( 1 : Jt. ,!., V-t.t, vi'N'i: li.iVO Vr-v-inr rui.l Rto even , when t!i in- iu prli r.'.il '! i It i ' am ()n-- rh j T.i wock was minle 10 or.Vr in 1 Vi in, ami int'IiitM abutter, nn i p lov-t'ntlrnrT. Liko nil 1 lie 011 itv,..i, t)io Imn.llos wore of ivorr, f-' .;i -.!.1.1 with eumll torqnoipo, nmi the l!;r iaa lorvthrr crro Wfts lined with lorjniso blue satin. KowailftyH, if yoa po to call on a young laily rarly in tb morning, ton to one yon find hor lolling back ia no easy chair, with lor ropy linger tips immerflcd iu a finger bo-vl of econtod water (the jlrst stop in tho procoRs), or else cha mois poli.sLcr ia hand, carefully and laboriously rubbing her nails.with a fine pink powilor that eventually inakos IheraeLit a lilta diamonds.'' The ollior day, hvinp; a desire to writo v.y the process, I visited the estab lisLjun'ul vl a J-.hs. P., and it was there I wns imprcpsod with tho growth of the row fa.ihion, being asked to make an nppoiufanent three days later, owing to tLo rush of customers. I noticed that only Indies were present, but when I nnncnted on it,'SIrB. P. showed me a Fmail ollico, entered from the back of tho honso, whore were neated some gen tlemen, one a congressman, all looking t.illior shamefaced nt being there, "They Lave not tli3 courage to bo i-f-t a t-.alt:iluj," fcnid the Liitiuioure; "so I Lad to arrange a sort of buck door. A frrnnt. many (;iriilemen"corae here, nota bly -ministers and actors, as in their respective professions they are given to imivg their brands freely, and like to have ihem as cijfect-iva as possible. ".TLca f:hionabIc young men havo taken tip tho idea, and many of them are roguj&r customers, and pay so much a month to have their nails taken care of. My two moot fashionable patrons are a Brooklyn preacher and a Wash ington politician and orator." " And how about the ladies ?" ' Oh, you can see lor yourself," and the manicure took down blank . book in which were inscribed the autographs of her lady patrons. Among them were the names of several well-known ao tresses of stock companies and of an American prima donna. Amusing to relate, the list of matrons was longer thflu that of young ladies. But to tho point When my turn came I Bat in a row with five other ladies, in the easiest of armchairs and with damask napkins in onr laps. Fin ger bowls of stained glass on, plates of painted French china, filled with tepid water perfumed and containing an acid to soften the ekin, were given us, nd solemnly we sat and soaked our fingers for fifteen minutes; , . j .. , ( ' At the end of that time an "opera tor" on a, low stool seated herself be fore me, dried one hand, posed it oa a pink satin cushion and with a fine steel instrument quickly scraped away all the soft skin around the nail, thea she filed it into a point at the top and clipped the sides with sharp scissors, tuen she rubbed a red salve over it, wiped it off and proceeded to polish with the diamond powder, using the palm of hor hand until the nail fairly glittered, and finally warm water, castile soap and a soft brush left it. clean, smootn and suinmg. xne process was repeated on every linger, and in half an hour for the Bum . of 51.50 was finished, and the result was ten pink and brilliant weapons of dclcnse , so sharp and pointed as to sug gest the advantages' of peace. The fashion of wearing . these long and pointed tails has become so exat?fcer- 'ated, that it necessitates long-fingered plovca and extreme caro to prevent liitir orealiing Oil. - ' - Fashion Koto. Pasiues are worn as much as ever. The poke grows in fashionable favor. The pcuf in back draperies is not large. Bidged plush is at a premium in mil imery. . , . Skirt draperies are more elaborate than ever. Beep, dark red is a fine color for plush trimmings, raniers are net bouffant, but cling close to tno nips. Furs will be much need this winter, wufcuter tiie weather is very cold or not. Two or more materials combined to form one costume is as fashionable as ever. . Louy; visit.es, dolman cloths and cir cles will all be worn for midwinter ..wraps. - Light-colored ulstors of heavy cloth, trimmed with nndyed sealbkin, are very labiuQntiiae. One of the mosif effective stripes in new colors is of orange with hair lines cf gold and eded with black. Broad Byron cellars, trimmed with lunisuco laid on over the linen to look like embroidery, are worn. ; Ail , sons of felt, plush and furry h-eaver us.ia and bonnets will be worn, but pokes are tho first favorites. Jackets are giving place to long dol maun, French pelisses, circle and 1'om j a Jour or Mother Jlubbard cloaks. TToue and surah are frequently com bined in tho same suit with one or more materials, and trimmings besides, , rendiint pockets of white satin and vSiuiro trimmed with Spanish laoe make pretty additions to evening deini toilets. Ombre watered tilka come in two or . three contracting colors, such as dull red, or seal brown, with blue and olive; palo pink or brown with red and gray. Lilies of the valley and white rosea are much worn by brides; lilacs are uL'3 milled with orangd blossoms in tho floral garniture of a bridal costume. Y'id) flounces of Spanish lace, ar i; ,-'.d in four deep festoons near tho l,i .'