The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, April 27, 1881, Image 4

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Arrldont la the Ionr
Iu the hou.iohold occasional accidents
occur, ponorally of a harmless character.
but as they sometimes ara of a certain
pravitjr, we refer to a clever little book
entitled, "What to Do First," written
by G. V. Dulles, which contains, in
nitiall space, a great deal that is useful
to know m certain emergencies
Now, r.s there are copper boilers attach
cil to ranges m many kitchens, the
uso of oxalic acid to scour them is quite
common, wccasionany we hear of acci
dents arising from carelessness when
oxalic acid has been left about. The
writer of this uses oxalic acid in her
own kitchen, but with oreat precaution
The bottle containing it is never given
to the cook, but only a small portion of
its contents, and whenever it has been
ised the servant is asked " if all of it
naj oeen employed, ii any remains
over it is thrown awav. It is the
most stupid of drug clerks that con
founds oxalic acid with epsom salts
The acul, as Dr. Dulles describes
it, "comes in small, heavy, bright-
coioreu crystals, making a clear rattle in
a bottle or jar." In case by any accident
oxalic acid has been taken, the antidote
for it is lime. The chemical reason for
using lime is that oxalic acid forms with
it an insoluble compound, and its corro
sive action on the coating of the etorn-
ach is at once stopped. " If lime water
is at hand, it may be given freely, or
whitewash, tooth powder (its base is
always chalk,) chalk, whiting, or plaster
rroia the wall. The latter may be crush
ed and stirred up in water without ro'
gard to giittinesa, which will not do any
For sanitary purposes carbolic acid is
now frequently foun l in houses. The
cases of its accidental use must be of
rare occurrence, as its peculiar strong
odor makes it recognizable at once.
Still, cases of its having been taken in
the dark are not uncommon. It is a
most dangerous poison, because, as Dr.
Dulles states, it seems after the first
painful corrosive effects " to benumb
the stomach." At once large and re
peated doses of oil or milk should be
given. Certain cases of poisoning with
carbolic acid have been successfully
treated, after oil had been taken, by
stimulation. But it is a dangerous acid,
and care should be taken with the bot
tle containing it.
Corrosive Bublimate is often employed
about a house to rid a bed of vermin.
As it is colorless when in solution, it
often escapes notice. " If taken vomit
ing must be provoked, and some form
of tannic aciA must be given." Tea is
the strongest thing which is easy at
hand, and a powerful decoction Bhould
be at once administered. Adults rarely
meddle with phosphorus, but children
sometimes suck this very, deadly poison
from matches. Very fortunately it is
discoverable by its odor in the child's
breath, and its action is not rapid.
" Five grain doses of sulphate of cop.
per dissolved in water may be given at
intervals of ten minutes until vomiting
comes on. Then a dose of magnesia
should be administered, but no oil."
Mistakes as to quantity of opium
preparations are by no. means uncom
mon accidents. Such are to be found,
most unfortunately, in what Dr. Dulles
very properly calls " the many poison
ous nostrums sold as soothing syrups,
pain destroyers and drops for infants."
There is no expression harsh enough
which would serve to brand the woman
who administers such poison to her
baby. A mother who gives such sub
stances to her child without a doctor's
advice takes the chances of life or
death in her own hands. To such,
capable of seeing their children waste
away before their eyes, no advice
would bo of avail. We address, then,
those who unfortunately may give lauda
num or black drop for paregoric. "The
symptoms are deep sleep, with narrow
ing of the pupil of the eye to a small
circle, which does not enlarge in the
dark." Dr. Dulles advises the immedi
ate and persistent uso of emetics and to
allow the patient to vomit over and over
again. Farticular attention should be
paid to the breathing. " So long as the
breathing does not fall below ten to the
minute there is no immediate danger of
death; but opium is a dangerous poison
and requires all the Bkill that can
be obtained to combat it." For
merly the custom was to walk a patient
up and down, and to slap with wet tow
els. "What to Do First" deprecates
this, for the reason that it exhausts the
patient, who, if very ill, cannot rally.
If physical stimulant is to be used, lay
the patient on a bed or lounge, and 6lap
with the back of a hair-brush, or with a
slipper. " This i all the nursing neces
sary, so long as breathing keeps above
ten to the minute. Should it fall below
this, or if the breathing should cease,
artificial respiration should be employ
ed." It sometimes happens that a child
gets, through accident, an overdose of
wine or brandy. We have known of a
little girl made dangerously ill from
having purloined brandied fruit. It
was a case of stupor. The cure was
made by means of " What to Do First "
advises, " hartshorn and water, a tea
spoonful of the first in a teacupful of
water." The uso of tainted food, such
as of decayed meat or vegetables, some
times occurs. The treatment is to ex
cite vomiting, and to follow this with a
dose of co tor-oil and powdered char
coal. Mothers are very careful, bat the most
prudent of them, in the experience of
the writer of this, have sometimes made
mistakes in the medicines they have
given their children. One infallible
rule in using any powder or fluid, no
cuttter M'hat it is, is never to take it up,
much less to administer it, in the dark
What is the uo of having labels marked
" poison" pa;tt 1 on a bottle, if it be in
vihil;l iu the dark?. .A bottle of medi
ciuo may remain in one position for
weuks, untouched, but an Lour before it
is uned somebody or other may have in-
ftdvertently substituted something else,
If accidents were always locked up less
HCCllleUIS WOUJU IKH.UI. J.iiv7. .
