Ticking Horrifs. Away to ths hillside on swift littlo feet, Trot quick through the meadow In shadow and un; Rroad bums and deep crowns over brow tkas arc ewoot, And round rosy checks that are dimpling with fun. And liome from the hillside on slow little feet With baskets as heavy as faces are bright; ' And who will be first the dear mother to greet And neehor surprise and her look of delight? Dut she never will dream, by the berries they bring, Of the millions they loft whore the twool berries grow, Away on the hills where the merry birds sing, And the brook danoes down to the valloy bolow. ifargart t SangtUr, HUMOR OF THE DAT. Underground work An earthquake. Can a shepherd's crook be termed a ram rod. How to keep house Refase to place a mortgage on it. The strongest man is rarely strong enough to hold his tongne at the right time. " Hard-xip " asks : "How can I turn an honest penny?" S ippose you try putting the other side up ? " In the bright lexicon of youth there's no such word as fail," says Bulwer; but Bulwer never tried to crawl under a circus tent. There is a complaint from England that leather is found in American sausages. Good gracious, do they think we can stop to take the collars off the dogs? Kmpp. the cannon maker, now em ploys 13 000 men, and yet complains that he is behind his orders. Ho is safer behind his orders than in front of his cannon. " Yon are as full of airs as a muBi'o bos," is what a young man said to a girl who rofnsed to let him see her borne. " That may be," was the reply, " but I don't go with a crank." SEOOND-HAND OlttLS. " I want one servant girl," he said, "One maid, to order, so to speak." The employment aigeut scratched his head, And told the man to call next week. Next week he came as per request The clerk could (urn ah no such grade, But quickly put hi miti 1 at rest, - lij giving him one ready maid. Land me five dollars, Joe?" ' Can't do it; in fact, I am just going over to try and borrow five from the dootor." " Well, then, you might as well make it tea and I'll take five of it. It will make it easiei to pay, yon know, if it is divided up between us." The next total eolipse of the sun to be seen in this oountry will be on the 28th of May. Astronomers ray the central line of the totality will be from New Organs to Norfolk. There is no need of hurrying np with that piece of smoked glass. The eclipse will occur on the 28:h of May, 191)0. Professor to classical student: " It Atlas supported the world, who sup. ported AtlAS?" Student: 'The ques tion, sir, has often been asked, but never, so far as I am aware, satisfactorily "answered. I have always been of the opinion that Atlas must have married a rich wife, and got his support from her father." A sajacious DmUey, In no part or the world, probably, is the pa'lent animal, which is too often treated with cruelty, so well cared for as in Spain. In this oountry the donkey and the mule are pettel and become great favorites, and among the peasan try they are almost lookei upon as mem bers of the household. As showing the wonderful inQaeuca which kind treat ment will exero se, especially on the donkey, wo are told that a Spanish peas ant who possessed one was ia the habit of journeying from his home to the city of Madrid foAt'ie i urposi of oonvevinaj milk to the custonurs whom he supplied there; and every morning he and his donkey with laden panniers went their arcastomed round. One day, however, the peasant became ill, and having no one to feenJ, was in rather a serious d 1 mma; whereupon his wife Rug zested that the donk y shonll be dispatched atone. Aooordingly the panniers were filled as usual null the oans of milk; a piece of paper wasattaohed, requesting customers to measure their own milk an i return the cans, and the donkey HUrted off. In a short time the faith ful creature returned with the empky cans, having duly pe:fjrmei his errand; and not only did it oontinne to do so for several diys, but itsnas'er after ward learned that it did no! mor dy go the usual round, and trubt u .uu cus tomers coming ont to it in the road, . but cad the sagacity to gi np to their doors anl ring their balls (which in 8pain often pull downward) with its mouth, From a Kasslan lUilroad Carrlag-e. The following is from Galenga's "S miner Tonr Through Itissia:' A dead Hit, hardly broken at intervals by a wave cf the ground, by some long, low ridge or small 6orubby knoll; in terminable, monotonous woodland; not primeval forest, but mere young