V 0 X- r I (!. 5,1, m, limit"", an, Uikt I Hr.'S'U, ttniniicti, ntcrnnl rnin. -lilt t Aininnl3, ats. ' itty, 0' A !) for C. 4 .-.J . AVr,:'"!. ' . on.. v kn jw in r" r! l' It'll iv-iw"' . . "'' f. u in It In KDITOH. mORNING, JAN. K,m. 'I. S. Senator c 0 'H.VWUH'- C Whj li.llf'iv II In piililio fmfr. in fitn-iiKwl lint.1 kpuit J licy ar aJu, July 8, 1371. Oii..-Thm Old iliiiirn.l(? inii 9., llll reurtlCtl it lo tiny com. Unit itiffy in i, phonM k f HiiiiJy luUut- 1 Land a Tin the t liar .main arc ft lulae the ; clio f un; our ' r-r the n. ri ' mora oiirK ' ,-.udi(!atei, in resent outlook ri J'ur several ting must g ' tamo on 'is lis. square might bo that Mr. Ii rishurp; lo act n Senate what we eraocrat lions of ny bet 'lir the , and it ght here to liar- i A 4 lat i' id cri tioo oi. ' Well, thui Whenever a ie polis-ica. roblv juj about, is pussili renmrk i i tot eent :cordance with the political wiflhes the Dciy. i?rat; it I'd. no hand in-electing J5r. Davis, siijit is therefor verj amus; f to see toe editor make an ass of hi: -self in dictating to our Assembly ma liow be thall vote on the question of U. S. Senator, and other politie.tl n atters. T!io paper aluo takes occasion, a uaual, to utter several untruths in the j rorn-i-es. .': It says the Cameron men and djio Auti-Catueroa men both hcl ! i.s; e"uses,jpd hat Mr. ll.ivia walked i.j.p the Amj-ijp caucus Ac. This U fnlsa? there wfs but ono general caucus h;h1 it was attended by 95 Iiepublicars, 10 f whom, were Grow men, the 'balance etayiog out. Again it says Mr. Davis wua counted as a Grow nine at; ' that adjournment of the House from 11 o'clock a. m., lo 1 o'clock p. ni., each day until furiber ordered. If anysat ipfaction can be iven to the reader? r f that pnper I will say that Mr. D -t is xotr i "no," but failed to hear a singln ' iJemocralic voice in unison with his own. But the people noed not fear, for as oon us the '(iii rnitt ro-v.rt A.0.,n3i king nours will be extended. Uicre is no business yet before the House except balloting for U. S. Son ator. ' There is some feeling oi the part of the members from the Northern tier counties from Wayne to Erie, two counties deep that the Speaker had overlooked thtm in not placing any of their number upon the Legislative Apportionment Committee, except Noble of Erie, who is a Democrat. For the purpose of rectifying the error Mr. Davis, of your county, offered a resolution to empower the Speaker to appoint two more members upon the Committee, explaining in a short speech the injustice done the sixteen counties, (which are Republican strong holds) by the omission ; but it wai defeated by a small majority, almost every Democrat voted against it, as well as the Republicans who were willing to sustaia the Speakor, or w ere holding positions upon the com mittee. Republican. fort. k sees fit to ice Repre- 'r, he had claimed lo be arU-Capieroti in 'order to gef votes. ' Tlf 3 46 V.,nJ 1-ebelious ns it iiKciilou3, l?'' " 'fy'P counte(l 0,1 Mr. Davis as pledged (, ut one, ami no one evrf ueai'u biru ' f','.v.o was anti-Cameron in order to i Vote, and nil Bll.