1 EDITOR. .utDXESDu mum, may m.issj. REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET For Governor, General JAM ICS A. BEAVER, of Centre county. For Lieut.-Govemor,. S nator WILLIAM T. DA VIES, of Bradford county. For Judge of tho Rupromo Court, WILLIAM HENRY RAWLF,, of Philadelphia. For Secretary of Internal Affairs, Senator JOHN M. GREER, of Butler county. For Congrossman-at-Larsre, THOMAS M. MARSHALL, of Pittsburgh. ANNOUNCEMENTS. , Tkrms : Congress -0 ; State Senator, , f 10; Assembly 10 ; District Attorney (3. ' These tern. 8 are strictly cash in advance ami no tlcviation. CONGRESS, i Ed. Republican : I rieaso announce the :. name of Hon. A. Cook, of forest County, j sn a candidate for Congress tn the 2."th ' District, subject to the usages of the Re publican party. MAN Y FRIENDS. ; ASSEMBLY. Wo are authorized to announce that I E. L. DAVIS will ben, candidate lor re election to the oflleo of Assembly, subject 1 to the usages of the Republican party. I DISTRICT ATTORNEY. We are authorlr.od to announce T. J. ' VanGIKSHN ESQ., of Tioncsta, as a can I didato for District Attorney, subject to : Republican usages. j. n. WENIC, Hon. Tiios. V. Cooper, of Dela J ware county, has been chosen as ; Chairman of the Republican State 6 Executive Committee. lie is an able, i euergetlc Republican and the Democ I racy will have hard work to find his " equal in their ranks. I RrEAifirvn of the work of the Ra. publican State Convention, our neigh bor cf the Democrat says : "In norma gating General James A. Beaver for iUoverflor, they recognize honesty and -virtue and brains and should be be elected he will no doubt make a good executive officer." Last year Mr. Wolfe bolted and ran as an independent candidate l because Senator Davies was not nom : inated for State Treasurer. How that Mr. Davics has been nominated for i Lieutenant Governor will Mr. Wolfe consider this a good reason for another bolt? ! t When Senator Mitchell was in the Army, if ho had fought the Confeder ates with half the determination that he now proposes to fight the regular Republican nominees, nrthing could have prevented hirn froM beine Piesi dent. But as there were eome Con federates left even after the doughty Senator got through fighting them, it is possible that there will be something jeft of the .State ticket after Senator .Mitchell get3 over his present ram page. Ilarrixburg Telegraph. i n i f A dispatcu from Washington dated May 22, cays: Justice James this morning announced the decision of the court in banc upon the exceptions in the Guiteau case, denying a new trial and affirming the judgment below. Justice Hagner in a eeperate opinion discussed the bearings of the old Mary land law, and held that even under the Maryland act of 1875, ths indict ment would have been good in this district. Judge Cartter stated the opinions given were unanimous opin ions of the court. ! When the Greenbackers of , this State were in convention at Harris qurp last week, they sent a telegram to Congressmen Mosgrove and Brumm to votb agaiaat the bill extending the Sharters of the .National banks. Mr. Drumm did vote against the bill, but jur Mr. Mosgrove, the President of Kittanning's First National Bank, ph, where was he? echo answers J where!" His name is put down in ilia list of those "not voting." Now, jLen, this is considered by the Green tuckers the most important measure that has come up before Congress juce it has been in session, and was ta excellent chance for Mr. Mosgrove 0 "show his colors." But he dodges. Sot only does he dodge the vote on the final passage, but no where o we sco Li 3 name recorded as voting lu the bill, either for, fernenst or ictween. He dodges completely. Vh.iC excuse have our Greenback HenJs to oiler fur Mr. Mosgrove. He 1 opposed to National banks "like . u Burner kept tavern out west." j ADDRESS OF THE REPUBLICAN STATE COM MITTLE. Head quarters