The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, January 18, 1882, Image 4

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    rir. fa iir and iioi:m:isol.
Farm and Gnrdrn Notes.
T-Isnflfrcniont is the cbonpost and raofit
mcticftl manure on tho farm.
While tho English farmers use large
quantif ies oi bono dust upon paatnraH,
they prefer snperphofiphates for tilled
Malcninpf grapevines with corn
stalks, straw or grapes will help them
to withstand drought. If necessary
lut.y buuum oo waterea.
It has been fonnd by rarefnl and In
tellicrent cxDeriment thai rioa in nM
portion to their weight consume far
t . . . .
moro ioo man eitner catuo or sheep.
Too much Attention rnnnnf. ha nni.l tn
the cleanliness and ventilation of stables
nna pens. 'Io insure the health and
OOmfort ff nnimnln fVlOV mucf. Im lronf
dry rhk warm and have plenty of light
wu as pure air ana pure water.
All the elements of growth and de
velopment of tree and fruit should be
combined in a dressing for orchards.
7ell rotted barnyard manure will sup
ply organic matter, ashes will give the
potash and ground or dissolved bones
will furnish the phosphates.
A good cow has a full eve, a small
and short head, dished in the faco and
eunken between the eyes, a soft and
loose skin, deep from the loin to the
udder, and a very small tail, a thin
udder and a square bag, with teats a
good distance from each other, and one
which, when milked, shrinks to a small
Onions should not succeed potatoes
or turnips. They do well after carrots,
xtp-jg a potash plant it should not fol
low plants which require potash. It
is a gross feeder, and ten cords of
manure per acre will not be too much.
Well rolled horse manure and potash
salts are used by the most successful
onion raisers.
A celebrated French agriculturist,
who for many years held first rank in
the art of fattening sheep, when urgod
to divulge his secret replied: My
secret? I have none; it is only a ques-
4li?n I 're' InJuce tha animals to eat
abundantly by a large, choice variety
and good preparation of food; that is
all there is to it."
In Denmark, in the management of
the dairy, rape cake, oats and wheat
bran are reckoned as first-class butter
foods, palm-nut cake, peas and rye are
placed in third class. By the employ
ment of first and second-class foods,
with out straw, hay and roots, an abun
dance of excellent butter is produced
throughout the winter.
Test your fences and find the weak
epots before the cattle find them. It is
a bad plan to allow stock to range a
farm through broken fences in the fall
simply because there is nothing for
ihem to destroy. They will remember
and seek out the tame places in the
Bering, and unless the fences are strong
enough to resist them will f'ree their
way through.
While working with the bees, avoid
all sudden jars, quick, active motions,
and never fight them. Careful hand
ling will cure all cross bees, tfhile" with
careless, rough handling the most quiet
will become cross. It is part of the na
ture of the bees to gorge themselves
with honey when alarmed, and when in
this condition they rarely, if ever, sting
unless pinched.
The Dublin Farmer claims that a full
feed of hay to horses, to follow concen
trated food, is wasteful, and crowds the
latter out of the Btomach before diges
tion occurs. This authority claims that
the hay should be fed first to avoid the
above mentioned trouble. A hearty
drink of water upon a full storraoh also
operates to push its contents into the
intestines before there is proper diges
tion. Farmers tre often at a loss how to
clean an old pork barrel, making it
fresh and sweet. We have seen the
following plan recommendod. It is
simply to fill the tainted cask or barrel
with fresh earth; let stand a couple
of days, when this should bo emptied
out and more earth put in. After two
op three days empty this out, and to
toake assurance doubly sure, invert the
barrel and burn under it some bits of
cloth saturated with solutions of sul
phur brimstone.
Do not feed for at least twelve hours
before killing poultry. A fowl killed
while digestion is going on will not
keep a woek. Tho Bpotted appearance
of the skin-of dressed poultry ia caused
by the feathers having been plucked
while the blood was still fluid. It is
better not to pick the bird while
warm. A full crop and oarelessness
in dressing will greatly lower the mar
ket value of fowls. Pack when entirely
cold but not. frozen. Lay them with
the backs upward and the legs out
A Good Mayonnaise Dbessino. Put
the yolks of two eggs in a deep dish
with a little salt and white pepper ; into
these stir briskly some olive oil, which
must be added very gradually and alter
nated every little while with a few
epoonfulu of vinegar. This dressing
ehould have an agreeable flavor, anjl a
rather stiff consistency. Salad oil should
be kept well corked in a dry cool place,
and always in the dark.
Jumbles. One quarter of a pound
each of butter, sugar and flour; one
egg; beat the butter and Bugar to a
cream; add the well-beaten egg; stir in
the flour a little at a time; flavor with
rose-water; bake in gem pans, or add
enough flour to roll them out and bake
as ycu do cookies. If you follow the
latter method, after the jumbles are in
the tins take a silver fork and pick the
tops of the cakes to make them look
Almond Cake. Take a half pound of
butter, one pound of sugar, one pound
of Hour, one cup of sweet milk, six
eggs two teaspoonfala of baking pow
iW, (when so many eggs are used do
not Leap the baking powder in the
spoons), one cup of Llanched and
chopped almonds, one cup of seedless
raisins (also chopped), one cup of citron
cut in small pieces ; fetir the almonds,
raisins and citron in with the flour.
