The Tacht Arret lea. One of the most brilliant ncoMoi of the clipper era was the Yaoht America, bnilt ia 1851 hj James It. and George Steers for John 0. Stevens and ceveral other prontlemen, who desired to secure a vessoJ which would win the Queen's Onp at the annual regatta of the London Royal Yacht Clnb. She cost about $23,000, and her builders were to have a large bonus in cane she won. Alter a sail of twenty-two days and four hours, during five days of whien she was so becalmed as to make only six miles a day, she reached the neighborhood of Havre, her port or destination, and was met by a Channel pilot-boat, which at onoe showed the French flag, and was supposed, of course, to carry a French pilot. As soon as tho pilot stepped on board, James R. Steers said to his owq pilot, Richard Brown, who had brought the yacht from New York, " Diok, that fellow isno Frenchman." Immediately Dick walked up to the stranger, and shouted, in most em phatic tones: "I tell you wLat, iny friend, if yon let this yaoht scrape bot tom, I'll throw you overboard." Dick kept hold of the tiller himself, and would not give it up. As the yacht ap proached the lights of Havre the pilot confessed bis inability to take her in. He left her, and hurried in his own boat to Oowes, with the news that "the Yan kee fs the fastest vessel going." The Englishmen always spoke of the Amer ica as the " Yankee." So it came to pass that when the Steers brothers and the rest of the party crossed the Channel and offered to back their yaohts with wagers, they discov ered that they had been betrayed. There was nobody to take their bets. So confident of success were they that they had brought $1,000 each to invest in that way, while Dick Brown had manifested his faith by mortgaging his own pilot-boat in New York to John C. Stevens for $2,000, every cent of which he intended to stake upon the race. But the " French" pilot, who had been employed by somebody to get on board the America and learn her sailing qual ities, had destroyed their chanoe of winning a dollar. Moreover, at 11 o'clook of the night preceding the long anticipated regatta, the Messrs. Steers were informed that their yacht, which they had brought three thousand n.iles to sail, was ruled out of the race. Why ? Because it was " a rule of the club" that erery competing yacht should be owned by but one owner. Now the America was owned by several owners. The next day, however, August 21, 1851, the America sailed from Cowes at the moment the regatta yachts sailed from Ryde, and beat them handsome ly, aKhough the distanco traversed by her was nine miles longer than that traversed by the other yaohts. The ex citement was tremendous, but over 'the victory of the "Yankee" the twenty thousand spectators were mute as oysters. Queen Victoria, Prince Albert and young Albert Edward, how ever, paid a visit of compliment to the winning yaoht that did not get the prize. Her majesty was dressed in re publican simplicity ; the one thing that one of her hosts best remembers to this day is that she wore a plain calioo gown. The tastes of her maids of honor were less severe. On leaving the yaoht the queen asked how many men there were in the crew, and, on be ing told the number, drew from her pooket a purse, from which she counted an equal number of guineas, laying them one by one upon a plate that had contained some "ginger snaps" brought for her refreshment. With a request that the steward distribute the guineas, and with a po lite invitation to the yachtsmen to visit her at Osborne, she took her leave. The next thing the Steers brothers heard from her was that she had given them another "Queen's Cap," a pre cise duplicate of the Queen's Cnp for which they had not been allowed to compete. That is the cup which was brought home by them, and deposited by Mr. John C. Stevens and his friends in the hands of the New York Yacht Clnb, where it still lies safe, in spite of the repeated efforts of foreign yaohts to capture it. The visit to Osborne wa duly made and greatly enjoyed. Rarper. A New Craft. An enterprising young man who knew how to make use of his thinking facul ties noticed that many of the "new rich" were without the advantages of an early education. He therefore ad vertised in a new York paper that hi wouw undertake to supply them. His plan is to give tin hour or a half hour a day to men or women of the sort he de scribes. One day he reads and ex plains the items in the daily newspapers; anotner day be takes up the authors. poets, musicians, books and plays of the time ; again he treats of the eti quette of the parlor and dinine-room. Bat every now and then some lady sweeping out oi a carnage ana laaon with furs, silks and jewels, tells him she cannot