word of final advice to be given: On the
iu bii virion of poisoning in a house
ht-lHl III UUl jur mo uv,..,
r.-snlr your own, but the very nearest at
! ."i.-.stion is often asked in cast
:! 2 as to tho (simplest way to
provoke vomiting. Lukewarm water in
quantity is good, " but it is better to
add a teaspoonful of ground mustard,
or a teanpoonful of ipecac, or a table
spoonful of the syrup of ipecac. Fur
thor, let it be remembered that there is
no occasion for fastidiousness. Any
water will do. Water in which hands
or dishes have been washed, acts more
quickly than anything else, and if soap
has been used, it will be all the better
for that, as soap is an antidote for acid
fioisons. The quantity used must bo
arge; the sufferer must be urged to
drink a pint at a time, until he can con
tain no more, and has been made to
vomit over and over again."
Italians In Jfew York.
During the year 1879 seven thousand
two hundred Italian emigrants were
landed at this port, one-third of which
number remained in the city, and there
are now over twenty thousand Italians
scattered among the population of New
York. The more recently arrived herd
together in colonies, such as those in
Baxter and Mott streets, in Eleventh
street, in Yorkville, and in Hoboken.
Many of the most important industries
of tho city are in the hands of Italians
as employers and employed, such as the
manufacture of macaroi i, of objects
of art, confectionery, artificial flowers;
and Italian workmen mav be
found everywhere mingled .with
those of other nationalities. It is no
uncommon thing to see at noon some
swarthy Italian, engaged on a building
in process of erection, resting and din
ing from his tin kettle, while his brawn-
her gold earrings and beads, 'witiwas
dnn in 1... I,.!. . 1 1 .1. 1. - 1 - il
were kept for feast days. But
America increased xcacraa moli
day a feast day in the matter of f4
raiment; and why, indeed, shoul wtple
the architectural principle of beat.
supplementing necessity be applied e". .-uuiw. .uusl oe
to the daily round of hod-fper meaning and larger import
ryingV That the Italians ioB ThA loading n
an idle and thriftless people is a 8ul .. ' - ,. , ' .
stition which time will remove from w at leDgtb. were not foolish enough
American mind. A little kindlvJto expend much lime and effort, for
ance and teaching can mold tWno belter object than to put certaiu
almost any form. But capital is, , . . ., ,
first necessity of the individual. Larsons id office in April rather thao
be wondered at, therefore, that tluin December. It was then nerceived
SLteinS SSSr3fl lhe RDd evolutionary
vice but that of the parish priesesistance of the Democrats were hav
knowledge of the country to which W a marked effect upon public opio
are going but the vague though dazz.', fKft onfll onA , u
remembrance that somebody's unr "v wvllv'
or brother once went to Buenos Ayesas io that section, ripe for a cut
and returned with a fortune, no peu oose erom R0urbonism. bv uiutu-
niary resource but that which re, , , , . ,, . . .
from the sale of their little farmP1 consent staked their all by this con
the wife's heritage of gold beadiest. If Democracy were defeated a
their ancestors, should drift ir tbe South would follow. Hence the
less and hopeless poverty ? Thd Democratic Senators continue to struc-
tS&l 6le-
them on our shores in a robbedjap'dly growing public sentiment
plundered condition. enk away, and once utnrUd like the
On the other hand, the thrifty bo! 1 .l 1 1 .1
geois who brings with him the knowV- "iim gnawed through the
edge of a trade, and some little capital
10 aid mm in getting a. looting, very
soon begins to prosper, and lay by
money with which to return and dazzle
the eyes of his poor neighbors, demor
alizing his native town by filling its in
habitants with yearnings toward tho El
Dorado of "NuovaYork." Such a man,
confectioner, hairdresser or grocer,
purchases a villa, sets up his carriage, and
to all appearance purposes spending his
life in elegant leisure , but the greed of
money-getting which he has brought
ack from the new world surcros rest
lessly within him, and he breaks ur his
establishment and returns to New York
to live behind his shop in some damp,
unwholesome den, that he may add a
few more dollars to his store, and too
often his avarice is rewarded by tho
contraction of a disease which presently
gives his hard-earned American dollars
into the hands of his relatives in Italy.
Harper's Aagacine.
The Colors of Flowers and Leaves.
We have generally supposed that the
colors of flowers are due to a variety of
matters each color in fact being a dis
tinct chemical combination. But Pro
fessor Schnetzler, of the Vandois Society
of Natural Science, has proved, by ex
periment, that by putting spirits of
wine and adding an alkaline acid to an
isolated color of a plant, all the colors
which flowers present may be obtained.
