' Mendelssohn Piano Co. EDITOR, 'UDJESDU MORMNG, FEB. 2J, IS81. U. S. Senator John I. Mitchell. Ijj a telegram from Representative Davis we learn that John I. Mitchell, Ex-Member of Congress, from Tioga county, wai yesterday agreed upon by the joint committee for U. S. Senator. This virtually settles the question and Mr. Mitchell will doubtless be elected by the Legislature iu joiot convention to-day. W will give a short biogra phy of tho gentleman next week if elected. Os Monday, tho 28th, General Gar field will leave Mentor for Washing ton. Henry Carey Bated, the Green back candidate for mayor of Philadel phia, received 148 votes on Tuesday. Vice President-elect Arthur saya the Democratic attempt to prove that he was bora in Canada, possessed little interest to him, and he paid little attention to it. Advice front Mentor say that Gen eral Garfield has been visited by a committee of the Nineteenth district, to whom he has consented to have a public reception of the constituents ol his old district. Special trains will be run to carry people. He will deliver a farewell speech. Alonzo W. Heath Killed by the Cars. Mrs. C. M. Coon received a telegram from Iowa on Wednesday last an nouncing the serious injury of her son, Alonzo W. Heath, from an accident on the Burlington & Southwestern Railway, and advisjng her to come on immediately. In accordance with this she started on the next train accom panied by her daughter, Miss Clara Heath. A few hours after their de parture another dispatch came convey ing the sad intelligence that Mr. Heath was dead. Mr. Fones immediately dispatched his mother and succeeded in intercepting her at Meadville. from whence she and her daughter re turned next day, to await the arrival of the remains of the young man, which were started from Burlington on Thursday evening by express. On account of snow aod stormy weather the body did not arrive here until Monday afternoon. Tho following letter from the gentlemanly Superin tendent of the Road,, giving full de tails of the accident, Mrs. Coon has kindly cousented to allow us to pub lish : Burlington & Southw'r'n Ry Co, RyCo.) ICE, V 17, '81.3 . . General Supt.'s Office, - Burlington, Iowa, Feb, Mrs. C. M. Coon : TlONESTA, PeNN'A. Madam: In accordance, with mess ages received from Mr. J. H. Fones to-day in answer to mine of yesterday relating to the disposition of the re mains of your son, A. W. Heath, who wa killed while in the discharge of his duties as brakeman on this lipe yesterday, I forward them to your, ad dress a3 above by American Express this evening, with proper certificate of the attending physician as to the cause of death. The cause of the accident was one of an unavoidable nature ; he tried to uncouple a freight car from tho locomotive while the trajn was in motion aud slipped and fll, and two wheels ef the car passed over both legs, crushing them bo badly that be died about five hours after it occurred. I dispatched the best physicians our country affords but they could do nothing for him. I will gather all the effects belong ing to hiai at my office and hold them subject to your disposition. He was insured in the Travelers Insurance Co.. of Hartford, Conn., for $500 in favor of Mrs. C. M. Heath ; policy is in hands of our Train Mister There 'a due him for services trora this com pany abaut $65.00, from which there may be due soma small bills. On his person were a few triflliog articles and a silver watch and chain. Upon all these matters I await your views, which I trust you will give me tresly and fully, aod I will eudeavor to carry them out. All expense of the accident and preparations for sending the body East