The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, April 06, 1881, Image 5

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' w
i e
l)r. Buscli, who baa risen to the ln'g h
out rank in tlie German foreign oflire,
ling no noble birth to recommen J him,
He began life as a dragoman to the
lYussian! consulate at Constantinople,
and there thoroughly mastered the in
t Heavies of the Eastern imbroglio. He
studied polities with equal success
when attached to the legations at Stam
!oul ftnd St. Petersburg; and when tho
last Turco-Rnssian War began Bismarck
summoned him to Berlin, and relied
upon him for information on the chang
ing phases of the Eastern question. Be
fore Bismarck's rule only aristocrats
wore permitted to enter tho Prussian
tliplomatio corps. Now there are many
commoners holding the highest offices.
The desirability of having immediate
and absolute control of tlegraphio fa
cilities in certain emergencies has led to
the leasing of telegraph wires by news
papers. The London Timet has some
fthort ones; the New York Trihvne has a
wire between New York and Washing
ton; the leading papers of Cincinnati are
similarly connected with Washington;
and recently the Chicago Inter-Ocean
has taken wnat is probably the longest
wire leased by any newspaper, connect
ing its editorial rooms with its news
bureau in Washington. All messages
are sent direct, the paper having exclu
sive use of the wire and employing its
own operators.
Trof. Bernbech, writing to the Medi
cal Press, calls attention to the probable
danger arising from the use of ultrama
rine wall papers. He states that a room
hung with an ultramarine colored pa
per gave out a most disagreeable smell
of sulphuretted hydrogen, the source of
which for some time escaped detection.
Eventually, however, a close examina
tion was made of the paper, which led
to the conclusion that the deep blue
wall paper was slowly undergoing a pro
cess of decomposition under the influ
ence of the alum in the paste used in
hanging. This appeared to be confirm
ed, for on steeping a piece.of the paper
in a very dilute solution of alum it gave
off sufficient sulphereted hydrogen to
be quite perceptible to the nose, and to
blacken lead paper.
Pennsylvania aventie, in Washington,
which now runs through the heart of the
city, so forming and connecting the capi
tol of tho United States with the official
home of the nation's chief magistracy
has in the comparatively few years of its
existence been the scene of many gratly
peculiar and most interesting occurren
ces. A dozen years after the commence
ment of the present century, over the
mud which then formed its ;road for
the British armies moved. Over Penn
sylvania avenue has passed to his inau
guration nearly every president of tho
United States. Washington, the first,
as it is almost needless to say, was not
inaugurated here. He took the oath of
office on the 30th of April, 1779, in the
New York city hall, then called the Fed
eral building, and situated where the
custom house now stands. Upon Penn
sylvania avenue almost any day during
the winter, may be seep most of the
' men distinguished in the politics of this
country. It is the habit of all the . peo
ple of Washington to walk on the ave
nue during the hours from 4 to 5.30 or
G o'clock in the evening.
Filiul Affection of the Moors.
' A Portugosa surgeon was accosted one
day by a passing young Moor from the
country, who, addressing him by the
appellation of foreign doctors in that
place, requested him to give him some
drugs to kill his father, and, as an
inducement, promised to pay him well.
The surgeon was a little surprised at
first, as might be expected, and was un
able to answer immediately ; but quick
ly recovering himself (for he knew the
habits of the people well), replied with
sang froid equal to the Moor's: " Then
you don't live comfortably with your
father, I suppose?" "Oh, nothing can
bo butter," returned the M :or ; " he has
made much money, has married me
well, and endowed me with all his pos
sessions ; but ho cannot work an
longer, he is bo old, and he seems un
williug to die." The doctor, of course.
appr;ciated tho amiable philosophy ot
the Moor's reasoning, and promised to
give him what he desired. He ccord
ingly prepared a cordial potion, more
calculated to restore energy to the olJ
man than to take it a nay. The Moor
paid him wtll, and departed. About
eight days after he came again, to sa
that his father was not dead. " No
dead," exclaimed the apothecary in
well-feigned surprise ; ' he will die."
He composed accordingly another
draught, for which he received an equal
remuneration, and assured the Moor
that it would not fail in its effects. In
fifteen days, however, the Moor came
again, complaining that his f ther
thrived better than ever. "Don't be
discouraged," said tho doctor, who
doubtless found these periodical visits
very profitable, "give him another po
tion, and I will exert all my skill pre
paring it." The Moor took it, but re
turned no more. One day the surgeon
mot liis voumr acouaintance in the
street, and inquired the success of the
remedy. " It was of no avail," he re
plied r ournfnlly ; " my father is in ex
cellent health. God has preserved him
from all our efforts; there is no doubt
that he is a marabout (a saint). .
Ostrich Fariuiujr.
Ostrich forming at tho Cape of Good
Hope has made- a wonderful advance in
the past fifteen years. In 1865 only
eighty tame birds were reported in the
colony, but in 1875. there were 40,000,
and now there are fully 100,000. So
prcut has tho demand been for these
birds that the incubator has boon pressed
into service for hatching their eggs. Tho
profits derived from raising tho young
birds, us well as from the sale of feathers,
are very great whero tho raiser has good
lack; but there are, on tho other bind,
many farmers who invested all tho
money they had in birds, and lost it all
through mismanagement or otherwise
The business of raising ostriches is al
umvs more or hss precarious, and prob
i..Jy always will be; consequently, whero
muy realize a fortune in a ft-w
, 1 n may lose all they invest in tho
About Orchard.
