The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, June 22, 1881, Image 3

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Ml Ml? TP '
fiitrrjrxiH, ,T. Woi.cott.
Cnn'nci! mm North ward, T. J. Vnn
Ciioxf-i), T. It. (Vlih, J no. A Unit; South
wurd, G. V Kobimon, S. II. Haslet, EH
Jiiniiorn of the. Peace .T. T. Bronnan,
D. S. Knox. .
Cnyisf'ililr James Wallers.
iSvhorU Dirrrf'irx J. Shawkev, S. .T(
Wotcott, J. E. P.'.MMi", A. I;. Knll'y, J. T.
lroHiiai, A. II. Partridge.
Jfrmhrr rf Conqrrx -,Ta. Moowvrc.
yMlm4l-K L. Davis.
Jestiilcnt, JiutiirW. D. BnorN.
.tjiortVte . iithjrs Jon ;sr Ki:o';i, C. .
'Vmwrei N. S. FortrMAH... v. '
I'rolionofnrif, ftcgi.itcr if: Jycontrr, Ac.
Hhc.rijf.C. A. lUNOAT.r.
Cainmisiinncru Km JSkrlix, Isaac
LiiNii, II. W. Lrnunrn.
Count y Mi'pr.riiiteiulcnt. .T, 12. IIll.L
Anu. District Attorney--?. D. Tnwiv.
.Turn Commi-xmonerHC II. Church.
Cmmty Surveyor V. F. WniTTlv.nN.
Corovei C. II. C'jM'neilv
Count' Auditor Scvm.KH Titoxr
D. F. CorF.r.ANti, F. O. Lacy.
jno. :t:,
J. O.of O. P
2TS every Saturday evening, nt 7
lock, in this fiHiltro U'oiu iuPar-
tridgo's Hall.
P. M. CLARK. N. O.
a. V. SaWYF.I!, Sce'y. 27-tf.
K. L. Dnvis,
ATTORNEY AT LAW, Tionosfn, P.i.
Collections made i this mid adjoin
ing eountioK. . lit ly
ATTORNEY AT LAW, Street, TTO .V 7;.S 7V . PA
Tionesta, Forest Conniy
.T. 12. AGKKW,
4 r t o iz y i: y - a t-l a w,
'-. .'"STA, TA.
T bavo boon admit:, il to practice ns an
Attorney in tho Pension t D:-( ! Wash
ington. ' l. C. All oPJitim, -ol.irt, or
pallor who were injur, d in : hi'" war,
. ran obtain pensions to which tho v may Ik
' ontltlod. hv calling on or addressing mo at.
V J IIHlt'Li'i l. . a ....... . I 1 1 ' I ' 1 ' ' i .ii . i (i...
lliwlnpr lieon vrr four v&xnfix noldior hi
thi Into war, nmUi-ivinit 1'or R munlicr of onfrajjod i!i U'-p tro-oontlon t koi
jiiprH' flai'm'n, mv pxperipneo will asfurn
ttio dollpctioii ol'diiiiiisin tho shortot poa
Kiblo timo. J. Ji. AGNFAV.
41tf. ,
IlAFdll, Pitf.riMr.rop.. This Iioiimm
is rmilvnUv lo'Mtrd. I Ivrrythinc- now and
will fm-nis-hcil Superior accommoda
tions nod sirirt, attention -riven to jrnestsi.
V'f r,'1"1'! lu'(1 Frill's ((' a'.l kinds served
in their Keasnn. Kninplo room for Corn
jiiercial Agents,
I Jaoicow, l'ronriotor. Tiiis is anew
Mouse, and has j nst liecn fitted up for tlo
pocoininodatioi'i of the. puhlie. A portion
of the. patronage of tho public i solicited.
4 (My
Has had over fifteen years oxporiene'j In
lie practien of liii profession, ha vinir grad
uated Icrull) and honorably May Vh VWt.