-'ll fjljfillnnJa u!l it to the ground. Mr. Davis Is '-. , y the, best interests of Forest '"Co y, Sud this we are abundantly .tiriGcd he will do : but he is not there t " to obeybe mandates of any "kicker," ' t)d the Republicans of Forest would i 8o6u show their disapproval if he did : anything ot the kind. His Republi canism has been i.Wed and found to be of the true blueJid, and the Repub- licaos who assij'i in bis ele ction have Vfitb to belieCl that hi political kourse win be entire accord with . f, fno best inlerfyi of the party, Demo cratic fa!sehoU to the contrary ' withstandingo'tnother fet which rnocrt 88 to be ignorant Mr Oliver W D(t Cameron's cho. of candidat,6ay aDy nieans, but came op wJ-J1 such a rousing suppo and gaice rapidly ti.at Camer taw it wa"elesd to kick against hi Mr. Olivj'as among, bis, supporters men wbc ie as bitterly opposed to Mr. Jameroi7.jf; any of Mr. Grow'a 1'rien Js Ve. , ncc Kgi .;u7e and be had vot' byue-'-""' Wallace it would . ... uilu l succeed, r thing more ifUJ ; and of Nj ioubt if the Democrat had I ''a electing its man to the fur re it the ck I'enns) nough .re with or ense p its r: ii :. iEi s, j, Pa., can S. Kciiatol -a. 22, '81. Six ballots for U. uo election vet. and v:H not be, probably, for three or four as both parties seem to stand as is the rocks ; but the bolters expect to force the large major 'epublican member to the die- . few disorgonizers and Speaker called for -.h was responded to of bills being read e chair. Awoug offered by Mr. , requiring the running roads counties of Ihe r roads, itc , a seded in many nd for publication Resolutions. Tho following preamble and resolu tions were unanimously adopted by I'rof. S. G. Smith's vocal class, aftur the Concert Tuesday evenins of last week : Whekeab, We the members of the Tioucsta music class, realizing lite beauties and pleasures of song, the beneficial and elevating influence music has upon society and the high culture attained from a correct study and practice of it, and Wheueas, We have been duriug the laft three weeks under the tutor ship of Prof. S. G. Smith, of Girty, Armstrong Co., Pa., as our teacher ia this great. sconce of music and the art of itH-practice ; therefore 7i)That in Prof. Smith we fir' etent, efficient and thorough rir, an able director and a ....Cher who will not shrink from any duty or labor that would be beueficial to his pupils, that we have found him to be a social aud gonial companion and f atleman, and that our thanks are due and are hereby tendered to him fur. his earnest and successful work with us aud for us. And we invito hi. a to return when convenient to give us further instructions, and hereby pledge him our support. And we wish him God speed iu all bis future labors. llctalved. That our thanks are ex tended to the members of the Pre by trrian congregation lor the use of their church to hold our singings. lie-iohed. That our thanks are also f '?red to the Commissioners of ,t Co. for the privilege ofholdiog incert in the Court House. jived, That a copy of these reso fcyis be presented to Prof. S. G. nth, and that a copy also be handed 'th? editor ot each of the county apers far publication. CMAKLES rOXXK, John A. Hart, T. F. Ritchey, v. Committee. r . , Crawford Co , Pa., ) f - ClTy OF TlTUSVILLE. rsouully appeared iTeforo meltoy , Harrington, being duly sworn uncording to law, depoees and says: Thai be is a resident of Miller Farm Station, Venango Co., Pa. That last spring be had a severe attack of Rheu matism in hU limbs, and thkt be was entirely relieved by taking four doses of Wilson's Lightennisg Kennedy for Rheumatism, and that he has not ex perienced any trouble from the disease fiuoe. He also states that he gave the remedy to a fiiend in the country who was very much disabled from the same disease, so much so that he was totally unable to work, and was bed-fast