The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, June 14, 1882, Image 4

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Amonjr rf prodncU which paid duty
to the United States government last
yer wore
ffncar. . .
Tig Iron....
l'otatoes ...
, n.Aon.nno
, 7,000,000
. 1,000,0H0
Lnmher (i.nori.noi)
Flux B.IHMl.tKHI
llemp A Jnle. ,ooo,oo0
Within the pant twenty years the beer
businewi in the United States has in
creased enormously. In 18fi3 the num
ber of barrels made was l,7f5,827. In
1881 the number of barrels Lad in
creased to 14,178,557. Of the whole
quantity jrodnced in this country in
1880, Now York is credited with 83.97
per cent.
The first official count of the popula
tion in the United States showed 3,929,
214. Without additions by emigration
this number would Lave increased to
about 11,000,000 in 1880. Inasmuch as
the census of the last-named period
showed a population of 60,000,000, it
may be fairly assumed that three-fourths
of the increase Las come from emigra
tion. According to Professor Young the
liht of the sun is equal to 6,800,000,
000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000 candles.
Papers that reproduce this item need
not read the proof by copy. It will
make no difference whether the number
of ciphers is half a dozen more or less.
Nobody will ever find it out, and the
man who takes a contract to supply the
candles to test the accuracy of Mr.
Young's statement will have "hia hands
full anyhow, especially if there should
be a corner on tallow about that time.
Cincinnati is getting to bo a literary
well as an an center. Three valuable
foreign books, worth at least $6,000,
oime to the custom-house at New York
recently, but were detained by the
authorities. The leaves of the books,
which are large and bulky, with an
cient bindings, had been carefully cut
through the middle of the pages, leav
ing a good-sized square receptacle in
each volume. Into these holes were
compactly plaoed a considerable quan
tity of valuable diamonds and jewelry.
On the authority of Lieutenant Dan
nenhower, of the lost Jeannette expedi
tion, the gold production of the Sibe
rian distriots is far more important than
is generally supposed. The exiles, he
says, are the most intelligent men in
Siberia, and from them alone he learned
anything worth knowing, which state
ment bears out the opinions of shrewd
observers that Siberia is the store
house of Russian brains which it wonld
be of vast benefit to the country to
have at work in its building np and
general civilization.
There are golden sands in the Geor
gia rivers with their beautiful Indian
names, and a dredging boat is now en
gaged in searching lor the shining
treasure in the beda of these streams.
The Chestitee is a gold-bearing stream,
and the boat lifts one hundred tons of
gravel and sand from its bottom in a
day. One ton of this gravel yielded
even dollars, but the average is only
fifty cents a ton, which, however, is
considered a paying business, as it
amounts to fifty dollars a day. The
land owners along the stream get ten
per cent, as their share.
The street trade of New York is a
subject which has hitherto been over
looked by the statistician, probably be
cause of the difficulty of obtaining re
liable figures concerning it But taken
in the aggregate, it forms a very impor
tant item in its internal prosperity.
There are at least a dozen wholesale
firms whose chief sources of profit are
derived from the stationery peddlers
and hucksters who occupy the pave
ments firms who sell goods manufac
tured especially for this class of custom
ers. Fruits, flowers, confectionery,
photographs, cutlery, walking-canes,
oysters, periodicals, notions, cheap
hosiery, cigars and various other arti
cles contribute to make np the sum
total of a street trade, amounting in the
aggregate to hundreds of thousands of
Stanley, the explorer, was on the
Upper Congo, Southwest Africa, on the
16th l.1 January lant, with his party of
236 men, mostly Zanzibarris. who, he
says, are obedient, docile, brave and
hard-working. They are also perfectly
honest Not one is in disgrace, and dur
ing the month preceding there had been
no occasion for uttering an angry word.
Not one of them has a gun, spear, knife
or weapon of any kind. Stanley main
tains a certain reticence about the exact
nature of his work in Africa. He is tho
agent of companies which have invested
large amounts of capital in opening np
sections of Africa, and who naturally
desire to secure for themselves all the
advantages which may accrue from the
explorer's labors. In a few months we
shall probably hear rather interesting
and possibly startling news from the
little camp on the Upper Congo.
Bicyclers in Philadelphia and Balti
more, us wen as inose inJNew Xork, are
caving a Egntior the privilege of riding
in the parks and pnblio drives. In a
lew American cities Washington
among them the experience has been
that horses soon get used to the mounted
Wheelmen, and pay no more attention
to tnem tban to men on foot, or per
sons traveling by any other vehicle. It
is said that there are more than three
hundred thousand bicycles in nse in
England, and that the opposition at
first manifested toward them, on the
pronnd that they would frighten
norees, Jong ago died out. Since
the opening of the elevated rail-
toads in New York the capacity of
horses for getting used to things has
Deen preity thoroughly tested, and has
not proved inadequate. Horses that
are frequently driven near the elevated
roads do not so much as prick up their
eara when the trains go thundering over
their heads. Perhaps the short ht of
the objection to the elevated roada on
the ground that the trains would fright
en horses is due to the faot that the
prejeoted roads were backed by so
many million dollars that the objeotors
couldn't help themselves an advantage
which the avorage individual wheelman
aoesn i enjoy.