This is a very rich cake, but it has the
merit of keeping well.
CAnnAOK Hai,ao. To one Inrgo iirml
of cablwfjo, chopped very fine, allow
one cupful each of vinegar and swet
rrcRm, one leaspooniul cadi of Palt,
cugar, rmiHiara and Hour, and one egg.
First heat tho vincirar and aiM tlm suit.
sngar and mustard. Tour scalding over
tno cabbage mm stir through it. Brat
the flour and egg together, stir in the
cream, put in the spider, and cook till
it just begins to tnicken, stirring con
stantly to prevent its sticking; then
pour on nor, ana stir iiiorongniy to
gether. This is a very nice salad.
White SroNOB Cake. Tho whites of
eleven eggs, one and one-half tumbler
of sifted, granulated sngnr, one dof
silted Hour, one teaspoonful croam tar
tar, one and one-half do. vanilla ; beat
tho eggs very stiff on a large platter,
then add first the sutrnr nnl thnn iha
flour (the flour must be sifted twice,
men moasurca; ; add cream of tartar
and sift ncain. tho frpnnnnt Hiir,inn Viv.
ing necessary to the lightnoss of the
i i ... . .
case; aua vannia and bane one nour in
a moderate oven ; when done, turn the
ran unsido down, and when cnr.l faka
out the cuke and ice it.
Progress or Iron Industries.
Tho census burean of t,h ont-nrn.
ment has issued one of its special bul
letins relative to tne iron and Bteel in
dustries of the United RtntAs. nhVh.
says the Lancaster (Pa.) 2?ew Era, is
iuu ci interesting racte, and reveals
tho marvelons nrncrrpn v lmva mail in
this direction during the past decade.
.mere is at tne present time a capital of
$230,071,884 invested in the business,
against 3121.772.07.1 ffn mora aow
showing an increase during the brief
period of more than eighty-nine per
CCnt. In 1SK0 Onl V iwnfv. ra Statoa nn1
Territories had engaged in the produc
tion ot iron and steel, but Kansas, Ne
braska and Colorado, as well as .the
Territories of Utah and Wvomini?.
have s nco commenced (ltipratiniu
nCking a total of thirtv and
Territories of iron and steel.
Pennsylvania has for a hundred tmn
been the great iron making State of the
Union. In 1870 we made fiftv
of the entire production of the country.
we nave neid our own remarkable well
durinor a past decade.
our output ninety-seven per cent., and
iu ioou we biui maae lorty-nine per
Cent. Of the COUntrv'n AntirA nrnrlriptinn
notwithstanding that tho industry has
been wonderfully stimulated ail nvsr
the country during the past ten years.
xrennsyivanias product in 1870 was
1,836,808 tons ; in 1880 it was 3,616,
668 tons. The increase in tons all over
the country between 1870 and 1880 was
from 3,655 215 tons to 7,265,140 tons,
or ninety-nine per cent , a most won
derful increase.
Ohio more nearlv nrmrrtnririAa no in
her iron tirodnr.fcinnn than a-rnr nfnar
State, her product in 1870 having been
449,768 tons, and in 1880 930.141 tons,
an increase of 107 per cent. New York
comes next, but her rate of growth in
her iron product is much less than that
of Pennsylvania or Ohio, having been
only thirty-three per cent, between
ibyu to 1SBU. Her product in the lat
ter vear Was 598.300 tons. Tllinnia linn
taken New Jersey's place as fourth
among our iron producing mates; in
1870 she made onlv 25.761 tons, vrhioh
increased to 417,968, an increase of
i,D44 per cent, in ten years. Mary
land has fallen from the fifth place
in 1800 to the twelfth in 18S0. having
made an increase of only sixteen per
cent. Missouri rms made great progress,
being now the Bixth State on the list.
Some of the Southern States, notably
West Virginia, Alabama, Georgia, Ten
nessee and Delaware.havelhown largely
increased production. Of all the States
that made iron or steel in 1870, three
alone, South Carolina, North Carolina,
and Maine, have fallen off in their pro
duct of these metals. Under the re
markable demand of the railroad inter
ests of the country, we may, for a
number of years at least, see this im
portant industry mate equally rapid
A Judge's Charge, MlWi Variations.
The following comes from Georgia,
and its accuracy is vouched for by the
stenographer who took it down:
Judge was noted for( the way he
got mixed in his charces to the iurv.
On one occasion a case was tried before
him tho points of which may be briefly
stated thus: Smith brought suit against
Jones upon a promissory note given for
a horse. Jones' defense was failure of
consideration, he averring that at the
time of the purchase the horse had the
glanders, of which he died, and that
Smith knew it. Smith replied that the
horse did not have the glanders, but
fiad tne distemper, and that Jones knew
it wnen he bought.
The judge charorod the iurv: " Gen
tlemen of the jury, pay attention to the
charge of the court. You have already
made ono mistrial of this case because
you did not pay attention to the charge
of the court, and I don't want you to
ao it again. I intend to make it so
clear to you this time that you cannot
possibly make any mistake. This suit
is upon a note given for a promissory
horse. I hope you understand that.
Now, if you find that at the time of the
sale Smith had the glanders, and Jones
knew it, Jones cannot recover. That is
clear, centlemen. I will state it aeain.