For instance, a peony flower will with
alcohol give a reddish violet fluid. Add
salt of BOirel and it becomes a pure red;
and by the addition of soda this red
will change into a violet, a blue or a
green shade according to the quantity
of the alkali used. The green coloring
matter in the leaves of plants is called
chlorophyll, and the professor supposes
that this is the only original coloring
matter in plants ; but being modified
by certain agents for in all plants
there are acid or alkaline matters or
by transmitted light, this chlorophyll
furnishes all tints of flowers and leaves.
It has been ascertained that tannin with
chlorophyll changes the colors of the
green leaves in autumn to red. Profes
sor Schneztler himself changed peony
sepals from green to red with salt of
sorrel ; and the green liquid solution of
soda with the peony blossom and alco
hol became red when he transmitted
light through it. lie therefore con
cludes that chlorophyll is the only
source of color in plants, the others
being merely the results of atmospheric
alkaline action upon that coloring
" Why do women bo often wander
aimlessly in the murky solitudes of the
dead past, brooding over the days that
are forever gone V" asks a young lady of
Macoupin county, in a communication
entitled " Life's Aims." They don't; at
least not in Chicago. On the contrary,
tney wander around the dry goods
stores of the present, pricinz thincrs
they have no idea of buying. Chicago
j women are not dreamy or poetical, but
lor 81. hO they keep right up with the
procession. Chictvjo Tribune.
If the gtutlemari whose lip pressed thehvdy'g,
liiovry brow and thug caught a avere cold h&Ji
)'ut ied Dr. DuII'b Cough Pyrup, no doctor'al
Mil would have been necettary.
A Pear Chronometer.
Meanness not infrequently resembles
Vaulting ambition which oe'rleapa itaelf,
And falls on the other.
An excellent illlustration of this " o'er
leaping" is furnished by a certain trans
action of John Jacob Astor with one of
his captains. The story is told by a
writer in the Boston Transctipt:
The captain had sailed six voyages to
China without a chronometer, depend
ing on " dead reckoning" and Vlunars;"
just starting on his seventh voyage, he
suggested to Mr. Astor that it would be
safer to have a chronometer.
" Well, get one," said the merchant.
The captain did so, and entered its
cost in his account current. When As
tor's eyes fell upon the item he drew
his pencil through it. The captain ex
postulated. Said Astor: " I told you
to get one; I didn't say I'd pay for it."
The captain severed his connection
with Astor then and thero, and went
into Wall street, engaged with other
owners, And before night was in com
mand of as fine a ship as ever floated in
New York's beautiful bay.
In three days she was ready for sea,
and set sail. At the same time Astor's
ship, tinder tlio command of a new cap
tain, set pail also. They had a race for
Hong Kong, but the captain who, as he
used to put it, had discharged John
Jacob Astor, by keeping the men at the
braces, took advantage of every puff of
wind and won by three days.
Then there was lively work. The
ship was loaded in theshortest time
P.8,y,fha peopli?rr At firj vessel,
thoughtlessly supposed to be au
- T - C T T I .1
of offices. Here and there, per
may still be found who fancy that
nothing elsa. liut intelligent
of both parties perceived some
.l...u.. . .1
eath to back down, and a
dowhir drena would swa.l'a in At flip.
brooks do 14 . j cue creeks down into
the rivers down into the ocean. And
there the atoms rest patiently; each
atom waiting for its sisters and its
cousins and its aunts still lingering in
the fields and on the. hills, yet creeping
toward the gullies and thence to the
sea. This process has been going on
since the time when " the world was
without form and void;" whereby the
primeval rocks were disintegrated 'and
spread abroad in fertile fields; whereby
the fertile fields are slowly being washed
back into the oceans; whereby the bot
tom of the oceans is being prepared to be
elevated again to the light and to form
other fields whereon cotton and wheat
or semething or other will grow. This
is the very apotheosis of "demnition
grind." He who originated that phrase
spoke more scientifically than he knew.
Life, animate and inanimate, is simply
a grinding down of the higher parts anil
the distribution thereof in the bellows.
The final outcome of earth, after millions
of years, must be something in the
nature of a large billiard ball whirling
through the sky, with nothing in the
world on it except a smooth, dead sur
face. Clinton (Iowa) Ilcrald.
James Butler, Esq., clerk of the Itox
bnry Carpet Co., Boston, Mass., em
ploying eight hundred hands, in a late
communii-afion concerning the admir
able working of an article introduced
into the factory, says : Tho famous old
German remedy, St. Jacobs Oil, has
effected several cures among our men,
who havo been bndlv hurt in working
in the factory, and they pronounce it a
success every tiuie.
There were 1,078 accidents in rail
roads last year, in which 315 persons
lost their lives and 1,112 were injured,
as against D10 accidents in 1870, in
which 185 persons were killed and 70'J
were injured. The largo increase in
casualties was duo principally to the
greater amount of business.
Yr.silauti (Mich ) Commercial.
Our representative lately learned the
following from Mr. Carl Siegniund, cor
ner Congress and "Washington streets :
My daughter suffered from rheumatism
to such an extent that it crippled her,
rendering her unable to walk at all.
We consulted many physicians and used
all kinds of medicines, but in vain. At
last St. Jacobs Oil effected the happiest
results. It cured my daughter.