.i -j i i of the rruruier.it, are uc.ed as an ecci-.b: , ly fctyiirh trimming for black plh do-. t.s. Ti'.S'-l I ! - a proiiiiit'iit posi- i'v n in ii.ii:. ry i-r'..:rifnta!i'n uud tl.U Mm c.i-..' . t v.: ait rich vh t-ille . -. I..L. I .J a ; .'V -.. I ! . ; I tO t fir r ; "ioi T.. -.v. t V,ii m nrr jr..; iu a nho y f-lyl.-; ., bii-im f-vn n-i.,.ul,f.!-ly wi.h d f..n-,e r f the - T, - ti l.uve fioi t lb ick ronf-id.-rably, which stjlo is vr v ticconung to a youmini inee. rush draperies nvrangedin huge bows ivh long wide enl3 appear on the backs of many French dresses, end tho -iViflTorl flonnces. doubled and forming a bag-like flounce round tho skirt, which wcro introduced last spring, are still seen. Novel Mode of Catching Electric Eels. In traversing the Lianas of the prov ince of Caracas, in order to embark at San Fernando de Apure, on his voyage up the Orinoco, Sout h America, M. Bon pland stoppod at Calabozo, his object being to investigate the nistory oi tne Gymnotus, great numbers of which are found in the neigubornood. Alter re maining three days there, some Indians conduoted him to the Gano de Bera, a muddy and stagnant baHi'n, but sur rounded by rich vegetation, in which some grand Indian figs and some mag nificent flowering odor ;reus mimosas were pre-eminant. Ho and his friends were much surprised when informed that it would be necessary to take thirty half-wild horses from the neighboring savannahs in order to fish for the Gym notus. The idea of this fishing, called, in the language of the country, embar bascar con caballos (intoxicating by means of horses), is very odd. The word barbasco indicates the roots of the Lacquinia, or , any other poisonous plant, by contact cf which a body of water acquires the property of killing, or, at least, of intoxicating or stupefy ing the fishes. These come to the sur face when they have been poisoned in this manner. The horses chasing them here and there in a. marsh has, it seems, the same effect upon the alarmed fishes. While their hosts were ex plaining to M. Bonpland and party this strange mode oi fishing the troop of horses and mules had arrived, and the Indians had made a sort of battue, pressing the horses on all sides, and forcing them into tne xnarsn. lie In dians, armed with long canes and har poons, placed themselves round the basin; some of them, mounting tne trees, whose branches hung over the water, and by their cries, and still more by their canes, preventing the horses from landing again. The eels, stunned by the noise, defended . themselves by repeated discharges of their batteries. For a long time it seemed as if they wo old be victorious over the horses. Some of the mules especially, being almost stifled by the frequency and force of the shock, disappeared tinder the water, and some of the horses, in pite of the watchfulness of the In dians, regained the bank, where, over come by the shocks they had undergone, they stretched themselves at their whole length. The picture presented, M. Bonpland says, was now indescrib able. Groups of Indians surrounded the basin ; the horses, with bristling manes, terror and grief in their eyes, trying to escape from the storm which had surprised them ; the eels, . yellow and livid, looking like great aquatic serpents swimming on the surface bf the water, and chasing their enemies, were objects at once appalling and picturesque. In less than live minutes two horses were drowned. An eel, more than five feet lonar. elided under one horse, discharged its apparatus through its whole extent, attacking at once the heart, the.viscera, and tho plexus of the nerves of the animal, probably benumbinir and finally drowning it. When the struiiKle had endured quarter of an hour, the horses and mules appeared loss frightened, the manes became more erect, the eyes ex pressed less terror, the eels shunned in place of attacking them, at tne same lime approaching tno DanK, wnen tney were easily taken by means of the long cord, and were drawn ashore without being able to communicate any shock, Havicar landed the eels, they were tran ported to little pools dug in the soil and filled with fresh water : but such is the terror they inspire that none of the people of the country would release them from the harpcon. a task which the travelers had to perform themselves, and receive the first shock, which was not slight, the most energetic surpassing in force that communicated by a Ley den jar completely charged. The gym notus surpasses in size and strength al the other electric fishes, t . .