Ilrpnldicm Siate' Qmmiiirc, St. Cloud Hold, I'hiladclphia, Uvj 17, S2. ) To the Republicans of Pennsylvania The Republican State Committee thus early announces the opening of its Headquarters, and asks the prompt co-operatioa of all active Republicans, to the end that the details of what must prove a great canvass may receive the most careful attention. The Harrisburg Convention has submitted to the suffrages of the peo ple a great ticket anil a glorious plat form. The ticket embodies a group of names which for ability, fitness and representative character, it is impos sible to excel. General Beaver is not only the type of our soldiery of that host which counted in its ranks nearly a quarter of a million of Pennsylva nians when the Union of the States was imperrillcd but his deeds and sufferings for the causo place him in the front rank of the heroes of that war. As Republicans wo vowed in its darker hours that political ingratitude should never be shown to any of theso heroes, "all other things bciDg equal." In this instance all other things are more than equaled ; they are excelled in so far that our maimed eeldier can didate for Governor embodies all the higher qualities of the statesman, the orator and christian. Senator Davics for Lieutenant Governor, represents the free, unshackled talent of the section which gave us a Wilmot and a Grow. Wm. Henry Rawle, for the Supreme Court, is the best product of Philadelphia's brilliant bar, and in the world of legal letters bears a fame so bright that our continent cannot bind it. John M. Greer, for Secretary of Internal Affairs, is as strong in politics as in physique, and throughout a dis tinguished career in the State Senate has been recognized as the champion of the men who have developed our livers of oil and made the world their channel. Thomas M. Marshall, the most independent of all independent thinkers in our West, is the best ex ample our State affords of the citizen whose qualifications have compelled the office to hunt the man. He will aid in keeping intact what the nature of things must be a very narrow Re publican margin in the lower House of Congress. The ticket thus fairly and fully rep resents every living element of Repub licanism. The platform is more pro nounced than any ever before adopted in the State pronounced in seeking every legitimate political advance touching improvement of methods and the earliest possible triumph of princi ples. Pennsylvania is now freer in her form of Republican primary action than any other State in the Union. The inaugurated district representation in National Conventions, and now more fully enforces this policy than any of her sister States. The present platform and the rules embodied there in secure to primary action for State Conventions every tangible claim to increased liberty, and these are polit ical reforms of more rapid groth than any known to our history. As a rule good things in politics which come to stay, come step bv step. the pace increasing oqly as all become raoro and more ready to receive. The progress of the Republican party iurciniy auests a lact which has grown into a maxim. In its infancy the party could but announce its opposi tion to the further extension of slavery. Extension once forbidden, its wisest champien the martyred Lincoln patiently struggled iu the earlier years of hi first administration for compen sated emancipation. His appeals were rejected by the parties interested. War's grim necessity emancipated, and then a great struggle followed for equality before the law but another step, and one which looks timid now yet which wa3 bold enough then. Civil rights accomplished, mauhood suffrage came through even more painful stages. To have demanded the greater boon from the beginuing the final step which included and outreached all others would have led to a fatal slip. The men who proved their powers iu these struggles