If you llnd that at the time of the sale
Jones had the distemper, and Smith
knew it, then Smith cannot possibly
recover. But, ger tlemen, I will statu
it a third time, so that you cannot po -sibly
make a mibtake. "if at the time
of the sa'e Smith hud the glanders, and
Jone3 had the dinteuiper, and the horse
knew it, then neither Smith, Jones nor
the horse can recover. Let the record
be given to the jury." Harper's Muga-
If George Washington cannot have a
monument he has hud a pie named for
him. and that is hotter. New Orleans
The Arabio for cat is " gitt." That
ought to be the English of it, toa.
Somerville Journal.
"I move," eaid a delegate in a Yirghui
convention, " that our chairman take a dose ot
Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup; he U eo hoarse that 1
cannot understand bim." That gentluman had
no doubt tried thift wonderful medicine.
"'liihn !c.
Dr. nail's Journal of Health has Rome
severe word.! against the gymnaninm
as a means of exercise in our leading
educational institutions. The objec
tions, however, must bo understood to
be against excens in exercise as well
as tho extromos to which ball plnyiDg,
boating, etc, are carried, resulting in
"athletic feebleness" instead of athletic
Young men are frequently to lbe met
with who seem to havo an excessive
pride of muscular dctclcpment; the
great development is confined, how
ever, to an undue enlargement of the
muscles of the upper portions of the
arms, at the expense cf the muscles of
tho chest and of the general health.
The prominent physicians of our
cities have 6uch patients frequently.
They usually come to ask advice in
regard to some, unaccountable lung
They point to their arms, and ask
how is it possible that a man can swing
a dumb-bell weighing fifty pounds and
have weak lungs, with spitting of blood
and other unfavorable symptoms. It
is the easiest thing in the world, and
the most natural result of such vio
lent exercise. This "athletio exercise"
craze has come to be a national calam
ity. It is injuring some of the best
young men in the country.
.kvery gymnasium in the country
should bo abolished, says'the Journal
of Health, not but that there are eome
good features about them, but the evil
resulting from gymnastic exercises, as
ordinarily practiced," does more harm
than good. The professional gymnast
is always short-lived, the averacv term
of such life being less than; six years.
The art of praising caused the art of
No man is more miserable than he
that hath no adversity.
All up-hill work when we would do:
all down-hill when we suffer.
An effort made for the happiness of
others lifts us above ourselves.
Half the ills we hoard in our hearts
are ills because we hoard them.
Truth and love are two of the most
powerful things in the world; and
when they both go together they can
not easily be withstood.
As the shadow follows the substance,
so the sting of conscience follows an
evil deed; one dies only with the sun
light; the other expires with intelli
gence. I like better for one to say some fool
ish thing upon important matters than
to be silent. That becomes the sub
ject of discussion and dispute, and the
truth is discovered.
Merit has rarely risen of itself, but a
pebble or a twig is often quite sufficient
for it to spring from the lowest to the
highest ascent, 'lhere iB usually some
baseness before there is any elevation.
A certain amount of opposition ia a
great help to a man. Kites rise against
and not with the wind. Even a head
wind is better than none. No man ever
worked his passage anj where in a dead
Few seem to have any opinions of
their own, or think for themselves.
Like dead fish they go with the stream
and tide; what others think right they
think right, and what others call wrong
they call wrong.
The Des Moines (Iowa) Tri-Weekb
Tribune gays : " A Ilarrisburg, Pa., journal
mentions that Mr. D. Bensinger, No. 4 Mar
ketSquare, that city, was cured by St Jacohi
Oil of a violent attack of rheumatism.
Times of the greatest calamity ana
confusion have ever been productive of
the greatest minds. The purest ore
comes from the. hottest furnace; the
brightest flash from the darkest cloud
It is useless to groan with rheumatism
u. lm r. a Kntila nf fit T.nnha Oil will illf-A it
as everybody knows. Columbus (Ohioj
Daily limes.
Never be at Jyour place of business
when a poison wants to borrow money
from you, becauso if you are out you
will be in. Salem Sunbeam.
P. T. Barntjm announces that he will
employ all curious specimens of the
human race, including giants, dwarfs,
fat people and freaks of nature, for his
great show. Parties interested should
write, inclosing photo's, to Barnum,
Bailey & Hutchinson, 40 Bond at., N. Y.
Shoes to be fashionable must taper
to a rounded point at the toes.
Dr. Tierce's " Favorite Proscription " is not
extolled as a "cure-all," but admirably fulQllj
a BiiiRloneas of purpose, being a most potont
spocilio in those chronic weaknesses peculiar
to women, l'articulars in lr. Tierce's pam
phlet treatise on DittoaHes l'ecnliar to Women,
ninety-fix pages, sent tor tbrne Btampa. Ad
dress World's Dispe.nsaby MAjical Assoc. i-
tion, Huffalo, N. Y.
Mokis than 3,000 women are employed in the
railway ollines of Austria. Thoy 'receive a
salary of $15 to $30 a month.
" Arerpt Our Groltt u!e."
Dn. It. V. I'ieuce, Buffalo, N. Y.: Deab
Sm Your " Oolilou Medical Discovery " has
cured my boy of a fover eore of two yearn
standing, l'lease accept our gratitude.
Yours truly,
ITenhy Whitinii, Bowton, Mass.
