ftlw forest cpnlUnin. J. K. WENK, EDITOR, WEMESDA? MORMNG, KELT. !J, 12. ItcpiitMicait Hlaic Ticket, For Governor, General JAM ES A. REAVER, of Centre county. For Licut.-Governor, Senator WILLIAM T. DAVIES, of Bradford county. " For Judge of the Supremo Court, WILLIAM HENRY RAWLE, of Philadelphia. For Secretary of Internal Affairs, Senator JOHN M. GREER, of Butler county. For Congresman-at-Largo, MARIOTT BROSIUS, of Lancaster county. Republican Comity Ticket. For Congress, HARRY WHITE, of Indiana counfy. For Assembly, E. L. DAVIS. For District Attorney, X. J. VA N GIESEN. For Jury Commissioner, H. O. DAVIS. Republicans Bear in Mind. That the last day for paying taxes is Saturday, October 7. That tbe last day for being natural ized is Saturday, October 7. Tbat the election, occurs Tuesday, 2iovembfcr7. . GENERAL HARRY WHITE. The Kittanuing iree Prtss, speak ing of the nomination of Gen. White, uses ihe following language which cannot be successfully gainsaid by any ot his opponents who have the least disposition to be fair and just in thir criticisms : "So tbe Republican party starts out under the most favorable auspices. In General White they have a candidate in whose whole public life there is neither a spt Bor blemish. In the midst of corruption that sometimes will creep into the admiaistration of the best government on earth, there is no one who can lay their finger upon a dishonest act in General White's whole public career of nearly twenty years. Ia this scorn of years some of our brightest political men have been 8ccrrcied with that terrible blight of political corruption. Many of thera have fallen and are now slumbering in oblivion. But General White's record stands bright to day and will bear the closest scrutiiy. He has not ia any sense been any man's man. lis has opposed Senator Cameron on many occasions when he was in the State Senate, and since he has been in the National House of Representatives. Ha has favored Senator Cameron whea ne was right and opposed him whon he was wrong. In this way he has pursued a uniform course of ac tion, which must commend him to all thinking men. What this Congressional district wants in the nest Congress is a man who has the ability and experience to demand from the National Legislature our just rights. The day has gone by when this district must be nothiuc else than "hewers of wood and drawers of water. We want a bold and aggress . ive leader. If General White is elected he will be one of tbe leaders in the next House of Representatives. He is the superior of either Robeson, of New Jersey; Iliscock, of New York, or Kasson of Iowa. This being the caso, why should not this Con gressional district gain the promi nence ? We see no other reason why it Biioum not. When Ueneral White takes his position on the floor of Coo grees he will command the attention of the whole House. He has great in tellectual ability, a fine cultured miad, strong reasoning powers and a gift of oratory that is not excelled by any public man in Pennsylvania to-day. He haB the experience which ii so important in national affairs. When he debates a public question, he arranges Lis points in logical order. and thus reasons with great clearness and power. It is important for tbe people to kbow tins in order that thoy may have a proper idea of the capa bility of the man they are voting for to represent them in the council cbam bers ot this groat nation. la votmsr for General White they vete for a man who will take his position in argument with any or the representatives ia CoDgtess. Jt certainly ought to be a source ot satisfaction to every citizen of this district, irrespective of party, ta kaow that they have a representa' live who can present their cause in an able and acceptable manner. As matters look it seems certain that General White wiH be elected by a large majority. l'eople generally admit tbat bis election is secure, liut it will not do to bo inactive. Every man must do his full duty, so that when the ides of November come, be will receive such a vote as will secure a most triumphant victory.' MAINE ! MAINE!! 