will be born by this company. With sincere sympathy for vou and yours iu your deep affliction, I am Yours very truly, .Tno. W. Smith. The above letter is a very satisfac tory aod consoliag one to the bereaved family, aud bhows Mr. Smith to be a gentlemen in the truest sense of the term. A ii 3 news of this tad aflVir tlt V to this entit community was a where n. j was will known ami u oiver- J, E. WEXK, sally esteemed. Among his young asflocmf.es he vim a particular favorite. He left this section about a year and a half ago far the Western country, where shortly after his arrival he en gaged in the railroad business and by his energy and close attention to busi ness was rapidly working his way up, having a good uhare of the time run as extra conductor. He was always full of life and vigor; ready to take hold wherever duty called. He was born Sept. 4th, 1859, making his age at the time of death 21 year?, 5 months and 12 days. It is needless to Bay that the stricken relatives have the deepest sympathy of all our people in their great afHiction. May He who doeth all things well comfort them and assist them to endure their great trial. The funeral took place yesterday afternoon at three o'clock, from the Presbyterian Church, the services be ing conducted by Rev. A. J. Yount. The remains were followed to their last resting place by a very large concourse of friends of the deceased. While most of the congregation were in the church awaiting the arrival of a special train conveying friends of the deceased from Oil City, the news of the accident at Presideut came which created considerable excitement, and the services were somewhat delayed. South Fagundus Scraps. South Fagundus, Pa., Feb. 19, '81. Prof. Williams' school closes next Monday. Presse Setley and wife are visitirje friends in our little town. Mr. McCarty is home for a few days from Bradford, looking remarkably well. The exhaust barrel created quite a sensation not 'long since, between upper and lower Fagundus. Young S. attempted to take mora than his share of water, when II. offered him a severe reprimand ; the young rooster talked fight to him, of course II . thought himself the best man and laid hold of him. It appears S. got the advantage of him by pulling his whis kers, then kicked him out of the sleigh, and turned the horse's head toward the Scott House, the grey colt -took him there on the fly. Our advice, would be to the young man, never support chin whiskers. Bill. The above communication con tained another item, but as it is not of general interest and is rather of a per sonal character we omit it. Corres pondents should endeavor to avoid all such items. Ed MARRIED. HEIBKL KKECH. On Tuesday. Feb, 8. 1881, at the residence of the bride'B tattler, in corry, fa., by Kev. Hwman Gilbert, Mr. Edward lleibel, of Tiones ta, and Miss Maiilda M. Krech. The above important item was unin tentionally omitted last week, and to our own townspeople Is rather "old news." Wo hope Ed. will tot feel slighted, but on the contrary will ac cept our heartiest congratulations and best wishes for the future happiness of himself and bride. We hope, now that be has taken a partner, his rapidly in creasing business will be better than ever, and lhat he may become a life citizen of our place. We ask no better cues than he. HASLET J ONES. At Nebraska, Pa on Saturday, Feb. 19, 1881, by II. W. Ledebur, Esq., Mr. AVm. W. Haslet and Miss Estella Jones, all of Green town ship, Forest county. SOTICE. Notice is hereby given that a meet ing of tho qualified voters of Tionesta Bor ough School District will be held on the 2ND DAY OF APRIL NEXT, at tho usual place of holding tho