A novelty in the form of a lace pin is
a golden fishing-rod and silver line
looped over the rod, with a gold fish
dangling from the end.
When a board ot eminent physicians and
cheinihts announced tho discovery that by com
bining uonio well known valuable remedies, tho
most wonderful medicine was produced, which
would cure such a wide range of diseases that
most all other remedies cuiild be dir-pensed
with, many were bkei tieal ; but proof of iia
merits by actual trial has dispelled all doubt,
and to-day tlio diheovcrers of that great medi
cine, Hop Bitters, arc. honored and bltesed by
all ae beat factors.
Bordered robe pattern dresses in per
cales, womie cloths, satines and lawns
are seen among the new spring and early
bummer goods.
.T00 UTnr.l.
Tlify rnr al! ihnen of th otomarli, bowMn,
blond, livor. norvfw, kir1iir.ys and urinary organ,
111J ,"ftO will bo paid for" a cans tlioy will not
euro or hnlp, or for anything imptira or injuri
ous found 111 tlir m Hop Ilittors. Teat it. Hee
" Truths " or " rrovorha " in another column.
Among new devices in bonnet orna
ments are tlireo and four crescents
crossing each other; two and throe
pyramids in graduated sizes; two bronze
horses jumping a silver hurdle; two
little pigs caught in a fence; two wild
boars rushing out of a thicket, and
single camels, elephants, beetles, clubs,
oars, rakes, spades and other gardening
and farming tools in dead and bright
Bilver, gold, steel and red bronze.
If Yon Frcl Pr.pnnilont
and wrary of lifo, do not f?ivo up : it is not
troublo thnt oausoa such foplings, but dioordorpd
kidnoys or livor which VVnrm'r'a Safe Kidnny
and Livor Cure will iiivitfoi ahi, restore and thus
bring you hnppinos ntii-o more.
Colorado now claims tho position of
tho greatest bullion producer in tho
world. Australia has bo largely fallen
off in its output of the precious metals
that it has lost its foremost place.
Fou m-spr.rstA, iNDioEsTioN, depression of
spirits and Rem-i-al debility in their various
forms, also n a proventivo against fever and
aijuo and oth'T intermittent fevers, tho Fr.nno
rnosriioii.vrrn l'.i.ixm or Camhay Bark, mado
by Caswell, Hazard A Co., New York, and sold
by all druggists, is the best tonic; and for
jiatients recovering from fever or other sickness
it has no cipinl.
Trust Those Who llnve Tiled.
W. L. Haw Kins, druggist, Princeton, N. 3. :
Tho rinst year is the liiHt of lnanv that I havo
been tree from catarrh, which I attribute to tho
use of I'.ly's Cream lialin. 1 havo recommended
it to many friends, and in every oaso it has
worked like a charm. Jared D. Wolfe, insur
ance aent. October 22, 1S80.
Messrs. ElylSros., druggists, Owepo, N. V.:
I havo had catarrh for a number of years in
its worst form. Uoforo I had used 0110 bottlo
f your Cream Balm dronninca into mv throat
pound fd entirely censed, pain and soreness in my
. ... :td was removed, as well as deafness. I havo
hall oraM a great many romcdies, but nothing that
o.ieh l,ivx'a yours. It also gives immediate relief
eacn luve-ohl in tho head. Mrs. J. 1). Hngadorn,
;i, N. Y., December 7, 1S7H.
e re, 50 cents. Kly Civnm Balm Co., Owego,
Ch'll 1 PI ''L"1!):'' 'tj1' 1)0 cents.
rV ' ' ueooonzed extract 01 petroleum,
k-"""v" i)aiiness.
This is a lmsitivo fact, attested
No other buir preparation in tho
will rcallv do this. lti-uiil.t. unw im.
with .1, it is a delightful dressing.
he (irvniCNt DWcoverv of I be Age.
vrr tli irt four vonrs
in. toiuas's Venetian mnimknt
. 11 warranted to cure Crouo. ( olio. Ni aem.
ii uii.l 1) s.'iiterv, taken iutiinmtlv, anil Soiu
I'ams In tni: l.imlis, Chronic Klieuniatidm,
vs. I'iiiiilc", IUot. hi's ami Kwi'lUnt'H, exter-
,.1 tw.f u Knltl.i l(..u f
K V'ii'K tliey wouM not t.e without It evi u If it
? n bottle. Sold by .liiiwir.U at .aud3l)
A" mititn; l''1'"1' Murray Siren. New York.
gant l.indi.V STRICTLY PURE.
nive History
tioiiH," incla -rrirTr
Kevision. irl-T 1? TVI .SJ. T rJv
. 3 JLIiS
(Thlseiiuravlng represent! the l.nnirs In a healthy state.)
What tho Doctors Say!
PR. FLETC'VEK, of Lexinitton, Missouri, says: "I
recommend your 'llulniini' in irefereaee to any
other medicine torcouKiis and colds."
DR. A. C. JOJTNSON. of Sit. Vernon. lite., writes of
Some wonderful ores of ( oiisnimu ion in bis place
by the uso ol "A llen'n l.uiiu Itiilnuin."