Among a thousand forms of benevo
lence, scarcely one gives a larger and
quicker return for tlm money invested
than that which affords to the .poor
children of Rreat cities a breath of conn
air TI.A T.r.KlA 1
000 left by Mr. Thomas Wilson, of Bal
tiniore, in 1879, "for the purpose of
securing a summer retreat lor sick chil
dren from the .lnni, anil nn Vinaltlifnlnaan
of the city" has been applied, after a
careiui investigation ana consultation
with sanitary and medical experts, in
the following manner, in the
language of the secretary of the
Wilson sanitarium: J' Our trnseps
have purchased a tract of 100 acres, well
watered and with considerable timber,
half hour s ride by rail from the cen
ter of the city, and witu an altitude of
six knndred feet above tide water. The
sea coast is not accessible and the bay
shores malarial. We propose to deal
principally witn children under two
years of aire, taking the mother with
her infant and, if necessary, one or two
oiner cnuaren n tney are too young to
be left at hnmA t.r kiwn ttionst till n.
stored to health, and then return them
louieir nomes. The sanitarium will
be Dpen only during; the summer
months, probably about fifteen weeks :
the diseases those incident to bad
weather, not chronio cases. We deal
only with the poorer classes, and the
institution win be free. '
Preh.storlc Mlnlnir In Michftran.
The Lake finnnrinr minM hnva iba
advantage of producing metal free from
any anoy oi antimony or nickel or ar
senic In many of the mines great
masses of native metal are found so
large that they must be cut in place
witn cniseis.
All the more important mines are
situated on the ancient workings of a
prehistorio raoe. They seem to have
been ignorant of the fact that copper
coma do menea, lor they left behind
them the fragments too small to use
and the maspes too heavy to lift. Every
day they subjected it to a tomporature
nearly high enongh, without making a
discovery whioh would have lifted
them out of the Stone Aee into the
Bronze Age, and perhaps have enabled
them to survive the struggle in which
they perished. They must have been
very numerous, and have reached the
point of development where they were
capable of organizing industry.
In Isle Boyale, near the Minong
mine, their pits, excavated to a depth
of from ttn ta twpntv foAt. in thn enh',1
rock, cover an area of from three to four
nunarea leet wide and more than a mi:e
and a half in lenoth. Th luhnr it.
pended here cannot have been much
snort oi that involved in building a
pyramid. Isle Koyale is ten miles from
the nearest land, and is incapable of
producing food, so that all supplies
except fish must have been brought
from some distant nninr. Thai
vations could of course never go below
tne point at which water would accumu
late. Their hammers, frequently to the
numoer oi several thousand, are found
in heaps where they were evidently
placed at the end of the season
As no graves or evidences of
habitations are found, we can
hardly doubt that the ancient miners
lived south of the great lakes, and
made yearly iourne vines with fWt.n nt
canoes to the copper mines. The ag
gregate amount ot the metal which
they carried off must have been very
great and it has. I believe, heon iron.
eraliy thought that the copper imple
ments oi the ancient Mexicans came
from this source M. Charnav in a re
cent number of the North American
seems to think that the Mexicans re
duced copper from its ores. A chemi
cal analysis of their hatchets wnnl.l
solve the question, for Lako Superior
copper is so iree irom alloys as to be
The superintendent of the old Cale
donia mine in Ontonagon county kindly
took me to the top of a cliff wheie three
Cornish tributers" miners wrvrlrino-
not for wanes but for a share of the
product had cleared out one of the
ancient Pits in the ontnrnn nt tha
They had brought out a quantity of
uuyper, uuu una just uncovered a largo
mass which would weigh cartainly not
less than seven tons. Mn lmttarn,!
stone hammers lay around the mouth of
tne pit. xne active little Englishmen,
belonging to a race of hereditary miners
perhaps as old as the mrnn,1-hnil,W
themselves, bad come around the world
irom the East to finish the work of tho
departed A6iutio race from the West at
a time to which no date can be
assigned. Not far away another party
had cut down a dead cedar to
make props" for their tunnel. As
they were putting the log in position,
from its center dropped a small but per
fectly formed stone hammer whica had
never been used. It was made from a
stone found, I believe, only on the
north shore of the lake. This trae
was not far from two hundred and iutv
years old ; but as cedar is almost in
destructible in this climate, it may
have been dead several hundred years.
The axman said that he had found sev
eral hammers in the center nf
It would seem barely possible that this
hammer h"d been plaoed in a cleft of
the tree, when it was a sapling, that the
wood might grow around the groove and
serve as a handle. At all events, this
one, whiah I have, was certainly placed
where it was about thirty inches from
the ground by human hands, un
doubtedly by the anoient miner him
self, when the tree was a twig. ittr
per'i Magazine.
Deer at Any Price.
' What Lave you got for dinner, Mrs.
Ytant ? ' asked Mr. Y. as he seated him
self at the family board.
"Venison, Mr. Yeast," replied the
lady, whose love for that diwh was suc
ceeded only by her husband's dislike.
" What an extravagant woman vou
are, to be sure I" exclaimed the dis
gusted minority of th nnnnnViial navf.
" Why. Venison is nnit.A (lien nn-ar
Mr. Yeaot"
Cheap r Ughl 7Va tlfir nt n
Bat Of Course. MlS.ea.RtdiM nnt oa
the Joke, and consequently enjoyed the
meal all the xaoxo,Statetmn.
