nms'mAs-TittE. n I Immr-lfru mill Ciilotn The Christ" CMId ft vera rem -ittlnii ,11 alli ens- (.Kins of t.Hts-Fcnsilne nnd Mcrry-MnMtirr. Tho fonlival of ChriHtmns i rogfiuleil ft tbo tfrratfnt celebration throughout the yoir, and though at tho present day it is pomewlmt Miorn ol its anennt Rlo rio, and devoid of tho boisterous jollity which characterized it in tho time of "pood Queen IJeRf," when tho logs flatnod and roared nnd mirth reigned supremo, it is still the holiday in which rU classes moRt participate. Separated, as many families are, daring the year, they nil make it a point to meet to gether around tho hearth, to wish each other a " Merry Christmas," which was tho eld English greeting shouted from window to street, and from street back to window, in tho "long, lonor ago." Tho Christ-child, with his gifts and masked attendant, belong to the German antiquity. Frugal housewives, shaking tho crnmbs from tho tablo-cloth around tho roots of their fruit trees, in order that they become moro fruitful, clearly points to the mysterious influ ence attributed by the ancient Germans . to tho time of tho Twelve Nights. In Bohemia the fruit trees for tho same reason are violently shaken during the time of midnight mass. In other localities a corn cake and some hot cider is offered to the largest apple tree, as the king of the orchard, while those who take part in tho cere 1 mony join in singing: "Dear good apples ami peara i-uoug' Barus full, baga full, wicks full 1 Hurrah I hurrah ! hurrah 1" Yule-log and yule-candle belong to tho ssmo order. Tho mistletoe was re garded by the Druids as sacred, and its berries, as symbolio of purity, were as sociated wit h tho rites of marriage. The game in which tho mislletoe formed a particular feature was among the most amusing of tho festivities, and is still i in voguo in some parts of England. ino Christmas tree is doubtless of Gorman origin. They conceived of the world as a great tree whose roots were hidden deep under the earth, bnt whose top flourished in Walhalla, the old Ger man paradise. This tree was first fitted up during tho Twelve Nights, in honor of Bechta, goddess of spring; it was subsequently transferred to the birth day of Christ, who, as tho God-man, is the "resurrection and the life." The evergreen tree and emblem of spring time became the symbol of an eternal spring. The burning lights were to adumbrate Ilim who is the " Light of the "World," and the gifts to remind tjr, in giving His only Son for tho world's redemption, He gave us tho most priceless of all gifts. Such was its ori gin. Now the Christmas tree is not only to bo found throughout Germany, but has taken root from the Alps to the Ural, from the Kiolen to tho Appen nines, alike on the banks of the Neva and the Po, the Mississippi and the Thames; in truth, wherever German civilization has penetrated In England Christmas is scarcely tho shadow of its former merry self, when all classes or society indulged in tho , most unrestrained joviality and merri ment. . Tho wassail bowl, warm ale with apples floating therein, that once played so conspicuous a part at the Christmas banquet, are now obsolete. Even the singing of carols, which was once so popular even at court, is now confined principally to the lower classes; while the yule-block, or Christmas log, is being gradaally supplanted by the ChriHtmas tree, whose introduction into England is comparatively of recent dam. Generous rations of beef are distributed to the parish poor by the rich of England. Christmas bells ring out their silvery chimes on the crisp morning air, joyfully and cheerfully. Nor is there wanting a spicy flavor to tho feasts and frolics, to Bay nothing of tho roast beef and plum pudding, while tho boar's head, decorated with rose mary or holly, is served up in great state at the royal Christmas table. On ChriHtmas day in 8uabia, maidens inquisitive as to their prospective lovers draw a stick of wood out of a heap to whether he will be long or short, crooked or straight. If they wish to ascer tain which of them will first become a wi e they form a circle and place therein a blind-folded gander, snd the one to whom he goes iirst will soon bo a bride. Among many others a favoiite method of forecasting tho future is to sit upon tho floor and throw one's shoes with the foot over the shoulder, and then to predict from the position it takes what is about to transpire. IOne of tho principal features of the holiday in Italy is the Christmas din ner, which begins early and lasts late. The rich feast right royallj, and the poor, who can afford meat but once a yeur, must keep it for the Christmas dinner. In anticipation of this, it is usual for every one who has done you a service during the year to call upon you in advance of th6 day for their buoitacsta. It is a generalization of what is truo of our newspaper carriers of the United States, hence the origin or the carriers address on Jew Year s day. The day is observed in Spain very much as it