DR. J. B. TURNER, lilomitsville, Ala., a prartieinR
I'll vMriiin of twcnty-tive yetirs, writes; " It is the best
liretaiatiua tor Consumption iu the world."
For nil Disenxen of the Tliront, Lillian nnd
I'liliiinniii'v Orunns, it will be found il most
excellent Iteiiicily.
J. N. HARRIS &. CO., Proprietors,
For Hale by nil Druggista.
Bold by McKASSON & KOlSlilNS, New York.
G3 t
"WHBoa'S ooMPOTnn) o?
To One nml All.--. Are you NUllerln; I'roin a
C uiuli, Coiil, Ahti.nm, IJroiicliilm, or any ol the vnri
niiH euhiioii.i'-y Irniildi-s that ho oiteu eiul iu Con
sumption V It t-'i, ii. - " li tlh r'x Pur? iil
OM y.y(c," u Sill" Ulci Kliro I'liill-llv. Xhin in 111) qllitck
I re 1 ,o ji 10:1, 1 .it t m 1 ivx'i'ihe i liv the iiicili. ul laeultv.
M.iiiiji.i. l'.oeil mly liy A. II. Willi. ,r. t'lu-iiiim, Loblou.
1111.1 l.l.hl; It (H is llisUIlt 1-
ueuudlx tiroiiicio tlie inodt
liumidl f-l.ui 1,-tt of 11 ark (tr
Hrown; ilnce NuT Si'AIN
llif SKIN, anil in taniy
' nil. It is a Manila:. I
i:i-ia ail'iu aul a rn..iin
ont'Vt'ry wi-l! uppoinieil toi
li tior Laiiyor (ii iilieinan.
Soul by Urn ui.-t uu.i p
piii'ii liy Hair Dress's.
) iit.1. Wii unisi ,.Y.
C. N. CmriEN iON, At
h n a nooli'32i,a,-'''"olarn"s ') SENT
fl.M.I ,C iuk' ami usi-iul rcailuii; V ,, j,,,
HlUlUlU about H.ju.n, unci Uinls .) I KLh
oil luun . I iiim;K. Ir (liiiiiiiint ini..tal to
ItUovYN -UEMICAt, CO.. Haliitnore. JM.
Sheet Music Stock for Sale!!
In an t-hialtlit-in-d hiihintH m Sau Franriwo; -n-ut
hlu'il-rr-ini 'aj in- n ntt i if deirt-il or sltn k rt'Uitivetl;
I(Mk Wi'JI m i.Tic.I. a I ti 11 1 1i let-t; an or-llt-nt ojitwir
tnuity. ('has. K. Lam-huft. 3N W. 3.'Ji St.,NfwVork.
1)1 1 !!.
find all other Skin DiKCHKCi nafelv
ri rpiMN. Can -o l'niciircn ut hhv dnm ht'ro. AddreM
1 ilU'l '
KilANL'Ih bL'IiloN. M. U., Lock liox 31. Nt-wtoii.N.J.
$t . '?n rerilav at home Sample worth fl frfe.
J IU tU A,lilr...Si im,,,h J, l.u..)'orll.i lot. Mai lie.
0OOO VfcJr to Aueui
ani exoeHi. Hli onifU
Ii ei. AililicM. K. Swam .s: ;o . AH.'inlj.Mf.
iir t't Ae HIS. All'l V H-ll-eB. JO t t.l .11
rit io
or Tin
" .,'1 . JltiltlHr.lIliit)'
II (tr'""""'''";"'!!
'hli.. .ni!'l!:l'
;:,!; imintiiiMnnun"!,',:! -t
lilillllliii;' ii,
llil illili
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!!iiliiilii!i Q!ii!;ii!;!:!iii:i!!iD
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General Bcflil Fains,
! l i!l! iii:l !
liiiii liiiiiiiiiiiii)
if, 'j'
w jjjiiiiii1
.! !
I i
M 'I l ' 'MM i ,H . i il 'ft
if lwMiTiniiiiininiiaiiinniin'ii il
No Prftpftrstion on earth n'pmlk Hr. Jaiyiiis On. as ft sxrt.
annic, smn.K ftnd C'lllAr Kxtvrnnl Itemnily. A trial emaiil
but tli oomparRtiToly trllliliR outlay of MCltNf. anil evHrf
on aufTering witb paiaoaa liavo oiiaap auii Kisitiva (iriKifuf
lliilthnnre. Mil., f '. S. A.
This la thi rliiioKt nnd only rompli to anil roliatila
hiHtnrv ol tliuOrt'ut t'isil Witr pmIiIimIriI; it hIioiiihIh
In iiitniiiiMH of ,imhuhI ailvriituri', tlinllinx lin i
ili'iitH, (InniiK cxi'liiitH, hi-riiii' tli'i'il, wuiiiliMliil
vrapi's, i tr.; unit cmlitins I i 1 o -1 1 It o pni Inula ot 1 OO
li n lins: K' ii''r.ilt. Si inl lur hiNTiiiiiMi ai:ii uiul cvtra
tt'iiiiH to Aki.hU. aiiun.i. l'cu. t o . i'Lila., l'a.