-.,-, ,1Ti Cynibalom. Supper being over we went out upon the terrace, on which by this time the moon was shedding her silver light chfcteninK on the vine leaves, and cast ing sharp, black shadows on the white washed walls. Most of the Kuosts dis persed themselves, to continue their dessert in the vineyard, but I remained beside the gypsies, attracted by the curious shape of one of the instruments on which they played. One of the men was seated before an empty barrel, in lieu, I supposed, of a table, and on it he had placed a flat wooden instrument, something like a shallow box, almost a yard in width, but rather less in length. I supposed it to be a stringed instru ment, until, coming nearer, I discov ered that what I had taken for strings were long flat strips of glass, arranged in different lengths. In each hand he held Jittlo sticks, made something like the ham mers in the interior of a piano, and with these he struck the glass keys. Yet to say he struck the keys gives an imperfect impression, for the hammers only trsmbled and quivered and danced in his fingers like the drops of a foun tain falling into the basin below. One note was never long drawn out vibrated in never-ending repetition, paitioularly when the air played was slow and mel ancholy. This instrument is tho cym balom; and in every Hungarian melody there are notes which are only produci ble in perfection on just thia instru ment, although first-rate performers cun execute a feeble imitation of its trembling tones upon tho piano.- Tin A rfn y . It ia estimated thut the millers of LliuncapolU, Minn., will need fur con bumi'U'.iu tLid yi-.-ir, li.ij'JOjij:) Lutdiehj U. '- r t. T! r- " -tfinhy r.o f r;.-n e . ; lively fi.i'.-f'-d in jo'un'ilif'M, f-,' b.i ex el, .ill'-;", is become i-o Jew have for it. '.!. t'-!i:j rr:ia,eTit mid tho wr.stiin" on. More Hinn a moiety of map land is Mow, lackirjg in alacrity, and devoid of a fouso of proportion, TLe, art of putting things rapidly in phnpa is not well un derstood by the public. Thi is the reason why we have long-winded ser mons, lectures promotive of somnolency, and magazine work which presupposes that longevity vouchsafed to the long abiding old gentlemen and ladies of the Old Testament, Tho public is not inconsiderto it is only ignorant. Tho newspaper is a mystery, of the manufacture of which it knows hardly anything. Those who give to it the enthusiasm of youth, the vigor of manhood and whatever of wisdom old age may have brought with it might havo abiding fame in this de partmont of literature or the other, in the field of science, in the arena of Eublio affairs. Taste or accident lias etrayed them into a humble sphere of human exertion, nor do they quarrel with their fortune, ne who drifts into jonrnalism rarely leaves it; he still plods on in the daily toil which for him has a rare fascination. Often thero is no fame for him. The cleverest newspaper men may be utterly unknown, and not for gotten only because ho has never boon remembered. His heart, however, is stout, at any rate; and, come compo tonco, or tho lack of itcome the high est or the humblest position, ho still toils with irrepressible cheerfulness, and hopes when all is over with him that his associates who survive him will be reasonably sorry or solemn at his fu neral. ' The area of the dominion of Canada is given as follows in a document "ust 'issued by the dopartmfnt of the interior: Square miles Ontario,- 109, 480; Quebec, 193,355; New Bruns wick, 27,322; Nova Scotia, 21,731; Prince Edward Island, 2,131 Manitoba, 150,000; British Columbia, including Vancouver's and other islands, 390,314 ; Northwest Territory, 1,803,000; Kee watin district,. 309,077 ; islands in the Arctic, 311,700 ; islands in the Hudson Bay, 24,400. Total, 3,400,542 equare miles. ' - The following suggestion is made by Dr. Foote't Health Monthly ; Try a satu rated solution of bicarbonate of soda (baking soda) in diarrheal troubles ; give freely. An Elk ton. Md.. paper mentions the ce of Mr. T.. Deenen, of thai place, who suf fered severely with rheumatic pains until he tried a bottle of St. Jacobs Oil. which completely cured him. Indianspohs (Ind.) journal. 