3- v v. AJ'i'V THAT SAME OLD COON Icmocrntic ami Orceiibaek Fusion Knocked higher than CSilroy's Kite. Republican Majority 8,000 to 10,000. from The first gun of the season was fired in Maine on Monday. The victery is complete. According to the latest reports the Republicans have carried the State against Greenback Fusion, and Democratic Deception, by major ities ranging from 8,000 to 10,00. Robie, Republican, is elected Govern or over riaisted, fusion, by at least 10,000 majority. The four Republican Congressman-at-Large are elected by handsome majorities over the fusion ista. Beside? tli's both branches of the State Legislature are overwhel mingly Republican ; in fact the victory is about as complete as it is possible to make it. Greenback and Democratic fusion has got a terrible backset in this electien which will be followed up all over tbe land, wherever the de ception, is practiced. The Derrick comments as follows upon tbe result: "Maine has given another proof of her faith in James G. Blaine in her elec tion yesterday. As far as the returns have been received they show largely increased Republican gaius, and indi- cote that Greenbackers of former Re publican proclivity have leturned to their original faith. The fusion and straight Greenback tickets have' re ceived but little support from tbe latter class of voters." The Free Trade League of New York has given $500 toward the elec tien of Pattison as a campaign 6tarter, and $15,000 additional has been promised. Maybe this has not de lighted the eyes of Sara Josephs. Philadelphia Record, Democratic. The Republican Cooeressional Con ferees of this (25th") district met in Clarion Wednesday and nominated the only Republican in the district that knows enough to be a candidate for CongressHarry White. Com monwealth. Not exactly that, but the only man now nominated in the district who has the brains to represent us in Congress. Harry White was formally nom inated for Congress on Thursday by the Republicans of the Twentyfifth district. General White did not vote for the river and harbor bill at the last session, because be was not a member of Congress. Phila. Times. No, but he defended the steal at a meeting of the Western Pennsylvania River Improvement Association held at Oil City, on the Monday following ms nomination. Kepler's Democrat. Where in thunder was your wooden man Mosgrove about the time that this bill was passed? Did he skujk as usual ? Yes, he did. During the past month the public debt was reduced over sixteen million dollars. These mouthly statements of large reductions in the public burden have become monotonous, and are not properly appreciated, being looked upon as a matter of course rather than as the result of a grand system of finance that has caused the financiers of of the eld woild to look with aston ishment, and wonder how such grand results can be achieved, the work of wiping out the national debt going on silently but swiftly at a stupendous pace. Taking a working-day at twelve hours, the process of reduction was carried out at the rate of a frac tion over forty-three thousand and ten dollars per hour, or nearly seven ... j . ... ijuuujcu uuu bevenieen Dollars per minute. It must be admitted that this is not bad work for a people du ring their vacation period. Brook ville Republican. The Franklin Independent Pn speaks of Gen. White's nomination as follows: "Gen. Harry White was nominated as tha