influence. " 'SS'-3 It m tho lnilililing pprinpj tlint flown pontly, thn liltlrt rivulet which men all day nnd niplithy the farmlionso, tht if useful, rather thnn the Bwollen flood of the roaring catnrnct. Niagara oxcitoa our wonder, and we stand amazed at the power and preatness of Ood there, as ho "ponrs it from the hollow of His hand." But one Ningnris enongh for the continent and the world, while the pame world reqnireH thonaauds and tons of thonands of silver fountains and fcently-llowinfr rivulets that water every farm and meadow, and every garden, and that shall flow every day and every night with their gentle, quiet beauty. Ho with the acts of our lives. It is not ly great those of the martyrs, that good is to be done. It is by the daily and quiet -virtues of life, the Christian temper, the good qualities of relatives and friends, and all, that it is to bo done. No Ijner Kncmlfn. It is recorded of a Chinese emperor that on being apprised of his enemies having raised an insurrection in one of the distant provinces, he said to his offi cers, "Come, follow me, and we will quickly destroy them." . He marched forward, and the rebels submitted npou his approach. All now thought that he would take the most signal re venge, but were surprised to serf the captives treated with mildness and hu manity. . How I" cried the first min ister; "is this the manner in which yon fulfill your promise? Your royal word was given that your enemies should be dest roved, and behold I you have par doned them all, and even caress some of them." "I promised," replied the em peror, with a generous air, " to destroy ny-enemies. I have fulfilled my word; for see, they are enemies no longer I have made friends of them." Hrlislons Newt and Notes. It is reported that there are 95,103 Presbyterians in New Zealand. The Lutherans have only twelve com municants among the colored people of the South. Syria, it is said, has eighty foreign preachers, 300 native helpers, 1,000 Christians, and 450,000 churchgoers . The Northern and Southern Presby terian churches at Hogersville, Tenn., Lavo united, the Northern church suf fering itself to be absorbed into the Southern one. Tlie Methodist Episcopal mission in Central China has opened a new Btation at Kingchiang, an important city, where the Yangtse-Kiang is joined by the Grand canal. The Free "Will Baptist Mission dis pensary at Midnapur, India, has com pleted its forty-first year, and treats an average of about 3,000 patients a year. It has several branches. Bishop McTyeire, of the Methodist Episcopal Church South, preached re cently in the Methodist Mission chapel at Homo, Italy, where ho was inter preted by Dr. Vernon, of the mission. The Society for Propogating the Gos pel among the Heathen the mission ary society of; the Moravians of the United States has received during the past year $12,500. It supports missions in Canada and Kansas. The fact that Bishop Eiley of the Protestant Episcopal church is wealthy is a felicitous circumstance for the work in Mexico, of which he has charge. He has thus far spent out of his own means 70,000 for this work. The preachers who were transferred from one conference to another in the Methodist Episcopal church in thp course of the last conference year num bered 28G, it is said, or only one in eighty-three of the efactiv?list. Tbe Congregational churches of Con necticut, according to the statistics at the State conference, contains 55,202 members. There were 391 ministers and fifty-two licentiates at work during the year. , A preacher who has attained consider able celebrity for his queer ways, was minded to rap his choir for the unin telligible waj in which they did their singing. So ho did in prayer. After the conclusion of the opening anthem he addressed the Almighty in this wise: " Lord, without doubt Thou knowest the meaning of the song which has just been sung in Thy house. But Thou knowest that wo know nothing about it. Nevertheless we pray that in some way it nay be blessed to us all." This was in certain way smart, yet it was irreverent- and it is said to have made the choir augry. A choir treated in this way will be almrt sure to take some unpleasant way ot -retting square with the dominie who vents his sarcasm at their expense. A Busy Man. A Milwaukee man while in Chicago , recently sent a bouquet of flowers to a relative in a isconsiu town, and when ha heard from them they had arrived four days after being shipped, wilted and