read nor write, and then she has to work in earnest. He is a genius, and has to be. He writes love letters, poetry and advertisements : carries on one side of a lover's correspondence and battles with rich ignoramuses who are anxious to add Latin or Greek to their accomplishments. Jlbyming Table of Presidents. The following table of Presidents of toe United States is given in verse, in which form it can be easily memorized : The American Presidential line in seventeen eigu'y-uiue. By Washington was the liit began, Vi'bo ruled two terms, then Adatns one; Jefleiton, Madison, Monroe Bat for two terms each; and so Quincy Adams came for one, V bile Jackson through two terms did ran; Harrison died and lef t lour years ForTvler; one torm Folk appears; When Taylor died, and ieit three yean For Fillmore; one term nest for Pierce And for Buchanan; Lincoln then Was shot as his second term began, And Johnson sat uutil came Grant For two terms; Hates for one; and scant Four niouihs for Garfield, who was killed, An4 Arthur the vacant office tilled. Horses' ages are determined by their teeth. Chickens' ages the same way, only yen Lava to furnish the teeth o sir If. FACTS AND COMMENTS, Diving for black pearls employs a large number of men and boats off the coast of lower California. Traders supply the vessels anddiving apparatus upon the stipulation that the pearls that are found are to be sold to them at specified rates. These jewels are of much beauty and highly prized. A year's production is worth on an aver age from $500,000 to $1,000,000. Krupp'a works at Essen, Germany, employ 456 steam engines, aggrega ting 18,500 horse power; eighty-two steam hammers of weight varying from 200 pounds to fifty tons; twenty-one rolling mills; 1,556 furnaoes; twenty five locomotives ; and so forth, pro ducing annually 800,000 tons of steel and 26,000 tons of iron. The present population of his workingmen's city is over 15,700. The story is told of Lena Sherman, a reputable girl of Iowa ; but her lover proved to be a horse thief, and was Bent to the penitentiary. His counsel thought that a new trial might be ob tained by appealing, but there was no money to meet the expense. So Lena stole a horse in a neighboring county, sold it, and devoted the money to the appeal. The convict gained his liberty, but the girl went to prison. Governor Sherman has pardoned her. Colonel George Washington Jones. Greenback member of Congress from lexas, is the tallest man in the Honsa of Representatives. He wears blue flannel or checked gingham shirts, without collar or onffs, coarse boots and homespun clothes. He lives in Washington in a half-furnished, un painted, unoarpeted and unswept back attic room, lighted only by a gas jet in the hall. While his colleagues feast daintily in the oapitol cafe, he takes his lunch of apples and gingerbread at his desk. But this crude, harsh life is in vested with pathos and nobility by the fact that its sacrifices are made for the sake of needy and suffering relatives at home. It may not be generally known to landsmen, but all sailors are aware that, with a strong and steady favoring wind, it is possible for a sailing vessel to equal the speed of an Atlantic steam ship. Mr. Benjamin, in his article on The Evolution of the American Yacht " in the Century, compares the time made by some sailing Bhips twenty and thirty years ago with thai of the fastest steamers of to-day. In one of the recent "fastest passages ever made" by the Alaska, het greatest ran was 419 miles in twenty-four hours. Before 1850, the ship James Haines, built by Donald McKay, ran 420 miles in twenty-four hours. The ship Red 'Jacket, built at Rockland, Me., ran 2,280 miles in seven dap, or 325 miles per diem for a week. The Flying Cloud, Mo Kay's most celebrated ship, once made a4 Knots, or 43d miles, in twenty-four hours and twenty-five minutes, equal to 17.17 miles per hour. The difficulty sailing vessels experience in competing with craft whose motive power is steam lies, not in the ability of the ship, but in the faot that the wind is unsteadv. Garibaldi. In Hamerton's book. "TtnnTwl HIV House," giving an aooount of several years' residence in the Burgundy dis trict of France, there are some notes of a conversation with one of the captains in the army corps which Garibaldi led to the aid of the French rnnnhlin lom'n.f the German invasion in 1870-71, that illustrates the kind of sway which the powerful personality of the old Italian L. i 3 1 . , . ueru eierieu over ma iouowers. Garibaldi had just arrived with his command, in inclement winter weather, at the city near which Mr. Hamerton was living. His wretched health prevented him from exercising much immediate supervision over his troops. He