Republican candi date for Congress from tho Twenty fifth district, in the conference which met at Clarion, on Wednesday. Tho proceedings were transacted ' in open convention, and the nomination was unanimous. Gen. White was brought in and made an excellent speech, sum marising the issues of ihe day, which was vigorously cheered. ' His oppo nent will be J. D. Patton, nominated by a fusion of Democrats and Green backers. He will find himself "might ily in the grnss" before the harvest is pnthered in." One of Aleck McClure's recent en terprises discloses tbe dire distress of the Democratic cause in this State, of which ho is tho Lead champion, prophet and whooper op. Some time ago he publicly announced that cer tain "Irish traders" had arranged to sell the support of the Land League and labor vote to the regular Republi can ticket. This insulting roorback called forth an indignant denial from several promineut members of the League, and a demand for the facts. McClure promised that he would ex pose the schome in ninety days. Ho will ask an "extension" wheu that time is up. The recent Labor Con vention at Philadelphia knew what they were doing when they passed res olutions denouncing McClure as a liar and a coward for publishing these false statements about the workingraen. His reflection upon them, in which thirty thousand laboring men are branded by implication as a lot of purchasable cattle, only shows to what extremes of effrontery and slander a man may be driven in a bad cause. Franklin Press. STXONG FACTS! A great many people are asking what particular troubles Brown's Iron Bitters is good for. It will cure Heart Disease, Paral ysis, Dropsy, Kidney Disease, Con sumption, Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, and all similar diseases. Its wonderful curative power is simply because it purifies and en riches the blood, thus beginning at the foundation, and by building up the system, drives out all disease. A Lady Cured of Rheumatism. Baltimore, Md., May 7, 1880. My health wn much shattered by Rheumatism when I commenced taking Brown's Iron Bitters, and I scarcely had strength enough to at tend to niy daily household duties. 1 am now using the third bottle and I am regaining strength daily, and I cheerfully recommend it to alt I cannot say too much in praise of it. Mrs. Makv E. Bhasheak, 173 Frestmanst. Kidney Disease Cured. Christiansbunr. Va. . 18 hristiansburg, Suffering from kidney disease. ne tram kidney disease, ich I could eel no relief, I own's Iron bitters, which irom wnicn 1 tried Lrown'l cured me completely. A child of mine, recovering from scarlet fever, had no appetite and did net seem to be able to eat a t alt 1 gave him Iron tillers with the happiest results. J. kXLU MoNlAUUa. Heart Disease. Vine St., Harrlsburg, Pa. Llec a, 1&81. After trying different physicians and many remedies for palpitation, of the heart without receiving any benefit, 1 was advised to try Brown's Iron Bkters. I have used two bot tles and never found anything that gave me so much relief. Mrs. Jiwnib Hass. For the peculiar troubles to which ladies are subject, Brown's Iron Bitters is invaluable. Try it. Be sure and get the Genuine. Not Fail to send for our FALL Price List for 1882. Free to any address upon application. Con tains de scriptions of everything required for Personal or Family use, with over 11,200 illustrations. We sell all goods at wholesale prices, in quantities to suit the purchaser. The only institution ia America who make this their special business. Address MONTGOMERY WARD & CO., 3T nod Kt Wbah Avenue, tlikiifa, Hi. SWEDISH INSECT POWDER KILLS POTATO BUGS Ami All Troublesome Vermin. It will thoroughly exterminate Roaches. Ants, Rod Rugs, fleas, Lice, Tobacco and Cotton Worms, Moth, etc. It is a halo, Rure, ciuaiuy ana cneap, 11 will not poi son animals und fowls. Sample package by mail :;o cents, pout-paid. Stamps taken. Circulars free. A (rents wanted. Address JAS. II. JOHNSTON, lGtJKmith- uem si., rmsuurgn, ra. may ill St. 1882. 