dead. He was mad, and in talking it over with a railroad man, the rail roader said: " You must not expect too much of an express agent. Now that bouquet has to pass Junction, and I know the express agent there. He Is the depot agent, express agent, keeps a restaurant, is postmaster, acts as switch man, helps unload ireight, checks bag gage, keeps a store, works a team on the road, drives passengers to adjoining towns, is sexton m a onureh, bnvs coun try produce, keeps the hay scales, runs the caucuses or botn political parties, goes out shooting chickens with bum mers, keeps a pool table, has a mill for grinding sugar cane, and runs a hop yard, besides helping his wife run a Uiillinery Btore, Now, a man tnat lias km much business as that ought to be excused for letting a bouquet remain in tho express office a week or ten days." The man who sent the bouquet said, como to think of it, they were mifchtv lucky to get the flowers at all, and he would apologize for any words he might Lwve upokon in the heat of debate. What the country wants is a diveibitvof industries. J'tiiks Sun, Pennsylvania produced 3,G16,G(jS tons iron and btee) iu 1S.S0, being about i) tuns li'Sri than tho production of t of the Union. HEALTH HINTS. Iws of Life is in favor of invalid, or for that matter, well people, pleep ing in about tho same temperature that they live in during tho day. It thinks that, persons confined largely in tho house during the day make a miwtake in sleeping in rooms absolutely cold at night. Lmrs of Life does not consider pine apples very good food. Thoy are in digestible as compared with other fruits. The fiber is apt to be woody and to ag gravate dyspeptic ejnditions. Bananas, except in peculiar conditions which are entirely personal, may be faten with benefit aud without disturbance. They form one of the most nutritious and palatable articles of diet. Their effect upon tho bowels is very good, and they are every way worthy of a place among tho best of fruits. Great quantities of paris green are used during some seasons of tho year and as accidents may happen, it is well to know the antidoto for tho poison. Paris green owes its deadly properties to arsenic, as, does London purple. Should either of these ba taken into the stomach let the person drink copi ous draughts of milk, or raw eggs beaten up, and as soon as possible give an emetic, mustard is as good as anything, and keep up the action of vomiting by giving milk between tho paroxysms of vomiting. When tho stomach no longer rejects what is swallowed, give a good dose of castor oil. To prevent hair from fallidg out or turning gray, take a teacupful of dried sage, and boil it in a quart of soft water for twenty minutes. Strain it off and add a piece of borax tho nizo of an English walnut ; pulverize the borax. Put the sage tea, when cool, into a quart bottle ; add the borax ; shako well to gether, and keep in a cool place. Brush the hair thoroughly and rub the wash well on the head with tho hand. Then after a good hard rubbing, brush the hair well before a fire so it will become dry. Exchange. Professor Ira Remson, of the Johns Hopkins university, has been investi gating the effect of cast-iron stoves on health whether the stoves do or do not allow deleterious gases to escape. The verdict is in favor of the stoves. Professor Bemsen finds that carbonic oxide the gas alleged to Je so dele teriousdoes not pass through red-hot cast-iron "even of the thickness of an eighth of an inch. Moreover, a careful examination did not in any one instance detect any deleterious gas given out by a well constructed furnace. Where carbonio oxide gas is found, its presence, it is declared, is not due to its passing through cast-iron in any appreciable quantity. Tho Empress of Germany at Church. A letter from Baden Baden to the Springfield (Mass.) Republican, says: Three weeks ago the empress of Ger many with a retinue of servants came to Baden, and a week later the emperor with his suite and the whole German court arrived from Berlin. The royal household, the court included, occupy the Hotel Mesmer, which the propri etor retains exclusively for his royal guests during their stay. This hotel is only separated from the Conversation- haus and the beautiful grounds where the visitors promenade every afternoon and evening by a very narrow street. Persons promenading back and forth, listening to tho delightful music from the fine band in the kiosk, or sitting by the