EDITOR. WEDNESDAY MORSIM, MAR. 10. 1881. Announcement. Our terms for announcements for Co, Pupt. will be $3.00, strictly in advance. Covnty Superintendent. En. Rkptjbmcaji : l'lenso announce the name of MISS .T. 1 K. COPKLAND, of Tionesta. m a candi i date for Superintendent of Schools of For- nt County, fmbjeet to the action of diroc- ; tors' convention to bo held on the first i Tuesday in May. 3 En. Kkpttblican : '.a T)cnrSir: l'leaso announce jnv name i iw n candidate for Suerintendent ofSehools i of Forest County, subject to the action of i the directors conveution to be held in May v next. J. E. IIILLARD. Et. RErx!Bi,icAN : Dear fiir : Please announce my name I as a candidate for County Superintendent J of Schools of Forest County, subject to the Rction of the directors convention to be held in Mav. N. F. WILLIAMS. Chairman John Cessna has issued the following : A meeting of the Re publican State Central Committee will be held at the Lochiel Hotel, in liar, risburg, Pa., on Thuriday, the 14th lay of Apiil, 1881, at 2 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of fixing the time and place for the meeting of the Bepubli. can State Convention of 1881, and transacting such other business as may be presented for the consideration of the Committee, AN ACT, To provide for the selection of jurors by the Commissioners of the several Counties of this Commonwealth. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, and it is here by eaacted by the authority of the came, That the commissioners of the several counties of this Commonwealth shall perform the duty of selecting -persona to serve as jurors in the courts of their respective counties according to the manner prescribed by law in the case of jury commissioners. Section 2. That so much of the act approved April tenth, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and sixty seven, entitled "An act for the better and more impartial selection of persons to serve as jurors ia each of the counties of this Commonwealth," as is inconsistent with this act, is hereby repealed, and all other acts inconsist ent herewith are hereby repealed. Section 3. This act shall not go into effect until tho expiration of the terras of office of the several jury com missioners now in office; Provided, That tail act shall cot apply to cities of first class. THE STATE CAPITOL. IIarkisburq, Pa., Mar. 25, '81. We have had a lively time since I wrote last, expelling the Pittsburgh Commercial Gazette reporter from the floor of the House, which of course has 1 "made him famous, and the Speaker, who caused the resolution to he offered, rediculous ; and ia trying to affect the repeal of the Recorder Bill, which Philadelphia citizens are anxious to have done, although a portion of their Representatives are fighting its repeal very bitterly, but there is no doubt of its final repeal, as the bills have been on first reading at a special se3sion ; last Thursday afternoon, and next Tuesday afternoon is fixed for the sec ond reading of the same, aud the 5th of April fot third reading, each of said j'ays being special sessions, and not interfering with the regular order of . business. We are holding one sessioa on Mon day evening, two sessions on Tuesday, (one special) two on Wednesday, two cn Thursday, making five houses each day, and one on Friday of two hours. Also, one special one next Friday to take up the Constitutional Amendment Act, Bill No. 101 to prevent the manufacture and salo of intoxicating liquors, tc. Now, take into consideration the Committee work, and you will discover that we have all we can do. We bad a five hour debate last Wednesday on the Free Pipe