1MUNG HOLEMAN & HOPKINS! HAVE THEIR NEW STORE TFJs3S CMP, .3C33tfSl OF ALL KINDS, SUCH LINES AS WE CARRY AMRRACING EVERYTHING- KErr IN A FIRST-CLASS STORE. Call and soo our Stock. It will pay you. Wo havo tho Most Coinpleto and Cheapest Stock of . IN THE COUNTRY. com; axi look at oitii nuitn at XO 3.2. $ XCt10, & gO, DOM-AttOj FII FDR HATS, WBOLIATS, STRAW BATS. Zvy Goods in 22vcy Vtioty T SILKS, MERVELIEUX, BLACK STRIPE MOREYS. WE HAVE A LARUE assortment of BOOTS & SHOES for GENTS. ALSO A LARUE LINE OF LADIES'. MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES IN ALL GRADES CAKPETSa! WALL PAPER f5S! EC .A. 3 ID WIARD CHILLED MALLEABLE IRON BEAM PLOW ! THE 11 EST IN THE MARKET. Groceries of all kinds, Flour, Feed, &c. CALL AND SEE. NO TROURLE TO SHOW OOODS. mri?TiTiow ii:iii:i HOLEMAN TIONESTA, Pa., or SHERIFF'S SALE. BY VIRTUE of a writ or Fieri Facias issued out of tho Court of Common PIohs of Forest countv and to mo directed, thero will bo exposed to salo by public vendue or outcry, at tho Court House, in tho borough of Tionesta, on MONDAY, SEPTEM HER 2.-1, A. D. 1882, at 10 o'clock, a. in., the following describ ed real estate, to-wit: B. W. ECHOLS, Treasurer, for use of L. D. DAVIS now for use of J. 11. OS MER, vs. I j. D. ROGERS, Fi. Fa., No. 3 Sept. Term, 1882. J. 11. Osmer, Att'y. Tho dofondont's Interest in a certain piece or parcel of land situate in Allegheny Township, Venango county, now Harmo ny Township, Forest countv, and Stato of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows : llcsriiminp; at a yellow pine, the northeast cornor of tract No. 217 j Thonce alonK lino of same south 84 west 119 porches to a post ; thence north 88 west lot! perches to a post; thonce north 2 east 11!) perches to a post in the north line of said tract, ami thence alonir the same south KS east 150 perches to tlu place of beginning. Containing 110 acres and 71 perches, strict measure, be the same moro or loss, and being so much out the northeastern corner of tract No. 217 surveyed off as above by Win. inlands fjr S. J. Myers on tho 31st day of March, A. I . 1857. and numbered two (2) on tho subdivision so made by him. ALSO Tho defendant's interest In one other piece of land situato in tho Town shin, County and State aforesaid, bounded ana described as follows : Regaining at a whitooak bush tho northeast cornor of tract No. 210 : thonce south 2 west 150 porches to a chestnut bush ; thence north 88 west lt4 porches to a post and stones ; thence north 2 east 150 porches to a post and stones and thence south 88 east 104 perches to tho placo of beginning. Con taining 153 acres 120 perches, more or less, strict measure, being so much of tho northeastern part of tract No. 210 surveyod as above by Wm. Hilands for J. S. Mvers. 31st of March, A. 1). 1857, and numbered six (fi) hi subdivision so mado. Taken in execution and to be sold as the froperty of L D. Rogers, at the suit of I. W. Echols, Treasurer, for use of L. D. Davis, now for use of J. II. Osmer, TERMS OF SALE. The following must b strictly compHed with when the property is stricken down : 1. When the plaintiff or other lien cred itors becoire the purchaser, the costs on tho writs must be paid, and a list of lions including mortgage searches on the prop erty sold, together with Hiich lien credit or's receipt for the amount of the pro ceeds of the sale or such portion thoroof iu he may claim, must be furnished the Sheriff. 