was rarely visible, and, when he appeared, was obliged to move about in a carriage. Soldiers and offi cers spoke of him as our father," and not as the general. A captain said to Hamerton: "We have no discipline whatever ; but it is our affection for our father, Garibaldi, that binds us together. It was not for the French republic that we came here, but our father came and we followed him. Look at those men on that straw. Where will they be in a week? In the grave perhaps or in the hospital. Some of those fellows are well-to-do; others have not a half penny; the richer ones share with their poorer brethren; but whatever may be the differences of social station or military rank, all the Garibaldi ans feel themselves equal in the pres ence of their father, and all are equally cared for and loved by him. Yes," he continued, "there has been no snob influenoe exercised over the wills of men since Jesus of Nazareth was fol lowed by His disciples. There has been other great military leaders, but they were worldly men, and their followers weie actuated by worldly motive?. But our poor, dear father, Garibaldi, tji-bt what has he to offer? The liberty to iouow mm me delight ot knowing that we are near him. anil ahull sea iu faoe occasionally, and hear the tono of l. r : i i , i . ,. vis vuiue caning m cnuuren the pride of be in or his own. bin nlmnon tuhn hmra t i unto shared in all his nnrila. and V , ... w desetttd hiax to the last these are the only rewards that the belored faihor oners, or that nis devoted lather offers, or that his devoted children care for." Two Cabinets. The following cabinets make a con trast between the two elements or faa tions of the Republican party that will ue eiuuiea wuu interest: Garfield. secbetabt of state. Arthur. James G. Blaine. F. T. Frelinghuysen. SECBETABT OF THE TBEASUBY. William Wiudoin. ( Charles J. Folgar. SECBETABX OF WAB. Robert T. Lincoln, Robert f. Lincoln. SECBETABT OF THE WAVY. William H. Hunt. William . Chandler. SECBETABT OF THE INTEBIOB. Samuel J. Kirkwcud. Henry M. Teller. ATTOBMET OENIRaL. Wayne MacVeagh. lienj. Harris Brewster POflTMASTEa OEKEBAL- Thomas I Jaiua. J Timothy 0. Hows, LADIES' DEPARTMENT. Nriraitiiil Kates tor Women. President Barnard is ia favcr ot the new movement for admitting girls to Columbia college. Miss Lena Miller is proprietor of tho Rosevelt house, Ohio street, Indiauap oplis, and manages it with marked financial skill. Miss Lillie O. Darst, tho editor of a Ciroleville (Ohio) paper, was chosen al ternate delegate to the Republican State convention. Mrs. Myra Bradshaw commenced the publication of the Chicago Legal JVir in October, 18G8. It has become one of the foremost legal newspapers in America. Mrs. Haworth, of Thorntown, Ind., In one hour's timo, secured 105 names of women who want to vote, in addi tion to the forty-two names sent to the convention. Mrs. Smith, of Jersey City, has for some time been engaged in reducing the crude language of the Tnscaroras to writing, and in furnishing it .with a grammar and dictionary. Mrs. Mary A. Livcrmore, in an ad dress at the meeting of the Boston So ciety of Universalis, deprecates the Bending away to foreign missions of tho zealous and accomplished women, who are so much needed in home missions. Mrs. Porter, a wealthy lady of Chicago, has founded a hospital for the care of poor children over three and under thirteen years of age. It is sacred to the memory of her lost baby boy and is named the Maurice Porter hospital. It is pleasant to record that a lady who has been out of the country for ten years or more, engaged in missionary labor, returning for a visit and rest, has seen nothing that so much surprises her as the increased earnestness of the women in the work of the churoh. Prctbyterian, Tho Women's Silk Calture associa tion of the United States, at 1328 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, have offered ten premiums, aggregating $500, to be given to the silk cnlturists of the country who produoe the ten largest amounts of cocoons. Quality will also be one of the conditions. Two young women of Kentucky and Ohio, respectively, have received a patent for a pan to be sunk in an ironing-board, for the reception of the flat iron when not in use. The fracture of joints, burns and o'her carnalities caused by flat-irons will be known no more. This devise is a simple iron mold, one inch deep, eight inches long and five wide, to be litted to the board, and yet for this patent the young women were offered $5,000 the dry after receiving their papers. The informal Sunday meetings at the Woman's Educational and Indus trial Union, Boston, which have been held by Dr. Clisby sinoe the regular season closed, have been well attended and have elicited much earnest discus sion on the topics chosen Faith, Char ity, Imagination, and Individual or Universal Life of the Spirit. It was the wish of those present, who felt they received so much help from the thoughts given on these vital questions. that the meetings might ba continued through the summer. Fashion Notes. Neck chains are worn only for full dress. style for ladies. Shoulder canen am a. fpat,n-.