HcprotM'iitins the ohoieint olpctol Tni'ttiinc
Slifll ami Amber. Tlio lifjliti'st, lianilcoinpst,
ami htrnntji'Mt Uiiuwn. Slil liv Oniiciiius ami
ii'w. lcrti. Mado l.v Sl'EN'CEH Ol'TICAL
M'F'O. CO., lMaiilcn Imiik, Now York.
For flnlKliiiiit WallM and Ccilinas, f thrmnvl valuaMn
mati riitl known. It 1 lr auiN-rior to Cnlcumiiii', ami
limn' 1 1 oininiirKl. II Is h vnliiHlilii ilistovi-rv, uil ill
niiTilH its it wall IHmkIi Hrn iiiii iiniili il It ih tin- inilr
natural anil lurall niiisli ,,rVulln. It Hill pay
sou to si ml lorNniiiplucttrtl ant) ti Kiiiuouiab to
SE ELEY BROS. , 32 Burling Slip, N. Y. City.
Coiaiia Bicycle.
A jierni.'imirt practical mart chlclc,
Willi wliu-li a pi'iami run iMn three
ril.i a ns ritn;,y he count wnlk one.
fii'iii ;i-cciil atuiup for ;u-pue cau-
Ml ;i -,1 1 1 1 1 1, t . n St., ItoRtnn. Mam.
Hordes Cured of Cribbing.
M ni, -ii, Invention cto:,i thu hatiit at oncn, nntki'R
n i iiliow, lim n no h, inn. A l.ov can, 1 war
i nit arntvon oiiiik or oKI. I'nll prinlcil ilirirlioiH
s. m Willi i .n il niili r. Slv 17Yi-unt' i:xi'iii n(i,, tlm
s, i M ni ami How to rri'vmil a HorKi-1-roni Hivom
n ( 'rilil.i r. wnt to Miur aillri Hs liv mail roinpU io
n nvnlain Io all. Ii. VAN WYCK, V. S
AU'.i Eist Mam str ut. II: iiliji port, conn, "
Over 1,000,000 Acwa.
Mild CHniato. lroiluctivo Koil. li.v rrirefl. I'anv
Tcniis. SK i iaI lii'lui'i'iiiciitH to art mil si ttlim. For
uiapH, cir. til.u'K, cti-.. I'iiinK pari u iilant Iivh, addrosa
XllUMAS EhSfcX, LaudCoiniiiissiiiiiiT,
Utllo lilM'k. Afiz
(Ulu.stratcd Wn klv. Sanusiz Uuriitr'.)
OS Tit I A I.,
For 'J5r. will at'iid llm sK ami Homk two month nn
I rial, with mm ,(i (siiinpli'l Oil t'hroino. ltoliiiliio
Ai-iits wanti'd. hinjrli'nipy, Hi'. Mkikoi'oi.itan Puu
LihillNu t'oMi'ASY, .Ji.Yi JSniadway, New York ;ity.
' s, t ol (;ciiiuni ( onli'di'i iiip sniifK Troiiu
li i y Ni'lrtt I'rniii .10 itiiih Io itlll noli, m nt on
ri'ri'ipt ni oin-dollar. It. 1). M ANN, li. n l U. It. Ticki t
Ollli't'. No. 4 Iwmliall lloiiKo, Aii.akta, IIko. Kditora
making Hiirrial nolico and sondini; maraud copy will
Ik, lurniKlii'd a Sot iroc.
Sotid for Circular.
CIV WASTB MONKTi Tninii nu n ill
C I afV If t"U v&nt l.usurtnt nouaikcii. fluwu
ITC whi.ihcri at liT frowth 1 htair r,n vti
V w ru. .U or to Tlth'KtN, hrKkNt.rHKN ai.l
IWKIOIUIt. Ill I1AIK tiirnrr dofi t D hiimhiir ..( .
Try Hie crtat Stunnti diutrj wlr-rh iu NtVr.K V KT
FAIIJ.U. SaoNl.l MX CtM'K Mr J. l.OMV
AiwoALAIf V pi'pmonlli. All EXPENSES
nilvanci-,1. H AULS promptly paid. SLOAN
cV t o. J 00 Cicoi'Xo .St. t lucluauli. O.
r Ar.i-rti V,:-R!r:l. I?," r. Dcy naia
f -Vi a:ttiiur l'LATI-OI.-JU VXMlVt
Jf'. '-jXi w'Al l-Weigh. upto'JS lb Keta3
itk,', ail.l.o. i .tiiik Biiriinia Aaenl
71 Di'Kt Si'Uinir Ariifloa in tli world, a
faniplf ce. Jay lirousoii.Dt-troit.lIicli.
0 7 7 7 v:v;:
A YEAH and exiictiKoii to Amenta.
rni-. Aililrcns
Ii ' Y.Aiiunsta.Mai n?.
U'OI(KINiIKN whowii-li to make moiiy fust
"lid II ct'lilH ,,r lliliu-inalioli to W. li. P'
I.KOP.tiraHh allc .(..'alip'rnla. I', iMla,stain la::' H.