is in Italy, the Christmas dinner playing a very conspicuous part. In Ilusbia, although St. Nicholas is a special favorite, and they have tho Christmas tree and the services in the churches, all special ceremonies are re served for the Easter holidays and Epiphany, in Lapland and Norway a cake is set out in the snow as an offering, which was probably intended, originally, to propitiate some pagen divinity, as it (Uti'S tmcK to tno time of. ihor. Though New Year's is generally ob served in France rather than Christ mas, for the distribution of presents, it is the Jesus bambin who comes with a convoy of angels loaded with books arid toys to nil expectant little shoos which tiny hands placed so near tho chimney. In Sweden Yale-time is the gayest station of the year. It begins on Christ mas kuJ continues till Epiphany, and is given up to dancing, fta6ting and r, r.i-rv-rmikincr. No heavy work is done nn'niz that time. In the rural districts the Ubks are spread and kept standing, . v.. ,v visitor is expected to take some- : otherwise ha in Lcliovfcd totaka swrtv Tvilh him tho ynlo-joy. The family leaves a light burning all night, Rnd should it accidcntly go out, it is believed somo one in the house will surely die during tho coining year. Tho Americnn Chriftms is a modifi cation of tho English. In large towns it is universally kept, but in som vil lages but, fnw shops aro closed, and only one or two of tho half-dozen churches are open for servioa Still c verybody jemembers it is Christmas. Presents are made in families. Christmas carols aro snng at early morn; tho children go from house to house wishing each other a " Merry Christ..; as." Then there are the games and Christmas parties, to say nothing of the family dinners, and probably few who call themselves Chris tians allow tho day to pass without giv ing a thought to the sacred event it commemorates. Detroit Fret 2Ve. Coin. Coin is presumed to bo from the Latin cuveus, a die or stamp, and itsf If really is a piece of metal converted into money by a legal stamp. There is a tradition that Pheldon, king of Argos, first issued stamped silver about 746 B. C. The earliest coins struck, both in Asia Minor ond in Greece, were stamped upon one Bide only. The first coin in England was made by tho Bomans earlyin tho first century. The shape varied square, round, oblong until the mid dle nges, when round coin was adopted by all tho European nations. Gold coins were first issued in Franco by Clovis A. D. 489. About the same time they were issued in Spain by Amalric, the Gothio king. In both countries they were called tricnties. The first American coinage was by tho Virginia company in 1612. The flrstmoney act ually coined hercwas in Massachusetts. in 1G52. Thirty-three years later Con- necicut and Vermont made copper coin. and three years after them New Jersey also made ooppor coin. (Joins ere among the most certain evidences of history. In the latter part oi tno ureeK series they illustrate the chronology of reigns. In the Roma series they fix the dates and sucoessi of events. Gibbon observes that if al our historians were lost, medals, in scriptions and other monuments would be sufficient to record the travels of Hadrian. The reign of Probus might be written from his coins. Another word belonging to this class comes from the Roman coin issued by Scrvius Tultius, and bore the image o'f a sheep pecus), and was thenco called pecunia, tho term subsequently applied to money in general. Some coins have derived their names from their weight as, for instance, the British pound, the French livre, tho Italian lira; some from the metal itself, as the cutrcus, the rxipe.fi, from tho Sanscrit "rupia," silver. Other coins have got their names from the design, as the American eagle, tho nngel, testoon (from testa, a head.) Others from tho head of the Btate, as the sovereign, tho crown ; and others from the monarch's proper name, as the darie (from Darius) the Phillip, Louis d' or, ' or the Napoleon. Then, again, some coins have got their names irom places. The florin, which has different values in Holland, Bavaria England and Austria, is so called be, cause it was first coined in Florence. The French franc took its name from the first syllable of the inscription francorum rtx, king of the French. The sou, which circulates m France as the cent, does in the United States, is from the ljatin " Rohdm," which was the name of a golden coin issued by some of the Romon emperors. Ihe guinea derived its name from the coast of Guinea, in Africa, from which was brought the gold from which it was coined, first in the year 1GC4. They were called in and succeeded by the sovereign in 1817. The English pound was originally a pound of silver, which was divided into 240 pennies, by the Saxons. The shilling has been assigned a great many deriva tions. Tho most plausible refers it back to the German "schill" or shield, eo that shielding, finally reduced to shilling, would indicate a coin on which the prince's