-fi mi rnonv new spring suits. Tailor-made jersey jicltets are tho fa vorite spring wrap for young ladies. The old-fashioned watch fobs of our grandfathers are again in fashion. Beaded collars in solid jet embroidery on black Brussels net are very stylish. Small jeweled lace pins, matching the earrings, are used for fastening bonnet strings. Mousquetaire gloves ars the favorite style, and appear in Lisle thread for warm weather. Dainty little smelliug bottles in the shape of jeweled Greek amphora) are worn on chatelaines. Jumbo is the latest craze in decora tion, and Jumbo charms and ornaments are thown by the hundred. Among the rapidly appearing eccen tricities in fanoy jewelry is an ornament for millinery in the shape of sis tiny birds transfixed on a gild.d spit. The Alpine peasant hat, called the Montagnard, with broad brim bent down over the eyes, is to bo an exceed ingly popular head covering for seaside use. Pure wool-mixed cheviots with a dash of Cayenne red in the wocf will bo much employed for traveling dresses all summer. The facings and cordiugs are of red satin. Pompadour: silks figure among new fabrics for evening wear. These are chiefly in detached flowers in natural colors scattered over a light ground, and arcs combined with plain silks in shades to match. Black openwork chenille wraps in the directoire shape are muoh worn this season. They form a rich and elegant addition to promenade costumes of moire, foulard or satin, and have all the becoming effect of a black velvet mantle. A great deal of flcolle is used on straw hats. Some wide brimmed shade hats have the brims entirely covered with this lace, held by numbers of small, gilt-headed pins. A garland of flowers or a long ostrich feather completes the trimming. Ons of the prettiest and newest berthas for the summer is of violet tinted mnll, upon which are appliqued natural-sized heartsease blossoms of gold and purple velvet. The edge of the bertha is bordered with violet-tinted Spanish lace. A comfortable band for tying the hair for braiding may be made of silk elastic threaded through a shoe button, and sewed into a loop of six inchos or bo. The button must be fastened at one end, and when the band is wrappod around the hair the opposite end of the loop buttons over it. The lakes and ponds of California, according to a recent census bulletin, cover an acre of 1,000 square miles. Tulare lake is the largest body of water lying wholly within the limits of the United States. IYriVctly Amazed. In the San Francisco Evening Bulletin we observe that Mr. Rosenthal, of th well, known printing firm, Rosenthal h Roesch, SSS California street, that city, said to one of their reporters: " We all know of St. Jacobs Oil, and are perfectly amazed at the ouddennessof the relief it affords. If you know of any one who is iuflVring with rheumatism, bruise or sprain, tell them to use St. Jacobs Oil. " The streets and public places of Paris Bre lighted with 45,815 gas burners siity-tbree electrio lamps, sixty-five vegetable oil lamps and two hundred and ninety-three mineral oil lamps. Certain' an elegant remedy for all aches and pninf 1 . St. Jacobs Oil, says Dr. J. Tur ner, of Murrell's Ford, N.C.,inthe Ravens wood (W. Va.) News. The Presbyterian General Assembly will meet next year at Saratoga Springs, New York. "Their Ooenpnttan Gone." li. V. riKUCK, M. D., Buffalo, N. V.: I was at tacked with congestion of the lungs, soreness over tho liver, severe pain in tho Joints, a burn ing fovcr and giving away of the whole system. Failing to ftn I relief in rpmedios pre orihed, I (tied yanr "Golden Medical Disoov cry." It effected my entire enre. Your medi cines havo only to ho used to bo appreciated. If every family would Rive thorn a trial, nine tenths of tho doctors would, like Othello, find their occupati in gone. Yours truly, L. B. McMili-an. f. P., Breowport, N. Y. Berlin last year had beggars onoueh and to spare. The police alone arrostod 32,1)31, of whom 30,046, or nearly all, wore men. The women numbered 1,882, and tho children uudor twelve years of age, 1,003. Conlrt Ilnrdly Htnnd on Iter Vert. It. V. riKKi'K, M. 1)., Uutfalo, N. Y.i VearSir I must tell you what your medicine has done for me. Boforo taking your "Favorite Proscrip tion" I conld hardly stand on mytect, but by following your