restaurant sipping their coffee or drinking their beer, can at almost any hour, if so disposed, get a glimpse of royalty in fact, a good square look - as it goes and returns from its rides and walks. The empress, whose seven tieth birthday was celebrated this week, carries the weight of so many years gracefully, and without giving evi dence of such an advanced age. To see her out every morning taking her 'constitutional, and walking so brisklv that her maid and footman in livery have to walk 6harp to keep pace with her, it is hard to realize that she has seen threescore and ten years. Her majesty is a devoted church woman. During her stay at Baden she attends regularly every Sunday the little English church, and joins in the service like any other stray visitor that might enter the house of worship. She times her arrival so as to be present just as service i are to commence. She rides to church in a close, handsome, not over expensive carriage, drawn by two ele gant, coal-black horses with silver nfounted harness. The coachman and footman are in livery, and the stout. plain-looking German woman, plainly dressed, who rides with her mujesty in side, is, I fcujipose, oue of the ladies in waiting, or "maids of honor." At the church door one of tho wardens. Mr. Oakes, of New York, stands ready to receive her, and escorts her to her Beat, which is directly in front of the chan col. Last Sunday I happened to have a seat directly behind her majesty, and, of course, but could observe all her movements, what she wore, etc. If I had the peculiar talent of Borne female writers I would undertake to describe her dress, but I forbear. It was so very plain and inexpensive, and at the same time so sensible and appropriate for church-going, that I know the fashionable world, which would expect an empress' dress to be sparkling with diamonds and covered with the richest of laces, would be dis appointed. All of her dress that was visible her straw hat with a single ostrich plume, her silk and mantle with modest and inexpensive trimmings cost altogether not more thau some of the very fashionable and expensive hats worn by some of the very fashionable ladies in Borne of the very fashionable American churches. The moment her majesty got fairly seated she searched in the depths of her pocket and drew out her purse, from which she extracted a ten-mark gold piece 182.50), and care fully placed it ou the railing in front of her. This was to be ready for the con tribution box, and bhe evidently al Lered to the old motto, " Pay as you go." She then found her place in tbe prayer book, responded throughout t! (service in good English, and joined u biuguig the hymns, etc. And tho wor no speytftclcs, either. I'JwIn Forrest nnd White Cloud. Many years ago, while Edwin Forrest was playing n rngiigenient in a Western theater, Whit Cloud and a number of other Indian chiefs w?re on their return from Washington. Stopping iu the town over night, they wero conducted to the theater to neo the great American tragedian. Mr. Forrest was then in the prime of life, his voice being up to the maximum of a stentor. The play on thai evening was "Metamora," which is now in the possession of John MoCul longh. White Cloud and his band of warriors were accommodated with seats in a stngo box. The theater was crowded, aud it was very evident that the audi tors were anxious to observe what effect the performance would have on the simon-puro children of the forrest. The play piocoedtd, nnd although the Indians could not understand a single word that was said, yet they appeared to bo much interested, occasionally giving to one another a satisfactory grunt. After awhile they became rather uneasy, which seemed to be simultaneous among them all. This was more apparent when tho Indian war-whoop came from behind the scenes. Tho eyes of tho audience were upon White Cloud, who two or three iraes grasped the tomahawk in his belt. The other warriors did so likewise. The party wore getting more excited as the play proceeded. They looked at each other with anxiety; their eyes indexed the fact that their "souls were in arnv," Presently Metamora, with uplifted toma hawk, rushed upon the stage, and when ho gave that war-whoop, which none but a Forrest could do, the Indians could remain in their seats no longer. Forrest gave a second and a shrill whoop, where upon White Cloud aud bis band, join ing in full chorus, sprang upon tho stage, and, brandishing their