were those who had the wisdom to guide with care and good cheer, and so to stand with the people as not to lose their opportunities for increasing useful ness. Of such weie Lincoln, Stevens, Garfield. And now the Republican party of our State, having aided in human rights through legal forms, in its recent Convention wisely directed ita atten tion to the growth of liberty in primary action. In Republican Government it is frequently wise in citizens to imitate in their forms of voluntary political action those laid down by the law, for in this way all the people became familiar with the law, and its workings ; the exceptions point to times and occasions when it is desira ble to change the law, and to prepare sentiment for that chauge. The coa- ftiLutiotuil law of Pennsylvania fixes the number of tfnators mid Represen tative at 2.1, a maximum which the platform proserves in tho selection of dtlogfitcs to luturo htate Conventione, but it at the phuio time wisely protects the primary right of ach Republican voter in the declaration that delegates elected as Senators and Representa tives are selected. This is popular and representative suffrage carried into primary action, giving to local sovorigoty the say whether it shall bo popular or representative. Either is a great advance, and in the advance the party of the State has only re fraiued from interference with the right of home rule in primary details. Look carefully at the platform, and you will see not only successive but culminating steps to every remedy, and steps pointing to every liberty which wisdom can suggest. These are reforms of to-day. Only envenomed sophistry can call them reforms of to morrow. The ticket with high honor recognizes every element of the party ; the platform embodies every principle which the knowledge of men in dis passionate conference, committee, or convention could suggest as abreast of the times. The Republisan party redeems its pledges. It has never forfeited its word, and neither misconstruction nor taunt can shake its record or purpose in this regard. Accomplished reorms will be maintained, promised reforms will be realized, and that they may be maintained aud realized the State committee asks all who lean toward Republicanism to fall into line under the old standard, that a victory sure to be won mar be doubly assured. Jn a contest where nearly all is at stake they do best who are most willing to sacrifice personal desires, individual shades of opinion, or per sonal ambition and interest, for the common cause. Iu such contests a shrewd an unscrupulous enemv too often prompts the lifting of the red band of faction, so that it may serve as a "will-o'the-wisp" to lead the unwary aside and into quagmires, where they must remain without a flag, without a purpose, and without a goal. There is but one enemy to fight. It is the old one, which in major part was false to the Union in its hours of danger ; which subsequently stood but as an obstruction to the rights of man; which to-day represents a reaction opposed to American labor, to our material advancement in manufactures and commerce, to the redemption of our nation's pledges. With settled purpose not to be diverted from their object, the Republicans of Pennsylva nia will face this common enemy, and with it alone decide the great issues of the conflict. An the better to do this let all Re publicans who have any suggestion to make, correspond with their State and and County Committees sounsel with their neighbors invite and encourage the ever-sufficient aid of thqir local and metripolitan Republican press prompt the active to greater activity, inspire effect in the new and untried, hasten primary action where haste can do no wrong, anticipate iu the earliest hours of the canvass that machinery of the law which requires early registries of voters and in all things get ready for a great battle. Serve early