for a number of weeks, aad that in his friend's case tbe medicine made a perfect cure in three days. R. Harrington. Sworn and subscribed to before me this 17th day of July, A. D. 1SS0. J. R. Luck, Justice of tho Pence. Answer This. Did you ever know any person to bo ill, without inaction of the stomach, liver or kidueys, or did you ever know one who was well when either was obstructed or inactive; or did you ever know or hear of any case of tha kind tl.jjit Hop Bitters TIONKSTA JI.VUICiri H. . Cor-Uf.CTED EVERY TUESDAY, HY r.ELIA RLE DEALERS. 1 lour p barrel rhoico Flour i siu'k, bpHt Corn Meal, 1()Q lt . Chop fowl, pufo grain - , Kye 1? bushef -Oats Now jl bushel - U.,? UuTHiul - - -Ham, mijar cnrcil Hroakfast Uai-on, snar curtvl SliouMors -WhltclUh, lmlf-bnrrolx Lake horrini; lialf-barrcls Stif'nr Syrup ..... X. O. Molaws new Roant Uio Coffoo liio Collce, ... J nva CoJl'eo ... Tea Butter - - - - -lifoo Kppf, fresh ... Salt best lake Iard - . . ... Iron, common bur Nails, 10J, keg -l)tntftes ... Lima bhl. ... Dried Apples per !b Dried Beef . Dried Peaches per fi Dried Poaches pared per I . 0.00,0.50 l.flO 1.40 (a. 1.50 - 1.27(3,1.30 00 80(5)3.1 1.50(3,2X0 11 - - 121 7 Pi 8 6.7S S.7i - fi0f75 200i25 1S33 3fi .2590 2i WOf.lQ 2.0 1.7 124 - 3.73 3.7 i 1.50 cra7 17Q18 10 - 15 The Kramer Wagon Co. OF OIL CITY, PA., I prepared to furnish the best wairon for all purixisrs that cun bo had in the roiinen try, at as low prii'es as can bo had any wuere. llavhiir added a nav mill to oiir eHtablinhnient we will buy k:iw li-ft of all kinds and pay cash for baine. We will also buy Ntnmpnire. Address as abovo. Jniilft 3m Commissionkub' OmcK, Forfst Co., ) Ticiiosta, Pa., Jan. 2.". In81. Notico 1m hereby Kiven that t ho Commi.s sinners f Forest County will met at their nlllco in tho Court House, in Tionoslu Horoueh on tho loth and 1th of Fobriiarv. for the purpo.so of holding ajijieals for the assessment ot JN1. By order of Count v Commisf;ioners. J. T. BRHNNAX, Clerk. 'n describ- SHERIFF'S SALE. Ui viK l uiu ot n writ or jjevjri t acias. -u issued out ot mo rourt or com mon Pleas of Forest county and to mo di rected, there will bo exposed to xalo hv publiu vendue or ontcrv, at the Court llotiso, in tho borough of 'I'ioiitsla, on MONDAY, JANUARY. 31 A. D. 181 L 1U o Cllii:iv, . Jll., II" od real estate, to-wit x. John Hunter vs. Damct "W. Clark and Belle K. Clark, his wile, and David IS. Hunter, Terra Tenant. Lcvaria Facias, No. 4 February term, JPK1 Miles V. Tate, Att'j Del'endiinis' interest in all that certain piece of land situated in Tio nesta township, Forest County, Pcnn'a, bounded and described as follows; Besin niiiK at a white walnut, on tho west bnnk of the Allegheny river on the lino of land formerly belotijii:g to David Hunter, Thtnce down tlio river north 07 west 31 iH'i-chos lo a post thence by land of F.li II. "ierson north twenty-seven perches to a post, thence north 13" west 403 perches to a post, thence, south 88J cast i perches to a chestnut sapling, thence south nine teen degrees east 47." perches to tho placo of beginninp. Containing iiinoty-iiinn acres and perches of land bo tho same moro or less. Taken in execution ns the property of jjamci . vjiarK ana jieiio K,. L'larK his wife and David J. Hunter Terro Toiinat, ut the suit of John Hunter. TKRMS OF SALK. Tho following must be strictly compJied with when tho property is stricken down : 1. When the plaintiff or other lien cred itors boron o the purchaser, tio costs on the writs must bo paid, aud a list of liens including mortgage searches on'lhopi'op erty sold, together with such lieu credit or s re "eipt. lor tho amount ol thnf coeds of tho sale or such portion thei-i h may claim, must bo furnished Sherilf. 