toma hawks and glittering knives, rushed to ward Metamora. Forrest was dumb founded for a moment, but he soon took in tho situation, and finding that the real Indians were on his side, ready to do or die in his behalf, he felt that he had achieved one of his greatest tri umphs in the profession he bo much loved during his eventful life. In de tailing this anecdote Forrest Baid that he was not really aware at the time of the performance that he was using an exact "whoop" for reinforcements, but the wild Indians understood it and re sponded as followers of Metamora. Tho house was thrown into the wildest ex citement, which soon cooled down, with the general belief that it was the best performance and most effective rendi tion of the Indian play ever made by the distinguished actor. The Camel and tho Needle's Eye. The passage from the New Testa ment, " It is easier for a camel," etc., has perplexed many good men who have read it morally. Iu oriental cities there are in the largo gates small and very low aper tures, called metaphorically "needlos eyes, just as we talK oi windows on ship-board as " bull's eyes." These en trances are too narrow for a camel to pass through them in the ordinary manner, or even if loaded. When a loaded camel has to pass through one of these entrances it kneels down, Its load is removed and then it shuffles through on its knees. ' Yesterday, writes Lady Duff Gor don from Cairo, " I saw a camel go through the eye of a needle, that is, the low, arched door of an inclosure. He must kneel and bow his head to creep through; and thus the rich man mus humble himself." Working? Up liuslnes?. Atiolemn-looking man recently walked nto tho ofllce of the Petaluma Peavine, and handed a paper over to the adver tising clerk and said: "IwiU pay you your top advertising rates to have that priuted in your Answers to Cor respondents ' column every other week during the summer." The item read: "Amateur Sailor. The quickest way to bale out a boat while sailing is to pull out the plug in the bottom." "lm atraid we can t do it," said the clerk, regretfully; upon which the sol emu party folded up the paper and walked out with a deep sigh. "Who is thatv asked the editor, looking up. "Its the new coroner." San Fran cisco Post. Mrs. Julia Van Eaten, of Forrestville, Va., is ninety-one years of age, and has an army of descendants. She is tho mother of twelve children, nine sons and three daughters; the grandmother of eighty-six children, the jn-eat-grand mother of 110 children, the great-grreat- grandmother of ten children 254 souls in all. A l ard. Clou Fulls (N. Y.) Times. Gles Falls, N. Y., Dec. 11, 1880. Bkv. Mr. L. N. St. Onoe: Dear Sir Will you please state below what satisfaction St. Jaoobs Oil gives you, which you got of us some time ago, and oblige, Legqett & Uush. Very ellective, L. N. Sx. Onge. For boys the court valet costume is the style. It is a square coat fitted in the back, high in the neck, and fastened with small buttons of cut steel down the front to tha waist line, where it is slanted off to the back, showing a com' paratively long waistcoat, with pockets and cut-steel buttons. Tho plain sleeves are trimmed with similar but tons. Cleveland Leader. Mr. Orlando Weatherbee. eavs an ex change of ours, proprietor "The Spenoer Hmrmaev." 8nencer. Mass.. renorts : My customers speak very highly of the great Uerman ronieuy, bi. jacoDS ua, it havinur always civeu excellent satis faction. One of them, Mr. Henry Belcher, his been greatly benefited by its use in a case of severe rheumatism. and he refers to it in terms of highest praise. Aftor the profuse kissing that went on between the Czar and Emperor YVil liam, at Dantzio, it would not be unpre cedeuted in history if they should pro ceed to f glit each ether. The Oldest of Mnnimlea. AnVbrg the royal mummies the oldes is King Kankenon, one of the latest momirehs of the seventeenth dynasty. According to Marlette, this dynasty ended B. C. 1703. As Ilatkenen was not the last of this line, wo nhall not bo far out of the way in Paying that his mummy, with its fine linen shroud and its three carved cases fitting together ike a rest of boxo8,is about 3.700 years old. Four hundred years before the Israelites crossed the lied sea this mon arch ruled in Thebes. Nearly all that we know of tho doings of humanity upon the earth haB taken place since he was oiled and perfumed and laid away in his painted boxes. Yet we.can touch his hands to-day and