birch and fir stnnted and ragged, with here and there a rongh clearing, a pateh of coarse pastnre. Anon, great rye fields, stretching beyond man's ken, checkered here and there by more or less abor tive attempts at wheat, barley or potato crops; the ground, as a rule, without hedge, fenoe or wall nobody's or everv body's ground open to the inroad of cattle; a sandy, salty, to all appearance irreclaimable, soil; a backward, slovenly cultivation; the cattle neither well bred nor well fed; everywhere a sense of loneliness; only at vast distances log houses and barns, mostly untenanted; horses, cows, sheep, turkeys and geese in flocks, unattended; and, further off, straggling towns and Villages, with high-domed churohes and tall factory chimneys; and near the stations great piles of wood, solidly ranged in rows of logs of different sine and various colors, as high as housed, and not without some architectural pre tenoions, and some arlistio attempt at qtumt, tasteful patterns. FOB TUB 1J.DIES. Nfvra unit Notes forWemrn. Mrs. L O. Ooburn, a lady of Sun Antonio, Texas, has 4 j.OOO silk worn; tt work In her yard. Dr. Anna Warren, of Emporia. Km., has a practice of 5,000 a year, besides mining interests, that Hill give her a oompeinoe in old age. Miss linla WstbU is secretary of an ex change for woman's work, recently established in Detroit, which bus met with decided success. Mrs. Dr. Tyler Wilcox presented a ballot at the polls of the West Joplin Missouri school election, but the judges declined to receive the vote. Miss Lizzie Sargent, the younger daughter ti the minister to Germany, intends to pursue her medical studies at a Oerman university. She is already a qualified physician, having been gradu ated at the Faciflc Medical oollege. The progress ot women toward com plete parity with men iu all the rela tions of business is illustrated by .the establishment of an advertising agency atDoston, jlJlaisdell & Foster; and the proprietors are Misses L. A. Blaisdell and E. F. Foster. Mr. W. E. Kollook, of Madison, Wis consin, haB four daughters. The two oldest are well-eduoated physicians; the third is a successful and popular minister of a church in a Chicago su burb, and the fourth is a successful dentist at Chicago. Several ladies are employed on the staff of computers in the astronomical observatory of Harvard college. It is said that women have shown them selves specially competent in the ordi nary reductions of observations in more than one European observatory. Mrs. H. F. Crocker and Mrs. H. A. Johns were appointed as police matrons to look alter women prisoners in police stations and courts, through the action of the First Brooklyn Woman's Chris tian Temperance Union, which fur nishes the money for the purpose. In Wisconsin a committee of women consisting of Mrs. Emma C. Bascom, wife of President Bacom, of Wisconsin university, Mrs. B. L. Delapaine and Mrs. Heln E. Olin have undertaken to introduoe suffrage literature into the newspapers of that State as far as pos sible. At the last election held in the city of Cheyenne, Wyoming Territory, 1,434 votes were polled, 610 of which were voted by the women. This pro portion confirms the recent statement of Governor Hoyt that women vote in proportion as largely as tire men in Wyoming. J ndge Brady has common sense to snp port him, even if he lacks legal prece dent, in holding that a wife has aright to sue her husband for damages from assault and battery. The reoord of wife-beating and wife murder in this city has become intolerably long and offensive. Christian Union. Five women, graduates in good stand ing of several reputable medical col leges, applied reoently to be admitted to membership in the Philadelphia County Medical sooiety, and were black balled, although the society bad previ ously voted that women should be eli gible for membership on the same terms as men. A lady, Miss E. U. Keely, is the pro prietor of a large establishment for t e manufacture of steam balers, fixtures and machinery in Williamsrjorr. li The receipts of her business exceed $2 000 per month, and she sells her goods in all parts of the conntry, Eat and West. She was once bookkeeper for the firm which carried on the works, but it failed; the basiness was sold and she became the purchaser. Mi Alice Fletcher spoke to a dis tinguished aud very mnch interest d aulience in the parlors of the Foundiy church, Washington, recently, c-n her life among the Indians, and the measures which a regard for