Bill, in which the oil delegation carried off the cake, although the ablest Philadel phia members, among whom were Koeass and Faunce, fought the bill savagely. We prevented the bill be iog killed by amendments, and passed it on second reading by a majority of ). Lockwood, of Clarion county, bad the bill in charge, but was ably sup ported by Myers, Mapes, Welf and Pavis. This was a victory the oil del egation felt proud over. The Anti liiacriiuioatioa bill was postponed : until Wednesday of next week on ac i count of Mapes, whose bill it ia, being too tioaiio to talk. IJavis managed on riJaj, by a sirategetic movtnent, to J. K. YVKNK, get his Railroad Fence Bill placed upon the Callendar for first reading; victory No. 2. You must remember it had been killed twice in Committee, and of courso was dead uutil placed on the Callendar by a majority of the House elected. A nice little job was badly defeated Friday ; t. e., the bill to release In surance Companies from.axation, and to compromise at a reduced rate for taxes now already due, some $200,000. The killing of the bill saves the State about $170,000, which in my opinion was a pretty good day's work. Its demise is largely due to an able speech of Representative Colburn, of Sommerset Co., who is Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee. You have no doubt seen before this that the Attorney General has taken upon himself the unasked responsibili ty of deciding that the Legislature may go home at the end of the one hundred days, or work without pay from that time on, declaring that por tion of the Act of 1874 which says that the members shall be paid $10 per each day, not to exceed fifty, after the hundred days are past, unconstitu tional, in a long opinion. This may or may not be a correct decision, as the best lawyers of the House tind Sen ate say that the Att'y General is wrong in his construction of the Act, and impertinent in claiming the right to decide a question which is purely the province of the Supreme Court, and it only. Various reasons are given for this extraordinary proceeding. The general surmise among the great er number of. members is, that the Legislature does not suit the anti-reformers, and the decision is to scare them away, for fear of the passage of the Free Pipe bill, Anti-Discrimina tion bill, the Constitutional Amend ments, Repeal of the Recorders bill, and some other reform legislation which would be eurely passed if the session should last 150 days. This is the opinion of Representative Davis from your County, who says that, al though he can illy afford it, yet he is one of a majority that will stay all summer to help pass these bills, and all other important reformatory meas ures, if he never gets a farthing for it, aud.don't you forget it ! Philadelphia newspapers to the contrary notwith standing, this is the ablest, purist, most temperate Legislative body that has met in Harrisburg for years. Republican. THE NATIONAL CAPITOL. Special to the Republican. Washington, D. C, Mar. 24, '81. Though a week ago there was good prospect of am extra session of Con gress, the tide seems to have changed, and now runs strongly against one. It seems that the most serious objec tion in the mind of the President is that the Republican majorities in both House and Senate are so small that it is feared nothing could be ac complished, and that after dragging along into the dog-days, Congress would adjourn without having accom plished the object for which it was called together. If a session should be called and failed to accomplish what was intended, matters would ba complicated and made worse. On the whole I think from the latest argu