look into his face and read his history written all ovor his coffin. I New York Tribune. "Mm! ni Mm!" Not so fast, my friend ; for if you would boo tlio Kh-ntig, lioaitliy, blooming hipii, women and children that have been raised from bods' of Bieknem, suffering aud ahmwt death, by tlio v.ho of Hop Hitter, you won Id Buy, "Truth, glorious truth." Seo "Truths" In another column. A Georgia farmer mistook his ragged son for a pcarecrow at a distance, and playfully shot a bullet into him. I frill Will llnv a Treat ino upon tlio Jlorao nnd Lis Diseases. Hook of 100 I'Oi's. Valuable to every owner it horses. J'ostiipo stamps tiiKon. rvnt nost- paul uy ."sow ion; ixewspnner Linon, ion worm fctrect," New York. rrraoMA, m., ,ian. a, int:'. Mesnks. Kennedy A Co.: lily lrnir is crowim? out so fast that I can almost seo it (rowing my self, through tho uso of your 1. A l.YU. HOW TO SKt'I'KK 1IKA1.TII. It In etninKfl any one will tnffiT from ili-nmsi'im-nU iToiiidit ou by Impure Mood, when SCOV I l.l.'S S A KS A- A It I T.I. A ANDSXII.l.IXi;iA.or lll.Olll) AND 1.1 V Kit SVltL P will restore health to tho pliynlrul orcmilMltun. It Is a strenfcthenliiKKyrtiii, plrawint Intake, awl the UKST 111.0(H) Fl'KIk'IKIl ever Ulwnvercil, cnrlns Scrcifula, yphllltlc didonlern, Wcnkiiem) of the Kidney. Krynlivlaa, Miliaria, Nervous disorders, IM.illiy, Unions ciiila!nti and Diseases of tha lllood, Liver, Kidneys, Stomaeh, Skin, etc Eiley's Carbolic Trorlie prevent all ronta- rIous diseaaea, Buch aa Diphtheria, Scarlet Fever. Wlioopinft CmiRh, and euro CourIis and Colds. l'leasant to the tan to and a (food disinfectant. WARRANTED FOR 31 YEARS ASD XEVKR FAILED To riTRE Croup, Spasms, Dtarrlnea, TVaenterv nnd Sea Sii'kupss, taken internally, ami (irAltANTI'.KI) 'ortectlv harmleHs; also externally, ( uta, HruiM'M, tironic inieunialiHin, uiil pores, i'uiiih in me uiiiiim, 'Hck and eliet. Such a it'iuodv is l)n. TUIUAM' Vl.NI 11AN L1MMF.NT. over liou pliyHicimiH use it. tiT"Noiiieoiicoirvuurlt wul ever lo without it: 'iH Cents will ltuy n Trontlso upon (lie Horse and his DiBeasoa. Book of UK) paces. A'alualiie to every owner of horses. Postage tnmii taken. Sent postpaid by NEW YOltK XLWSP Al'Llt UNION', 150 Worth Street, New York. Vegetine. Female Weaknesses. No better remedy in tho wliolo materia niedioa hat yet been compounded for tho relief and cure ol Fenialo Complaints, of the ordinary kind, than Ykuktisk. It seems to aot in these cases with un wonted certainty, and never faila to Rive a new aud healthful tone to the fomalo orpans, to remove re laxed debility and unhealthy accretions, and rosters a healthful viKor and elasticity. One. of tho most common of those complaints is XiCUCorrha.t oi Whites, which aro brought on either by the proaones of Scrofula in tbe system, or by snmo affection of tbt womb, or oven by Reneral debiMty. For all these complaints, and when danger begins to threaten woman at the turn of lite, Vkoktjnk can bo com mended without qualification. Tho great prevalence of these disorders, and their euro by Veoetine, has amply shown that the sure aUoviating ajrt-nt remains not yet to bo discovered, but is already known, and is a favorite with American ladles. Too lone has it been tho custom to proscrilio nauseating and uncer tain remedies in place of what is pleaxant, elHcaclous aud cheap. Try Vkoktimk, aud do not doubt its power to cirry you safely through danor and d mease. A Splendid Medicine Heart and Kid ney Disease, Female Weakness Onioosvii.LE, 111., July 25. 187-. H. It. Stevens. Ilostou lienr Sir: 1 was atlli. ted with Jleuvt and Ki'ltity IHtu?t and other ItimttA If ritAHtMpji, and doctored with soverul rhvHiclansand received no benefit until 1 tried your vkuktink. and alter taking two bottles I was completely cured, aud have been a healthy woman ever since, althoiiKh I uin iu my With year. 1 do heartily recommend it as aspiendiu meuiciuo to an armcieii a i nave been, auu i ulcus uiu uay mat u ieii nun my nanu. Vegetine. PREPARED BY H. R. STEVENS, Boston, Mass. Vegetine is Sold by All Druggists. XOr OOIUierS, (ihiLir,.,!. !-. TIkiumih t Ik vi t cntitiPil. Pensions lor any voundor dim-use. ilutmty yit duo to tii(iiiraijlK. lViixmurr entitled to in cmasH ni Pension. NnW Iavvk nnd flcciHionM. line limited, Api'ly at onec. lneioHS two fctiiiiip lor laws, blanks and mntrintloii. k. ii. i;ki.stj a co Box 72". V. 8. Claim .VrronxMs, WNshinptou, I. C, CIV WHT WASTE MONETI Your. tnkm trr oM. OIA If too want a Luiurifciit nuutticlit, flowitil "TC whukcrt or 4 )iv trow lb ot n tld W I O hrtU or to THH KfcN, !riU V.THr.S t"4 INVIGORAlfc th IIAIH nj-ififf don't l lninit-'iff'l. Iry tht strttt Hr.fci'li dir..rrr V.