The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, November 23, 1881, Image 3

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    . f
"wiUMBDAf MORXiNC, NOV. !l, 1581.
nonouGii officers.
?rt-7. S. J. Wol.COTT.
;ou'ncilinrri No rth ward, T. ,T. Van
Jiin, T. 15. Cobb, Jno. A. Hurt; Nontli
wnl, U. V. Robiinon, S. II. Haslet, J 111
jimiiriw of tho l'rncnJ. T. Urcnnan,
J). Unnxi
(hnntahteJnmo-H Walter.
School Director .J. Khawkcv, P. .1.
WoleoU. J. E. Blaine, A. 11. Kcliy, J. T.
Eremian, A. H. Fartridsro.,,.
Member of Covaresx-,TAs. MosOkovb.
.Tltfrm'.t E. L. DAVIS.
Jre.nident JndicV. I). Rnoav.
Axioe.iata Judge Sous lira, C. A.
J're.axnrrr N. S. Votu:m ar.
I'rotionotart, Jtrfjinter X Recorder, &e.
JrrTn sAWKnr.
AirnTT. C. A. RA"eOA.T,r..
Vainmixtrimie.r KM llRRUN, IsAAO
Lose, H. W. Lf.dktu'r.
Vounty Superintendent J. 13. IIiLt,
ATin. JHxtriet Attorney T. Itvwtx.
Jury VornmixxionersC II. Church.
Vounfy ftmveiorV. F. Wiiittekin.
Coroner V: II. CuriRCH.
Vountv A vditorx Nicholas Titomp-
o. of o.
ntF.RTa flwrv Satnrdav ovenina:. nt 7
JM o'clock, in tli3 Lodno Room in Tar-
tridgo's Hall. . .
V. M. CLARK. N. n.
O. W". SaWYER, See'y. 27-tf.
Collections niado in this anil adjoining
counties. . 1 lonesia, l a,
Kim Street. Tionesta, Ta
Citmlrimol Tlmp Tntiln TlotirKta Hlnllon.
fralri ."....- urn
Train 0 il:2 inn
Train IS 10:57 am
Train in 2:21 pm
Train 1 6:1:4 iitiTrain 10...
Train fl North, nntl Train 1ft South carry
tlio mail.
Rev. Hicks will occupy the pulpit
of the M. E. Church next Sunday
evening. .
Preaching in the Presbyterian
Church next Sunday morning and
evening, by Rev. Ilickling.
The Altoriria Tribune trutlif.tliy
'remarks that tin yon i.ian who
adopts a courso of rending for toe
long' winter evenings nnd speeds the
greater portion of his leisure in tho
7: in pm company of instructive bocks will ho
the tnan of influence in the future.
Hunting Jaeket--un immense
stock at Hole man & Hopkins . Call
and examine. 2t.
Clyde Baxter, youngest son of
P. C. nnd Elizabeth Johnston, aged 11
months and 10 days, died on Monday
last of whooping cough nnd inflamn
Presbyterian Sabbath School t tiou of iho braiu. Mis. Johnston and
3 p. m.; M. 12. Sabbath School at 10
ro., F. M. Sabbath School at 11
three other children of the laraily are
still abided with tho whooping cough
Attention is called to tho adver
tisement of the Harrisburg Tderjiaph
. n rr r i
in this isaue. ine itiegrapn. is a
paper of established reputation, and is
the most reliable paper published at
Miss Eva IJeeiuan, of Tryonville, - 5n ih'Ktn.n fnr frPKh news.
i'a., is paying isir. uaiiwicK a uuihj
a. id.
Give thanks to morrow.
Hunters are getting too numerous
to mention.
Mr. Wm. Fih, of Ceutrcville, Pa.,
accompanied by his friend, Mr. Gil
eon, paid Tibnesta friends a visit last
week. Tionesta creek and the Alle
gheny rive!r, where- Mr. Full spent his
early days, still hove charms sufficient
to bring him back about once a year,
and we know that his many old friends
a visit at present.
Holeman cc Hopkins have a
splendid line of Trunks and Valises;
just received. 2t.
Mrs. Florence Thompson, of Ir
vinetoo, Pa., is visiting Mr. Jackson's
family at the Central.