If you have money to fool away seed
down your young orchard to clover or
timothy or sow a crop of wheat or oats.
But if you want your trees to thrive cul
tivate well till they are seven to ten
years old. Spread ashes, manure or
salts broadcast. Stop cultivating in Au
gust, weeds or no weeds. To judge of
the condition of an apple tree is like
judging of the condition of sheep in
pasture. Look at the sheep and not at
the pasture; if they are plump and fat
tho pasture is all right. American Cultivator.
Cream In tho Lam Milk.
The last milk drawn from the cow, and
usually called the strippings, is very
rich in cream. This is doubtless due to
the fact that as tho milk is secreted in
the u der the cream rises, and the last,
that is drawn contains the most of it.
In a number of experiments made to
test this question it was found that the
milk of various cows differed, as fol
lows: Specific Ir cent. Fer wnt.
Gravity, of Cream, of F&t.
( Hint milk.. 1032.9 7 2.25
J Last milk.. 1031.2
No. 2.
(Flint milk.. 1034.1
I Last milk.. 1029.4
- t First milk.. 1033.6
v- (First milk.. 1033.4
wo' ' ! Last milk.. 1029.0
This fact is so well-known that the
patrons of creameries or cheese factories
are specially forbidden, under large
penalties, from milking the stoppings
separately and withholding them from
the rest of the milk.
To Tell the A bp of Cattle.
The ago of homed cattle may gener
ally be known by rings on the horns till
their tenth year ; after that time they
give no indicati n of age further than
that the animal has passed its tenth
year. Tho first ring appears on the horn
after tho animal has passed two years
old soon after, as a general rule, though
sometimes before that age. During the
third year the ring gradually increases,
and at three years of age it is completely
formed. . The second ring appears dur
ing the fourth year, and at the fifth it
is complete. After that period an addi
tional ring is formed each year. This
rule is sufficiently plain, and even a
young farmer needs but little practice to
enable him to read a cow's age on her
horns). A cow with three rings is six
years old. No new rings are formed after
the tenth year ; the deeper rings, how
ever, and the worn appearance of the
horns are pretty sure indications of old
Treatment of Clay Soils.
Clay soils, says a writer, give stability
to the roots of the wheat, preventing
it from freezing out; they furnish the
necessary alkalies and absorb gaseous
substances which are essential to that
crop. Clover may be applied to them
with benefit. But stable manure any
thing and everything organic that you
can get will benefit them. No matter
how coarse or strawy, all the better if you
can work it in. They will make the soil
lighter and establish a freer circulation
of the air two important tilings to bo
gained, two great advantages in the me
chanical conditions of the soil. Then,
the addition of 'organic matter helps
these soils chemically; it is just what
they need. Clay soils readily absorb ma
nure and keep it. Lake tne wise woman,
" they take all they can and keep all they
get." Don't be afraid of losing your
stable manure on clayey ground. Slap it
on. It will Hold it tighter than you can.
Unless the soil is already rich in lime,
you can apply nothing better. So with
ashes. These will help it me
chanically and chemically. If you have
clay soil underdrain it ; mix sand with
it if you can ; light composts you must ;
sow it to wheat and harvest forty bush
els to the acre. But do not forget to
apply lime if it hicks that. Clay soils
are better suited to timothy than clover,
. , i i ii ii "TJ.i. Ml
aitnougn tney grow ooin. nui n win
not pay to raise clover on them unless
the bottom is dry. Clay soils are also
good for oats and potatoes if the bottom
is dry ; in short, clay soils are generally
good for nothing unless underdrained.
I would resort to green manuring on
andy Boils ; to light composts, lime
ashes and stable and barnyard manure
on clay soils. On sandy soils, while
practicing a rotation of crops, I would
raise corn principally, unless the ground
was hilly ; on clayey soils, while asrain
practicing rotation, I would raise wheat
and oats as much as possible, also tim
othy for hay. Yet green manuring is
profitable on clay soils, if you under
drain. In manuring these soils your
object should be to make them . warm
and light. To do this the manure
should be thoroughly, incorporated into
tho soil with the plow.
Cream Cookies. Two cups sugar,
two eggs, one cup cream, one cup but
ter, one teaspoonful soda, one teaspoon
ful lemon extract or one-half a nutmeg,
grated; Hour enough to make a dough
as soft as it can be rolled.
Jellikd Chicken. Boil a fowl until
tho rlesh will slip easily from the bones;
let tho water bo reduced to one pint;
pick the meat from tho bones in good-
sized pieces, leaving out all the gristle
and fat; place in a wet mold; skim all tho
fat from tho liquor and add a half ounco
of geletiue, a littlo butter, pepper and
salt; when the geletine is dissolved pour
all over tho chicken while hot; season
pretty high; serve cold, cut in slices.