advice I am perfectly cured'. Tho ''Favorite Prescription" is a wondorful mediciuo for debilitated aud nervous ieoialo. I cannot express how thankful I am to you foi your advice. Yours truly, Mrs. Co.inf.i.ia Ai.i ioi, Teoata, Ia. Aix-ordiso to a writer in a French paper the United States, judging from its previous ad vance in population, should have, ia 11)32, a population of nearly 200.000,0110. The World's Dispensary and Invalids' Hotel, at Buffalo, N. Y., destroyed by fire a year ago, W rebuilt and full of patients. For 'invalidV Cluiilo Books." giving pariculars and terms o treatment, address, with two stamps, World's Dispexsaby Medical Association. Buffalo. N. Y. Weak.nehs is tho ocotism of coodness. When one hope departs the other hopes gather more closely together to hide the gap it has left. Wurner's Snfe Kidney nd I.lver Core. Conscience ia the voice of the soul; the pas sions are the voice of the body. Pcbe ooD-LrVEB oil, from selected livors, on tho seashore, by Caswell, Hazard & Co., N. Y. Absolutely pure and sweet. Patients who havo once taken it profer it to all others. Physicians declare it superior to all other oils. Chapped hands, lace, pimploa aud rough skin oared by using Juniper Tar Soap, made by Cas well, Hazard & Co., Hew York. . m U3 Cents Will Buy a Treatise upon the Horse aud his Diseases. Book of 100 pages. Valuablo to every owner of horses. Foetage stamps taken. Bent post paid by New York Newspaper Union, 150 orth Street, New York. . .. Skinny Men. "Wells' Health lu-uewi-r" restores health and vigor, cures Dyspepsia, Impotence, Hexua Debility. $1. Druggists. Sei d for pamphlet to E. H. Wells, Jersey City, N. J. A great improvement has recently been niado in that tieoful prodnot Carboline, a deo dorized extract of petroleum, which is the only urtielo that really cures baldness. It is now the linest of hair drersings. The Science of Life, or Self-Preservation, I medical work for every man young, middle aged or old. 125 invaluable prescriptions. RE8CI ED FROM DEATH. Wllllom J. CoUKliIln, of Sciucrvtllt-, Mant , nayc In tlx fall of I87G I was takun with blxidwo or ma lu.noi fol loweil by a severe coiyih. I lost my appetite ami flesh, and was cciulnttl to my bed. In 1ST I was admitted to the hospital. The doctors said I bad a bole In uiy lung as Mp as a half-dollar. At onetime a report went around that 1 was dead. I gave tip bope, but a Mend told me of OK. WILLIAM BALL'S UALSAM FOU TI1K LUNGS. 1 got a bottle, when to my surprise, I commenced to feel better, and to-day 1 feel better than for three years past. I write this hoping every one aJNIcled with Diseased l.UDttswUl takeDH. WILLIAM HALL'S HALSAM.and be convinced that CONSUMPTION CAN 1)K CUHKD. 1 ran positively suy it bas done more good than all the other medicines I bare taken since my sickness. 23 Cents 'will Bay a Treatise upon ibe Home and his Disease. Book of 100 paves. Valuable to every owner of horena. Postage stamps taken. Sent postpaid by NEW YOltK NEYVtUAl-U UNION, 130 Worth b trout. New York. Nrrvsns Debility, Weakness, Kto. Home cure by simple herbs. Snfferere may learn lust how to cure theuinolves at home, bv simple kikI liiirml. ns herlM. free by uiuil. Address Is A KL.H II KU II Cl ltHi Newark, New Jersey. l-LKN'K BRAIN FOOD 1-Mo.t reliable tone fur the llmlti nnd Oeneraiive Origins. It positively euros Kervuua Deliilily and restores, lest vinle lowers. Sold by druKKiHts. sjii H for St.). Free by mall on receipt of i rioo. JOHN il A l.I.KN. UoeuiUl, 313 First Avenue, New York. The feeble and emaciated, sufferlnK from dyspepsia and indigestion In any form, are advised, for the sake of their own bodily and men tal comfort, to try y Ilnatetter'a Stomach &s bitters. Ladles of 7- tho moKt delicate (-(.rictitiilion tfHtifv to lta harmless and - ertles. l'hy-lcians w1 evorywnere, aiRKtisu ed with the adulter ated liquors of com merce, prescribe it A3F as the saleat and most reliable of all -3 atomachl. Fors&le bv DruKKists and STOMACHI Dealers gcuerally. P AGENTS WANTED FOR THE ICTORIAL HISTORYofiheWORLD Kmbr&clnx full sUid authentic aocounta of evory nv- tiou of ur.ieiit siiid modern timet, nd including hintory of the ruw aud Jail of the Oreek aud Kom a o em i '.roe, tho middle auea, the crueadee, the leudal yeteiu, the relormatiuu, the discovery aud uttle meutof the New Wurld, etc., etc. It couiuiui tt 7 J fine historical emtraviiiK. aud ia the mot complete Jimtory oi the World ever uubltahed. 