shield is stamped. Ihe penny is a coin of a vast antiqui ty. Its familiar sh?.po, as may be generally known, is a comparatively modern alteration of the silver form in which it was known in ancient times. The American cent began to make its appearance from the mint in 1792, and was prepared by Robert Morris, the great financier of the Revolution. The dollar or thaler is said to been first struck in the dale or vulley of Joachim, in Bohemia, in tho sixteenth century. The first coinage in this country com menced in 1794. This silver coin cir culates in Spain, Germany, Holland and Mexico. Troy Times. Test for Water. A simple test is to cork up a small bnttlo nearly full of it, in which a piece of lump sugar has been put. If by thus excluding the air and lettine it stand in tho light for two or three days there ii not a milky cloud 6een, but the water remains clear, it may bo consid ered free from the phosphates with which sewage water is impregnated. To ascertain if water contains iron, take a glass of water and add to it a few drops of tho infusion of nutgalls, or suspend a nutgall in it by means of a thread for twenty-four hours. If iron be present, the water will become of a dark-brown or black color. Prussiate of potash is a still more delicate test for detecting iron. If a crystal, or a drop of it, when dissolved, be added to a glass of water containing iron, it will immediately become of a bluo color. To ascertain if water contains magne sia, take a quantity of the water, and boil down to a twentieth part of its bulk; then drop a few strains of car bonate of ammonia into a small glass oi water, jno magnesia will yet be pre cipitated; but on adding a small quan tity of phosphate of soda, if any magne sia bo present it will then make its ap- pearanoe and fall to the bottom of the glass. In this experiment it is neces sary that the carbonate of ammonia be in a neutral state. No man tuowa what miniaturing aufel his ifo is uuiil he comes home one (lav. sufferinc. with a dreadful cold, and tho hanncuu to Lave ft bottle of Dr, Bull's. CouiiU bj-mp ia the house. CALENHAll TOW 1SS2. i M I CO IJL Li". III at CO si ! 3 6 7 July ! 3! 41 s 6I 71 8 4 15 t6,i7,i8 o to II IQ 91 3 16' 17! iR 19'jo 9:10 11 : 11 n fill' Feb. '3 4 S V7 oo Aug 3" I 3' 4 5! Mil I8I19I 10,17 7 14 9'" ,3 M 16 17 Mar. 1I32 9 3;4 33 i 3 ion 17I1S 8 Sept 30 3I ""7 1 a, 5 5 11 u' 9 51 JJ a8,9 J4 13 4 5f 6 1 ft in Apr. 3 "31133 93 t 38 30!30 1 8 S 4 5' II 12 18 19 asa6 1 A Oct. ' 31 4 5 6 8 q'io: 5 !7 11113:13 JOlJI l8 193Di 7 28I 29 i a!3 34, 35 37 May 39130:31 5 6 Nov. a 3 ......... 1 8! l 3 2110 !'7 5 6 7! a 3 U. 19 33123' 39 3j 36137138, IQ JO 31 June V Dee. 8 l 3 IIII3 I5!i6ii7 19130 ... 34 18 iq I8i II 203t22 33 3 3i 37i38,39 30; Erlip'f for Ihe Yrnr 1SN4. Tliflin will b( twoorlliw t It In vrr. both of thrmiii. L A total vlic of I ho ami, May 17. Iiivisililu in tl-.n United stuti's. II. A11 annular oclijwo of tho ami, Novc mlvr 10. Invisible In Ainrrira. III. A transit of Voiiua, Doccmbrr 4. Vlsiblo In the Uniti'd Statoa. Morning Slnrn. ) Errniiis Mr. Tnn until February 30, jVpntm after February a), alter lecember V. until lireeinWr 0. Mara alter Ioeeinlor 10. 3Tar until leceiiiler 10. Jupiter alter Mav :, nulil Jupiter until Muy ;itl, alter September 1. September 1. Saturn alter Mav6, until Saturn until May 0, after AuyllHt 18. i AllKtlHt is. rimirt Ilrlithtpat. Mereurv. March 21. July 20 anil Novembers. rlin r then Jimt Leiore the mm. Alo Februarv G. June 1 antl September "JS. aettiiiK lUeu Jntt alter tli nin. VentiM. Nnvomlter 1. Mam, n;d Hit year, Jupiter, December 18. Saturn, November 14. The Four brniioiia, Winter brains Dcccmlicr 21. 1881. and laata 80 tlava. 811011m ami 4 minute. Spring hcKtn Maivh 'JO, 183-1, and laati 02 day. 21 hnura and fc'2 minutea. Hummer begin June 21, 1882, and lasts 93 da, 2 bourn and 2 minute. Autumn beirin September 20. ISH'j. and lnt fi dnyx, 16 hour and 50 minute. Chnrcta Dnys nnd Cycles ot Tlmr. ..February . .Feltrttai'y . .Februarv ..February ..Ffl ruarv March April A ril April Ai ril Mav Mav M iv .lllll" Juno Saptnajrcsima Sunday Sejtah'cstma Stinilav Quinipuuresima t-umla'- AMi-YVerincKda" l.iiiivintnesima Su inlay Mlfi-Iit-nt Sunday Palm Sunday Good Fridav Eaater Sunday Low Hiintiav Iteration Sunday Asei'iixionjlay Vhit-Sim(Tav Trinity Sunday ( orpu ( liriNil I irat Sunday m Advent ,le i-eii.b. r Variations in a Man's Height. A contributor to the German Militar Wocheblatt who Las been lately em ployed in mustering and examining the recruits dratted this year into the Ger man army has established, by a long series of careful measurements, not only that the height of a man varies very considerably at different times of the day, but also that this variation takes place with great regularity in every individual man . The amount of this vaiiation in height is, however, not the same in all men, but depends on the size and ago of each individual, a tall man losing more in height than a shorter one, and a young man