WEDNESDAY MORNING, Jill 11, 1881. UO UOUGU OFFICERS. Jlurrjess ' S. J.'rT. North ward, T. .1. Van (iioxcn, T. B. Cobb, Jno. A. Hurt; South ward, (1. W. KoMimoii, H. II. Haslet, Kli Unionism. Justices of the Pence J. T. Brennan, 1). H. Knox. Constable James Will tors. Sfhonl Director J. Nhawkey, S. .T. Woleott, J. I'. I'.laine, A. 11. Kolfy, J,' T. Bronnan, A. 11. l'artrldxo. , " FOREST COUNTY OFFICERS. Member of Congress -.J kH, Mosokovk. Assembly K. L. Davis. President .TW.rc W. I. DnOWN. .t.i.cii.e Judges John Keck, C. A.. SIrr.T.. Treasurer N. S. Foiikmajs. ' rnthonotary, Register Recorder, d'c JlTSTfM SlIAWKEY. Sheriff'. O. A. ItANPAT.T.. Commissioners Km Bi.KLlN, Isaac JiONa, H. W. liKHKiUTH. (founty Superintendent J . K. IIill Aitn. JHstrict Attorney S. P. Ikwtn. .wry Commissioners C. II. Churcli.'k Younok. County 8iuicior F. F. YVmrnnciN. Coroner C. If. Ciitmru. OoHHtv A uditors Nicholas Tiiomt- m 11 ir fVtnvrlvh IV ' l.A.'V BUSINESS DIRECTOnY. TIONESTA LODGE Xo. 3G9, O. of O. TP. A AT K UTS every Saturday evening, at 7 IV L o'clock, in tho Lod0 Room in l'ar- Y 1. M. CLAUK, N. O. O. W. RAWYIi-t., Koc'y. 27-tf. J h. PAY IS. ATTOHN KY-AT-LAW, Collodions mndo in this and adjoining COMUtlt'N, Tionosta, Pa. LUS V. TATF, ATTOHNF.Y-AT-LAW, i:ini Stroot. Tionosta, Fa. rp F. 1UTCHKY, ATTOIINKY-AT-LaW, Tioiiesln, Forest County Fa. J IS. AO NEW, ATTOHNF.Y-AT-IiAV, TIONESTA, FA. ATTENTION HOI.DI1CKM! 1 liavo l)ren admitted to prortii'O nil Atunicv In tho PeiiHimi OiTioo Rt Wash lmrlon.'P. V. All oflleers, Koldiers, or unilnrM who were iniurcd in tho Into wnr, fiii obtain eiiKioiiH to which they may ho entitled, hv calling on or addressing mo at 1 loiUKti I'a. AIho, clainiH for arrearage jni pny aui bounty will receive prouipi ui i on lion llaviiiffheenoverfoirryearnaHoUiierin thn lato war. and havlmr for a number of vrwiri Mi-mL'oi iwthn niweeitiion or hoi- iliors' clainiH, my experlenco will ascuro th collection of clainia in tho KhnrtcHt pos- uililoUmo. J. II. AUN1-.VV. 41tf. L AVrUKNClC HOUSE, TfONESTA. I'KNN'A. WM, SMEATt- UAUUIT. FiiOPiUKTon. This 1m cuntnillv located. Kvervthimr new end well furnished Superior aocoiiimoda- ' &Krir. orn M ed In their season. Sample room lor Loin Miorc.ial Agents. c KXTUAL HOL'Sn, IIONNEH A AUNKW V.LOCfC. T. C, .TxncHoN. l'roni ictor. Thin U a new honso, and has just been fitted up for tho Hcooniinodation of iho public. A j.oition r titf Patri.aBe of tho public is solicited. i-iy I C COI1UUN, M. D., 1MIYRICIAN SUKdEON, lias had over fifben years oxponone.n in tho practice of hiw proleasion, havinttprad natixl tenaltu and honorably May 10, 18(15 Ofllco'nnd Hesidenco in Forest House, opposito the Court House, lionesta, 1 a, Au. 25-1SS0 ULAINE, M. D., TIONESTA, PA. Oi'KiCB llouits: 7 tf 0 x. M., 7 to 0 p. m. Wodnesdaya uud Saturdays from 11 A. M. to O 1'. M. E. L. STEADMAN, SURGEON DENTIST. Dental room iu Aeomb imiutniB, up Htairs. opposite tho Lawrence House, Tio nosta. I'a. All work warranted, and at reasonablo pricen. ii. u. may. , . a. b. kelly. S -A. IST -LU JtO S I rwnnr nfKim a Walnut sts .Tioneata. Bank of Discount and Deposit. Intoiost allowed on Timo Dcposltfc. jullootionsmadoon all tho Principal points of tho U. S. Collections solicited. 18-ly. utiuiuuuAiauAi.iiuu, TIONESTA, PA. 1T PAPPyTTF.R ... Pronrietor. ""-- J. ,7 T Pictures taken iu all the latost tstyles of tho art. 2,J-tf C1 IHAHLES KA1SK1, PRACTICAL CAKMAGF. AND WAGON MAKER. In rear of Blum's Blacksmith shop, ELM ST.. - - TIONESTA, PA LOCAL AND KIGCICLLANKOUS. ,. . . Comli'iiNi'J Tlino Tnlilo Yl on cut ft Htnlion. NO NT IT. . SOUTH. Train IH... 10:57 oni Train Id..... 1M0 pm Train Id... 7; hi pm Train Jo 7:rA n:n Train it pm Train 18 5;l-rpin Train U North, and Train 1(1 (.South carry tho mail. Rev Hill will occupy the pulpit of tho M. E. Church next Sunday Presbyterian Sabbath School at 9 a. m. M. E. Sabbajh School at 10 1- r .1 rt. 1 a