The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, July 13, 1881, Image 4

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Purge S. J. Woi.cott.
Council men Nm 11) ward, T. J. Vnn
riioson, T. It. Cobb, J no. A. Hart; South
ward, U. W. Uobinson, H. It. Haslet, Ell
Ju.tire of the, Pc-iee3. T Krcr.nnn,
II. S. linns.
Constable Tumos Walters.
School Director 3, Shawkey, H. J.
Wolcott, J. 10. Blaine, A. It. Kelly, J. T.
llronnan, A. It. Fai ti ido.
Member of Connre -J AS. Mosouovu.
Ae.mbh K. L. Davis.
President JulijcV. D. Brown.
Aoe.iat Judge John Rkok, C A.
If IT.T..
Treasurer N. S. VnnrcMAW.
J'rothonotitri, Register C Recorder, &c.
.Sheriff. V,. A. RANliAT.r..
ConikixioncrKtA llKRUH, Isaac
IjOno, It. W. TjKniMiuK.
Counti Nuperintcndcnt3-. E. IIir.T.
Ann. J)itricf AttorneyS. R. Trwtk.
Jury (JomininionerV. 11. Church.
Fktk'r You N OK.
County XitrveinrT. F. WniTTrcmi.
Coroner C. II. Ciinunr
Covutv Auditor THOMP
SON, 1). F. CoPI'T.ANO, F. C. IjACV.
I. O. of O.F1
1 TF.ETS overv Saturday ovcnlniy, nt 7
JH o'cloek, in tlio Ld;;o Room in Far
U klgo's Hull.
1 M. CLARK. N. a.
O. W. SAWYER Hec'y. 27-tf.
in this and adjoining
Tionesta, Fa.
jyjdLES W. TATF,
Elm St mot, Tionesta, l'a.
Tloncs'a, Forest County Vn.
ATTO I? N 15 Y- T-L A V,
I Iirvo been admitted to practieo fts nn
Atlonicv in tlio Pension Odico nt Wash
lnjtton, ' 1). C. Ail officers, soldiers, or
fRilor.t who wore iniurcd in tlio l.ito war,
run' obtain pension to winch thpy may ho
oiitiUf jN'.v calling on or addressing inn nt
r:,...nwrlMiik,.AlHii. claims for ftiTearnircs
of pay mid bounty willTPcclvo prompt attention-.
u.ix-in,' l.onii nver fnr vears n soldior in
the lato war, nnd hnvinsj for a uumlifr of
vearn ongajiud in llio jivoscoiuion oi t-n-lierM'
flaintM. inv oxoorieneo will p.Mnnre
tlio colhiction of 'claims in the shortewt )ios-
ll)ln timo. J. 15. AliiSl-W,
' " rroNlJSTA, rUNN'A, WM. SMEAR
. AUiII, lM'.orniKTOK. Thin lionsi
In eiMitrallv loeatoii. Kveryunnpr new mm
well furniwhed Superior aw-ommoua-
IIoiim and Mrict retention given to gueHts.
Vefelal.les nnd Fruits of nil Hinds served
in their season. Sample room for Com
mercial Agents.
QKNTiiAE H t) US 15,
JnKwnic. Tronrietor. This is a new
house, and has just been fitted up for tho
rcnininoilatioii ol mo puniie. n. poriion
of (lie patronago of tho public in solicited.
4i-iy '
C. CO'.tURN, M. I).,
ltn had over fifteen vears extionoiiPO in
tho practice of his profession, having grad
uated le)alli nnd honorably May 10. i.m;.
Ofllco'and Residence in Forest llouso,
ojposito the Court House, 1 lonosta, 1 a.
Aug. 23-1S80'
J E. REAINE, M. 1.,
Ofkiow Hours: 7 to 0 a. m., 7 t It r.
M. Wednesdays and Saturdays from 11
A. M. tO !i 1. M.
Dental room in Acomb building, up
Klairs. oonosito the Eawrcnco House, Tio
nesta, l'a. All worn warranted, nnd at
roaaonnblo pneew.
11. U.lliy. A. B. KELLY.
MA Y, VA11K C CO.,
B A IT K B B S !
Comor of Elm t Walnut Sta. Tionesta.