The tuuwd under tho English channel be
ween Dover and Calais, advances at tho rate of
a loot an hour.
Dr. Pierce's "Pellets "-little liver pills
(sugar-coated) purify the blood, speedily cor
rect all disorders of the liver, stomach and
bowels. By djnigista!
Kino Humbert, of Italy, is selling eome of
his palaces in order to pay his father's dobta.
Fob Bvsi'ti'wu, i.xdhikktion, depression CI
spirits and general debility in their various
forms, also as a preventive against fever and
ague and otln r iuteruiitti-nt fevers, tho I-'ekho
I'lioHPUOHATKU Elixiii ok Calisaya Baiik, made
by Caswell, Hazard Si Co., New York, and sold
by all druggists, is tho best tonic; and for
patients recovering from fover or other sickness
it has no cquuL
The Bcienee of Lite, or fcelf-rr.-servation,
medical work for every man young, middle
aged or old. 125 iuvaluablo proscriptions.
"Yegetine," says a Boston physician, "haj
no equal as a blood purilier. Hearing of in
uiHny wonderful cures, after all other reinedioj
had "failed, I visited the laboratory and con
vinced myself of Hs genuine merit. It is pre.
pared from barks, roots and herbs, each ol
which is highly effective, compounded in such
a manner as to produce astoniohing results."
Homp'thlnff for Its ow nr,
Thtt wori'l-rcimwnrd r ;vi"i of lloflotWl
Bitters, and thmr contivied popularity for a
quarter of a rrniury as a stomachic, In eoarcolj
mora wonderful tlitvn the wrl-.-nnie thnt greets
tho annual apwaranno f Hostetter's Alma
nno. This valuablo medion! treatisn is pub
lished by Hostettor .t Hinith, I'ittslmrg, l'a.,
under their own immediate. BuporviHion, em
ploying seventy bauds in that department. Hix
cylinder printing presses, fivo folding miv
oliinos, Ave job presses, etc., ro running
almost constantly on this work, andthnissui
of sains for lHU'J will no lie less than 10,000,.
000, printed In tho English, Uormnn, French,
Wfilsli, Norwegian, Swedish, Holland, lloho
li linn and Hpauislt languages, liefer to a popj
of it for valuable and interesting reading con
cerning health, and numerous testimonials M
to tho etlioaey of Hostettor' Bitter, amuse
ment, varied information, astronomical calctl
lntious, chronological items, etc, which can be
depended on for correctness. Tho Almnuao
for 1882 cau bo obtained frofl of cost from drug,
gists and goueral dealers in all parts of tho
A who sold diseased meat was fined
$200 and sent to tho workhouse for thirty days
in Indianapolis.
Thnt Terrible
Indigestion and sick headache will yield readily
to Warner's Halo Kidney and Liver Curo. (
Nrw Pornt Walks, with a population of
less than t0lt,000, has a debt of $90,000,000.
Os Thirty Day' Trlsl.
The Voltaio Belt Co., Marshall, Mich., will
send their Kleotro-Voltaio Belts and other Elec
trio Appliances on trial for thirty davs to any
person alllietod with Norvons Dobility, Ixisi
Vitality, and kindred troubles, gnarantcoin
completo restoration of vigor and manhood.
Address aB abovo without delay.
P. a No risk is incurred, as 30 days' trial ii
To make new hair grow use Caroline.
deodorized extract of petroleum. Tuisnatiui
petroleum hair renower, as recently Improved,
is tho only thing that will really produce new
hair. It is a delightful dressing,
A TIT. A TTY'H PI A NOrO RTF. -Murninrcnt
hoiiilay pr-Mnt:wUnrt khuhI iiUnofoiti' four very
hn 1xinc toiunl corm r, riwwonl num. thrt-e unlneiiit.
Ilr.itn'n tnutrlilrt Iron rrauirs. utool.lKKik, cover. lrK,
to2t7.3 uatalnoic erlret, lisoo IoIIikmpi
ftfltiNr.'irtlen (lun'nntecd or money refund!. After ono
veiir'nnw-i I'prialit llnnnl'orle. l i.Mo f j,.oi cn
lomio prior tMKi lo huh: atmuUri! pianoforte of the ini
verae a tlieiimuiiia testify; writs for mammoth Hat of tea
timonlila. lieittly'n I'nhiut-i OKJ A NS, cathedral,
churi-h. c haiml, parlor. upward. Vlaltorn m-elcemei
free cnrrlacc meet paaswircra: tllu-tratctl catalogue (holi
ilnycilllion) free. AiMreaa or call upon
lkVNJKt. V. UK ATT V, Wasiiimjtom, Nnw Jrusr.r.
IithsBKST SALVE for Cuts, llrulses, Soros, Ulcers,
Salt Rheuin. Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains,
Corns and all kinds of Hkin Eruptions, Freckles and
others are counterfeits. Vrica 25 cents.
Is tho best Remedy for Dyspepsia, llllionarieaa, Ma
laria, ImllKcstton and Diseases of tho Blood, Kid
neys, Liver, Kkln, etc.
DENTON'S BALSAM cures CourIis,, Rheu
matism, Kidney Troubles, eto. Can be used exter
nally as a plaster.
Use RED HORSE POWDER for Horse and Cattle
A 1.1. EN'S Hrntn Food-cures Ki-rvoiis lvhllltv A
ekuej-a ot Uenerative, 9 1 all druxui'.
