noaou: . Cf 'tt v f aj- WM..IWH W 11 I I'TTgnyiiifl'H 11 II I I I 1 .mi. .TONES!)!! BOUSING, n" 'I O. -v. M. Kiti lovce, D. V. .A. .A ; -J . v ; ' r, ! '"rilisih it rnnklin .Brcnnari', l:Uvk v (i. a; .1. " I'.rnmifxn. r i'JNTV OFFtCr.rS. Davis. jetJons IIkck, IV A. ' V.Y ,lTTf A ft . v i. r.i.. Isaac1 .-, );(? It. 8 Brock- a T"i Ynwri. . ,v'.w C. H. Church. r-V F.'iVmmKiN. ' ,;,i,'trx NICHOLAS TlIOMP- .vki,A.n, F. C. I,aoy. DIRECTORY. , - 1I0NESTA LODGE .To. 300, . o. of car. .. .c'atiimfnv vrnirtr. t hi' tho Wlita Rootn mPar- r it irn'.f vr. N. G. vt-.j ."-. v. 27-tf. 11. I ... Davis, t...V Tionesta. Fa. i ibis and jwBoia 40-ly ) i ..i; Liverpool ! yr-oinin, Mercantile. Continental, Spriniiclo. m 1r.T-ll l.ifn fc Ac J.IM...-. ----- Cotupmy. Pa. Mutual Ai t Society. . Gran-din.! . if , 'I hhuui , i n. LOCAL AND I.1ISC LANEOUS.. A t.p top. ft - , nosv.y hestor, NCH: nt Insurance i .-''.r from Hickory, although maile) o:j , loBilny, i!id nut reach us uutil tbi.i morning, too lato for publication. It occurs to us that a letter gught o cprao from Hickory here, seven miles, in less than three days. Somebody necdi over- 'lWuuion depot at Buffalo was cruVnel by the heavy buow yesterday, and, as jar as kuowu, five lives were lost, oil employes of the railroad. A train of cars filled with passengers was iu tho depot at the time, but none were injured, miraculous as it may seem We are pleased to note that Henry Ewald, Tidiouto's boas jeweler, has sufficiently recovered from his ac cident last fall, to again bo nt his bench and attend to all work in his line. Parties iu need of his services will please make n noto of this. O.uite a number of tho Odd Fel lows of this place went to'Pleasantvillo last evening to attend a lecture le livered by Rev. Martin of Tidioutc, and participate in a grand banquet to be jriven by their l'leasahtvilic brethren. A good time was doubtless had. Mir. I- TKnmnamt'M friends in this f A.1 IV vi." At a recent meeting of TionesU pftce will be pleased to learn that ho adge, I. O. of O. F., it was vtcd to j,as almost recovered from his severe Time. TnM.- Ti..ncMa Mallon. NORTH. Train- l; 7 Train M 11:- 'I'raiil ! Tiiiin 18. SOUTH. Train 13 10:.") am Trnin 10 1:34 pm k!o4 pnkTrain 10 7:41) pin 5:04 pin am ri nin 0 North, and Train IS South carry V.lio mail. M. E. Sabbath School at iu H. Sabbath School at 11 T J chance the night of meetiug from Fri day to Saturday night. This was done r,rminnll f.if tllB Convenience of l - - - , me.ubers living in the country. The card elsewhere in this paper has been changed accordingly. Tho revival meetings at the M. F. Church ero brought t a close ou a. m., x. oi. iuunn. w - T... . - a. m. Presbyteriau Sabbath School at Sunday eveuing lat. hlo but low o p. m. in "IT A? LA"W, TfOKFSTA, PA ,. J.. XI. J-G'B A .TIOHSTA, AT - L A n -No Senator yet. JJiss Maude Davis visited Warren over Sunday. -Vennr and the Groundhog don't r... . . IT . 1... fl..iu agree, lius is v e-ior a men o li looks vry much us thaw we d have some mild weather. Air. .1. Homier, of Stoneboro, Mercer county, is here on a business visit. Rev. O. 15. Clark, of Jamestown, N. Y., spjnt the Sabbath with his son, I). W. Mr. G. D. Ackerly.ofMeadville, is visiting . her pareuts at Nebraska, were forward to seek tho Lord, we believe itfuch lasting good was accom plished. The meetings at the F. M. Church, under Rev. Wood's ministra tions, are still progressing. Moaroe Clark's dog bit Esq., Tate quite severely in tho baud on Monday, and in half an hour after the same dog bit tho dust, from the effects of a bullet hole over the eye, which was right and proper. that is, the latter bitting s;rape. No biting dog should be allowed to eiist. The buildiug of a new school house is meeting with almost a unani mous