Offlce'and Kesidence in F(.rest lrou.-.e,
opposito the Court House. Tioncsta, I'a.
AUf?. 25-1HS0
J. B3. BIjAIKJR, 31.
OifKiow Ilouns; 7 to 0 a. u 7 to 9 p.
m. Wednesdays and Waturdnys from 11
a. M. to 3 P. M.
jrjK. 12. L. RTEADMAN, .
Dental room in Aeomb building, up
titairs. onnosito tlio Lawrcueo House, Tio
nosta, l'a. All worK. warranted, au.l lit
j easonablo pricew.
Corner of 121m & Walnut Sts. Tionesta.
' Bank of Discount and Deposit,
lutereat allowed on Timo Deposits.
Colloetions niadoon all tho Principal points
of tho U. S.
Collections solicited. 18-ly.
Triors FA, IM.,
H. CARPENTER, - - - Proprietor.
r 9
PioturesUken in all the latest stylea
the art. 2ii-tr
In rear of Blum's Blai kMuith shop,
i;r.M ST., - - TIONKSTA, PA
locaIj and niccELLAirr-ous.
C' Tlmf Tnt.( Tlnnrin Nrmlon, .
fonTti. I fonii.
Train l"i... K;t't niniTrain is lo::,7 am
I'liiin f:i 11:2! Hnii'1'rnMi in 1 pm
Finiu 0 .'!;(M pin i'i rain l'i 7:l'.titn
Traill 18 f:0 1 pni
Train 0 North, and Train l South carry
tho mad.
M. K. Sabbath Velio'-I nt 10
ft. m., M. H.iblmth Schno) t 11
; tn., lVcSbytcrian Salbnth Kchoo! nt
3 p. m.
Ivcv. rrovn will preacli in tbo I
M. (,'liurcb on Pntxl ty fveniny next.
1'ov. Hill will prneli iu lb OM
Town tchnul lionso next Mnn-lny eve-
rreachiu'j; in tbo 1'rffbyJrritn
Chnrrb next .Sunday morning and
evening, by Kev. Hirklin.
iVatmayttir McICny is on ibo fick
nOS toIi.r f .r bd ordinnry primary
isn't no bad, 'b !
Hon. J. IJ. Aprjfw arrived in town
last Friday evening.
Will Utilings erim. bomo from
Louisville, Jvy., yesterday.
Mason and otbr glass fruit jari,
for eala by Win. Bauarbangh tt Co. 'Jt
Our lumbermen liave certainly
bad an abundance of June fl odj this
yiii Mary Jamiefon, of l'ltus
nntville, U vir-iting fri?nd.H in town
tbirf wek.
Mirs Carrie Wieser, of Clarion
county, i visiting Mif.8 Jennio Carmm
at prf.sent.
Tbo Legislatnro nrjumeJ two
weeks npo, but tbo Jieeord comes
bravely on.
Mr, J'. Bonner and grand -son,
CJto. Coruwcll, of Stoctboro, trrired
in tovn yesterday.
Mr. A. C. Kepler, cousin of .T.M.
and G. M. of this place, paid Tionesta
a visit during tbe week.
MisB Anna Tease, win bas been
slopping with hr sister r.t KtiHpps
Creek, N. Y., a home on a visit.
1 M's H. G. lrwiu, of Franklin, U
visiting hpr brother S. D. Irwio, Esrj.,
especting to remain about weik
Mr. L. Courson and sister, Mi3
Delia, of Tidioute. are visitini; in
town, tbe guests of Misj Linnio (irov
-Messrs. C. B. SibL-y and Sam,
Ifaslet, two of Frankliu s popular
yncng gents, stopped iu towa over
-One week from next M ndav will
be the glorious Fourth. The indiea
tions aro that Tionesta will not cele-
-Lon. Ftroup piloted his first raft
to rittslnirgh. last we-k. It was one
of T. J. l'avne's, and Lon. put it
through in good fchape.