'i. All bids must bo paid in full. 3. All sales not settled immediately will be continued until 2 o'clock p. m.. of tho day of sale, at which time all property not settled tor will again bo put up and sold at the expense and risk, of tho jyordon to whom lirst s-!d. . " - , -See Ptird'Mi'w Ditrest, 'Ninth Kdition, pae 4 '1 and tsiuith's Forms, page 34. (!. A. RANDALL, SherifT. Sheriff's Office, Tioucsta, Pa., January 21. ISM. iro- !' the Q Oullit sent tree to thono who wish to O"-' engage in tho most pleasant and profitable business known. Kveiythibg new. Capital not required. We will fur nish you everything. 10 it day and up wards is easily made without staying away from homo over night. No "risk whatever. Many new workers wanted at once. Many are making fortunes ut the business. Ladies make as much as men, and young boys and girls inuko gruet pay. No ono w ho is w illing to work fail "to make moro money every day than cun Io made in a week at any ordinary employ, incut. Those who engage ut one will find a short road to fortune. AddrnsH II. HALLET J: CO., i'ortiand, Me. de.c2!l.v T R Y new york"' obseevee THIS YEAH. The Largest and Best Family Paper in the Wo;!... - Send for Sample Copy Fl! HE. 37 I'ark How, Xi-w Yurlt. ilEADVILLE ' - ."I . . y o t mo. r r rrXV-'i.,v -r SsiiViJ y, Ma r , HOW LOST HOW RESTORED? Just published, a new eititlon of Dr. Oil vcrwellV (Vh'bratcd 'iN -ny on tlirirail icid i-uro ol Spprinntori Ik.m or Seminal Wenkni s, Involunti.ry Sciiiiind Losses, Iinpotency, M''ti!nl un'l Physical incapac ity, Impediments t Marriage, ( tc, ; also. Consumption, Kpjicpsy aud Fits, induced by self indulonco or cexual cxtrava gitnee, (.-is The celebrated nut hor, in this admira ble Fssay dearly demonstrates, from a thirty years' successful pnu'tice, that the alarming c-onse'ueiico of self abuse may be radically cured ; pointing out a mode of cnrrtat onco simple, certain, nnd ell'ectuaVk by means of which every Mtircrer,omatter what his condition may lielVnny cure himself cheaply, privately, id radically. .Tiiii-YLecturo should bo in the hands of evV- youtii und every man in the land. ' Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to nny address, post-paid, on receipt of six cents or two postage stamps. Addrws the Publishers. TIIE CULVEBWELL MEDIOAL CO., 41 Ann Hi., N. Y., N. Y., 1'. t). Box 4.1.S0. S10f Outfit furnisheil fiee, with full inl ructions lor conductini- tho most protitable business that anyone can engago in. Tho business is " eauy to learn, and our instructions are so simple and plain, that anv on can make great protits from the very start. No ono can fail who is willing to work. Women are us successful us ined. lys and (iirls c:ui earn largo sums. Mnnylye made at tho business over one bundled dollars in a single week. Nothing like it ever known before. All who engage nre surprised at theemeand rapidity with which they are abl to mako money. You ran engage- iu this business during your spare time at great prollt. Yuo do not have to invest cupital in it. -We takeuii the risk. Thoe who need ready money, should write to us at once. All furnisncd lree. Address TP.L'i: A CO., Augusta, Maim.. decS'ly Mendelssohn Piano ( llllil, l ti.l' Id.l tiovt T.'i Inr. I lif. ST YLE :) , W i 1 ninke, for lli,- next GO days only, a Grand Oiler of ,NOQ AND OR KijMan finxntl Piano for ossly 31 Maguil'ii" rmewood case elegantly finished. 