their Wel fare and the general publio interests require in their treatment. The meet ing was held under the auspices of an association of Indies interested in the Indian question, of whioh Mrs. General Hawley is president. , The " New Ceatury Club," of Phihi delphia, one of the largest, is also ore of the most conservative of women s organizitions. One of its standing rules has hitherlo been thot the ques tion of woman suffrage could not be broached in its meetings. By general consent.thisrule was set aside, recently, and the tabooed topio was the formal title of the paper read by Mrs. Turner, one of the founders of the club. A Beoond innovation was made by having gentlemen dieouss the paper. The meetiDgis reported by the correspond ing secretary as one of the moat interest ing ever held by the society. Fashion Notes. Ruches outrival rufllas or plaitingg for dress trimmings. Ficelle or twine laoe is used alike on silk and ou cotton dresses. It is said that dark blue canvas shoes will be much worn this hummer. New embroidered lace fichus of black net glitter with a dense covering of fine cut jet bugles and pendents. Pale ambei and cypress green are fashionably combined in French din ner toilets of satin aud. moire. Long cnrled hair in the back is again in lashion for little girls, but the curls inubt be large, loose and few. Velvet loops and large Alsatian bows of velvet will be much used to trim even summer bonnets of delicate straw. Black Sioilienne oombined with black velvet or moire Frncais is used for the most costly and elegant costumes. Large Watteau ians are now painted in floral designs, matching those seen upon dress fabrics of foulard or sateen. Kuchinga which show pinked out edges are again in fashion, but fringed ruohings aie moat delicate and effjctive. The Mother Hubbard and Kate Greenawav stvlea fnr lim oiru dresses and cloaks grow more in favor every day. All morning toilets in Paris are of vtry aarK enaaes oi Uarmelite, seal brown, indige blue, Russian green and dark beetle color. New cloths for walking dresses are rootled, and the eoRttimo is made lip in M nsineisire style, with collar and cuffs of white cloth, The long, light rodirtgote worn bvot a silk or wool skirt having m trimmiu but a plaited flounce at tho bottom, is mnch worn by leading society women. The foil draperies paniers and bouf fants tournnrs, which there is an effort to make fashionable, are very unbecom ing to all except very tall and slender women. The old-fashioned ca'eoho or Uoligo lander of forty years ago is revived. It is a silk bonnet or hood shirred on whalebone or splits cf alternate ldng and short lengths, so as to give tho bonnet the appearanoe of a half opened folding gigtop. Glace silks, which always make up into bright and stylish dresses, are to be mnch worn this summer. Some of the new patterns have a chene r-fctin stripo, brightened with tiny bouquets of field flowers, ialin and Pekin reps are also in fashion once more. Two other revivals are taffetas and spun silk. The latter makes very usi ful and pretty walking costumes for young girls anil children. Very long stockinet gloves of pale gold, black,, cream Color, ivory white, mauve, doe Color, olive, flesh, pale buff or tan will soon replace the mousquetaire glove of kid, being more suitable and comfortable for warm weather. Some of the handsomest of these new gloves assigned for evening dress have tho tops edged with lace, and are delicately embroidered with tiny laurel blossoms and pale green rose leaves. Traps. Man has been called a tool-making animal, and the first tool was probably a trap. 1 do not believe that our primo genitors were carnivorous. Long be fore they began to covet flesh they probably hankered after eggs and milk, and had to devise means for catching the creatures to supply these. They had no need of elaborate contrivances. Experience makes ravages the best hunters, and it alone can explain their success in capturing animals whose cun ning defies the best inventions of the amateur sportBman. With the simplest of all imaginable traps an elastio stick with a noose -tho Patagouian nomads catch hares, foxes, wolves and the shyest of a'd American quadrupeds, the moun tain vicuna. Von Tschndi made the acquaintance of a Chilian farmer who hud passed several years in the Andes before he succeeded ia capturing a live vicuna Ho had imitated the traps of the Indians, their method of fixing them in the sand in the river-banks, their precaution in