South eh n Beef Hash. Take the
rarest cold roast beef, cut into small
pieces, but not so small as for mince
meat; pour into a vessel with cold
water enougn to cover it; cut up u
onion; add pepper anc salt enough to
season it. Cook untr the onion is
thoroughly done, adding hot water, if
necessary, to prevent burning. If pota
toes ara liked with the hash, add fresh
ones sliced thin. By no means add cold
potatoes, bs these are unfit to be used in
making a nice dibh; and bo wire to hove
plenty of gravy, as on this depends the
completeness of the hash. Atablcsnoon-
! ful of butter will improve it.
A musio teacher fell from a third
story window, and found the pitch un
comfortably high. (
k -
Quacks and Superstitions.
No part of the Rev. Dr. Uplmm's
Grace church lectnre on " Some Follies
of Some Sensible roople" was more
heartily enjoyed by his large audience
than his protest against quack doctors
and the superstitions which many people
still entertain concerning certain alleged
cures for disoase. He instanced this ro
cipe for whooping-cough, once held in
high favor here in New England: " Cut
off a lock of the child's hair, roll it in
butter, and give it to A yellow dog. Be
particularly careful to observe this last
direction, as no Newfoundland canine or
blnck-and-tun terrier will do."
The speaker said that while a uastor
in a cultivated New England city ho was
called to visit a young woman who was
said to be in the last stages of consump
tion, although he had seen her at church
in perfect health within twenty-four
hours. He found that she had employed
a doctor who had stepped into his pro
fession from a tin peddler's cart., after
three weeks of stndv," and that he had
told the fumily that the decay in a cer
tain tooth had gone down on her lungs
and placed her in the last stages, etc."
The woman is still alive, weighs 2' X)
pounds and bids fair to live for forty
years longer. apringjusia focm.) Kqub
lican. The Towers of Silence.
These towers, which are built in a
compound on the top of Malabar Hill,
in the Island of Bombay, are Bix in
number, and overlook the sea, the oldest
being 300 years. The internal arrange
ments of the towers are as follows. The
bodies rue placed in three separate cir
cles the outer and larger one for men,
the middle one for women, and the
smallest for children. There is a wit in
the centre, into which the bones are
thrown after the flesh is stripped off,
and paths to allow the priest to move
about. The flooring gradually sinks to
the centre to let the rain into the pits
from which it filters into the earth,
The towers vary in size from about
thirty to fifty feet in diameter, and eight
to fourteen in height.
This Parsee mode of disposing of the
dead seems to European minds very re
volting. The body, after the religious
ceremony is performed in the temple
where the friends are assembled, is car
ried out and placed in one of the towers,
where it remains exposed to the elements
until the flesh is entirely eaten off, by
the crowds of vultures which frequent
the place, in about one hour. When
the skeleton becomes dry, it is thrown
into' the pit in the centre ; thus the rich
and poor meet together on one level of
equality after death. When the pit be
comes full of bones, they are taken out
and thrown into the sea, thus fulfilling
one of the principal tenets of the Zoro
aster religion, "That the mother earth
shall not be defiled."
Power of Habit.
It Cs related of Queen Louise, of Prus
sia, mother of the present Emperor Wil
liam, that one of her frequent visitors, a
special friend of her husband, was an old
general called Kockeritz. This old sol
dier, after having dined with his royal
friends, always manifested at a certain
time a peculiar nervousness and restless
ness, as if wishing to depart, while at other
hours of the day he was only too glad to
stay and have a friendly chat. But
after dinner he always showed this great
anxiety to go home. Louise, was puz
zled at the old man's strange behavior,
and resolved to find out tho cause.
She made inquiry of his steward, who,
after a few questions, explained that the
old general had indulged for so many
long years in the habit of smoking a
long pipe after .dinner that ho could not
possibly do without it. The next time
the old general came to dine he exhibited
after tho repast the same nervous
restlessness, and rose to take leave.
Whereupon Louise rose, too, and
said: "Wait a little, general; I want to
show you something." She went into
the next room. On her return she held
a long pipe already filled in one hand
and a burning waxlight and a " spill " in
the other. Handing the pipe to the as
tonished old man and lighting the spill,
she said: " There, my old general, make
yourself comfortable; this time you shall
not desert us."
Floating Gruin Mills.
A correspondent describing a trip
down the Danube in Austria, pays:
The floating grain mills on the Danube
are its most curious feature. Fancy t o
caral boats moored parallel to eiich
other in mid-river, about fifteen to
twenty feet apart, and supporting bo
tween them the crank of a gigantic
mill wheel turned by the curreLt of the
stream. Fancy, moreover, the sides of
one of these boats carried up one story
higher than the other, then roofed over
a la Noah's ark, with windows and
doors as needed, and yon will have- a
fair idea of these Danube grain mills,
some4,000 to 5,000 of which, in groups
of ten or twelve together, are scattered
along this watery highway all the way
from Vienna to Belgrave. Each mill is
nsciibed with tho owner's name.
The Subject or Suicide.
Some of the causes of suicide are ab
surdly trivial, A women in India threw
herself into a well, because her little boy
did not come to dinner after having been
repeatedly colled; another in Brunn, be
cause tho neighbors laughed at her fat
ness. A girl in Marseilles suffocated
herself and her master's daughter with
charcoal fumes because they were re
fused permission to go out skating, and
another in Hesse Cassel drowned herself
and infant in the Fulda rather than bring
the child to be vaccinated.
fAtcfuiigon Champion.