a. ru.,11. ii. cauuatu ccnooi ai 11 a. inV ' Mr. J. Boaner, of Stonoboro, Pa., was in town this week. -Mrs. E. W. Echols, of Franklin, U tho guest of Mis. E. L. Davis this week. Miss Erunia Sloan, of Allegheny City, arrived on Friday last, and is paying Tioncsta friends a visit. Hood Siggins was in town a few hours on Monday, and Jim dropped iu en us a few minutes yesterday p. m. Mr. IL C. Grenner, ef the Titus- villo Herald, ana a very pleasant gon- tleman, was doing Tionssta yesterday. Miss Flora Haslet, formerly of Tioncsta, has uow cast her fortunes with us in Uoopcrstowu. Kjoopcrsiovm News. Rattlesnakes are not as largo a criip thid year aB hcretoforo in this Hcction ; or t-lse tho stock of liars is docreasinjr. -IW davs and flv time aro UDOn .i k.i.iu,i, ..m .,i!i. No redactions on your devoted cocoa nut, Charlio Bonner. Squirrels may be killed from Sept. 1 to Jan. 1 ; pheasants Oct. 1 to Jan. 1 : dacr Oct. 1 to Dec. 31 ; ac- cordicg to the lato law. -Harvest hands aro very scarco this season ; so much so that it' is feared many of our farmers will not get their crops all garnered. ihe Ll. Li. Jo. bavo put in a new switch at this depot for the accommo dation of shippers. It is a good scheme and is greatly appreciated by the pat reus ef tho Road. Vs Nelt. Cole, who Jias mado careful txamination, says tho beechnuts will bo a little moro than a halt crop, out gufiicieutly large, he thinks, to unng . . . . . ,,, u "bbvus Editor Kepler is building an addition to the Democratic oflico, which will bo occupied by Mr. Folton as a harness shop. Mr. F. is doing a good bu.iuesa in his liao, being kept busy day and night. Day after day teams loaded with cherrv and ash lumber of unequalod quality pass our offic door. It is all Forest county production and is enough to make the most iudiffurent citizon feci proud. . Our eld Democratic friend, T. J. iavnR. of Tvlersburc. is erectintr a substantial dwelling at that place, the frame work of which is pompleted. Geo. Sawyer of this placa is the "boss" carpenter. Mr. J. W. Jamiesou is now- tho landlord of a first-class hotel in Sala manca, N. Y., having taken possession a week or iwo Hgo. jouub many friends about here will wish him abun daut success in his new departure. Baldwin's Railway Guide fur duiy ia ou uaou, uu nu T I I . I ... J 1 l- numoerins. iraviur wnu goou sense will provide themselves with una cnariuiug conipauiou. nu uso tus v v - j-- - supplied with a Guide. An excursion to Urolionstraw Island, given by tho Ivy Club of Oil City, yesterday, was a grana aUmr. Tho train contained bix coaches, all ol which were filled to oversowing. Quite a number who were fortunate tuough to receive lavitations attended ffom th;9 plac(J anJ report a mogt ,a. jyyable day. Tho third annual trip of the Forest Primeval Excursiou Club was held last week on the upper waters of salmon Urceic. wesiars. a. u. uoio- I . r a f 1 1 . , . ,r ri- crove, Lorry; J. i. ana a. ii. Dig- gins, Hickory ; audit. D. llo6kins accompanied the party and report a good time and just enough fishing and charge was preferred by another ped huntin"1 to make it interesting. dler named Cohen, who had complied Mai. D. R. Herron and wife, 0f TV, ..;!! nabl mir a. visit OU ' .!. ..i. f Mr,. O. 11. TlTti;. Tho M r iV.h. candid.t. cu:V f P.o i T.ird rniintv nn 7"' u . J. , Rennh eau tcket. which same is equal to au election. At present he is the Deputy of eastern Crawford and bo will go in the ofhee with lull expert- euce. -Will Cornwcll, of .itonftbaro, I'a., paid Tionesla a short visit this wak. Mr, C. spent the winter ia Florida for ibo benefit of bis baaltb, and wo arc I glad to say that tho balmy breezes of that lovely clime, where luscious fruits flourish the year round, bavo doue much for him, if hia appearance is au index. -Mr. O. W. Proper is off on a trip- combining business with pleasure. He started last week for Washington, D. C. ; thenco he went to