3 Str t:i i s (u ! I i lit cantante nnd lurim' l.uwv m. full Iron Fnime. French (ir,unl A'-tion, (irand Hammer, in fact everv which can in any way tend to the perl'eotion of the instrument h;is been TvOur price for this instrument box and delivered on cars New C York, with line Piano Cover, Stool nnd Hook, only t The riano will bo sent on test trial. Please send reference if von do m with order. Cash sent witii order wili be refunded and ireiirhi ehargpi both ways if the Piano is notjust as represented in this Advortispmettl in use. Send for Catalogue. Kverv instrument fullv Warranted for liv PT A TVD " 'm (witl1 S!,")l. m r a"l Uook.) All stricllv 1 X Xi.1 V.0 sold nt Wholesale Factory prices.- These Pianos niiwl finest displays ut the Centennial Exhibition, and were unanimoiisl v i for the Highest Honors, sfoe Squares contain our New Patent :silc,"f ! provement in the history o Piano mnkii-.g. The I'prights are the finest Positi-ly we make the finest Pianos, of tho richest tot'ieand grciitcst dur. are rc.fmnieiwled by the highest musical authorities in the country. ( use, ami not one dissatisfied purchaser. All Pianos and Organs sent on trial treitrlit free if unsatista -tnrv. Don't . fail to write 11-1 holm-n hnvin. .tabHhmon 804 Fenn Street, P'tUmrgh, Pa. (esuUrlT nu item a J Knii .fiallT qitiahnrd, lMplt-m t hFio thowi, kit ben I'm Mr entire I In th iicibi toftUnotf Clronlo, Bexuftl and Urinary 4i lhn Kny other (hvncian m 1'itubarfh. lhoi dMtrn Ur iisiAces, uuheil icrt ImbiU iA youth, or iimii in lat- r vttirn, TtsmvlTt Bl'hRM Al'OIUmuf A.fiBMTKAL WSAKNEHS, Aeb ftntl tiivir Utanttrout cOtcU: Acrvu UetnUtff. WfffU imi, Stmmttil Jrr '-.;(. i-c FnnvUt, Wtxik Vti, 1'mtr Memory. h-itnbiUy, IndigrmHon, Thrtattrni Vvnrvmptinn, UtmkI of t'ml ure, Arerim to Sori4ty. In riMjn.Vr Marrx-ipe or ilvMmtw, und ru1timff lit lm potDey, Soiuttl Szhatutlon, A.o prrfsotlr and imr tiMientlv mind. ' Alio n ucut or )outf-ct:indin c ! of fronorrheca, Oleet, Stxjotura & Syphilis, (nil forma ) ll!etinff Mouth, throat, .Mi. JHood. bones, cwj hxJermil umil ItUernal IJrpan, aro treated on fecitatifta riacipltt and wittt unparulleled naecoM. A lift-tirw Mprienea in thoniandi of euei of all a ta;t, ! j rear, contributes kill. Curnbla cat en ituftranUtdif ouhtexiati it u fraaklr atated, Deaoriptiva Pam pnlet an( from, Tre&tnient oan bt Rent at-cnrelf ana art Tate I y to persona dist&neft. ConaultaUon frva. we offer the tiest barenins. CntaWue m,'e-l fn-e. Handsorne Illukr.-v B'Tipti vo Catalogue of 4S pages maileil for :; stamp, Lvcr Piano fully v J VClU S, fl?fl A TVS ur "Parlor firand Jublleo Or-.iui." slvlo -l.-). Is lh Vl tU A1X sweetest toned Heed four of M-tavos 'each, and O Octuvcsr Thirteen Stops with fJrand Orgin Diapason, Melodia, Viola Fl' Dulcet, Kcho, Molodia-Forte, Celostinn, Vlolinia, Flute Forte. Tremolo, and Knee-Stons. Height, 74 inches ; U-ngth il inches ; Widllu L'4 inelx boxed AiO lbs. The case is solid walnut, veneered with choice woods, entirely new and beautiful design, elaborately carved with raised panels, i lamp stand fret work, etc., all elegantly finished. Possesses all tho Into improvements, with great power, depth, brilliancy aud sympathetic qnul IU. iutii.nl solo effects and pei feet slop action. Beirular retail price J?'J!v". sn!e net msh price to have it introduced, with st (! and book, only $: as Sol,, sells others. Positively no deviation in pricn. No pnvment' requmi-i have fully tested the organ in your own home. We send lill OrgW; on 1. trial nnd pay freight btoh ways ft' instrument if not as rejiresentodi Fully for f years. Other styles stop organ only ; 9 stos $s:, ; II stops' J 3.',0UO sold, ami everv Oriran ha-t fiven the" fullest s'tt.isiiu ?. lilmiiri. iree. r aciory and wnrerooms 57th Strm-t and Ulih Avenue. ' SI1E10T "jy L'!SIC at one third price. Catalogue of .'tout I clioica pier's l'X stanin This (Jatalo'-iie iin-lmhs mct . n( tUr, day and every variety f musicnl compositio.i, by the b jst authors. AiMrt MENDELSSOHN PIANO CC. Rox 2058. N. i WaiMlHiiCO. Deolcrn la FASCY- & FAMILY GP.QCEBIES! H onderfMl ijn-l)icturta true tc htv. on fcay marry: who not; why? Wbo to marrr; prop M. . Keproduciion healthy, beantifal children- late! diacuvisnea. Impodimcnu to marriage: aat.aa. inaquono, rura. Kehkble prvarripliona. iok fof ta million. Kvurrbodjr should read it. Frica, to eaU 11 AN HOOD; ir im tod ahuao. 3 parea. cent. WOMAN HOOD; oawa of ita dear, iti paf ea. S wita. doo a. i or vo cu., tmt ti i. AddroAa JJr. wniun FOREIGN A DOMKSTIO rra:s ..vfcv M I' ll n .. . -j i STOVES! TUT, OOPPBB AND Sheet Iron "Ware I WOULD respectfully Inform tho citi zens of Tiones'.a and vicinity that I nm prepared to do all kinds-of work in the Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron line. 1 alto mako a specialty in iiianufacturing SSSt-SJT XHOSf KTOV1EH and equipments suifnblo for rafting pur pores. Also all kinds of REPaiRSKG BOREM SHOST KOTICE The High.est Markot Price Paid for RAGS AND JUWli AT ED.HEIBELVS aastf Opp. Lawrence House, .. ' r ,v,T.I OIZHZT PA., FRUITS AHD VEGETABLES. Tf f!ST CT. AKS OTTALTTY. j:Y StiUARK DEAL- I take plens;iro In telling Pit Fiaternity !):ut I have ro-purch FROM HOP.ACE JONi:S, TO BOLD IT IX 1&71. 1 , 9 m tnUlCTLi C.-viiii, Tioucsta. Pa.:. .Sept. 11, 880. : I O V K II OP K TO ilEHIT Yt)UIi P A T II O K A O K R-S"'--' CSCSE-CUT. flOUTE. 'tt WITVTEU TIMK TAI5LF, Dee. J, 1S80. 4- A. M.jl M.(.4. Fi(t' J? .)'!. MjA. M.I ti 3-V 8 00, ar Pittsburgh Ivj H -. 1) i.- l-'.Ti 4 40'ar....Pacl-er...lv 1 .'t- l'J US U4IM 4 alttr...Foxb;irg..lvi J 4."' U a! ions; a USisr. I'rank;in..lvl SOU! 14 s P.M. P. M.I v ' A.M.H.M. 4U a id'ar... Oil C;tv....1v )i 215 Kill ....Uoi'kwood.... K 17 ! 2 0l Olcow.is. MO'.ii I fi3!...Kii.fl jlocli... HOP BITTEES. (A..'Iciilcl jie, not a Drink.) CONTAINS nOPS, BI CI1C, ItlANDUAKE, IIANOL'UON, AsDTni PcRinr axu Itrwr MKmcAtQCAl TIM OF ALL UlUkU lllllllEO. THEY CUKE . AM fhnwof tlicF'tnmrirb. BowcK nirnxl, livir, Ktiliit-VH.and 1'rliittry Ort:iiH, Ner - VuuiiUf rlctMlasntirini" eK3:iaily x emale t-'uiiiplaiuu. SIOOO IU COLD. Will be pa'l for a case thry will vat c ire or litip, tr; iur un iituiy; iiihhipc ur lujuiiuua tuuiiil iu thai. An your dmpplst for Ilp Hitter am! try Uicui bcfuiu uu ttiucj. Tuio iki Oilier D 1. C. Is an aTieulute und IrrcslHtlhlo ntn fur uuruoiica. SC.M KO C'lHfl-LAR. ;1 Hop R)tWrs I a. All at tojil bt -trwfitU. HltWrs Si ftf. ( u,, Ki-chn4-, N. V . , k TomaIa. m,i. I W. CLARK, AXj estate agent. AND TIONLSTA, PA., Has. now for sale the Following: ' . . ' I'JO ACKF.S, .A lie;: i.t nv 1 ow 1.1-1'. ;p ciiiimro o., I a.. D. Stewnrt.t I M' l I!un. 51 miles ffOl!l i : !' Tiooc-.ta ; h (Mi 1 5u lJresidciit 7 411; i4 Tioucsta 7 1 lit Hiel- rv 721 1 12 .. Trunkcy iilc. 7 12 Z ; Tidioiile 0 4'i 12 :I7'... Thompson ... ii ao i2 2U lv..lrviuctun.jir V. J . ' ii-i: ' ; .?.'