Trne Hearts are More Than Coronets
Rev. O. L. Cnyler says : "Taming
over soma old documents lately, I came
serosa the following unique epistle from
the wife of a Confederate soldier to her
hnsbiuid, which 1 picked np, lyinq;
open, ny tne roaasuie near ttie battle
field of Bull Rnn. I transcribe a por
tion of it with its nnoouth orthog
raphy and the genuine womanly heart,
and omit all the local references by
wnicu its author could ever be identi
fled :
I rite you a few linos to inform yon I
am well, and 1 want to here from yon,
noney, so bad 1 can t help ruing.
much reather see yon than have ahnn
der dollars this morning, fur when I'm
awaae my mina is on you, and when
asleep 1 m adreeming bout my honey,
I have not heerd from you sens July 25
and 1 pray to the lord that these few
lines may find yon on the mercy side
ot god, and in a prayin mind with
pure harte. my beloved hone. Wn
Lev had a pertrncted meeting here sens
last fnday, and it has not brock up vet,
Pernelope R and Sally S come out
here a satterday and I went to meeting
with them aSunday nito. They had 3
morners that nite. Money, jour hogs
come home last nite, they are nice os
tncy can bo, and groze fast; but
dont want you to never forget to
live in a praying mind and harte. for
I was plesed the best to here that.
that I ever was to here anything in my
life I hope you alters live on tho
mercy side, so that ef we never see each
other in this wurld we . may mete in
neven where parting is no more. Honey,
you hav not sent me a piece of your
hair. I sent yon som of mine and little
Uharly s. l'lese send me som of yours,
honey ; that letter you sent by the
preacher I have not got, but maby
shall get it yet. I hey got the ten dol
lars you left me when you went away :
plese do rite to me and let me know all
1 ask, fer I never did want to here from
nobody so bad in my life. 1 hoy wrote
you three letters, and git no answer
about that hide. It will run if it stays
out dores. May god bless you, tis my
prayer for ever, and now nothing more
from your dere beloved wifo to hor
deerest beloved honey huBban B. D. P,
" ADiB letter written on a course
picoe of foolscap in a cabin of North
Carolina, and whose illiterate spelling
almost requires a glossary, is as genu
ine a specimen of womanly yearning
as ever came from a wearer of satin and
diamonds. In spite of its strange jum
uie vi tnings, sacrea ana secumr, no
true man will laugh over it." Evange
list. The Mormon Temple at Xuuvoo.
There are scarcely two nennnntn
Which exactly asree in every
lar as to the dimensions and cost cf tho
old Mormon temple at Nauvoo, Han
cock county, 111. .We have carefully
examined several of these, and give
the results herewith. An Enrlinh
gentleman named Henry Caswell
(Quoted by Davidson and Rt.nvA in
their "History of Illinois' writes as
iuiiows in regard to the temple
ii . . . . .
" It is 120 feet by 100. and when enm
pleted will be fifty feet np to the eaves,
Its ex iiense is pst.imnroil nf. S3nn nnn
The baptismal font is finished. It is a
capao:ous Javer, about twenty feet
square, rests on the backs of twelve
oxen, well-sculptnred. and as lareo as
life. The laver and oxen are wood.
painted, but are to be gilded." Oar
penter's " History of Illinois "
6peuks as follows of the tem
ple: The plan for this immense
structure allowed no particular order of
architecture, although it more promi
nently resembled the Egyptian. In the
basement was an immense laver, in im
itation cf the brazen sea of Solomon.
It was supported by twelve gilded oxen,
hewn from the trunks of large trees,
witn tneir laces projecting outward. The
temple was never finished. After the
expulsion Of the Mormons from Kunvnn
commissioners were permitted to remain
to dispose oi mis and other property.
Several attempts were made to sell it
for educational, mnnnfantnrinir and
other purposes, but they all failed, and
tne tempie stood waste property
until the torch of the incendiary re
duced it to ashes " Another annnnnt.
describes the temple as 130 feet long,
uy ninety ieec wide, and of pol
ished limestone; and another gives
the dimensions as 130 feet long,
seventy - eight feet wide, sixty-
five feet to the cornice, and 163
feet tO the ton nf tlm cnnnln Tn flia
year 1848 the building was set on fire,
ana au aemroyea except the walls, which
on May 27, 1850, were overthrown by a
tornado. Carpenter decsrihnR thn nltinn
thus: "Nature has not formed alnncr the
Great river a more piotnreRfine nr nl icihl a
site for a large city. The succession of
terraces ascending from tha river nntil
tho high land is rc-uched. fnrniuh u
gradual slope of remarkuhU l,faut- n-
ble groves of tall oaks, intorspered by
winding vistas, clothe tlm
the summit of the ridge, from whence
an immense undulating prairie is visi
ble." The town of Nauvoo, aocording
to the census of 1880. has a nnnnlalinn
of 1.402. When the Mnrm
there, in the hoicht nf thai
city had a population estimated at from
io.uuu to 1B.UU0 Chicago Inter-Ocean,
A Fisher l'nii?ht.
yu uijr laai. uij io me oiaie erua jvir.