Richmond, Ya., from which place he writes us that bo has seen a great deal of tho country made famous in history by the bloody conflicts of the war. Oliver is of a very curious and observing nature and will see many things which would es cape the notice of others. Tho National Guard of Pennsyl vania will hold their annual encamp ment at Saltsburg, Indiana county, beginning August 10th. Tho Penn sylvania State Teacher's Association will hold their annual session this year at Washington .Pa., on July 2G. 27 anJ 2g. The third annual reunion of th(5 j05tu Ke!riment Penn'a Volunteers will be held at Keynoldsville, Pa., on Thursday, September l3t, 1881. Major Uoodman Iractured an arm at the Balltown well a short time ago. Ho bud brought tho meH'a din- ners to them, ana wtiiio tney were eatiug the Msjor was handling the temper screw, the handle of which "'PFod out f Ll3 ban'da anJ 8truCi uwa on mo arm oreatiPg ono oi uio bones. Tho plucky Major set Li3 teeth while "Dr." Berry set the arm, and he ia cow nearly well again. -John Nobld and Geo. Hood mrade good timo from Salmon Creek to this place last Saturday afternoon. The distanee is 15 milc3 and they walked it, equaio "heel and toe," in three hours, over rough and billy roads Sim Cogan and Juhu Hood made th6 distance ia threo hours and forty min utes. Bob Iloskins, weighed down with a bucket of trout, cot over the ground in 3:50, fast time. -rDan Rice's show showed in town last Friday afternoon and evening to fuif aujionccai nmi gave a very fair 8how. The original Dan Rico was wilil .j circU3i anj at the evening n-rr-mn.-nl. :ntn fi,a r:n ftna r - - . cracked some ef his original jokes, which were well received by the aud- ionco. The management and all con nected with the show are a very decent aDd gentlemanly crowd, indeed. A seven-year-old bey named Jimmy Kennedy, has boeu missing from hia home iu Oil City for nearly two weeks, aud all eCorts to find him have proved tutile. Uver oUU poopie were out on Sunday scouriDg tho woods around Oil City in search of the boy, but failed to find any trace of 5 every nook and corner baa been searcDC searched, and tho entire population is deeply concerned nbout the mysterious disappearance. i - Mr. G. W. King, of West .Hick ory, was in town Monday. Wo erred in stating some time ago that he was one of the nominees for Auditor in this county on the Greenback ticket, and wo take it all back. Ho is a true blue Republican, and never did sail iu the Ureenback crait. it was our old friend F. E. King, of Kiugsley township, who received that honor ; I I ftnd by the way, wo understand that .Dick" don't thatik the "bosses" 'for placinc bia name ou tha ticket without . - t op onnrnvftl The JNiajrara ! alia excursion ou Thursday lat was slimly attended ,1,;, 1,. u,t ihn ,V ,i;.l attcn(j 8ay tjiey WQro doubly repaid for lhCir timo anj Bmall outlay. The tima wa3 uot favorable for an afi'air of thja j.jn j aa the faruacr3 were all very usy with their harvesting, and in fact everybody seemed to bo enlaced and q uq derstand that t!u Railroad Company intends civin" uuother some time in September, which will doubtless be well patronized from this section 1 rru a il .1 me story comes to us mat coupio or jew peuuiers were arrcsioi I , ... 1 m Hickoy township a short timo ago, for selling goous without license. The with the law in this respect. The par l', wko l"J tbo Israelii.. 