1 .. There are Baid to bt fifty injurious in sects in our vegetable gardens r fifty iu our vineyards, while eeventy-five attack our apple trees and more than fifty our grain llelds. oeventy-llve millions ol dollars is estimated as the damage done to the wheat in Illinois in one season, and nearly ten years ago the nnnmal loss in the United fttates from insect depredation alone was estimated at nearly $400,000,000. Cited by the Wadiington (Ind.) Gnr.ette is the fact that the colls in that locality have a sort of lameness in the joints J. P Myew cured hia by anointing it with St. Jacobs QjL Sheridan 6ays that an oyster may be crossed in love, and rumor has it that d mosquito was actually mashed last cum mer on a Long Branch belle. , Jlasoa & Hamlin Urgan Company. At the great Italian Industrial Exhi bition just closing in Milan, Italy, the highest awards for musical instruments, a silver medal and diploma, were taken by an American manufacturer, tho Ma son and Hamlin Organ Company, whose cabinet organs were judged to be so superior that they were the only reed organs of any manufacture, European or American, which were awarded a medal. It is a great honor to these makers that in Italy itself, the very home of music, their organs should receive such dis tinction. They excited much interest among musicians, and were by special order repeatedly exhibited to the royal court by Carlo Dnoci, the distinguished artist of Home. We know that we must meet to part, but we know not that we part to meet again, What Physicians Niiy. Bau Lisandho. (Jul.. January 6. 1877. Dr. It. V. Mcrce, buffalo, N. Y.: JJmr Sir havo employed your " Pleasant lurijative Pol lute " in my practice for the last four years. 1 now uae no other alterative or caihartic medi cines iu ail chronic dot alignment of the utom ach, liver and bowels. 1 know of nothing thai cqualH thoiiL J. A. MiLl.r.it, Al. 1J. raoKEsson Beai at the Michigan Agricultu ral eoilesro. lias 1.000 different Krassoa and clo vers crrowinsr, each in a separate bed, in the garden attached to the college. ' Dr. Pierce's '"Golden Medical Discovery u has become bo thoroughly established in public favor that were it not lor the torgetluliictut ol pood'.o it would not be uccoseary to eall atten tton to its power to euro consumption, which it scrofula of tho lungs, and other blood diseases, as eruptions, blotches, pimples, ulcnrs and "liver complaint." Thk disease of men is ueijloctinfr to weed their own fields, and busying themselves weed iug.tlie fields of other people. , i . i lluw Women Would Vole. Were women allowed to vote, every one in he Isud who l a-i used Dr. Tierce's "Favorite Prui-erip'iou," would vote it to be an unfailing remedy lor the ilioa8os peculiar to her sex. liv itrir.'fjims. Youno. one is rich in all the future that he dreams; old, one is poor iu all the past that he regrota. - Vkcijtink. It extends iU influence into every part of the human organism, commencing with lis founuuUon ; correcting diseased action, and restoring vital powers, creating a healthy for mation and purilication of the blood, driving out diHoaae, and leaving future to perform its anoue.i limn. ri'RE Cod Ijvkb Oil. made from selected livers, on the seashore, Ly Caswell, H&ZAits & Co., New York. It is absolutely pure and sweet, l'atieuta who have once ttiLeu it prefer lb to all others, rnyoieians nave decided it superior to any ol the other oils in market. B:ildheaded. tacu are informod that there is but one avenue of escape horn their affliction. and that is Cauuoijnk, a deuio iced extract ol pettol.-uiii, the fcn.it hail rcuewer, being re- Celi'.'y ' '..y-.'-, I 1- !) t.-.v'lva 1 vi t'lf. t i. I1W-1,.- vil Ivr-'IMH llf n'viiMIH'i. ft. e! ,.i.'N i i i :n Ml in n irt of muliw thintm 'IS CllHlft.' H I'AV ' TV't lrr Ui'H. Hi sl. -iter's Mnuinrll urn! 'ifr..iinr.l ami luvlimatinn tuti ftiftiKlnrd reputation, Wlilell URveleiH, oim prunto, tourUt!, nuritier and other wli-i timt.en mid pill-suits pulnil exposure, R'll.jrri mn ti rhnm;ri of tvmpeintiir- ruir-mml or un wholopeiiii diet or water, jin.1 ttjo. futigno nt trinltiut upon loll)? Jnuninyn 1T !nml or sen, covieur in pronouncing it re h !!,, f;rf,n1i!o and wife. An rrnio-.ly lor (lmonlxra of tli.i liver, fttoinac.h mil lnvits, very prevalent in malarious regions nd Die tnipien, an a pre ventive of fovor and ague, rheumatism mid kidney troubles, and as a reslorativo of vigor, It is also held In tho highest estimation. Fwiks are runntioned in a charter of Ferdi nand I., of Ppaln, 1101. Tliey wro introdnew! Into I-.nglund in ths sixteenth century. Wurqgr's gnfg IHdnry mill Mvw C'nro. SPKKcn Is noble only when, lino an hoinet money, it represents the gold of thought Oa Thirty Days' Trial. The Vollaio Do2t Co.. Marshall, Mich., will send their Klootro-Voltaio Uelts and other Eli-c-trio Appliances on trial for thirty days to snv person affliotod with Norvous Dobility, Ifwt Vitality, and klndreti troublos, Rrtarautesin conipleto restoration of vigor and manhood. Address as above without dolay. I. a-No risk is incurred, as SO days' trial 1? allowed. i Bod-linn, nonrhra. Rats, eats, mioo, ants. Hies, insects, cleared on! by "Hough on lints." liw.rtruirfosts. AllKATTY'H PIATJOKOnTFf.