No Benefit.
An Indiana news-paper thus writes:
Mr. George F. llelderle, of Peru, lnd.,
says that he had suffered very much with
rheumatism and used many remedies
without benefit. Ho found the desired
r Hef in St. Jacobs Oil.
An old man went insane with rcmors.i
at Laporte, lnd. , because he blunderingly
killed a neighbor while shooting at a
Tubular trial shows the worth of every ar
ticle; aud thirty-four yfc&rn 'coiibtaut use has
pruvbu the great eftlcacy of Lr. Bull's Cough
Byrup; it baa no uirior,
Iiittle Grace, who wag quite familiar
with the hurdy-gurdy and its aimian
attaohment, but who was making her
first acquaintance with the church
organ, watched the player long and
earnestly. Finally her eve caught tuo
blower, pumping up and down in the
background. Mamma," sho exclaimed,
" that's the biggest monkey I ever did
see." Boston lYatucript.
TotttoTrn Daily Lodger.
A Michigan journal relates the follow
ing: Amos James, Esq., proprietor of
the Huron house, Port Huron. Mich.,
suffered so badly with rheumatism that
he was unable to raise his arm for three
months. Fivo bottles of St. Jacobs Oil
cured him entirely.
The only cure for indo ence is work ;
the only cure for selfishness is sacrifice ;
the only cure for unbelief is to shake off
the ague of doubt by doing your con
science's bidding; the only cure for
timidity is to plunge into some dreaded
duty before the chill comes on.
Lndlra, Pellrnte nnd Feeble.
Those languid, tiresome BciDHationn, causing
you to feel scarcely able to boon your foot; that
oonstaut drain that is taking from your system
all its former elasticity, driving tho bloom from
your cheeks; that continual strain nnon vour
vital forces, rendering you irritable and fretful,
can easily be removed by the use of that mar
velous remody, Hop Bittcra. Irregularities and
obstructions of your system aro relieved at
once, whilo tho special cause of periodical pain
are permanently removed. Will you heed tlii ?
8oe "Truths." '
Ladies, save your old autographs
they may become valuable. At an auto
graph sale a few days since in Paris a
letter of Catherine do Mpib'mH livnnclit
S32, one of the Marquise Maintenon $78
ana a letter or Mary atuart
The Greatest Discovery of the Ar.
For ovpr tlilrtv.four Tours
un. tohias s Venetian liniment
nnx b(V'ii luruiitfil to ours Cmuy, rotie, Si'Ssms,
1'iHrrhua au l 1: cnti-r.r. taken iudmnllv, ami Sure
A!' P""' l'Am" " t'"" Iilinlw, Clinmfo llluMmiattxiii,
Okl hurtw, l'iini-l.-B, lUoti hcs mit Swclliiurn, exter
nally, ami uot a footU.' limt been returned, muuv fam
ilies tatiiiK tliey would net be without It even if it
wm llu n bottle. Sold bv drue.KiKta at i.i and SO
ceuU. Upot. Vi Murray Struet. New York.
My Annmil Cnte lotcuc nf Vrpctnlite nnrt
Flower heed for ri b in e.u:r:'vi"r lnmi
photo:'ri!hs ot the orie.i:i!ilN, will !c sent Klil; to ul."
who apl'ly. I offer ouo M the largest eolhetion of
VefietaUH Heed ever Kellt out lv nnv Heed HnUKf in
America, a Iuvkc, oor'.iou of hieh were pnnvii on niv
five S 'ed f.vriiiH. Oirrrii'uiH for vttttirntittt on
&:r,h )tn Lntn. All red irarmntfl to 6, both t'l'tU ttnei
tnt to mtmr: no f'ir. tli:t thouM it frovn otln-r-ir.
u l'i rf 'HI il'f (( r rutin. The orV'nal introducer
of tho Hubtiiird NjH:ii-h, 'himie'n Melon, Murhle.
hea l CabbaieM, Mexiortn Com, und bcore of other
veritable. 1 iiivite the. wilroirtio' of alt irho art
ati.-tuttH to .tire tt'fir .vr-I tUrtftl tfroiii the grower,
rtuh, trttt, tttut of ihf ivr; brst strain.
JAMES .1. H UKEUOHY. MarMohcad. Mass.
Wewillv-nd The Uternry Oarst (amnmrnotbll
nitrated ham'ly btoty I'jer)un trial three months foi
nly 12 rta (or fW Sc. K)tap camp and to each ubacri
Kr, w aU) gva JVftfk ouo yair of 'rrot Oil Plcturci, tie
LMoinche. Wo malto tbit ofT r alniplr In erdr to Introduce
5iir Piper and Elrrt Oil rtrmluinn In new loraHtlca, wall
cnowlng where they aro once aeeu huotiradt mora III b want
fed, Wo Mffer at a bora tha celitialrd companion Hf'jrM
to C tlt J, "The Eait," representing acana In I be Whitt
Mountalna, and '14i VetV rpreanllnf a arena in
Wjoming Territory. 'Ihny ara tbe moat beautiful and artistic
tiariulna Oil Heturea In Mill country ,nd La their perfection tra
very dealrabla work ot arc.