munici pal elections in said Borough to decide by ballot of the qu estion of tho incurring, by said School District, of indebtedness for the purpose of building a new school houso therein, in accordance witn the Act of HOth ofApriil874: "An Act to regulate tho manner of increasing theindebtednpss of municipalities, to provide for the redemp tion of the same, aud to impose penalties for tho illegal increase thereof," and the corporate authorities of said School Dis trict bavo by their vote duly recorded on their minutes authorized the incurring of a debt to the amount of live thousand dol lar for said purpose according to said Act, and sot forth said statement required under tho same as lollows. Amount of the last assessed valuation for school pur poses Ji0.(i76.OU. Amount of the proposed debt $.1,01X1. Amount of the percentage of the proposed increase 51 per cent. Tionesta, 18., February 22, 1881. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given, that P. M. Clark, of the Borough of Tionesta, Forest Coun ty, Pennsylvania, has applied to tho Sec retary of Internal Affairs of Pennsylva nia, for Five Hundred and Fitly (5.10) seres of unimproved land situato in Howe Township, Forest County, Pennsylvania. Pounded as follows, to-wit: On the East by Warrant No. 22, granted to Wilholm tVillink et al j on the South by Warrants Nos. HbV2 and a03. granted U Jeremiah Warder; on the West by Warrant No. "117. granted to Leroy and Linkluin, and on mo niirui uv vturrant JNo. 3S78, grunt ed to Wilhcjm Willink et ul. , P.M. CLANK. 1 lolU-stj "4 , I el). 1 171. COUNTY AUDITORS' REPORT FOR THE YEAR 1880- WILLIAM LAWRENCE, Treasurer of said County for year To balance duo last Bottlomont... $10,405 30 " jury iocs received irom snr iff Randall 20 00 101 00 !14 41 ioi r7 7,712 07 855 112 3,737 41 415 (Hi 593 79 3IU 80 1.5 00 5 00 lti7 50 150 500 3 85 10 00 300 " Redemption of County lands " Seated lands ret. Co. tax 1S71 " " " " Pond tax 1870 " " lands Co. tax 1880 " " Bond tax 1880 " Unseated Co. tax 1880 " " " Bond tax 1880 " ree'd from S. J. Setley to ap ply on balance duo..''. " roe'd from Peter Youngk on ace. Poor fund of GroenTwp. " ree'd from .1 Shawkey for coal " " I. Long for plank fold " 60-Day List Co. it Bond, 1880 " roe'd for damage done Jail.... " roe'd from J. T. Brennan, J. P, Fine ' reo'd from J. T. Brennan, re duction in blanks " ree'd from O. Snamburg for County lands " ree'd from John Swailos for grass " balances on School funds as shown by the several Town ship accounts 44 balances on Road funds as 744 17 hown by the several Town ship accounts 513 03 balances ofk Poor funds as shown by the several Town ship accounts " balance on Barnott Township building fund " wn't transferred from Stato account 43 82 0 01 200 00 $35,943 61 WILLIAM. LAWRENCE, Treasurer of the Commonwealth for the A yj Krai. iv-u tH'ilieineut :y ' ' tu. State Tax 1880 260 10 Hotel Licenses 1880 150 00 " Retailers Licenses 1S80 175 00 " Eating House licenses 1880 20 00 " Tax on Loans 1880 40 84 8873 60 WILLIAM LAWRENCE, Treasurer of Forest County, in account with the Redemp tion Fund of said County for tho year ending December 81, 1880. To balance last settlement 82,135 19 Pv paid Individuals 96 153 an received from Individuals 5,863 80 87,998 0'J COMMISSIONERS of Forest County in account for year ending December 31, 1SS0. ELI BERLIN. To County orders drawn 8190 20 By 53 days' services $150 00 " 312 mill'' trnvnl 'ii on 8190 20 ISAAC To County orders drawn 8215 60 To County orders drawn...., $163 20 C. A. RANDALL, SherlfT of Forest December To orders drawn 8283 23 JUSTIS SIIAWKEY, Prothonotary of Forest Countv, in account for year ending December 31, 1880. To orders drawn $181 10 FOREST COUNT Y, ss: ' We, tho undersigned Auditors of Forest Countv, do lterebv certify that we met at the Commissioners' Office, in said County according to law. anil did audit and adjust the several accounts of the Treasurer, Sheriff, Prothonotary aud County Commissioners for the vear ending Deeerahur 31. 