-ta biiM.Vfctt Uf KULLD. HmJUNt.1 KlX VEST to lr. J. t-iN.A. XtL, bus lfrtW. ht,, H"r wl ftll lint tot tana. sure relief Asthma KIDDER'S PASriLLES.&i! sio-ii co .iaaaStSJBOItJHSBRBEJiHHnJlHi'h iirient i iwn, .M-m, WELL-BQR!!!,isl lad bow to nso, t folly IMuntrmtM, explained aud bif Uly rvcom mantled In " JkX&rio&& sigricaUaHst," Not. No., 1b7, pore feeod fur It, poilaMe, low n ic4, woiltod by man. burM or aletvu row or. Neodod by Urmmi In avety ouuniy. Uuou buai.ieas 101 U tntttr or Hummer anrl varr Drnfltatl. alitkes well Id earth oi rx-k n j where, WawaDltba mmei of wen thai nd well. Ind tmp for Itluatrated prlw Hal and taruia to Afcaata. here Wtll Eicavuor Co., 2?:m Otraat, Hew York, ?. 8. L Fac-Similes of 0. S. Treasury (VII MTKlVd, IKVK Itfl.l.S. fotiKiHliiiifot nine exact, linilationHOt United State. TreaMirv Notes, and niue ot National Hank llillw, 1H in all, of varioiiM deuouiinatioim. An a rr and in KUmmieou lur.aiiH of detecting eountcrteit money tlit-v nro iiivalu.ihle, Price, $-J a package. I.. A. 5I AYIIEW iV CO.. Now York City. P. U. llox l-'"l FENCE Tho Strongest, cheapest and mn-t Duraiiic w tut a.nki'ji Jvtii 1J..NCJ;. Patented Jul'', 1HH1. Steel poM fur 1'. 1 i' u .. .11 1... . .. - II 1,1 JMJ.1 ( x eijl en mil i.n, llje- time. If ou would h&va ni.i;ey or desu-o employ ment .end lor lllu&trated ciivuUr. Addrt-sa A. Tt)I)l. Pnltneyvllle, . Y. dotti : 0uJ 4.00 buuud. lor ouly MANHATTAN BOOK CO . 10 Wf. Hth Bt.,N.Y. P.O. Box 4180 AGENTS- OANVASSEItH AM) FA IK MEN bKNU Yuen AtOWKS to Solo Mill- uiartiiiviH, ;.IO 7ih Ave.. N. V. L' Cr & MONTH AGENTS WAITED UO beat Z( .eldiirf an teles In the norLl; 1muiiIi- Ii ft. "l'i"W,m?JF Ail.lrc.ii Jay Iti uii.oii, l-lriu. Mien, "9 "Slf A AND tXl'l'NSIS TO ItS AGKSTS. Oullit tie,-. A.lile. I I I . Je k e l-. Au u li .11 e . CAT MMfM WANTKII to !! Stfi,,n,rv 0 1-XjXjO-a-iJtlH (i,,.is .ii ,-i)iiniii-.Jn.ii. ht iid Kiu'np fnr ti-ruii. VHiKSK 1TB. Co., Wiineu. l'i. WA TnTT"P C",lc'""r'" rce. A JJIrrti, hioonarrl GUNS" ut Wrt. Ouo Wfi. l"itt. Mi.h, r. T 7 9 A u ' 1 W . t l i h (1 t y i u.tUi! (.--. A.l'J a s , mn itv ('i m ly PESIOMS CHEAPEST TIOQKSINTHEnrUKU) !sU-ulM'U..v 1J 'iii.nw' History fFI cory ul kuuUud. P gn. Literature, 1 I'pa l J rf-n 4 12iiiO Vol. I J 1 Ji.K) Vol. bitiiilboiiiuly It I Odtui-J- Onlr Half Allvo. Tliorn avft hcHla of men ami women 'who, to coin a phraso, aro only half alive. That in to pnv, they Iibvo Kcldom if ever any nrpetitn, aro ne'i voita, wenlt, fldfretty and trouliie-d ly num hoiloss small piina nnd ache.' In tho prcsniieo of vipnouf, rxubi r:iit vitality they aeem morn !s'!nio. Knell persona ro mmaiiy lonci oi iemieiitlv doainii thnmaelvea, r.valloiving in tho ciiuriu of tho year ntioiiRh drns to Block any apothecary' shop of averting diineiialona, 'J h'iH, of courao, defeats Instead of furthering tho end in viow, viz., tho recovery of health and vitfnr. Wero thoy to peek it from an unfailing dourer- of vitality, llWettor'a Stomach Hitters, Jitnv dillereiit would bo their oaso. ThonviRor would return to their debilitated frames, tho Blow of health to their wan cheeks, their trom blinu, uncertain Knit would grow firm and dual ic, appetite, that grnndent of all ionrees. would io it relink lor tho daily food, wero it ever so coaroo, aud refreshing sleep would crown tho tanks ot tlto ilrty. . The world knows no victory to be compared with that over our own pas- rious and failings. Not n HevernoP. "They aro not a bevorngti, but t niodiclflo, Willi cuiauvo. pnipeitiea ot mo inquest degree, nlaiuiiiK 110 poinotious tlruKs, i'hey do not tear (I, wn an already tl Militated nystnin, but build it, up. Olio ladllo contains inoro bops, that is, nmro real hop strength, thnn a banc! of culinary beer. Kvcr-druggist in Hoehester sells tneni, ami the ph. Moians proacribo thorn." li'ichrflrr Kerning Kxprms on lion Mltiri. If yon wish to Bppcar agreeable in so ciety you must consent to be taught many thiuga which you know.alrcady. ron dysvk.vsia, iNniorRTNvs, depression of spirits and general debility in their various tonus, also us a luvventivo against lever and nguo and other intermittent fevers, tho l''l',ltltoritoSI'll01HTrlll'.I.IXIROK('At.ISATlJAnK, nntdo by Caswell, Hazard & Company, Now 1 oili, and fold bv all (Iruguists, is tho lei-t tonic; and for patients recovering from fever or other sickness it has noepial. lled-llilus, ItnnrliPH. Hats, cats, mice, ants, Hies, insects, olearedout by "Hough on Hats." Jfie., druggists. Vkiktink. Tho great success of the Vkok- tink as a cleanser and puritler of tho blood is shown beyond a doubt by tho great nmnbers wlr have takett it, and received immediate relief, with such reiuaikablo euros. (Tli Is engraving represents ths Lungs In a healthy state.) A STANDARD REMEDY IN MANY HOMES. For f'oilfflts. f'nlilM. f'l-niin. lti-mirliltl anil all other a'teetienii ol the 1'liroat Hu.l 1.1 N(JS. It Kiauus uurivuiuit auiiutti-rly bejiiuilaucuniiictiuon IN CONSUMPTIVE CISES It approaches so near arpoeine that "Nlnety-flvo" h.t cent, am ix-rinuneiitiy enreil wnero tnu direc. lions an strictly eiiinnlietl with. Thertt in no elwMiii. val or other inredicnta to hariu the yuuuK or old. AS AN EXPECTORANT IT HAS NO EQUAL! IT CONTAINS NO OPIUM IN ANY FORM ! J. N. HARRIS &7cO., Proprietors, CINCINNATI, O. FOR SALE BY-ALL DRUGGISTS. N Y n u II Cyclopedia War. Thopreat Library of Kuowlriltre now eimielet-d. lanto tyts eilitimi, le-.u-ly 4h,ikiU topics in every department of human knewleilne, alieni H) jHTceiit. laiver than ChallllrH Kneyelnpe ilni 111 lief-.-..lit. lurvi-r thnn Aeeleton's. 'JO 1HT -eut. lunxor than JoIuikoii'm, at a mere tract ion of their cost, iilieen laivo ()etavu oliiiu.- nearly lif.doO pni'es, eeniplete in cloth m lin, 11 I in half IOih. Hiit, tiiHi in lull lilirary sheep, imirlilei edtiea. hliecial terms to chilis. till 1 $10,000 REWARD lux the uiontlis of J ill v and AuuuFt. Hend cnilek lor speeimen I'at'e" and lull partii ulara to AMKIIICAN" HOOK hXt'UANoK. John H. Ai.okn, Maiias-'i-r, 7( I Urnaiiway. i Kora I V tlo. 11.. IS.. .... ulilK l'i I ! It lllk M N't-W itiili Illood, nnd will coini'lcH-ly rhuno the blixxi iu the entire hynti-in in inree ininiiiih, aiiv i-i-imiu who will take one pill caeh nlxlit from 1 to laweeksniav lie restored to sound health, if tiui li a thluK lie ixwsible. Kohl evervwhei-e or s.-ut by mull lor K letter staiuiH. I. h. Johnson iV to., ilostou, .iiuui., forinerl ylln nuor, !!. i AROMATIC MILK A pleasant, speedy cure forl'II.ES. One pack- ri AJP tw , ,Z m m (.nrelnflTerveaie. Price one dollar. Bold by rlrunirtHta or sent by mall. Ad drets UU. L. II. 11AUKI.S, IMttsburgb, Pa. (TR4n eOni1,,ray at liouie. S!oii))I-h worth e.rtree, IU AdilreasSTiNwiN ! Co.. 1'iirllauil. Maine. BAl AM I I rl I I I I I I I II III III I I I mi w u If 1 Dr. METTAni'S TIUAD ACITR PfT.m euro rooft vrondcrftilly In a very abort tliiio T lot It blCU end M'.UVOIH JIF.ADAC HKj Hint while acUiig ou the nervnui ayatem, clo.-inso tho Ftoinacli of cxccjs cf bilo, protlucLij a reguliur Healthy uctlou of tho bowels. fill E3 G ii A full nizo box of ll'fo V(;lnub?o with full dlrertfonn for a coin. plrte cure, mail to uny aUtlronj on recelitt of rii;"io !irt-,-ccut puiitaco fcluu.itj. I'-i talo l ull druUts at JiJc. bolo PrtirJi'tors, UKOV.i CUYMICXL CCU'iVJrY.Ealtimorc.Md, GOO ETROLEUU Used and approved by tho leading PHYSI f- niajna oi i-uiturji ana Am r.iuua.. I The most V aluable & (" I I "iiuvyii, r' r - y it n i ' 'rii A li J'z SOKES. SETW DISAJ5K3, ' EHiUMATISM, CATAEEIL HE3I0UIUI0IDS, Eta. Alao for Conrrhfl, Cold. Bor Threat, Cronp "XTy tuem. . aud 60 cent uzea O.UAt U Ii. AT 1 li K PI1ILAUIA.PHI1 lAl'OM liU tll.YiU iulllll, AT 1IIK PAISI A TOUGH HOUSE ftTORY. Tlio CineiriTinti FnqHirrrlnicly pnl.lislied tlio followinjt horse story, vliich wn kit just it appeared: "A envious lnMnno of xnpm'ity in the horso occurred recently in tbe Mivblea of Mr. A. Totiinum, situntcd on North Elm Rlrect, Mr. T. hns for ft Ioiir time been in tho habit of nslnjt St. Jacobs Oil, tho Oreat Ocrmiin bin ex tensive stablen. Among Mr. T.'s many homes in a grout, powerful Canadian draught horso. This luii'mul in eourso of timo pot m that that bo knew tbe Kt. .Ucona Oil bottle very well; no well, in faet,tbfit one day recently on Mr. T.'s return from buslne, upon entering tho stables be cmiRht him ll. L lnir (ho grim uhnulder of ftbeast Which BtoodlM-sidebim; tho nuimal, giving a wise ..viior . V,, Hiu vey tohislickin;; woik.tumed bis bend nud eiiUKhtup with bis teeth from the box used as ita reeeptftblo n bottle of ST. J ACOIIH ()iu Ho threw Ibo Indtlc on the ftonr with violence enoue-h to break it, nnd then deliberately licked up the Ft. Jacobs OU. antl apiilicd it to the cut, Keaders, we