Thaae platarea were made aa premium a to he rWn iwi? with
The Aiding the finest art Journal OTr publlnbrd, for 8 pet
year. Aa everyone knowa. The Aldtn failed t It waa through
our agent that the whole immense edition of theeo chromes was
aocured at a bankrupt aale. It ia only for Una reason that w
conldoflar these pictures a prvmtutna wlih our paper. Kvery
one who r members I Atdin will know what would be lha
value of any picture which an-h a celebrated art journal would
offer la Ita aubscribera and wa confidently expect, offering
the premiums, which were deoigt'd for a all dollar pajer, with
THE GUKttT (three months fur 14 cents), to aecuri at leaal
SO.U'JO subaenbere wlthtn the next two months. It barely payt
(or printing, postage, and parking. Adtre at once,
CHAM 13 fe CO., Veatfcuro( Mam.
LOOK I ou caix ni'k Ironi $-1 to !?B per day Bull.
s-vsim ' his niv Ptttint "Cbono" Cii:ar rli'Ter.
The best llX'. novrlt ou (be nrtrkt. Kverv huickz
buys ono. Oula ail tho Hiii'orMuouri oml of a ciiar
cJt au ami ftharn. Cnu be uttin'hiMl to tho watrb chain
at a charm. A uict ly nitJii l-uJalt tl ami niinntvert
aunipht, with circular and '.rict'-liM, Merit on n'uii,t ol
a silver dune. W. ii. Gilinuu, MuuTr, lift b l'luiu.Vt.
oi a. ii. - u. lummcni i;n I tiio niu-M Bi iK tion 01
dvcrlifciURjCardscliroiuoH, puzzle carda ever ih&ued.
AGENTS VA NTEI) for tho Hurt and I'twtest
beUmi-' W t'toriul JtnoUKiind liiblin. Prief'sri'duri'd
S3 inr ct. .ealiounl l'ublixuinu Co., , l'htludidj liitt, l'a.
RFRRY PRATPC and Basket. In line 10 yonm.
uenni una i to 1(wt UI ohcaiTHt m id.
Bend for Free Circular'. I). butU'ruou, IiulTiilu.N. Y.
Machinery Wanted!
Enplnt. lloilcrs, Puuii, cti, 1ho Hai'lilnlata'
Toulb aud l:whiiiTv li'-urniUy, Knn.'ht lor cask.
GiTt Mill pai-tii'uluTH HMll .riccM. AililVH
1EA1.EU, ai bumpli r rtt., l;ionk!ii, N. Y.
t'J llu 6 A LA R V pormontli. All EXPENSES
i 1 lotd. rtAOLi promptly p.ld. SLOAN
m3 A . Hu9 (Jeorso fcl. (luciunukl. o.
... ., bum .in .1 mull f. uiu 111
Aai'nta Wanted. 65aT)iirmciSe
arUlucourl'l.ATFOKAI 1 AiiiLV
K'ALK. Weigh, nptoKSlba. IViail
prioo. 4-l.ft. 1 . riu. lurprino Aptlllfe
ItUMUCllV CH.ALX Cu., ClliCliJlittU, U.
Knre firevfnUye of Malum und all dis , of tkt,.r and Kidums. Sulii Ijv all Or".''-! a-ul lir-iiv-int.
Only ."SO mm. a bottle. 8AKUACEMA 11 I K lil'llKHh
CO., if Oi lima lwa, .New York. Snd lor o-irviiii.r.
A CT? MTC Are makiiu from 84 to IK7 r
yVvIlJXl 1 C5 day aud tntukhakiux a nKular
biis'ueM by anlliuK our good. CircuJurn Willi ful
lart;riilRr muiii lYn to ariv udilrt-N6.
toTlElt MAKXIN, 1 3 Mullieny St., Newark, K. J.
CV ! WltTI ao!IT! Taiiiauari4.
TP .Iiutm ur . b..T irovUi of ti.-r .
rtll.k!). nfuJO.II.I (JKIS I in J. i.i-... o -wp
.X-. , hI 1.1J, b- I 'J. , Um. fea.M. W IIMMUwufc V 1
:l 'ARYUMI FAinisV7tu pi-r a'w
Xa Short wuib rH, bri--? Hiintiof rs, kenlibvi-liiiuite.
tialiiir-.rt.JLP. CUAMbl.KS, fM.lw-al.burij.Mit
I.I.E.f Hralu Food-run uNcnout- Iwbilitv A
hwid for f'ir, lo AUi'ii'a l'bami(u;i, 'J 13 1 Avo.Y;
Yflllft MFM L'-aroT-lot-reiOiy. Earn V) lo f Vt
Iyiug office, dda Vdlt-utinft bruB., Jaimtvuig, Wis
rvA H I) CoUeclow. Fancy Carl. Jai-aa--e.rhromo,
i y l-rl. Ci iiiio mid iiold i6 lor C -Sr., U 0 v ,
ll'o fiir iiv3c. nimiii i. Ocui Card Co.. Norfti- h. Van.
nlVOHCES, iu ar Statu, vrltbout J'ubUutv.