ments presented the President will grasp the lesser horn of the dilema and not call an extra session. The President sent a number of im portant nominations to the Senate yesterday, among them that of Win. II. Robartson (who led the bolt against Grant in the New York Re publican State Convention last year) to be Collector of Cnstoms for the port of New York ; Wm. Walter Phelps, of New Jersey, t be Minister to Austria; Edwin A. Merritt, of New York, Coasul General at London ; General Lew Wallace, of Indiana, Charge d' Affairs to Paraguay and Uragaay ; Wm. E. Chandler, of Now Hampshire, to be Solicitor General ; Sam'l F. Phillips, of North Carolina, to-be Judge of the Court of Claims, and Thos. M. Nicol, of Wisconsin, to be Commissioner of Indian Affairs. The nominations are generally sat isfactory, with the exception of Gsa eral Robertson, and it is feared bis nomination will stir np the Conkling men and secure a desperate opposition in the Senate. General Grant has resigned the Presidency of the New York World's J? air Commission. It is fsared the project will Ull through freni lack of funds. It is understood that the nomination of Stanley Mathews to be Awciate Justice to the Supreme Court will be considered in the Judiciary Committee to-day and reported favorably. The avalanche of applications at the Interior Department continues, with no prospect of abatement. It is stated by tho officials there that for every man that can obtain a place, there must be from fifteen to one hun dred and fifty disappointed. Secretary Kirkwood good-naturedly assures ap plicants that they are standing in their own light, inasmuch as his time is en tirely occupied in seeing and hearing people who want office, and he is therefore unable to find a leisure moment in which to appoint a single one of them if he desired to do so. Mr. John Longstrelh, son of Gen. Longstreth, was at the State Depart ment yesterday. He will sail from New York in a day or two for Con stantinople. He has been appointed Marshall of the . United States Court there. Phil. School Reports. Report of Tionesta schools for the month ending March 16. Room No. 1. Whole number enrolled males 17, females 20 ; average 32 ; per cent, of attendance 90. Visitors 6. ROLL OF HONOR. Jessie Knox 100, Emma Davis 100, Sadie Pease 100, Minnie Lackey 100, Eda Knox 100, Lou Riker 100, Joe. D. Dewees 100, May Shawkey 99, Alice Holeman 99, Forest Proper 99, Kate Pease 98, Linuie Groe 98, Wilbur Hill 98, Retta Proper 98, Cora Scoit 97, Belle Sboup 97, Dau'l Jack sen 85. Miss J. E. Copeland, Teacher. Room No. 2. Whole number en rolled males 17, females 19. A vera ere attendance during month 19. Per cent, of attendance 79 Visitors 5. ROLL OP HONOR. George Killmer 99. Effie Walters 100, Flora Walters 99, Charley Bo vard 95. Lizzie Raudall 100. Mav A'nox 100, John Clark 96, Carrie Dithridge 97, lloreDce Ahnestiver 95, Nellie Ampler 99, Effie Clark 95. Rachel Dithridge 95, Forest Bovard 98, Maud Adams 97. .2138 Clara C. Heath, Teacher. Room No. 3. Whole number in at tendance males 14, females 14 Av erage attendance during month 21. Per cent, ef attendance 76. ROLL OF HONOR. Chas. Jlueozenberger 100, Edward Dithridge 98, Harold Sharp 96, Mor ris Scott 95. Harry Saul 95, Bennie iTelly 95, Maj Huling 98, Nellie Wal ters 97, Maj Grove 96, Dora Blum 96, jtfarr Armstrong 96, Nellie Hun ter 96, ATate Knox 95. Jrs. L. M. Cobb, Teacher. School Directors' Convention. lo the School Directors of Forest Co : Gentlemen: In pursuance of the forty third section of the act of May, 1854, you are hereby notified to meet in convention, at the Ceurt House in Tionesta, on the first Tuesday in May, A. D., 