the nr.M am hocsoiold. Prevention aed Treatment of Milk Fever. One of the best methods of prevent irpj milk fever 1m to fofd the cow several week, to Several months before calving fcooording to its danger if la winter, on ordinary dry hay only, ith a quart or so of wbrat bran, night n morning, to keep the bowels open ; if in stimmer, let her run ou a poor pasture, and at all times haro a large lamp of Liverpool roc milt to lick at pleasure. If the cow has ben dried off a conple of months before due to calve, watch the approrh to pmmntion, and if the bag shows ex tra full, then begin to d-aw a dmall quantity of milk from it two weeks or It b before her time, and increase this, (wording to the fullness of the bag, till the calf is dropped ; then milk her clean after the calf has sucked, at three equal intervals in every twenty-four hours. In the meanwhile do not in crease her feed for a month or more, till sll danger of fever is passed. If the cow has continued to give milk up to within a few days of the time for her to calve, as is sometimes the cose, then perhaps it will not be necessary to milk her till after calving. Keep her dry and sheltered from storms and from excessive cold or heat. See that the water she drinks is pure, and that she has all she wishes to take at least throe times per day. Never let this water get ioy cold, and after calv ing give it slijrntly warm for a few days. As soon as sff acted, if not al ready in a comfortable stable, put the co into one, litter the floor well, and always keep this dry ana clean. One of the mobt simple and effectual pre scriptions for this disease is half a pound of Epsom salts dissolved in three or lour quarts of warm water mixed with two tablespoonfuls of sweet spirits of nitre. Wet up a small feed of wheat bran with this. If the cow will not take it bo, then put the salts and nitre solution into a strong necked bottle, raw np the head and pour it down the throat. Repeat this every morning till . cured. This simple remedy rarely fails, even in the worst cases, if all the above directions are carefully followed. Rub the bag with lard, mixed with the last drippings, every time the cow is milked. This renders the bag soft and pliable and prevents the milk from caking in it. National Live Slock Jour nal. Farm and Garden Notes, Keep sheep dry under foot. This is even more necessary than roofing them. Young cows do not give as rich milk as those do oi mature aire. A lean cow gives poor milk and a fit one rioh milk. Grass arown on manured land gives a mors nutritive fodder, richer ( espe cially in albumnoids) than that grown upon un manured or poorly manured land. The difference is sometimes as great as ten per cent. A heifer ooming in at two years old is the best time for developing her fu ture milking qualities. Comfortable quarters, generous feed, regularity in feeding and kind treatment will do mufh, however, in rearing a fine milker. The Gardener't Monthly says that in England Spiles are dried whole. They eeem to be firt-t pared and then placed under prsshure, as they are always mucb d pressed. A kind named Nor folfe Bettfiuf seems almost wholly used for this purpose. An Ohio farmer wants to know what per cent of grain U lost by the process of threshing, and suggest that farmers see that their 6traw aud chaff piies are run through the machine a ftecond time, and note the result. He believe that, so far as his knowledge extends, enough is wasted to pay the threshing The Asiatio breeds, such as the Brah raas and Cochins, if overfed with rich grain and succulent roots will soon b come too fat to be serviceable as layer, lowls ned to be well fed in cold weather, but great care must be ex ercised with the breeding stock in par ticular, at if they become too fat their egfrs are often infertile. Allow pleutj of green chopped vegetables, such at. onions, cabbages and turnips. Wannre the land heavy enough to make it loosa, and plant for several years crops that could be cultivated throughout the season; or, what is still better, grow two crops the same year, and keep them well cultivated through out the season. Couch grass can be easily killed by hoeing it once or twic the la&t of July and first of August with , a sharp hoe, catting the grass an inch below the surface of the ground. The complicated character of the ud der with its thousands of little reser voirs renders it necessary to observe great care in drying 0ff the cows in the Ml. If milk is left in the udder the otWrbents will readily remove the watery portion, but the chusj material is removed with difficulty and is liable to remain and inflame the udder pa Bibly destroy a portion. Every particl. of uuilk should be drawn occasionally till the cow is dry. As to the five-wire fence, a short time ago I vat driviDg some hogs, and hog like, tlu-y "took another notion," and ran right through the