Mrs. Clara Fuller, daughter of
our esteemed townsman oeo. M
Kepler, departed last Friday for a, t wo
week's visit to friends in Allegheny
Mr. D. F. Copeland, of Sawyer
City, MiKean county, spent a few
lays of the past week iu town, and
shook bauds with many of his old
Murphy the great temperance
man is n till at vork in Oil City, meet
iug wtth great success, and judging
from tho favorable reports in tbe Dcr
ricJc, must have bagged some of the
"Stfl ff."
Frank Mabie Fpeut Sunday in
town, being on his regular trip
Frank is peculiarly adapted to tho
business, and has assumed many of
tbe characters of tho "commercial
The Free Methodist Quarterly
Meeting will bo held in this place,
commencing on Saturday afternoon
next, and lasting over Sunday. Pre
siding Elder Hawkins will conduct
the services.
Mr. Charles Muenzeuberger, of
Dallas, McKeau Co., brother of our
industrious townsman, John, visited
him this week ; he is accompanied by
his wife. Mr. M. does a fljiuibhiug
business in rig building.
Tho trial -of William Whito ut
Butler, Pa., fr the murder of Charle3
Egan at Miilerstown some months ago,
was ended last Saturday, and tha Jury,
after being out 2-i hours, found Whltu
guilty of murder in the second degree.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. S. Hunter
were summoned to Frauklin la.t Wed
nesday by tho serious illneas of Mrs.
Hunter's sister. The lady, M.
Kinuear, died a hhort time after their
arrival. She was highly esteemed by
htr acipuaiutauets.
The M. .Il Sunday. School will
glvfl n ?a?fed concert on some
Sabbath evening in July. Mr. Ding-
man has been training the school for
some timo which ii n guarantee that
tbe a "air will bo a success.
Henry McSwecny, Esq., a former
Ptudent of this place, but now one of
tho promin jut legal lights of Bradford,
pent lln Sabbalh with Tionesta
fi iends. Mc. ii looking well, and has
a lucrative practice iu his chosen field.
-TrMfnrer Foreman wishes to in
form the taxpayers of tho county that
ie nill not go out on his annual tax-
collecting tour this year, tho law re
quiring Treasurer's to make annual
toui through tho county having been
repealed. ,
Tho Bepnblican Primaries in this
borough and township, last Saturday
pased off quietly and peaceably ; much
more ho, itidd than wo ver knew
them to pa-s before. We understand
it wa m all over tbe county. The
vote, although a very good one, was
by n 1 moans all out.
Our old friend John Stroup, who
farm Judge Proper's place on Dutch
Hill, cut an ugly guh in his fiot re
cently, which has kept hini from doing
mu;h work Finee. Undo John has
been a rtnger to work in his dav, and
will hold bis own iu the harvest field
with many of tho boys yet.
Mr. V. A. Hill, on of Il-v. J. F.
Hill, arrived in lon last Thursday
from Kaunas and paid his parents a
short visit, lie departed on Monday,
accompanied by bis brother Frank,
who goes west to grow up with the
country. 1 rat.k is a shrewd loy, and
we'll wager cur old shoes that hci'll
-Mr. J. S. Henderson, ono of our
candidates for County Commissioner,
Ftopped in town a fw hoius yesterday,
being on bis way tD Pittsburgh where
ho expects to receive medical treat
ment from Dr. Saddler. He has suf
fered terribly with tumors in Ll3 bead,
but his pains nre considerably allevia
ted now, arid ho thinks bis chances for
a fpcedy recovery very good.
Mr. J. K. Clark hps beer, up
pointed aireet commissioner of the
borough, vice Geo. Carr, declined.
Mr. Clark's nppointmeot is a good
one and wa btl'cve will give general
sutififiction. He has emmenced
work and asks all who owo taxes to
work or send g'xid substitutes. Busi
ness is business, and the taxes must be
paid or woikvd out forthwith.