.ud ataiim fr tho law. i. fc. bi.M. Cliu-eo.
DICA'C riTTTTT' for Oonuuii'ion Is alBO
Hill O KjULIXj the tHrt t-uh .vrciu liio.
Ikfinft Jar to Ai-uH,
J J J f:(t, d.l . i
and hti in.tnt
TCHIMS PILES. If your tlmrffift hadn't "A nut
iiet.' 'a" Given Ointment, and vou wiidi nui e
lU'f from Piles (itcluiiLT or otlii-rl. m-ikI in
ey or Ktami to E. K rl'ItLONG. 7 Mitmiv St.,
...1 . .... ..-ill 1 ;i .. t. . J. ..ii . ;,..t
111 nlii'l
Psita Crrfffatpa.'
Ir, ic no Tile di iiki.;(v1 mutf, jrnrton.Hn(? to b
mad of wondtvful fmciifti roots, imi a. pIc,
fcnd pufTixl 1151 by long bogua crtitioftts (if pv
tcnilwl tnirarnlou euros, but a Biniplf, mm,
etToctivo niwlirine, in acta of woll-known vahi
alje rernmliua, tlm funiiahin itnowncortilknlc
by It on row. V refer to Hup llittrrn, flm
punwt and Ixwl of modiciiicw. (tea "TriiUia"
Mil " tVovprbw," in othnr column.
The cremationists Lave at lust tlis
covered iliat Washington, Ta., is tlint
country from whose burn 110 traveler
Do not Ieixind.
warnar's Safe Kiilnny n(l Liver Cure will
Ji'ive off tlie worst attaok of " bluos."
Cliinalimlcoin in circulation centuries
before England had.
Cntnrrb nnd IXtnfnraa.
I chonrfiilly add my twtiiimny to tlif value of
Ely'i Cream "Balm a aiwiflo In thfi rnxn of
my alstor, who has bpon sPrionnly ilobilltatfiil
with catarrh for oiht yeara, havinpt trind in
pffoetually nthor rcmediou ami aovoral pocialty
(loctora in Boaton. Bhn iuitirovod at onco rtn
tlor tliia discoverr, anil haa gainei! hnr hoaltU
and hearing, whioh had Wnn ccnaidered incur
able, Hobert W. Merrill, secretary of the
rhrenlx Manufacturing comjiany, Grand Rapids,
lam enrfd of catarrh and deafhena after riv
Ing Ely'a CroBm Balm a thorough trial. It han
on aoveral ocoaHiona relieved me of severe cold
in tbe head. My aunt was troubled with deaf
neea in one ear. Ufdng the Balm a few times
her hearing was restored. F. JJ. Mores, in
surance broker, Elizabeth, N. J.
Trice, fifty cents. Fly's Cream Balm Com
pany, Owcgo, N. Y. Will mail It for sixty cents.
Indiowtton, Ptppeprta, nervous prostration
and all forms of geuui'Hl debility roliovod by
Diking Mensmans l'K.rTONi.KO Bi.ek To.nio, tlio
only preparation of beof containing its entire
nutritious properties. It contains blood-making,
foi-co-peuerating and life-snstaining projierties;
is iuvaluablo in all enfeebled conditions, whether
tho result of exhaustion, nervous prostration,
overwork, or acute disease, particularly if
resulting from pulmonary complaints. CiibwcII,
Hazard Si Co., proprintoi-H, New York.
The only hope of bald heads Caiwomnb, a
deodorized extract of )etrolenm. Every objec
tion removed tiy recent improvement. It in
now faultless. The only euro for baldness and
the most delicate huir-dresKing known.
(Tklaenirravlng rcprc,-mi the Lunita tn a htaltliy date.)
What tho Doctor3 Say!
m. KLETCHF.II, of I-xiiiKton, Missouri, savx: "1
reeoiimn-iid your lliilntim' In iin'U-ivii'.-u to auj
otliur uiudicluv lor coukIik uud colila."
im. A. C. JOHNSON, of Mt. Vernon, 111"., wKlii ol
aonix weudorful iin-H of f oostioiio ion in km i-lauc
by tku use of "Alleu's l.uu lliiirtuni."
PR. J. B. TTniNFJt. IUoiinlaville, Ala., a pno'ticinp
phyaleian of twt-ntv-llvo -:ir, writen: ' Ii tlie but
lu-eparatiou forCousuniiliou in tko worlil."
For nil nixennrH ol' I In- 'I'll rout. I.ihiuh nnd
I'liliiionai'v itrxann, it will be liinnd u moal
excellent ICeiiiedy.
J. N. HARRIS & CO., Proprietors,
Io r Snle by nil Druirp. Iwl k.
Sold Ijv MrK ASSON k ilOllill N's. New y, it
To Cansumpdves.Mnnv hnv been linppv
tOKivellii irliviiiiioiiy lu lavorot tlie ueol " I) itbor'n
Pure (Jod.l.titr Hit ami Jiiir." KiiH-ricneo has
mv-d it to t,e a valu.-U.lH n-inedv for OuiiHiunetion.