more than an older one assuming that in all cases the mn are fully grown. In the came man the amount of variation in height depends mainly upon the number of hours he has been standing or sitting since rising from his bed. Vhile lying down the height of a man increar-es; while standing or sitting it decreases; and therefore under normal conditions a man is taller in the morning than in the evening, while to some slight extent extremely fatiguing exercise or work causes additional decrease of stature. The greatest difference in height in a day hitherto observed in any man is four centimeters, or a trifle more than one and one-half inches; while the contributor of a paper to the Militar-Wochenblatt has found, as the result of a number of carefnl meas urements of himself, that while every morning he measures immediately on ris ing exactly 172 centimeters, or five feet eight inches, his height at night varies 171 to 170 1-4 centimeters, or from five feet seven and one-half inches to five feet seven and one qurrter inches. The spine of a man, in fact, consists of twenty-four separate vertebra, between evtry two of which there is an elastic cartilage, and these cartilaginous di visions become compressed by the weight pressing upon them when a man is standing or sitting. The attention of the government has been called to the fact that Adelina Patti s tour through the country v.ill be a costly star route. What Ihe IMrrclor Maid. A Boeton reporter, while iu the offlco of tho Kuw Yurk and liubtun Despatch Express Com pany, had a conversation with Mr. B. I'.Larabee, one of the directors of the company, who gave the following personal experience: A little over a year ago I was taken sick. I did not know what the troublo was, but 1 continued to grow worse, and my complaint baffled the tkill of my doc tort. At last niy symptoms developed into that terrible complaint, blight's disease, which has been pronounced incurable by all physi cians. My sufferings at that time were un speakable. I was bloated from head to foot; my heart pained mo; my pulse waa irregular, and 1 was unable to breathe except in short, convulsive gasps. While suffering thus I learned of Warner's Hafe Kidney and Liver Cure, and although I had been given up to die by the prominent physicians of Boston, and they had told lay friends I could not live a week, I resolved to try this remedy as a last re eoi t. I am rejoiced to say it has effected a per fect euro in my case, aud with many of my friends, who have been afflicted with kidney troubles, either of long Btauding or in their acute forms, aud who, under my advico, have used this most wonderful remedy." Tue oldest man in pnblio life in the United States is Dr. Uriel Ferroll, member-eloct of the Virginia legislature from Orango, who is in his nineucln year. Ixdmestiox, DYSPEPSIA, norvons prostration and all forms of general debility relieved by taking Menssian's I'ewoxized Beef Tonic, the only preparation of beef containing its entirs nutritious properties. It contains blood-making, forco-gcueratiiig aud lifo-sustuining properties; is iuvaluablo in all enfeebled conditions, whothei the result of exhaustion, nervous prostration, overwork, or aoute disease, particularly il resulting from pulmonary complaints. Caswell, Hazard 4; Co., proprietors, Now York. OnThlrlj lnV TrlalT The Voltaio Belt Co., Marshall, Mich., will send their Electro-Voltaio Bults and other Eleo trio Appliances on trial for thirty days to any twraou allliotod with Norvons Debility, Lost Vitality, and kindred troubles, guaranteeing complete restoration of vigor and manhood. Address as above without delay. 1'. B. Mo risk is incurred, as UJ days' trial Is allowed. A Klannl TrlHcnec nfllcnlih In a roniat ly recurring action of tlio botvcls. With tlio duo pcrf.irmatieo of thin function aro tin i ted good rliKOHlion, pure and active cir culation of the blood, ana an adp-pifite nvro tion of hralthy blln, which Keeks tho conduit floniRnod for it by nature. Tho performance of thoo eo-oporativo functions, insuring perma nent health and vigor, may. If Interrupted, speedily bo rendered activo and regular wilh that flnoBt of modern restoratives of organic activity and general health, Hostetter's Btom ach llitters. Whilo it relaxes the bowels effect ually, it does eo without pain, and without giving rise to the violent, weakening reaction always to bo anticipated from a drastic purga tive. The drenching effect, associated in the minds of many ill-advised porsons with thor oughness m its essential, is ruinous to the stomach and intestines, organ that aro. on the contrary, iuvigorated by the Bitters, which U moreover, a supcrh preventive and remody for fover and agun, and a proven epociflo for rhou-. matiein, debility nnd kidney inactivity. ' A trY in Missouri, pinpo the fashion nf ool- loeting buttons went out of practice, has made a collection of 17,000 spools. To Consumptive. "Golden Medical Discovery " ii a concentra ted, potent alterative, or blood-cleansing