Mt.-srs. Miy, Park & Co. have
finished the subMuutial and handsome
firo proof vault in their bank, and ou
Monday received their new burglar
proof safe and placed it. in position.
It weighs 0,700 pounds and is about
seveu times balder than tbo hardest
of adamant; burglars uu pound
away at it for weeks without making a
sign of an impression. All tho doors
aro strictly burglar-proof; the outside
one having a timo lock. It is a beauty
and should bo 6een to be appreciated.
Last rnday Ur. lUorrosv was
called to Miles & Sheasley's mill, on
Little Coon, to attend L. G. Stover,
who met with a very painful accident
on that day. In endeavoring to start
a log pile, he being on the pile, one of
tho under logs shot out, and before
Stover could get away he was caught
in the jam ; his left shoulder was dis
located and he was otherwise severely
bruised about the face and right
shoulder. Tbo Doctor replaced tbo
shoulder, dressed his other wounds
aud soon had the man feeling more
comfortable. After this was done the
Dr. proceeded ot: up tho creek about a
mile aud dressed Win. HuLter's hft
foot, which that geutlemau had cut a
few hours previous. Tho gush ia9
about four inches long mul quite deep.
On Tuesday of last week John
Clark and one Boyer, aged about L'3
years each drove a yoke of oxen to
Oil City and 0 flu red them for sale to a
gentleman for such a small sum as to
arouse the suspicious of tho nuu, and
he sent for a policeman to have them
arrested. When the polictnifiu arrived
Boyer look leg bail and tsctpcJ, but
Clark was securud nnd placed iu the
lock-up. Word was sent to the ow ti
er of the property, Mr. Win. Hcpler,
who lives about bix mihs from this
place, in the Mealy Settlement, nud
that geutlemau went ou aud indentiGed
the oxen. Clark was brought hero on
Thursday by Chief Nciil, aud on Fri
day had a hearing belVro 'Squiro
Breuuan, who bouud hiia over in tho
sum, of 8J00 to appear at next court.
Clark's father, who is a well-to-do re-
sneclable cilizuu livin ' ou Hemlock
creek, Votiu'j fivo rnilct from Tioncs-la,
hailed bins and he was released.' On
Saturday ft warrant was issued for
Samuel Clark, brother of the above"
on suspicion ; he, it is claimed, answer
ing the description of ono of a party
which drove some stolen cattle through
Oil City a day or two previous. He
had a hearing and was placed under
bail to appear at next sessions, his
father going, his bail. '
The next annual meeting of the
Pennsylvania Miller's State Associa
tion will be held in Pittsburgh during
the time of the State Fair in Septem-
bcr. The State Agricultural Society
will allot a spaco of 50 feet .by 170
feet with lino shafting and motive
power free for the display of machinery
and mill supplies. This is the first
timo in this State that an opportunity
has been afforded to millers to witness
such a display of milling machinery
in motion, and it is expected that there
will be a large number of millers
! present from this and other States.
From the Derrick we get the follow
ing summary of operations and matters
of interest in and around the Blue Jay
District :
Operations in the Sheffield district
are very quiet, nud they promise to re-
maiu so for some time. There is but
ono well drilling, that being Donald
won No. 2, which has reached a depth
of nearly COO feet. Besides this.Eagan
has n rig nearly ready for the drill,
and Bell is building a rig on lot 436.
Magee and Horton are also building a
rig on lot 410. These comprise ail
the operations in the vicinity of the
Magee well, and as tbe holders of land
in the vicinity are not anxious to lease
and refuse to sell tbo chances for any
extensive development of the district
within the next six months are very
small. Tho policy of landholders is to
wait until there is e better price for
oil, when they expect to realize more
from their land.