support. With very few ex ceptions every tax payer that has been nskad has sinned tho petition. The direetora will now take immediate attack of rheumatism and will soon be around again. He is living witli.jMr. Jarnieson's family at Pleasantvillc. Some mean cuss started the story in that place thU Nick was a luuatic but perfectly harmless, and for several days he was a subject ot curiosity to the small boy. The headlines in one of tho telo graphic news columns of the Derrick read as follows: "Five v i v v. J Years." (in the penitentiary), "A Fatal Kick," "Iiobbed and Beaten," "Lynched," "Murder and Suicide, "Poisoned." "Cruelty to the Iisane, "Attempt to Blow up a Steamer," "Attempted Assassination, ""Gagged," 1 . . . . -. . tie P. - "Tak mi? Bribes. ".Missing, k:., olc. And vet the Derrick sighs for a suicide or an incendiary fire just for news Yet that paper never was satisfied with common, evry-day occurrences to. v hen tins is done u is lo oo nop ed they'will turn their attention to tho construction of the much needed riiil- road up tho Tioncsla Valley. The 0(7 A Drug Newt, published in JNev i one uy, unu wim-u standard authouty ou all matters per taining to oil interests ot tho country, has this to fay about Forest County: Tho oil sand in the Blue Juy well, tho successful Forest county wildcat, is more than 200 loot below the sea level, a fuet that is miticahle, because i.f llotler eountv. Pa., no other oil sand has been found nny distance I I A below the sea level, un was smigui f the Blue .lav well an long ago us 1.8G0, but tho drill never wont iliinn eniioirh litifnlG. Jt is said l'V.'V that several well-known oil brokers ot this city havo invested largely iu Forest county lauds, regarding the Bouf iiiipvnlirml und undeveloped ter ritory between tho Bradford mid '!--:" .. ..j ,!. nnitiiilir riMr'inll f()l" nio Kr.ight and tins ti nchrr 1M. Clarion fields us tho coming region tor oil production. Bamelt Bub4)lc3. LumberiRg on tho Clarion Immense Qunantities ot limuer going in Personal Dots, cc. ,f3 ieti Mi Vev'ji't th l; v'kO. Al . ..i u nnut.e.A n an ,n flleo at- VVaah- (.(Uc-era, soMlrs, or this eountv r,t It T? .fll I itV iur. v;nas. a. -u-vaus, u, v.. , spent a few hours among his lionesta steps to have a vote on the matter, and J ttiH buildinr out under way at once. : friends on Momiay Ci.aiunoton, Pa., Fht 5, '81. It is not becauso Barnett has sece ded, or bocomo worso than usual that the scribe from "Old Forest" has been lnntr it is buCAUSQ ll3 has QllUU uvf -v-'q J - - been too busy, and no it falls 10 tho lot of a storm-stead wayfarer to' note tho "other" end of the county. Uur river nas oeeu ciu-juu nuio vembcr ; cnns'nlerablo lumber was frozen up in tho ice; it is being drawn, in anticipation of a "sweeper" in the spring. Tho lumber business is booming; not less than 330,000 cubic foot of tim ber will have been put in nt Claring- Creek against the 1. Af I.,!.. K'ori. 1! II 1 n.r r.( "( Melinda," by .lohn Biuck, Sum r4 Hob Blaek a fid Mi--' Pee Davis- Declamation, "Tlio i:U(er ot the Shingle," by Johnny Kellopg; Dia n-Tue. "An Indignation Meeting, by. Mrs. Wliilo and Misses Phoebo Ksrr, Minnie Knight, It"fo Davis, Emma. Kerr, Scilla Mays, and the teacher. A paper was then read Milium.; Kuight and tho teacher. Thi ..i 'Hi tho evening the best of order was pre- . i t served. New Harness zhep. I have inst oneneJ up a I inn Shop in Tionestu, up staiis,. oj. posito Lawrence House, where I will b-i ;,ul s to meet all who desire anything iu my lire. All work guaranteed. Lall ami examine before going eisewhere. LoitKN.O ! L'LTON. Tionosta, Feb. .H, Fresh Oystc-s 20o can at Wm. Smeurhaugh & Co. -t. . Codfish as largo ns a barn door at Robinson & Bonner's. Tho nicest ever brought lo this market. 