Arthur Fisher of this nuner " T rim,hi .
very Lad cold which eettled into a severe
case of rheumatism. I did not know what
tO do fur it. RO I I'ftiwlvprf tn lillrr-lificA Kt
Jacobs Oil for trial. Happy thought. 1
began applying the Oi), and in two weeks
"at as well as ever. Tnrnnfn fCrAa
Mainly throuerh the efforts nf DnlnnAl
John C. Calhoun, a son of the famous
statesman ot that name, a stock com--pany
is going into cotton cnltnr at a
tensively in Cuioot county, Ark. The
luminal u jjiuviuou ny mew xngiand
men and amounts to 31. 000.000 Plan.
tations aggregating 82.000 aores hava
been purchased along tho route of a
projeoted railroad and bordering the
Mississippi river.
The Carson City (Nev.) Anneal ttjs:
St. Jacoba Oil is good for rheuiuatUuj,
neuralgia and a thousand different ilia.
Character is the diamond
scratches every other stone.
"Now Well and tron."
SmrN, Illlnnli.
Dr. B. V. rumen, nnffslo, N. Y.: Dear Sir
I wifh to tt 1 1ml nij dsnplitor, apod 18,
was pronounced Inrurfcblp and wa (rm! Isiline,
tlm doctors thnnidit, with consumption. I
olitmiiPil a half doen hntlles of your " Cloiden
Mt'dirsl l);srovcrv" for her ami siiecomniPiired
Improving at onro, and is now well and strong
ery truly youm, Krv. Isaac N. AtotsTiN.
Discovery" wild lv ilniirv'it.
A million of pounds of buffalo meat wore
shinpod from tno plains last year ; and tho
railways hav carried 10,000,0(10 pounds of
huflalo bonrs and 0,000,000 hides to K&tttorn
' ilrk.llnrinrhr..
5Irh. J. O. Hkndkkscin, of Cleveland, Ohio,
writos: "Tbo nso of two of Pierce's 'Pleasant
l'liraative I'ollota ' a day, for a few weeks, liai
cutn ely cured me of sick-headache, from whicli
I formerly sullered terribly, as often, on an
average, as once in ton nays." t'l an uruggists.
Tiikmc will be an unusually largo yield o
opium in India this season, one district pro
ducing 75,000 chests which generally .raises
out du,uuo.
Young and middle-aged men, suffering from
nervous dobilitv and kindred affections, as loss
of memory anil hypochondria, should inclose
three, stamps for I art VII of World s Disncu
sury Diuio Series of pamphlets. Address
Worlds Dispensary Mldical Association,
uunaio, it. v.
Tim caterpillar of the silk worm, when fully
doveloped, is 70,000 times heavier than when it
IAIUU 1 1 U 111 ,110
An Article Hint Win l:iUe the Dulil nnil
l.ruv It int..
Jf:ny of tho hair dtvcaings of the. day aro
excellent, out tne eroat mass or tho stulls sold
for promoting the growth and bringing back the
original color, aro mero niimutigs, while not
few arc pernicious in their effects upon tho scalp
and hair. The falling out of tho hair, the
accumulations or nanrtrull, and the premature
cnango m color aro an or a diseased
coudiiion of tho scalp and the glands which
nourish Iho hair. To arrest these causes tho
article used must possess medical as well as
chemical virtues, and tho change must begin
under the scalp to bo of permanent and lasiing
benefit, l'etioloum oil is tho article which is
madtt to work such extraordinary results; but
u is atier tne nest renned article lias bem
chemically treated, and completely deodorized.
that it is in proper condition for iho toilet and
receives the namo of Carbolino. It was in far
off Itussia that tho effects of petroleum upon the
hair were Hint observod; a government officer
naving noticed tnata partiallv bald-headod ser
vaut of his. when trimminz the lamps, had a
habit of wiping his oil-besmeared hands in his
scanty locks, and tho result was. in a fow months.
a much finer head of black, clossv hair than ho
ever had before. I ho oil was tried on horses
and cattle that had lost their hair from the cat-
tlo plague, and the results were marvelous.
Tho maues and tails of horBes, which had fallen
out, woro completely rostored in a few weeks.
These oxperimenta were heraldod to tho world.
but no one in civilized society could tolerato the
use of refined petroleum as a dressing for the
nair. ism ino skin ot one or our chemists lias
overcome the difficulty, and ha has succeeded
tu perfecting Carbolino, rendering it as dainty
as tho famous oau do cologno. Experimente on
tho human hair and kin woro attended with the
most astonishing results. A few applications.
where the hair -was thin and falliug, gave n
markablo tone and vigor to the sca:p and the
hair, livery particle of dandruff disappears on
the first or second dressing, all cutaneous dis
ease oi tno BKin and scalp are rapidly and per
manently tiealod, and the liquid seems to pene
trate to tno root oi tne nair at once. It is well
known that the most beautiful colors aro mado
irom petroleum, and by some mysterious opera
tion of nature the uso of this article irraduallv
imparts a beautiful light brown color to the
nair, wiucn by continued use doonena to black.
I he color remains permanent, and the chr.nge
is so gradual that the most intimate friends cau
nearcoiy detect its progress. In a word, it is the
most wonderful discovery of the age, and well
calculated to make the prematurely bald and
irav rejoice. Carboline is put up in a neat and
attractive manner ana sold by all dealers in
nriiRs ana moaicines. l'rice one dollar a bottle.