8eud for Hpeci lueu imee aud extra tirma to A,ent. AddreHa ATI un ai ULitiHiNa Co., Philadelphia. Pa. CIV W,IT WABTB wo urn isniMiMdt, TO Whukan Braai of hair B ball WO bcsVa r W THU'KEV ttrt'.KNliTMlN aM.d I VIGOR A 1 K tha HAIR autwuera doo'l I Lumhiif f.J. Trr tt.o fiaat liK. r l.hb kM HkVUl YT iAIS.rii. S-idONi.Y K1X LiMH U Ir. J. I.ONiA 1-r.s.. (Ji 1 .!. H1..0. Waaa. lieaara ml all ifclltMiuaJ. HIRES'?! IMPROVED HOOT BEER. c.iikLHiweDi&keaa KalloiiS ol a iciuuti.wLoleii"'kliijk! Tciu- el iHTiiuoe iKJvetuije. Ask our dru'KCit, or scut by umil lor If.ic. 0. E. Urn, is N. 6. -la. ave.hjla. fH?f ! lie 'P ofotf iiiBL Lb '.laVrKSi'Siii. 1 tlK AULTMaN A XAiUlK UO., Mamueld. Oi e . $72 A WFE K. f IV a day at borne easily made, noatly OulM Uee. Add a Tava a Co Auauaut,alaui. ' TImo Testers and Burden Hearers. From ttmn Immemorial tho homo has keen Man's boit friend. Hut a frw yoan Imok we ran all romemher the comparatively liulo Bltmilloti pnll to this mit Imlispuniahlo of an I inula. We suy comparatively llulo attention, fur the horse was as well groomed, and rertalnlyna well fed, as now; aiulat thopgrpatfrnihcrliiR agricultural shows you wonM see the pride r( the county ntul Htate stnhloa slid farms aemhled. Hut there was s conspicuous want of nohlo draitfrht horses, and as fur speeders well, 2. 10 was tho preal ultimate limit that owners In thrwe days desired to strive for. Hut now a 2:40 animal Is esteemed a fair rondslr-r, and fine animals only ilcsorvo tho nnme when llicrcnii shade the flr.t tiimrtorof the third tnlnnto. There have been Im mense strides forward Inthorlghtriovchipmcritnf liorsolloh Inthoclvlllzcd countries of theworld, as shown by the Uiue-rvcorOa of the racers aud iiiiiy dnnnrht capacity of tho humbler, but really more useful, work-horse. Many thlnet lmvoeousplred to chVrtthW dV-irnhlo end, chief nmotiB whic h have been the Intelligent. cure nnd consideration IxMowod njKin Ihennimnl in his every relation In a word, upon tho broodinc. Ami this hns not railed to Include a very tenons modification of tho old methods of treatment, dolntr mvsv, In mnny eases, with the inhuman and really savapo plans pursued in the eradication or even simple disorders and nilmotits.nnd substituting rational measures of relief in.sieatl. A prominent factor of this reform, nnd one Indorsed by owner!, breeders, fanueniaiid stixkmen the country over, I r. Jaooih oil, rooosnlzed by all who have used It as an exceptionally (,-ood remedy for the ailments of tho horse nnd stock gene rally, med io; more indications for its use nnd ellcclimr far better 'results than nny article of a curative or remedial naturocver Introduced. Such breeder.) mu uii.i - iii.isei oiners uiroiitfliont the countrv, who could bo named, nrc on the list of unoiiufi Uod endorser of tho efficacy of ,"t. Jaiohs On. REMOVAL Ibe filsonla Magnetic CloltiHZ Company beg to announce to the public that In order to accommodate the rrreatly increased demandfortholr Magnetic Carments they have re moved their principal salesrooms and offices from 465 Fulton St., Brooklyn, to 20 Cast 14th St., New York City, where all communica tions should be addressed, and all checks, drafts and P. O. orders be made payable. WILSONIA MAGNETIC CLOTHING CO, 25 EAST I4tn STREET, Hew York City. MAKE HENS LAY: Ad KukHhIi Veterinary Burueon and Chemist, now tivat'iii in tli in country, a that mtwt of the Monte ;intl t'utt It' Powders mild here are wort Menu trttMi. He i4 t hut HhiTidttu'i Condition Powdur are absolute Iv (Mi re and immensely valuable.. NnthitiK ou eartli will ijiuki hi'iiH lay like Sheridan's Condition Pw lertt. 1 Hmn, one teamnjonf ul to one pint ot food. Hold vcrvwlii're, or sent by mail for 8 letter utam, a. I. 8. JOUNKON & CO. , Boston, Mn formerly lUiior, Me. GOOD NEWS TO liADIES : Get up Clubs tar .r CELK, BSATSO TEAS, .ud teur. . bMutilul "Uoti lilt or Oc'.l Sail Tta Ctt," (44 ul.c.,,) cur on On. of lli.R. fa..mlful Tea tnll biv.d .w.. Ut u. iwrljf tujiit. Dubr.r$U.0 H.w.r. f lb. lu-e.11.4 ' CHKAP TEAS " Ih.t mr. U.IDC dv.rtli.d lli.y tr. d..f .roof tnd d.lrlmtnul to liMllb ltw puling llotl ouly wllk roiubl. tlnn.. .nd with flnt b.ntl. If ki..UiIk No bumbuv. The Great American Tea Co, Importers, P. O. Sol . II a 11 VKSbT ST., N.w Yorb. TEA In atmndaDfe S.1 Million pound! Iiunoitfa lunt ycar-Prlccs lower than ever. Airents wanted. Duu't wioiiM tliiiUrf aLUd for circular. lO Ibn. iood Black or Mixed, for f 1. lO 11ms. f'ln Block or mixed, lor f i. lO lba. Choice Btlttck or lllxeI, lor tfU. Send ror pouml sample. 17 eta. extra for pontage, l.i. n net ui a clul). t'holceirt Tea In tlie worlJ. Luselt varlcty.-l'leiuwe everyoody.-OrdeBt 'lea House In Aim'rlca.-No cliromo.-Se Uuuibug. StaMifht bnkiueBB. Value for money. iSit's XtVLl. St..N. V P.O. Box KM. FHAZBR GREASE Drat In the world. Get the aenulne. Kverr M tt-k .tf.i Iion .iiir M'ttitr-iKiirlf nn.1 lt marked Kinz.i'. HULU EVEUYWIIEItE. I'lirBoutt' Puruatlvfi PIUm lnttke Nitw Rich Ulontl, aud will eonirlt'teiy cIikuks tiiu blood In th ontim h Htt'in in thie month. Auy iraon wbo will t:tko ono pill ourb tiirlit trout 1 to lwHoknuiay be rt'stoi'ed to pnmtil lifultti. if such a thing te jxMimle. hold pven-whero or wnl uy mail lor s IcttHr ftatniis. 