmvlns,
. A . SJwiM'ney. terntelies or (Jreatio,
Foot lint In Hheep. Slrinxhiilt,
Win. IkiiIU. lO.iiii in ri.iiiiry,
l'ouii.lero.l re, t, 1'iHinln,
C'riiekisl 1 1 -1h, Mmiiko In JVijm.
Ak yournenrrt Denier or Drutorlst for
one of our Alinmnun tor ItWl.
Mum fic ChrtntUtn Leader K. !".,(. 2ft, "71.
MKHniAvr's (lAiioi.iMO On,. We b-ivo
mmle ai.n lnl 1'ernniiiil Inquiry In reirunl to
the moiilaor thin eclolinile'd remedy, iuul
tliidlt il Ht'imlno tirtleleol ruro vulue. It te
by no iiienna n new remedy. The eMIiiMlsh.
inent whtuh jiriMlun h (t iIhOhi Km Intitiutne-tim-HSfiir
Imek iin, Hinen wlileli time It
litMiHn Htendily irrowinir In J.ulillo Invor.
The j.iitenti'i are itmonvr tlie roreimmt liimt
n men id the city of lxickinirt. Tliey are
every way reliable.
fYom the 7'oltilo (0i(o) 1,-, Juli 0, 1S71.,
MKIIOIIANT'H OAltflMNO till.. Ill l Old
ftnndard Hrtlcle, under the ndiiilnililii mnn.
llKellienl (it Jollll Itodife, Kw., Ilim reni hed t
mi eiKirmoiia Kaic. ii lit mi Honestly com.
ouiiiloil iirtlele; it lias merit, and now tlint
tliel.oHt luiHinewi talent, of the country u
linndliiitr It, i1mt( is mi rinion w hy tl hIk'hiI-1
not doulHo IIh preneiil UHct'iilncHri. Nofitmll.
( nil iilliird to I .ii w It hoi it 1 1 . Ki r fundi v tisc
as well an for minimis, It U xiuiily Imii
Jiensttljle. .
All wo ask in a fair trial, but, Ik) BUro oud
follow direction.
The 11111x11110: Oil and Mi-rcbanfa Worm
TitliletH an- lor sale by all (lruf.'i:lst.sniid denl
crs In ycnerul uicrclimidldo tln-ougliout tlio
Uiriro Pl7.e l.nO; Mediimi 50 c.i Rnmll 25 o.;'
Small Si. for family unoiSio.
Mnnut'Hetiii-i'd at Loekport, N. Y., byMer
chuul's (JurBliUK Oil Company.
Fcn l a rriiL-h il;etrlt or (If von emi) a moilol of
voi r invention t. i:oii ; !: p.;. i.imio.v,
iflilnvinn, !.('., imd n I'rrliiiiiiinrv l.x.
Iintlie'.tliel ,i!l bo liiu.l.i of nil 1 ml, I lf,t.i
nut. iitHni tlie -mi luKtiof in vi'iiiioti,i m,i von will
no udviscd wliollu.i' or no! u j atuit emi Ixjil'iti.liud.
TiON NO t H AItt;U IS ;IA!.i.
H JPll ? Jfynnrr- iii.-l.iiilthiilvonrlnven.
'WViJl 5 tmii tt.iut. .Hei.djk'JD.toiwy
ltoyi-i iioi'lii ullon f. o of nl iuul p.) for
t'lo ilraw 1111.-1. n iiii'io.l by (lioOovenimont. 1iii in
l'l.yniu j v. Ii. n api li.viliiui is nnulo, no.l IbiiIIoI the
eH-nfi mill ii pnt, :,t i u!lot.,. Wlirn aUowtil
tho Hitorn.' f.o(i,j) uu. ma iln-,1 Oowni.
nii-nt fij (n20i la j-i;yi:bli.. Tims yon knovr !.
lorvli m-l.y. r wuhih-i, i.tiotlii-r on nreiroiiiK toif..
n putoTit or not, and no uttomcvV foo (-.('liiiixiM iio.
l.m yon do p I n l .-o nt. An nil nicy wh.wa f.
d.'IK'niHoii hii siicvks m c.blmtiimr u I'ntont wll
""I "''.I ;, -n ttiai. your liiM'iiilon l i.ut. uuto,
tin if rcr.l.y Is vitclit';hli, ho tur hm his hv(.