2. All bids must be paid in full. 8. All sales not settled immediately will be continued until 2 o'clock p. m., of the day of salo, at which time all property not settled for will again lie put up and sold at tho expense and risk of the person to whom lirst tola. Soo l'urdon't Digest, Ninth Edition, page 410 and Smith's Forms, page 3S4. C. W. CLARK. (Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Tiouesta, Ph., Aug. 28, 1SS2. A., II. DALE, (Succes sor to A. II. Partriimie,) Keeps constantly on hand an ELEGANT STOCK CF FURNITURE, which he sells at a groat reduction from former prices. A full lino of tOFS'IXM A XI) CASUISTS always in stock. in all its Rranche.s promptly attontod to. Chamber Suits, liureaus, Chairs of ill kinds, Mattrasses, Spring Reds, Lounges, Looking Glasses, Picture Frames, and various articles too numerous to bo mentioned. Oivo him a call and bo convinced. Prices reasonable. aug2-82tf. OR WORK of every description cxecu t ted at tho REPUBLICAN cllico. 1882. W ARTD ! fiioji axy soiiut.. &PIOPKTTSTS. PLEASANTVILLE. PA. SHERIFF'S SALE. BY VIRTUE of a writ of Fieri Facias, issued out of the Court of Common i'lcas or Forest County, la., nnd to me directed, there will bo exposed to sale bv public venduo or outcry, nt tho Court Houso In tho Rorough of Tionesta. on FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1st. A. D. 1882, at 10 o'clock, A. M., tho following de scribed real ostato to-wit: Isaac Colegrove vs. C. W. Hare, Fi. Fa., No. 10 September Term, 1882. Role it Davis, AttomevH. All that certain tract of land numbered Five Thousand one Hun dred nnil '1'im f.MII-M l. hundred and sixty-seven (1UI7) acres, and mxiy jMTciius more or loss, fiiiuatoin Howe Township (formerly Tionesta) Forest comity, in the State of Pennsylvania, war ranted in tho name of Jonathan Mifllin, bounded on tho southwest by tract mini; ber Five Thousand one hundred and thrf e (51(13) warranted in the namo of Jonathan Mifflin by the Commonwealth of Penn sylvania, and on tho northwest by Tract number Five TliouHiiml mm hum! An1 n... ono (5101) warranted in the namo of Joi:a- man lMiimn ami on the northeast and southest by other lands owner or owners unknown. Taken in rxnciitfmi nn.1 tr. Iia 0.1 ,1 na the property of C. W. Hare, at the suit or .Lattm; iiicru vc, TERMS OF SALE. Tho following must bo strictly compliod with when tho prupeny 13 siricaen uown : 1. Whon the plaintill'or other lein cred- lfnia ttftf'ifiin tlm niii.iliiH llm .......... .. ....... ... ......... w.,i, ruiiiii,.ni, uiu (Tjan Kill the writs must bo paid, and a lis$of liens including mortgage searches on tho prop el ty sold, together with such lien credit or's rocoint for tho amount of tho pro ceeds of tim Sul0OrRlli.il IWll'tirtn Oinfmif nu ho may claim, must bo furnishod tho OliL'l 111. 2. All bids must bo paid in full. 3. All sales not settled immediately will bo continued until n'ctru-L- n ,r i.n day of sale, at which timo all proportv not niiiikou uii n iii nniu on put up anil SOIIJ at the expense and risk of tho porson to whom lirst sold. See Purdon's Digest, Ninth Edition, pago 410 and Smith's Forms, page 384. C. W. CLARK, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Tionesta, Pa., Aug. 15, 1882. NOTICE The above Sale is adjourned 10 rnuay, sept, is, 188:2, at 10 o'clock a.m C. V. CLARK. Sheriff. Buckeye Force Pump To meet tho increasing domand I have made LARGE ADDITIONS to my stock, and have now a full line of goods. In cluding also STOVES, TINWARE. LEATHER, FARMING IMPLEMENTS, PISTOLS, I respectfully ask the public generally to EXAMINE MY STOCK before purchas ing elsewhere. HENRY HEBEIt JR., In the Einstein Ruilding, may 10-82tf. TI ON EST A , PA. F. F. WlIITTEKIN, II. C. WUITTKKIN, Sheffield, Pa. Tionesta, Pa. WHITTEKIN BROS., Civil Engineers and Surveyor. T.aud and Railway Surveying a Specialty. Magnetic, Solar or Triangulation Survey ing. Rest of Instruments and work. Terms ou application. 