Two funerals in one day, as was i,ero are aiWflyS gla(j to see him.
the case last Saturday, is something
that has never happiucd in Tiouesta
Clark Kcptar is home from Alle
gheny College to sptnd Thanksgiving
and a few days with his folks and
An effective cure which is claimed
will Bubdue whooping cough is rousted
Iemou. It ia prepared as follows :
Roast a lemon without burning it, cut
when hot and sqeezo the juice upon
sugar. Give a teasponful when the
coueh is troublesome. This is a cure
Great drop in prices in flour nnd r r an jnj ,f a cough and is per-
fead at Holeman & Hopkins'. They roeti ' fd to taice.
.". Tionos'ft, Forest County Pa
are selling lower than any other deal
ere. 2t
Dr. Coburn, who has beeu con
tined to the house for the past 3 or 4
weeks with a cevere attack of rheu
I have been admitted to practico nn an
Attorney in tho PeTiHion Office, at Wanh
iiiKton, " D. C. All officer, soldier, or
nilfr who woro injured in tho laro wer,
ran obtain ponions to which thev may bo
untitled, bv calliuK on or addressing mo at
Tioneattt, Pa. Alan, claims for arrcara2cs
of py and bounty will receive prompt at
tention. liavimr lioxn f.vr four vears aaolller in
the late war, nod bavin for a 'nunibor f
var eiiffp;ol in tho proccution of boI
iiiorH' ciaima, my pxperlenc will nspure
th colloction of ciannsm mo anoncm.
nolo tlmo. J- R- AO NEW.
- 41tf.
Rjimif. PnovniKTOR. Tt.iH l)OUH
U central Iv located. Everything now nnd
well furninhed Superior accoinnioda
ftnu on.l ulr!rf . Bttnntiitn irivoil to CUPKtH
iwtiils nnd Vrnitu of all kinds served
tnthflir snnson. bainplo room for Com
mercial AKents.
1.MrcnhT lrnnriHtor. TliiM tl ft new
bons, and lias just born fitted up for thu
ccoinniortatioH or me puom.
of the patronage of tho public is solicited
Has had over fifteen veins experience in
tho prnotioc of hl prolosaion. liavmjj puui-
iatd le.fal;n aim lionoraoiy why jv.
Ofilce'and Ilosidenco in Forest House,
opposite the Court House, Tionosta, Pa.
A up. 25-1SS0
A big stock of oil cloth of the
newest and handsomest designa, just
received at Holemau & Hopkins'. 2
The Supreme Court has recently
... . . .1 lnA Kd. a v rr m!coftHf unfa vt-hioK
mati8m, was able to ride out a snort 1U l"a'
time vesterdav. bears the genuine signaiure ui mo ou-
. , . . . , liator, but w nch was, in tact, ODtaineii
T hankseivinc to-morrow, when l,oaw ......
turkevs and fowl of various kinds will irom ium v ,auu 1 U11 lUD
have to suffer. It should be remem
I.ato of Armatrona county, bavin;? located
in TioncsU U prepared to HtU-iul all pro
fessional calls promptly and at all hours.
For tho prt'Hont will havo his olllce oppo
aito tho Lawrcnco House. mny-is 81.
Dental room in Aconib buildinir, up
Uirs, opposite the I.awreneo House, Tio
nesta, Pa. All worn warranted, and at
reasonable price.
H. U. MiT. u- KELtV
MA V, VA 11 K C VO.y
B A In" K E B S I
Corner of Elm .fe Walnut Sts. Tionesta.
Bank of Discount and Deposit.
Interest allowed on Time Deposits.
Collections made on all thoPrincipul points
of the U. S.
Collections aoiicited.
' j jm '
Pictures taken in all the latest sty lea of
the art.
In rear of Dluiu'a Blacksmith shop,
F.EM ST., - " TlONi:TA,PA
bered, however, that the day is not set
apart entirely for eating turkey.
We are just uow putting in our
"best licks" nursing a big fat boil, and
it requires so much of our attention
that our paper has tj Buffer 10 couse
The Y. T. L. S. meets at the res-
ideuteofMr. Partridge next Satur
day evening, when it is hoped all will
be in attendance a9 an unusually at
tractive programme is announced for
that evening.
Prepare fr wet weather. Call at
our Btoro and examine our stock of
rubber goods; coats, caps, hats, leg
gings, boots and blankets in endless
variety, at Holemau & Hopkins'. 2t.