obliterating tin traces of their footsteps, but all in vain, till an Indian renegade revealed the secret namely, that the vicunas in vaiiably select their drinkiug-plaocs where there is an audible ripple iu the current ot the river perhaps for the same reason that cows prefer a brook to a bond, and a runuing spring to a slug gish creek. Tho murmuring of the stream seemed to suggest the idea of purer and cooler wattr ; and where the current was slow the Indians contrived to produce a ripple by an artificial ob struction. Nearly every animal has some pecu liarity or other that may be utilized for its capture. Minks have-a queer fashion for rummaging a pile of dry leaves, aud the wild turkty can be taken in an open trap, because, for soma reason, the idea of going backward never suggests itself to bis mind. A Kentucky "turkey-pen is t-imply a ditch with a roof of losrs and ending in a cul de-sac, but open at tiie ottier end. To this opening the turkeys are alluied by "sprinklings" of eorn or cranberries, and, entering the ditch where the bait is scattered more liberally, they follow it till they reach the ne plus ultra end ; and it is a de cided fact that such half-captives will poke around their pen for weeks without discovering the means of exit. The female puma has a marvelous talent for hiding her lair, bat the trap per knows enough if ne discovers a plaoe where she hat torn her prey, for to that place she will return again and agaiD, even after tie carcass has been gnawed into a smooth skeleton. Jack als, too, are fond of revisiting the scenes of theirformerrevels ; come ani mals would seem to be endowed with the gift that supported Cardinal deRdz in his exile the faculty of luxuriating on reoollectioas." In Europe where new preserves have often to be s'ock-d with iramfl-birds, hundreds of partridges si'j sometimes caught alive by the fol lowing himple device : Near the haunts of the game a biuh-tdc:) with an open ing here and there is set across a fiald, and on either side of the transit-holes the trapper fasleus a wire nO'Jfie. No bait is neede 1 ; parirnlg ;s never fly over a hedge if they can crawl through, their motive being probably their general re luctance lo betray their whereabiuts by taking wing ia an open field. II anted conies, as well as tats and mice, are likewise almost sure to make for tho next hole, iucurring any risks for thj 6ake of momentary concealment. In chasing a rat about a room, mnch trouble can be savtd by twisting an old news paper in ths fjrm of a sugar-loaf bar and placing it on the door alongside the wall. If the outlaw cau be induced to approach it from the open side, he will dash in with a mueak of delight and can be oiptured bofoie he discovers tha' his baibor of refuge has been block aded. Lippincctt, Charged Up to Longfellow. Blanche Raosevelt, in her new book, " Liniifellow's Ilume L fe," gives a bit of information not generally known when she asserts that the little absurd nursery rhjme, beginning: Hu're was a li'tle xii'l Vln had a little o ul That bmix right down on hur forehead; And rtk'iii alio Wfs good, Blio was very, very koo1, And wueu hIio was lad she was horrid wis written by Longfellow. The genial poet wrote it for his little daughter Edith. Although the Aztecs wusrohiped the sun, they were mora bensiliie thau the to iiiiete.-, sii worship tl tun fHwer. The Animal World. A cow with her calf belonging to WilliBm Heath, of Columbus, Ga., stopped at a brook to drink. A large ram that had been standing cn the op posite bank walked up to the co, giwo her a butt Bquare in the foreheal, and killed her instantly. On a Sunday evening a watchman in a Troy factory helped his dilatory dog into the building with the too of his boot. On all week days now the dog enters tho fictory as nsnal. but no amount of coaxing Can get him near tho building oh the Sabbath. A jet black lamb was tho offspring c f a sheep belonging to Robert Gjddard, oi uas mil, Maine. Trie mother re fused to recognize or assist it in any way, but wheu sho subsequently gave birth to a snow-white lamb it was greeted with extravagant affection. During a storm at Outhbert, Oa , a barrel containing a hen Setting oh a nest of eggs was picked up, whirled round, and blown over the house. It dropped right side up in tho front yard. The hen remained undisturbed, and the chickens were hatched soon after the aerial journey. In Uwensboro, fry., a number of spat rows were building a nest, when one of them stood