Kennedy & Co., rittsburg, l'a., general agents
lor tne United states and (Janadas.
We advise our readers to eive it a trial, feel
ing saitstioa tuat one application will convince
tnem oi its woiKlorrul ellects.
hEV. MB. oinclair was among the fiist to
recognize the merits of Ilolinau'a Pad. Hi
testimonial, published in 1375, sold a great
numoer. iieceimy air. e. brougut to our ollice
voluntarily mo loiinwiug :
un. not. mas : Alter mitlcimc rormanv vears
irom cninsaud l ever, in utter despair o euro.
1 was induced to try Ilolinau'a I'ad. Contraiy
to my expectation, I was cured: and. as the
event has shown, radically. Year after vear
adds its testimonvto tho ellieacy of the Pad iu
an malarial complaints. Alter au experience
nl hve years I denire to reaffirm ail I formerly
Bum ui me virtues 01 nr. iioiniun s rudH, aud
earnestly recommend tnem to tbo afflicted.
iours very siucerelv, J. II. Sinclaib.
Tompkinsville, 81. July 14, 1HS0.
"d ThlrYvlTuy,TruilT
The Voltaic Uelt Co.. Marshall. Mich., will
semi iiiuir fiiuuiru-vuiituu Dens anooiuer r.iec
triu Appliances on trial tor thirty days to any
person afflicted with Nervous Debility, Loot
Vitality, and kindred troubles, guaranteeing
complete restoration of vigor and manhood.
Address as above without delay.
P. 8. No ritk is incurred, as 3'Odava' trial is
Mensman's Pkptonizku ueek tonic, the oulv
preparation of beof coiitaininc its entire nutri
tious properties. It contains blood-making, force
generating autt liie-sustainiug properties ; tu
valuablo for indigestion, dyapepsia, nervous
prostration, aud all forms of general debility;
alao, in all enfeebled conditions, whether the
result of exhaustion, nervous prostration, over
work or acute disease, particularly if renulun;;
from pulmonary coiupUiuls. Caswell. Hazard
A Co., proprietors. New York. Sold lv druggists.
Vi.t ! Vim. Will II.iw
n Treatise upon tho llome and his Diseases.
Book of 100 liases. Valuable to averv owner
of horses. Pontage stamps taken. Sent post
paid by New York Newspaper Union, 150 W orth
btieet, New York.
The Science of Life, or Be. -Preservation, a
medical work for every man young, miaaie-
aged or old. lib invaluable prescriptions.
WARTrt. Tteripe for pnlnlpso and Inex-
iiimvj cure, 10 I'll, it."S liox 41S,
fro. '1 Park Row, New York.
It tl strings any one will luffer from tlernmentt
lroiiRMon bylninirblooU.wlin SCOVILL'S SAItSA.
KYKUP will reitor health -to the piytcl orjaniMUon.
it it tre nsthentii? yrtip, pieman! to take, inU the UEST
iLOOO FUHIHLH ever Uncovered, cunns Scruul.
Syphilitic diKtrdert. Weakneii or the Kldneja, Erysipelas,
Miliaria. je.'vouiHioruns. Debility, Ullioui complaints
and Diutiei ot the lilood. Liver, Kidneys, Slomach
sun, etc.
Edey't) Carbolic Troches prevent all conta
gious diseases, such a Diphtheria. Scarlet Fever.
"hooping Coiiftb, auu curs Coughs and Colds.
Pleasant to the taste and a good disinfectant.
Ui Cents 'will buy a Treatise upon the
Horse and his Dineaees. Book of 100 pages. Valuable
to every owner or horses. Postage stamp takeu.
Bent postpaid by NEW YORK NEW6PAPEH UNION,
I au worm ntreei. rew lork.
e l . , wuii-Liuw ..crvuus jjeDimy at
6eiidforC:reulr. Alieu'sPharuiacy,J13FirstavN.Y.
ad tugi su veterinary unrifeoD and Chemist, now
traveling in this country, , that most ol the Hor.e
aud t "at tie Powder sold here art worthless trash lie
sma-s that SLerHl&n'ACniiriiti till WW( frm tir a
Jy pure ami miinens-iy valuable. NotUm on earth
U,c-Ul? iiuiiicuBrjy Taiuaui. .oiuiijjj OH earn
make bent tay like hberulan'i Condition ow
VrxSVLfZ't7lf,i!-,v n,.1 Inr " '""tier stann I
JOHNSON K CO. . Boston, Mns. Innmrlv hunger. Ml.
1 V H BY PHY8K UN lo Jet the n'hett iul bub
IJbtjtiillri leai'U I tin hliei lur Yiiltpulliir lyll-lil
and gi,lete m Hit, AMI Itll AN HKtl.'lll
. O 1. 1,1.1. I-.. AdllichS lib I'll Kitleul. Cltlemilutl, (1.
& noupuiNE CTijp
Trmti.e on their CH I I II UI
MrtycuieKKNT P'HKU. Du J.O.
, P.O.lioa lM,tuiciiil.
Ont of Tune..
