01 I? H EDITOR ' WEDNES3.iy SiORXIXO, OCT. 26.IS81. REPUBUCAri STATE TICKET FOR (STATE TREASURER, Gfn. SILAS M. DAILY, of Fayette County. REPUBLICAN COUim TICKET. I'or Frnthonotary, te., JUSTISSIIAWKEY. ForShcrilT. Cnpt. C. W. CLARK. For Commissioners, It. W. LEDEBUR, J. N. HENDERSON. For Auditors, (i. W. WARDEN, J. A. SCOTT. For Jury Commissioner, R. J. JIILLARD. OUR TICKET. But a short time remains befiu-o the election, and such being the case it is right that we should givo our ticket a review. In doing bo we ask every reader to ponder well what we say, and if we utter an untruth we are willing to be taken to task for it. The Republican party of Pennsyl vania has placed in nomination for the important office of State Treasurer a mau of spotless character; enj who stood up manfully for the Union in its hour of great trial and did battle for the right. "A maa who has attested his love of liberty and law by service ou tha field of glory and blood, who won his promotioo in the glorious Pennsyl vania Reserves, from Captain to Brig adier, by meritorious service on 4he field. A man who stood in tho red hell of battle at Drainesville, on the Peninsula, at Gaines' Mill, South Mountain, Antietam, Fredericksburg, and tho Wilderness, and who bore witness with his blood that he loved his country well,." That man is GENERAL SILAS M. BAILY. lie is a man whom no one not even his political enemies can find aught against. There is no doubt of his tri umphant election, and little F.orest will contribute her share to his major ity. In Forest couuty the Republicans have placed in nomination u ticket which is entirely unobjectionale. There is not a man on the ticket hut is entitled to the hearty support of every Republican in the county. To head the list we have for Prothono lary, &c, JUSTIS BUAWKEY, whose reputation as an officer and faithful servant of the poople is estab lished. In his administration of the office during the last term he has drawn to himself many warm friends of all parties by his uniform kindness and courtesy to all, regardless of party. No man has ever gone into the Pro thonotary's office and asked for infor mation but has been treated gentle manly and got whatever information he asked for. Tha books and records are kept in a most superior and hand some manner, and we doubt if there is to-day an office in the State which is in as good shape as Mr. Shawkey'e The Prothouotary's office of Forest' county is commented upon every where as be'iDg oue of the best kept in the State, and we are confident the voters of the county will approve the excellent management by electing Mr. Shawkey for another term. Next on the list is our candidate for Sheriff, CAPTAIN C, CLARK, of Tionesla township. And right here let us say that we take great pride iu presenting so worthy a citizen as the Captain for that important office. Ho is an old citizen of the county, having been a resident amongjs for over 14 vears, during which time he has devoted hU energies to the honorable pursuits of farming. He has gaiued the love, con fidence and high esteem of his neigh bors and acquaintances by his gentle manly bearing and kindness of heart ; this, every one vho baa had dealings with him, will readily say for Captain Clark. lie U friend to every law abiding cit izen, and makes no distinct ion between them ; no rnau has ever come to hiia in want aud gone away without receiving substantial help Ha U geuerous to a fault, and pleas ant at ull times ; refined and iutelli rrent and fully competent to fill the ofLYe acceptably to the people and viili honor to the couuty. Iu addi- .; to the above we wish to epeak 1' the record of Captain Clerk j. i:. wenic, while on the field of battle, and" it is n record of which any soldier might well 1)0 proud : He served as a member of Co. C, 48 P. V., being mustered into service Sept. '61, and honorably dis charged July '65 ; his whole term of soldiering covering a period of 3 years and 10 months. At the time of his enlistment he held the position of Ser geant ; he was promoted to 2d Lieu tenant in Nov. '62 ; to l?t Lieutenant June, '64, and to Captaiu March 1, '65. Amng the many brilliant deeds to bo accredited to tha -iSlb, of which Mr. Clark was a member, tho Peters burg Mine deserves pevial mention. The planning and subsequent execu tion of this achievement U due to Lieut.