J'.i K'.nolit ran iiid in di-t.-rinliitinc tho .incntloni
In nee. you can r.-ly . u i!io ,ndili' mvioi uftor a
I roliiiilniiry ev.i.ii'MUo.i ik ic!.!. !IIm(i hi
inv alid Ibe KcfiiKiriilliin of I.nbels, Triido
.llurka mill Ite-iMKiH'rt .-o:ir. d. 'uvciila tm.
I " !,!1;t. Itl'4 Api.iiciitii-n-! in r. of Re.
Joel oil. Abandoned, or I (irli Hod niea iiiu.lo.
. ry oie u valniibli. iiivi'iiiionH m-o nuvrd iu tl'o a
Cl,1M"4 of CU.-C4. If ..,! hl.lO UlM'T'.llk.'n tO oCi'lllO
Jour own putont and tall. .1. tl i-'Mllful linndlllni
of the o:im' nm.v I'-nd t'.HU.vs -c. H.-tol lot. u uritirn
r.'iiui'Ht addls'r. ii t . tho O iiilui-si. i ,.r of P.-oeota
tlint he rv.'i.Mi.i! (li.oniiK K. I.i Mi.N, of Va.di.
Iiiytou i, (;., a.! your iiltornry In I lie, if' vlntr
t!iu titlo of tlio invention imd ab. ut tlio date ii
lihnif your aeplir-ali.'ii. An i vi.i.iiiiallou and ro
t'ort v. ill eo-t you iiotlrinr. ti.-iiri'lii -i niado fof
t:tlf (o Itivonticviis, iii I iii t iinv ilil. H'liti.tliiii r. l;itl!,!(
to I'.it.-nt. ii.iiii tly lnrni! '...i, h of i'u : ,i it.i
mulled at P. ii pvu'iir (l..v, rniiiei'i rates, (2.)e.
HK'II ) lo Itn-lllU l' tlllrf01icell,'- !ve-p, ;.ie, i.-'.p:l
operation -ino W.'i. in I V .111 '1 Vi 'I 'I ' le:, I ' t tie ln
IMIIM Of UXIH-fi , I.H. ideM lOliTeoeo I'lill lul KlVfll
loAotiii.l , heoiB pi In:,..: fv. ry , mitt ,i, t!io U.H,
i .mi) .Iuul n-lati:;ir to l a:, lit-. f.i.. ii on l-iUir.
cj tith rt..i'iiii:u'ro.v,i.'.'.
Atlomic -nt-v--.v nml Sellci'nr til' Aincrl-
nn niol (''oi-id.i I'liii nts.
ml elllnv AWU I atf V wr Itefl.c
ol n ):il il oil tlao
. and the fnat.
prirx-r, ehvantly IdUHtiHlud nud Inmuurui i -mnd. a
C'llirr tKruki ttieir cquat. All new iu nu ('njtitKm.
3 en it-i y cleur. They matlufy tliu Atffiit 1oc'ujj thuy itli
(8i, Luti pcule on tux'uuut of their value
"Kewman's ilmsrlca." .V-JMlTJ-S
tiluKrpiar from tli Aiwu4 Ilulld-r tu tJul lMa
Tho Lives of ths imts Croihsrs.
'i bltultiy OompiotaftCOUUtttof tho MuMuri Uullnn
" Tha JsannsttB." l'Tr
nro i .1.1 f" n 1. 1
rictcnai ramuy unie, Iii.-.-k,.ii-
H Th only com-
i)llrti k.ttm-
ulnillf bulh niRlunaui tnt' .iw
ralmn hulk .Klalun uf'tllt' Tf It l ! i, LiurO
t'f.liirrs and 1 Hum rnt nn thn air otlmr tililitni.
J U mt I. list--" aL. r-i.- (CiAiut'd itr hit r.'
ruldly l-tinie riWrn.
" r. .ry n t a nW 'BTtrlT TPTfT.' ft
Wi itfl oiiiokir for circular ana term, iomwij is
X 38, B'J ft 100 Ketropjhtan lilock, ClUCAUO.
fadintf and infulii-
biuiiB, bt. Vitutt Dun co.
AU' Kt
injf, SrriiidM ami al
INt rvimttrind Hltxid Ih.