have wen the laws of association belied by IxiiiKS with less Hcnse. than TouKhman's horse. The word has passed unions us, and when we sen a man who won't try the Oil, we say, 'He is worse than Toiiubnian's harae.'" To many this may appear u a very " totifrb" utory ; and were there not proofs innumer able of the efficacy of tho (treat German Uiincdy they would be JitHtilied in ho (lesijinutiiiRit. The testimony, however. is plentiful antl pointed, and is from people; whose lonsi experience in mat I era upper tifininn to horseflesh entitles their opinion (o pvotV.nd ( iideiatioa mnl rcupcet. Jf to ar munfe J If you aro a . nt hiiM,nf.wiAk- I - J nin of v j , VI Jl ' mlnew.wea ATlMl tiv the kLtuq tri4toiliiittuvrni-l- j T.itir duties avoid tuiilit uik, to r. tetv bnun nerve sad tliiiulanta and u Hop- Bitters. wsmo, um Hop B. rorTerlns; from any In nun i It ytm are uiar youuir, suUfrinif li-otn us; ou a bed of aiok Bittora. If yoo are yoons? and Iwretlon or dnwipaH d poorhunltb or uviijtulih nees, rely on Hop rll nr tlnitle, oiu or Whoever yooarK, is-Wh whenever ion fel I 1 ?ny i roin tlint imr srnein f. ii of Kid if 'Bjm thut ni. niwl. i.inetllllnB-. ten- dlM- i.tlht Ino; or ctlmiilAtliiif. itlinutln'uruliui;. mr. oinn erevei 1.U..1 pj a itiueiy dm or take HOD Bitter. nopaitxers .. J fvniia. kKlMU 4- D. I. O. Is an sheolut. nml IrrealitA- orunnorveoin-r 1 ' b .mnl, dli-' nf the atomm-V doiivls, lool 'lil.nuta (ur tiliiinkeaneis, of opium, llwrornmM Ton will be cured If vouuoe Hop Bitters tfyoarelm fily weak ami uwiptnti-d, try Iti It may save your life. It has avfid hun dreds. uaroutios. fVldbydrvtr Clrvular, bop Brrrm ro co., Beckectev, 1. A Tifonte, Oat. MANUFACTORY ' Anil Wholesale Depot 465 FULTON ST., BROOKLYN. Imiiortant to the InvaMs of America. nii.i Th'w wTwKVKrtY FOItM OF DIRFASE known to mail, wit bout meilielne eliatmea of ,'rJ',-"Uf tien. li,iKK) 1T.IISOSS nnee 11 I.VI.KSS INVA LIDS, ai-e now rejuiciuu in tlio MeahiiiKS of lit bTOHKl) 1IKAI.T11. , , . .. All elieekH and t,imee onlera fnr " Y " "QNJf. ' FMitH iiniNt lm made tiatabln to M. ILSOA, 4U-J II I.TUN BT.,liKIOKIAN. Send tor eireulars, priee l!t and other memoranda rciranlliiKtbe "W1I.KONIA." ,,,,,,....,. We (live from the Hat of tbousandsof " WlLSONIa, 'iATlVl? Tt FFFr.FNCFS : p Hon. Horatio Sevniimr. t'tii a. V 1.: lion. Peter rooiair. Hon. Tlmrlow Weed, t i.iiuiiodore O. K. Oar rin. (leueral S. (Irabani. Jml'-'e 1'vl l'araona. f N. Y. Cilv: i. H. Hot (men-baiitl, S.rnee M., N. Y.; 1. V. Fairweatlier, tiuereliaiitl. Spruce St., N. .; 1'.. ll.HtliiiM.n (inenUant), Si inee St., V .; riiomaa Hall. 1H4 Clinton Ave liiookhn: ( idonel Bayard Claih. M K. 4'lb St., N.Y.: llon..7olin Mitchell (trvaa nr..riHnK1klviiMiw.. ltbb.;',ii.' WyeW.ill St.,U klyu. "tt.OOO Aicenls llantcd lor I. He a.l t contains the full htntory of lits noWe and oventful lite and daBtardlv aeaieiuBtiou. Millions of oiin aro waitiiiK for tlilsbiHik. Tlie beat clianee of your lifetouiako money. Beware of "oatoliiicimy " iinl tatlons. This la the only autlientio and lullv illii" tiiiteil lilo of our martvrod l'reeident Send tor circulars and eitra terms to aventa. Addrcua KAT1UNAL fPBUSlftyQ CO.. Philadelphia. I'a. A11KI.IGIH ) ULM I UA, r.l.n. did rAiildiux, elvRut uiieijonllFii futili ties, sltiHfnl ptivemisiia. All ohrnine tlim-a'ti. iHxii.fully treated. &liMlriiterelii. Kamita hium. IUttleCreuk, Wich. VffllNf! MFN If you wouliilearu Teleraihy in I mull four moutliH, and bo eTlainef a situation, address Valentino liriki,, J.tueaviilo, Wis. Vlal.EN'H Ilrnln Kootl-eiireM N'orvoiie D.-l .11 if v Weakneiwol lii iiei-aliveOivaiin. Iil alldl-u;iWti. Fend torl'irenlnr. Allen'e Pharuiaev.:il:i Kind av.,N.Y, .KSTl-V'ANTKI for tlie Beat and Kantei-t-bolliUK Picttirial liookeaud lilile. l'rieea ndueed B.I er ct. National KiiblislKug Co., Philadelphia, l'a. rcc s week in your own town. Term and $5 outilt 1IUU ; 1 free. Add's H. HAl.t.Krr A: Co.. Portland, Maine. ji'OrnHOadayadd'H W. K. How.lileh, Huaton. Maia, r3 1 ,3. PI 1 S JELLY TbeTollel ArUclearfroin pur. Vaaeuna such w Pomade Vaseline. Vaseline Cold Cream, Vascliao Camplior Ic Vaaoline Toilet fioaps, ere epetiur te soy slaOU eeese VASELINE COSFKCTIOSSL An airreeable fcrm cf tak inSt Vaseline in lernally. 25 CENTS A BOT. Tor the Treatment oi W0TTTIDS, BURNS, CVT3, CHILBLAINS, and Diphther:, eto ox all our goods. JLAP()m,tf. CliLtJ A'i'li t l.'O.. K .' . it : Hill' I I , s.w I I I wm :j NEVER f mm AlllStfL