-Col. Henry Pleasants, comman der of tho 2nd Brigade. Capt. Clark having been a miner before entering the army his knowledge of mining was turned to good account by Col. Pleas ants, who detailed him ns special aid in carrying out his project. It is not necessary here to say anything in par-i ticular about tho Petersburg Miue, which but for the unnecessary delay in moving troops immediately follow ing its explosion would have been written as one of the grandest achieve ments of the war. Three hundred and twenty-five kegs of powder were used in exploding the mine ; as tho powder was placed in the mine, Capt. Clark, with a wooden mallet, knocked in the load of each keg. Capt. Clark was wounded four times: at South Mount ain; at Antietam; at the .battle of the Wilderness, and at Poplar Grove. We are not saying to much when we assert that every bravo soldier ought to vote for Captain Claik, for "he deserves well of his country." For County Commissioners the Re publicans have two first-class raeu, H. Vf. LEDEBUR and J. S. HENDERSON. Mr. Ledebur has been one of the Commissioners for the past three y2arsf and nas made a record which is with out a spot or blemish. During the last three years the financial affairs of the couuty have been so carefully man aged as to make it possible for the Commissions to call in and pay offthd entire bonded debt, thereby greatly reducing tho taxes, and placiiig the county in splendid shape, and giving the people a breathing spell. Mr. Ledebur, as one of the Boaru, is enti tled to a good share of the praise for this excelleut state of affairs, and we believe all fair-minded men independ ent of party will agree that it is so. Would it, then, be wise to throw him over-board and elect three new men, unaccustomed to the business? Cer tainly not; and ve think every tax payer in the connty understands this fully. Personal or individual feelings should be laid to oue side in this case, and Mr. Ledebur should be returned to the Commissioners' office, because he has been tried and found faithful and competent ; and one of the old Board ought to remain. A fact which is patent to the tax-payers who have the interest of the county at heart. Mr. Henderson, of Hickory town ship, is a man of unimpeachable char acter ; a man who stands high in the estimation of his fellow citizens. He has, by closo attention to business, in dustry, economy and foresight made himself what he is, a model farmer, and owns a good farm, which he keeps in an excellent state ot cultivation. Mr. Henderson is a man of good, sound judgment ; upwright in all hits dealings with his fellow man. He attends to his own business well, and that is the kind of men we want to look after the affairs of our county. With Henderson and Ledebur in the Commissiocers' office the tax-payers of Forest county need have no fear that their interests will not be well attended to. And we have every con fidence that the voters will bear us out iu these assertions by a rousing majority for both at the election. GEO. W. WARDEN and JA3. A. SCOTT are our nominees for County Auditors. Mr. Warden is a young man of excel lent business qualifications ; has kept the books of Wheeler & Dusonbury at their East Hickory mills for the past five years, io which capacity he has made hosts of friends in his neighbor hood. He is a gentleman of whom everybody, regardless of party, speaks well, and they are not backward about sayiug that ho is just the man for the position, lie is a splendid accouutant, having made book-keeping a 6tudy for many years. , He will poll a big vote in his own towuship, which speaks well for him. Mr. Scott, of Jenks township, is quite well known to the voters of tht ! county, having faithfully dincharcd tho duties of Court Crier from the time the county won rc-organizeil up to last February, when his positiou, which ho had no faithfully filled", wan taken awiy from him because ho dared to vote tho Republican ticket. He is a competent person fur County Auditor, having been clerk of his township for many years, nd always discharged his duties in a first-class mauner. .las. A. Scott is a worthy citizen, and the Republicans will take pleasure in giving him a