As Christmas approaches the at
tendance at the different Sunday
schools grows noticeably better. The
prospective Christmas tree looms up
before the vision of tho average
Ab. Grove, Charlie Bonner and
Ben. May. went to Balltown last week
"to get some venison." They got all
they could eat, because a man hid
killed a nice deer a day or two before
the boys arrived.
Mr. Jno. Huddleson, of Stewarts
Ron. cut from Etump, hewed and
dressed ready for hauling 10 railroad
ties in four hours on Monday. John
takes a back seat for no one on get
ting out railroad ties.
The little skift of snow which fell
Monday is hardly enough to track
deer on, for which we are sorry, as to
morrow is Thanksgiving and we ex
pected to slip out and kill another 200
pound buck, just to pass the time
Mr. Whittekin furnishes us an
other of his instructive and interesting
Colorado letters this week. The 'pic
ture he presents of that much puffed
State is probably a truer one than
usually gels into print, and will bear
a careful'perusal.
Union Thanksgiving services will
be held iu tho Presbyterian Church
to-morrow, (Thursdey) at 11 o'clock,
a. di. There will also be prayer
meeting nt same place this (Wednes
day) veiling. All are cordially invi
ted to attend these services.
The Sunday Schools of this place
will unite and have a Christmas tree
at the M. E. Church, this year. In
coucectiou therewith a sacred concert
will be given by the children for which
the first practice will tuke place to
tnorrw (Thursday) evening at the M.
E. Church.
pression that he was signing an entire
lv different instrument, is a valid oh
ligation against him, and in the hands
of a (ona fide purchaser or assignee,
for valuo, before maturity. ' Moral
Be careful what you sign.
The much hopped for flood came
at last, and we believe all our lumber
men and jobbers'got their lumber out
in reasonably good shape, except Mr,
S. C. Roupe, of Bobs creek, who euc
ceeded in cettin out only four creek
nieces of his timber. The run of lura
her and timber is rather largo for a
fall flood. All the rafts got started
for the lower market yesterday, and as
the river U in good rafting stage now
it is likely ull will get down safely.
Tho returns from this run will mate
rially assist the lumbermen with their
winter's work, and will make times
brisk in the woods this winter.
Who would freeze when you can
get a splendid overcoat lor fc.ou l
Holeman & Hopkins have them. 2t.
There was quite a jam of lumber
and drift at the creek bridge last Sat
urday. The water came up so rapid
ly on Friday night, that many of the
rafts which ha-1 been stuck along the
creek came down without pilot or
"forred hand," and the consequence
was that six or eight rafts "saddle
bagged" on the piers, for a time com
pletely closing navigation. About a
half day's work and the jam was start
ed, leaving the channel perfectly clear,
and the lumber was all nicely lauded
below. What might have been u heavy
loss to the owners was averted by the
good management and solid work f
the men having charge of the lumber.
TioneBta now boasts of several
telephones, which havo t 'y been
put up by Mr. L. Agnev is en
gaged in tho business t inter, as
much to pass the time as any
thing else. Mr. May .r. Kelly's
residences are connec. .... -nd there is
one from Dr. Morrow'e rooms, in
Smearbaugh & Co. 'a building, to Bo
vard'a drug store. Also one from
Smearbaugh & Co. 'a store to the sta
tion across the river. Thia latter one,
however, was toru down by a raft ou
Monday, the span across the river be
ing so long tho wire sagged down with
in a lew feet of the water. They are
handy concerns, and fur short dis
tances answer all purposes as well as
th regular Bell telephone. lhere
will doubtless be more of them shortly.
We hava just opened a magnifi
cent lino of ladies' fine dress bhoe.- ;
Bome of tho handsomest ever brought
to ibis market.
2t. IIoi.rmvn & Hopkins.
' About tlio fjirnfiiest tiling we've
tern in print for &omo time is tlio
sickly array of figures in the last
Commomvcallh attempting to show tho
Greenback gains of the past four jears.
It fakes the vote of 187C, when the
party was hardly known outside of a
few States, and compares it with the
vote of 1880. Why didn't you take
the vote of 18G8 or thereabouts and
vou could have called it all cain. If
r "
you are desirous of showing the gnins
(?) of the Greenback vote compare
that of 1880 with the vote of 1878,
when the party polled its largest vote
aod since which time it has dwindled
away until in coiao States it is not
half so large as the Prohibition vote.
In this State tlie party polled 81,758
votes in 1878 ; in 1880 it was 20,068,
and this venr it is 14,970. If that is
increasing we'd liko to see the mathe
niaticiau who can figure it out so.