wire fence, and though the barbs made them equeal they did the same thing again and again, and they were not pigs either, but hogs that would- weiKh over 300 pounds. Another objection to barbed wires is that horsps and cattle in pass ing along or standing near, especially in "fly time," often switch in that di rection, aid often stay switched. A farm can be stocked with sheep cheaper than with any other animal Sheep will come nearer to utilizing everything which grow- ou a farm- Less labor will be required for getting feed aud stock together. The returns will come in sooner and oflener than with any farm stock except hogs. Less money is required for shelter and feno ing, and less labor is required for herd in, when outside pasturage is acces sible and preferred. And finally, a Labdsoue income on the investment can e bd without !tb.8 sola of the amw&u icmseives. Ueclprs. Ema Geobse'b rcvvEXQ,0n6l pint of breadcrumbs, half-pint of flour, tea spoonful of bak'ng powder sifted in flour, a little salt, half a pound of raisins, quarter of a pound of currants, quarter of a pound cf chopped suet, cofleecupful of milk, one egg; tie tight ly in a batr and boil three hours; to be eaten with hard sauce. FisnnALijS. To make fishballs, cut or pick codfish in small bits, take care to remove every piece of bone ; let it soak in cold water for an hour ; rinse it in another water ; let it cook slowly for twenty-flva minutes ; season with milk, butter and eggs ; mix with this about double the quantity of boiled potatoes; add milk or cream to give the desired amount of moisture ; shape in round cakes, roll in fljur, and fry until brown in hot lard. If the lard is not hot when they are put in they will soak up the fat and will be unpalatable. Ibish Stew. About two pounds of the neck of mutton, four onions, six large potatoes, salt, pepper, three piats of water and two tablespoonfnls of flour. Out the mutton in handsome pieces. Fnt about half the fat in the stewpan with the onions, and stir for eight or ten minutes over a hot fire, then put in the meat, which sprinkle with the flour, salt and pepper. Stir ten minutes, and add the water, boiling. Set for one hour where it will simmer ; then add the potatoes peeled and cut in quarters. Simmer an hour longer and serve. Ton oan cook dumplings with this dish if you choose. They are a great addition to all kinds of stews and ragouts. Floating-Island. Alake a cake with a cup of sugar, cup sweet milk, a well beaten egg, a piece of butter size of an egg, little salt, two teaspoonfuls cream tartar, and one teaspoonful of soda silted in two cupfuls of flour. Beat all together several minutes, und pour the batter, half an inch thick, into a com mon, long, square-cornered tin. The remainder of the cake will make a small Washington pie. Bake quiokly. Make a soft boiled custard by heating four cupfuls f milk in a pail set in a kettle of hot water; when scalding hot, pour a cupful on to three eggs, beaten with a cupful and a half of sugar, and three teaspoonfuls of corn starch; then pour all together,' and cook till it begins to thicken, and pour through a tin strainer and flavor with lemon. Lay vour cake, cut in small squares, on a platter; sift over powdered sugar, and put a slice of jelly on each piece. Serve by filling a saucer half full of costard and laying on a elico of the cake. Journalism in the United Sta&s. The variety and extent of journalise in the United States is shown off to great advantage by the forthcoming re DOrt of the tenth vnAnn. TtiAnnlior. tion and collation of the facts bearing on this particular national industry was committed to the hands of 8. N. D. North, who is himself an experienced newspaper editor, and bis report will show that there were printed in this country during the late census year 11.418 periodical publications of which 982 were daily, 8,725 weekly, and the remainder semi-weekly, tri-weekly, bi weekly, monthly, semi monthly and tri monthly. New York takes the lead with 1.412, Illinois coming next with 1 032 ; Mifsouri standing eight on the list with 531. These publications are divided into some twenty classes: Devote 1 to general news, politics and family reading are 8.656; to relig ion, 572; agriculture, 162; commerce and tiuance, 148; trade, 166; insurance and railroads, 51; magazines and peri odicals devoted to genetal literature, 145; Sunday newspapers, 247; medi cine and surgery. Ill; law, 44; science and mechanics, 73; education, 23; art, society, music and fashion, 72; college aud school papers, 219; children's and Sunday school, 192; freemasonry and similar, 146; illustrated publications, 512; miscellaneous, 496. Of the whole number 10,619 are printed in English, and 769 in other languages. Of these latter 6"5 are German. 85 French, 1 Indian, 2 Chinese, 2 Polish. 