Rank of Discount and Deposit.,
Intorcst allowed on Time Deposits.
Colloctions madoonall tho Principal points
. of tbo U.S.
Collodions solicited. ltf-ly.
Pl(tiiros taken in aM the latest styles of
ihoart. 2(i-t"
( In roar of Ithim's Rlacksmitli shoji.
JJULJST. . ' TJ K N' 1 : A , PA
ComlfiifM-il Timi! TnMu Tiniirim Stiulon.
Train Pi..... 7:21 am
Tritiii I) '.'; Z pin
Train 18 C:12 pm
Train IS...., 10:57 am
Train 10 1:40 pin
Train Kt 7:l pm
Train ! North, and Train. 10 South carry
tlio mail. ,
M. E. Sabbnth School nt 10
a. m., F. M. Sabbath School at 11
a. u., Fresbytcrinn Sabbath School at
I p. ra.
Judffe Hill is erectinir a lartro
barn on his farm in Hickory township.
Excursion to .Niegara Falls,
Thursday, Jul jr 21st. Very low rates.
Mrs. Ann Stow, of Cincinnati, is
the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Dr.
J. T. Dale and Harvey Foreman,
camo down from Bradford to spend
the Fourth.
Mies Effio Courts, of Kurns City,
Pa., visited her aunt, Mrs. J. II. Der
ickson, during tho week.
Miss Mattio Walton, of Pitts
burgh, is visiting at Nebraska, Pa.,
the guest of Miss Nellie Davis,
Mr. Liv. Courson and sister Miss
Lizzie, of Tidioute, paid - Tionesta
friends n visit during tho week.
Tho B. P. & W. R'y time table
in this paper has been corrected and
cau bo depended upon for accuracy.
Our old friond Geo. Morgan will
nleaRO accent thanks for a basket of
most dolicious radishes, which ho un
derstands raising to perfection.
Miss Mary Roao has gone toFpend
tlio summer with Bradford friends,
Her many young friends of this place
will w ish her a pleasant sojourn.
Mr. Ed. Brennan has returned to
Tionesta for a brief visit aud recuper
ation, he having been coneiderbly
under the weather since leaving hero.
Miss Anna Ofl'erlo, of Genesco,
Illinois, and Etta Leonhart, of War
rcn, Pa., ennsins of Misses Marie nnd
Anna Jackson, aro paving them a
A pleasant and interesting Color
ado letter from an old friend in this
issuo will be relished by many of our
readers. Wo hone "Ophelia" will
favor us often.
X t T T A f TT. ..-IdL.,..
is paying her many Tionesta friends a
visit. On her way hero sho had the
misfortune to sprain her ankle, which
is causiDj; her considerable trouble.
Iiudy Struken has secured tho
job of plastering Ilolemau & Hopkins'
new building, und is now putting ou
the lath. Whu this structure is com
plctod it will be an ornament to our
town. Would that Tionesta could
boast of more such fine buildiugs.
From the ILiiiry Bill Publishing
Co., Norwich, Conu., wo have received
a copy of their elegant edition of the
Revised New Testament, lor beauty
and clearness of printing, elegant
bind'mg and workmanship, this edition
excels anything that has yet come
under our observation. It is decidedly
par excellence.
1 lie sacred concert ol whieu we
made mention soruo time ago, will take
place at tho M. E. Church next Sun
day evening, under the auepices of the
M. E. Sunday School. Tho school has
been training for some time and will
doubtless givo an excclleut entertain
ment. A cordial invitation is cxlcn
ded to all. Singing to begin at 8
rrof. J. U. Ogden, the well known
singing teacher, was in town recently
lue Professor has several classes in
Tylorsburg and vicinity, all of which
are flourishing grandly under his skill
ful trainins. llo expects in the uear
futuro to givo Tionesta a call aud or
canize a class. Should ho do so he
can count on many of his former pu
pils, aud a host of new ones, as those
who know his abilities will be glad to
patronize him.