and manly notice upon the enemy that every honorable effort and resource shall be employed to achieve a victory which many regard as vital to Vie great Republican party and its principles. By order of the Republican State Committee. TIIOS. V. COOPER, Chairman. The Republicans of Jefferson Co., will hold their primaries on the 17th of June. Judgo Cook, who is an nounced in that county for Congress, we learn, stands a very god chance of being successful. Should the Judge carry Jefferson his chances for nomin ation in the district will be very good, and when he gets the nomina tion his election may be set down as a foregone conclusion. We are anxious to hear the result from Jefferson. The Venango Spectator is one of the Democratic papers which takes no stock iu Wolfe's howls, and thinks he ia a little late in declining a nomination at the hands of the Republican con vention. It says: "Mr. Wolfe didn't ggt his bone in the distribution at Harrisburg. He is going to writo an open letter of expla nation, tending to show that he was not a candidate for any of Cameron's favors, but that letter should have been written before the meeting of the Convention." The Independent press is just cow busily engaged in taking back all the unpleasant things they said about Charles S. Wolfe, now that he asserts that he never sought, or was promised a place on the State Republican ticket. Will Wolfe take back all the unpleasant things he has said about his former friends and Independent associates, having tried, condemned and crucified him merely on suspic ion? If he does ho is less Wolfeish than we take him to be. J88 -SPRING MAY H TIIKTK OP ALL KINDS, SUCH LTNK3 AS WE C'AIIHY AMP.ItACING KVKRY TUING KKIT IN A FIRST-CLASS 8TOKK. Call and sco our Stock. It will pay you. Wo havo tho Most Complcto and Cheapest Stock of IN Til IS COUNTRY. AXI I.OOIC AT OUIt SUITH AT tO S 3.0 3.0 & 0 XJOW-AT? ):(- m FBI SATS WOOL 3ry Coodtt 4 IS very Vaseiy J SILKS, MERVELIEUX, BLACK STRIPE MOREYS. WE HAVE A Ii.MUJE ASSORTMENT OF BOOTS & SHOES for G-ENTS. ALSO A LAlKiE LINE OF LADIES', MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES IN ALL GRADES. CARPETS pwceo ! WALL PAPER nSSBo! HABDWABE ! WIARD CHILLED MALLEABLE IRON BEAM PLOW ! THE 15 EST IN THE MAItKET. Groceries of all kinds, Flour, Feed, &c. CALL AND SEE. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS COMPETITION i:riEI FIIOJI ANY SOUKCK. HOLEMAN & HOPKINS. TIONESTA, Pa., or PLEASANTVILLE. PA. TIONESTA IMLlfcltlST.S. CORRECTED EVERY TUESDAY, BY RELIABLE DEALERS. Flour barrel choico - - 0.008.00 Flour y sack, best - - t 1.50(2.00 Corn Meal, 100 lbs - - l.)0 Chop feed, pure grain - - 1.85 Corn, Shelletl - 00 Beans bushel ... 2..r04.00 Ham, sugar cured 10 Break fast Bacon, Bugar cured 15 Shoulders 811 Whitefish, half-bnrrels ... 7.50 Lake herring half-barrels - 5.50 Sugar - Pll Syrup ...... 75 N. O. Molasses new ... 7o90 Roast Rio Coffoo ... 1823 Rio Coffeo, .... 1520 Java Coffoo - - - 2830 Tea 20M Butter -20 Rice - 810 Eggs, fresh .... - 15 Salt best lako .... 1.50 Lard 15 Iron, common bar - - - . 0.75 Nails, lOd, p keg .... 3.f 0 Fotatf.es .... 1.25 Lime "0 bbl. .... - l.r.O Dried Apples per lb ... 78 Dried Beef - - 18 Dried Feaches per lb ... 10 11 Dried Peaches pared per . - - 25 IiKoliition of Earlncr2iij. NOTICE Is hereby given that tho part nership in the lumber business lately existing between R. N. Miles and Jaoob Sheasley, of Tionesta and Franklin, I'a., under the firm luuno of Miles A Sheasly, was by mutual consent dissolved on the Oth day of May, 18S2. All debts owing to tho said partnership and all demands on tho same, will bo settled by the Kaid Jacob Sheasley ; he will continue tho business in his own name. It. N. Milks, Jacob Shkasly. May 15, 1882. Executor's Notice. NOTICE Is hereby given that letters Testamentary on the Estato of H. II. May, lato of fionesta Borough, deceased, have been granted by Justis Shawkey, Register, to the undersigned, and all per sons indebted to or having claims against said Estate are notified to rnako settle ment with us. BEN J. MAY, II. II. STOW, Executors of Estato of II. II. May, ue ceHwd. Tionesta, Pa., April 14, 1882. Ct. DENTISTRY, WM. TATE, D. D. S., lias permanently located in Tioncsln, and will be found at the Rural House. Ho has had over 23 years successful experience, and will guarantee satisfaction m overy instance. Prices reasonable. apr. 12-82. Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Restorers he marvel of the age for all Nerve Dis eases. All' fits stoppod free. Send to 031 Arch St., Philada. eep21-81tf piIOTOQRAPII GALLERY, TIONESTA PA M. CARPENTER, . .' . Proprietor. Pictures taken in all the latest styles of the art. 2S-tf Patents For Inventions. E. W. ANDKUSON. J. C. SMITH. Anderson fc Smith, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, No. 700 Seventh St., WASHINGTON, D. C. No fee for preliminary examination. No foe unless patent is alowed. Fees less than any other responsible agenoy. Books of information sent free of charge. Ref erences furnished upou request. sep-28tf Si PKIWS NKW STORK f mi - i.m.Mmu Hardware Si ore! Just opened In Tionesta. Lumbermen, Farmers, Builders, Carpenters, Everybody, IS INVITED TO CALL AND EX AMINE OUR NEW STOCK ALL BOUGHT FOR CASH AND WILL BE SOLD AT CITY PRICKS. OUR STOCK CONSISTS OF A COM PLETE LINE OF LUMBERMEN'S AND MILL MEN'S SUPPLIES, BUILDER'S SUPPLIES, CARPEN TERS' TOOLS, FARMING IMPLE MENTS, STOVES, HOUSEHOLD FURNISHING GOODS, AC. OUR QUALITIES Compare advantagoously with any of the City Houses. PRICES AS LOW. HENRY HEEER JR., In tho Einstein Building, may 10-82tf. TIONESTA, PA. SiyjEARBAUGH & CO., Dealers In GROCERIES! TOBACCO, CIGARS, HARD WARE, QUE EN S W A R E. G L ASS WARE, TOYS, STATIONARY, WALL PAPER, FOREIGN FRUITS, VEG ETABLES, BAKERS BREAD, OYS TERS, .Ao. Goods Always First-Class. DENTISTRY. DR. J. W. MORROW. Having purchased tho materials Ac, of Dr. Steadman, would respcctiully an nounce that he will carry on tho Dental business in Tionosta, and having had over six years successful experience, considers himself fully competent to give entire sat isfaction. I shall always give my medi cal practice the preference. ma'i-22-82. To Ths Traveling. -Public. I HAVE OPENED A LIVERY STABLE in Tylersburg, Clarion Co., and am pre pared to furnish travelers with hrst-class rigs at reasonable rates. Stages will be run to and from all trains on tho 1., B. A. B. Railroad, making connections at Ty iorsburg Station. JOHN WALTER. Tylersburg, Pa. March 1st, 1882. JTORENZO FULTON, Manufacturer of and Dealer in HARNESS, COLLARS, BRIDLES, And all kinds of HORSE FURNISHING GOODS. may 61 TONESTA, PA. ITS STMT Ml 2 formerly FilliJ.iir.;!i,Tilu'ivilIe & BulT.ilo Hp WI NT V. 11 Tl M i: TABL K, N ovem bor 1 -si A.M. 1".M.(.I. l7. 1 J:. t.M. A.M. 1(20 8tK;irPi!tsbuyi,'iv tM.'i iuio 1227 4 42 ar....Farkor...lv iUK 1205 12 Hi 4 :!:!!r...l'oxlurg..l v !l lid 12 X'. ; !M5 : lOlnr. Franklin. .lv 5 4(1 2 00 r. M. P.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. H nr. ;mo nr... Oil Cil v....lv 5 15 2 20 3 to 18 20 f:i 27 ....Kockwood.... jr. yo 4 ( t 14 j.1 00 Oloopolis 15 50 12 41 I 2r. fH OU 2 f2 ...KhiiIo Bock... to M f2 52 4 40 )h o:i 2 40 President 0 on 'i 50 4 45 7 10 2)2 Tionrsta (ISO 5 12 6 12 t7 31 fl tV Hickory 7 01 2S 5 S f7 21 1 45 .. Trtinkevville.. 17 12 : .'!(! 6 (.0 7 10 127 Tidiouto 7 H5 '3 4li 6 12 )( 17 12 55 ...Thompson h... 1S OK 4 OH fi 47 G 30 12 110 lv..lrvinoto..ar 8 35 4 25 7 20 1JW. P.