rousing sup port. K. J. Ill LI, A RD, of Harnett township, who finishes up this splendid ticket as our candidate for Jury Commissioner, is one of For est's best citizens. We had occasion to speak of him a short timo ngo, uud can conscientiously reiterate what we then snidl viz : a finer man in every respect cannot be found unywhero. An honest, upright, christian gentle- man in every sense of the word. We have now goio through with tho entire list of candidates, aud if we have 6aid oue word which is not true we are ready to make the correction, but we haveno fear of that. Every word uttered can be substantiated to the letter. .And uow, Republicans, let as do our level best for the success of the ticket from top to bottom. Let us roll up such a magniGcent majority as wo have never done before. Let every man do his whole duty, aud all will be lovely wheu tho battle is over. 11. W. Ledkbuk voted as com missioner to pay filly dollars for a piece of work for which tho commiss ioners had a bid of twenty five dollars from other parties equally responsible. Commonwealth. Tho Commonwealth was perfectly willing that the Commissioners should expend an extra 50 for doing that piece of work. Had Mr. Ledebur voted to give that paper $50, hush inone', as it were, the above item would never have appeared, but he had too much good sense and honor to pay out that amount of tho people's money for that purpose. After finding that the commissioners were not dis posed to pay it $50, just to keep its mouth shut, they thinking it uumise to squander money by publishing in that one-horso sheet of doubtful circu lation, and considering the object of the law being to publish and not to conceal reports in which the public wore interested, the Commonwealth wanted to do it for S25. The facts in the ease are simply these : the pay for publishing tho Auditors' Report has heretofore been $140. A proposition was made to publish the Report for $150, but the commissioners, knowing that publication in two papers was sufficient, published in the Republi can aud Democrat for $50 each, thereby saving 1 lie county $50. Now, then, had Mr Ledebur voted to ex peud the other ?50 io publishing in the Commonwealth, that sheet would have been satisfied, and would not have thought he was spending money foolishly ; not a bit of it. That would It nave oeen an ngnt as lar as it was concerned. These are the facts in the case and they can be fully substanti ated ; and if the Commonwealth thinks to bolster up its candidates by diving iuto the nominees of the opposite side it will fall far short of the mark, as it did last year in tho case of Treasurer Foreman. Let it keep right on. That kind of argument will onlv help Mr Ledebur in the eyes of the voters aud taxpayers, aud will make his electiou doubly sure. Just eliDg all of that kind of mud vou can. According to the Williamsport Gazette and Bulletin the talk of with drawing Noble still continues. Many Democrats favor it to save him from slaughter. The Bedford Era discovers that raaoy of Orange Noble's followers are alarmed over the apparent iudifierenee be display in the management of his campaign. The Democratic organs have been ordered to grind out music favorable to "Wolfe for Stato Treasurer, hoping that the Republicans will dauce to it. Republicans are not bo easily caught. Ex.-Gov. E. D. Morgan, of New York, is tbo new Secretary of the Treasury. His name wos sent to tbo Senate on Monday uud that body im mediately confirmed the appointment. 1. S. This morning's papers report that Morgun 1m- declined. M'heuk was Ch.ivlio Wolfe during tho war ? An exchange says Woli'o whs not in the war at nil, nml yet his ppeeches remind one of a well known Confederate officer General Bragg. Derrick. The nudienco which greeted Wolfe at tho opera house last night was not one that could be depended upon for many votes. It was largely composed of Democrats aud the gross percentage of the Republicans present were sup porters of the regular nominee of the Republican party, Gen. Baily. While there are many men who will fro and hear Mr. Wolfe plead his causo for the sake of heariug him, vet they will not bolt the rezular party nominee. Their allegiance to the party is like their ilevotiou to their religion and they voto