-r.e. 'J'n C)rj;yiHMU,
l.yirn, Litem ry AJou,
Mfn-huiits, l)nuktn,
l.&Jiw and all whona
t--,! ;i ry mi i1 .yintsui
cauboB .nrvoutt HriNttra--itu,
Irrtuiilantirs oi
- wd. tujch,
TTdWflS or Kidut-yii, vr
w h rci i u i i e a nunu
tonic, ttpiMNr ut
tliinuiarit. KAMA Iti
ValuihlM. Thousands
lr(K'ltuiu It tha unmt
vrundcrlul lnwtvruut
thut ttver nnetuiuvd the
WJlL(II nyrtttau. Fuc
flu. NEVirAlL.
rilE I) it. M. A. KICIIMOMI .1li:lCAliCO,
!! 0 v rjijMde I u r "St. J n-j i hjJM a,
! b3Fu5 bilFOniOS
M'b will stuI free livmnil n HMiiukj f.d of our Ri-Lft
( Vrmn Krnn ii und AiiitTu-mi tiii!H ( :ftnlr, mi tnld
mid k'"lu Kou!idHt wit ii a I'ricu l.'r.i oi ovit -tAJ diflnri'iit
d.iMiiim, (in receipt ei n blamii lor pohliiK--. Ww will
filsurx'iid Irt-e t inuil, hh mnupit s, t-u ut i.ur litmnlirul
t i i r iimm wii rti:-ii U'liiiinila in pjy fur pat'kiiiK oud
M.ii.tM; emu niciiisu it fipiin n in 1 ,t 1 prico HM t( our
hil. oil cKr..iii... AW . I'S W AN'i'iai. Addn-ps f.
ltA.!OS X- t'O.t i hiimmwr ht., U.wtnii, Muwt.
k Viyg pXDphlnt describ
l t : j u y rn t i'tweM
write I tiK Al'lil Maji A lAliAJiiCO. MauUtiid.U
ffi-nffl nniptl for t m Beat nud Kintrfit-wlliiyr
I'l. lorial Ijo-KhmihI Bil.lea, Vrit t-s rr-iinct-d pur
cuit. National I'i wi ih-ni . r'o.,l'iiiI.i'l. l.lji:i, I'd.
YHSftfR f.CCM Uys.u 'wain "to lim i.'icKr.iphJiii a
I V VllM l.rawlV U'v IiiiMi: ilr. Hlld tri 01 'IT H (ll It til Illa
tion, Kd;lrL-:j5 vA 1 ill j 11 11 hid., J- u . i:1h Win.
i UH.I .'I AN 111 :.1NK. K .NVVikT
JS . .. 'A'i.Us 1 t -I..! '..I. 1 .i:. .x. r-.ii.i!,. I',.
t r C V fM,n 1 r V i.-..r or (iu
VN'HU f';ir.) f,.r 1 .. :,-,.- -: t ,:t, ..1 : I li ,uis. Tin, lo
pti.'f. lii, ivu. . t , A. M.i..u.s. ihi.
. J 'ii. K Hi
- iu it-m fc i'i
1 M I mm
WANTED TSubscriptionBoeks
vv,sr,THi:x v,'ith'is thc hope ci
i -M TV
y WOMAN. .
Ar iTur Birr 1
' 1 '
A Mnrr) Cure for nil H"rAtE WEAK.
JiESSFS, lni luillntr I.rutiorrhtrii, Ir
rcffulnr nml 1'ninful IIrntrtin!ir.n,
Intlai.iiHiiiloii nml I'lcernllim f
(he Womb, 1 londlnit, I'Utl
ITrrirananf. lo the taste, cftleneloiiii pad lmmp.Unta
In lu. (root. It In a ffrrrnt hrlpln fnvirrmncy, nnj y.
iorrn jiain diuint? lalior and at jn-i jdrt.
ritVM(Usi si:iT M rnrsi iiiiii: ir im ii.v.
r CT" AlxlVKKsrs.-n of the p. in . itivp m'ana f. tuss.ud to no r. niedv bM iv.r
' r-en l efnre tlio J.i.l.lloi and for ail illenre vt Via
Kiosiivs it ll tho G'i-ro(r( Jinan.' y in llu' It oi cf.
J ?KInNKV ().1I PLAINTS of rilbrp HtT
Find firent Itellef In Iib I an.