-The largest and moct varied
assortment of HOLIDAY (JUUIW
ever brought to Tionesta; Albums,
Bibles, Picture Bookc, Toy Books,
Toy Binks, Dolla, Toys, Jewelry,
Fancy and Choice Confectionary; thay
have to be seen to bo fully realized
and appreciated. Call early at V m
Smearbaugh A Co. 4t.
Tho December number of Bal
lou s popular and cheap magazine, is
the best and roost attractive that ever
appeared. The illustrations of
summer tour through Switzerland and
the account of the love making that
accompanies them are worth a carefu
reading, and a hearty laugh at the
conclusion. The Christmas story is a
model of its kind, nnd so is Captain
W. II. Macy's yarn about "The
Haunted Island," one of the mysteries
of the Pacific Ocean. Published by
Thoraes A Talbot, 23 Hawley Street,
Boston, Masc, at only $150 per an
num, postpaid. Speak to your neigh
bors about it, and get up some clubs
for the new volume.
Ladies' cloaks, coats and Dol
maus a handsome variety at Hole
man A Hopkins.' 2t.
The ladies of Tionesta and Foro'.t
County aro iuvited to call at Robin
son A Bonner's, where they will bo
shown a fino ns-jo.'tinent of Clonks,
Coats A Dolmans J "also a full line of
iroadhead's celebrated Dress Goods,
tho best in tho market. These goods
are anld at prices tliHt defy competi
tion. 2t.
Take no quack nostrums.
your trust in Peruna.
Another lot of those all-wool SI 0
suits for men's wear just received at
Robinson A Bonner. They are selling
rapidly. Call and examine. 2t.
Fkazier AxleGkeask.--Ooc greas
ing with Frazier Axle Grease will last
two weeks, all others two to three
days. Try it. It received first pre
miutn at the Centennial and Paris Ex
position, rep 28 3m.
To sick, colicky, crying babies
give Peruna never any t.ther medi
cine whatsoever.
' ran ikh?.
"The doctors said my wife had
consumption. Tried 'Lindsey's Blood
Tlio Weekly Telegraph--
I tho Largest and Jlcst Newspaper -Pwb-
lislicd nl tlm L apital of J enti ty vamri,
nod contains Uio Intot J lopie nnd
Foreign News, Politics, Stories --.
and Miscellaneous reading,
Alarket and Stork rf"' '
ports, etc., making
it a great paper
Tho Family,
Tho Business IIouso,' .
Tho Work Shop.
TERMS FOR 1882 :
Pi Ice, nir.ple subscription $ 1.50 per year.
" clubs of 10 or more $1.00 " "
An extra copy to the person raising a f.Iub.
Sample copies freo.
Tho Dailyj.Telcfjraph
Is the only Republican paper at the
Stale Capital. It is tnailod, po.4pe.kl, for
87 per year, or at a sume rate Jor shorter
All subscriptions are payable in ad
vance, and should bo sent jn jregistered
letters, or postal money orders -. ; ,
Address. ; " -
llarrisburg, Pa.
"Peterson is constantly improving."
Eliiiira (N. V.,) Husbandman.
Searcher,' and she has better health PPetcrsoil's Magazine 1
than ever. G. II. Hubbard Hamp
den, Ohio. " nov-4t.
Peruna is a sure cure for bilious
ness and kidney complaints ; it has no
FOR 1S82.
A Supplement will bo glen in very
number for l.S8i, containing a fuJl
ize pattern for a lady's or child's
dress. Every subscriber will re
ceive, during the year, twelvo
of these patterns, worth more
alone, than the subscr'p
tion prieo.
Tcterson's Mazazino is tho best r.nd
HASLET. In Tionesta, Pa., Thursday cheapest or tlio unys looks, is kitos
-kj.. . 17 lttai Martha. I more lor me muiii-.v, mm whuum.c,.,
November 17, 1861, Martna . rn short i has the
r.P.nt Steel Entrravimrs. Rest Colored
Fashions, Rest Dress Patterns', Best Orig-
Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Restorer is
he marvel of tho age for all Nerve Dis
eases. All fits stopped free. Send to 031
Arch St., Philada. sep21-81tf
E. Jones, wifo of George Haslet, in the
40th vear of her ago..
. i . . i t.Mi inni Stories. iVC.