When tho tones of a musical Instrument be
come haih aud discordant we nay It is "out of
tune." The same may ha naid of that far
more wonderful and complicated piece of me
chanism, the human structure, when it be
comes disordered. Not only actual disease,
but those far more common causes, overwork,
mental anxiety and fait living, may impair
its viRnr and activity. 'J'he beat remedy for a
partial collspoo of the vital energies, from
these as from other causes, is llosletter's
Stomach Bilteis, which Is at the snme time an
agreeable and mind cheering cordial, and tha
bent possible inviuorant in all cases of debility.
It is an incomparable stomacliio and anti
bilious medicine, eradicate fever and K'i",
and prevents subseriuent attacks. It remedies
with certainly and thoroughness bowel and
kidney complaints, dyspepsia, nervousness,
rheumatic troubles, and many other bodily ail
ments. It alo counteracts influences which
prcdispo.6 to iliexe,
TnFnR are 4,7G2,fiU acres of cultivated lands
in Scotland, tho annual rental of which is about
:t ,000,000. In Wales there aro 2,74,003
eres, with a yearly rental of f 18,fiOO,(H)0.
neat In ihe World.
Cahiuimiai.c, l'a., t-'opt. 2(1, SSI.
II. n. WAnNKtt A Co.: .N.r. I know from
my own experience that your iaf Kidney and
I.iver Cure is the best medicine in the world
lor kidney, liver and urinary ditliculties.
Stvnyt, roup.
A mam who cannot govern his own tompor
should never try U oontrol his wife's.
l'oultrv Thole.
Its Cause, Nature. Prevention and Ouro. Pv
A. HI. Diikie, M. 1)., and W. II. Mkbuy, if
1)., editor Siuthern J'oultiy Journal, Iitmis-
ville, Ky. A valuable book for every farmer
or raiser or poultry, l'rice i eta., postpabl
New Yiihk Nkwhpapp.ii Union, 148 aud 160
Worth Street, New lork.
The Ki nzer Axle Cireiise
Is the best iu the market. It is the niot
economical and cheapent, one box lasting a
lono ns two of siit other. One praaHilip will
last two weeks, it recoived first premium at
the Coutennial and Paris Expositions, 10
motiais at various Mate lairs, tinv no other,
. riii't null iiuii,
Flics, roachos, anls, bedbiiKs, rats, mice,
phers, cliMimiiUs cleared out by"I!oucl
ltats." 15i
lUgh cc
Ho, Yb Daldiieads I There is Inst one wav.
and no more, by which you may be cured use
C'nrboliiio, a deodorized extract of petroleum.
It will positively produce new hair; there la no
substitiite lor tins marvelous bair reuewor.
Its Cause, Nature. Prevention
and Cure, by A. M. DICKIE,
Nl. D., and W. H. MERRY, M.
D., Editor of Southern Poul
try Journal, Louisville Ky. A
valuable book for every farm
er or raiser of Poultry. Price,
New York Newspaper DnioD,
1 48 & 1 50 Worth St., N. Y. .
Amou the medici
nal means cf arrest.
liiK disease. lionet
ter's Stomach Mil
ters atandt pre-eml
nent. It checks the
further uronresi ol
all disorders ol the
Stnniftrh UvAr . n .1
bowels, revives the vt-
i4i .iiinna.tirevpnts
antl rtiu,()ia i,oi.
Hud K-ver, lucreass
me activity ol the
kidnevs, counteracts
a leiiueuc to rheu
uialiHiu. aud la i
Kenuiue star aud
solace to atted, In
flrm aud nervous
For sals by all
tiriik'itists and Deal
er Keueral ly.
To the Consiimpllve.-Wlltior'a Coin on unit
or Uod-Liveb Oil and Lime, wtthout posKsiiig the
very iiaiiseatiuit flavor of the article as heretofore
unit, is endowed by the rhot.haie ef Mine nh s
beAlfDK pmiiertv which renders the oil doubly eftica
cioa. Iteinnrkable tenunnulals of lt ellicaov can
be shown. Hold liu A. It. Wii u.iu et,
ud all drupglnts. ' """"""
AGENTS tvTi.i)wu- i,ii,..i Aiiv.ii.
luresui ih lll l.ll UliTLAH N,
fotitritnivo rltr ofti compute ami nuihentie arronnl
'if llitM Held llluhwnviuru. The lutett iiiionna
''M; Xiiiolliiu nl Jrsee. 7,t i.,wlnuiul
i:Hrriin!l mat est ttiHbjuk rrrr u rilttH. Fully If.
Iiiki ruled. M ini .tu i-eiits tor eoinulrte ontflt,
ti nil h i-ile aiilek lor lentiH. wlm li ,rN .....
hikI you Citu make money iam. hnw Is the iime.'
IX'UKIass llros.. .'..I hfvwnth St., 1'hiUdeli.hla, yt.
I LMOiUllO willows, (sthsrs, nethsrs ei
ehildnn. Thoassn4syeteatitl4. PsesioasfUsa
lor lo., r Bi,, .7, or rupture. titioom Tim,
a r utoiuitu I'ir IDVtBlurv. Nuliii.i
ran refer tn thoiiiktida of P.. ........ j .