rem edy, that wins golden opinions from all who nso it lor any humor, from tho common pimple, blotch, or eruption, to the formidablo scrofulous swelling, or ulcer. Internal fover, soreness and ulceration, yield to its benign in fluences. Consumption, which is but a scrofu lous affection of the lungs, may, in its early itagee, be cured by a lree use of this Ood-ui ven remedy. Soe article on consumption and its treatment in l'art 111. of the World's Dispensary Dimo Series of ramrihlctn. coats turn postpaid. Address World' Dispensary Medical Association, uunaio, in. i. Tnnpp. rarlnsrln nt lit. a buirln.. M "1 lipped from Winnipeg, British America, for exhibition at the Minneapolis fair. A I.nriy Wfinta to Know tho latest Parisian stylo of tires and bonnet; a now way to arrange the hair. Millions are ex pended for artificial appliances which only make conspicuous the fact that emaciation, nervou dobility and fomale weakness cxit. Dr. l'it rce's " Favorito Prescription " is sold under a posi tive guarantee. If used as directed, art can bo dispensed with. It overeomts thoso di eases peculiar to females. By druggists. Thb total area of bog in Ireland is estimated at 2,830,000 acres, nearly ouo-BOventh of tho entire surface of tho island. Wknt'a tnTrd Ik Gnlnrd. Workingmon will economize by cmpl vying Dr. Tierce's medicines. His "Pleasant Purga tive FellotB" and "Golden Medical Discovery" cleanse the blood and system, thus preventing fever and other Berious diseases, curing all scrof ulous and other humors, fold by druggists. It co-ts $75 in California to prepare an acre of land and grow grapevines to tho period of production. Ho, ye Baldheads 1 There is just one way, and no more, by which you may be cured use Carboli.se, a deodorized extract of petroleum. It will positively prod uoe new hair; thero is no substitute for this marvelous hairrcuowor. The Science of Life, or Solf-Preservation. a medical work for every man young, middle aged or old. 125 invaluable prescriptions. Don't In I ho llonae. r Ask Druggists for " Hough on Hats." It clears out rata, mice. 15c. A TIEATT Y'P PI ANOFORTES. Mnenlfleent J hojldM.v pr?tent; sttuorKiaiel itUnofoi ten four very l:ii'l'me lomul corners, roicwwul eifes thre mitsnna. Beatty'tt nuirc h teg lrtn frump. stool Istok eover. hoxeg, tofi!7.50 dialogue nrleea. a.SKilnfUKiui sntiaijctlon ijiiA-Hiiteel or money r. I'tiiMleil. nfter one vear'atiwi I )rti In fin net orlr. I JS to f '.r,; cm loKiit nrlcn ,Mmto$:iO:m.Hnili(t p'am.foit.nof lie uni verse n thotismtilii testify : write rormnmniotli lUt nt ten tlmoulitls MfnilvV I oliinel OU( i MS, c.illitMml. elmriii. ('Impel, parlor, :t( iivrurl. Vls lo s welo inei Tree carrluuc meet meii'.'eta; illiutrjttwl eata!uue (lioli ilny e'ltllon) !. a!ivm or call itnoii I) X I HI, K HE TT V, WAjimaron, Nw Jersit. HOW TO SECI'ltE HEALTH. It la Btimipe any one will Buffer from ttrraiueinel.tr bronclit on by Impure blood, when 8:V1 1.1,'S SA RSA. PARIM.A AN'llSTIl.MXIilA.or 1II.OOD AM) I.IVKB SYlil'P will reatnrr health to the nhymcnl orminijitlou It la a 9trentlieiilnt!syniii. pleawmt to take, tire I Hie I1KS1 MLOOI) FllllFlKIl ever dlsaivered. curing- Scrofula Syphilitic tllaonlera, Weakntm of the KMneya. Kry:)v!ai Malaria, Nervous tllaonlera. Debility, llllioiH comiila.nti and iis'a'a of the Itlnod, I. Ivor, kllilueya, Momiiili Skin, etc. Edey'it ( nrbolie Troche prevent all ctmt gtous diseases, such us Diphtheria, Sc:irlet Fever, Whooping CoukIi, ami euro Cough and CoIiK Pleasant to the tante and a rjooil tlixinftictunt. PENSIONS. ARE PAID Trr tnlrljordnftbled hy aoeldenl rotlierwuy. A UM.f any kind. Ion of flncvr, tocoreys lil'lTl'KK. If butiliffht; diteniei of or VnrUoM Veins )eniun. t'uder new Uw thuusandg aro q tiiled to an increane of i nsion. W idowi. or rthnni nod dcpMidvnt fathers or motheri of poldirtn get a neniion. 8eud H stampi fur copy Penaiou nnd Iiounty Aeia, Addrcn. ! P. M. Fltrsprald & Co.,Ci m Amta, 'indinnapolii. Ind. Refer to Ind. Kdnkuig Co. and l'res't Central Dank, bolh of Iudiaaauolia B IE BLOOD I I'nraoiiV I'uiuitlkvn l'llln iiiiiko Nt-w 1U- Blood, uud will t uiiiiut tt-ly change the 1 flood iu the entire HjHti in in tlirci monttiH. Any ju-rmm who wm take one pill f iM'iiiiiKMi irxJin 1 to lzwcciu mav bo rt-HtortMl to hound hrH 1th. if such a thiiiK l mhiIiIo, Bld wvervwhrro or hi-.jU hy mail for 8 lrttttr fttrtuiixi. 