The S00 barrel tank at tho Msgee
well was filled last week, and several
day's production lost before another
tank could be put up. A 250 barrel
tank was set up the latter part of the
week, and oil pumped into it out of
tho larger tank. The will is still
making an average of about twenty
The work of laying tbo pipe line
from Blue Jay to tbe .Magee well is
rapidly progressing-, and it is expected
that it w ill bo ready to run oil by next
The work of grading the Tionesta
Valley railroad, between Sheffield aud
Blue Jay.hasbcon commenced. Thirty
two laborers are at work on it now, and
the number will be increased. A
railroad between these two points will
be of great benefit to those w ho are
obliged to druw rig stuff and irons or
even to walk the dirt road over tbo
hill. For stouy hills, deep mudholes,
narrow way ami weak bridges, this
road beats tbe famous road to Jordan,
which history informs us was so bard
to travel, aud an iron line will be
more conducive to morality among
tho operators, than a camp tueeeting
in a darkey settlement.
A railroad w ill ali.i teud to increase
developments in tha Blue Jay reg'tou.
Leases have been pretty freely taken
8 nilh, east and west of the Blue Jay
wells, ami with butter accommodations
for obtaining rig timbers and drilling
tools, operations will b.3 inoro active.
Ai it is, the territory to tho south
wist of tho Blue Jay wells will be
given a fair test within threo months,
if all tho wells projected aro put down.
Within a couple of miles three wells
aro now diilling, and all to tha south
and west. Three miles southwest rig
timbers are on the grouud ; a mile to
the west of this is another rig reject
ed, anil four or five miles farther south-
Htst, on Bear creek is a rig up ready
for tho drill. If all tUte ventures
were pushed through to completion at
ouce, the next three months would
fairly deriJo whither there i un ix-
tei::.ivo oil field in Forest county or
not, and would tot au aita of Urritory
twtlvo miles in Li glh by bix cr evu
iu width.
Operators who are intending to drill
in this b-cality uro up citing to be
obliged to pump their wells to get tin ir
full produetiini, aud if thii proves to be
the i-uce it will be mure expensive ope
rating than in the greater part of the
Bra 0 lord lie-Id. 'until of tho M;'e0
well tlu valle-vs aio burrow, and while
tl.o wells put eiowu licur tho ertek
htrile tbo sand buetweeii l,b mi I
I.-jUO hct, tbuso on th.i hip will I '1
oLlLi-d to pj from 20 U 40 J feci
I dee; 1 r
Clarinctoi Culling.
Tho Grant Mill folks enduring
the bore of au oil excitement.
- Wirt. Speoco reports times ns about
old fashioned down on tbo Flatts.
Judge Kerr has been otking the
boys a"d their fathers t give hitn a
life at bis new barn.
Jacob Maze took nu eleven pound
flecoe from a sheep which has not yet
completed n year of its existence.
Troutraan Mill, under tho supervis
ion of Joo. Smail, is pushing out lum
ber as it ought lo do under the hands
of an experienced sawyer.
Hazzard Spenco has purchased a
piece of land adjoining Lander's farm,
and will remove tho houso built by
Harrison Maze, but now unoccupied,
from, tbe opposite side of the road
The Clarion ha3 been on a high but
ha9 subsided and is now able to meas
uro itself iu its own little pebbly bed,
within its own banks, without en
croaching upon Mike Duukel's corn
field lo its (die cornfield's) detriment.
Cherry Creek wpnt wild . it had never
before been presented with such an
opportunity to vent its spite ngaiUot
the genius of industry lor (a) bridging
its flow, and never did vassal improve
upon opportunity to rebel against the
power that bound it ; as Elder's re
build bridges and tepair roads they
ca-i attest thereto with cumulative
emphasis, and doubly eugraven seal.