off, and, seemingly, refnsed to assist. There was a row, and the next morning a sparrow was seen hanging from the bot'.gh from which the quarrel took plaoe. It was suspended in mid air, with a cotton string about its neck. , Dogs that get drunk are not uncom mon. "Old Jack," of Indianapolis, Iud., belonging to the fire department, regularly drahk reluse beer "from the eropty kegs at the door of the saloon adjoining its home, bnt getting drunk tho other day, just as an alarm of fire sounded, he fell beneath the wheels of the machine, and was crushed to death. A monkey belonging to Qeorge Bro die, ot Pittsburg, Pa., is credited with extraordinary sagacity. The animal is often told to briug ono or the other of the two newsnapers taken by the family to Mr. Brodie's aged mother. One in printed with large type, and the other in very fine and not alwavs clear letters It is said that whenever ho brings the litter to the old lady ho brings her spectacles also. Much eloquonce hai been expended upon the mineral wealth of Calif oruin. but, after all, her golden grain is her real wealth. AcoorJing to official fig nres the gold and silv. r mines of tha' State during ton years, oommencing with 1871, produced JlS0.5UC.249, but the wheat fields during the same period produced 278,008,000 bushels, the market value of whioh amounted tn $318,231,036. Wheat; nd not gold, is king in California. A Tclllni l,nw. Mr. Charles Law, Jr., in conversation with one of our repn Rpntativcs, recently said: " I have heen a euri"ijrcr from rheiima ti-un and neuralgia for the past ten yenr, and tiied all kinds of remedies. Having heard so much about St. tfacobe Oil, I tried a hottlc, and found it truly wuiideiful. Pottatown (Pa.) Llt'er. If we accept as truth the statement that every adnlt man Las enough phos phorus in his system to make 4 000 packages of friction nutche", we may easily explain why it is that when he slips up on a ban ma peeling he sees 4,000 packages of friction matches strike fire. Mr. Ed Trickett, the celebrated oars man, Kingston, Canada, says: "I have found ft. Jacobs Oil a sure and certain cure for rheurui tiirc, etc." New York Clipper. Among the 275, COO Indians reported in the United States, there are 219 churches and 30,000 chnrch members Out of seventy tribes twenty-two are stated to be self-supporting. "Enjoy Your I.tfi," Is good phi'OBO) by, bu'. to ilo so yon mast have h 'altb. If biiioni and constipated, or blood is out of order, use Dr. Pierce's " Pleasant Pur)ia t ve Pellets," whudi aro mild, Jet certaiu in their operation. Of all dnitnr.iit8. Mykiads of mice have invaded Siberia, p'un derin Kranaries and destroying crops wherever they jjo.. If yoa experience bad taste iu mouth, sallow ncss or yellow col ir of skin, fuel stupid ai d ilrowfy mipeiito nnveurty, frequent headache or dizziness, you are "bilious," and lioihii g will arorn-e your liver to action and strength' n up your B.vsieui equal to Dr. Tierou's "Ooldm Medical Di-i"vi-v." llv drun'ist. TuritK are now 113 books published in the English language which the blind can read. A Donnnza Mtne Of health is to be found iu It. It. V. Pieroe'a " Favorite Prescription," to tli merita of whioli as a remedy lor fcrualti weakness and kindred atrocious thoin-an l- t-tiiy. The l'biladel bia Thiw nays that the Knights ot Labor number 70,000 iu Peuueylvauia. Wamrr's WnfeKti'nwy wn-i I.lTcr Cure. TniitE are now in Virginia 118,517 farms iu the Ktate, against 83,849 in 1870. Poultry f hoi era. Its Cause, Katuru, i'ruveutmu and Cure. Uy A. M. Dickik, M. D., and V. H. Mebhv, M. D., editor Southern J'oultiy Journal, Louisville,- Ky. A valuable book for every farmer or raiser of poultry. Price 25 eta., postpaid. New Youk Newspapeb Union, 118 and 150 Worth btreet, New York. Kr.iicr Ails (i reuse. One ip-pasing lusts two week; all others two or three days. Do not be imposed ou by the humbug Btuti'soffured. Ask your dealer for Fi a zer'e, with laliel on. It sivesyonr horse latw r, and ou too. It received lirst medal ut the (.'en. t uiiial and rai ls Kx.i-iiioiiH. Soldtiverys lmi e. 23 Cemi Will Bay " a Treatise npou tlio J (onto aud his Diseases, lmok of 100 pages. Valuable to every owner of horses. Postage stamps taken. Bent poet paid by New York Newspaper Union, 150 Worth btreet, New York. Kldury Dtaease. Pain, Irrltatiuu, iteieution, Incontinence, Deposits, Gravel, etc., oured by " Iluchupaiba." (1. Bend for pain phial to E. S. Wuu, Jersey City, N. J. Pubs ooi-javu oil, li-oui aelectud livers, on tha kbushoro, by Can a ell, Hazard & Co., N. Y. Ab.