MAItlMAtiK AtiKM'V. - All correainimlme
Hiru'tly coiih-lt'iil '.il. l-'or parlit-iilar. addruta
Willi slainp. S. ', Ouawa, Iowa.
AGENTS WANTED for the B,t and Fat.t
hulliii l'icional lii,lvKand iiiiilcM. PruvHri'diuvd
3:i n-r ct. National I'lililisliinw . l'hilaijrlphia, 1'a.
MA It V I.A N D l If MS, S? to l-.M p, r Aero,
tiliurt wiuW'i9, lifi-f.v MiiniiiH-ra, ln-altliv litiirite.
Catalogue tiTo. II. KOIA.MIil.KN. l'i-,ii ialrl,ur;!..Md.
YnilMR MFN Learn Toleiiraphv. l:.iru ?W to lu)
lUUUU men tt luontli. (.iMiinut, h Miuiiaiili-. l
payiUM oIlii'oK. Add'o i.l' untie liroo., Jau, viili-. Wis.
P QTT IMtEMIIIS.. . Sample and terms
vvilOIl lroi-. .Mumui.1 Naiiu.s, Wairru, 1'a.
Kt f'hromo Cards for rolltrtions, Hi cmiIh. K. Y'.
M'tiOII, HI CMltH. K.
1 1 hprntc bt., N. Y.
tr fii'torial I'rmtiiiK t o.
for Consumption I. alno
tho lit'st Com;li Mi'diciut,.
J7? A WFf'.K. H'i a dav at homo eaftily mado. Costly
'' Oiitnt Iron Add s Tut it x t o. Augusta, Maiuti.
I II VbSV jM m kJ Kid
Used and approved by the leading PHYSI
The most Valuable
Family Remedy
1 Wt f U arm
l U V ..
Coughs. Colds, cie 1 hrcat, Croup
Try them. H and 60 cent aizea
CilAMt j;:y.43ATTiit:raiLAH!.l.lIll
ali.VJOt SILiiXL, AT 1I1E VAUit,
lotirln tolllne tli Sportlujj
lltat I Imre r-pnroliaod
Burns I51JSIxi;sn f'
Accumulations Discharges,
Lung;s,Eycs anlTliraat y chKbiaim.
No tvmly ao wanlly and ffh-tually arrMt th trrtl.
1MB ami illKliireM from Catarrhal Affei tlnni a
COt onS, COI.DS tn the 1ITCA0, NASA!, anil TflROAT
lillKl'MATISM. NKlirtAI.OIA, Ac, cannot t enred
t ly hy any oth niellcloe. For naMT and Mer
cn-a of CATAltllll one car CATARRH CURB Cita).
In all catu'iuaa our NASAL SYRINUR (Jc). Will b
i-ntln litaof 1 worth, on receiptor price. Note thai
PUN U S KXT K ACT H put p only Id bottlee with pirtore
Tra'le Mark on ontalile wrapper and word "POND'S
KXT 11 ACT" ulowa In R!a.
, I W Our New ramphlet with llletory ot M Prfpara
tlnna. aent frrc
LAD1KS llcad papctlJ, 18,H aad J.
14 AVeat 14 Ih Strt, W'r Trl
1 ft Inaur.a th parchaiar obUlxdBf the
oa-intaa article,
a. It protect Ikaconaumcr lakytatPoa4)
Ki tract aot weakened with water, which we foand we)
done a few years aito, when we were tadaced to farnH
dealen) with the gctiulae article In bo'.k.
il .ti pr, tertallie coiaanauar froa anacnipa
loa pa'tle eelllng crude, cheap decoctloBi to bin a
Ponil't Extract, fur any parton caa tell the geouiae from
the bottle .nil w aporr.
4 li pi.iettt the teniumff, for nteaoeaa.'a
to nte auy other article according la th direction fleea
in our book, which annoaod each bottl of Pondl
Kx track
ft.It protect- the eonituner, for It la
afrroeebie to be develrrd aad perb.p Injured by halag
other article an ler the illret tioa for Pond' RxtracA
O lo other tide, manufacture or lailtati
lias the eftcct claimed for and alwayi producjd by
1'onit'i Kxtract
7 It 1. pi rJutllcfKl te the reputation of Poud'a
Kit act to have people nee a eoanterfelt tx lierlng It to
l,e the grnntne, f, r they will lively bt ttrpomtnt, if no
Injured by It effect.
-Jniitlc to on of the) beit medlolnet
in the world, aad the buadre.t of tbonaand aalnt
it, tleuumi. treiy precaution ajalnat having weak a
mjurloua preparatloL palmed off a tb genuine. Th
oult ay tli la ran be accompllihcd la to Mil the eaxcina
put op In a unliorm auanaer la oca owl aorruta, cenv
plrte with tut! wrapper, trade marka, eto
UR91IC.H tiiai l ha gtanln Pond' Ex
ti act 1 cheap, becaua It 1 atroug, uniform aad
reliable. Our book of direction explain whan It can be
diluted with water and wheo to be need fall (trench.