The damages done to bridges on small
streams was considerable ; the roads
look as though they had beeu swept
with a broom of improved pattern;
tho new bracket dam put a above the
Blackberry mill on Maple Creek was
moved from its moorings. No damage
was done to lumber or timber on the
Clarion in our vicinity, if we except
the sinking of a flat boat atTroutman
Up on the Clarion farther tho damage
done was greater. We understand
that Galusha's mill, together with tbe
dam. was swept out. A large amount
of logs W3S swept away. Crabtreo, on
Spring Creek, lost; so did Carman at
Portland; and Ellis, farther up the
creek, and other parties. Our boys,
and some of our old men too, put iu
b ruipy algiueer no electireen no
catching logs ; but the gathers-up
followed close ou the heels of the flood
and men who were rich by reason of
speculation iu drifting logs, are be
como poor again because of a transfer
without sufficient consideration. Two
of Troutmau's venturesome suffered
from an upset while out on the raging
waters ; both got out all right.
Barnett tsvp , Juno 13, '81.
Neillsburg Notes.
Supt. Hillard visited our school ou
Thursday last.
Mrs. H. Demunn boasts of having
tho favorite "baby jumper" of the
Mr. Murphy and family have moved
on to the Carson tract, ouo inilo west
of Neillsburg.
A ehild of Mr. S. Fogle's, which has
been seriously ill for some time, has
nearly recovered.
Tbe "New London Brass Band" wil
give us a concert on Friday evening
at this place. All are invited to
gather up tho necessary chink and
como and hear them.
'i bo Pineville Suudf-y School Con
vention was held on Thursday, Juno
1G. at the above named place. Ilev
Piatt and J. W. White, of Pleasant
villc, addressed the school.
Prof. Wilson's "Educational, 'scien
tifical' and historical star exhibition"
was held in Neillsburg hall ou Thurs
day evening. Wilsou is a sharper
aud the citizens ot Neillsburg w ish him
the urual audienco of eight or ten per
6ons wherever he goes.
Mr. David Lander3 and Miss Mag
gio Pcobles v.ero united in tho holy
binds of matrimony, Thursday, Judo
'Jth ; their many frionds utnte iu wish
ing tho happy couple a loug aud pros
pcrous life. Fkitz
Juue 20, 8l.
S'n.tAW'iiKuuY Shout Cake
ono pound of flour, mix well through
it one and one-half measures "Banner"
Baking Powder ; add two teaspoon
fulls tult ; then rub in one-half pound
hhoi li ning ; add with u spoon ono one
luilf pint svve;-t milk ; bake in jelly
cake paim ; when cold, and ju.t ht lore
eating, phtco iu layers ; covering eac h
o:io with blru wherries which have pre
viously been sugared. Each can of
Bail till- i'ow J ,-r cootaiui a inoasuio to
u-o iijsicid of a .-pooi:.
7f:o News Wir-J U:t and Wrunq
Out by tiio tifp-Mican Staff.
IV pie due a ptenl deal more for koep-
o.? up i' p mi -un es than for keeping up
Mlm Mario Jackson has tho thanks of
the Iti rriu.tCA j oflli-o for two large pieces
f delicious; strawberry short-cake It
was awful K'wul.
Allegheny, tho namo of the. river, city
or county In thi:4 State is spelled ;ihr,, tho
mountains are ghrt, aud tho rounty in
New York is wt.
(Inn of our exchanges says the reason it
is called a poke bonnet because it is nec
essary for a young man to poke his face
inside to kiss the wearer.
This is grand growing weather through
out tho country. Put your ear to tho
ground and you can almost hear tho po
tatoes fow ling at lach other and saying :
Lay' over, wo wan't room.''
Our neighbor, Th'.iouto, will celebrato
tho "g!-ln'c-ori-hicous Fourth'', with a
monster Sunday school basket pic-nic,
which nil tho Sabbath schools will take
t art in. Why can't Tionota do tho same?
The Ma'ern, Clarion county corrospon-
pont of the Clarion lrmon(tf 'pays Prof.