1880, and find them as set forth in tho foregoing report. In testimony whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals this 18th dav of January, A. D. 1881. F. C. LACY, L.S.l ) . ... D. F. COPELAND, L.S. j County Auditors. Attest : J. T. BRENNAN, Clerk. 1 1 EXPENDITURES of Forest County County Commissioners .' $ 569 00 uierK (i(K) 00 Auditors and Clerk 61 80 Counsel Fees 60 00 Cat and Fox bounty 181 60 Jury Foes 1,216 54 Jury Commissioners and Clerk... 38 13 Assessors 289 25 Printing 459 00 Constables 274 03 Court Crier 32 60 Road View 88 70 Fuel and Lights. Elections 297 33 375 90 Commonwealth Costs 12911 Books and Nfjitionerv 117 ! Repairs &o 612 70 Western Pa, Hospital 884 60 Sheriff's Fees ; 283 23 FINANCIAL STATEMENT of Forest County Bonds outstanding 87,000 pO $7,000 CO Assets in excess of Liabilities..;.. .$ 10,98 86 FOREST COUNTY, ss : Pursuant to lav, we, tho undersigned Commissioners of For est Count', publish the foregoing exhibit of tho receipts and expenditures of Forost County for tho year ending December 31st, 1880. Witness our hands this 18tli day of January, A. D. 1881. KLI BERLIN, ISAAC LON(J, I County Commissioners. II. W. LEDEBUR, J Attest: J. T. BRENNAN, Clerk. Appeal Police. Commissioners' Office, Fokrst Co., 1 Tionesta, Pa., Jan. 25, 1881. j Notice is hereby given that the Commis sioners of Forost County will nie?t at their office in tho Court House, in Tionesta Borouirh on tho int.li nnrl l7tli fifivi.ni., for the purpose of holding appeals for the M !,"','.iiu ilk, yji lOOl, By order of Countv Commissioners. J. T. BRENNAN, Clerk. Confirmation Notice. Notice is hereby given that tho account of Eli Berlin. Administrator of the Entiife of Paul Berlin, deceased, has been tiled in my omct) ana win io presented at Feb ruary Sessions for confirmation. Jl'STIS SIIAWKEY, Register. Tionesta, Pa., Feb. 2, 1S81. Xotlce Is liereliv civen Mint, nntilistlnn ..m i. made by the undersigned and others, for iiiu jepeai oi a (supplement extending "An Act to Reduce tint Ex ix.h.w .p i v,i i.,.,t;.,.. State and Countv T riaie and ( oun Countv," to Fore 11, lw;2. i TioiK'Ma, I'a'J County," to Fores'; County, passed April V N. S. FOREMAN. Jan. 27, l!l. . Forest Count v, h account witn Urn Funds of end Decembi r ."!, l,s). Bv County Bonds redeemed $ 8,000 00 ,l County Orders redeemed is.so 0,271 94 " Co. V bridge coupons re'd 1880 572 50 " scatod lands rot'd by collectors 1,471 4(1 Exonerations allowed 205 0(1 " 6 per et. abalem't on ft, 974. 44 98 72 " Refunding orders redeemed... 411 (iS " por ct. on t8.000.00 County Bonds redeemed 280 00 " 3) per ct. on $!,271.!4 County Orders redeemed 324 51 " 31 per et. on $572.50 County Coupons redeemed 20 04 "Slperet. on 41rti8 Return!-' ing Orders redeemed 14 41 " 3J per ct. on fit, 15:1.30 Redemp tion 215 3(1 " balances on School funds as shown by Townsnip accounts 0 48 " balancos on Road funds as shown by Township accounts 60 82 " N. S. Foreman's receipt to balance 14,990 73 835.943 61 Forest Countv. in account vlth thn Fnn.lsnf vear endimr hoeemiirr :n io By State Treas. rec't Nov. 15. 18S0..812n 68 " " " " April 10, 1880.. 50 00 .' " " " Julv , 1880.. 167 73 " " " Dee'r 3, 1880.. 18 40 ' ' " " Jan'v 9. 1880. 14 90 " am't transferred to Co', account.. 