1. S. JOHSON Ai CO., Uoaton, JUa.a., foriiirrly llmtuor, Ule ni.INOS.A J AR Retainers, which obnata ftrinuB, lor'J.V. in poBtHuestuniin. Afnia BlituU. iRar Co.. -214 Wttot iHtU blru.-t, Ki w lorE City. FIortliln Habit (nrMt In la loUOriiiya. Nusu;till(:urnl, Un. J. biWHi, Luliulioii Ulilo. WONTH AGENTS WSNTEOBO beat ' selling an U.Wsln the wurlu ; 1 aniilr fi-tt, YWwWAildrw Jay lll on.un, IVlrull. Mic h. YMINiMFN Ifou want to lPrTTT3pauhyln IUUI1U lllt-H few months, and ba nrrtalnofa witnatlon. srldifwa Valentmn bron.. Jauenville, Wis. tCC a week in your own town. Terms and M outfit free. Add'i H. HALi.KTct Co..Purtlitiid,Miiie. fi l llA handsome net of rarilH for 'Ac. slamp. yollKtors. A. K. HA HSETT, Rochester, N. y. ami norscmen ns Arislliles W eleh, li.,of Krdi :i he in, near I'hilndclphln; Mike tioodin. K-.i., 1 elmont 1'iirk, l a.; Calvin M. I'rlest, formerly in rnatvo of Mr. rtolort itin.p'B v..... x-.'.-t. . AXLE II Bid Eli! . mmm mm www.ihn aw Man w M mmr m ESrOSIZIONE MUSICALE IN MILANO, Hot to il l'atroclnio ai tl. SI. la Iteglna, Palazzo Del R. Conservatorio. AT THE GREAT ITALIAN MUSICAL EXPOSITION ITALY 1881. flrremly rl.-aml l Milan, wm probably thfl MOST EXTHAOllDINARV COLLECTION OF MTT8IOAL NbXHUMENTS, old ftud uew, ever bronbt too ther; Hilly illiint nilinir the grout itnmw which ban IrtMa made nnd irrsent bU'.b exoelb-nce iu thin dtipnrtuieut of manuim t uron. Alter exbai.Ktive f iftuilnatioD, imM and comparisons, extaudinji through a period oi several uionlhH, inori tbun .'0 Award wtsr made of modal) aud diplomaH, In n-cat-'nttiriu of d'LrreAS of snor-rxi-rtleure attained u tUft varinua deiiartmeiiU of miiMcal art and uiftiiuliu turH. Kor KlvivD INbTliUMKNTS, iucludiuM OrKaoa u.4 Uaj Uioiduiua uf all dokciii'tlous, Kurovean and Anierlcau, THE CRAND SILVER MEDAL, being the only liifihest award in this department, was conferred upon tbe MASON & HAMLIN ORGANS. Their nmnlifiLctlirHra v&lne iii',tliiiLii the ocoiiKlnii.'.pe iallv an 1NTEKNATIONAL MI1HICAT. BO Plth-KMINKNIl-i MI MICAL. The Masim i llanilln UiSKojal Court t) Carlo Diuvi of Rome, anil wnrui CDUimcn.lnlioii from tueir Majftetiia tliu King aud Queen. Atall the great lMHt, IMK srill tl, K 1'.ITI4I for toiirtceu learn tlieaa (5mii nave roouived the 11 1 liit E'tHlONOIte), bang il unit American Oryatu uAJcA liucv ra en cd tuck ai any, IMPROVEMENTS Diirlmr the year Juet dosed this Company bars introduced tinproTSments of mi vj, greutor value than lu auysiuiilar puriod since the introduction ol the AiUttrTcaa Oruan by tbem, twenty yeura since. FLtRANT STVI ? uow received from their faotorius daily. surpaasliiK lu capacity ud exosl , , . 1 Lt luca anythibu which ha before been produced, and oarUinlv worthy to ba ranked with thsyanx vinkkt musical iKrueMKNrK in ma woiii.ii Thcv are In ca. of solid blai m oil- HUT. MAMOOAKX, AU, KUUMiED. Ul., at tiuuuHyrkmi, POPUl AR STYI F including, also, the most S1IUU. EASY PAY ME. NTS. 7"'"? 0,,M " sold for ' ininikiiiw pi for an oivaii. A NEW ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE, PUCK Lirrt and cimilars. will be ant free to mhv ouh any organ uuhoul Inning en these circular, tvhtch contain unuh uitt iiot uuilu i uitoui qtiom. MASON A, HA.V1LIN ORGAN AND PIANO CO., f UB .J 1 11 IZ KM v : for human, fowl and animal flesh, waa first prepared and Introdneed by Irv tleo. W. Merchant, In lxckport . T., II. t. A., lri:iR, since which tlms It baa steadily crown In publle fayor, and la now scJiuiwledred and ad ml tied by th trade to be the standard liniment of tbe country. When wo make tills announce mtnt we do so without feat of contra diction, notwithstanding ws am awara thero are many who are more or lss prejudiced against proprietary remedies especially on account of the many hnm buns on the market; however, we are planed to state tlml such prejudice does not exist BKiunsi uakhi.iimj hi i- " clniin tvotidi rs or miracles for our liniment, but w ilo claim It Is without an equal. It iapul up In bot tles or inreo siu. nu n ask Is thai yon iirve It a fair Irlai.remcmWrinif that the Oil put tip with white wrapper (fmall) Is for human a.nd fowl fWh, and thut with jVilote wrapper (litres sizes) for ,nl- m.'il fl Try a bottle. As tluveents indicate, the OH Is nsed success fully for nil diBoiven of tho in man, owi ana" iiwmI thake well beforo using. Cannot be Dlavputod. One of the principal reasons of the wonderrnl euccees of Mer- SfXf-tm chsnt'sl'sivliiigOII Is that It la -lytft V.1 pounds, but iic the very best goods to be bought In 1 tliemarket,regarrilessofcosL Fot half a cetilnry Merchant's Oar it.. tu I..