2t. Attorney General Palmer will please accept tnanks for a copy of his v.-eiv it;)nr in the lato war, , an nn.i ieo() noi.iniia to wt.ieKthev may b report for 10 1 J ana 103U. " ... 1 I... !.,., mool I ' TT . - raiini? i,itnyK(Mfl."!("'"' -James Carson ana iiarvey roro- v. . lsi. iat;MS ior ai ! i , . . ,. ioMiiiy ! ' ! is i'ri"i' vr man are pviwuj; uc , inz in the rrotuouoiarj a mice, Mr. N. F. Williams, who wields the birch in the Faguudussehool, paid us kplea-mnt call last Saturday. . r W. II. Aadrcws, tho Titusville dry couds man, gave his seeond free excursion taking iu lidiouje, lionesta and intermcdiato points, on Thursday r .1 1 last. Quite a number weut irom mis ton and Mapie place, but it reports are true they hauling ends. i: !..' am Kir. n as II1PV I mi r:il . rv. a n niittui U1UI1 V mmm.'a ixo M.fe """" 1116 llllolOUO Vw., -- expected. Most all agreed that goods ghout joO.OOO fet of timber, and also lit 1. U . .. . 1 . lifira ii a at. . t ...1- ...t.:--.U tliau a lar'To atnotini 01 ciucn To day choice Comb Honey, Or anges, Lemons, Apple Jelly at t 2t. Wm. Smeabbaluui & Co. Wo think our Anchor Brand of Flour the best iu the County for tho price. Try it. 'Jt. llonlNSON & UONNKK. in Soup, We have Kirk's Satinet and Blue India; McBride's OKI Lather, in r and three-pound bars ; Proctor Gamble's Everyday ami Ivory; bio's one and four pound b&rsj "Do.. , bins' Electric ; all as low as any oilier dealers. Coma and see them. 'Jt. UoHiNsotf it Bonn Kit. ,r. a n-:u.- J.ur.rm nf could bo bouiht a cheap here as at Wicker & Blake, bard-wood dealers of TitusvilU, with the exception of a few jrt,0A i i-' ''I a s -Mier in JVW1 i , iviii'j; -i HUinlior of teiWo liiii proe' of aol- experienep will assure 'aiiiiHin thn shfrtest pos- J. U.AUNKW. Boston, Maw., stopped in town over Sunday. This firm is itill buying aud ehippiug Urge quantities of cherry and ash from this county by way ot fcne field. Mr. Wicker rsports his partner, Mr. Blake and wife and daughter well and happy. Valimiie day occur.? next Mon- ;,..,. Tah.nn;A ,r,a-.J di. but as yet aone of the very funny ttm yesterday afternoon. , or sentimental picture, with appropn l...rZ. thereat author, ate poetry underneath have appeared 'is Kay, one of the late propri- in the laarket. Although the day is more honored in the breach than its observance, some people look forward yiiuo in Ecclefechan, Dum yAljdcland, on the 5th v i ni.nAKitii nn ai m m lU'll 1 1 1 r inuiv iui tt u a i y Free Methodist society of tbU . h h'uticil)alions of tt .rmt deal hopes of saving his leg, whid was so omnll articles nurchased from the i 4-cent counter. We Mieve in pat ronizing and encouraging our home stores as much as possible, and hopo our citizens will not be takeu in any mora by the free-excursion dodge. The way to build up a town to pat ronize home institutions. It some I times Leoomes necessary to go out of towu for aa articlo but that is not often. We are very sorry lo state that Calvin Arner's condition has grown verv serious, ami there aro uow no "uutry expact to hold their - ator near lyier.ourg. fey lbat I ft T IT. Wilson. Superintendent of the ' .1 .- ,1..n.n inith a I w - a ..r in- :.U . U . -a !d inlrinrp vrOL'kIV HW" U. 1'. Ci V IW T, Willi unicis, io ... us. Now. 'is I ,.1 ,r-w. I xi. j. . vv ii j , Ack of measles at his former ttCtia measurfs for buildiDg Marieuville. 'Hope he's not dep0t and hotel at Oil City. toiuity in; eo. 5f tho ! 'au! ri"t - lot:' on rthv 1.'