BeudlorCii'culur. Alttiu'sPhanuttcy.UiaHrstav.iN.V.
Life's vexations do not generally come on one
like a storm descending the mountain or lake a
whirlwind ; they cumo as the ruin does in some
sections , xf the world gently, but every day.
One of lifes discomforts is presented herewith:
Aeeoruing u popular l ni prcMlnn,
hot weather, uiocquitoes and
mad dogs all nourish at tho
eome ume una urecnarneauie
to the malefic lntluenceof
the Dog Star, rpcukingof
dogs and tlioDogtturre-
m I nils u.jOl a boy s story
of a doKaud tho comet.
and which we hero gi ve
In a short exlruei from
the boy's letter: "tJolly.
Bob. von oucht to 1m
been there la.t night to
a-seen the fun. Tom
Winking' dorg Toddles
was a-ettin'at tho gate
a-giuiii' at the Coiuit.
when along comes old
vkoa domed rut tur.
rler and the 2 wnltzcd over tho fence and tho
2 fought. The tarrler proved too much for Tod
dles, and afore they could haul him oft" tho bat
tle ground ho had made n good square meal off
hlshide. Tom wns in despair. A kind looking
gentleman in abroad brim bat told hiin to get a
bolile of Sr. Jacobs On. and rub him with it.ond
It would curo him in no time. W hat does Tom
do but steal into the chapel nt Vesper limo and
slido into i'uther Jueohs' oonfessioual Ikjx and
beg of him a bottle of his oil w ith which to rub
his dorg. Tho Father felt of Tom's head j it was
hot an' ufore Tom coidd titter a pruyer, two men
werelugKiu' him home followed by a great crowd,
who kept at a safe distance, thinking ho had
been bit by a mad dorg. Tho more he kicked
and screamed to be let free, the tighter they held
on to him." In reference to another torment, the
Chicago Wcrttrn VnthtUie recently wroto: "Mr,
Joel D. Harvey, U. 8. Collector of Internal Reve
nue, of this city, has spent over two thousand
dollars on medicine for his wife, who was nu tier
ing dreadfully from rheumatism, and without
deriving any bentilt whatever; yet two bottles
of Kt. Jacohs On. accomplished what the most
skilltul medical men failed in doing. We could
five the names of hundreds who havo been cured
by this wonderful remedy did space permit us.
Uho latest man who has been mane happy
throngh the use of this valuable liniment is 11 r.
James A. t Ionian, librarian of the fniun Catholic
Lihrary of this city. Tho following.! Mr. t'on
luu's indorsement:
UiiioN Catholic Library Association,")
204 lkarbvrn Urret, )
Chicago, bept. 16, 1RW). )
I wish to add my testimony to tho merits of St.
Jacobs Oil as a curo for rheumatism. Ono bot
tle has cured me of this troublesome disease,
w hich gave me a great deal of bother for a long
time; but,thunkstothereinedy,I am cured. This
Statement is unsolicited by any ono in its Inter
est. Very respectAilly,
Jahics A-Conlak, Librarian.
NYNU r.3 "
rw4av Mifxftaj
to tend S-CL ,ujup f ir lh moat completa Catalogue of
Low t-av I'rickjj. LARotsr vaiuiit.
WAN'TEII-A(.'eiitevervwhem to nell the best
l'lizle sin. t IIih "1 .1." Jui-t the thiiiK for the
HnlM.ns. Heml for cln-iUars. Hample, I "5 terns.
ACMK VV.A.V. CO.. 1'. O. linx -J03N, New
YerU. anrl 1. O. lien U'-tO, llnMu, Mikw.
HAT P (J TQ I Neudstaiiip for iiihtruetiona.
I r , . r . k . I pKNM.UAKKa. Simpson U Co.,
I EN b IO N S i I'.O. Hox . Washington. I.C.
Mtrt,ine MnbltCurMl la ID
La, J. bllfUt.Na, I.kOuuou. Ohio!
AGKVJS. Out at free. Address
P. 0Vicl4'ry, A uuuslu, .lr.
1 m culii!, In the world; X earn pi.-,
".wt AJiiH! Juy Uriiaiua, lii imll. Mich.
ACiKNTH WANTED for the Bust and 1'
tS' lluiK I'ictorial Hooka autl HiUi a. prices r.-. lin ed
8) l-crct. Natiiuiul l'lihlishiui! Co., I'liilndelpiiia. l'a.
tCS week in your own town. Terms and 6 outrtt
X. lrf,e- Ailde It. ItALLKTrJi ('o..l'i.rtlauil.Maine.
1 TTTTCJ J4evolv"rfc Cawlagus free. Adilrua,
Jf j Orat Writ llm Wori.. riltthnrrti.Ta.
1earee' new method conn. iitiii? Partial Payments.
lymail. loeAililress J. Q. P.-aree, Milan, Toiin.
10 A WFKK. friarlavathnmeuasilyniade.O.vtlr
Outfit ii'L-v. Add a Tutu A Co.. AuKusta. Maine.
CTS. pava fr.r the Star Hpanrtled Banner 3 tuns.
Si'lhititj like it. '.'otli yt;ar. 8 paR. s. iJl'd.
iii' iiHlrra. Add. H. H. Hannku II insdale. N. If.