200 00 ' am't overpaid Stale Treas. an per letter from Auditor Ooneral, dated Juno 1st, 1880 100 00 " N. S. Foreman's roo't to balance 192 89 8873 60 N. S. Foreman's rec't to bal... 1,815 69 87,998 99 8190 20 LOST,. Py 55 days services $165 00 " 506 miles' travel 50 60 . 15 60 $i5 CO II. W. LEDEP.UR. ?163 20 By 50 days' services...! ; 8ir0 00 " 132 miles' travel 13 20 $163 20 Countv, In account for vear ending 31, 1880. By Fees $283 23 By Fees $181 10 for the year ending December 31, 1880 Prothonotary 's Fees, 181 20 timnnjr , Teachers' Institute Bridge Repairs , Postage Interest ; Collectors' Commission.. E x p ress a n d Freight Court Auditor , Stenographer Western Penitentiary Taxes refunded on lauds ously assessed Appeals 69 00 66 66 293 13 8 10 114 34 446 87 10 50 10 00 102 30 7 44 285 30 if.) 38 errone- I'oroner 20 00 Lands sold to County 74 85 Treasurer's Commission.... 854 32 20 11 v itnoss Fees tc $10,084 19 County for vear ending Dec. 31. 1880 ASHF.TS Balance due by S. J. Setley, ex Treasurer '. Biil.mco on County Funds trans ferred iy Wni. Lawrence to N. S. Foreman, Treasurer fp.o binds returned for 18kij Duo by estate of Fred. Olassner, deceased ., Due by Harmony Township on Poor account 71 35 1 l.oort 73 1,502 06 202 97 JK12 75 17,933 Stf PROCLAMATION. Wiif.reas, The Hon. W. D. Brown, President Judge of tho Court of Common Pleas and Quarter Sessions in and for the county of Forest, has issued his pre cept for holding a Court of Common Pleas Quarter Sessions, Ac, at Tionesta, for the County of Forest, to commence on the fourth Monday of February, being the 28th day of February lsni. Notice is therefore given to the Coroner, Justifies of the Peace and Constables of said county, that they be then and there in their proper perrons at ten o'clock, A. M., of said day, with their records, inquisitions examinations and other remembrances, to do those things w hich to their olllees appertain to be done, and to thoso who are bound in recognizance to prosecute against the prisoners that aro or shall be in the jail of Forest Countv, that they be then and there present to prosecute against them as shall be just, fiiven un der my hand and seal this 1st day of February A. D. 1S81. - - OA. RANDALL. Sheriff. License Notice. Notice is hereby given that tho follow ing petition for license has been filed at tho Clerk's office, and will bo presented at next Court of Quarter Sessions: 1'. V. Jackson. "Central House," Tio nesta Borough, lletail. Att.Kt, JL'STIS SIIAWKEY, Tionesta, Pa., Feb. 2, 181. C'leik. WT.l iiuiUe, f.r iUt next P0 dnv mil n Grnn.l Offer of PIANOS' 'AMD ORGASMS! tyttZt) ?dgMrt Jr;ssjl &fano fsr only J2f."3. PVT T? M.umilieei.t rosewood cum elegantly l)nih vl, 3 t.ri'-g 7 1-3 Oc , ,.. , A V tavei lull puient enntantonnd large' ( hk v moulding round rnnr. full Iron I' mine. I ren.-h ( Jr-ind A-Cou, Orand Hammer.-), hi fm-t everv improvement which can in any way lend to the perflation of tho insln nt Ims been nddd. JiTuOur price lor hU instrument box and delivered on :us New t"0 I K. fC "iork, will! fmn Piano Cover, Stool and Book, onlv 4). UU The I'lnno will bo sent on test trinl. 1'leaso sen,) reference if you do not send monev with order. Cash sent with order wili bo roiunded and freight ehurg.v paid bv n Doth ways irtho Harm Is not just as represented In this Advertisement. Thoun'ands Wr P -rn4 'f a",!K"o. Every instrument fullv Warranted for five vears. PI A Nl )S5 to ,0 S'ool, 1 over and iook.) AH stri-My firV-cfans and 7,, , .p!ltl nt Wholesalo Factory prices. Thso l'innos t.io 6no of Ui.i i j j . . - , , , vcuteunial J'JxhiL.ition. and were imanlmou n-com mended ioi tno J Ugliest Honors. She Squares rontain on- New Patent