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. Iio'ri ( D.T. Vdlj;ij A.M. P.M. " 0 11 12 00jlv...Wnrr)ii ...ar 8 53 4 45 P.M. A. M. ( h't'if. Hit i I It'll 1 ) A.M. p.m. ' 3 30 6 20 IV.. Bradford ..'ar 1135 j) 00 p.m. r. M. Ul'.'tild- KriTily) aTm. pTm. 5 00 12 (hi!lv.VVrren...nr 10 OH 7 4 42ll 47lv..CJrendnn..nr 10 25 7 57 ADDITIONAL TRAINS leave Claren don 7:20 a. in., Wftrron 7:45 n. tn., Irvlne ton 8:35 n. in. Artvoftt Tidioute f:5() n. m., Tionosta 10;57 . in.. Oil City 12:Sl p. m. LoavoOil City 7:40 a. in., Tioneti !):2it. in., Tidioute 10;A3 a. in., Irvinetou 12:10 p. m. . CHAUTAUQUA LAKW DIVISION. Trains leave Oil City for l't. Centre, Ti tusvi'.lo, Spartnnsliurg, Cenfeville, Corry Mavville, Brocton at 7:Oam, 10:.0aiii, 2:15pm, 4:30pm, 8:l5pui, Arrive 8:iH)am, H:45am, :00pm, 3:35pm, 8:SipmN ' ' Sunday Train leaves 7l30um : arrive 7:05pm. UNION tfc TITUSVTLLE BRANCH. Train leaves Titusvillo 5:30pm; arrives Union City 7:20pm. Leaves Union City 6: lOam ; arrives Titusvillo 8: 10am. Trains run daily except Sunday. Fla; Stations. Trains arc run on Philadelphia time. Through roaches between Oil City and Bradford 011 trains leaving Oil Citv 7:00ant., Cony 0:30pm. Pullman Slopping Car? between-Oil City and Pittsburgh on trains leaving Brocton 3:30pm and Pittsburgh D:45pm. ?l('kets sold and baggage checked to'all principal points. (Jet timo tables giving full information from Company's Agents. O. WATSON, Jn., Gen'l Supf. WM. S. BALDWIN, Oil City, I'a. Gen'l Pass. Agent, 41 Exchange St., Buffalo, N. Y. J. L. CRAIG Agent, Tionesta Pa. Weitther'sTlung eealee, Jimphovs THB HOOB. ron ins c.:m l 7 fl CONSUMPTION Bpittlng cf Blood, Brm- -' v-..? cmtM, umiffM, i nun'. 4j"tSlv fej JMnoMei rf the f uliuoiiary ,TnAUt'MARI, Ank Jrnf jjm,, tt iu Trial bottle 25 cents. STOPPED FREE Ituine Pfrsont Re5tor(fi DR. KLINE'S GREAT Ncduc DrOTADcn fifrall HAIS St Nl!T lllhlA.l. Onfvmra turii.l.llil.B If tiikon illrrc!.Ml.; Jin F.danr firstdaStutr, Trratlm and t'2 trial bottle ftee to Kit patient, they iiylnitoiiriHKi8e. (ienrt nmi. curt jut r ut, APiftpty ana iton AJi'ctvmt. S.nJv Vo",, ttVW Klitreaa to Dt. K LINK, :.( tAjcUSt,Pnlluatlvlila,P. tpriiKipuidrumitU. i uatiiro's gmatost roituUy. l)r. llaritnaul pirwiiuca it, ut ij.uju pmicurs, nil or wpom ivi'dViTcil or Ttoro luiicli lniprowil, t7-- yotmur, tlin iuldUli-ni;tMl. tfio ni l. t)i hoiffl 1'liliU.NA c:m lo tukcu v ovrrir nm: :.'. I D ami iiio niutiicr. CTX.IIjZ'ZTr'Ts '".t! ik inr.ivTi itKlurs Willi ino ItillU'Ul. TtrLa:isvs t!io BysWm (if fill Its Impurities, 'Lt.9 i.iu pi. piiim it, ii-uiuii's iuu iitiurt. un locks tho RKi-roUfinnof t!io livr, strcr.Rtlinin Umnrrvcianii liivliT'iroU ntlieliraln. L!'"-iT l'K.ui N li t;to crontost nim-tlitT. nirv'i moo.1, nnd to tl-a Vv..try nn l tln d roiatho wMisaim rar.-n nr t'n .? it ulvcn swwt nm rt-f resltlttjf eliKsp. tT-" 'wjvr- vj r-j'r j.ir--y l'RItl'N A (ttulnMA.iKV.tn-'y vi Ci y'X'ocly t" ........ .ivi. niju, ur inr,'i:i, tlliJK B . reimplilot;. EHvKr'KS, V tl T I '?il . 1Ut ' lfMV I ynursL-lf, mlilmsa 8. H. I1AKT.HAN A :0.. 1 i okmoh.v. uiuo. Al'vaymcguittto luo uowoU 1-' B'T'l'Vt?,- mm IN" M HO ! SPIRTEif!! I tako pleasure In telling the Kponl.-it Fiatornity that I have re-purchaed Tin: gvs iiLTsir.sj FROM HORACE JONES, TO WHOM SOLD IT IN 1871, T AM NICELY LOCATED at my old X stand, and I am prepared to attend to all my friends, and the public generally, who neod ANYTHING Ifj THE GUN LINE! I shall koep a perfect stock of a.': kindi of AM23UfnTIOfi! And all kinds of FISHING TACKLE, I shall also continue to handle the Willie" Sew lit- Maehluc. And tho CHICAGO SINGER SEWING MACHINE Come and see me. You will find me ALWAYS AT HOME. Muzzle Loaders made to ordor and war ranted. E iP A I E I N G IU ALL ITS BRANCHES PROMPTLY AND FAITETULLY DONE. K. A. IAI,lWIjr. Tidiouto, Pa., Aug. 12, DR. A. FISIIEU, DENTIST, WARREN, PA. Having resinned his practice in Forest county he will make his accustomed visits to lionestii on all regular court weeks, lie will be found at tho Central House. I erloct satisfaction guaranteed. marS-b" ri If '-jiies.st wlirnsU k, toctirn. flfJvii;i lippnU'. f Q lor ncn salt will not euro or Iiclo, p ; Tr's I ri . I'RBUitn t ectiiiiowlot all vcVabiVlilri'r I