5 Welsh, 45 Bohemian, 2 Portuguese, 26 Spanish, 22 Swedibh, 9 Dutch, 4 Italian, 15 Nor wegian and 1 Catalan. Of the relig ious publications there are 114 unseota rian, 75 Methodist, 73 Baptist, 67 Cath olic, 32 Episcopalian, 39 Presby terian, 3 Dunkard, 6 Spiritualist, 6 Mormon and 1 Shaker. An estimate of the cst of running thes publications shows that $28,571,336 was paid out in wages alone during the census year; the percentage of which pail for work on daily papers was 56 65 and for weekly and other papers 43.35 per cent. In the production of these publications 50,799 male and 3,855 fe male operatives find employment; 16, 480 persons, among whom are quite a number of females, aie returned as fcditois or cn editorial staffs. The gross value of the annual product of these publications amounted to $87,441,132. of which the dailies are credited with 812,750,132, and the others with $44, 601,098. The percentage of receipts from advertising on the former was 59 69, and the latter 48. 3 1 per cent. Tht percentage of receipts from subscription was ailies,46 21;others,53 79. The av erage daily consumption of paper was-on duihes, 297,568 pounds ; the tv-tal weight used during the year teinir 178.165.951 pounds. The aggregate circulation per issue of dailies was 3,637,424 copies, and for all classes, 31,177,924. The aggregate number of copies of daily papers issued during the census year was 1.135,532,446, and for all classes 2,077,65(1,675. The aver age subscription price of daily papers is $7.31. The people t.f this co mtry pay out more tban $26,000,000 a ytfar for their newspapers and periodicals. Mr. North's newspaper statistics will soon appear in the shape of a report, whioh will give an exhaustive history of the subject, and when his investiga tions, which are of a more thorough nature than ever before made in this line, are completed he will present the Smithsonian lnstiuitA witl oni lotion embracing a copy of every paper evVr printed in this country. Paper Trades Journal. After all tha argument about chaapnaas and quality it appear that Dr. Bull's, Cough 8yrup i the htst remedy for the cure of Ouughs and Colds ever oflered to the public. TUo price ia ouly 25 cents a bottle aud every druggist in the land sells and reccniniuad it. The. Editor atid the Smallpox Doctor. It wbs nearly noon, and the city edi tor in his sanctum was putting the finishing tonches to the assignment book, while the waiting soribes in the Inter- Ocean local room were grimly pondering as to what choice bits of work would fall to them when the cus tomary "Book ready, gentlemen," should be heard. The city editor had just decided that the church reporter needed a little re laxation, and booked him for A dog fight, when, in response to a rap on the door, he ejaculated in his blandest tones, "Ccme." The knocker came, and proved to bo a colored gentleman of affable manners and the medical persuasion. Said ho, "How do ?" and the greeting being re turned, lie resumed: " You see, haven t been around late ly; been busy; little matter in the paper I was going to ask you to say something abont for me; would have been up before, but been busy; so much smallpox about; I've been nursing one man with smallpox for eight days, and only ju6t run away now to" "W-h-a-tr Get out. Ton don't want to see me. It's a man outside. Here, hi P And the city editor hollered for the contagious diseases editor and rinderpest reporter. This member of the staff, who draws a princely salary for doing balloon excursions in the summer and epidemics in the winter, was absent however, having stepped out to buy a sealskin overcoat. The doctor continued : "Nevermind, it's short; don't trouble; only an item. Bad case? Yes, as I was saying, eight days " "Get out!" "Afraid of smallpox? There's no danger. After eiht days " "Get out I Write a letter to the paper, and we'll print It 1 Got out I" The request to get out was here ac companied by demonstrations, and he got. That is, the caller got as for as the passage, where he was told through the keyhole to communioate by postal card, which card can be soaked in vine gar first, and then read with a telescope from the top of the shot tower. Chicago Inter-Ocean, Who Makes Money lu Wall Street. But will this Wall street business continue? Does it not seem as it specu lation in railway securities has culmin ated? Transactions within ten years have run up from 50,000 to noarlv 1,000,000 shares a day. The sales in 1880 amounted to nearly 100 000 000 shares, and in 1879 to about 75,000,000 shares, while daring the past year the nbares sold reached the enormous total of 128,162,466; in other words a busi ness representinc $13,000,000,000. Not only the whole country, but every capi tal in Europe has been speculating through our stock exchange Bnt the investigating publio has found out that there is no money for it in Wall street. It is the lead: rs in the street and the inside operators