-MiMimfnl . holiday prwnts: ff.iunrf. ratul pliuioforti-A torn virj c.itiipmie rounu cornrrn, runwn.Mi cAitrii. mrr untnntiH. Krnttv'i mli-hlr iron rratnon. stool, book, rover, boxes, V2''J.T.1 to J'itIT JO catalogue prli-e. fwjo to MMHituii su.xronte.! ir uioner rrfini.leit. rter one MV'inwi I rlihf rinnnlnrtr. 1'J to v.v,: rsis Iokiib prk-pi t.nm to 0:iitn.liiril pmnofortrsoriheiiiit eiw.n theii..nn.t teiir- i write rr main ninth lint of tee tlnmninln. Ilentn 'i. nlln-( tK; A NS, c.ilho.lriil, rlmrch. rhapel, parlor. 8.IO uiiwent. Vllt' wolcnmei freei-iirrliiifemeetiipanvnccrmllliwtratnil dialogue (Imll tnve'lltton) I'rrr. A.M'i w o! call upon DAMKt, V. 11EATTV, WnHiKTO,KiffjrRET. MKSv'l'KI niOll lRATII. William I. CeiiKhlln. of Soninrrillo, Mnss., Bars: In the fall of 187(1 1 was taken with liloetlliiR of the lutips, followed by a ex-m rmiKh I lont my appotite ud Reeh, anil was confined to my lied. In 1K77 I was ad mit ted to tho hospital. The doctors said I had a hole In my Inn? as as a half-dollar. Atone time, a re port wout around that I was dead.' leave np hope,' but a friend told mo of Da, William Hall's Balsam rouTii Lunob. Ijrot alxtxtlc, when, toniysurrrlee, I coturaenccd to feol bcttnr, and to-dar I feol better than for three years post. I writs this liopinu every one atllicU'd with diseased limits will take Dm. Wil liam IIall's IIaiaih, and bo convinced that cos cxiTion cas be ruuKD. I can poeitively s.vy it has dono more good than all the other luedicinus 1 have taken siuoe my sickness. r i PERILS OF THE DEEP. "Ptinnff rny trip flown tho Klycr Tticns, In Spain." siild nptnin Jioyton to a repifsciitatlve 3f Ihisjounial iu n recent conversation by the lea thore, "I had lo 'shoot' 10ft waterfalls, the InrKesl U'ing Blxiutc'ulity-Cvc feet, and Innumerable- rapids. Crossing the Straits of Messina, I had three ribs broken In a fight with sharks; and 'romlnicdown the fomane, u river In France, I received a charge of shot from an excited and Hurtled huntsman. Although this was not Very pleaaiit and miht bo termed danKerous, I fear nothing more on my trip than intense cold : for, as Ions as my limbs are free and easy and not cramped or benumbed I am all right. Of lata I ennr stock of St. Jacoiis On. In mvllttln boat The Captain calls fVliaby Mine," and lias stored uicrein signal rocitcts, thermometer, compass. revisions, cte. and I havo but little trouble, lefore stn.-tine out I rub lnvself thoroughly with the article, and its action upon tho muscles is wonderful. From constant exposure I am some what subject to rheumatic pniua, and nothing would ever benefit me until I got hold of this Great German liemedy, Why, on my travels I have met people who had been fullering with rheumatism for yenrst by my advice they used the Oil and it cured them. 1 would sooner do without food for days than te without this rem edy for one hour. In fact I would not attempt a inj, wiuioui 11. xne i.upittin uecaiue very en thusiastic on the subject of St. Jacobs Oil. and when we left him ho was still citing instances 0 me ourauve qualities or tno breat Ueniuui item- say to a party arouuu mm. , , HYN U rl 0) L 7 HELIOTYPE . . ENGRAVINGS. Tlione beautifully-executed reproduction! of contlj eoKravlDK. priutod on beveled plate paper tltll'21 Inches racb), an now very generally In use for Ui adorunieut of library aud parlor walls. Taero ar now upward of SSU subjocts, including the master piece of ancient and modern art. The price of the t-nnravliiKS is fifty cent each. Our Bookn are for mile by all booViller, or will be n.nt Kti,Htd m re.-.'i,t of price. CatuloKU1! of our lUtiikM and litwrlplive (.'atatuK'ueii of our iicliotyjiu i-nt-rjuaj-s are u ni iree lo appucanu. JAMES R. OSGOOD & CO., Boston. PENSIONS, ARE PAirAtTeTv mHlfr duaMfd by fteeident r other wi.. A WulMtnf hdt kt.id. Iom of fluacr, tir y. Ul 11 I UK, if buttliKbt; fiiuvt vf Lubfii or VrlctA Veins fOT a )ien L'otlcr uw lw iuuiuauii Ll lllll la KM ttittTftAa uf naitiai. V idowiL ar- tihan anil dt-itfutinnk falher or mother of luliiir r fct a finu-n. Koud t i'uiii lux eojy I'enaion inn n-tutttv AOi. Aourfw. P. M- Flti,4ria to., i'tim ahb i, M.1inr.Mmiti . ..id. Krirr lo Ind. Kfvakm Co. and I'roa'i Cciitrul Kan k . boU of lotiikuauubk CTH. liavl for tin- Slur NuailHled UnnliBr a Ul.i XuUaua Ui4 it. '.'.it ii y.