the old way on election day as it tho most natural, keeps the party more harmoniously together nnd makes it stronger. Derrick, Friday Oct. 21. A GREAT CAUSE QF HUMAN MISERY B The ffiss Of A V I W M Krf T4 M ffl m O , ot. VI I 9 E71 ISA S J.5, w Jtl A Looluro on tho Nature. Treatment. and Radical cure of Nominal Weakness, or Sperniatorrhici, Induced by self abuse, Involuntary Emissions, Impotcncy, Ner vous Debility, nnd Impediments to mar riage generally ; Consumption, Epilepsy, nnd Fit j Mental and Physical Incapacity, tc. By ROUERT .1. CULVERWELL, M. D.. author oftlie "Green Rook." Ac. Tho world-renownod author, in thin ad mirable) Lecture, clcarlv nrovos from his own experience that the awful consequen ces 01 hcu-Aimso may he ctloettiully re moved witiiout iiangerous surgical opera tions, bougies, instruments, rings or cor dials ; pointing out a mode of euro at onco certain and effectual, ov which every suf ferer, no matter what his condition may bo, may cure himself cheaply, privately und radically. &-i. This lecture will nrovn n 1von to thousands and thousands. Sent under seal, in a nlain envelone. to any address, post paid, on receipt of six cents or two postage stamps. We have aiso a Nuro euro tor Tape Vv orm. Address tho Publishers. THE CULVESWELL MEDICAL 00., 41 Ann (St.. N. Y.. N. Y.. P. O. Box 4r.O. SEND STAMP TO CUNS, REVOLVERS, &c. G. W. HARDER, TYRONE, PA. abr alirimlKl N khvh Uiseaskh. t7j sort) "curt for iti. nvilnim ami A'crre A ffnlumt. Imtai.libli If tnkon as directed. A' ttttajur ijirttdav'tute. Treadle and 12 trial boltlofreeto CVttputlents.thoy paying expn-BRAKQ. Send name, I P. (I. and exnresa addreB to I in. K LINK. W.1 ' ArchBUf hllutcllihia, l'o. HupritidpaldrugiiUt. Formerly Pittsburgh, Tilusville & BufTa!o"Ry.9 FA L Ij TI M E T A R L E, Septem ber 29, 1HK1 . A. M. 7 l .r 137 1 22 H Oj r. m. :;: is 11 I". M. 8 00 4 -111 4 SI "a05 P. M. a 40 fi 27 ta on (A. Valley Hi.) V. .11. A.M. !l 4.")! ! 20 I) lsl225 H;;u!ii.s:5 w Pittsburgh Iv ir.... Parker ...lv ar...l''oxbur;i ..1 v ar . I ranklm ,.lv o 40 2 (i."i A. M.I 1'. M. .r lfii 2 20 to :ii IS .VI --2 41 tiio:;;-2.-)2 t!'Hjt2o'i li a 12 t7 01 't: 28 i-7 1213 311 H. M. 3 ;10 4 O'i 1 2.1 4 40 4 41 ar...Oil City....lv ....Roek wood.... Oleopolis ...Eaiflo Roek... President Tioncs'.a Hickory .. Trnnkey ville.. Tidioute ...Thompson s... 7-lH 2 21 t7 :il tl t7 r 12 f 38 f M (1 12 li 47 7 20 t7 21: tl 45 7 JO; 1 'SI 7 :;: 3 4'.i T8 08 4 OS tl) 47j)2 ofi 0 oO, 12 3Uilv..If. ineton .ar '. M.jP. M. 8 aril 42.') A. M. A.M. .r.a A.M. 1 1J r. A. M. 10 OS 10 2.') 1. M.ll M. . w. (5 11 iio'i(..rl. l .it i'.i.'.y 12 Oil lv... Warren ...ar 1'. M. 4 4:1 f. M. 1. M . :i ;hi 1. M. 00 4 42 a.m. (i:,-:, rl 20 lv.. P.: fiiiiltrity) ad lord . ar (I Oil r. M.UiVi(t- Erie JO) !2 0'J ly... Warren ...ar 11 47jlv..Clartmdon..ar I. M. 7 38 7C7 ADDITIONAL. TRAIN loaves Claren don 7:2(1 a. in., Warren 7:41 a. in., Irvino tou 8:3,1 a. in. Arrive at 'i'idiouto J:,'.0 a. tn., Tioiiosta 10;;7 a. in., Oil City 12:30 ). in. CHAUTAUQUA LAKE DIVISION. Trsiins leave Oil City for Pet. Centre, Ti tiisville, Spai'lMiisbur;, Ccntreville, Corry, May ville, Rrocton at 7:0tuun, 10: il);itii, 2:45pm, 4:30pm, 8:i,1pm, Arrivo 8:00am, tl: i":iiin, 2:(!0m, 3:3cipm, 8-.3pm. Sunday Train leavoa 7:3Uam ; arrives 7:0.lpin. UNION ifcTITUSVlLLE BRANCH. Train leaves Titusville 5:30j)in; arrives Union City 7:20pm. Leaves Union City 0:4iam ; arrives Titusville 8:10am. Trains run daily except Sunday, f Stations. Trains are run on Philadelphia time. Through coaches between Oil City and Bradford on trains leaving Oil City 7:0(iam., Corry U;30pin. Pullman bleeping Cars betveen Oil City and Pittsburgh on trains leaving Brocton 3:3(lpm and Pittsburgh :4.1pm. :-'Gl-Ticket Hold and baggiijjo chocked to all principal points. Oct lime tables giving full information from Company's Aircnts. O. WATSON, Jr., Snpt. W. S. BALDWIN, Oil City, Pa. Cicn'l Pass. Aent, 41 Kxehangft St., Buffalo, N. Y. J. L. CRAIG, AkciH, Tionusta la. ED. HliJlBBL, Dealer in S T O V 13 M, T I IS V' A II K, )And( HOUSE FUnriiSHING GOODS ALL K1ND3 OF JOB WORK PROMPT LY ATTENDED TO. 