who always profit at the expense of the outside public. The cards are stocked and the dice loaded every time. Any square" gambling game gives the man who gives his money a far better chance than when be deals in the most conservative se curities in the stmt. All kinds of business in a new country like this offer greater inducements for tho in vestment of capital than does the put ting up of margins on stock in Wall street. New York Hour. A Nocturnal Ramble and what Came of It. Sonie genius we suspect hiui to belong to tlie jovial order of humanity has said: " The day to drone and dream, the night to learn and ramble." We do not propose to dispute this worthy's view of the matter, but present herewith the experience of a Phila delphia journalist, Mr. William II Cun nington, 1712 North Twentieth street, one of whose nocturnal rambles he thus refers to, beginning his narrition rather peculiarly, however: "I am not a rheumatic, and have been troubled very little with bodily pains. Last Tuesday morning I experienced a vtry annoying utilfness of the neck, which giew worse as the day wore on. Toward evening it became very severe, and I could scarcely turn my head in any direction. Arriving home at tea time it was with difficulty that 1 could eat my meal. My wife wanted to rub my neck with St. Jacobs Oil, but I re fused, saying I thought the affliction would soon pass away. Tea over, against the remonstrances of my family, I left home to ramble toward the new Chestnut Street Opera House, about two and a half miles from my residence. I started in the midst of a heavy snow storm, and remained at the theater until the close of the performance, although I could feel my neck (jetting worsts and becoming very painful. Leaving the play the trouble came to reach home. The storm continued; the car in which I waa became blocked in nearly every square, a cold current of air swept through the car, and I did not reach my home until toward 2 A. M., by which time my neck had become absolutely rigid Then I consented Jo the use of St. Jacobs Oil, which iry wife ap plied two or three times before 1 arose. I continued its use that day and by evening I was free irotn pain, and the next morning I amused myself by twisting my neck in any direction that suited me, and not a vestige of stiffness remained." Boston Herald. A brain, preserved and metalized, has been presented to the French Academy of Medicine. It was kept in alcohol for a month, then plunged into a solu tion of nitrate of silver, transferred to a case of sulphureted hydrogen and then exposed to the air. In a Cincinnati daily we notice that Mr Tim Oleeson, ex member of the Counoil from the Fourth Ward of that city, says he sutlered terribly from rheumatism all last winter anj spring lie tried sll kinds ol liniments and medicines without any bene fit until he used St. Jacobs O 1, the first ap plication of which insured a full night's re pose, and Its suWqumt use entirely cured him. It is a great remedy. Akron (Ohio) Beacon. Heavy persons growing too stout for comfort should stop eating bread, po tatoes, sugar, etc, and take meats, above-ground vegetables, fruits, toast, eto. VEOSTrsnt "The life of all flesh is the blood thereof." And no one can potuiUy bs healthy when the Uood ia diseased. YearrtNE is imu. posed of subst-anoee identical with healthy blood, and when taken Into the system for the cure of disease it is absorbed, aud replaces the dcAoieao j which caused the diue&ee. Trd Byron. In rofnrnnre to a beautiful ls1y, wroto to a frioiicl "Lady has bron dxii jtpmnsly ill, but nof she is dantiwoiwhj well ag'alii." American hollos, whpn attacked by any of the ills that flesh is heir to, may l kojt kiUing, and avoid being killoil by taking Dr. II. V. Puree's "FryoiIi Prescription," whi"h banlHlies feminine weakness, and restores the bloom of health. By all druggist TlKNtiT Villard is making arrangements to brinR to this country 5,000 or 10,000 Bcandi n avians to bo employed In the construction of the Northern Pacific railroad. " First S cough carried me offj And tbon a coflin they carried me Off inl ' Ibis will not le vour epitaph if vrntaUo your cough and Dr. U. V. Pierce's "Golden Medical Discorory" in time. It is specitlo for weak InngM, slitting of blood, night-sweats, and the early stages of consumption. By all druggists. Olf tliA thfrfv.flvn lM1unntra It, (V, a r11.. ..... - - ---'- .- ... V. , J , villo (Ark.) Jail, eleven are charged with mur- ut-r in uie nrsf uegree. Thront, Branchial, and l.nnc IMrfa A spicialtv. 