Axtlmia. Diihtlu-ria, and all diwiwH of Die 'I lim it
and bmiiH. Mamilactiireil onlv bv A. U. WlidiUli,
Clu-initt, lluKtou. Sold by all dnunii-lw.
Ilnli- IylhlhpSFKSt
M.,1 IfKSI'; It .-U-IH ttKf.llt 1
lirollal.l .HMllh'lllt tll muni
niiliiml fli,ie-.o Huikor
liruwn: ioi N T .S'l'AIN
llii- SkIN. und is cu-ily
lp ii-il. It a a K'Oi-lai .1
! t-tna alloii und a hitorKe
oiirvi-iy wc-li a- j -mteili4ii-Irt
or l, or Gi-ntVniun.
bold by Dm k. t. mi l iih
Jult-il liv H:iir IM-iwa
1 )int.1 W II l.iniSI ,N.V.
C. X. Cllll'l KMON, Ant.
f.iri-8 a Brilliant. White and Steady Ijt'ht, require
No I rliuniliir. nnd lst for montlia.
Liruulur nnd naniola Wick uout for Kiaenta.
Metal Tip Lump AVIck 'o..
Agcnti Wai. ju Cortiaudt St., Saw Vorl:
A permanni tprartical road vehicle,
Willi wliWli a iK-ton iau riile tliri-a
rnlli-a a. r.iaily us lie i-uiimI waik one.
l-einl -ii Atauip fur af-ptie ca;a-
not Wanhlivtoo St.. llit-n. X:m.
gjSub-Eass & Cct-Couplcr,j2l
545, 55, $65, $75, $100, $120j
And Upwards. Ktool and Instruction Hook I
11K-1111I1-1I. I'l. mi. 10 and lipwaruH.
AvenlM iiuled. N 'ulal"Kiina niorl
riy. 1',i.iutuu, Mt:.,
1 If vou uro lo:ni;
TT -vou ,;in l'-'irn h'lnn
N ll Y ln'nK to nur a-ivau-u
!l I td;;o and Kiiv--iiioiii-v I v
itf&J X KtidrijfXll).: Win. l'ol-ti-t
k 1 -o., ..ft i.ciiaii;;i!
IIIllililillPT, t'hirlltiO.
imiiwi'zMmi&ssz sro vrii,.r eTrnt i
Used and approved by the leading
ffTvo .uTTmnun a AnjrrTTria
V fi il J UX J UXlvliJ ILUU JO.iiLSUJXXjH.
The most Valuable
Family Remedyj;
. Ccufrhs, CcliXEoreTLrCLtCrotp
ftj them. 25 and 6) ccut :rei
111.VU 33,111 A JL, AVlktM .- ---
j mi jo
.-41,1 in
iii'" ! ! fv'URALG!Ar
M!!!;::!!"!!::iTr.e-;ii',::.:'!-ii lumbago,
1 i ! ' ,j
l., 1 (if TfiW
r w "r f 1 1 ii f -r"
SP'RAirio, ,
i;;;1:;!: ii i:!Si,
?:. mMiS',;..!'-
h ;ii;:i,l .;;ii; i;,-
lW,?il;?hi. riv-i
q fRUSILU rttl
IP ill ill
P I ! !!!".
ra d
:. hJl .... I '
1 ll!.
!i !. .! ''!',.,i 1 a luum.MJi
'li iii'iiB i:i'"!H''niili'iilii.ii;! !;a
' .iiiiiimi-,' i 3 ..riiMAiir
1 1 '.r 11. in
1 ! I ( 111. i"
I1 , ' : nli. ii.. : il
Vn P,..,l! ,n nn nn.-ll, u 1. tif .T.rSlK. Oil. A. illFL
iikk. ntul i-iikjm' Kxk-i-iiaI Ht-muilv. A trial .ntaiia
lut tlio liviiiiclv IrilliiiiiimOiiy f tttVunr. and vor
en. imfloriiifi Willi priiuvan linv. cluiaiiand ioiLiv jiroulvf
It alalia. DHFr-iaX8 IS 1:I,1:I1 LAfMWAOrft.
A. vca-iLCi & CO.
V.,-l!hnnv. Ttfit.. T'. A.
N Y N V 1 1
more'tuan loo 'styles ofYuk
A h J are now n-iinlarly made, from ama
kw V "J , nioi'n m 1M cul), me iniesn
ii.C'fV'l-J and eiralli-nt i-iro, popularly kniern
.-." .'..uilie HA1.Y till-.AN, nt i.ulyr.",
v.-,jvv.i,t';'.lin a lariw I'ONi hllT UHdAN '.
ik' v ' xi ! SI -j:iio. 1 wknit arvi.wa at from nl
-V-M to Jicncacli: wxrr nu at tK9
j,v.i. , to imi: ruarr i ru 1-,
,?1 J. I-:-', l mii and tips caili prtwa. frV-:,''
')$, V i ' J'"r ti! l'AIMKaT'i. from 41.1. i.i-r
nil. I ii JIAUr (li A
will ,q f ,.1111.1 i'uual!T nftvful T'.r
irriauvau:ipt-ii locuutirpn, di
PRICE, $?2. odiills, linvlnc fine quality of tnt.a
arit powi r, and po (T.cli nt i-om)ia ilhi re utiri a quarttr
orlmrfi for the fnil parta of livmn-iuiiua. antlirtua, aooei
axd rnpiilar nm-rnl nn I fi ulur nni'lc generally.