1. K. J(MINM) iV CU., UuhIou, Mun foniit-rly Unimort Mr. PENSIONS For SOtDlK6 widova, father, moihtra ot children. ThoQiandirctentitled. Peniioai givn fur Ium f-t flnfcr,to.ejr or rupttir.varicae Tmi nr nay Ditrate, TtiHRnds of penFionpm and -tildiers untitled to IM'KKAfcE and UOO.NTV. I'ATKN'i H procured f r lnvvoturi. holdiera land warriiDtB procured, bonphtand old. tSolditra nnd hviraappfr f r your richt at once. HendS aumia fur "In I'itif un-Suldter." and Peaai" and ltounty lawiMankt and iiitrncUoin. Wo canrofvrto thoui:nm vt renvionrra and (Mlenti. Addra N.W. FltiKerald & Cv. Fkxkion ft 1 at km f A U' . Lutkiui txn, uiiiiuaLoo. I. Q. Issue ol 50,000 Shares of $10 each at par. With bonut nf 40 acrt or each lO thare. from chine laiHi of the "Itixnion purchute,'1 OFFICES Third nml C he.lnul Ni., I'Blla. tlelphlui 11.1 UrnntlwHy, N. V.. Hooiii. lll.llj. Detailed prosiwutua with descriptive mapa mailed free toap)lieaii U. GOLD and SILVER MEDALS Awarded By Maaaochuv-tta fTiaritable Meehantca' Eihlbl tion to 4 11 K li K It 1 N t Sc IMINrt for lte.t i nnd hiiuuro Hint I prluht 1'luoe Fortes. tOlt THE 'lIOMpAYH-KlaruilonUta' Annual -L No. I, conipnniUK laUwt ami boot nroductiona of mont iKpnlar writers, l'ai'er. 6c.: cloth, cilt, aeclal holiday edition, tl.UU. National Kchool of Elocution t Oratory, 1416 aud 1418 CLeatmit Bt., l'tiiladelphia. F A fTL 1) Tt TT cured by the new reraedyTli A. JXX X I.i,lXi TAKllEA. Imttaut rollof; apeedyenre. Postpaid by mail, 31 centa. Adilrewi (.'HAS. CANNON li CO.. P. O. lioi U6, Brooklyn. N. V. TTaT;TK150 i;iri. C;ood oge. pay weekly, tl Lltfiit ttady wark ulveu. to tie made at homo. W ork called for and delivered. fre. tilobe Kulitluu t o., lt7 huuH M., Hoalun, Mm. I bououruphy, tir rbonellc hhorlbautl. Catalogue of woika, with l'houot'raphio alphabet and illuAtr)tttrna, forlH-Kinnui'M, Bent oa ajiilicaUon. Addrotsa HEN'N PITMAN, I Kicir.imll. O. tfuseyh, iii:nksnntEs, cotbwoldh, bhonzb liTUUKKYS, tHHlS HHi'KH, UHHT bRAll.MAd, COIJ.1K DOOHjjL'.J'. BI ATTOt K (MPort JaudMo. "A Vltftut From Mmaer'aUravi-," and I V 4'J other Kptilar Sonyt, worilw and tnusir. entire, I a all for 1 Jr. FA1TKN i CO., 63 JiirelayHt. V. "IMIOK AtiENTS ail wit a wanted for LtaifiYiS -1'1'oi'ular orkn. tflmlit frett. bead for eiren. Iar. T. It. hTEVCNN 72,ar,'lay bt- New Vork. iR fn t fl V" itv atlioiue. ri.tniprtawcrili t$ tivo'. rr i n Mill in i i "You cro'ifi, rrxtvl liTfSlmntH" n'no hoMhhI, "yon Lryo b b brokon my h-h-lionrt I" "If tlmt's tbe cam," naUt tlio o. o. h., " you will not neil tho now hat that yon wore talking about yoBtcr 1bt " " Yt s, I will I" Bho Mclaimrt1, with suildcn vrht mrneo, " I'm Jipnrt wLolo on tbnt. nubjeot." Philadelphia Sun, Frofopaor King baa been offorod $r0 to pormit n conple to go np in his bal loon and bo married at a height of 2,003 feet above their future homo. HOUSEHOLD ACCIDENTS. Tho fol- lowlrift 8tlKKC- tltitig aro not (W'Hlirn Ptl to Intlut'O tho public to nttrmfit tint du- tii's or tno rt'irn lnr Piirirpon. but. t- p- mt'it'iy to puu'tt inn rWII' M'titlriR of tlit sc prtfrcK In possession of n menus Of trt'iitiiirnt of tlio minor nei'ldriits oronrrinirdiiilv in tho liousolitM, rtvI vliit li, v blip not tliiiiiroi-ouH In tlit'iiisi lvcs, nir rxtt'tiliiiRly an noy I nir. Unrns, lirnisfs, Pfnlds, srvulns. ottv, nro prin t'lpril Hiiion;r tlit'MO tiHuiMrsomo ami nnnoyiiiK ocenif'iit't'S, nnd ilommi'l linint'tlltitr' trt'iil int'tit with tin; brit mentis nt liiind. In tlio kltclion, tlio tlinlnir-lmll. tlio imisi ry nnd tho sittinp room they nro llnblo to hiippen, nnd. Instcrnj of fear and u'tinn nt tlio Klirhl of tho out or miislioil fliu'er, or lirnised or I'lii nt nrni, or fn-nlilnl siirfiii'O, n eool nml qi;lot iminner shonl'l In; lis Btinit'il, n i l ulti f wiwlilnir nwny the botl, (If required I, the Injured ptirts should 1 e dressed wilh Hint most vnluitlilo reineily St. .Iaoous Oil, Its surpt islnirly qui eh relief. Its elennslnr properties, its tendency to quickly removo nil intlnuiiiiiition, nnd Its wonderful elllency In tlio nbovons well ns In nil inuseitlnrnnd other pnlns, Silth ns l'hniauntism, tieunilt-'in. ttMitlinehe. hcndnelio, stiffnes of tho Joints, etc.. these remit r.r. .1a tons On. pre-i'tiilticntly the best cxternnl remedy now leri re the people: which olnim Is fully siibstiinlialcd by the stromrest kind of testimony from nil elnsses of peopU. Tho vuluoof h'utinti I : fo Is so supremely Impor tnnt that, nnvtlilny Hint wivU to Its jntilonirn tlotl is entitled to the holiest eotisideriitlon. ("hnrlert Nelson. Esq., proprietor Nelson House. I'ort Huron, Mich., nivs: " I suffered so with rhouniiitlsin Hint my ni-ni withered, nnd physi cians could not help mo. I wns in despair of my life, when pomn ono ndvlsod mo to try 8t. Jacohs On,. I .li.l so. mnl iislf bvmnp-le, Iwns Instnntly relieved, nnd by (he continued use of tho Oil'entlrely cured. I thiink lienven for hnvlntr used th.s wonderful remedy, fori my l:ff. It nlso cured my wife." f tana N Y N U- -SI ASTHMA t;,Tlt,!"i -rrnmii Ami limn t'urr irr fail to cIts im- mfiufo rUrf in the wmtt rnv'4, Inaurcs orafirt blelKpj effeo rnrrt vrhor all othni fail. A trial rttntinrti th mmt ukriiral. Pr, 60r. BTltl i Iftl.UUnl J'riipjflHi or l ni'li. wmpii I-KI-.I. i tunitmp. I n. K. Sl'llll KMAN, St. I'nul. Minn. HHEAPEST TIOOKS IN I -torfof HiiKiHiiil. )Kn. LtUtmtin 111 iVe 13fiio vol. I 1 141)10 vol. hn IN THE TTTORLD iifitor or afi tuiiut- I I initio Viil. hantliaOtnuW II cmttimt cl-th;cuilr f xuu bouud. nvr only aitirt. if . MANHATTAN BOOK CO . 