Mrs. llasiet ras corn at, naiuowu, lts imnu.3c. circulation and lonp
this county, in 1832, and married to Hshed reputation enable its proprietor to
' . i on -ic-.a distance all competition. In 181 a now
was introdueeu
which will bo
Buuy Me Near The Old Home,
Tbe latest Song and Chorus, by
Will L. Thompson. Since the death
of President Garfield the sentiment
expressed in this beautiful song has
become universal. The melody is
very prettyi and already the price has
become a great favorite. We advise
all lovers of popular runsic to send
35 cents to the publishers and receive
a copv by return mail. Published by
W. L. Thompson, East Liverpool, O
A Good And Cheap Kaksas
I'apfr. We are in receipt of the
Weekly Capital, nn eight page 48-col
umu weekly paper, published at To-
peka, Kansas, the Capital of the State,
at one dollar per year, to auy address
It is brim-fall of Stato news, corres
pondence, crop notes, markets, etc.
and is, iu every respect, a journa
wnr ih the monev asked for it. Those
who want to learn about Kansas
should send for the Cardial. Address,
Topeka Daily Publishing Company
Topeka, Kansas.
Wa call the attention of our
readers to the ad vertisemeat ol J
Monroe Taylor. This house has been
established nearly 40 years, aod their
goods ate celebiated for purity and
strength. We would recommend a
trial of their Gold Medal brands to all
who desire superior cookery. Adv.
George Haslet, December 20, 1850.
Sho was well known throughout this improved on in lsya-bcing a series ot )
section and had many friends and rel- Splendidly IHllStrated Articles, j
atives ia this and aojoining counties, The stories, novlcts, Ac, in "t'etei son j
... i .i i are tmmiiicu 10 do uic urM muuilmh-u. ,
who will hear with sorrow her death. mV,U popular female writers contrib- I
But no one knows what a day will utetoH, In lass, a'-out loo or.j;inl sio- ;
. , . i Tvr rios will be Riven, and in addition Six j
bring forth. Only one week ago Mrs. copyright Novlcts, by Ann S. Stephen, J
TT..t.t ..,o. tr, br! health, but Krank Leo Benedict, Jane O. Austin. ,
""a - ' " Marv V. Spencer, Sidney Trevor, anil tni
now ehe is no more in the ileeh. Sh inimitable humorist, the author ot "J obiaU j
was a good wife, a kind mother, and a olJ. rU D,..
consistent christian, and died knowing bOlCTen OltJUl rdblllUII r latti :
she bad the good will of her neighbors. 'S .rSWon0
Sho leaves a husband and three child- tho usual size, and are unequalled for j
, , neauiy. incy win no oujici u.jr iuju. ,
ren to mourn her departure, and may Also, household and other receipts: artl-;
thpv feel that the Lord will care for do on art embroidery ; flower culture ;
tney leei inai me ijoiu win iic overvtf.inz interesting to ladies.
TERMSi, Always iu advance)$2 A YE Alt.
The Cottage Hearth.
them os ho has for their loved one
The funeral services whiuh took
place ou Saturday afternoon at 3
o'clock were conducted by Rev. D. B.
Tobey, and were attended by many
sympathizing friends.
DAVIS. -I u Tionesta, Pa., Nov. 18, 18S1,
Carrio, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. If. O.
Davis, aged 23 years, 4
Although the deceased had been
very low for some time with the dread
disease, typhoid fever, her desth came
ruther unexpectedly, as she had for
several days been improving, and was
considered on a fair way to recovery.
Her death is the third that has occur
red in tho family within the past three
months, all by the same disease. Car
rie was universally esteemed by all
who knew her; and her taking off
just in the bloom of young woman
hood loaves an aching void in the lara
ily circle which time can never heal.
She will bo greatly missed by tho
young friends in whose society she
onco moved. May she rest in peace.
The funeral took place on Saturday
morning at 10 o'clock, the services
being conducted by Itev. Hicks.
Two copies for $3.50 Three copies for j
St.flO With a eostlv sveel engraving,
"Gran'Father Tells of Yorktown,'' (2tx!
or an illustrated Album, quarto, gilt, fcr;
getting up tlio club.
Pour copies for f 0.50 Six copies for
?!1.00 With an extra copy of the Magr.zloo
for 16S2, as a piomiuin, to tho person'
getting up the club. i'
Five copios for fS.00 Seven copies for
ftio .in With b( h an extra cony of Maga-
months and 0 ,ino for', niA ' e premium picture, or.
allium, to me per .hohihk uji i .......