Ho! fur Niagara! The BuCalo,
PittsburL'li t Western R. R. Co. will
givo the first this season of their pop
olar oxcursions to Niagara Falls, on
Thursday, July 21st, being one week
frori to-morrow. This excursion will
tin under the nersonal manasement of
the Company'! officials and no pains
will bo spared to make it profitable
and pleasant for the patoiis. Their
excursions lest summer wens tho host
that ever went from this section, and
were highly satisfactory to those who
went from here. The saiiio low rates
as last year will bo given this timo
whiqk will bo within tha reach of all
We will endeavor to givo full particu
lrs next week. Iu the meantime
prepare yourself for the excursion.
Tho Democratic primaries took
place a week ago Saturday. There
was no contest except on the Sbdrifl-
ality, and that could hardly bo called
a contest. J S. Hood of this borough
was nominated. T. F. Ritchey Eq.,
was elected Chairman of the Co. Com
mittee. 119 votes were polled.
No. 19 of Saalfield's 10c. Libra
ries contains the following beautiful
selections of music: "King's High
way;" "What Jack will Say;"
Pearly Dewdrop.". This is the cheap
est nnd best publication of tho kind
extant. Twelve numbers for 81.00, or
10 cents each. R. A. Saalfield, 839
Broadway, N. Y.
We learn with regret that Dr.
Blaine has dispoeed of his iuterests in
Tionesta and will shortly move to
Plensantville, there to engage in the
drug business and practice his profess
ion. Tionesta loses an excellent phy
sician in the departuro of Dr. Blaine,
and the town of Plensantville gaiDS one
of which it may well feel proud. We
wish the Doctor aud bis family pros
perity and happiness in their pew
The Fourth passed off very quietly
in this place owing to the critical con
dition of the President. Several of
the young people "picniced" iu the
grove at Tubbs Run and report a
pleasant time. On Thursday another
pic-oic was arranged and would doubt
less have proved an enjoyable affair
had not a heavy rain storm in the
afternoon put a damper on it. .Not to
bo bafiled, however, tho picnicers re
paired to the Lawrence Hall aud had
a happy time.
At a meeting of the borough
school board last Wednesday evening
the following teachers were elected for
the ensuing year : First room, Miss
Minnie Freeman, a former resident of
this place ; second, or intermediate
room, Miss Sue Evans, of Tidioute;
third, or primary department, Miss
Kerr, of this county. These
ladies aro all highly recommended as
teachers, and will doubtless give good
satisfaction. Let tho patrons give
them all possible help aud encourage
rneut. The echools will besin on the
first Monday in September.
The Newtown end of the Whi
Hill mail route has been cut off. The
mail now runs from Whig Hill to East
Hickory and return every Tuesday,
Thursday and Saturday, thus giving
the citizens of Whig Hill and vicinity
three mails per week. All mail mat
ter intended for Whig Hill 6hould
hereafter bo sent by way of East
Hickory. Our ueighbors feel very
much elated over their success in
securing such favorable mail facilities,
and the individuals who were instru
mental iu bringing them about ought
to f- "eivo the thanks of the cominu-
lhursday morning of last week
Judge Taylor, of Franklin, arrived in
Tionesta ou the bunt of his favorite
setter dog, "Night," whom be had lost
while hunting woodcock near Trun-
keyville a day or two previous. We
bad the pleasure of accompanying the
Judge to that place in a buggy, where,
after considerable inquiry and fussing
around the dog was fouud at Russell
Brown's, opposite Trunkeyville. To
say that the Judge was pleased to get
his dog back is putting it mild ; a boy
with his first pair of red-top boots, or
a new pair of skates would have been
away in the shade. Ou Friday, in
company with the Judge and Mr.
Jairus Reck we scoured the islands
above town for woodcock, and
although tho birds woie very 6carce,
enough were fouud aud bagged to
prove that the distinguised Judge can
dispatch woodcock on the wing as
skillfully as he does legal business.