111 irmlieato I'Vi'ty vrmia ol lliiinof. lion. Il"l
Plo'd. nt the winio time K ill Ifive tone n.ui .-! ; i iiirll. to
thunyntem. Aiuarvi.iloUKlii ri'iilt.siu.llit.Coiii, iitu.
lirBoth thoCoaiponnil anil Blood rnrlfler are tiro,
jand nt 233 and Ki WerU rn Anmuo, Ttuu, Jtonu.
Prlcooroltlior, 1. Blxbott!efiirL Tho romnmincl
la nt by mall In the form of pllln. or of lo onion, on
ioc!ti of prloo, at wr box for cither, airs, rinkliain
frooly r.nswora r.ll li.Itera of iii.nlry. liiid.wiociit
fl'naij Send for jiantplilet. Jlteidiun ttiln ifcjur.
C .-I.'Tita E. Prvvn'. I.iv.ji rn.ra euro C' Mtlriv
tioti, Xi.iU.auiie.jitLiul loir.lillly of tlm Llv. r. its euutw
t JtS-Solil by h!1 lruitib,tH.- (:;)
Ko Other i1Ioim ia aa in-oval 01 in fhU ..m-
j try tut ContiMit ion, ai,Iiu i:-l-v l:.vicvcrl
' 'quaUDd.tho oolvbratfU lUuN Wt.d: r aa n.
1 ouro, Whntovir tlifjrvmw.l'tiwovor oltuu j
) uio otuw, v;iia rumody wi 1 1 o vuivouw it
1 xaUa wa la vrry apt to fn
, wim oonatipr-tlpn. K Idn.iyAVorf n'l-nttus
j tbo weftkouudpuriaftnd quiokly vtn-.! nl Kind it
'of Tilea even wheaytiytuuuuaJi auid, i.ti,Au
' have before Liilcd.
DliaPUL CDHB. a It ia ftir ALT.
dliwauoaof tlio Klctneyo. Llvnr c-nil Howe's.
I ItoloaiuKAlhoayHlomol ixjison tlu.l
oau ea tho drontmd Btitferln wui'.Oi only tUa
vlotlma of rhmimntisin on .
oftha wtiral forma or thia trlulo 1 1 ic a.e havw
wa qiucKir ronovert, an-t in a Rhort Utua
(nrltalcanw, rr:nrihena end irlvca Xew
Idle to all tlio in Oirt.iut or.-nra of lh botv.
p Thu natural action of tlio Kl.l.i. yn is r.:stortd.
h The Hvor la clvims.xt of all oifirseo, tuad tlio i
r lowroiaanoTe frooly aid bciluUaUy.
f It Art at tho eamo tine tie jrnTTS, I
11VHI AND IIO WiU.rW 3 Mli.ll-. Dii. l.l.lMS.!". I irv can 1.9 mil bir mill. I
WI.I.I.S, UK 'I la II list iN . '!.. tnrltr.rton.Vt.(M
r TTniiiii ar- hi m i
arc rfrtainly H-t !nvlpr h"'n mi
VI II II I II'-. Kill vl'lll II.
4.U PETITION lor fl.Tll; i:At,'N no
ot llur Alnrienn ( IrirMlia hiivilia bi...l, I,. Kiel .iu:.l al .int.
Alm t'll K A I'liS'l', ISlylii 1.41; US, ... .( ; until lent
oomiHiMa and ..ii Willi beht iiu.luv. I r j...oulnr
aoomd and Foenliir niuic in ih.w.l. or ni;!,.-!. i.l'enlv
(INK III .MMCI II tll lll M'l'lI.IS.i
d(l, jfiiit, TJ, Hlx, Mil.t, k tils, I I,
to .(ft and upward. 7Vi Lwr h . . . . ...,..
rimlnt hy any o'A.r Ih-nnnn. Aki tnr imsv e- , i- .
N KV1 I.I.I KTKATlill t' s: ' i:.
'frtrftt 'I'lila UompaiiT Imve e n . i d
ilil I100..I i... I ore ..f 11" -il l'
UHS IdMMI PI ANOS, ie'i .u i u
tm;r!Nl intfrm r,cu ; ail.lltIK totM.wnr and Imot.J oj
tone and H',.1 a..' r".orr rw.,, ..,lf t.,.,, , ,
a mura uj othrr rittntit. 1 1.1 K.Ti.i t'lU
fl'I.A KS, with full part Ionian,, Mu:i:.