0-W , .heir -i.r.s.n! ,fU. .UU informer got half the Cue, which, in 11 ' b .... '. , the eoodness of hia heart, he turned over to the school fund of the towu ship. A faw mere such examples an our couutv would probably receive ns I just dectrts iuway of licccso km Some ono has pent us a marriage notice from East Hickory, but has negloctod to s'vn his Damo. We bo lieve the marriage is genuine but we havo no authority whatever for pub lishing this notion without the name of the sender, and if the party will give us his or her name we shall tako pleas ure in inserting the notice. We have ppoken of this matter so repeatedly that wo supposod every child under stood us. Dozens of communications are consigned to the waste basket from time to time for this same reason. If any of our citizens want to see some sawed timber that is worth look ing at, they should go down to the back channel, near the etave mill, where they can feast thpir eyes on some of the nicest that has ever been run from this section. It was sawed at Collins' mill, at Nebraska, and some of the sticks aro 85 feet long, 8x18. Sir. W. S. Davis claims that it is tho longest timber ever sawed in Forest county. It is intended for the construction of bridges ou the Allo ghaney Valley Ry. P. S. Since the above wa:i set up the timbers havo bcon moved to the other sido of the river, where they will bo loaded'' on the cars. A horriblo accident occurred in the Clarendon, Warren Co., oil field last Sunday, in which three men . lost their lives. While torpedoing a well the gas and flowing oil caught fire from the boiler. Throe brothors, Ste pheu, Joe and Henry Grouer, and Eddie Sterner were doiog the work and came in contact with the flames. Their. clothos were saturated with oil and their bodies were almost instantly enveloped iu flames, and before the flames could be extinguished all ex cept Joseph were burned to death. Juseph escaped with slight injuries. Henry Groner and Eddie Sterner were aged 25 and 21 respectively, aud un married ; Stephen Groner was about JU years ot atre. and. married about a year ago to a sister of Eddie Sterner. The victims all resided near Fry burg, Clarion county, to which place their remains were takcu for burial. Last Thursday John Clearly, who owns a farm in Green township, came to town and requested to bo locked in jail ; ho wantod to be securely fixed, "so they couldn't get at him," as he expressed it. After sometime bis wishes were complied with, and be is now iu the bastile, Cleary has for number of yoara lived in tho vicinity of Galenza Mills, Green township, and up to a few weeks ago . was a hard worker. lie had, by hard work accu mulated considerable money, some of which he had invested iu a farm. It is said that he buried several hundred dollars some time ago, and afterwards forgot where he had placed it. This loss so preyed upon his mind that he became iueaue, uud seemed to imagine that the air was full of witches and ghosts, and that they wore after him hence his desire to be placed in jai 'where they couldn't get at him." His case is a baa one, ana aa soon as proper arrangements can be made he will bo taken to tho Insane Hoepita at Warren. Forest Oil News. BALI.TOWN. There is nothiug now to report from the late strike at Bulltowu. The wel bus been tubed and is flowing from 10 to 12 barrels, amber oil. It is lecatod on tract No. 4821, on the east side of Tionssta creek, and but a few rod from tho old well. Should the owners conclude to torpedo it they could un doubtedly make a big well of it. This does not seem to bo their aim at pres cnt. however, and they only care to know that the oil ia there. No furthe developments will take place there ia the near future. BLUE JAY. The Fox, Hill & Reed well is iu and dry. Dailing No. 2, on tract No 2091, ia down and reported good for 30 barrels. If it has been tested w have not learned tho fact. It ia loca ted a few roda from Darling No. 1 DevelopemeuU ia thia sectiou are rather blow at preseut. Soldea Whitman informs us that ho has arrangements about completed with parties to clean out and dri deeper tho well put down on hia place two years ago, by tho lleplor Bros The well waa abandoned, for reasons unkuowa to us, at a depth of 800 fuet w ith 2a or CO feet of good sand, and very blroug veiu of gas. Mr. Whit man's farm ia situated in tho enstern eili'e of Tijneuta township, near th Ilului aud Woods Heirs tracts, au near the head