Tho first of May last Mr. Hen
derson, of East Hickory, one of our
candidates for County Commissioner,
was attacked with a severe pain in his
ear, caused from taking cold on a raft,
Though bo was in Pittsburgh at tho
time be thought it would soon stop,
and came homo to be disappointed
For seven weeks ho euflcred the most
terrible torture. A large tumor grew
up in the ear and was removed, when
another took its place. The side of his
face swelled around his ear to the size
of half of a trood sized orange. Ou
tho 22d of last mouth he went to Pitts
burgh again, to Dr. Sadler tho Oculist
and Aurist, who was so successful last
month in restoring the son of Mr. John
Hunter, of Tidioute, from a disease of
tho ear which threatened his life, few
of his neighbors thinking ho woul
uovtr recover. Mr. Henderson says the
Doctor rlicvd him vt u!l puiu tho
first day, nnd though there were holes
in his face and behiud the eir
iny t"ic probo an inch and a half, he
ha9 improved rapidly uatil ho fetU
about us well as ever and can hear a
watch tick. Mr. II. will be able to
make it warm for some of bis oppo
nents in the canvass this fall.
A Happy Occasion.
On Monday evening, tho 11th
inst., before the sun went down in the
occidental sky, a party of tho friends
of J. L. Craig, our popular railroad
agent, met under the maples in front
of his residence, on the left bank of
the beautiful Allegheny, where they
sat waiting his arrival. Soon he hove
in s'ght, nnd beheld tho group, con
sisting of an ex-Judge, a Colonel, Cab
inet mau, "a grocer nud baker and
a candle atick makr." a member of
tho Legislature, Ab. Grove, and last
but not least, three lawyers and three
fiddlers. Perhaps it flashed through
his mind just then, it was the anniver
sary of his birthday. V e are not
going to give Mr. C. away by saying
just what birthday, but it was one of
them. A feast of humor and a flow
of soul followed, but his estimable
lady wisely thinking Mr. C.s' friends
could not live on fun and music alone,
got up such an excellent repast that
those present will not soon forget. A
nickle plated lantern, a gift of railroad
friends, supplemented the moon in its
bright light on the auspacious occa
sion.. Forest Oil New3.
The following notes from the Foiest
County field, aro tho latest wo can
obtain before going to press:
The well put duwn by the P. & E.
company on the Cook lot stopped
short of the sand for reasons best
known, perhaps, to the owners them
selves. We are reliably informed
that it will be drilled deeper, and a
good well is expected
Tho well on Bush Creek, on 150
acres of tract owned by W. D. Wopd
& Co., was due Saturday night.
The Green and Darling well on the
Cooper tract, No. 2991, is now due,
and the Fox and Reed well will be
due this week.
There is a rig being builded on sub
division 44 on tract No. 2995, and one
almost completed on the west end of
the Stewart tinct, No. 2848.
Mageo & Horton, No. 2, on tho
Doualdson farm, i3 at tho top of the
sand, awaiting tho construction of
suitable tankage,
The Ashley lot will bo punctured
shortly by D. D. Clark Esq., of this
Thomas Porter's lot, west half of
No. 318G, controlled by Tate, Wolcott
& Co., was sold out by thorn to Cham
bers and Fisher of Oil City, who iuteud
to operate their purchase. They have
leased one bundled acres in the south
end of the lot.
Tho Balltown well, delayed some
two weeks by a fishing job, was due
Maiuwarring and Vandergrift are
pushing their well on the south end of
C. W. Hares' tract, No. 5102. Follow
in' on down the belt we come to the
last venturo on this line in tlio county.
It is located on the soutb end of tract
No. 5134, Kmgsley township, and
owned bv J. C. Cornweil Esq. At the
present writing the drill is thuinpin
away for succoss, somewhere below 150
Grove & Wolcott, on this side of the
river, opposite Trunkeyville, will
surely strike oil or nothirg insido of
thirty dys.
Meanwhile the Blue Jay district
keeps up to the usual production
Lands along the line are eagerly
sought after, and not readily ob
tamed. rending operations are
pushed forward vigorously and cheer
fully, and we think within ninety days
it will be pretty certainly determined
whether or not tho Blue Jay wells
mark the southern portion of the pool
I have this day bought of Peter
Knight one lot of hay and grain, and
left tho same with him to be removed
at mv pleasure: all persons are
warned not to interfere.
Solomon Fitzgekai.i.
Barnett twp., Forest Co., Juno 2, '81.
Grain Cradles, Hand Rake,
Gras a Scythes, Scythe Sloues, Hay
Forks, cheap at Robinson & Bonner's
Goods cheap at
An. 11, 'SO. II
f Hons.