For Li-rger Clubs S.Ill Greater Induce
ments I
Address, pott-paid, . i
300 Chestnut St., PniLADKLP hia, Pa.
Specimens sent gratis, if written for to
get up clubs with. !
rti yris.4
3 f,-,Vi
Published at Boston. An illustra
ted Magnziue of Home Arts and
Home Culture. Contains more lead
ing of Practical Domestic Worth and
Positive Home Interest than any other
magazine of its price. Each number
contains Portraits and Sketches of
Distinguished Men, Superior Home
Music, Floral Articles, btorics and
Adventures, Choice Poetry, the latest
Fashions, the Mother's Chaii, the
Student's Corner, the Young Folk's
Window, are fully illustrated. Terms,
$1.50 a year iu advance, postage pre
paid. Club Rates. V e are e.iabled
to make tho following liberal offer to
our readers: To all who subscribe
withiu three months and pay 1.75 in
advance, we will send the Forest
Pepubmcan and tho Colta'je Jlearlh
for one year. This will give you a
good paper and a choice magazine for
a littlo more than the prico of either.
Please send in your subscriptions at
I paid $150 to my doctor cud was
no better. I then took a lew Louies
of Peruna which cured nie.
tioxiosta Mvititirr..
Tlour W barrel choice - - G.0O;i7,8.CO
Flour sack, best
Corn Meal, 100 It.s -Chop
food, puro grain
Corn, Shelled -Beans
bushel -Ham,
sugar cured
Freak fast Bacon, sugar cured
Shoulders -WhUotish,
hal f-bari-fcls
Lake herring half-barrels
Sugar -Syrup
N. O. Molasses new
Roast Rio Coffee
Rio Coffee, -
Java Cotleo -
Rice -
Eggs, fresh -Salt
best lal'O -
Iron, common bar
NaiU, 10d, Leg -Potatf.c.i
Liiuo jl bbl. ...
Dried Apples pur li
Dried i.ecf
Dii.t-i Peaches IU
Dried Peaches pared per ,C
!,.. T.nm tn tlm llmtB. IcH. nomncn, i.
breast, sklo or e'ux.l.Vr blndc. t-to 1'I
nun a. K2E23J2fflflfflai!-"!rs
'For crifhpot tuo hUMnaon. con.-, "'-?.
rtiff or vouilllug, UN 1 uiicsa." -J
'Forcourrh, n-it!nn, titTat wnt. tiliirt-Sv
ncssol brcili,taol,J;i!t A. tZSZZZJ"l.
"Forctironl.irntarrti. bron-l luo,pinu: v 1
andboro Uiroutol m y Hm'. ri... J. a." viu j
"I'EnCNA Is tbe iinrert, tr.r.el rrf i -r J )
efficient uiuditliiii tonuiu." iKiii.- V
'Pwwxa. 13 H'o I""1 ajr't'a'1'. Lurvrt fA
tniil.', jm.k,i luvt-:iriiu r ( ti.t, l-rv'y tvA
uiiuil." fcaiiaifetf jQS.THii.if?S'.'(-
"If you c-xii'b 6koi, i..o IVi'Ti; ' j v
we ik or wuiileilU'ci'ill', .n't l -t. t:r.o
1'tiiUNA." BOCSiWri'iii-.ijV
"ir,io will ho nnlil rr tho If if t il 'u
ml iici ul tii it li wy be tcuad 1 a 1' t f A. '
Bold overj'whcrfl. I'tT)'-.imil' .v.; i
If you re WV, ffi'l bJ.:'.y, or In i.;iy t.:ij "
UllW'Ml, tUita I "fclil.A HUU rctt ll..lii t:.uuun-i
oU Willi $
1. f;ori,
- 1.70
- PO
2. C0(T(,2.50
- It
- so?, in
- 7.50
- life 11
- 508")
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Dealer in
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house furhishirg: GCOD
Tionesta, l'a., Juno 27, ls.-l. t
CM V ... -wr . ... . I."
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Vr.i.l Ma.-k. li'i'M. 'i is- I 'o., 1 a I."' ! 5-
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riri-iili.ti itl. Amir. mi .MI..S O. t '. I'.il." I 1
tors, I'u'.i's. of SeiKM'ii ii' Axuili an, 3 l'iui
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