'lloia-Ma, P. 1. m rfi et'ssjs'i. STOPPED FREE El S3 Insane Personj Restore. U tS rrVM DR. KLINE S GREAT si a is xa n Again victorious at the Expositi n THE PMILAnELPHIA JOITRVAT. OF ots1 ' ' - . " had an excellent opportunity oftestmir their powers besi.lo those of every exhibitor in the world, and tiiey came olf conquerors over every other maker. Tlielr lilijliest nwr.rd comes to them from a country w hoso reputation for tlds ciass of uoods bus for muny years been above all others.'' . They have been l.i tho bunds of shooters for tho past sixteen years, nnd stood thr rvvn-si iesi. hum lunownii moro laurew man nnv other jrnn. when broucht In com petition In Hie Held or at tho trap. At Coney Island this year, at tho New York ,Hlatr ( onventlon, the PARKER won tho Plrece biamond Rinb nd the Forest and 8lr.ailt Radt;e for tho best averatre. over nearly 200 rsAi.ts n Aldi DliALKlW. AUK YOUR 07 iitimbiTS Hi., M. V PROCLAMATION OF GENER AL ELECTION. Whereas, in nnd by rnnctof thoOenornl Assembly of the Commonwealth of Penn sylvania," entitled 'An Act to regulate tho Elections of the Coinmonwealli),' passed the 2d day of July, A. D., lHiiii, It Is made the duty of the Shcrill" of every eounty within this Commonwealth to jri'vo )iililie notico of the Ceneral JO'ectlons, ami in such to enumerate : 1st. The ollieers to be elected. 2d. Desi-rnato t!i- place ut which tho election is to be held. I, C. A. Randall, IDuli SheritT of tho county of Forest, do hereby make known and givo this public notice to ihe electors of I lie county of Forest, that a Oeneral Election will.be held In said coun ty, on TUESDAY, XOYEKER STJI, Ml, between the hours of 7 n. in. nnd 7 p. in. nt theNoveral Election Districts. In Rarnei.t townshi at Jacob Ma.o's Carpenter shop. In Oreen township nt tho houso of L. Amor. In Howe township at Brookston, in Brookston Library Hall. In Jenks township at tho court house in Marlon. I u 1 larmony township at Allender school school houso. In Hickory township at Hickory House. Iu Kinsley township at Newtown School House. 1 n Tionesta township at Court House In Tionesta borough. In Tionesta borough at Court Houso In said borough. At which timo and place tho (pialilled electors will elect by ballot: Oni person for State Treasurer. One person for Fruthonotury, Rerrister, neconler and Clerk of Courts of Forest County. One person for Sheriff of Forest eounty. Threo persona for County Commiss ioners, (each elector to voto lor only two persons.) Three persons for County Auditors, (each doctor to voto for out v two persons.) Two persons i'or Jury Commissioners, (each elector to voto for only one person.) Tho act of Assembly entitled "mi nctre latinurto tho election of this Common wealth," passed July 2, 1810, provides as follows, viz: "I u case tho person who (-hall havo re ceived tho second highest number of votes for inspector shall not attend on tho day of any election, then tho person who shall have received tho second b it'll est number of votes for Judico nt tho next precedinjr election shall actus inspector in his place. And in case the, person who shall havo ro ceived tho highest number of votes for in spector shall not attend, the person elected J ud shall appoint nn inspector In his place, and in case the person cloctod Judfro shall not attend, then the inspector who received the hiyrhest number of voles shall appoint a JuiIko in his place; and if nny vacancy snail continue m the board for tho space of one. hour alter the timo tixed by law forthcopeninjjof the election, tlie onalilied voters of tho township, ward or district for which Mich olliecr shall hav been fleeted, present at tho place of ejection shall elect one of their number to till Midi vacancy. I also uive ollicial notico to' the doctors of Forest county, that by an act entitle.! "An Act further supplemental to the act reiaiivo io ino election ot tins Common wealth, approved Jim. 30, 1S74 :" Si:c. !l. All tho elect ions by tho citizens shall bo by ballot ; evory ballot voted shall bo numbered in tho order iu which itshall be received, aud the number recorded by the clerks on tho list of voters opposite the name of tho elector from whom received. And any voter voting two or inonj tickets tho several tii ketH so voted Khali o.ich bo numbered with tho number correspond ing with tho nnnihor to the name of the voter. Any elector may write his name upon his ticket, or causo tho same to