John Root died at the residence of
his son, Mr. A. B. Root, in Kingsley
to A'nship, Forest Co., Pa.. July 9th,
1881, in the 89th year of his age.
Bro. Root was born of respectable
parentage in Madison county, JNew
Yoik, where ho remained 41 years,
an honored and respected citizen by
all. lie served his beloved country
as a soldier during the war of 1812,
faithfully and honorably. Thus these
old Patriots are falling; one by one
they are passing away. He moved to
the State of Michigan, where he remain
ed a much respected and useful member
ol society for 40 years. The last four
years of his life were spent iu the fam
ily of his son, Mr. A. B. Root, Forest
Co.. Pa., by whom ho received tho
tenderest care that loveing hearts aod
ready hands could confer, making his
last days pleasant and happy. lie gave
his heart to God many years ego, and
bis name to the M. 1. Church, in
whose communion he rcmaiucd a fai'.h
ful and coneistant member until the
weary wheels of lifo stood still. He
left many loviug hearts to mourn, (and
yet they need not mourn, for as a
shock of corn fully ripo, ho doubtless
has been gathered into the garner of
God on hieh), they hope to meet
again. J. F. Hill.
Hickory Buds.'
Thinking that perhaps a few "locals'
might be interesting to your reader?,
"here goes :"
East Hickory against the World.
At 2 p. m.. the thermometer stood at
103 in the shade
Farmers ar3 busy securing their
crop of hay, which is, I think, gener
ally considered au average crop.
Mr. Lewis White and family have
moved to Smalleys Mills, to koep the
boarding house.
Mr. N. G. Ball has so far regained
his former herlth as to be about town
once more to attend to biz.
Mr. Jessie Gorman is confined to
his bed with Sciatic disease of the lnp.
but is doing finely under the treat
ment of Dr. Morrow, of Tionesta.
Messrs. Grove. Hart & Co.. have
got their rig up, aud ore about ready
to commence drilling for oil.
The Fourth pas?ed oft' quietly with
a pic-nic in rear of the MS. E. Church
iu their beautiful oak grove. Tho at
tendance was limited. No cards.
Perry Hill continues to pound on
the anvil for a livelihood, and we arc
certain that he receives bis share ef
the public patrouage. Perry is n
clover fellow, if be is a Grcenbacker
However, all political issues are
laid aside for the present, and Green-
backers, Republicans and Democrats
are all highly indignant at the foul
assasin who did his best to deprive our
Nation of its Chief Magistrate Ex
pressions of sorrow and sympathy for
our beloved Pre&ident are heard on
every side.
Notwithstanding the excessive hot
weather, our neighbor Mr. Geo. Si
gics ba3 got O, well ; it's a boy and
weighs about seven pounds. It is
needless to say that Georgo is "happy
as a clam in the mud."
Our enterprising merchaut, Mr. T.
J. Bowman, is doing a big business
this Fcasou in dry goods and groceries.
lie has secured tho efficient services of
Samuel G. Williams, aud deOes com
The East Hickory Bchool is in a
flourishing condition, and numbers
about 62 scholars, with Miss Jennie
Everhart as toacher.
More anon, IIickouy Bark.
East Hickory, Pa., July 9, '81.
Colorado Letter.
Silvkr Cliff, Colo., July
My Dear Mr. Wenk :
I told you
when I left dear old Forest that if
there was anything worth recording
that I would indite you a short epistle.
I cannot say that I adm'uo this
country very much, the days are warm,
with cool nifrhts. many high winds
- a
carrying clouds upon clouds of dust ;
ono's dresses get spoilt entirely, and
it tans complexions to the color
of Mftxican's. Oh. for ihe dear
grateful shade, and purlin
streams of charmin;; Tionesta;
no such delightful walks bore, nolh
ing but the bare "mesa ; a Jew, very
few scatteriug, stunted piuos, not
eh.i.lo enough to L'ivo one's beau !i
n - a
chance to hug you. 1 should enjoy
th.) ililves around here, if it wero not
vtr KieaelU dust : it eutei
cupboards, bureaus, trunk?, fills your
oyea, ears -nnd at timr.3 it is ahuot
Etifling: Wo h:vo r,o rain hero ex
cept in tho "rainy f.eanon," which will
commenco about tho 45th iujt. t
In driving over tlio'mepa" you bco
lots of the- cunning, lltlla. prario dogs,
and gopher?, a .fow blue birds,-ml cf i
chattering magpies. I have -one a ;
gentleman ffie'nd caught for me ; it is
real tamo, and I urn teaching it to say
Jakf ;" aiu't that thoughtful of me?