Adir-rt N. W. FltzaeraldiCo.I'iHK,. A,
l-ATanT Ait s. tttoitrt.BM"lc,r,a o.g
Our itluktrated LIvMof tVi? Jamci
Brutliera i p laired to bUO I'snaa
muIi ?0 llluatrtAtlon, and it compete
iiK.ludiD,' the Ui-tti and Burul of
Wc al'o niuirate the kilting, the Koukc,
Irse James alter death. Tin wife, hit
iMocliiltiien born in outlawry, the For tit
lu niaite the eapt ure .etc. aUua full-pave
etn'ravinj of Gov. Crilteiitlcrt. CUTS
iVAMfD. Circulars dee. Q.'ftr40U.
Tins t. the only true history Hr warn of
smaller editions Oat fcltwaM llliuu-atrl
vitiiiHi or auu l'aaoa. sen
Lrsvt uud Chr itueaU
re only Ui
,10., Ni
unatl. O.
$5 tO $20 "rayatlionie. NamplA worth Witi.
id on ih IitiilitniMit iiImi
price ft lruia. Attd'HO.W. llfi.KL, JJu,(tstf..wu. N J
hl.f llr.-m, li, ...i.l f .
.sw aH Dni mv iTimtir .
g r.. rth.W HI f-INTrtd, AN)' ONI
"'"I-lfH wortU by u.Ail, I ...
i iiMiif n..rnioriMl V Tiirn, ft 1,
i niniiru utijc. j. 1 ,1 A III II hi i..:n
S 1
30 R Vl?rk c,n, "J m4 r locaUtr,
iT.M. )elt-m." ""! new f,r ai;eiitiT8i
tnt Iree .V. liinaliF.m A Co.. Bontou.
IllVentOra Irt Inn. ... .
WANTED'"1! ,0.r,ub"""K PSIenU until aftel
i 1 iVT. . ""Iy Ull Cured.
?(WrJt J Add,'.; i '''e "rMi 'npl " "2?
YOUNG MEN lV'0"'n.,JnT9l,-ri';b7Tn
. . . a few mouths, aud be ceriaiuoli
situation, aiirtiess Vaientlue llros.. Jduesv, l w .
Fancy Card CoUectors.'V.UV--SW
4d..r.nt.,. 1 oc. Drew m"cl&ti
K l'i''-"r. liros 4 Co . Uaitin.ori .1
$66 riti:?, Aer' fifM
A Uus.c Jomu. lor a aumiji. V. bu)iiu.Zii.i t
f "rmuHiflUine.
copnirea n tun i-ni"i jy
. voesiit end variety -flj. J
tlio I'lilteit Mutes. 1 bo
ilsnrtielo met air. i ".".
icntly, nnil finind lilm
Dial ui jirivatoHn ne i .on -
IIIH l7IMM'l"0
riiitillo. L'ur
iii por cou"
versailon I In
quired as to
hi physical
health, audi
he replied that It wa
ii v; 1 V t 'x-JTV slonllfer iwtiM.
n ait nan rut
elthertbe reult oftheu-
matlo attaeas or rums,
hut any complaints or
that t'harat'lr oever
, tnniMohlmlonir.aahit
fur all ufl nnuyinir
mu.tinn. f s.VfA what the remedy
whs and h rrnlled -BTjArf.twUiL.
It l-lt Wr.rai.rsniJtbathscoiisUierCTiiie.
IfTil tlreat liermnn Kemedr u
i ni- rreparatlort for tho euro ur in.c.
rlioiiinatUm, and inai w. ""'" .
.h-lressitig emnpbillit, lie took bottles Of It w tl
I in whenever be went traveim. nd."",''d
! lt,nd knew lhat It w
lar with a number of memoere ofhls o i com.
,.iiy. The IXiregcdiis-, from lb. Brook lynl N. Yj)
.r, recalls to our mlin en Item "herein
,-,1,'lorof the Cairo (III.) .ii'!7 "',?. pVl"fi
I I il.ulo to the enterprise of tbo 8U If u a V
,.il,i, and exprenilna; his sorrow at ,TSi
me which tho hitler pni"""'"'"'"'"'. 'n,?
.ihi.lo olllee was knoeked Into ten
I,leees-nll except Ibo ST. J A cons Oib edj "',
ineiit, which was niercirully preserved J,j
ilavuig remurks In tho slxivoand the foliowi nw
inenli'it ars- ime Index of tbo uitexaniplei?
popularity tho Urent ticrmnn Kcmedjr ")''
v.-rvwhero: At 81, l-ouis Ibeairo recenilr
.vlulKt the piny was In progress, one of biair
iierlnrnisrs met wllh tl painful mishap, which)
-iiilte disabled her. Thoberoof Iho pleee, equal
to the fmernenrv, railed out to one of tboiiMierj
lo "brtim a bot'ilo of St. J At on Oil ou'kiy.
I he tluiiiilerliig npplnuno tlironchmit ttie tutirej
iniii-ewhieh promptly followed tin; ojppy "
1.1-mioii wit an tiiiiiiiKtaknlilo prtwf or tbo tact
but the andleneo " bud t-een there themselves,
is the expression noes, and experienced the oeu-
his of ihiswt.ndt'illil sr li lo. ,
Mr. ( bnrles A. Whitney, ndvertMna; egsntor
I'nrk l.iirilen, I'rovHleiieo. U. I., writes: "For
three vears I bud inlUnmiaiory rheumntwnt In
in v rleht hip sod knee. I employed many noted
plivslt'iaiis.itnd tried numerous remedies for
silinent, but fiiond not ti t rite to help mo until I
nt il the (ireut (icrnuiii Itetiieily, Kr. Ji oss )n
lihiieiited ineuloine. lulu uuwcullrcly wclL .