cf John's Run, A well was drilled on the Conroy farm, pear Whitrmu's, soveral years ago, which might'liave proved a good 6lrike had it been "properly managed and tested. Oil can be dipped from it to this day. The wells put down on the Woods Heirs tract four years ago got some of ihe best sand that has ever been found iu this scctioz. Railroad Rumblings. On Wi.rlnrtv lf oftcr frmnr press, we noticed a "mob ol men ... .. ... I comins across the from the from and offer mntinrr tUir wov tn the Central House, we discovered it was only Whittekin's engineer corpg. They chartered Mr. Jackson's team to tako them as far aa Nebraska where tbey comraeacod work ou an experl- mental lino from Nebraska to tho vi- cinity of Marienville to intersect with a lino on which -Mr. Whittekin was encased several years &o aud which is now being retraced by Henry Cob ham, C. E., of Warren, ia the interest of the N. Y. C. & II. R." R., and N.. Y. L. E. & W. R. R. The "boys" aro a lively set and will much eujuy the work in the "biff woods." and laurel thickets which are simply "immense" iu that section of the country. What sort of ft line will be. gotten on Big Coon Creek is very uncertaiu at the present writing; but the best obtaipa- ble route will undoubtedly bo looked pby the parties ia charge 0f Ihe mi m . survov. ino cart 01 tue line survevea uwitii;n .. TirMiocifi ornoVlot this wonderful country beiore A GArvnT was. wft hfilievfl. vrv Ratisfan- tory to the parties employing him and . w - J I ' ' - I --"rf this is a guarantee that the line up Cooa Creek will be well looked after and our railroad routes given theii just deserts. What will be dono with the Tiouesla Railroad ia, dsyct, uaccr tain, though it is thought that the road will bo commenced this summer. Mr. D. W. Clark ha3 negotiated for most of tho right-of way from Tioncsta to tho county line and has made some arrangements with parties iu Warren county. That part of tho work ia vir tually Bettled, and we may soon hear the shrill whistle Bounding &Io&g the creek, and hear, "change cars for N braska, Newtown" &c, ia our niiJat. Mr. C. E. Laudsrath, of Rouseville, camo to town on Wednesday last aDd passed out of town with the engineers of the Coon creek survey, where he holds the position of Leveller, and is Whittekin's right hand man. Ho was, also, Mr. Stephenson's principal assistant in tho work which was doue The Salamanca extension of the B. P. & W. Railroad will be extended to Olean, a distauco of 19 ;miles from tho latter place, making the entire distance from Irvinelon 63 2-10 miles, Nebraska is 1100.54 feot abovo the ocean level Marienville is 1705 foet. Neilltown Notes. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Jeukins have been visiting with Mr. C. McAllister's for the past week. Fred. Woodcock's smiling face can be Beeu on the streets of our quiet villago at present. vUi ouuuani u-uuui mm j. x. 1 . W . . I . Vv s t I llilf ll I. Il Laudera aa Superintendent is in nourismug connion ; ino uumoer oi n i T? iV . t -PI pupila is 8f-eaauy increasing ; quite a number from a distanco of several miles atleud. Pitching "quoits" has givea way to croquet, whitj is now the game of the day ; F. 'W . Woodcock boasts of the championship. Mrs. R. Cursoa is staying at Wal- lacevillo, Veuango Co., at present, with her parents. Her father, who has not been expected to live for some time, is still iu a critical condition. The farmers are all busy gathering their crop3. They report them to be better than for some years past. Fuitz. Neilltown, July 20. Colorado Letter. Silver Cliff, Colo., July 18, 1881. My Dear Ja I Mean Mr. Wesk : I saw a copy of tho Repuii lic an a day or two since, and I vow and declare if you hadn't gono aud published my letter. I was so ashamed I could havo cried, but as it is no use crying over spilt milk I wou't say another word; you see my name U rather a "peculiar" name, but as all tho boys, (I mean the good little "Suu dav school fullows"') know me, it ia in o .7, .., Katf.