16 W. Hth St.. N.Y. P.O. tto AMERICAN WATCHES. ill t;lu, GoliI.Himr and Sickle, l'l,iuj, . ii'nl by niftllr C. O. D. lo Im? t immtora. Write for Citnlotrue to HTASIIAKU AMEIt. IC4N WATCH CO, r-ITTIlfRtlll, TA. HOW TO DECORATE YOUR HOMES for Christ nitis, with Illustration, in DEMOKKST'S MONTHLY for Jannarr, JO rls. Address I 7 K. I It li fl.. New York. Vny lilvluir mm nmlt'iirii to pluv l'liiiioor or pit n in 15 miiiitti'H. MiiHit ul tnli'ht or r'vimit pnu'tift'iniM'' isur' ir.itlf li v iiiail.&KvlHtHiniid tnk- en.) iN'im k L.w . TiM ank, rtr.hii'wrtv.N.y. ! Surer )llrf inmnvi KIDDER'S PASTILLESer;. rTHraVTfMrraWTffiTrTf1 ''"'t.n Maaa. npa Morptilnn IIbIU Curaxl In 10 j .,U u0Im.t. No ny till 'urMl. itiil Int. J. hi t:i'UKN8, I'buntiii. Ohio. AT E N TS f ENSIONSi Send Htmnp for luatrurti'um. I'KNKKllAkKR, rilMI'KONA; I'll., P.O. Hoi tl.'i.Wssliinutnn.H.i:. f "f "f "f A YKAIt AM) F.XPKNSKH TO Outnt fivo. Atidrt'HN rkerv, A limtMii, Mo, & w 0N T H- G E N TS W M'llhiit art li-lfit In tlio Jrw,-WJ Atldr,' .lay llrou. WflNTE0-Obr nil: I iiir,.lr r,r. on, Drirult. Mich. YOUNG MEN It you would h'ttrn Tt'li'uritihy In tour months, aud br rerlniu of u nittiution, addrt'ts Vnl' iilino liros.. Juurxvillt', Wis. 4 UliNTH WANTKII for tho llrt and Fastest. 1 V Si lliiiK Pirtorml l.ooks nnd Kililes. Pricin n dtired a t Nittionitl Pulilishiut! ro.. Phlladi lphln.Pu. CCA a week in vonr own town. Terms and nuttlt " frt(i. A dd'sH. 11 A i.i-CTTfci. ,lt irtlsnd.Mitlnp. if TTVTCJS volvra. Cauioiu frtt. AdJreU, LJ XSI i3 flreat Wwt Qua W,irti. rill.l.nrrh. r. C79 A WEEK. H'2 day at honm easily madoTfioiitrT Outllt lico. Add Tuva At Co.. AuKusta.Mainn. Improvements New X f; I m f s ,y il 1 1 I m aanl n It ' llWC If- THE MASON & HAMLIN ORGAN CO. Whose cabinst or parlor orpans have won biohfst noNons at vkbt one of the mtiivr wout.n'a lttnri. HiiAL KxiiiniTttiNs for roeiiTKKN ykaus (beiiiti the only American oruana which have been found worthr ot such at niiv), huvocflet ted NiutB aud ttiiKAiKB PBAtTieALLY vai uahle imi kovkmkmtb in their Ornaui in the 1. AST v i: it than 111 unv similar K-riod since the first Introduction of this Instrument by thsm, tweuty jears since; unci are now olleritit! ohoans or hiiihkb Ext'Ki.LENtK and enlaiuifo fAFAtirv: also rKiinilar MK.niuM and wni.1.111 ktvi.ksoI iMeitoveo qoality, and at lowf.k rmrr.11: t '-i, ;), i4 tfland unwar 1 A NFW ll.l.l STKATI-.DCATALOtll K. :i m. 4tt..; la now ready (Octt.ls.r. IhW, fully tieLnhiiiK- ami illui: tratinu more than Hal atltii tjt (ruiin. This wttli i price, and circulars coittainliKj atlch inloriimlion lihout organs iit rallv. which will bt- ust nil to every one Uiiukiwr oi purchasiun. will he sent frtt and ij I'!"'-. L-w ,?,ys",.u-,!A?1 5,,fl,JA,co, 151 I'rciuout btrect, UoaTO.N; 4X1 East 11 Six Valuable Christmas Presents Free to All! . YOU CAN SECURE ALL THE BEAUTIFUL AND USEFUL HOLIDAV CIFTS NAMED I" THI9 ADVERTISEMENT AT NO COST WH ATE V ER I J iV "otJ" w . pluuh t'Ut iuj., Ji-uoimuu Aiiculluial uj Hoi, t-.yw .uuiltsl 'i Be Uaral llutue Journal, t Ui. fc,w Ttlot i, v,f ,.,JW ' 1 W'JSXZrZVK f f, f liMilaair.l.Sa AaMa-fcrtillliat mlMilfM Jla, whltiB wilt bt much Umiiti. 4. Bnrltncr. Mu.lc.l tor.,..u,,Wrl,,lloo U. ni.l., Journal. W. n.k. tin. , .Bw wrl,ZTjJpJti iXZil 1 o.tr ubMrlMra. It t. on. ohuo. m a lll.tlqt u let . ry l.rj. ,. for ,.,, im.ll "I . Ttu. .m1? HSSX MIxravhoK yer fur oolr Urtr conn, who all valuslila ud u.,ll riim. t..'.i 1 " J J t. 111 a aplaadi Itailnaai, ara wall-anowu, and our rar-ulatton ii aitabliiht-d. If you will how Ibla adyattiM,mni . I . . n . aad jo au caua W W114 U. pr.mltuu. bM to ,.w u.ublj. 'h.u L " "r th,. "p,,"""' t,. ."S idS,"' More than One Million Copies Sold! EVERYDODY WANTS IT. 258th Edition (New). or aeii-rreaervatlon. A Great Medical Treat, las on niauhoodi tbe Caaie and Core of Ex. haunted Vitality, Kerroaa and Physical Vebll. Itf also on the Untold Miseries arUing from tho Excesae ot Mature Years. 300 pages, Iloyal fivo. Tha very nneat steel engiaviriKS. 15 lavaluablo Prescriptions for all acuta KI(lV7 THYSFI F. .,?0,in.d,1 "jy "w" aa w as " vutj ot.j, u niaii, iseiv etliuon.) IIJjUSTKATED SAMPLE, The Bciencs of Life, or Relf-Preservatton, luuiu-y will rtiluudt-d iu evury Instance, j ne tsciencs or Lire, or Beir-Preaervatton, is tha most mtraordinarr work on PhvalM. .... ,, . . There is nothing whatever that the married or aiut.-l ,f ciiUer a SauTtUher r.uirl ,?r uT W l,',,,ll'-herl. j;na . lalully rlui. In ahorc. th book ia inviluabln to al wnillwlt for 'o d hl t to l,low 1 Tho best medical work ever published Lu.utun Lancet, a briUlauaud luvaliisbl. i iT?'' ."'"v Kld aud leweled medal awarded the author of the i Scieioa ,ot "lii ' wis fa ifv tnn '? "r;',''' T.u stoweJ.J,w,,c-AifY.fd iw 'Jouaand. tdluri i. similar totheabi J lcat ink' Journalahterary. political, religious and acieniuio thruuuhout tha land. The bo, L J'. "" ' V tet!,l to be it b.