1881, being the 3d day of the month, at one o'clock in the afternoon, and select viva voce, by a majority of the whole number ef directors present, one person of literary and scientific acquirements, and of skill and experi ence in the art of teaching, as County Superintendent, for three succeeding years ; and certify the result to the State Superintendent, at Harrisbnrg, as required by the thirty-ninth aud fortieth sections of said act. II. S. Brockway, Co. Supt. of Forest County. Tionesta, Pa., March 28, 1881. Statement of S. L. Groat. I have been affected with Rheuma tism for the past twenty five years ; I have been so bad for the last three years that I have been obliged to use crutches all this time. I have tried every Rheumatic Remedy I could hear of, and have paid out in cash over eight thousand dollars, and I can sol emnly say that I have never taken a medicine that has given me as much relief as Wilson' Lightning Remedy. And I consider it the best remedy for Inflammatory or Acute Rheumatism that exists, aud will give relief quicker man any other known remedy. My son was afflicted with the disease, aud after taking the first dose he experi enced a relief, and was perfectly cured oi the dueases alter taking eight doses. Titusville, Pa., July 15th, 1880, Maine News. Hop Bitters, which are advertised in our columns,, are a Bure cure for ague, billiousness and kidney complaints. Those who use them say tbey cannot be to highly recommended. Those afflicted should give them a fair trial, and will become thereby entbusiaslio in their praise of their curative qualities. Portiand Argns. Shuewpneks ani Ability. I lop Bitters so freely advertised in all ' tho papers, seculsr aud religious, are hav ing a large sale, and are supjilrtiitine all other medicitius. Then is no de nying tho virtues of ttt Hop plant, aud the proprietors of these Bitters have shown great shrewdness and abil ity iu compounding a Bitters, whose virtues are so palpable to eveiy one's observation. Jltamincr and Chronicle. Goods cheap at Any. 11, '80. Haslet fc Sons. Dissolution of Partnership. The partnership heretofore existing be tween Surah A. Ford and Caroline M. Lacy, under the st yle of Ford A Lacy, has this day been dissolved. Tho public nro hereby cntitionod against purchasing any of the assets or said llrni, as no person has authority to convey title to tho interest of the undersigned in any of said assets. 8 AHA II A. FORD. Tionesta, To., Mareh 22, 1881. Jenks Twp. Auditors' Report, ROAD COMMISSIONERS inncnount with Jenks Township for the year ending March 11, 1881. Ir. To vouchers drawn on Treasurer $1,3-15 12 " ain't seated road tax 644 70 $1,8H9 82 Or. By am't paid Harris judtronient... 631 02 " " " costs on above X7 12 " " " auditors and clerks 1100 " " " court expenses 14,1 44 " " " treen, judgement nnd costs C3 12 " ' " Davis Atfy 25 (Kl " " discount on" order W 17 ' " seated road tax worked 544 70 " " uuseated road tax worked 282 25 $1,889 82 Also, Road Commissioners in account with poor fund Dr. To ain't vouchers drawn on Tre asurer $14 00 Cr. By am't relief afforded Mrs. Oaks ?:! 00 Marienville, Pa., March 14, '81. We hereby certify that wo have examined the above accounts and lind them correct as above stated. .1. T. ROSB, ) JOHN SAT-ADA, Auditors. 8. S. TOWLICK, J Note Discount on orders means dis count for cash to meet judgements and costs. S. Roher, Treasurer, in aec't with Jenks Township road fund for tho year ending Murch 14, 1881. Dr. To am't ree'd froui Conr.ty Com missioners ." .1,541 Dli " am't ree'd of former Treasurer 49 " " " " United Pipe Lines 100 00 " " " " Refunded costs CO 03 f 1,703 08 Cr. By vouchors presented for court expenses (1,002 87 " Road expenses LKJ 25 " Treasurers Percentage 40 35 By balance in hands of Troas ' urer 317 CO $1,703 08 Dr. Also, in account with Poor Fund To am't ree'd from County Com missioners $ 48 00 " am't reo'd from N. K. Burton Collector 2 00 $50 00 Cr. By vouchers piesented $ 34.00 ' percentage l 02 " Balance in hand of Treasurer.. 