JIASUN A I1AMI.1M oKtlANS urr certainly Jht
FFST IV TilF. Wnlil.D, liavin won UKlIIKsr
AWAFT'S fir rKVOxaraavro HTKiiteaiTT at KVERT
TnisrtVTitii!i bviia the only AmtritaH organi vaicA
Aof t":nf"unit fi rtfrv ot inch at any.
ILI.lnT.ATIi) CATALii'H I-:h und io ttrra,
fri-e. .MASON A 1IAMI,1. I'iitiAN CO, IMTrfw.i.l
Kt.. BOSTON : 41 L-:i t I '' f1'- iUhIimi bijuare), KXW
YOItli; lljWahi ti Av-., (MIICAOO.
(A Medicine, not a Drink.)
iiopsi nrcnr, MANDRAKE,
AlfDTJIit rt-piraT Al.n Pi-it MKmrALQc AXJ
TIK uk ALL oiila.t lil'l I Kiia.
All DlpriiTSof thPtrnnnrh, Itowcln, Flood,
X,lv) p. Kidneys, and V'rliiHt y Orgun. Nt-r- .
tjinuic Cuuiphtltiu.
Will bo paid for i eaue tliey will not or
1il1i, ur fur aiivtiilin? lmioire or lujurloui
found iu till Ml.
A.lcyonr drupRlut for Hop Ttlttrra and try
llicin bifuro you .Ictji. 'J'uka no other.
D I. C 1 an ntioInteml IrrrnliiUhlrriir for
JJr-itikeuiilLb, u.-i: of opium, tubacco aud
liarcuiics. r
Send fob Cincrua.
Alt alio., told liy dnirirlite.
Hup Rttura 11. ( .... UiirliMler, H. V., A Tnraatn, OnU S.
i.l. i in J mi't"T..f . Hi-W'Wimi Hlyyu.w
Fmbnioiiii lull Hixl aitthonifo aocoiuttx of fvi
mtum of auotcnt and muilcni (initw, nnd inciiuliiit
llitorv of ttMM'Wn HU lull nf tlio (ink I11 Itnui
Jjnt-ir, tbo ntiitillt! at.'i'H, thfl rruHatteH, tb 1U.:
M'-r-ifiu, tho lviorniifctiMU, tho iliscovvry uud
liicut of tho Nt w Vt urlil, etc., ctr. )
It rontuins ii7'2 tino hUtmioal encnivtnj.'N.
tho most t'oini'h(U) JiiKtorv of the World i-vi r -
lisht'tl. ticiul tor bpeoiiiK'u ywu and extra ttTi-s j
National I'uiiusiiiNrt Co., PhilauV-lpUiii, ,.
ItiH.fU'ut in;? the elioieent elooUl Tortoiw
Sliell ainl Anther. The lightest, ltamlsonief '. .
aud Btrougewt known, bolil by OptieianH an I
jewelmn. Jhvdo by SrENCEll OIT10AL"
M'F'O. CO., l:i Maiden Lano, Now York.
I'ond'a K.x tract la t',(
only apeelflo for tbia d
eae. Cold In the Head,
Our Cntnrrh A'ure f s
cent-), Bpivially rr. iin-l to meet aerioua canes,. jt,.
taiii all the curative i-ro;u-rtli'.i of 1'ond'a ExtrKcl i
ourNiianl S t-liie ( J", f - u:m, iuvaluablo foruae Id
catarrhal uRectionii, U ulmj le aud c-ftoctive.
Ilo not throw away l-uttrr.
hi n for 3-1 cts. 1 will html
uu a ll' i'ii-o that will h-tvt: J lbs. tiiat ia lost in t lie
liiitli imilk cvrrv 1 nun miii clnan 'J-'j lliH. Money re-tujji-
.i i not fuuei' r, iv, ntnl. Addrca
JUIioV A. 'UP, (iMi.rd, t'her.amtn Co., N. V.
.t 'fl 7" is-Si-.I'mi,; Articles in tlio world, a
liji.y aaiui 1- ''! . .I.i" iiroii. ., a troit.Micli.
iWlll V XiCll,Wl to A,'(-lltM.
C". '. i.ll'-V.K
,'oi;i;Y. An, u.-t;i. Mai tr
ie of tl ill Mill .'.' AiM'i
Tllll. Co. P.O.Iini hi',F'l'it,l'.r
r-y-r XJ" v .
ArUclecifrom pur
Vikidine such aa
Pomala Vaselino,
VsGlina CoU Cream,
Viiseliiia C-taphor Jv
VatoliKO Toilet buapa,
ai-M .ujHU'iur tu any .lmiUr ast
An B'TcaaMo form of Lai
iaj VajuLueuiternully.
?! cv 'y.vs a nor.
For tlit
Treatroent o!
ta4 Iiinhthtr:i. ula
ol U cur gcudd.
- r-vy; p Si w g:
- i
0 7 7 7 W
ran n ts 7
. i H J fto
v-ui win t mm X--
1 r p .-r..-