ScHc, the greiitew i.t- M.w.v,,,. ,,,, ,,, iiiu iiumryn 1'inno maKlng. The Uprights are the f'nrst in America. wivwy wo make tho finest Pianos, of the richest tone and great r.,t dnriMlitv. Tiiev are rocommended by tho highest musical authorities in the countrv. Over 14,00 iii use, iind not ono dissatisfied .nrchaser. All Pianos and Organs s(u on 15 days test trial-freight free il unsatisfactory. Don't,, fail to write in belore buviiiL'. Pos.tlvely we o ler the i best bargains. Catalogue ma od freo. Handsome Hluirrnted find D.i scriptive Cataloguo of 48 i-,ih"os mailed for 3c stamp. Ever Piano fullv warranted for 5 voftrs. . fH?fr ANS Our "Parjor Orniul Jubilee Organ," stvlo 45, Is tho iincst und rT, r . ,kJfiwPPtesl toned Reed four of 24 octavos each, and One of Tiiceo Oetavosrl hiitoon Stops with Grand Organ-l)iapaon, Melodia, Viola Flufe, Celeste. Dalcet, Echo, Molodia-I orte, CeUistina, Violinia, Flute Forte. Tremolo, Urand-Ori'au i Vi?mt.t,I)H;m,I(iKht'74 Leugth 42 inches; Width. 21 inches; Weight, boxed 500 lbs. rhecaso Is solid walnut, veneered with choice woods, ami n" u entirely new and beautiful design, elaborately carved with raised panels, music el. Met. lamp pUnd fret work, etc., all elegantly finished. Possesses all tho latest and bet i, 1 11 w."ru Kreat power, depth, brilliancy and svmpafhetic oualitv or to Beautitul solo eOects and perfect stop action. Regular retail price $2K5. Oiir wh; , ,. " 11 ' 11 0 l "nyo " 'iiiroluced, with st ol and book, onlv $i old sel s others. Positively no doviatlon In price. No imvment' reoiii i p.. n.. ii v ...t, mm h-k uiu iirpmi m your own limiw, W o send all Org-ui'i on 15 days Pi' trial and pay freight btoh ways ifinstrument If not ns represented. Fullv v urnuiied ;0,r''ril,r?' Other Htop organ only 15 ; stops tH. ; 1 1 stops' $115. over 32,000 sold, and every Organ has given tho fullest satisfaction. Illustrated circular ST;i'jr)LvI,,,n(' 'llro-t'"nis 57th Street and 10th Avenno. HEE1 TtjUSIC atone third price, ("atalogue of ; looo choice pieces sent for : i i , "'"""P- 'J'his Cataloguo includes mostoftho popular uniHio of tho Hay and every Tariety of musical eomposition, by the Inst authors. Address MENDELSSOHN PIANO CC, Box 2058, N. Y. City. Wl.SMEMBilB&C0. Dealers in FANCY & FAMILY GROCERIES! FOREIGN A DOMESTIC FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. FIRST CLASS QUALITY. BY SQUARE DEAL IN Q WE HOP K TO MERIT YOUR li A m n t a l -V JL 1 J v t Li Tk.i a S 1 HI (J'i'L V CikSTi. Tionesta, Pa., Sept. 11, 880. 1880. formerly Pittsburgh, Tilusville & BulWoRjt') WINTERTIME TABLE, Dw. 1, A.M. p.m. M. Valley 7!i.)f.m.a.M. 0 35 8 00 ar Pittsburgh Iv 8 45 ! 05 1255 4 40 ar.... Parker ...Iv 2 32 12 OS 12 40 4 31 ar...Foxburg..l v 2 451 t 3(1 1008 aj)5 ar. Franklin ..lv 5 (Mil 1 48 T. M. P.M. aTm. KM". l'.M. 8 40 2 25 ar...Oil City....lv 0 30 2 15 3 fill 8H1 ....Rockwood.... 0 40 4 04 8 17 2 01 Oloopolis 0 5312 37 121 8 00 I 53 ...Eagle Rock... 7 01 2 15 4 35 K00 1C0 President 7 04 2 48 4 40 7 4! 131 Tionesta 7 22 3 04 5 04 7 32 1 10 Hickory 7 38 3 20 5 28 7 24 1 12 .. Trunkevvillo.. 7 l'i 3 27 5 49 7 12 12 58 Tidlouto 8 02 3 41 (i U2 0 45 1 2 37 ...Thompson ... 