14 US $50 00 Marienville, Ta., Mrrch 14, '81. We hereby certify that we have exam ined the above accounts and lind them correct as above stated. J. T. ROSK, 1 JOHN S A LA DA, Auditors. 8. S. TOWLER. J !ltt Formerly Pittsburgh, TituwilU it Buffalo Ry9 WINTERTIME TABLE, Dec. 1, 1830. I I J J. v- (A. Valley Hy.) &r Pittsburgh iv ar.. Parker ...1 v ar.. .Fox burg ..1 v ar . Franklin ..lv P. M. 8 45 A.M. t 05 2 32 12 08 2 45,12 3(i 5 00! J 4H A. M. ! 6 30l (I 4()i 6 53 I. M. 2 15 2 37 2 45 2 48 3 04 3 20 3 27 3 44 4 0.1 4 20 P. M. P. M. 3 50 4 01 124 4 35 4 40 5 04 5 2 5 49 8 02 0 45 7 15 P. M. ar...Oil City....lv ....Rock wood.... Oleopolis ...Eagle Rock... President ..... .Tionesta Hickory .. Trunkeyville.. Tidiouto ...Thompson s... lv..Irvinetou..ar 7 01 7 04 7 22! 7 38 7 4U 8 02 8 22 8 40 A.M. A.M. 8 53 A.M. 1 1 35 (D.A.V.AP.1W 1 v.. .Warren ...ar ( Erie Railway) lv.. Bradford .!ar fjUirieily) lv... Warren ...ar lv..Stoneham..ar P.M. 4 45! P. M. f t O0. P. M. 7 38 7 55 ADDITIONAL TRAINS Lkave Parker f:30ain, Foxburg6:40ain, Franklin :0tSam. Oil City 9:50am. Arrivo Tionesta 11:22 am, Tidiouto 12:30pm, Irvineton 2:00pm, Warron 2:35pm., Stoneham 2:4Km. Leave Stonoharn 7:30am, Warren 7:45am, Irvineton 8:40am. Arrive Tidioute 9:45am. Tionesta 10:55am, Oil City 12;20um CHAUTAUQUA LAKE DIVISION. Trains leave Oil City for Pet. Centre, Ti tusville, Spartansuurg, Centrevillo, Corry, Mayvillo, Brocton at 0:50am, 10:45am, 2:40 pin, S:0upm, 8:50pm. Arrive at 7:c5am, l:42am. 2:10pm, 3:50pm, 8:':5pm. Sunday Train leaves 7:30am ; arrives 7:20pm. UNION & TITUSVILLE BRANCH. Train leaves Titusville 5:50pm; arrWes Union City 8:00pm. Loaves Union City 7;00am ; urri.ves Titusville 0:15am. Trains rua daily except Sunday. Trains are run on Philadelphia time. Pullman Sleeping Cars run daily btilween Titusvlleand Pittsburgh on train's leaving (Brocton; 3:15pm and Pittsburgh 8:45piu. fc-Tickels sold and baggage checked to all principal points. Get tinio tables giving full information from Company's A (rents. T. H. WILSON, Cien. Supt. W. S. BALDWIN, Oil City) Pa. Oen'l Pass. Agent, 42 Exchunge St., Buffalo, N. Y. J. L. CRAIG, Agent, Tionesta. Pa. A. M. P. M. 35 8 CO 12 55 4 40 12 40 4 31 10 (W 3 05 r. m. p.m. 8 40 2 25 H 31 8 17 2 01 8 0! 1 53 8 0ii 1 50 7 4ii 1 34 7 32 1 l'.l 7 2l 1 12 7 12; 12 58 6 45 ' 12 37 C30M2 20 P.M. 'p.M. p. m. no' n 6 11 1200 r. M. A. M. 330 6 20 V. M. 6 00 4 4G AUCTION GALE ! Oporn V, Pithridv,'o would r.-tp'tct Cully announce that having m.". lo -arra-'igc-inont to u;( into oMitM- businoss, will sell liiM entire utoe!; ; goods itf nurtion, Dint ut prlvst" nul ut auction pl-iclV, I'olllllVMIO imr on ' MAKCfl- OD, 1881, And continuo every evening until the cn tiro stock is disposed of. No pucli opportunity for bargains ha boon presented for yours. Reinembor tho place. GEORGE W. DITHRIDGE, PARTRIUE BUILDING, TION1C8TA, Vl'TXJSA.. Notice. Notice Is hereby given tlint W.' A. Duscnbury, of Newtown M ills. Forest Co., Pa., has made nppiication to tho .Secretary of Internal Allah's, of Pennsylvania lor nine hundred Riid lii'ty (050) ncins of un improved land sitnnte in Kingslcv and Howe Townships, Forest Co., Pa., ad joining lands Hiirvoyed to (Jeorgo Mead on warrants Nos. 52(!l, 5208, 5207 ami 52(10, on the northwest on lands surveyed to (Jeorgo Men4e warrant 5282, on tho'nortli east on lands surveyed to Jonathan M if llin on warrant Nos. 5101, 5101, 5105. 