bo written thereon, and attested by a dtiz.cu of the district. In addition to the oath now prescribed by law to be taken and sub scribed by election (.Ulcers, they shall sev erally be sworn or nflirmed not Io disclose how any doctor shall have voted, unless required to do so as witnesses i,i ajinlicial proceed iicr. Adjudges, inspectors, clerks slid overs, era oi every election held under this tu t. shall, before cntcrinj: upon their duties, be duly sworn or alliniic.l in tho presence of each othe;-. The i ud re shall bn sworn by tho minority Inspector, if there shad bo such minority inspector, if nut, then by a justice of the peace or alderman, and tho inspectors and clerk diall be sworn by tho judtfo. Certilicates of such swear ing or atllrmini; shall bo duly made out and signed by tho ollieers ho sworn, and attested by the ollleer who administered tho oath. If any judo or minority inspec tor refuses or fails to swear tho ollieers of election in tho manner required by this act, or if any olliecr of election shall act without being duly sworn, or if any olli.,er ol election shall certify that any olliecr was sworn when ho was not, it hhull be deem ed a misdemeanor, and upon conviction, tho otlicer or ollieers so oll'ciulin shall bo lined not exceeding one thousand dollars, or imprisoned not. exceeding one year, or both, in the discretion of the com l'. 1 also make known the following pro visions of tho now l institution of Pci.n bylvauia: 1 ARTICLE VIII. HCFFRAOK AND KLIX'TION. Si;C. 1. Every male citizen twenty-one years of age, possessing tho following qualifications, shall bo entitled to voto uL nil elections : h'iiKl. He shall have been n citizen of tho United States at least one uiont h, yico;t..-Uoshallhavercsidcd in theSlato one year, (or, if having nreviously been a qualilied elector or native born citizen of the Stale he shall have removed therclorin aud returned, then six mollis,) immedi ately precedidg the election. Thlrtl. llo shall havo resided in tho election district where he oilers to vote nt least two months tuimcdiately preceding KVAi ami at Melbourne, 'Aus. COtM i,ufw .n a xcn eoinixt it.ors S(nd tor ('atuloue. I'OR (HJN.SM ITH I'OR Til EM. PARKER BROS., Meriden, Conn. thodoction. Pourh. lt twenty-two venrn of ngo or upwards, ho hhull "have paid within two years n State or county tax which shail havo been nse'sort at least two month and paid at least onemonth beforo election. Sue 2. Tho Oeneral doetion nhall lift held annually on the Tuesday next follow ing tho lirst Monday of Novembor, but the Genera! Assembly may, by law, fix ft ditreront day, two-thirds of all the mem bers of onch Houso consenting thereto. Also, tho following sections of an act en titled, "A further suplenient to the net regulating elections in th's Common wealth," approved tho 30th day of Janu ary, 174 : St:?. 11. It shall ho lawful for nny quali fied citizen ot tho district, notwithstand ing thn irnmn of tho proposed voter Is con tained on tho list of resident taxables, t. ohalloniro the vote of Riidi person, where upon the, proot of tho right of Mift'rngo as is now requlied by law shall bo publicly made anil actod upon by tho election board and tho vote admitted or rejected, according to tho evidence. Every person claiming to bo a naturalized citizen shall bo required to produce his naturaliz.ation ocitilicato at the election beloro voting, except whom he l.ns been for live years consecutively voter in the district In which ho otl'ern to voto ; und on the vote of such peson be ing received, It ..shall bo the duty of tho election ollieers to write or stnrnp'on such certificate the word "voted," with tho day, month and year; and if nny election olli ecr or ollieers shall receive a ceond vote on tho same day. by virtue of name, cer tificate, oxeept where hods are entitled to vote becauso of the naturaliz.ation of their fathers, they nnd tho person who kIimII oiler such second vote, shall be guilty of i misdemeanor, nnd on conviction thereof. diill be lined or Imprisoned, or ls)th, nt the discretion of tho court ; but the lino shall not exceed tivo hundred dollars in each cuso, nor tho imnrisonmentono year. Tho like nunishinent shall bo Inflicted on conviction on the ollieers of election who shall neglect or refuse to make or causo to bo mndo the endorsement re quired aforesaid on na!d naturalization cert illeato, Sk 12. If uny election ollleer shall re fuse or neglect to require such proof of the right of KulliaiiO us is prescribed by Ibis law, or hiwt to Which this is a supple ment, from m:y person olVerlng to vote whose name is'not on this list of assessed voters, or w hose right to vote without le qmriim Mich proof, every pers-on so of fc:"l'Ug shad, upo.i conviction, be niit.v of a in is:lri!! ;inor, and shall be sentenced for every such oil'.