TA l.V 1U.K TtOOK SENT FREE .Address
J)r. Oll.l.lNt.S. iiornrlUvillr, N.Y. ,
R in 'r day at home, bum plea worl h 15 ii.hi,
tW AddrcbaSibuW .Co-jPortliiud, Maine,
V Jill
,-.,,. -i rihiismiiTia..av.wriswisitfc n.ii ;
y y u or o
Tho Snrnlny school children of
Anioiioo, who sro somctimos too 1h7J bo
rnch school In ttmo are put to Btmme
by the littlo Teloofcoo children in
India. We are gravely told that those
young pernons often walk as far an eighty
or nitpty miles in order to attend tho
Ihiptist fohools. The worst of it ia that
those school aro Bouictimea bo full that
tho doors have to be cloned against
these pedestrian seekorB aftersalvation.
It. Tt. Stkvens:
liear Hlr My hnaband has hsd Kplleiisy for ths
Iinst Ilfteeii yeara. The past whiter lna hhod seemed
o lie In a had condition, and accinir the irood results
from the use of Vkoktinh In olhers, felt anxious to
try it. Has taken some aix bottles, and tin result
lma ticcn that he has had onlv ten fits In three
lnnnllis past: wlictfMis, he was senstoiried to having
as maiiv in two dava at his worst, an elf.s-t that he
did notexiieet. Am very anxious to havo him con
tinue the use some time lonuer: and write you to ask
ynu what t4-nns, or what reduction you would make
and send me one hot! les.
Very rctctfully,
Jills. A. ( rOT.F,
H:irlioo, bank To., Wis.
VroivrmK thoroughly eradicates every kind of
liniuor, and nwtores the entire system to a liialthy
Bt. Vincent School, Troy, N. Y.
October , 1H71.
In-iu Hir V are trulv irrateful for your generous
donation of Vrnktink received last evenitiK. A holy
has lN-e.ii usinx It here, with nuich hem-fit to herself,
who, foryeai'M, hasheen pronouneeil "liroken down,
worn out," tc, Kreiinentlv she was disturbed m
her sleep by a violent nervous twitching of a toot, or
the face, or the whole lnidy. Hv taklnu this Vkok
tink she la enabled toaleep (inietlv, and lo r peneral
neaon aeems miieii imprfiveu, tnoutzu she lias a corn
lication ol cht-ouit- disi'as.w Ui ivmtend with. May
toil blcvts you tor your charity to the orphans.
Hcsiajciiuuy and Krateiitllv,
ITAnAssiso liiRAMH. An nnatnral rtcltement of
tho bruin and nervous system fa the direct causo of
slceplessn-M, as also of liaraNsinp no.-tiimal dreams.
Vkovtinf. has a peculiarly aimthiUK t-fTis t iu all such
cases, when takeu Just before goiux to bud.
H. R. STEVENS, Boston, Mass.
Vegetine is Sold by All Druggists.
LYIcdicnl Electi'icitvii,
-ifl.J I'tilton St., Mtvooklyn,
M.iv be consulted dallv from 10 A. M. to ft P. M., frtf
uiih,,,, "TIIKVVII.MIXIA" 1Ai.El,l:
ti.K W)l KXTH will euro fvrry foriti ol H-i-iimc,
no inalter ot how lon standitiK. ONK llt'N
Dltl'.D THOI'HAND fl'itKS In llrookbn and New
York. W1NTKK IS I'PON VH. PltOlT.CT YOl lt
Sl't.VKH against asthma or consumption by wcarin,:
" VI I.SON I A " clothiiur. Cold leet arc the pre
rursom ot cndlesa Ills that tlesii Is heir to. Wear the
" W I I,MM A " soles and avoid such danger.
HKWAHK OK l'l(AlMa. Tloirna parnients am on
the market. The W I I.KOS I A " la studded with
metallic ttyeleta, showiuir thi- metals on the lair. AH
others aru ti-auds. Send lor (wmphletH containing
testimonials trom the liest people In America who
have beeu cured alter all forma of mcdiciuu hud
tailed. Note our addresses:
no. r.uo thiiiu avk.. )
KKili l lt Siitl:K 1, HHOOKl.VN. K. I.
lli-an I'lll'UllltVM tnake New lot h
Blood, and will completely chutme tlm blood lu the
enliri system lu three months. Anv ih-i-mou who
will take one pill each hIkIiI from 1 to 12 weeks mav be
restored to sound heallh, if such a tbinit be possible,
bold everywhere or sent hy mail lor K letter staniiat.
I. H. JOIINXIN V CU ItuNlou, Alu.s.,
fui inr t-ly llniiKor, Mo.