5108, 5100, and Dr. Joseph Redman, on warrant 5128, on tbe southeast, and on bind sur veyed to William Miller and Alex. Murry on warrant. No. 5131 on tho soth east. W. A. nUSENIUIKY. Nowtown Mills, Pa., March 20, 1881. ITSPfllraf!! I take pleasure in tolling the Sporting Fiaternlty that I have re-purchaied Tin: uus iivnisTjiH FROM HORACE JONES, TO WHOM 1 SOLD IT IN 1871, I AM NICELY LOCATED at my old stand, and I am prepared to attend to all my friends, and tho public generally, who need ANYTHING IN THE GUN LIKE! I shall keep a perfect Btook of all kinds of And all kinds of FISHINGTACEtLE. I shall also continue to handle tho "While" Kcirlng R3:tc2aii:c, And tho CHICAGO SINGER SEWING If ACMNE Como and kbo me. You will lind mo ALWAYS AT HOME. M117.2I0 Loadors mode to order and war ranted. dwfR EPAIEING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES PROMPTLY AND FAITHFULLY DONE. Tidioute, Pa., Aug. 12. STOVES! TIlsT, C O IP IF IE IE?, --AND- Sheet Iron "Ware I WOULD respoctfully Inform the ciU lenbof Tionesta and' vicinity that I am prepared to do all kinds of work in the Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron lin. I also make a specialty in manufacturing IKOT STOVES and equipments suitable for rafting pur pores. Also all kinds of REPAIRING CORE ox SHORT KOTSCE The Highest Market Price Paid for RAGS ARID JUE2& AT- ED.HEIBEL'S Opp. Lawrence House. may2tf TIONESTA, PA. WM.SIAEBMGB&CO. Dealers In FANCY & FAMILY GROCERIES! FORKIUX & DOMESTIC FRUITS AND. VEGETABLES. FIIJST CLASS QUALITY. -- rilinmmii w ,mi :m win, i KY SQUARE DEAL IN O WE HOPE TO MERIT YOUR PATRONAGE 3 M 2 f hTnlciLY Ci.sif. Tionesta. pa., Sept. 11, ShO. Howe Twp. Auditors' Report. FIN A NCI .L sTATI-'MKNT oflho Iloml Commission!- of llowo Township, for the year endiuir Miin h 12, ISM. Amount nl'm-dors diawn for eiir endimr March l'J, 'Kl '. $ i! A mount hi paid to 'I wp. Ti nas. ... 3 Amount duo irom Co. Commr'it iw per report of May 5, lH' O.... ,111 CO Amount t.ii"H levied for IS'O heated ;t f";:i,.ii Amount tase.4 levied for LSSO unxci'.ted...., l,(Kt7 53-1,870 0i ?3,013 (53 Atn'l expended on roads oenteil $ 0.V1 02 " expended on roads un- ' Heated f!(i.-i 25- 1,310 7 " expended n poor 1'tmd ;(( " " for Auditor SerYieoH.. 0 10 " " publish!) jr AtklitoM 'Report 15 00 " expended for Commissioners Services 33 00 " expended lor Commissioner Clerk lflOO " expended for Treasurers Com mission .'...'.... .10 'M ' expended for sundry wxnen:icn . 1:1 CO " Pathmastoi'M exonerations 1(1 1') " seated tax of isso, returned lo County Commissioners lt2 0O " unseated tux levied tor lfS( ?14'I!7 S3 " outers on Treasurer of Forest Co. received on account same :.. !Hi:i 2(1 Leaving lmlancn duo from Comity Commissioners ", 74 Am't Township orders redeemed 1,'MI ti l " cash in hands of Twp. TVcas... 1 2i " duo from County Com Co'iiinlsHpmcrs 11s per report ot Mav 1SK0 and above J nil ut) Less orders received oi account sumo a-15 -11 Leaving balance used by County Commissioners a4 .County Treasurers Commission fC !! 3,013 (KJ Township indeMednrH May S'l, orders oiUstuui'inix Township order outstanding' March 12, 'SI Seated tax 1SS0 rcturnod to County Comniiss- ionersjis'abovo $ lrt2 CO Ilalimeeduo from County Couitn'i's as ahovc... 71 32- 811 3 m 21 :itrir.l S.2G;!2- Reduc'ion of Township indebted ness during the year 01S Ot) We the Auditor:) of Howe Township have examined tho nliovn accounts ami lind Uiein correct us slatad IOIIN T. KKI'X'M) i. 1 ni. . .MiIINij. PACKER!). Auditor. JOHN CAM KHUN Ri'ookst iii, Pa., M".ivh 11; 1S31. ROM) COMMISSIONERS of Town-hip In hi c Mint Willi M. M, bolt, Township T"t asiirer. April. 