-nse, to pay a line not exceeding live humimd dollars, or to un dergo an impris-.ijmeut of not nr. re lb. in one year, or both, at the discretion of the court. Not'i-n Is hereby yiven. That any person ONceptmg .1 ns'.iees of the Peace wi.o shall hold any ollice or nopohitiuci.t of profit or trusi uii ier tho I'niled States, . or this Slate, or nnv city or corpornted district, whether commissioned oill.-er or otb r wN', a subordinate oiiii-rr r agent who Is or shall be employed undertl.it legisla ture, executiv e or judiciary department of this S:ate. or of nny city, or of niy iu.-.or-jioffileil district, and also that every nieni l.cr of I 'ongivKs and of the Slain i.cuisla tuie, or of the select or common ci.uiK.il oi'atiy i' y , nr commissioners of any in e n lor.ilc'l district, is by law Incapid.lo of holding or ex. 'reiving' at. the lime, tl)o osliee or n; pointi!icnt of juib.ro, Inspector or clerk of any election in this Common wealth, and that no inspector, judge or other olliecr of such election Hhali bo di giblo to bo then voted for. I also give oflicial notice of the follow ing provisions of an net approved tha 30th of March, IS.iii, entitled "An act regula ting the mode or voting at all tho elections of this Commonwealth." Si:c. 1. Bo it enacted by tho Senate And House of Representatives of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania in l.ciiorid As sembly met, and it is hereby enacted by tho authority of Iho same. That tho qual ilied voters ot the sevsrid counties of this Commonwealth, at all general, township, borough and special elections are hereby horealter authorized nnd required to vote by ticko's printed or written, or partly pi intcd anil partly written, severally clas sified as foilows: One ticket shall embraco the names of ull judges of courts voted lor and shall be labeled "Judiciary;" ono ticket kiudl embrace tho iiuiuos of all tho State ollieers voted lor und bo labeled "Slate;" one ticket shall embraco tho mini s of all t ho couuly orliees voted for, including ollice of Senator and member of Assembly, if voted for, and member of. Congress, if voted for, and be labeled "County ..no ticket shall em brace, tho names of ull tho township ollieers voted for, and bo labeled --'Township ;" ono ticket hall embrace the names ot all tho borounh'olliees voted for, nnd bo btboled I'Borough," ami each class shall be dcjios ited in sepei-ato ballot boxes. The Judges of the aforesaid districts shall representatively tuke charuo of tho certificates of return of tbo election of their respective districts, and produce tlieni at tho Prothouotary's otliee in tho Borough of Tioue.-ita, as follows: "All judges living wit'iiu twelve mites of liio Prolhonotarv's oliioo, or within twenty lour miles if their residence be In a town, village or city vpon the lino of a milroad leading to the coiintv sent, shall before two. o'clock p. m.. on 'WEDNESDAY, NO VEMBER NINTH, LstSl, and al other judges shall beforo twelve o'clock, in., on THURSDAY, NOVEMBER TENTH, lKSl, deliver said returns, together with the ret urn sheets, to the Prothonotary of tho Court of Common Picas of Forest county, which said return shall bo tiled, ami tho day and hour of liling marked therein, and shall bo preserved bv tho Prothonotary for public inspection. " Oiven under my hand at in v ollice in Tio nesta, I'ii., this 2;tli day of .-MM'ti mber in tho year of our Lord one thou-and eight hundred und eighty one, and iu the one hundred and siAtli var of t'.o Independence of the Cnitcd States. C A. RANDALL, Khcrilf. $2 Will Vl, Meu V-171 lisr l 5,0. $-. i Hill. itlo U iTi.bi $n, bu;M ;k Iif ynur ot ii .tt li m, i:i.it i uK'i..t:lit. ilhaiVHiU., Ut , rj. C;.w.cj.i uii.i u T.mi i' a a 4 li