-olutoly pure aud seut. Patients who have once taken it prefer it to all others. Pliysicians declare it superior to all other oils. Chapped ha.sus, luce, pimples and rouh skin cured by usiil Jumper i'ar Uoap, made by Cas well, Hard A Co., New York. To make new hair k"W utse Carbuline. a de oJoried extract of petroleum. Ttiis natural petruiuuui uair rouewui, as recently improved, u the only tuiug that will really produoe new Laic It isajllitiUuJ dewius. The Science of Life, or Solf-Preratlon, a medlrnl woik fnr every man young, middle- .igd or out. i'Ji invaluable prescriptions. HFft It X'H CAttltOI.IC fAI,VK ftttieliKST RAtVEfor Cats, irtilm, Sonw, TJleers, Rnll Illirum. Tottrr, CliRMH-it ltnnda, ClillWatna, Ocmnanil allkliel" nfHkln Urni'tlnn. Krsrkles snd rinili, Get HKNKY'S CAUMOLIO SALVE, M all nthors are conntertWtn. Tries all cents. Pit. (JltEKN'S OXYIJKNATKII BITTEHf! IS ths bent UemiMlj fnr D.spvla, llllloitonMS, Ma laria, Inilinatlnn and Dlacares of ths lllood. Kld- ticjs, Liver, Bktu, etc PFTTWU 1UI.SAM euros Couubs, Colds, Htara matlain, Kidney Troubles, elo. Can be used eiter ually as a plaster. reK.;n HOIt- H roWRIiR for Humes snd Oattls. iH ('ruin "III liny n Teen I Inn upon the Hore ami liix lsrus. Hook of 1(H) wkp. Valuable lo every owner or hnrHea. ltffO ntnmi taken. Sent iNwti-niil l.y Nl AV VOIIK NUWSl'Al'KU UNION, 1.10 Worth street. ;ew York. A I.I.V.VS Urn In KnnnWiirm Nervoun rMiltlty Aj V eal.n.-sM el !'tt"M1te ('ryniiA, fe.-Hll lruyi'!. SemllorCitTtiliir. Allen's l'liriiiacy,m first v..II.V. ALWAYS KEEP COOL To st Irk to'tntit "nt'lect and llio truth is en excel lent pi ii n, nmt , wueuier u ue iu 1 questions or yrlii!MiP(if flxltlm.?, cvvr.clvll orixilit lenl, always keep roof and tell the .S truth. However. 'N-Hathcro is a ccr- tltnlii mn.re(n al. k, lowed for lylnjr, b Jf'.'.';" lOTt '2 ii.-ii hi;, tun. la v , - milled In no oilier subject, snd mi iluiil't our friends in tlio picture nro Imliilclng In Unit Special employ, juelit, as well, jxt bnp. as lu a lllllu selcutlllc swerr lnir. Their bodies snd tempers nro hot end the sir Is cooi;nntlioy should Ite lint nrollnLlnllfl iliey nro nppnrcni- v 1,1 tlicemifllliiitl telii.ii it Ik nmeii rnnlcr to catch irlwmmntMn tlinn Mi, In which fiiso t lvmilit tin well lol- them Hint tliev 1 o provided with n bottle of HT. J aoobs Oil., tlio ' I r miihii ,'i i iiiiui Remedy forth Is us well a i other painful nllincnta. i. :.". x. . roi.nni w Tin-: mast. "Hello, lieiuivl wlml is llio trouble?" "Oh, I'm u'.l broke up." wm tlio response to tho iu piiryi fn old t-Mpmuloof William liciinls ono of r.irru:;tu s wnv worn veleriius, well l.iMWti iu t'io southern him ; Ion of this city, who I'.niK! limp: u ' Imotho Auierlcnil office yeMerdiiy. "I Ih iie hl I vonid pi oiuUt tho )intch?stlus lime," co:i. imtc.l lteiiui ton. "I never sttlfcrcd so much Inmylil'o. I bud tho rlicumiitlo gout so b.ul t'lt.t I could not pet off the bed or put my l iotlollm t!-i ir, nml would bnvo been there yet if a lilcit l bud not recommended Ht. J Aeons Oil. tov-e. I hcitnted homo tliuo before getting a In: Je, II i hi!; In;, it v. nsi nother one of thoc inh er ited n . trtiuis, but win liimllv induced to give it i trliil, nml iv bu kyd.iy it win for mo. Why, ii!es my s'ursl niter hnllilii'T the limb thoroughly with thcOil 1 fob. n-lief.iiud mv fiillhwns pinned 'ot-r. .1 u on un I liN Oil alter (lint. I freely any lliiilif ithii'l i. -t Is-cn forHT. J.M-olisOit. I Minuld, in nil prok-ibilty, I o still bou-eil. Me foot palm tie but li tile, n ml t heswellinx luisctillrcly piiscd itwiiy. Jt bents itnything of tho kind 1 have ever heard of.nnd ntiy per-on who OonMs it send them louont 1 i-K-oiUU Tenth M. lltiUuUtpltia Tiintd. KTti u iT flOSTEITERs Tlio leebls and cnisciateij, sufferliif fmm dyspepsia ami liiiiigcstinu in ail form, are advtwil. for the sake of their own bodily and men tal comfort, to trv llcwt'-ttu.r'i Htomueii Hitters, ijniliisi nf :. ths mot Uehen'o : eouHTitiitinn tentilv 7 'o lift lntnulesH ai.il r itH is-Mtoratlvo rro; erlles. PhvKielaus exervwhere. ilifuoiKt. cd with lbs mlulier sted IhplOrS nf eolil llieree, pr.-seribo it as the tntfent and ninst rc'ialili or nil 8TOMACM. stmna'"nti-s. Forsale it uriiKKiota ami Doalom KoiK-rslly. wilbos'S copoinn) or PITEE COD LIVEE OIL AND LIME. 35: T ll't (lifillllllvf V'ltMlsM (7oitipiifl iv itiIivi n On, anu IjIMK, withnut (tH-4Biiip the vrrv iiuu'i( iiik initr i urn iirumo an jn n'ttmiit! iiHftl, ih cii'lowctl lv tho rhoKi'tiMft of I.imo with a iH-rttiiig i riirtv whii li r ittii-rt the oil (iditldv -ciw. lifinui kitble UtitimnJali of itH cthraoy fan lsOiiowu. Kiitd by A. li. Vu4iuli, CheuiUt. liootoii, aiifl ull liruj.