20, 'Ml. 'v cash. i:oi.l Tux l.v;! I'rom F". W. Hro .xs April 20, 'M , hv c v-tli, iv.ad tax '1'J from P. A.' IJiael; June 21, f0, by order No. 1, on County 'reinsurer, dated Juna M, 'l-'!, iveouttt seated b'.x 7rt.. J 11 r.o 21. ')). ci';ler No. 1, on Cflunt.v Treasurer, tinted Juno U. '.), ';iecounl M':!cd lax "7 ) J uiic 20, t-ri.'ei ,o. I to 71, on Coni-'y TieesuriT. rtnted .h;nL It. 'if, ttctoiint onsC't'.ed tax lssr. IIovvn Svy- 1 ;.' 3 !l i November Ti ea 4iiv,i t.'l.M lo .' by order on Cwnry i.iel'H' in tilM 1 " -pHk .A Conti a. March 1 1, 'Si. to 'i' paid to tb'tij.... 1 o t a li on h.uid,. iwn: Li; 1 or. ices 20') i:! 1 ;l .si. 210;; ; HO, tho AiUiitors of Howe Towok!. hnve examined th idi.ivo account of A M. Soybolt, Treasuier, and lind il corrot as Ktatod. JOHN T. FKEUND. JOHN . PACK 1; I Auuitor; JOHN CAMEIJON. 1 Prook tton,' l'a., March 11. l:tl TtT's'Tw'rrwT'"-rtr",---,--cv.i H r'f,yv h-l ft, V.i S-V! NOW LGSTyiOtV RESTORED Just publislictl. a new edition of 1 CuiverwoIlV Celebrated Essay on the rat leal euro of Sierinntonhie,t or Semin: Weakness, Involuntary Seminal Losse Impnteney, Mentiil anil Physical Jncupu- '.! in mainline, io, ; ami 1 Diisumption, Epilepsy and Fits, induce uy sen inauitreiicy or ucxuul extravit piinoe. tfc. l The cclebriled author, in thin auiniji" ble Essay clearly demonstrates, from "fx tliirly ears' huct:isiui practice, that tbo abirininfr coiiM'tjuenct- t-t self abiiBO nut v be nutieally cured ; pointing out n moiio of euro utS,onee himplo. certain, and elleetual. by ineiuis of which every cutl'orer, no -m titer what his eomj ,tioh nitty bo, may cure Jumsclf cheaply, privately, and radically. This Lecture AhouM Ijo in tho hiintlsol every youth u:id cvorv ir.an iu thifhmd. Sent under wal, !n a phdi, enveloj e, to any address, pout-paid, on receipt 01 k:x cents or two postaco sianips. Address the Publ w,,.rs. THE CULVEHWELL MEMO A L CO., 41 Ann St.., N, Y., N. Y., P. o. R1x J .hVJ. 1 if yu Htf h ni'i:i ,f vi it ynu aiv a ' y of liu .iln-s-;.w ui;- V-' '-f Mutit of h-t i'i 2 nwl by the ttinin of nA tcrsdnliiij' ovprniki- yoiir aaiici avoia y J iimi.t uui k, to iva MmiuluntM u 11 (1 uho ? V oiv oi nin nm vpiqnd Hop tiitters. 1 3 wjuu, um Hop B. If ynu Are yountr and y HiiirerJni? from any ln discretion or m.Mpii E'jM tion : if you hiv mur ncii or fjjnjrlH, or kDt youiiK. sii(t'erin f txttt Hjor heullti or latniisu r;) iiur on a bed ut sicU lie.su, rely on Hop (jf Sitters. Whoever youaii. 'i hournlr di tin- whiMiuver you ttvi jfj", ,H nuuily t r o m suiuo 1 1 ill t your bys(. ni (Jy 1 form of ft Id ri e V m.'rds cleanslirK, tt.ii-Uimiisu tliut nnilii inir or PLiiiHiluiinir. I, ! " l havo tt'iurovt'iiUil yNUUtMliittujUadtmh j t- -. by ft UmoJy lib) of i n i: nop Bitter. k kpQ liters Jlnvo yotirff- nr ttrmuru runt- SO." '? D. I. Cm n I is au u'isohite Ivtiml irrciMii- H 0Ht'l-i.1, OlOOlt g itvtr or nertxt, J j You uill lie ' ruriMl V ' xm ii.s- Hop fciitteve 1 Ifyoais!ii ? or llio siunmcn, I no ciifv tLr (IrllllKrltllOHM , J Ut tlpHIUI. ( o it 'a . n . ti r fiinuvouci. Roh lv J nig. ( avuha-. hop iti'rrtas j il t It m o y j l save your f Ufo. It hns ij W'l'U CO., Urecia. V i 'i' .i-. t.t .. Out. The Kramer Wagon Co. or OILCITY.iPA., Is prcjiared to furnish the best watton for all purposfs Unit can be had in the coun try, at as low priei s us can bo had any w ere. 1 laving ailded a saw mill to our establishment wo will buy saw l rs of all kinds and pay cash lor buinc. Wo wiil also buy stuni ae. Address i.s uli .ve. ji.uKi ';ie. . I B. 1 r i Ji'l nr 1 Il !AIL! A. V 1' ft