T1IH AlAntlN A: II A.lll, IN IMttiAN AM
I'I IMI II., Id I 'J'renioiil M IliiKtont Iii I..
1-1 lb Si,, . Vorki I IU WnbiiNli Ave.,t liieutiU.
ftrr ThisM.Y.Sinscr,$20
iKr ri wh -t f AtlMflinn-nni Krvo.
- j una nu. i lat-ritH-;. i.u-iiS ruimtiitf.
. htUKlft 'Hi tiiHliiumMi'. St nt
I IS on t--t triil-iar htii di-niit-d.
rftlill ""PPT BIoMi. trrKllall Hell
'"ti '"'d.. Mopn: M.i ttttiiifBl hub
Willi 5.!loottiul $1 Itook.univ i,b.
AImi m-nt oit u l lrti i-ln (ftlo
tiiiftl, hl'uunt i'f'i m,Ninfritt
t.-ii,-, diiiidir limn!- ari'l, (Tr--tll:ir.
till It tliilK illl.llM, tnv. A k
(1 l'm&Oii. 4; 'J Idixi itv,( hii aya
SiOO Library for SG.75
t'i.75 buvH a library of 1(10 voluion i ohnlrent fl Uil.bil
Niliidnv-hchoo) txMikH. ntiufc nrmtrikiil. li,Mil: nil mu.
liyiM'd antl aunilKrd; put up m pnmpliU t form, wire
hi itdiil, iiuht. and tliilie; will outlaot most exin iiMve.
(iih bundnd nml ritiy-t.ii boik uuw liwued. ChtaloKue
fr, Snitiiilo tnuik and library ax.chfcni:n. Uu oeiitit.
UA V1U O. COOK. 46 AdaiuB ttrwet, CtiuaKO.
I VI (.1. W3I9 '
,V'llllltiker!. liVlnilil. .elM. fil.-lllMrrf
r ivr-c. B.jJijiuii.i' tu. as jjty hi.. l.x.
the sciEvi ftv rrvri or, si:liv
Is a medical trfmUHH oa Kihannttvl Vitality, Kf rvoi
aud IMiymoal LHhility, Fiviiinttira Itelnix iu Mrt
la an indinpeniwilile trentine fn" every mnn, wiwthw
yoURH. Uiddle-ttfd (r tld.
In tpyond nil uiMiriHrn the mmt st r'.rdinir;
work on PhyKiolnKy vttr imiil'-hed. 'I'lut'" in n.(ii tu
whutver tlint iIih niurnnd or kiuulo rui riinm: r- ii:i
nrwibli to know but wiirtt id f uily BAuiaued. 2.runio
Intmcta thone in httlih how t rMnn.n so, arid tl.a in
VHiid how to liurmiiH wt'il. CiiHriuu miu lum lrmt mid
twonty five iiivultiultln f..r iM l..rin ut
hfulw Hnd chmiiio dmtits, tor tn.-h if whu'ii a lirit
tlniH ptobiciiui would chftjutt from tu ill). J.u.t-L,
tiik Hvir.yrv or Tirp; on, hi:i.v.
vut:si: KVATiiv,
Contain8 RiHl pawcn, fine btfd cn.frnvhii, is srp-rMy
bound in l-'ronUi inufliu, wulm.--J, luij tv'.il. Il ib a
uirirvHl of . rt uud bnasdy, w Air.-.ut tl lo b a l-ullur
incdiriil hook in tivHT) rSMitttti tl'Aii t uii li t:'. it .tilled clso
w.'imt) for diiuljlti tlij iriff or itie unmuy vAl bo iui and
d iu ovtsry insiiinru. Ju. hot,
i'itl.KVArid.N. Is no much aujri ir t.i nil otiiT i e.'.i on nir-dici.
lalllljtHltM UClUJpUr.ttoU Ut al'mnUloij IJI. iiOiVMl'id.
THE tet'lENn-: iV 1.1' I'i oiu M l-i-
IsBtntl)y mail, seiuirL'ly bul-jd, pwti'ud, ou rvoriptof
price, only uow edition), iuuili1!,'lt;i,
4ic. , aSmid uuw.
The autUor citn bo con.sultod ou all .di-iuod rtuiiiuif
btiil uiui exp-rii-ucti. Ad lied
or V. 11. 1'Aiiiii.U, .11. 1).,
4 Uulliiit'U bti'ttu L lioaiuu, Slnaa.
t -mm