HKUIONBUIt-Ttiil ail other preparation, II
oolorleea, are mere decoctioua, bolllrut. or prod urea
mply to obuia th odor and wlUtoat th eel. nunc ot
pun'.ca! knowledge of the matter which many yean of
labor be gteea na,
iiUMnitlCir.OK KOW If OWThata(
preparation purporting to ba auperlor to Pond' .
irua uecauae uiey auee amor, or colored ttmp y JJcenet
invy nave crnae, ana to nnprofeieto: J. m
inem, pernape aani:erou mailer lavtffeni, and ,
nn rr re nied except B Oder the adf lot aad prtvriytiiM u
II1M IKfREU AND HROrT-Thtl oar Terr
rxivtMive machinery 1 th ranilt of thirty year ef e
peilriice (the moetof which wa eatlrely given to tt
work), and conitant attention to the production of ai
f iiiu of Iluuiuuie'ia, and that therefore we ahouly
know what w aaaert. that Poad'a Kxtract I tli beet,
pureit, and contain more virtue of th ihrub than aay
other production yet made.
Our New Ilia to ry and Uaet ot Paad'i Ixtnict aad
vther preperatlone aent free.
I. III KKead pege 11 IS, xl and w n our bool,
ri-:di U f. und around each bottle, aad will ba eeut fr
xi application,
11 Wmft 14th Streitt. ffRW VOIUO
Hop Bitters.
If you Ptro younff nl
iliHtTt-tiua or aiiitui
net or niriKiw, ulU ui
poorbealtU or liinrfulKii
Uv rviy ou Hop
waste. ibt Hop 6.
BUfTorirujf from any tn
titiu j if yi art piat
yumm, ftuiliT'.nw fmni
Itiaf on a bod of tuck'
r"m lhounanun a an
id Dually 1 r o m Bouie
O 'v l r.
wJient-Tr you fl
tliut yir nyn'iti
DL'eda cleat Htnkr. tm.
itiif or utiiniilatnii!
J S have Ihtii iin,v,.iiT. ,l
w i t bout in titxuii i
by a timely ui uf
t a It HOD
pepfiiil, Ktunry
u nviuar!co:n
ftain(t iilsL-a.t
of Uio ttnunich,
tnwrt$, blood,
liver oruerve t
You will he
curtid if yoa uo
Hop Bitters
ily weak mil
itt It may
s av e y ou r
life. It has
saved .hun
dreds. D. I. C.
Is an abwoiuta
una li tfhta
'ble e u r e fur
ilrunkeiineNH ,
tobacco, or
Uoi CutiCO.
ro CO.,
Kuibecttr, N, T.
A Tiarttntu, I nt.
nre sent any wliereoii
airalnht n);
tit her fretppe-j.
thv c-tiuutmtu'
litM'pllJK thU
oiu-ihat suit-J
htnl, S'tMi;.vi
h u h e v ft r
Oiij t il h h w
np itiiy ili r
V r e h h . h 8
Kll't-All I., Ih- In V. lit. 1
ufl I V I , , Tnv""y or liny ( hrr.
; . . 1V S' n - , . "d a v,.t ii,i h at..
J., iu'ra,",",",,v.1,"ii-t"'w',iirt,iu,iiiiim;
..- CK. J.1J .11 11 I
n""-nen Corn Cutting Machines
.it1 t'lirttriftut 4rt'-u Corn. KtnulR tu h.tnth.
. 'i i-.fvrt'arti. It'ftt iiiiuiiiitis, uic, midrt-s-H VlH.NKV
HA UK bit. Portlttud. Mo.. 'j7!u Mitrk.:t
Ajiii'lLjufroin pure)
acilno Hu h a
Poinado Vaseline.
Vaseline Cold Creaa
Vaselina Camplicr Ice
Vaseline Toilot Boaps,
an aujMriur te au; alnulii eaee.
An atrreeable form of Ut
tug Vaseline internally.
n X AirTrTi a v- r-.
Treatment 01
and Di pbtieria, etc
of all oar good.
1 n w'n,. l J - 'ii-'a..-f3U . -
' Jr If yew an mD V V If vou V;, ;V
YlT Gthwtuwmwnk J tunn ut It t- N;j
w;2 en3 by tlit btmtn tf t ti-HtnMnrf rrru.l t
11 your tiiuicfi avoid V uie-h! v-oik, t ! I
8timiilniitand use rf tne brum m-t ft-uud '.
: mi
ill HOP
i mm
: ! never j;
aaWiajVlft.? frfti,
fS.- SrJL NX
Thn only
..o, ..... ,,. ,, , ill IK-O IHU ,11 U til dl'CViVO till)
lmixixiniiuced l,y i Idli-ulou-dy ful-e htat.,.,,,.,, uVid
imivdi iwt, s.klir i,iiy (ti r l'rc-sn alui.Ksl.lo .f
Usl.Th.-k . M li, tho, U.i-, r a i-l.-ra-k
, I Sf I . . i , I . . . T If
N .1, .' fcdS?I?'-UY.-Mi h-'t- I'foa. ! :.. P....llfc.
vrl'lT? t"';-i tl", A,- 1", f.t "cuy, Luh
tifOSUWJi. tUlUAl ii CO..L.Y.
J.Mr 1