11 S M i CO S3 5 I h 1 1 5g 0 it l s m I'm , W 5 3 S3 ''lv;.V''-v...r'' vv-' .,, TIM ETA RLE, IN EFFECT July 2, A.M. P.M. (A. I'ttllrif Jtl.),V. M. A.M. 7 15 7 fn nr Pittsburgh Iv Jt 45 H( ill 1 50 4 H8 nr.... Parker ...lv 8 3112!.''!..,. 138 4 27 ar...Foxburg..lv 4't 1:: ., 1110 3 10 sr. Krnnkli11.lv 5 40 yt .i!.... , r. M. P.M. a7j. V M A. i. 8 55 2 20 ar... Oil Clty....lv 0 4'. :: ail 7 mi Itockwood I '.' V 11 5i Oleopolis ; 1 ;; 'I , t8 27 1 5'.i ...Englo Rock 8,.' H24 fl 40 President Mt (. I- H8H 1 HI! Tionesta 7 21 A 1,4 .'50 t7 54 fl 18 Hickory f7 U7 14 ..-,! v ..'j 17 47 ft 11 .. Trntikovvlilei 4 2,': '.1 1 7K5 100 Tidin'utc 755 4,'t,Hr:i 17 Hi 12 40 ...Thompson 4 t'; 1 : 7 00 12 25 Irrlnotop H27 fir' 1 0 40 12 00 Warrim 8 45 5 10 0 15 U 4(1 lv...Kln,ua....ar It 15 OT'.tU . ; v. m. aVm. (iVnf&Tcrie'lij) aTm. p."!.". ., 4 42 11 47lv.Cliii "iulon..iir 10 25 7 ..",) v: 4 28 1J 80 lv...Sh. lleld..ar 10 J5 1 ' -. P.M. a."m. (li.N. V..C i'.fvi XTm. I'Tm !" 4 80 10 00 lv...Rrdford..ar 10 5O 7 1. I . . 2 40 HOOlv Olnan ... .ar 12 80 . ! AtiuiTlONAl. Thain Leaves I'. i.n. I 0:45 a. m Ki117.ua 8:40 a. m. Arrive ! ,r Vinoton 0:25 a. ni. CHAUTAUQUA LAKE DIVISION. Trains lenve Oil City for Pet. I'm!. . '' tusvillo, Spartaiisbuig, Ceiitrnvitb . Mayville, Rrocton at 7:O0aiu, iii- i 8:00pm, :20pm, 4:15pm, HjiiOpm, r i ' 8:OOam, lt;45iim, i,:0(pm, .H:50,in, ',-. ., .,,, Sunday Train leaves 7:!V,'uin : hi iisjm 0:00pm. UNION it TITUS VI Li jR RI'AM'j;.-. Train leaves Titusvillo Sjliripo-; ... ,Vh Union City 7:20pni, Le-ives Vnion 'Ji; 6: Mtiim ; arrives Titusvillo H:40tm. Trains run daily except Sunday. i Stations. Traibs are run on riiiladolpV.i ! 1.; . Pullman Sleeping Cars botwtfji. villo and Pittsburgh on tiiun . K.i, 1' Rrocton 0:45pm mid rittsl.urglj 15h.i.' r-Ticket sold and bi.ggao c' ;' !.(.; to all principal poiins. Get time tables giving full inf) niHlii,.; from Compnny'n Agents. O. WATSON, Jn., Gen'! t-ipt. WM. S. RALDWIN, Gen'l Pass. Agent, 41 cV.43 Exchange St., nuf.,vo, N. Y. J. L. CRAK4 Airent, Tionesta 11. i 11 Vi "J'" 1 (1 M lnn? Pff'"n '.'-" ,i; 1 li ( F 'l Da.KLiN alfiiicHr ' U LJ r IsJcnuu r .3-1 . -i vm. ntiivt r:i !) lirrai.LlBLI II tnlmn as olrerlra. j i Hriuliif itur. Trellinlilrlti' tx'.ii Kainilrnu.lhfr invylimeiiirca'-aK. f io E 3 I. O. anil riprrss adilrsas to ln ii II : iv laJlAretiSu JTilUlVelpUla, 1'a. tkc principal u'rj,v: i SMEARBAUGM & CO., lraTers In gbocsbieg: TOHACCO, CIGARS, HARD- WA R E, Q U E E N S W A R E. G L ASS WW K E, TOYS, STATIONARY, V,TA LL PAPF.n, FOREIGN FRUI1S, VI i ETAI!Li:s, RAKERS UREA 1 ', C VO TERS, Ac. Goods Always 'First-Class JORENZO FULTON, M'anufacturcr of and Douk r in HARNESS, COLLARS, W.VJS. And all kinds of HORSE FURNISHING GGt;i;S may4 81 IONESTA. PA. Denier in s t o v 12 s, t i jf w a r: r.. )And( HOUSE FURNISHING GCHD ) ALL KIND3 OF JOR WORK PROV.I'T LiY ATTENDED TO. Tionesta, Pa., June 27, 1881. Estray. CAME to the Landers Farm in Har mony Township, Forest countv, '. , on or about the 80th day of July, 'lSo'.', small brindle eow vith lined ba. k, vcrv crooked horns, and fat. The owucr is n... tilled to come forward, prove propcitv, pay costs and take the same awat, othe wise she will bo disposed of ac.coYrt'iur t j law. C. E. LANDERS. Aug. 28. B2. HOTOGRAPII OALLERY, TIONESTA, PA. M. CARPENTER, . . Propriotor. " tmm-, urn Picturestaken in all the latet t i,ty:, a of the art. 2(3 u' PATENTS Solicitor el' Ai:r ri can and Foreign Patents, V. : 1 ; - 1 , D. C. All business coiuteot'.- I . .1,1 i ents, whether before the Pah tit cibco or the Court-s, promptly aitoi:.lid to. K.i" charge made unless a" patent in secured. Semi for circular. Bt-n-'-M-i !