ARE PAID tJtsr-r iMifrdnaliUd bj aeeldftit
r vtlierwirfo. A ft'OI'N R of any kind. Ion of
Onvvr, toeur r IU I' 1 1 HK, if but ilinht;
dieajt uf Luiim or Vtiricuae Vt4na mv
Itftiiioit. Under uvr law tlioUiAmli are en
titled to (in inorfiinBof ppnutnn. Widows, or
plmns and dt-pt-ndnnt fatlrt or mnthera of
iold ton ftt a iirnmon. Send W stania fur ouy
l'-nitni and liounty Acta. Addrt
P- H.FItifferaia & CO;, tn m nen i,
ImlinnanoiiN. I ml. l(cfer to lud. Ilanklllt 1 O.
and I'rua't Central Bunk.bolhof ludiauauolia.
rrMinn Amlnna I'urc nTr fail to a;la .
mtatai reltt in tua wo rat ouoa, inaura oDiiort
ableateap; ofleo'a nr whera aJI oibata fall. A
trial ouvine ths mnt 9kpHraL Prtc, 60c. and
I.OOol lni(lala or h mall. mtn f If K K
fTratamp. Dn. U KCHlrKMAN, fit. Paul, Minn.
ill .it lea, Ooll,KilTr anil Hickl., 4a.
flit by mallor C- O. V. la ba eiamiacd. 1
Write rnr C.l.locua to HTANOaKU AMKIfc
! ANTED SO (ilrf-. Jooil wagrii pay weekly,
it l.tirhi, Hlendy work iitven, to b made at
homo. Work called fur mid delivered 1'rre. Ilobo
KnlltliiK ('., 117 Hotith s-l.. Hosluu, Maw.
CTBAMrlll A iiiliVTH should w-udTfor .'pv
rllrce) ot tho .V. Y. fihtfiplitg f.iurttr containing all
inhiriiintion about Ktiriytewt A.'iiAo' J.itrt. Ad
druas W. lilt hs. 130 Nassau Hln et. New York.
Any I.lvlnii IVrson can learn to play Piano or 6r
t'uulii 15 liiluutes. Musical talent or previous
pracl ice unnecessary . Guide hv !uail,boc.(stani tuk
t n. I Send for circulars. I,. W. Tomans, 6."itb'way,N.Y.
I Snre rollef iifirui
!.fll I
Improvements New Styles New Catalogue.
Whose cabinet or parlor ontana havo won hiohkkt bonohs at ivrnr oxit of the oi-eat wonui'a ivon..
tiilal ExuiiiiTiiWH fur K ii uTKtN vka us (beliiK the only Auiericau oiaii which have been lomul uV.h i,.
ot Kiicb at unv), have fTocted mouk and oiikatku i-kai Tii Ai.i.y valuaui.k imi uh kmknun in tl 'ir tiruLV.!
In the las" veaii than in utiy similar riodsinc the nrst introdiiclion of Una instruiin nt hv tlVi-in i7.-,i J
year aince: and are now ofleriuK oruans ok hkihku KxcKM.fc.N K and aiiuhi i-ai-ai'Ity- also i-?i ,i I.
liiiTCM and smai.i.f.u styi.ks of i.Mi-uovKD yUAixnf, and at uiwrn i-iucKa: I.'.' Hi ,ui in 1 t
NtW ILLlIhTlt.VllOU CATAJXMIl'E. 3tl M'.. 4to.; ia now ready (U-toonr. lnht) fu ly diicr.hma "u.d illi.f
tratiiu moro tlwtu Ion styles f Omaus. Th is 1th rt ";, ami citvnlara couUini t k such fnto nna ,m
about. oivansKi ni rullv. which will lie useful to every oris thinking of i.uivliasinK ill lie sent ri J .... i . .
Address MAhOX A- IIAM1.IN OlitaA.VCU., 164 reiuunt btwcL IJOSToN "id R 'i
btroet. M W YD11K; or Hit Walunh Ave.. ( iilt'AdO. mruci, liuoiur,, au taut 141U
t nd one thrcc-cont stamp to pny postURe hu1 puokintf, and I . ,
will sotid you asirUd tdi u unt chromo card, or a sot of 6 Irilt J
Muriruorit! " curds. 1 urn pivln you these t-lepuut cards f, r w" a -' 1
nouuuir, unit iu return i Himil tupect you to read tho document
tincloBod with them. Send thoa-ta-nt etumpto uut-""-ut
C1 . W. JEKNINGH Ujsmokest, 17 1 jlht Hth St., New York
fW Btate whloh wt you wIhU, or if you require both beta eul
cIoho two three-ccQtstuiuns. uiiifn.
More than One Million Copies Soldi
"ypnynnnv uam-tc i-r T
253th Edition (New).
lae on nianhoodi
hauated Vitality,
4 : LIFE 7"" . V . "
;,.?, ft Kxceaaea ot Muturti
M o. Tho very finest
.,.. ....-T:. ' esini.uonBior an
luouoy will muiidod m every iuLiauVo! ,luUl -
Tli author may Ucoiiault on.. 11
a r
(TliUenKravlngrerrfWiittthS Lmigt In a healthy itt.
Korrotiis, CnM, rrnnp. nrnneriltr istid all
other affections of ths Throat ami Ml K'1' "
statnls unrivaled and utterly Isiyond all omits "Ullon.
It approach so near a speolllo tnat ineiy-
per cent, aro is-rmanentlv cored wheni the 'Itroe
tiona are strictly compiled with. Thorn Is no cheiui-
oaf or other njureuiouis to uariu wo juuua u ...
J. N. HARRIS 4CO., Proprietors,
Circa ('oii.uiuptlon, CiiMph iiriimon!n. Tss.
Iliioiizn, llioneliii.l llilllcultlis, HfoiicliitKa.