-Kli'tH. WEBSTER'S UNABRIDGED. NewEdition, 118,000 Worda, ( 30OO more than anv other linelioh Lhctionarv,) Four Pages Colored Plates, 3000 Engravings, (nearly thre&time the number in any other Lhct'y,) olsocontuinsaBlofjraph ical Dictionary giving brie f important facts concerning over 9700 noted persons. Recommended by Ktate Supt's of Kdueation in 36 Hhites, and by 60 Colleen Presidents. 0. a C. MERRIAM CO., Pub'rs, Bpringfield, Mass. M!(E HENS LAY. An Knlinh Vch'rttiury b(nv'u und CUomtKt, uow triivoliu in iIiIh t ouuiry,iib tlmt niimt ot tlie Hon and (Vnitlr PoudtTMMoUl Ijt-i-e ri; wmililta trah. lie kuvh tlmt hlicn.ittu'H L'oiitliticn 1'um tlTHarti aUlut4v Iv pun-mill iiuiiit'riM iy Viiluutili!. NntUinK ou Hrtli will iiiitkf lieim lay likfl hiJ'-riduir (UmditioQ lnw ilt i'H. Jhiei .iiiii' teuKiMionttil to Hi,n pint ol food, Hold vt-r wturt', (irm'iit !v limit fur H letter Htami a. I S. JOUNMiN A: CO., Bontm..Maf-H.,lnnmTJ TaiiKor,Me. TDIITU ,B MiutiTir. frr. MAkTifiex, I llU I II Uietirsal Spaolst. 8f, Aatro!j(r nd V ot.utof-isi, for JU aeuis. "tih kyo, height, color of aroi w.d lock ot batr, sand i. UllIUi T fit- itft your ruont uuinana or wirs, situ nrr.. iims, . 1 n4 pUos of Btestunf, aud dal ol Kisrna(. ps3 ci.i.l (tv'v ' loally predictrd. Hooef ttiurstil ts all nol eau.haj. t . 1- .jjsaf A dd rata tni. L. MuUsti, lu UmI'; n.,bmin, Htw, M n -f - BlinrCl IMPROVED ROOT UFEK. 1 1 I M P '' inakt'B tiallniiM oi a 1 lis (lttiriuuH.i Jit )!! . me, Hparklinn T m- 1 I i-fiaiuv iM'veraur. Ark your dnivlM, or Bent by m m null tur'j-lr. 0. E. II inn, 4H N. Inda. ave.hiU. HP I IIM .rEATING UT U IlieeilyourKKNT I'HKK. Da J.ii. Iliivu.M I' i Ui.v 13.l llieuKO.IM. CI'I'KltFM OI'S IIAIIt..-Miirtame'tV1mih.,l.l'. OSpeeiUC p ruialielitly 1 -luoveH KnperiluulM h ill without ilijnrilii; til" Skill. Kelul lor n .-.r. ,. ... Madame U'auibold. .'II K.iw.er hi met, lioatou. Massi THRESHERS: rktMlDrlcvli., 0 rOI.Olt A ! IINKirtl. HPKf'IVIKVM it) I'M- J. Oil. Write for descriptive circular to 11- n. IAMMKM UU. r. U. UOX, lool,Uj;ei', Colo, SO P"r "eckcan be made in auy'locallt SometlnuK eutlraly uew for ukouIh i outlit tree. V. W. Iimeal.r.lil A; C Bi,toii. Maw. SitJidl Weoil.. Hul.lt 'Urrd In 10 fori U fii QWX 1PNTH--IuENTS WANTEO-BO best f);i; VV',,'J,T,,",'lVl'1,! worldi naiti.lert " 'WitJ AdJi iiM Jaji Krnnwa, lJiMrott. Mi.-h YOU NG M EN !VU "ant to l.rn Telegraphy m ,, , , a few months, and be enriainma slliiailun. mliliess Valeiitme lmm.. Jane.viiie, Win" $66 f weo!f 1,",.vii',"',?wn ttiwn- 1'riii . .....I .-, outfit freu. Aihjn if. liALLKT-r k Co.. fori I ti u d , M ai ue! S70 AW Ll.K. tl'u (lav tit nonie. uatuly mads. ('iMitly " flu! Ml live. A ltd 'i'lies l lo.. A UKUbta, Mamt OIDER' Preiwes, Graters, Steam Evaporators and all oUiar C'irt.ir MaehiiiTT. IU"liie A' ll... lien l-l--a Cw 61 VaMiy bi-, Kow ium. Factory, byracuM. K.i-. mm Of Y V: 7f. it i M 1 .1 I I U XM Is J rv j m t j a 13 T; I? a V.I POUL'lTiY CHOLEilA. Its Cause, Nature. Prevention and Cure, by A. M. DICKIE, M. D. and,W. H. MERRY. M. D., Editor of Southern Poul try Journal, Louisville. Ky. A valuable book for every farm er or raiser of Poultry. Price, 25 CENTS, POSTPAID. tW POSTAGE STAMPS ACCEPTED. - Kew York Newspaper Union, 148 & 150 Worlh St., N. Y. TUc Wilsouia Magnetic ClotliiiiE Company beg to announce to the publio that In order to accommodate the proatly increased demand for their Magnetic Carment they have re moved their principal salesrooms and ofYlces from 465 Fulton St , Brooklyn, to 2S Eant 14th St., New York City, where all communlca. tlons should be addressed, and all checks, drafts and P. O. orders be made payable. WILSOTJIA MAGNETIC CLOTHING CO., 25 EAST 14(11 STREET, New York City. CONSUMPTION CAN BE CURED! DR. WM. FOR THE LUNGS. i urrn f;ntisutnil Ion, I olrt. riiettmnnin. In Mimmivu, llroiiclmtl Oilln ultlrn, Iti-uiii lillU. IIOHI'Ht'lH'KSI, A Hi linilla 1 rMl W llfltl llff ('oiililt Hiiil nil ItiHt'fiMPM of llifl ttrrnining DiKium. Ii Knullir nml lirrtlM flic nirinbrnnfi nl llm IsiiuitNt ln(lititikl nml toUHH'il by turn iMhchhi. nml urrvfuiN I lie nlifht iTnnln una lluhf iirrosH rlii'Hl whiili nrcnitiimny ii. .'oii-timutfon i nnt nit lnciirbl lunliidy. II A KlS II A