-r. 0 par-a. iil'd. Bie.'i. uienf Ire. Ad.l, ,S. H. riAMaau, llir.i-.1nl. N. H. TTnir!an,ia niadii vtHliout fail. AdJlfH.H fl, a' uirt nlnm. iwliMiuu tu,i. I .N l 'N AOKNt'Y, KMtonV pram-r IS n .1 .vloJS . Y. A fl WTC W A Vi I-.l for a book of Ki-wt iVVlrjll I il v.lue. 1 . -rv faii.ily urnditH. AU- 8777 A YFAH AND tXH'JihKS TO AGl .M-i. Uultlt line. Ad,!r.s V. ti. I Urry, A uhuiiih, KeMilxut Aiienu wautiid lo ev-ry town. or iartio ultti-ttil,U-;rf Ja. Crop in-r, tij Wy ht.,Nw Vork, Kf,tilnn A rum wiiii-5 tu ctitv town. Vurpar-it.-ulani a.i lii.-otri- uli.-r, i.-i Canal bt., N. Y. 4 y r$ t ' ' ' . f i i .'(, v Al h. ' if. t-.L- ' v n.A.ti I '. .tif i , ... i. f. A .. i i ' 3. A f ... , u . . . 's-. --:!r ':,rTi KSt-' vy - " ' . s... 'NaN-'nrr-lkii n "; ... iiiiiiiMii-Vffni' W1S1 i ifrir-Tg l is j JMiirirTrr Tf fTTlllrflnY 1 I'fc. t. ... J ., r. ' j in i m It7 1 I 10 .:.' j. i- tl.i i : ! . i i y l. ft,1,.. !,i :', t H' t hin.i.. if vp f.u- a kiud t.f j nU:'", patron. (" ' r- prise wns it ' Alum, iuid tho thro vi",'. 1 - w v.hioh ho f.iii;:, led nvo to-th'y ali.nist t1-Rfr(-d, whiln t!.o orii'ifil colonist-i uro poit'.torpd. Tl-.o linisio IkiU wtvft recently torn down. I Made up my Mind to try the Vcgctine. BurrALO. Dec. 27, 1870. Mn. H. It. R-rT-vrsn 1 Dear Sir I polite at N'.v Ttlt Ntnirara strvt. or tnfs rity. I am W v,'i,t- of ii.rf. Ir iu'V.-rnl vi-ai-s l-s'l I have liocn in fee 1, In hciiitli. Mv enMii'lsint Is what tho doctors call (irnmi. f'l iiit.tTv of tho sj-stem. At liinen 1 siilleiT't mv.r.i painn tn m n'nl an. I bark, 1 it. ,1 a ntotii.f-r of i-rinn.lii.K illiimt rei-cl iTitf any ilh-f. JIv aHi ntliiii wan ealh'd to your advi-rtlao-iiiriit of Vj.oi tt-f: In our raiter. 1 tiinilo hp lin in i lid to trv tho V k.om-im' .pent and bought foino. It . h'eiiieil lo hdp mo irom I he Mint., mid in a abort tinio my imaltli iincrovrd. I have iihim! a niimlx-r of bot t le. nnd am liitw cnjoiiitf bettor health than 1 have for a iiniiilHr of vear'n. I have riH-itMiiieii.eil tim Vkoctink to mv alter and alan to several aoi.iir.lut aneea. and they have iiHftl 11 with i"(iiallv iioil r Niilta. It la the tiit niiMlicliin ior ivnalun atel ifpn eral di btlliy of tlicsislnn that I know of, and 1 clo with errut roiirnfein-u n-i: tmun-inl it toall mv frieiula a fttroo.t lne.lii-ino. X wool, I alno atate tfiat tor a Kreat many veiira 1 haM" Ik'i ii a sufferer from rheu inatiHtn, and itin-o I eomin-'orfil nlmr th VkuK tint. 1 havu 1m l but v.'t-v lltlld tumble iroiu '.t. Yoiu-a, ver- ivHifttnllv, Utrt. H.VMUKI. ORKKNK. I am lieronallv ao.inaliite1 th Mm. Ormn and knew her a a reli-l,e niel hoie-at lady, and also kuow that tho above Ktalette-nt la truo. lours, n-aiaa-lliiily, tm. U. SMITir, Liiix-nlnR lru;:j?!at, '.m NiaKra Street Vegetino iias rt its iQuai. Lung Disease. ' Skxma. Ala.. May 1J. 1872. It. II. 1-vi-v-n. Himlon : I take eroat oleamv In iwommrnillnu vour Veco- flno. 1 have ihm ii aiilT-'rlue tor a lonir tiiui ith ItHf'l Irving flvery kind cl uj-(lieuw that I chiiM R.'t, but none atHiiued to dome anv flood tiiilll 1 tried our pn-at Veetio" reinertv. 1 had uax.l it onlv a abort time br-toro I (Miiild dlai-orera voir en-at ehaiiae in to b'-iillh tor t he hotter. 1 don't consider that, sov.r-liio'iii ino naa its iiai lor mo ninaw wim-n von er,i-OMo in eun, eaiHn;iaii- iuo uiaejan that 1 hayu bix-u all'lcted with. jijii.i mu.M.in. Vegetino is Sold by ail Druggists. PEERLESS 99 - '3 N fl VaT II H I , WILLIAM WILSON, Meclicnl Klfjctrieiivii. -ifir, i tilton St. Itrook.'v", May ho enn ti'd dailv from 10 A. I. tog P. M.. ft qfvh'iiyr, "TIIK Wl I.Ni I A " lA4KTIC t JA K li KN I'."i willeiire eeiylorni t i( eet U'. matter ot liowr lonu Hiandiuit. iiii 111 N- 1IIKU TiU)l "AMi t't'lil-.s in jinHiiifn and Mm York. W lM Klt IS I WIN t'S. I'liOTKirl' YtlClt. 8Kt,V'KS a'aiiirti asthma or r.iii.iimition hy wearing VI I.SOXI " eloihin. Uold lert am t!i it.- rurxoi-H ut i n. !:.' illH that ll-'h ia heir tn. wenr Hit TAKK AlKlllCINl.; AN11 lllK. WKAU"VII- W I l.tl 1 A ' aolea anil avoid aiu-h ilaliuer. WIN I " AND I.1VK. UKWAKK til- FilAUDN. IIoctis csrmeuts an nr tlieinark.'t. Til" " W'l I.SOM A " t atuddeil with llletathe ovclota. allow iiur Iho nivtala on the faea. AL othera aro liwuda. Heud lor (amt-hU.ta containing tortliuioiiials lroni ihu la'.-.t la-oi'lo in Ani. neA nlu have iM-eii rured a'l.-r alt foi:ua ot niedielue ha.! lailtid. r.me our a-bln aai-a : ISO. m I UI.IOM t.j ltKKT, llUUUKLlS. NO. liu HliOAP.VAV. 1 NO. 1.M7 W.tnnWAY. J-NF.W YOUR. No. JIM 1 llhtli AVK.J SO. tt t-ni'liTTI STHI-IKI'. Ni-:U SOtH'lf KtiUI'rH M I'll MX lllllniKI.V.N, li. 1. MLLOU'S ffnnth!7 Hsrmln UAUUUUI l.ilJi'UtviUO For 1332. Uluatratod. iuu rages tnterta'.nniont a month (1,200 a Tear) (or $1.53 Per Annum, Postpaid. Canrinlnt lloninxrr, Ilnmnrnita Hhirhr, ,e rioi ie., i-,r,v l iinu Aavcaium b tani nuit J.nn.l, lltHKirnrrd I'eeiii-, ql,-. Juvenile lei, 11 tioe.it. K.lllor'a lli-.wt.i-. I'lizylr 1'i'ue, l,H.lir' len I I nu ul, llne kivufi-"' Oepiil iiileiil, (.'mule lllnall ntlona, nv.i nil loi-iiiiiitf a Mcot Completo and Popular Se. rial, and Oldest In theCountrv. Do notauliari ibeforauv onblleation until 1011 have sent l(t centa to ths .ulUhIi.