Itoiir-cne.M, Am It mil, Criiiip. lP"
J'otiah, mid nil OUenscs of IliP Hrrnililnia
Oruiius. It soolbex mill hemls the Slriiln
of l.inittH, inlliiiiied iiimI polsoncl nf III"
dlsi-nsr, mid prrvruls Ihr nluhl at
lliilitnrss neross li chest w hich neeonipnsijc
II. in pi I mi Is not n n liicsroble nialiuIT
lAI.I.'M HAI.S.X tl will euro yon, rvcw
fhemuh profewHlonitl nlil fnlls.
nam . I iitisliailVWW'ISalHMWIIFIUWIHWWM
iaynb's Automatic Engines.
V7 -i
Ilellalilo, Durnbln,nud Economical, irtllflirnM a
km-tf I'OH fr tcilh H hx fuel tui-t witter ttan miir othtr'
huytnt built, not lilted with an Automatic tiiit-otf..
Bund for UUistrated CataloKiie "J," tor liilormatiou ft;
t'rtces. 11, W. fAYhr. Sis, llox tkm t.'oriinin, M.V.
1 1 W I Will ftSUIIlaV
KmbrnoiiiR ntid mitbonttn ftoromitfl of ororv
nation ot nuWfiii ami tiicxlrrn timfH, i?nl inrlnUii
tt hintory of tho rin nnd full of llifilrt-ck and li'iiiKi
Vmptrx, tno nitilillo ihm'H, Hi cniHiidi-a, ti fcudiwll
nvhIciii, tb rformnriou, the diHtovrry una wttli
nifuit ot t ho Mow World 'tc, etc. It contain tt?'
lino hlatorlral rnjrrftviupH, and if t)io most coniidttn
Hintory ot I hi World vr ft lid for Hitcci-
men I'UL'fa and extrn tcrniH to AcutH, Addnn
I.0.1H.-..I.I tl.i (..ail.l.. .I(ai..uun A...1
liv. ly i-urc nine rum out of tm. Intornmtioii thttt
a ill navo niiiiiy live, wut lrM by mail. Don't d'dav IW
monirnt. 1'ri'Vi'iitlon U bvttrr than rum. I. H. .lnnx
oh & Co., liof.ton, Muhh., lunucrly tiungor. Mm tie.
If yon enjoy a UukIi hoartto
Tln'ti r!ud inr Sciknck in ann
iu hatuinvliililiHaiid his Sisiuan
'l'hollo llm torft Trick Aloiiktty:
The anthiir. K. II. KooU-, M. V.
Auuniiaurii cuiin'iua inxt.
Hut If you're fond of lots o
Just Imy the I'ulinptlcos
,; - ror .iniuic utnlerus art! out
' '.yThn 1'oly. is a l i lun-miu
, S For oliotoirruplis of uv oni
; vnii it it w iiu.i.i-i it
HoxJJSS, Now York City
Ths 'Jew YrU orkly Wltttesa from your
neuilibor and see If It is not Just tlm uen-siwia-r you
want. It lias everytliiiiK: The latest news Irotn all
Iiarts, reisirlsof i'ultou Ht. Piajer-Mis-tin j, the Inde
pendent Catholic Ctiitivti. evervthliijftliat is of inter.
st to uood iHipl; markets, stories, mmtrthinu to in.
terrtt ifut UullM.m.u il yt-ur. Heml liy tMistul er.l
snd KM asisTiuien copy and cluli rates from Juitw
IKiuoAU. A l'o 17 to 'Jl Yandewater Kt., New York.
I kllOIUrlO iriduwi, fathera. ttoUiara ai
childran. Thniiaaniliyeteiititlrd. PanalonislraDi
for loaa Suprr.ter.eva or ruitura,Tario4.a. vioai
ir any DlM-a. D'oiiMamli of peusn.npra aod
oMi.ti mtilleil to JNt IfilAKK ana IIOI'NT V.
I'ATKMTM liroi'iirJ fur luTuntora. S.Lllrra
land wurranta yrorurrd, UinfditaDd told. EolUiora
ud litlraaerlr for yoarriahUa once. Hand
tamna fur ''Tlia Cltiia-Hi.Mior." and Fanaioa
and lioniity lawa. klanka and inatrnetiom. Wa
V"." .";";" "i i rnnicorri and ( llanta.
Addre.a N. w. Fitzgerald A Cp. 1'snsies
CIV WHI WiSTE MD1FTI Tmt aaa o!4. J
' If ynu ml a Luiarlnl acnauelitt, av.ii, "r
thulm or a h..v fivwih r hotr aa tuud C "a
- " d.wu. m w it ntn. . I h.niiTkkti ud
.uiy i f. w nun. iuiDri oin l o liiioitiu(ri-l.
Trjth. it pnlh ixwwtf 1.U htu NiV a V KT
rAII.HJJ. Maui UN Lf HIX i:tTM (a Ii, J lliiMfi.
a p w m .
Revised and Enlard
A Great Medical Tr..,.
tho Cause and Cure ofE.
Kervou. and l'hyalcal Dcbll.
,.a iu,er,' riiu from th
v.... mm
.teei ciiKravis. 125 iuvaluablo
acuta and chronic dlscasoa
unu m
A I QRvn
'4 krA ulLii
" 9i.Ji oy luuil. txi
1 w wh oxjxaj r j 1 1 w
a now 1 ni
worthily bo-
ta bj wheru lot double thi ,
u from tha
iuble tho pnte, or lh