- I.n avnniivrrj for K . N honesty, ami win commus ' fl' If.rfl.L mn. Ion's as timo endures. Kor tXIW-r-1 sale liy sll respecuble dealers tlmitighout tuo United States and oUier oonntrlea. Our testiinnntais oib innn t to tho present. 'I'ry Merchant's Oargllng Oil Unlment for Internal ,, am external use. ana wm vm vfeKll.. .1, i.-t .....l it has loaa ,DM urijiin-oi lioift fail to follow directions. Keep fA bottla el! corked. Ml'-'rs Hum' aud vUiLO n.MliI". ,'liiil'!ain--, VrnKt llitcs, rut. h -s or Orcaau, ''Inippe ' H-l'ldi, ; IM:miiiS -:..u.l Ci-.iekv, PollErU. I'.ilx ill llM liilnls. Sci'irs. Tumors, H.-.ll Wolin l. Sitfnst, tmii'otie, Foul riccrs, i .Kit;et in Cows, Farcy, t'nu'ked T-'His, i'lilloiiH, l.nineness, Horn DiMtcmiier. I'mwliKcab, tjiilttor, AlweiM ot tho Udder, Sprains and prnlses. Nlrini;halt. WlndgaJla, Foot Rot in Sheop. l-'oumlered Kst, ltoup in Poultry; Hore Nipples. Curb",. Cra. k.l lleeis. Old .Sores. EplsiMiile, Ivimo Hack", lieuiNri!utas or rus. 'I'outlmche, ItheumatisnV Hjuivins, Bweensy, CuriiH, vhitlows, Veaknessnl the Joints, I'ontraiion of Hiisolea, Oallips, Hwellod Imf, Fistula, Mauite, Thrusb. Cakod Bruauta, Boils, ke. St MOO HK'A1tn for proof of IhssxhH- ' .. r m. l.n(.,.a I nlmaiti lhl "Merchant's Oargllnj; Oil," or belter worm medicine than '.Merchant's Worm Tablets." Man. ufaclured by M. U. O. Co., Lock- port, N. Y., IT. a A. JOHN HODCE. Seo'y. flAPHTO PimiTtn rui ..i Tk, i lure " I IIV O-lWhtW ADVENTURES orTus NOTED OUTLAWS, JAMES vi , con' ii tnnj cnnpU rjuthtntic, acroutit qf the lloltl fllihwRTmri. t.'ittt infortmtfion about tfte plinoilitB i J Tfi0 tnoht livit'ly inlerrtiUntt and tuvlting btuk firr irriUtH. fciilly llhinl ai ti. rlin qtilck for tenim, wbirli are vt rv hU'nvl, aud uu cu aialo mouoy tntt. Now ih tbe time. lOl n,AH HKOS., K.7tb St., riiiU(llphiA. T. 1'hnnnirrnphT. or rbnnrllo Hfiofhnnil Pftlalntiio if worltp, with Vhono(rnphio alphabet iimi ill lint rut ion, tor bfiMuii'-rv, Rent on applio tton. Aililn1, Hnnn Pltniuu, Ciocinuati, O. ONE MILLION COPIES SOLD. EVEHTK0DY WANTS IT! EVERYBODY NEEDS 17! KK0V7 THYSELF.ife THE 8CJENTF OP T.IKF.i OB. KELF I'RESEKVATIOV, Is a medical treatise on F.xhansted Vitality, Kerrmur and riivsical Debility, Premature Decline In Man; is au lndisi'cnsuble treatise for ever? man. whsther youLK, middle aged or old. rilK feCIKM'K OF I.Il'Ki OB, 8ELF. PHUciKllVATION, Is beyond all conifiarison tho most artraordlnary work on Piivnioiiy vor nuhiiislied. There is nothuiff a'hatuver that tha inarritHl or sinfile can either re quire or wish to know but what Is fully explains. JUTOHtO titvUa. TUE HCIKNCE OF I.IFEi OB, SELF- FHE8KRVATION, Instructs thoae In health how to remain so, and tbe iuvitlld how to beoomewell. Oontalus one hundred and twenty-tiveinvaiuable preacriptlunsforall ioram f acute and chronlo dlaeasen, tor each of which a ttrst-cliuui pbtsician would ohargs liuin Mto fio. Lonttou Lancet. TI1E tClENCK OK I.lFPi OK, SELF' lK:KUVAT10N, Contains ynnpniies. tlneateel engravings. Is superbly iHHiud in tr-Mii ii nuiHjir), embnsKfctd, full gilt. It is a marvel nf ttrt uud biiaaly, wunuuted to do a better niean'al lxok in cvtrv senHe thun can be obtained el-.ewhi-re for double the price., or the mousy will be reiillidcd ill eviiri uiaUuc. jIufAor. THE M'lt.Vt'K OF T.IfKi OB, 6EXF- I'ltlCSliHVATION, Is so mneh snprrinr to itll other treatises on medloal siitJe;ta tlw.t coiuimriou IsabsoluUily lmuofcubls. littaton Jitruid. TUE bCIKXf'F. OF I.I FE i OB, SELF- I'KESKKVATION, Is sent by mail, securely sealed, postpaid, on receipt of price, only SI. 'Jo (new edition), small Illustrated samples, Gr, bend now. Tuo author can bo consulted on all diseases re quiring skill and experience. Address PEAOODY MEDICAL INSTITUTE, or W. II. 1'AKKEB, III. 4 Bnlfluch Kteert. Itn.ton, Mass. t;n Of 1'crdnv mi home. Kxmples worth f fres J tu AdilnsMiMMjw aCo..l'ortliuid.MaJus. 1V'5;f-"'-?--1 tnanufnetun d strictly on bonor 'tmJ,-F' lis proprietors do not, as Is the i1!'" - if' case with too iimny, after making . Li'--.-i1l,e' for their iiuMilrlneansme.dlmln i.... 'iV.TrlTL ..rmril... ) iiHiiiir liifatlor eora- rite i-?itvc??a -TBS .. LBfrSji;. jvi V&fi f-'X'ik 'n'Tiff the N,: ' r v 1 9 1' liRtinction tho morehlffhlvbeoiuso of thetmportsncsnf Orians wcr honored hv eMicciiilexhibitlnn liefora NDUh till All CUMfCllllUN IN 1 UOUiNTKI i40. 330, e 300. aJUtt, U JtU, Si JO, IMi valuable of the recent improvements, and srtap adapted to cash or easy paymenta. or wUl be rented until rant ieJHUf1. fulW dM-rih!ni7 aul iltudtrattn VOR1 HAK ON'K IIIIN'nUKIl KI'VI P fiff nnp.ivi anil. , dtiiiiiL- th-m. Ceruunh nn hiui,i t.uu or rsvi