-i-k of this .ul.Mlar iiioiiiioy, niiii raiHttvea a ropy oi 1110 laaue ror jnnii. Itll.N'IV-a. Then, if villi wli.ll to or.nliiniH. it will r. mnji, wnn Its many MiW lll'UOK only be jioceexury to remit M. iO for the halanes of tho year, o notice Ukeu of lunlul car.U oalllus Vmr rnle by nil Nevt-sricalot-s at 13c. a ceyy. TIIOIKM Ar. TAhltOT, I'nba,, llnwrley tai., Holon, Jtlaaa, "VV'jVIVV1311'iS '" SWISS BALSAM! r.nutain iiilln.p i?n.:m nor noiaoll. Ctlis-H lu-rina , nt.niv all Ilia- h.m !' ) rvnli nud Kktn. it may bo n id ly ai'i'hed to the yonuueat elillil, yet win n-inovo the won-i eriiition in two weeka, renderiiiv thSHkin amootti aa vi-lvef. It ertutirHte Diimlrn.lt, tuivo F'iuihu nu ul the Huh; ni.'kluK 11 sort autl silky and ii-ti,liiee a new iti-ttivth. tfl n Dottle. V ii in i -r In rou eii your ni-ii'.'iiiai. ivAn r IL iV. tl , fs mtrcisy rai.. FLORIDA! Atlantic fe Culf Coast Canal &. Okeechobse Land Co. of Ha.. (ssun ot56',000liares of $10 each al par. li i. ntmu iff -to i,-rr inr r.ni 1( Mntrr, from . . 1,i.Im 4.1' il.a .,...,Jj.i ,i ttr rit I..- J hii-d nd t h.-iiiiii mb., l'blla- ileiiililni li.i in on.) m ii y, J. Y ., . Kelll 1 I I.MS. T...n 11 .11. .1 : I. in-.uiii,.ii.,,fll.wu9tiH uuaeriiiiivu mnm uiaiivu I ir. .i i'i,oei,ixui. , WRT WARTS MOKKYI Yf mM CTS; If TM Luxif,l rsoutikcLt, Moffinf , ' bala. THU khh, MKKNiiJlJM ktd biiim m ft ftT atoviii bud w v Ttj Ibiaf,l B)nlU dufprj r-.ali lit, MtVXli Yt P 4 flHEAPEST I " MwulHVltl K lOOKS IN TKE His tory ol auLiiid. ' lHMli' II Blur v v ciotb ; oulj J.uo I l'iu.o Tol tminlburuely ' aMJuuu, iur ouiy MANHATTAN BOOK 00 , It W. 14th St. N.Y. P.O. Tk fc 25 11H IS 11 AHA IC 1K, lOr.i 3 A at n inn io(iiieii, 1 Or.. 'l ' nnrntM Mottot-H. 1 Oti 3 iiijk'ruviunH, 10r. J I.ithirajihB, 1'ixlK. lOc. All lno t hi'tiiiutM, i tc HAIR RESTORER PACKET. (rnv llntl rtiitAri'd tn nnim-nl Malm. Ifurtn. Imuu lir..in, r.ti.m 1 1 u i ii i I Ml. ..i Ul .a t ,. L .... li ri.M.SjH IM.'vniiucy. i IJth Av, New York. 4 nrlivfrni rcmon can loam to nliiy Piano or Or- iVHiitii 1 ."V minute. Muhirl tiih-nt or prcvioiiH infirtice umiortfhHrv. Gnnie bv inHit.ftoo.lsfjtini'M tak en.) Send forcirt-ulara. Ij.W.Tumanh, h b' way, N.Y. A WQNTH-fGENTS WANTED ' JnVI "fcH-lliiianbVb Tn ibe world; lint rwCyBtrjr AciurcaK Jay ltrunaun, iJolro 00 b?K noiu Mich. YOUNG MEN If you would b'.arn Tult'Krnhy in Mur niouiiLF. ana ny ccnuiu or AtiKNTS WANTKII tot tlio Btt and FaHt4U biiiinu Hftnriiti Jitn-ksjiud bibb-. lri- r-'itm nt rl. JsHiJoiin.1 lJubhliiiiK' t'o., iJiiiUdilpbm. l'a. CC a wwk in yourowu town. Tonus un.l J'.oi'.uit v fixf. A.1,1 b 11. HaU.k-i-i A: Co., PorU.mil, M.unu. k A VIALi-)kJ AnirrluiWubCo.,riit.brgl,F. GUNS .0VOlvm. Caialbgu fro. i4dtv OrAl wear Otm Work., rilt.lrarrh. rA. K " " ' ytn-'- Jtr 5.J sure f'i,,fSXII1fl hyuiail. hfowt'U t t.'A r JV.aiWtiCflUW n. MoJIAa Improvements New THE HAG OH Cl Whofie cabinet orvaib Sit.n iciitim l loN.i i r id tauitb at tiN I b.a1- t 111 1.AN1 f A li 1 ' .Ul ar fexuii f; and it!-- n flUllllVlllll'b'IAI III! r oryuns bave won hto:h tw i-ivtrd MiHtK and tiuKA i til iinv Kinuhit iHi i'-'d mi. tvV till'fii ii dJttiANb UJf ti ri f i 1 HHu IHUmM O jV jeV Lbl.i i la i j ii t tl til lllJt lit' I UiiiU I'hl'i ttlH itif, ,1- J.liLW ,t v .ft. ' M 1 . Hit -. CtU ,!'-. 41' !, : : 'i- 1 1 t IM1 i ' uegeiiiie. SR A JIM XT- ,w II I i v.-. W1 (Thlisngravinn rrprei-oiils ths I. in li, a h' A STMiDAOD IN MAfiY iiOMCO. For t'ntrlm Vn) Am C r. rfliirl' f ' ' 1 Oflirr lliMt ( Ml Of tllM IMlMMIt (M't LI 1 1 5 nrici AS AN EXPECTOnANT (T HAS HO C ". AL! IT CONTAINS MO OPUJiYS Vi ff'.f fC"', J. N. HARRIS &. CO.. Prcpr! cr CINCINNATI, (. ' for salejyTll nr.!'--sns. n n c AND- HOTHING BUT THE 'rnriTrTT I Venetian Liniment Has si von nnlvonal sstlafaetlmi allies II bajwri In- troiluwl Into inn l ulled mi.,ik. aii.-i- i" -inn tried by unllioiis it ha been tiH-Uniicu The Pain Destroyer cf the Ago! Xhoiiflands of PliyHlcUns rooimiu-ti J it an mi Kxternnl Kemetly Inrasea of rhroide RheuiuatU -in. IT horoa. 1'ania In the l.lmha, Ilo.-h an.l r! !-. I'l.n i'b. Bloti hr. 1'reeklea, htiiTeimd Joint aud Con tra ted Muscles. - lillex, I'll Its Wonderful Curativo Fow " era are Miraculous. TiiVrn liitrrnnllr li)caNiof Pvuriitfr?'