. I . i'.Tt- i'.ii.i' Oil 12 (K! lv...V arren ...iw fili r..M.!A..M.I ( Kric Jt-t.ilf.nt) jA.M. :i :u! (I vtl I v . lii adrtud . ar 1 1 :U I'. At j 3 50 40! i nt ti r:i 2 071 i 2t 7 til I 3 .',; 4:, 7 041 a4S 4 41. 7 22 1 ;i 04 5 11 1 7 as I 3 2o 2S 7 4iij :i7j ,r-t:) 02' :i 4-; ti 02 22 J 4 o.i! a i: S 40j i 20' 7 l. A. M.; V. M. I. M. A. M.:i'. M.! fiai 4 4.'. 0 1 1 I P.M. ft oo,... 4 4i;;.... i J'itil it' AVi'u hi,')'. .. '! v. . Warren ...ai !. .. 1 1 v.Sf.'iiichaiu.ii ri . r. .-I. ADiUTIONALTHAI.VS Lkavk PerJ.er 6:3! 'Kin, Fox I ui i'(j.: Hum, Frank I In !':i"'..ini. Oil City i!:0uui. Arrive Tione'ta 11:22 am, Tidi.uic 12:-';pm, lrvinclon 2:0iimi, W arren 2:a:pm., Stouehiim 2:i'-; in. Ii: vi! Stoneham ":"0a:ri, Wa. rcu 7.4.:-.m, Irvinctoii Hi-loam. Arrive Tidioiite 0:-l'jiiiii. Tioncsia t:):,Viuii, Od Cilv 12:'.um CllAL'TAL'wFA L.VI.'F, DIVISION. Trains icuve Oil City for 1'et. Ceutr ', Ti tus vi'.le, Si.artansbiir, Cemreviile, ( 'oriV, M:iy :lj', lirocioii at 0:."'Oum, 1o:1-.:i".j, :':',') m. ri:('0iiii, S:r(ipni. Arrive at 7;.0.i:ti, 'J. 42am. 2:VO,in, 8:.i:pui, !: .."pin. Siun'.ay Train leaves 7:ol'uui ; arrives 7:2i'pm. I' MOV ,V TITrsVILLK P.RAXCIL Traiii )ei: is Titusvilio 6:r(pm; ariives Union City f':00p!i. Deaves t iiion City 7:h"um ; arrives Titusvilio !i:l"iaiii. 'l'riiiiis run daily escept Suiiiiiiv. Trains are run on Philadelphia tim.'. Pullman sicpiiur Cars run tiaily between Titusviie aiil Pitlsluii-'rh on t. alns l.;avhin U;ooUi:i;j.fpiu aud l'itlburli h:4piu. . .K'if-Tii fs sold jiud biiri"nj-o chocked lo iii piiif i.iil point-. cl liiisc tal-h-ii jxivim; foil hiformaflon from Company's As"iit. T" II. WILSON'. Oci. Supt. V. ts. HAIJIW I, Oil Ciiy, iicn'l Pa-. Afi-ent, 42 Kxclimc.re St., Luff'alo, N J. L. CgAKi, AjfBiit, Tioucsta, Pa. Pa. Y. T A f NICELY LOCATED a' A stand, and 1 iiiu prepared to nil my lriends, and the public who need mmnz ia the guh i I uhall keep a perfect :iok. of all fk&imunrtiQ And allkind.- I hhall nlso conti. Aild Hie CHIC ABO SiylE?. SEWING HA t'ouinnnfii me. Yon will 1 A I ,A7.N AT HOME. , "le Loadci ji maiio Ki order a: raJ&ti B2.!i(JflE3 PROMPTLY TAIim ULLY BGNF. K. -4. EI.1S.DXV1 TUIgute. Pa., Aiifs. 1:.. :' ' BALSAM OF SHARK'. poiitively rest res tho hi the only absolute cure furdei 'i'his oil is extracted frei. Kpecics of White Shark, a;:i;li low Sea, known as Can iiatoi. Ii'lh. l-A'.-i'V l lr, nts.e fi-h. i-tiiui I's virlaes as a restoralive f heai (lis-.-vcre . liv a iliuliilust rne; year 1110. Its runs wrm all I lll:il i V so si'etn i ii--! v iiiir; the ii-innlv was o!i i.:iLv nroclain Ihc entile i:iiiiiie. Its use br universal fimL lor over MO Di iilin-.-s lias exii-ted aniont; t' 1 e iple. Nwit, i harL'i s prep am'n s.. nt l iur b"ll!i'. On hv 1 1. VY LOCK .V Ci., 7 D York. Sole iii nls for A me Its virtii"s are iiiihimi- i ciinitive i liiu ai 'er irht can personally testify cm-'- und I'lrsTinl ioi it a Ii r.i of iiin bt-v ario'ln r of the conn nuiiihers are Hllbct I M'ch it mav he ' In.vlocl. A , 7 closiita 1, and y a rcnifil v that w n, body l.e, r will be pcriinu ilo;j',:. i, '' !; caiii.lc U. yic l ncai riest r' so liT irai-u'.oh HELP Icreil, luei belli ti e ( iid antait liH.lll v t wca'uliy such el want ii to w or' Tho I llllil V c. pe live mo yo sp ll t J, Tho iiiHHt'compleie Institution ii" Uuited'Mli-.s,.for the throi.h practica lu-.ition ki youmr u,n uii.ldlc-a.:c4 I' Stinlcnts ar,-ii!tnl iu nny tiin-. bvX'JI' -CI"" H Ml'f - 1 " ' J