Smith tho following Imndsomo com
pliment: "Wo aro lmving quite a
feast of songs,' , thoso days, ' con
ducted by Prof. S. O. Smith, of'-flirty,
Pa. Ho has a class numbering, some
thing over a hnndred pupils, who seem to'
appreciate his teaching by tho good ntteit
tion that they give, and. the good order
that is in tho singing. We only express
the truth in a weak manner when we sav
that it is tho best singing that has ever
been in Salem. Tho Prof, is a teacher full
of enthusiasm, and ranks as tho best di
rector and teacher in this part of the State,
lie cl - ses nt this place on tho night of tho
2-lth, and leaves to go to attend Dr. Iloot'H
Normal, Erie, Pa. Wo wish him success,
and trust in tho near future, ho will bo
back teaching another singing class."
Tw.) children in Trumbell couuty,
Ohio, were entirely cured of uon-r
Untioo of urine by taking Barosma,
prepared by E. K. Thompson, Titus
ville, Pa. Ask your druggist for it.
For Cultivators, Shovel-Plows and
Road Scrapers go to Robinson it Bon
ner's. 2t.
Goods cheap at
Aug. 11. '80. Haslet & Soxs.
NOItltrS BANfJF.. In McPherson Co.,
Kas., Juno 15, ltiSl, at the residence of
tho bride's sister, Mrs. J. Y. Parker, by
Iter. Matthews, Mr. Samuel Norris of
McPherson Co., Kas., aud Misst Lou
F.ango, of Forest Co., Pa,
B12ATTY. At home, in Oakland, near
Donipseytown, Yonango county, Pa.,
Mary F. Boatty, wife of Samuel Beatty,
in tho 5i;d j'ear of her age.
She was tho oldest daughter of the
lata John Weutworth, and sister of
J. II. Wentworth of our county.
Through life sho was a member of tie
Evangelical Church, whoso doctrines
she adorned by her pious walk and
conversation. She leaves to mourn
her loss a family of five sens and threo
.!.,., i..., ...!... i . ,....,i ;r. i.,
iJiu i: iki;i o. nuu nave it "uuu L:nti ilju-
uy uer esuoiiens emaiupiu. ajiene f
are t he dead who die in the Lord." '
tut?" iw. 'jyj MujLnMXMttamxammtwjmiam mm ! mm
- - ' - - -
Flour barrel choice - - fi.O00.75
Flour sack, best - - l,25(yl.f5
1 I II... I . ..IM-
Corn Meal, 100 tbs
Chop food, pure grain
Oats New bushel -Corn,
Shollod -Bonus
$i bushel -Ham,
sugar cured
Breakfast Bacon, sugar cured
Shoulders -Whitolish,
Lake herring half-barrels
Sugar - - -. -
1.25 oj 1.35
- 70
1.50 2.0C
- 12!
- 8&K
- 8.0(
- Afel
- RnCi-7.
- 12i(l J
- 3.'
- 5!
Syrup -
N. O. Molasses new
Koast Bio Cotfco
Uio Coffee,
Java Coil'ee -
Butter -
Eggs, fresh -Salt
best hike
Iron, common bar
Nails, lOd, keg -Potatoes
"jl bbl. - - -Dried
Apples per ti
Dried Beef -Dried
Peaches per Ir
Dried Peaches pared per
Whereas my wife, KiniM Davis, I
left my lied and board without jut c:il
or provocation 1 hereby warn nil persi
against tntstinir her on my account, at
will pav no debts of her conn acting.
Green twp., Forest Co., Fa., June 21'
TrJl'iyEfJTOnS AK3 reckhhk
PATENTS nud how to obtain tin
Pamphlet of liO pages free, upon ivcj
Stumps for Post. ;. Aildro-s ' !
; 1 i.jiuiti:, S v. n :i A Co. ,
SolU ifji'a of Pali nts. Pox Si'
tf W;;-inuj:t'.ii, t
X JiiJ 1 Ai IjIw e. ii,.w. !i a i . .. .,
A.l .1 I-ili.f IMlt i .iu I 111 Sj'i i. 1 M . '