-lter uii-iil.L.Ll Worlt. ii v.,rw k..,.u.. .1. t i .. .. . ... A i.......i . eook is uunrall- Tliousnnda of Conies ore acnt hv mr.ii ....... in .. i.i n-j- . , , ... ' ., -v . . w - ... jruDivatu, io ail parti at laa world, every mout h, upon receipt of price, 81.5. Address PEABODY MEDICAL INSTITUTE orW.H. PARKER, F.! D 4 Uulllnch blreet, lioaton, DIuh. ' ' K, B,Tlts author may t tuiuuitil on aU jdiwmv isqulxUig ikUl ui jpriwi, ' T v BHV J ii EI ' j.r.jLK',.' (Thlaengravlnit rr r""'nt tha Lnnga In a hralt!iytl ) A STANDARD REOEDY IN MANY HOMES. For CnnaI'd. 'nld, rron. llronrlilit" an t all other alWUoiis of tho Tlirnui and MM.". It atanda uurlviilud and utterly beyond nil competition. IN CONSUMPTIVE CASES It approiwhs o nr spot'ldo that "Ninnty-flva)" nt-r cent, nro iwnimnfiitlv cured when the tllnxv llona are hlrictlv cotnpllud with. 'J'hcru ia no enmut "l ur tithtr iiiKrrdiuuta to linrin tho yuuiiK or oi J. US AN EXPECTORANT IT HAS NO EQUAL! IT CONTAINS NO OPIUM IN ANY FORM! J. N. HARRIS A CO., Proprietor, I'INCINNATIi O. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. PEERLESS "imsorjii" WILLIAM WILSON, Medical Electrician, 403 Fulton St., Iti ooklyn, May tx consulted dallvfrom 10 A. M. tosP. M., nichnrnc. " T II K V I I.HtlNI A " I.JNE1,IC OA It .11 i:TH will cure rfiy form of lt- raac, no mutter nf how long atnudltu!. tNK HUN ldtKD Tilt 1 SAND rnitKS in UroiAbn and New York. W1M Kit 1H tU'ON TS. WiOTElT VOl'H. HKI.VKR airali. t SHthina or coifnin.tlon hy wenrinit " WlhMIM " clothlni.'. tH.ldfct t are tlm in. cursors of cndlc il's fill llesli Is heir ti. Wear tho " WII.MIMA " sol - i n.t iivoldah dimmer. TAKE MKlUt'lNK AND 1K. VVK.Ut " W 1 1 1 fSONIA" ANli I.IVK. 1IKWARK OK 1 it.M PS. llmriia pitrments arf on the market. Tht " WI I.SON'I A " Is stiutd.'tl w II h mctHllic eyelets, show inil the lnt'tills tin the face. All ntheraam frauds. Ki nd for iiuni'hli'ts contaluliiK tcHtlnionlnls fpiiu tho best is'oi In America who have been cured alter all ftirina nf medicine bad tailed. Note our addn-sses: SO. 4115 rVI.TON ST It K FT, 11HOOKLYN. NO. f.'.C) IlltDAlAVAV, 1 Nil. l;U7 lil:i)AHV. -V. J-NEWYOIIK Nil. V U'i Tlllllli AVK.. I NO. 4t KOI It l'U NI'UKKT. Nl'.ATt NOTTTH Kmil'lil HTItKKT. HIIDOKI.VN, K. ) Payne's Automatic Engines. .aW. fa- Rtlitdile, nuiidilo and Kennmulral, trill furnlih a IttH-te tMiicrrtcittt H Itttnfttcl find ivttter than unit other riilue built, nut lilted with an Automatic Cnt-ull. S"ii I lor llliixtntted t,'iitalot;iie "J." for lnlermatlon Aj i'ni i. II. W. 1'aysk A: Sonb. Hoi BtUI. tiornuiK. N.Y. AGENTS WANTED FOR THE ICTORIikLi HISTORYwWORLD I'liibrnclnir full and authentic accounts of rvt-ry nulion ot ancient and modi ru tlmi, ami includiiiff a history ot Ihe rise and fall of thntireek and Konmn Knii'lres. the midtlln ato-a, tho erusadiu, llin letiilal sNKlcin, Ihe rlorinatlou, tho illacoverv and avet tin. ineiit of tint New World, etc., etc. It contains ttt'i fine liialorlcal enumviiiKS, and Is thu most complete History ol the World over imhliidied. Ki nd for siei nien natres and CTtra terms to Au'euts. Atldn sa A l lUNAI. l'riil.ISlllNU CO.. J'hiladelphia, Tt. If you enjoy a lauiih licarte Then read our HfiK.vt'H in KroRTi Ol Saiiuuv Tutilisniid his MikiukIii, Thello litH torfc Trit k Monkey The author, E. 11. Footo, Ji. D. llliistiutetl euuteuta tree. .; Hut If you're fond of lota o' fun, Just buy the I'vh opileoai For Maic i,ault riiH ure otitdunA. i," ,' For photoi;iit'lis of miv one. Wv '' Hex J.ss, N..w York fitv i "e roiv. is a pii iun'-KUn CO., SIX HI WAHT MIINETI lou.f.undl. JitJV. rHI tnl ft Uiwlinl IwMii.bi, a.iuf GTS "h"k" " k'J it Let PlVKIOK.Ulih. HAIR ,., 4-, u kulllI,.1 rAlLKO. S-JtlNLt SIX CK.tTS u lit. J. tiilNlt. ". aw. Hut. U.wu. HI luliftttoaa. ( TS. pavs for tlisstarHpunnledliamieraiiitm. 11II1I1111 like II. '.ntlivear. H pastes, HIM. fciinl. mens It pp. Add. K. K. Kan.skii IfJnadikle. N. IL Styles New Catalogue." litu flilrt) with ltiiiruoii. uU uMiu. reAlic DiattV for turf aiciutxr of tba rurki boua. tiol.l. Iti euulcuM rniLrc Aineullitrtr, HorileQldirff.uielioldTopWi.t.RdUi'KfttMf WyrH. K lories. fuKirr. Kiki. Wit ni 11.. ttmrl It u aftS4Kiueiy llluUftli), and la 4 mor, fckjiocurti of liuiubuft, (., etc. It la fl ID rPIKM ftCnilltilrU. faikillw nainai ever; uutrajtr couuiut hitiii mi ugKfattoD M nlons wunh tl lubMiriiMluu Lfiti. W labmg wo(.t.in iw.wki new kuMtfiirHr mi one t, mm mm iiii frcjkt Ur : I m receipt o( b)w Fifty (cnU in po4ltgflamp w will MuJ lho Kurul Home JuortitU for On leti ui to eyrjr uiui ,.ir we will ui. Frv aud puai-pkid, Mi o)ubl UJ 1 t-ful i'rcinluma. m f..iiow: l. A HunUwomo AuUrHph Album. bcn4 lo lLiirot, w mtiLaUuu lrktiiir, ilh mr bocl ."! on Ourer a nom b4 iiervio. 1 ! I, j. ioia-i'itttd rim Hlmg, a piala ring of quality u( kil I'Ui. diiraola, and tuiubi tor -iLher lady or ftaurnu. I. JitUo 4L'r Heeuat I in or atm aul rj haadMota Chart, kr th. tin .r itii, Z, .i . . Mx, Maw Ysrk. ' ai. EVERYDODY NEEDS Revised and Enlarged. IT. JFr M"'". embossed. fuU 6 CENTS, SEND NOW. or th mm , f' 1 , , v , 'tit j . 2 Mi 'A- l-tr 1 U.l. I'ubUaliu. u 1 ira vu.-uv viAvnuwe ivt UOU0JQ ttlO pnCO