. ; LlanJ the bit i. i;i the harbor k Tiuwta. '' , Four of the'. Jadies of tho south , iybsterday.' Their v,as 534 pounds. a new not aud hotel at Oil City. Ibis is as it should be, and we bavo no hesi- time to get your , Bavinr that it will be accom- You can get them for p;, g9 Mr. Wilson is a pusher, and whatever he undertakes is accom plished. Mr. S. Crum, Tailor, and Mr. S. Fulton, Saddler and llarnessmaker, have opened shops in Tiouesta within tha oast two weeks. Two more useful and more needed tradesmen could not have located in our town, and as both are industrious gentlemen and come well recommeuded, we hope they will reeeivo the patroiiaga of our j TU Oil City DfQ ick wants somo ' naa to coii. nit suicide or arson sathey s Iino mimn news 1 -f ! ahvays suppled tha Derrick to U a the time to 'M03 cheai. )0 a dozen for the next ten 'days at river, Martin's Photo Boat. .It. i.We 'think tho oldest inhabitant Z?k this year iu his stories of uiliier. We have not heard any y that this puts them in mind of .Ller of '20 or '4G. Si I i" topped tho door quietly, I ; in (5ofilv, aud putting his i'(oks.r said : "Say, do you f it is iwlully cold weath ." put him in his 1'utle bed. t si j is out of a icq i lui't ies ' L. .i-ttT' raft, tstut-k he:. -'i ! Vatt's und ro-iaft:.ig it rnuuth of Littlo :ll!'l i. - : WCl W , 'lined Solid girli your.- south warders. We wonder it tna north ward girls can , One of the cold mornings last ' '. some eveitement was created :n Vor ead of town by seeing a man g up btreet with a tin bucket iu -.hand arid a veil over his face. vter h had it on lo protect his XhU noif) i3 the query. eibel, our enterprising aud tinner and ; hardware y ou a visit to friends aud '-- a and X'r'te couutiw i inner not orivea to selfish ideas', and to t: y,aud gel some pSor cuss to sbu'ftlo off this mortal coil just for the sake of an iu.1a. ' Come up here whre things uia-booming, or get the Major to write jot another rat Btory. MrJas. K.'ciark, of Barnett towuhip, ex-Commissioner of Forest i Couistv. towu last week look- ia-r around with a view ot moving nis family to Tionesta. He has his eye ,m eertaiu property here, and will probably purchase it. Wo hope Mr. Clark will not chango his mind, 'for we want a host of just such good cm zens aa he to locate among us. JudL'e Brown, with Associates Reck and Hill, held Argument Court vAterdav. adiourning this morning Tl. M3i Walker vs. Lacy for change vi yeuuo was decided in the negative, intf the case will be tried iu this county at next tension of court. Aside l'rjto this nothing of importance wrstrr. 1 severely frozen, whilo couveying him home from tho woods. Tho bruising of the thigh caused the blood to stop circulating, aud not until the toes hefau to turn black was it discovered that hi foot was frozen. Since that irrnfrone has set in. aud the doctor says the leg must be amputated either ahnvft or below the knpe. He is too much exhausted and weakened at present to endure tho operation, and it is feared that unless it is soon per formed it cannot be done without re sulting fatally. Altogether Mr. Ar uer's condition is a most distressing one, and tho expressions of regret and sympathy we ,hear from tlw citizens generally are many aud deep. We hope to have the satisfaction oicnron icling his safd deliverance from the serious conditiou he is now in. P. S. Drs. Blaine and Davis started for Fork Run this morning, and will am putate Mri Arner's leg to-day. Last WedDeaday morning County o - li i m fclriii k town, his ourvejroi iruniv" business being mako up another l-a- frineer corps to do to work tr piist in making a survey for the ej fusion oi th -Buffalo. Pittsburgh .' tern U Ii., frym Irvioeton Pa., to ilamanca, N. Y.alorg the valley ot I e Alleghe ny Bivef. Two corps a already in ihe field and Mr. W. will start with his men as soon as he receives orders from the Chief Engineer, or from the General Superintendent, as the case mav be. The B. P.