8 22 4 03 (i 45 fl 30 12 20 lv..lrvineton..ar 8 40 4 20' 7 15 P.M. PM. A.M. P. mJp. M. P.M." no'n l).A. K.C-7'.'v a.m". pVm.I n 11 12 00 lv... Warren. ..ar 853 4 45! ,. p.m. a.m. (Erie Jiailwitijj aTm. I'.'m'.I 3 30 620ilv.;Bradford ..ar 11 35 U on! p.m. " i 1'hih.ic ErlUii) cV.f. 5 00 lv. .. Warren ...ar 7 38 4 4(i j I v..Stoneham..ar 7 55 ADD1TIONALTRAINS I.eavk Psrker 6::illani, Foxburg;f;;40am, l'rankliu lijilllam, Oil City fiSOaui. Arrive Tionesta 11:22 am, Tidioute 12:30pm, lrvineton 2:0npm, Warren 2:35pm., Stoueham 2:lSpm. Luavk Stoueham 7:30am, Warren 7:45am, Irvineton 8:40am. Arrivo Tidioute 0:45am. Tionesta 10:55am, Oil Citv 12:20ain C H A U T A U( I U A LAKE DIVISION. Trains leave Oil City for Pot. Centre, Ti tnsville, Spartansburg, Centreville, t'orrv, Mayville, Itrocton at ti:5(iam, 10:45nm, :40 pm, 5:00pm, 8:50pm. Arrive at 7;f5am, 0:42am. 2:10pm, S:50pm, 8:'-5pm. .Sunday Train leaves 7:30am ; arrives 7:20pm. UNION A TITUSVILLE BRANCH. Train leaves Titusville 5:50pm; arrives Union City 8:00pm. Leaves Union City 7:00am; arrives Titusville 0:15am. i Trains run daily except Sunday. J Trains are run on Philadelphia time. Pullman Sleeping Cars run daily between Titusvlleand Pittsburgh on train's jwHViiigljirocionsaopm una ittsburgl 8:45pm. jT-erTickets sold and baggage checked to all principal points. ut lime tables giving full information from Company's Agents. T. H. WILSON, CSfn. Kupt. W. S. BALDWIN, Oil City, Pa. Oen'l Pass. Agent. 42 Exchange St., Buffalo, N. Y. J. L. C'P.AIO, Agent, Tionesta, Pa. . . f The Kramer Wagon Co. -OF- OIL CITY, TA Is nrenarcd to furnish the lirt u.'n irri?i fV ii' . - till I'UriH -KrVH rli.it fiili hinl in tl, "' v ' 1 1 - try, at as low prices as can bu had uny- wiittrr. Having HLiueu a saw mill to our eMtablishment we will buy saw Iocs of all kinds and pay cash for same. W m-iii also buy stumpage. Aiiures as above. Junl9 3m Oil WOHIC of every doncription t-xccii-b-d at ll,e HEPl'liLK'AN oflice. )1IC. lioie- rh one oraan ' I r""-'" """" " 1 ! OTTII I tke pleosuro In tolling the Sporting .'laiermiy ujat j. nave re-puroiia.ed THE IHJSIXKKM FRO.M HORACE JONES, TO W HOM I SOLD IT IN 1871. T AM NICELY LOCATED at mv old J- stand, and I m prepared to ntiK'lvd u all my friends, and tho public geuerullv, who ueod AKYfKlKG in THE GUN U.1E! I Bhall keep a per.Vt etook of all kinds of ; And all kinds of ifc RSHINC TACKLE I sliall also continue to handle tho BL. A AOd the " CHICAGO SINGER SEWING MACHINE t,nnii' mill rpo nie. 1 on will lind imp . u ALWAYS AT HOME. rJI, ta Id quality Mu7.1o Loaders made a order end wnrlAULUr ranted. iwon for rsvxr (CTST! PAIRING U ALL."41"- Lit 1-J Tn A Vfirrnn TinMi Tm-r xt . Hmv nu-w PAITHI ULLY DONE. TT SL' Titlioute, Pa., Au;r. 12. " V. STOVES ! - TUT, OOPPEBp.,. AND . Sheet Xro n "Ware I WOULD respectfully inform tho citi4 zeiis of Tionesta and vicinity that I ami prepared to do all kinds of work in thrt l in. Copper and Sheet Iron lint. I alsd make a specialty in nianuliicturing ..subset iiisori tovi: and equipments suitable f)r ratlin;; pur- pores. Also all kinds of REPAIRING CORE ox SHORT NOTICE Tho Highest Market Prico Paid for. RAGS AMD JUHftn rns- EJ3.IIEIBFJL Oiip. Lawrence Houso. ehl may2tf TIONESTA, PA. if TRIAL LIST. , PnoxnovoTAnv's CTji . ) Ui Forest Co.. Pa. (V-. Causes set down for trial in the Court ots f Viiiimon Pleris of li'ni-i.vl Cnimtv ..t I.'..!. '"" - . ... ...... , 1 1 V X (. I 114 .1 O 1 . Xo.Tr.YrJw race frij 1. A. A. Hopkins vs. Hon ilkuw. 20 Mv fila .'. K. Jones I'm uso vs. John " Peterson, Executor, et al '2'2 Alnv TSi p- o.y Nancy Dawson, Adnir., vs. 1 iaiMii Ann lialo 13 Sept 7(.lt a i i,' it, 1 SS!!ait. (! 'Feb. 7'.l 5. Peti-V yellron vs. J. E. Me- ( Cutchiv.-n. -22 Doc. 7i 6. Samut-t Walker vs. Oeorgo J. l.ac,i 1) May 80. J. $ HAWKEY, Prothonotary. .'sta, f'a., Feb. '2, Tiom T. F. HIT AT HEY, . OKNEY-AT-LaW, rionestu, Forest County I'a. MUSICATj. Infctrumen al and vocal music taught by V. Kruuss, ii reasonable terms. Thoso who want to M'ciiire themselves for Organists s uld take a ivursp in Throuul 7 W lsas and 1 i limn i . .en-Jl . -'I BAj. . ;t or-' rlty ar OUE3, 1.40 rut lilt. i ...j