I.SA l vill t nro ) cvvo 'iliimilh prnlVMMiiMinl nll In I In, T A&ENIS WANUD FUR THE rICTORIAL HISTORYoftheWORLD Kmbnviti lull anil AUtlirntlct mvountii of yitv n trnu o ant'l(,tt ttmt hkmIhiii tini'-f. utul tuchnliiiK n liihlory vt rih .i?til tall tf tht'rn' utul ll'xnuii riiii'iiva, t iio tiiiltli( t .1, lltw i-fli'-inld, ttin teiiiltU .H:ein. Ihn noriii;.lin, (ho Hxcovt-ry tvhil ai-tttn-iiirnt it Un NfwW.irlil, elc.,rU It contuiti 'hi liiHtorii-al nLrnviiifR. iintl in (ho inuwl ctiiuiiiii l:M tUltl t'I m tff'i.H I At'llt-'. Ailtllt ft A lli iN AL I'' hlA:Mwt Co.. IMiilii'l-'iiliifv r. tn tl,.. limn llrttf. ,ilimlMMfl Cl l-i ihsnswvoliiinoof litMiiRitsT's I V4 f-J Womthlt. Ten latvo picltirsa l-f 3 "Wi'l -8teflori(fTavlRsaudOil. Tuo ' rxt rurirnit or tlio lata lre.v. nnriwilcl. 'i'uo ulcers of mnir. .11. n.., .Imu. nail.!.,,. 1,U-. 1 1 I ) l,t I fl '1 1 ttlllMtriW lions, i Two Ininiircd and fnrtv imilts o cliolra lllorntnrs, pizc81 IIK.urlv; pounds ol cWfronl nrintlnc, oh tlntsd p 'Per, po-t tiii-, fr fiftr crnls lnp..tni.'o.tflmtn. S . JKSM.rt PKJJlUitT, i'ublUlicr, J7 liuet Hiu fcmit, ;v Vuru. I'nrnonV rnt'ttiiltv-n I'HIm ui.tkti New Illra Ulotil, h ' 1 1 1 will o!n ii 'My change (lit bi. hmI iu tit ontirt? Ht -in in tluvo iiiii'i! li.s. Anv )MrHon who will tub !)( pill fm-li nlht htitn 1 to I i wi okn iiibv be rtftorod ti'i - huh I Ix-attli, II bihIi n (hlntr bo rn"wiblf. Sn!ti rv(n win r. i.r li nv-iA tor K ! l(t!r tiuiim. ,1. H. JOtl( iV CO., IJonioii, iUu.ft., iiiriiijlv liti "tf' 7 -PrtUCtRlU? FOfnOlUSERg, Ar3 I knOIUnO widuwi, Uilicri. MLbtrt ot children. ThiSafidi retvntttlrd Ptntitni rI tvr lost "i 6usif,(,o or ruitur.f arictfl f r uu IMsrHig. Th'M'tJ f ) i "us-r nI "olutvri ri.tiUvl in IX KK.Ae i.j liOl WTV, PATKNI'I iirocurtJ fi.r lDsntrs. iS-U.-rff laud f-rrinti prorurmil. banght and tuld. ft'.ldivri tnd hcir ai'Ll f-r jour riphli at one. Ktnd aunif.i for 1 i nt C'ltitra-Snidier." ani P:r.s ftud Unnnif laws b'anka and li'ttntctmr.a. ?w ran rrfrf to trirnitun-is -.f IV nsl N. Wi f 'tiacratd A Co. I'kmhoh m T All Lut.k.uia. Waa..iitift, l.a and Cllnta, 1'atkm ss iit llluwatrd !-! of the Jmme llrnrtitTst is ciil t:cl io fO0 t.iai ?0 illu1rtltMijrd i.ioimxrte nt. lu.liuf ih': DeuUi ad Uuiiol ti rW9 WedUoillutir-te the killing. ll alter tlratli, Ths wiTt", hi lttohll(J(Csl Ixkii in outUvtry. Die FoWa wtio milc ihct-apiure.elt.alwa fu(t jMrrf etv,'r,ivintf of Co. Crtttcmlrn. AtiKhlH WAhikll. L'ir.ulart Irec. Outnia40rta, Tli ii is th only uue liisiory lit- wavre of itti.tller rii. lions Oar klraaitl Itlulral4 AND K swiaKAaBsBsssMSbwav I Koala ljoraCi-mt and CbruDML Insac nt I'm Snr only Uk V 4T1 Pi B-,tO., NO. m'Vs;,! 4th bl.. Ciiuioiiati, Os 01 MILLION COHEnoH EVEBTBODT WANTS IT! EITBYBOUY NEEDS IT J THYSELF-J? THE BCIENCK OP I.IFEl OB, SELF. PUEMEKTATIOV, It a mndical trostlMi on Kitiaii.tod VttalltT. Korrons and I'hv.lcul IWoUlty. l'rointvir Dwliua la Miii Is an Indlsiienfubla trestiss for Starr whstbsi yoans. middle aged or old. TUB bClKNCB OP I.TFlti OB, SELF. I'ltlfcEltVATION, Is beyond all compitnMin the moat extraordinary work on I'tavsloloity evr piibllnbsd. Tbrrn 1 ooiUini Unlever tlist tliu married or sIiikIo oaii silnor r3 quire or wish to know but wbat Is lullj eiuUuied iOTOtUO TUB Ht'IENf E OP MFEi OR, SELF. PKESHItV ATIUN, InntnirtB those Id health how to remain so. and ths Invalid how to become well. Oontaiu, oushuudrad and tweiity-tlveiuvaiiialilc. tr.iri.iiou lor all f.irius ot M-ute aud ctuoulo illaraem, tor ea. lt ot which a J'athaiciau would charge Iruu a lo 1'J. TIIE fetlENCE OP MFEi Olt, BELF- PltEMEUVATION. Contains 900 pafes, tine steel enumvlnfrs. Is snperbW bound lu ireuch uiimliu. uuitiud, lull gilt. H is a marvel of art and beauty, warranted to be a btu,r mudicsl boos in every seneu thuu cuu be obiamed cieewhars for double the price, or the money will be reluuded in every iiutauee, Ju(W. THE SCIENCE OF I.lfKi OB, SELF. FHESEItViTION, Is o mnch anperlor to all other treati.es on medical .iiiOocts tliai compariaouiaauaolulcly luivoaoabla. - THE bCIESCE OP I.lREi Ott, SELF. FltEMElt V ATION, Is sent by insll, securely sealed, postpaid, on reoclpt of price, only tl.ar. (new edition), biuall UimUaled samples, 60. Bend now. Tho author ean be consnlted on all dlaeaass re quiring skill and exerinnoe. AUdroas PEABODY MEDICAL INSTITUTE, or tt'. II. i'AKHEH, M. D., 4 Bulfluch htretl Ito.ion, Maas. 5 tO $20 !"',r,rtav' boms. Hampleaworthf-iftei, HALL S BALSAE3 tit rri.t .lATnoai A Ji