-.rn! reunsyivauia gentieiuou wefo ui, liicnio here recently. I was introduced t A..G. Harper, of Kano City, A. O. IJoojnmin and G. Llooruer of I.den burg.'Capt.'W. 15. Davis of Petroleum Centra, H. R. Davis of Pioneer, awl others I forget. Oh! but we did havo such a time. I ooly wished that yoj, Davy and Billy were there; then -I should have been more tbai happy ; not but what I had plenty of beaus, but you can imagine who I wanted, Oh! my; but it's awful hot ; Water 5 cents a pailful or 45c. a barrel, and warm tad nasty at that. Alio wnter fV-.v fliA .1 f . hM.nntn a nf .1 .1 n "WUJ uJUI"ma " "u" bI5 true, we have ice, but it only COola, but do83 Dot improve the taste. 1,10 DoJ8 teJl w lUat ooa. 6er C09l? loc. a glass, yet by the plies of kegs aB(1 bottles outsido the saloons (of which there are aDy nunrber) 1 see that vast quantities are drank. ( Then thore are so many places where they play games with such funny names: faro, keQ. "perspiration" cloth, poker, ate i tfac7 I'W all night, Sundays included. The saew is not quite all off tbo Sangre de Christo range yet, but ia faot. disappearing. There are soma beautiful specimen of mineral here : Sylvanite, rymw ot hopper, ryrnea of Iron," Silver Glance.'Ruby silver, Urj Copper, Tellurium Horn Silver Chlorides, Sulpburets, Carbonates. nd Mr. Bragg told me all this, explained ncu that I ma not utulerstana beiore. l think l suau css tho Kango shortly lor ban Juan I A n A Cr Vf i r i 1 a u T toiuK t f ana mem B" j.i,u, w ..,. OVw ...... v. I leave. Regards to the boya ; I dou't care for the girls. ' Yours, very truly, Ophelia. Cox. Obituary. Phillip Long was killed by the fall- iag of a piece of limber at Brace & i Allen's saw mill, in Hickory town- 'j ship, Forest Co., Pa., July 19, 1881, J ia the 34th year of hia age. Bro. Long was convertod to God, S ia December of 1875, at .East Hick- j ory, uuder tho labors of Rev. Jehtr Abbott, and immediately connected ! himself with tho M. E. Church at that j place, and ever afterward lead aa ex- ' emnlary life : so much so aa t com- anj the reSpict -and confidence of tho3e wil0 employed him, and that of; hj3 feuow laborers. He filled the; Offico of Class Leader for about two vara. with neeentabilitv. nnd nrofit ' t0 the membcra of his class. In his I reli,r;fl9 experience ho was not dem-i I--.- 1 onstrativo. but exhibited an evenness ' I of tempermoat aad life worthy of ira- itatiou. Ho has left a wifo who mourns the loss of a loving huBbandJ the community a good citizen, and the; church an esteemed member. How ; important for all to obey the scriptural ; injunction : "Be ye also ready ; for at au hour when ye think not the Son of man couieth." A large convourso of sympathizing friends followed hia remains to their reitinnr place. Tho funeral services were conducted by the wiiter God helps us to be "always ready." J. F. Hill. l . . . t creat trouble Wlttl mV a i .m j uJe(j puna. Am well. Mr3 A Briske Pittsburgh, Pa. For nervousness and chronic ca tarrh take Peruna. I tried it. L. Iv. Mysier Allegheny City. Pa. matmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm CIONIWTA XV1II:T. CORRECTED EVEEY TUESDAY, BY RELIABLE DEALEU3. Flour "ft barrel ehoico Flour sack, best Corn Moal, 100 Hs -Chop feed, puro f?rain Oats Now bushel -Corn, Shellod -Beans bushel -Ham, sugar cured Breakfast Bacon, sugar cured Shoulders -Whitellsh, lialf-barrols Lake horriug half-barrels Sui;ur - - - - - Syrup N. O. Molasses now Boast Uio Cofl'uo Bio Coll'eo, - 5.006.7i . 1.25(a) l.lli 1.25.a)1.4( 1.23CJ1.S 5 - 7 1.50Q2.C 1 IS - 8ni - 8.( - 5.1 - 0&- - DOW i8(.i: b't.' .25 Q - 121 (. 0Q 1. - 3 - a Java Coll'eo Tea Butler Bico -Ei?sH, frosli Salt best lake , Bard - Iron, common bar Nails, lud, kej; Potatoes no Ei"o . bbl 1',riwl Api'lca per It. i,.ioil ivailus per n J Dried ivudn-.-, parc.l p 1 f V i I