8oud two stain) for large treatise giving self treatment. Address World's Dis fknsaut ManiCAt. Ahhoctatioh, Buffalo, N. Y. Tub railroad report for 18H0 shows that the British system of railroads has about 23,000 miles. PtTia cod-livxb oil, from seJoctcd Hvors, on the seashore, by Cm n ell, Hazard A Co., N. V. Absolutely pure and sweet. Patients who have once taken It prefer it to all othors. rbyslclaus declare It superior to all other oils. Chapped hands, face, pimples aniTrough skin cured by using Juulper l'ar Hoap, made by Cas well, IlaZard ,t Co., New York. On Thirty UnjV Trial. The Voltaio Bolt Co., Marshall, Mich., will send their Electro-Voltaio Belts add other Eleo trio Appliances on trial for thirty days to any penon afflicted with Nervous Debility, Lost Vitality, and kindred troubles, guaranteeing complete restoration of rigor and manhood. Address as above without delsy. P. a -No risk is incurred, as SO days' trial is allowod. ; The Science of Life, or Solf-rresorvation, medical work for every man young, middle aged or old; 125 inraluftblo proscriptions. "Houeh onltntiu"-, . Tlie thing denirtKl lounrt at last. Ask druggists fbr ttongli ou Hat It clears out rats, mice, reaches, fli", beitbngs. 15o. boxes. Let it be understood once for all that Caihio line, a deodorized extract of petroleum, will positively restore hair to bald heads, and thoro is no other preparation under tho face of tho sun that cau accomplish this work. RKSCl'ED FROM DEATH. Wllltnm J. CouuUltn, of Sutuervllle. Musi , uyc In the fall or 176 I wai taken with blecdino or the lujioi ful lowed ty a severe cough. I lott myapiwtlto an J flesh, aud was coiillned to my bed. In 1H77 I woa admitted to the luwn!tal. The doctor! said I hail a hole tn my lung ai big a a half-dollar. At one time a report went around that I was dead. I (tnve up hope, but a friend told me of DR. WII.I.IAM nAl.L'SltALBAM FOUTHK U N(iS. I got a bottle, when to my surprise, I commenced to fee better, and to-day I feel better than for three years pant. I write thl hoping every one allllcted with Diseased i-nngswlll takeDlt. WILLIAM II ALL'S ItALSAM, and be convinced that CONSl'llPTIO.V CAN I1K LTHED. I can positively say It has done more good than all the other medicines I have taken since my aickneas. A l.I.EVW nrnln Food-cnres Nervous PeblUty A Wmtknem of tiolinrutlve Orvnun, 8 1 -nil lruiti. fiend lurCircular. Alleu's Pharuiacy.SlU l'tintav.,J(.Y. A Surprised Locomotive AMD A Swearing Engineer, The peoplo along the line of railway from Tramway Lauding, La., to the Inland towns were sur prbted and ainuged at a recent occurrence. So riany ,strnnco things, however, are constantly presenting themselves to the at tention of the people now-a dnys mm Kcuuiue surprises are lew Indeed. This waa the exception. never heard of decorative nrt in rapid night on a railway train until this time, l'eople observed, with wide-eyed won der, the locomotive and len der and full tralu of cars mov ing through the country, adorned on every avellublo spot with the magfcal words st. jAcons oil. i" it lookod f;orgeou,lf full display of color s allowed to mean anything limes. It looked sublime, If the iinnu- drneeol'tho advertUiii g man be the incosurl n g standard. It looked funny to wo the train and engino swathed with these rheu matic wrap pi uks; and at a conve nient op portunity our corres pondent in quired of the conduc tor what It all meant? " Whv, It means that my whole train looks like a traveling menagerie," said the conductor. "I laid up my train at Tramway, as usual, and, dur ing tlie hours of 'balmy sleep,' I suppose some of those advertising wretches backed up their 'kit' and posted it from front to rear. I don't know why they did it; but there stands tho elongated, red and yellow facts staring you in the fuec, and jURt as prominent as a rabbit ears I It's hard luck stranger, but I guess It's all lit." Gaivttton (Zlsz.) iKiUy Juunial. N Y N U 3 The CongregaUonaUtt, one of our leading paperx, says: "D. Lothrop fc,Co's Magazines for Young People are not only pure and educational in the besl sense, but thoy are the MOST POPULAR In the language." They consist of Wide Awake, $2. BO a year. Babyland, SO cents a year. Little Folks' Reader, 70 cents a year, The Pansy (weekly), BO cents a year. Send subscriptions to D. LOTHROP & CO., 32 Franklin St., Boston. Samples of the above Magazines sent postpaid on re ceipt of five 3c. stamps. Terms and circulars to agents If desired j ME f THE FAMILY LIBRARY Coijlftiiin Hilbmhd new aud comjlt-i Nuv !i. Send Sivni" for Kttiuide bumlx r. 1 XTtUN ATION A L NfcVr CO.. iV and at bc-ckimm bt Sen York. Diary Free for 1 RH'i. with Improved Internet l abia, Cl"iiir, ALe.. Krtnt to auv M1lros onreeelpt of two Three.('eul fcsr m. Addreui CJ1AH1.1M E. DlhhS, iHiUwm.; Ave., t'lula. SlHttlu bualnraa. Great chance to make money. 