. VfiirHitt, tu-o luiuiL-iliaU ly Iclt, It U r!"clly inuuiriit TO TAKE INTEItXALLY. READ. TKE CERTIFICATES, Warranted for Thirty-four Year .arid Never Failed. Noon onr tl AiiK U will vi'Inm! I. : ntof 0 thUnii)i umi it. Iiioutfijii li 1 of i'M il' 1 1 h liivt Immi recffivoti and a fvw urokiVfll Jm IoW: ti u-ki will nAvruyTHAW. N. Y. Thin Ik to cortit v that I liive lim-d for i.i'n vaiK IK. I't'iiMK Vkntuav J-immi-wt. Mid (liiriiji( tliat ti!!i 1 Uavo not iu .1 ; tr ttuftor 1p.Hk. 1 Iiho iiHcd it for I -hum ft ml A-'ti' il . t'rv. tr tbriti, ruin mn lii' n, ttii-1 by kh ,imi lutv V(Ml lt'VTKl Chil'ln-Il Vllt'M fcttit. J-r.l i nti'iip. To !he ,-ubiic 1 ay, diih try it hu m ,U fljuilim aluo. Jt-'llS T. .wi.;.i,t. Twoltivriw. Morrison ('o,. Miiiti.-V'i'v Htiti.a I rt'ivi(l a ti-vrr injurv 1 y h h- tw ,'' v --n juv liwW. 1 IruMs nitny (Iriii'1 wiilim'.t m, r- '. hk1 wax no vlKtMi ttt uv your hM.'"MJMv . nie A iuont tuiJiU)io curi, t-1 jii . N. MAfOM. Oa. I wl:iltl nit villi i'5 r 1 u;n- t i m i ai lor uvHt four moot Iim hii J .1 i i-. i . mtv Uifaj wittiout HiiV CtM.il. Owl tiv--tMU: i i nt 1 OUT KNKTf AX JilMMKNT l"ir"(l flit' iti-l k C 1 1 KM I iucerely rccomuiwml il tor hmunuti' ii). i-.. Jt, V I.MAX, FROM TIIK TtUV, T. 1. ITlU Nfw YctRK. BootcmlMr 11, I Shi. A thort timo auu I'K. XoniAB' inoU-iuc wi-r oroiwlit t iiiv notice. 1 WJi Mlltl'Tiim lnIU HU ItiTfftioIi of Jl ' i-- ;t , I trl'i.l outwarvlly blft Vknkiux Jinimkm' r.mi tMIi iHvoiouany Uuriiirf (Um divy lit a 1'i,imimc a t vi' not be without ki iuouU uk-h. Z. V, i Ll i it U. D. What Horsemen Want. A COOI UKMADbE 1IOHSK I.1XIMEST AKU C'U.NDlTiON rOVVIfcil. Such ara to bfl found lit llr. Tohias' ITonss Lrst- mkkx in pint botttuaaudlituuy Co.Mimui, I'uwntua. Owner f 8omo of tti FnatrMt lluunlug Ilorttes lo the W orld. Jkbovk TAitK. Tune 21. Thla ia to wrtiff that 1 bay uhihI Jr. Jobiriw' VtwnuH iIouiK 1,:mmkki aim i;xnnr l onixtm row ife iu on my nw itoiivos and found tinmi lo trive M r1t't HiuiMitctinn. In fart tliey Aoi twrwiultxi to cure miy uiliiaint ior y, UU U ilny were tli Liniment whin nibi t.d iu by tlie baint ntivor blihtr or tukca tho h.iir ctl; it boa inoro (M'lietrrttivo tjunlitim tlinn irnv iiiicr I bave trid, wlib'li I wupi on) is tb yn ut nif!t oj Jt iom. owt iu eorinic smiaiiia. Tbe mf;rtln.iiifit fiurn Vilurli tlie jUEfeltY 1'ownKiuiare nmflu Lave hocn inmif t n 10 lUubj Dt. 'Xobiati. XUvj 4tro Jtertrvt iy l::ir:t:!tsKj. Tlio Pamii.t Linimfkt in nnd rinta thfl IIoiu-B 9U cutp. in i-lut bottit; ihu JU:.iuilC Fow- 1LU CCiiUJ U tX's 0LD BY THE DRUGGISTS. Depot: 42 Murray Street, li. Y. ItrMflIl 1'uiMUtkVA 11 E 1 0 Ili. u Is, .V Kir Jilimd, and will rontplf trlv rb;ni(;e mi bbfd in Hid a-nlirtf ttttt'in iu tbr'e n.oniiw. Anv j,finiu who w ill takt! oiUM'iH r'r'nt tp'in 1 in W wi-rkn nmv 1 jvatored to Hound bvwit h it nu--u a thuiu bo (mrwdtin, S14 uvwvwben' or K.-ai by intil lor o i- Elt-t h' ini. I. .v, cu., uuniuu ;uxaa.i formerly ittiii:r 11 v 5,000 AkcuU tiiitl. lor f GAM It ootitalim tin l Mntory of h!s r,"l b' Anfl vr:iful life iul iliW'fm dl v KwUHiiittt ion, hoi - i' tl U .'utnint. dt-aill, fllJirr.il obn.-ipilrH, v. 'Ih.' b -t f!'M'i' of vour !itc to lrrttti nunu'V. lit ttnitatiotiH. I'tna in t )u- on! v t biMt ruled li'o of our M iwi v -i 1 or ( rail. K t ra 1 1 ri 1 1 t r . Addn-tva KAllNAL H ivl-l: j cf "diti'iii- "iiy '-.iMc, un i foilv il- -uli lit. imi ntool f it. .-. t, UIUUIWS ot ;if .). l'tnnona twm llil'HU 1 .'tl u oo VoiutJ , . f RM4 a: Uui M V. iuf:i'."ii. lUicr iii liiid sld. t ;uiira Ms Kt nliC(. Sfi.d If r " rtji'a i t IiiaM'tioi. id. V iii-f ri r - -i t'llenia. children. ThmiJinda vk' o.r lo f f fiiiKi-r.U . o r t t nuy lrtftvatM:. 'i t. ' " .-..j Ut. rs d, imcj to 1 Si i t. 1'ATK Vi H prwtf-.ii a i r imd WurrftiiM itrtH-vrtd. I n'i And lttfirb l 'y i r ymir UiUli b.r ' i ! t n- ftllti JlOUIliy luw. liiialjKS til an rtui tt t!oust-iiiia t-f AY Ad.lrM N.VAhti. er 1jat i f A i' y Lot b. in-j. t O wiuiiiiiLuU, it. Cf- r:iv .M... i.int.r, , ,1,1, ,ir, . n jo t.J 4) .il... . .S tJl , I'll. i. Ol I , t , f .rUiii,,,,, Oi.i.i. tel. iH-rday a' home. Kmni l- w, ,n I, .-fre. $3 lli VAlilrs,,,,,,, A(o..l'oi-l,..i, t..llua. Styles Hew Catalogue. I F I I ' ICI I lllll Ml llllll I vi ui a h 1 a i : u i. j i clyll tulaljM li,riiK' Punuiliii I'lIU la..,., is, ,v KI,T m Vi i l-IAr.1L I rj ORG AH GO. HOIM AT EVEKY ONB Of the OHKAT VHiI.!)'8 rNUCS- y Ann-rit.au ojyain wiiich ba.o lkh-ii Joitnd w-tj tby H.Willi Al.l.lf V Al.UAiU.K 1 M tin (- M K N 1 h 1 U tlttiT OlVJiJ , i in! lni iiitrodiH-iinu of t bis UiMa ,oit nt by tilt u., twenty t t U K f l.i.KNt It ttlj'l KM.UO:l LAlA'tti; populajf : i , and Ai l.nwr it t-riittn; t i'l, ..4. .o (. u oh aid. A ; ia li-.w n tk'iy tu. tnl-.-r. l.i ), ii 'I v ti - m i ti mi-i rli.n. till Ht C '"( 1, Kllll I'U't llUld tiji-t .' h-:- U ii. 1- i I...-: ' I" I CV tU:i LLi Ol ), ll i.,. - (.., V. : ! l I r 1 .. , V N' C , i,. 'lit Of k A.,W,( 1 . . v - . i .