I would teach it "Davy" and
"Billy," but th'6n yo would be so
jealous. Oh! I had almost forgotten :
we had a real, live circus a few days
since ; Mr. CoIes. It was" rather tame ;
tho performers said the air was so
light at this altitude that they had no
energy. (I think that's what ails tho
men hero.) They, charged $1.50 ad
mission, 'allee sameo')":I guess the al
titude affected that, too.
This city lias seven or eight thousand
inhabitants but business is quite dull.
Houses very poor; rents high ; soRre
provisions aud dry goods. There are ,
lots of nice mines hero but they have
very few Mills, or Smelters, I think
they call them. There are soveral
strangers here to spend tho summer,
as it is considered very healthy. "Ten-
derf'tet," a3 they call newcomars, ara
liable to pneumonia, also mountain
fever; for tho fever, mountaiu sago
tea, or "Burro punch" is a specific.
Tho majestic Langre de Christo is
on our west a few miles off ; on thu
East almost in the city limits is Round -Mountain,
from whose apex can bo
seen the Spanish Peako on the South ;
Pikes Peak on the East, and the Con
tinental Divide ou the northwest.
Grape creek runs along our pretty
valley, but the trout are gelling scarce ;
I went fishing one day, and my beau
put a nasty hopper on ; I believe it
frightened tlio trout ; at least I did
not catch any. Tho banks were bo
rotten he had to hold me to keep me
on terra firrua. We enjoyed ourselves
hugely, evou if we caught no fish.
I went on nn excursion to the Lake
of the Clouds), a four horse team, and
lots of gentlemen ; 'twas an awful job
getting there, the snow in some places
was 15 feet deep ; wo had to walk and
scramble for two miles up the moun
There aro several gentlemen from
Pennsylvania, and Bome few ladies
here. Rich miners are scarco and not
much on the marry, so I advise my
dear sisters to bo content with a Buck
wheat if they caunot catch an Oil
With kindest regards to J). W. C,
Davy and Billy,
Your Friend, ;
OrnEUA Cox.
It is but a simple statement of a
fact when I say that Dr.E.K.Thomp
eon's Sweet Worm Towder has saved.
humanly speaking, several lives, one
of which was that of a valuabU
preacher. Rev. J. E. Clough, Mission
House, Ongola, Hindoostan.
Dr. Whlltter, of PttUbargh, Fa.,
It is well koowD, boa for many yean stood at thai
hoad of the profuaslon in his specialty, all chroclo
and blood diseases, nervous prostration and all dlsr ;
pstrous consequences. Be his card in another oulp
tuun. Bccd bis works and Judgo tot yoursell
Flour f barrel choice
Flour sack, best
- 5.006.73
- 1.25 1.83
- 70
Corn Meal, 100 V,n -Chop
food, puro Riai n
Oats New l bushel -Corn,
Shelled -
Iteans t bushel -
Ham, supir cured
Breakfast Bacon, sugar cured
- 121
. 81C
- 8.0C
121 b
12 b
- 8.5
- 3.7.
- 7.
17 1
- 1
Shoulders -
Whltofish, half-barrels
Lake herring half-barrels
Sugar - - - - "
N. O. Molasses new
Roast Rio Coffee
Rio Cofl'co, ...
Java Coll'ee ...
Eggs, fresh ...
Salt best lake -
Lard ------
Iron, common bar
Nails, lOd, r l"'g -Potatoes
- -Dried
Apples per lt
Dried Beef -Dried
Peaches per lt - -Dried
Peaches pared per
i i wiuiyivKituv,
' (Co, Surveyor of Forest County.) j
liOOl) W'OKK.
a' l r M
Tl.mesht, Forct C
li I'Kk l'l i I V
1 ul Ihe Ul.l l l'l H A.