10 to ler d ,y WUbout rilt&l. 1'ariO'ulani tree. Add Moil LEY 4 t'O. Box.)6, bouthiutttouA't. 7J A WFFX. fnaAayatboine.eatily made. VUf ' Cut A I Add s k Cv.. Auiue'LiUUio. pi ,,ovo reaa oi wie pajulod ship on a pointed ocean," and yvip 'Witnessed the "poetry of motion," Jl& JC,aa sl own In dancing, but had Atlmenta shut Prr 1V.:';ir . Ars often but, th prelude t) a mo, i iu iitlon of obstinate maladies. Anmng th fminor area lit of indigestion, loss of ai ; ' , 1 lliousuess aud inactivity of tho bowels, it in hiKhly un safe to disregard anv of those symptoms of bod ily deranpreiiK-nt. Xhey should lx attended to at onoo, ro they become chronic, and Involve tho general health. Tho llwo complaints may be easily subdued with Hostottcr's Ktomacfi Bitters. Rheumatism and foverand arue, both maladies for whioh tho above la a reliable spo ciflo, yield most readily to it in tholr Ineiploncy. The testimony as to its preventive efficacy, and fortifying influence npon the system, Is partlo tilflrly satisfactory aud conclusive. Nerrons ailments are among tho maladies for whioh prompt relief Is obtained by the use of this sterling niedioine. Nkabi.t 110,000,000 was taken from the mines of Utah last year, and a bullion product of 13, 000,000 is predioted for the present yoar. "Moat Sntlantctory." NBwmmo, N. May 27, 18S1. II. II. WAfiNitR & Co. : Hirs-I have derived the most satisfactory result from the use of your Safe lwduey and I.Ivor Core. A. O. Bstrrrt. Or tho 72,276,312 bushols of grain shipped to Europe lant year, not one bushel went in an American ship. uegetine, Sava a DoMnn phvaiclan, " ha no equal aa a blood purifier. HeariiiK of lt many wonderlul euros after all other remedies hatl litilod, 1 vlnltel thn Labora tory, and Convinced nnoelt of Its seuulun merit. It la procured lrom baifcN, rooln and herha, each of which In hiKlilv effective, anil they are compounded lu such a munuer aa to produce astouishiuK rvaulta." Vegetine fa the crest Blood Puriiler. Vegetine ) worst case of Scrofula. Will euro the worst case of Scrofula. Vegetine Ls recouunondod by physician and apothecaries. idod by physicians and apott Vegetine some marvelous cure lu cast U.w effected some marvelous cures lu caaos of Cancer. Vegetine Cures tho worst caso of Canker irst caso of Canker. Vegetine o R.tlt r.hcum (rum tho syste Vegetine uplea aud.Uumors from the I Vegetine remedy forUoueral Debility. Will eradicate S.tlt r.hcum (rum tho system. Remove Pimple aud.Uumors from the face. Is the (treat remedy forUoueral Debility. Vegetine Ii acknowledged, by all olasxes of people to be th beat aud luMl rcliablu blood puriiler In the world. Vegetine PREPARED BY II. R. STEVENS, Boston, Mass. Vegetine Is Sold by AH Druggists. VJUST LET ME SHOW YOU " K. FOOTE'H HAND-BOOK OF HEALTH HINTS AND KEADY RECITEri. Worth CS. Cosit BJc; By the anUior of "Puis Hons Talk" akd " Mxdicai. I )Q PAtiiis of Advice ahont Pally 1 a-O llaOIU. and kectnes for Cure of C niuion Atlmenta; a va.uatile II o. ofr lu len me for every family, (inly eta. 4 lie liuml-lKxik couuuimi-haptcr on Hy giene for all 'a.Hoim. Honunon -enM on Common III. ll.vgileiilcl'iUMtlv Meanurek, Knads Worth know inn, lilnu on Itmhinn, in Kniblni; the Sick, on Kiuerveiwle. to gether with some of the Private Formula; ol Dr. Komi, and other physicians or hluh repute, and for preiuirln food furlovallda. Atf-AtiKK'IS WAMTlSiD. Murray Hill Book Publishing Co., ISO Vtn lra Stiikt, Niw Yoita Otrr. PENSIONS TO ALL vMirra ttiai ra dlubWtl by vouudi or tl !, ult. unirror k. iwi. aisurnosft rupturo mm it nfflff lit. tosi of heart n. hmr and luni ttMM, hMiuiatUm. or tor otbr ttMj tr hart t text leur wr ftlberwtM, yon ft pnnkm. Wldowt,'.lrtQ l(hew. aiotbra. tmthraanij tlfUrn art DlUlM to seoatutis. Peuinoi pracnrtxl krtdia harg It !itt- hw dlsKbarsTfi ol.fjUnd. Nt laws 'i iDcrfttM of from n 0M to tTt.OO pr ootk. ''ensiona for .toldifrs dinboourablr dtwkariiM or lirtd with dcaeition. Abapdohbii Hmbctsd .oo im elalmn m rialtj. Ad v tea FUKK. Ad'ra wiU iUmp) U. r". Prlwbard, Waabiawo, 1. (X ASTHMA yfTnn:i. I.ri inuii Aalbuin I urn nTroil to g.n in lio,l, r.hf ' in tha worst eases, UlSUrM comfort. ahlaslMDl effno tmrea wher all other lad. A frtai convince, la mvM ticrpttc.ui. I rira. Bite, oiu l.Mof Uruiulns or h 8ainpl I'HKK I iT,r alamo. IH. It. SOUa'KMAN. Hi. Minn. ASM r H HM ClHfD. RnlTerersar la 13 ff ! aud llioncuml UTlUIIH da M J aM f J ""' sura, peruiauaoi eura, wutaoul U Jl ""k ' fl"lure aipant, until a eura -jur js ,1,, wli iddrtss at one for Clr. aulars, DR. WU, HAliSCUB, OeulrsvUls. lad. C1 nnfs Wn wl" ve anv one ' ho ls troubled 1 1 J tj witn Wurius that Vau Denaeii's Worm ConlVi llen will not remove. Tliev hava mved the live of thou, and of children. Thoy ars i undo of Hoot ami l'lmiUi. Hiiro and aafe lor tha iiioet doliculB chiliL hold at all atoriv. a hoi. ELECTRIC BELTS. A pertoct euro for premature debility. Houd for cireular. l)n. J. KAKK. h'J2 liroadwar. Kow York. I It. H. A. P. Laooy, Patent Bolicl 1 torn, WashliiKluu, D. C. Our val i n..l,l.