& W. K. U. Com pany meau busicess, and will push the mad through as speedily as ponsiuie The best of grade has been obtained as fai as the survey has progressed ant will not, it is thought, exceed 18 to 20 feet per tulle; maximum curvature not in excess if 5, except, possibly, at one or two pots. With the road, which the same Company purposes to build, from ShermaVe, ou the Chautauqua Road, to Buf)ibxaud abovt line from IrviDet ther connecting witu v 'ill rive t. will saw on their mill at the mouth oi Millstone. About 50,000 feet of timber will be put in at Colemjin. Tho. Coleman Co, havo in now about 2.000.000 'feet of logs and have not finished stocking yet. Miles 1 lerco has the job of stocking. llenorts ffom up the Clarion and down the same warrant the conclusion that the amount of lumber that will havo been put in dining tho winter, should hauliug coutiuue, has not been exceeded for somo time. A stick of hemlock 80 feet long has been put in at Katt's. One iob nuts in timber at Glaring- ton that is hauled a distance of not less than 8 miles. Bethune, of Tylersburg formerly, now blackens tho atmosphero of our town with the smoke of his forge. Richard Wiulock lost n valuable horse last week. Robt. McCloskey lost his pocket book containing 40, somewhere bo tweeu his shauty and Brookville. D. J. Reynolds is with us again. The machinery of the Maplo Creek mill has been purchased by A. Cook who has removed it. o uuderstaud that Mr. Cook has purchased au inter est in the Point aw Mill, Allegheny City. It is(uinored that the Shippeu 'ronertv Una been sold ; we cauuot ft v vouch lor the fact. Tho purchaser is said to bo a Company, one of whom is Mr. Metzgar of Piney, well known to the lumbermen of tho Clariou. The price uamed in connection with the purchase, 15,000, seams too great to warrant the belief the sale bus ueeu made. 'Sao. Barton who met with the uc- cidtut noted in your paper, had tho part of his foot severed by the ax taken off; the cut beinj too severe to allow tho parts to grow together. By The Way. It Good Navy Tobacco per Best lino cut per lb 75c. Choice Syrup per gallon COc, No. 1 Flour per sack $1:60. J cans best Tomatoes for 25r Oat Me nl only Go. Wm. S.MEAnnAijor lb 50c. For Sale, ; Th-i llouso and Lot uow i Daniel V. Aguew, ou II Tionesta, Pa. Will bo s cash. 4t. E. E. v. For Sale or fsentr The Klinesiiver house, situated G. W. Bovurd's residence, am piesent occupied by Thos. Has. Tonus reasonable and very eas Inquire at .his ofiie.r. Goods chtnp at A u?; 11, '80. Haslet & L School Exercises. IIIWmtMBKtlill II MHII I H IIMIimMMWMMM CORBECTED KVEBY TUESDAY, I ItEl.IABt.E DEALERS. Flour p burrol choioo - - 6.00; Klour suck, best I'orn Meal, 100 tha - t'hop feed, puro grain Hye bushel - Outs Now t bushel - Corn, ear - - - Beans bushel - Ham. KOtrar cured '- . Breakfast Bacon, suar cured Shoulders - " - NVhltelish, half-barrela Tiko herrlns hulf-barreU Sujrar - - Syrup N. (). Molasses new Boast Bio Oolleo Kio ColVee, ... Java Cofleo ... Tea - - - - - . - Butter - Bico - KkSS fresh Salt best lal- o Bard Iron, eonunon bar Nails, lOd, c, kes -l'otatt-es - - - Li mo S bbl. Dried Apples per lb Dried Beef - - - IH-ied Poaches per lb Dried Peachea pared per & . 1.40 - 1.271 4! r 3t 1.50(j 71 t Babnett Town, Fob est Co., Jan. 25, 1881. ) Last Friday eveuing there wad a "spelling" at the Fitzgerald school houso, and although the snow fell fast all day and the roads were almost im passible thero were about one hun dred aud i'ty persona present. Sides were tloseu by the captains, Minuh '"uigl nd Maurice Fitzger ald; "l WJulJ bav for lack TRIAL LI PllOTIIONOTAUY l'oiti:s r t f'auses set down fr trial in U Common Picas of Forest Com ruary Term lsl : 1 i j. A. Hopkins vs. lloia Wilkins. v H. Jones I'm use vs. J' Peterson, Kxooutor, et ' , Nancy Dawson, Admr. Small Ann Dale , J. F. Blaine, vs. ' SWilfilUt. ; ,- Peter Ifell'ion vs. J Culehei li.