N V N U -t I
The Wilsonia Magnetic Clotbins CompanT
boR to announce to the publld
that In order to accommodate the
froatlylncreasoddemandf or their
Magnetic Carments they have re
moved their principal salesrooms
and offices from 400 Fulton St.,
Brooklyn, to 23 East 14th St., New
York City, whore all communlcae
tlons should be addressed, and
all checks, drafts and P. O. order
be made payable.
25 EAST 14th STREET,
New York City.
f-.mbrftclnK (vill and anthftOtic account ot every nav
duu ol aucipnt aud iiioiIhd tiuin, and InrliKhns
tnaiory ot lite mu aud Ull or the (mrk aud Itumaa
fin.'irt'i, the nudtlle avvs, the rrunadps, tlir teutiU
VHtrm, the rHormattuD. the discovery aud rttifi.
tmiiit of the New World, etc, etc. It contaiui 47'J
line Inn ton tl Piiwravlnwa, aud in the motit coii'
History of the World evnr ituhlinhtnl. Send lor Hpoci
uieu PARes and extra term to AtttnitA. Atllr-H
fiATIDNAL P'THLlfHlNit Co., I'll 1 1 A I -h t P.
for tbe three first nnrr.htrs ot
ttie new volume of DsaoRtaT'a
MoNTntT. Ten large iilcUireg
SterlenKravingsaud Oil. Th
best Portrait of the late PresU
d'li i J sines A. 0rde:d. Two nlicca of mustr.
Three cut drent patterns. Two hundred tllu'tra
ttons. l Two hundred and forty paces of cho:c
literature, sue 8 a US', or IX pounds of elegant
printing, oo tinted psuer. rost fres, for fifty cen'.t)
In postSjje stamps. W. JKNN1NG9 DEMORKSlV
I'ualisuer, I? Last Mth htrtet, How York.
pf 1H 109!
Puisoiis' I'uishiIvii 1MII. n,.k NT KiA
Iilooa, ua will completely chauge tli blood In (Us
il take one pill each nlitlit from 1 to 12weeks mar b
reatorej l0 ,pUnd health .if suoh a thlrm be possilils.
Sold vrvwher or ..-nt U mv.l (r 8 letter stKino
TOIITU it MiooTf. Prr. MstariMta.
tm4 lviTtlr. tU. r i0 eta I, eitk M. boibfc,
TUR1 tl tih Nit buabesd et tr. iu m: Met1
i4 t abnf. Md ia.14 sf sBttmaft. H,tboiM,
ks.ll fte4iMJ Muss ttmantea) eji met mW-1J
fHv. piv'Kiw.'o timktN A Ralloiis of a
I I iwrauce Ix-veMiTe. Ack your rtrut'tist, or sent by
mull lor it.V. (!. E. 11 inn, 48 N. fiela. ave..l'lilla.
iii'iuTioiiH, wnoimti ime, niark unit ivm-
saw m ILLS?
I St Ml r7Xsws.
k FurUtMrriritivasrip.
I'Mlf illlTUial M rl k a w I a i ll , ,r".Tnl
"miliar J Urn-.
pn rwiiiviTiiiv
Is a medlesl trti nn h'.i,...aA v
and Physical Debility. Prematura Decline la Man:
... u iuuiieunuie ireaiise tor every man, whether
young, middle aged or old.
Pit PtiK'ir V A T l.ftM
Is beyond all eoiiiparmon the most extraordinary
work ou PbvsioloK , over imblished. There is uothiua
whatever that the married or aniRle can either ro"
"iVr'onZ ZZ J "U0W Lut "hU u luU "Waiued.-
n,,ct hoss lo health how to remain so. and the
7, h ii Jr.. i t "on. uouiaiuii one uuudred
atid tweuty.hveiovaiuable prescriMtiouslorall forms
111 SlPlllA SI 111 ullHiktiln .t.i.,.. M 1 , ,
i-T r , wu.wuiu MiHruH, mr va:u oi which a
rauni ATI ON,
Contains 300 pases, hue steel engra vines, la superbly
- .u. u U. I.IIU. CUIUUMHU, ml tflt. 11 IS a
marvel of art aud beauty, wai rau'sd to be a better
medical book 10 everVeense thvj can be obtained
eloewbera lor double the price, o- the money will ha
refunded in every iustauce.-u."ioy.
- umtu luinnui i ail umrr irrailses OO medical
siibjecu that comparison is absolutely luipoaeibte.-
Is sent fee mail, aecureiv seale.1 n.n..i
ol once, only tlM loew edition), (.mall Illustrated
samples, Oo, Bend now. ,
1 be autnor can be consulted on all diseases re
quiring skill and eiperience. address
or W. II. I'AKKER. M. D..
4 Bultlnrb Street, llnnton. nia..
A WEEK. ldiv at Uoiiienanny made. Ooalle
Ouvii liee. Add s Xaus Cu. imn -'n'iitl