-H,iHil ilooltH'PatenU." and Jmt and lUiea," arwi jre. A Kursi Curm f.te Vitm Will be sent by inuil to anv addretn. iKwtpaid, on re- ui on,, inMiiir. AudniM j. Aiouy.o ureone l,h.n lWu,ln. fa I ll Ui .. U, U. r....: ... Blvoree rlieaply, without publicity, for deser tion, uon-miiKirt, iutrinperunce. Clrculam for alainp. t ouiuMdorllaldwiu, Kn7 Uroadwav, New i'ork. llsM yfar. Nuvarulit areS. il BJlfi llB. J. KI'aa-UK.Mlbauoll. uhlo. S 7 7 7 f A Vi:.AU AND KXPIlNSKH TO AGKNTH. Outfit free. Addroas it. Vleltyry. Aua-uala, Mr. SOO'PNTITSW'NTED-WOfcMt tf) j Li' "."'.'V'" nJ!'l'sTii Ihe world; I nonple frc. CrWfJ Addroas Jay llronaon, IJetrolu Mlea. Y fTlTNTfM F N lf vou wal t"tohfneie((rauhTTu uvuu iiiu.n ft lew momliH, aud be eertaiuofa ltnatlon. adilnoia Valoiilmn 2,r"l- Jane villa, rils. ACJF.NTH WANTED for" the DeBt and rat.wt hoilinj: Piftnrial Hooka and liibliw. Price reduced 8.1 eret. Nnlional Publishing Co., Phlladelphta. Pa. TTT A rpPTTTPC! Calalacu fra. Aodms, Slaaaant V'V J JL wJl AmrricaaTrauhCa.niUburfh.rai VJT J 1" sJSl Crtat Weit. Qua W.rt ruuhartli. T ffRC a week in your own lownTT'erni and is outfit UB frw. Add' H. Hj.i.r.Trro..p.irtlRnd,Mnlne. Improved Finnic Atr Cnril. win toll any pernon's , Cauajobarie, N. Y. an. lflc. by niuil. J. if. Wurrs, Cauajobarie, N. Y. Freol Cutal. ipuea of Cheap Munis. C. Brehm. Erie.j'a. r-TfC mm. . More than One Filillion Copies Sold ! EVERYDODY WANTS IT. 258th Edition (New). orbeir-I'rc.erTatlon. A Great Medical Treat ise on Maohoodi ike i'auae arnd Cure of Ex. hanstett Vitality, Nervous and Physical DebiU III I aJaoontbe t'ntold Miseries arialnc from the I.xoeaae ot JUatare Year. 300 pages. Iloyal fciTO. The very flneat steel erurravinus. 125 invaluable Prescription for all KKQW THYSELF. Bound In bsuiutiful gilt, ftico ouly ILLUSTRATED SAMPLE, The Bciraoe of Life, or Kelf-PreaerTatlon, Is the most eitraordinary work on Phvsiolopy ever tioblloh. There lK uothiuK whatever that the married or almde of elthor s. can eith.-r ro.iuire or wUh I m!Z 1 ,,i hat la tuily explained. In abort, the book i luvaluahls to all who wWi fur Kood health TorLiw.Vi The boat uiedieal work evur publhih.d. London Ltinatl, " , 2 r - ; v. in. nijoiiio 01 ia,o .m lairiy wou luil wnrrl.llv towed. imiuf!(a 'J houaaud of xtiu. u auuilar to the above could be i3kf.. .n leadjim oiinia 10 litararv. uolltua . relnrion. .,A i,., .1. ..,.,l.., . i. 1 ... j ."laua Hum ...! ,.rr.; i.,. i, i..-:"::'-"""r 5.Yr.. ...... a.uu. . a no cook i u luuiiey will reiuuded lu nvery iuatanc. tawuuio m prito. Thousands of Copies are sent by mall, securely sealed aud postpaid, to all parts of lha world, every month, upon receipt of price, Address PEABODY MEDICAL INSTITUTE or W. H. PARKER. M. 0.. 4 Uulfluoh Htreel, Boatos, Maao. ' B. Tlit SQtlior may b oousulttxj oa all (Uaoaeos reiuklua skill and. ejperleuca, A GOOD FAII1LY REtlEDY ! STRICTLY PURE. llarmlcN" to the mosf, Delicate 1 Br It faithful u COSMTMPTIOV Ct'KED when other Hemndios and musi cian bavs failed to effect euro. lvnvMiin WnroHT. of Mirlon Oounty, W. Vs., wrt U?K that l""f had ri.i.inSABt .H;r.r tiom and wax pronounced lsetinAiit.r by their phy llc U 'whs t tha u- of Allrn-a, l.t.i.B Valtn m .,,; rmiari urn. Ho write this he and hi Se""ibnw think I "hslHHit nie.llHne.ln the world. W uSb Men-bant of (Irren Na , wiilJw Airril 14 ISHl.tliat he wanU 11 to know that SUMrnos, alt-r the i.hvsleiar. bad (tlven hr up if "e . lie says oilier, knnwIi.K her "e. hava tnken the flrtli-itin and been cured; ho thUiU all sf slllleted ahonbl sivo it a trial. .t,D, lm MrBMiiTH, J..niiirtoH'lnelnnatl,waathonBbl 10 U is ths 1T lTAor. or '"ZT, Indured bv hi friend, to try A"1'" " "J "f'.n after the fwiunli. waa ehowu hltn. We have 1 . IM ter that It at one rnmd his counb and that he was able to resume his practice, T.r,,trolt Zanetne, Ohio, write U ff the Mire nf M at hi as Knvinan, a well-known flttw'ti, who had lieen alllieted with HiumrmTts In H wi.rt ''" J twelve year. Hie I.iiiik Balaam cun-U him, as It lias many others, of liuoNoiiiris. . , AH A1.HO CONSUMPTION, COUGHS, COLDS, AHTIIMAi CllOUP. All Dlaee.e f His TIlltOAT. I.UKG9 nnd 1'UI.MONAItY OKUANr. O. . Marti t. Pnurirl.t at Oakly. Ky "rites that the ladlm think then. t nr. remedy eipial to Luna HaUaiu for Croup and W hoopliis a'ous". Mother will find It s safe and .ure rernnrlT to C'TS tholr ehildreil Whe-u alllieted with Croup. It Is harmless to tho matt delicate child 1 It contains n9 Opium In any form I necomroendnd by lMivsclNn,V Mlnlaters and Nnr.e.. In iaet by everybody V?io ha alvou it a flood trial. It Neer Knll nrlr Keller. As an .e tornnt It Sims no l.omnl I SOLD BY ALL MEDICINE DEALERS. PEERLESS J3 WILLIAM WILSON, Medical Electricinn, 493 Putt on St., Brooklyn, Mav be roiistilted dallv frmn lit A. M. to S f.; M'Virw, "TIIK WII.NOMA" ! AtiN fcTIO IJAII.1IKNTH will rnrw -sr forifi ol niHr, no waiter ol how Iouk st.TOdinK. ONh Ill.N MttD TIIOI'MANI) Cl'ltKH In pronKlvn nnd N"W 1..ik. VlVIKK 1H I l'ON i:h. yjtOTlAT YOl.K. BKl.VKS aKRln-t aalbina or coiiuni..Hon by woartiiK Wl I. MINI A " rloihiiur. :o)d leM are tlie pro runor of i-mllrs ills that tlech i heir U- "oar ths " I I.MIM " eol. n.l avoid sueh 'n,.;?llv.. TAKK MKl'lflM-: AS1 WE. WEAK 'HI1 H1MA" AND 1.IVK. 11EWA11K OF 1 HAVli.-). Torti rarment re op the market.- The ' Wl I.SON1 A " i Htuddetwllh metallii- eelet, ahowinti the nietals on the la.v. AH otheiaare Iraud. K lid tor paiuplilcl riuiuunlns; t.'Hiiiiioiilal lrom tbo beft peoplo ill America wuo have been eund alter all iorius of modiinnw iiad lulled. Note ol:r .blr. KiH: I0. 4-.a 1-1 i.T"N STflKI'T, IlKOOKLYS NO. tm. ill.OADWAY, M. in;n HbOAl.tVAY. VNKWY'OUK. NO. iiltn Tllllili AVE..) no. 4 KoniTii si i!i:i:T, m-'at. Komtc KKillTH KTHEET. HUM.'KI-YN. E. 1). THE SOLDIERS' FRIEND. lr. a K. rla, f rMnirtMi. P. O,, l iwuhKr ""l"f to f rNl ril.tla. lie tn, aeemml ol but a.Mnim-M l Ui. .'UW., lit long vip.iioi.OM anj eifVs. Il o.ryMii:ir natl. m 1 brwaslwutaiiimljl.tll'.ikf.t .fillrlait ol rl..tni. IS ha fr buuiii,au:ii4ivuli!ly l",wUl.o p.a.leB.r t,.pM ydr l.uaJTni d lUr. ! I11.1 payMM. A.. lha r'l.-l'-n '"' l.T.ry llbaral thai a 'l'ia l fivt lfny kli.J of a uol, ! au. or , ova II called by s.Tld'. or oth.rwiio. An H.ncili b.k,m by ovary ens Uiat XI r. I rilrborJ mule. K4 uliuf.,lnd a,ll .,U..r rlilm. a. h.o UaO akhlfnlly atJ MtflioM'tiy aen.oruwJ by, a totally. All lucb oora volt favorably hiiU'J. III! not anr Jtamae ! liioa S Mura tlia aiUw.Ara .1 a imioIm tlai.n aft. r micio Ihsa auo r-W.'U"o- T1'0 aro thounM. dju.t ana ni.rlu.rlom rlalim !" r" n'led Jurln U.0 Hva lr." UonU. wu Comail.Ooii.r, all of whout tl.ilJ 'fly artln " " !" ply to Mr. I'.lubardaid knw tho ol..o a.lvaiiUil. cf ' " " (Wi atwra-y. an4 01,0 at Ilia t'a.iul, tther lis ran and lllla ourh roan M wn..r.l .tLLUirtt. II. maios aocUarga l-Jf advlv. hUaddrw. It bus St, Wattluetea, 11. C. Payne's Automatic Engines. O 1 s&C1 1 mm i3 It- Tioii.i.iA riorabla and Economical, trill fvrni tt (nrw por with u fr futi (iid wutcr than mm otltiv A(Ih on(, not htted with an Automatic Cnt-otf-Kend lor Hiuetratod OutaloKUO "J," lor I ntoriiialton to trti-es. 11. W. l'afsr. Bonn, Box Corn no.'. N.. II P...t I...u..iivei I'llla 111U.I10 Ni w Rich DI.kkI, aud will couiploUily chanire tho blood lu the) -entire ayntem In three mouths. Anv )eivoii who will take one pill each tiltth from 1 to liweokaniav be rretored to Miiind health. If nch a thlni; be xvihle. bold ever." here or sent iiy noiil for H letter stamiw. I. K JOIINHON Ac CO., Iloatou, Alsiais., formerly, Mo. DEIiOintiO For friOl.iiii.itS. itNOlLfrJO widows, et ehlldran. Thonamdsysteatltloa. PmtlousitlToa fwr loasef Sugor.toe.eya or ruptura.variooso voiaa r eav JtaeSM. Thoie-ati') of peli.loe.ri an4 .nldirrs eniiuod to 1MCHKAKK and UOl'NT V. 1'AI'K.NTS procured for Iraorntora. Koldiora laJid warraeU procured. boaxlitSV d sold, boldlers and kclrs apply f,.r your rlslns a ". Send .tamps for' Hie t'1iuvu-!v,lilier,".d roasiom ana bounty laws, blanks and inatrucun". oau refer to tliouaanlsof Pt'iiaioui-rs amr t'Ments. Addre.s N.W. F Itiaerald Co. 1'r.wo raratiT Att'ys, book UuxooS.n iuluagta.a, 'Q:. THE OFFICIAL HISTORY OF THE CUITEAU TRIAL Thi vthe OTilyromiilcfn aiul fully illiifrt rated "lAtv fcuil Trial of (lutu uu. It C4intiuif nil tUttatiininjf of tho nxiKTtM aud othT notuj witne-ismu; till tho IsTt'htui initio by the cmiuiittf aH;isKiu ia bis jjtvat fcffortH to tu'ai th gallown bv ffitsruini: iiiHuutty. H'WHrtt of entrbpuny butii. Milliciw of jx-oi'le r waitijiif for this work. Affnt wHnied, CirvulaM fr9. Extra tcnim to Ai'UtH. AdlrKi ' NArioMALPuuLirtHiMU Co., riiiladolphfa. Pa. SMlWATCiSFaSE! Every week Solid Silvor lluutiug-cane Watches aro Riven away with The U111.' cuaniplou. The lianu-sif thoee whoi"t watches aro publinUed ea.-.h week. It in the 11. Ht lioyM' Xvi lu the World. Boud 6 ce.uts tor a Hamplo copy to CUANI'lON H'HMlSIIINU CO., jir-s viiiihiii e.f.( neiyioru a. iiy. JOHNSON' ANODYNE LIN'IMKNT will poaitivoly preveut this terrible dhieiuu.. ud will posi ilvoly cure uine cases out of teu. Information that will uave uiauy livea, Kent tree by mail. Dou't delay moment, i'reventiou i better than cure. I. 6. Jimsr sum 4i OO;, lioBtou, LMaaszoruieiyJbaiiKor, Maii sf U I M .!, frrf. IIAKriNi. ii Oo.l oiBaua m. .no. oiij ar ai ti.ut with M.. bM. mfe of ,jw, au4 lk r4, M.d a ou.k.i rirvva. of r.ur fulur. hnaba M .,f otcIm,m..ii., wiio ara.. uu, ,i.a uim. m m.jv, and . a... maoiag.. ato.. i.Iut.mI iw all ..I .iiin4. V aaaNat rKi. "l u wi n.t ..(HUM. Xj . 7 Man,.o. 10 Sot'j rt. UMtou, Mmb. C la )! 9 ft per day at homo, ha mj, lee worth f 5 free. J IU tWlddtutuiSTiiiboii AC'o..PorUaud,Maiue, EVERYBODY NEEDS IT. Revised and Enlarged. acute and chronio diseases. French Muslin, emboaned, full by nsuil. (Kew edition.) G CENTS. SEND NOW hrUUaut aud invaluable wjrk Herald. TLo bo th vxlko inn. flK-W'-'W-rrS 1 if. mini 111 Illll 1 afcV al" W &litll if a