The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, December 01, 1880, Image 4

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    'tin gfl?fst gUpulrtfaan.
fturre, N, H. Fokkmaw.
Co tin cit men VUn. Bonner, M. Fln
totn, 3. K. WenK, Patrick Joyce, D. W.
Clark, Justis Hhawkey. of the Peace 3. T. Brennan,
T. S. Knox.
.nxtabti Jnmc Hwailcs.
Svhonl Director 3. Shawkcy, P. W.
H!irk,A. II. Partridge, C. A. Randall,
V. It. Kelly, J. T. Hrcnnan.
Mr.nhtr of 6rtnTeA--HAHHY WHITK.
An.tem.hly N. P. A'lIKKr.KK.
President JudreXj. Yt. WKTWORf.
'yf .. 't fit Judges 3 ohi Rkck, Ed-
p.n K f.RR.
lnn.iir,r Wm. LAwnrcisnE.
ProtKonotary, ttigUter db Ittcortier,c.
JrxTin Shawkky.
Sheriff. C. A. KAKPAM,
(mmtoairtnera Kli Bf.RMN, Ihaao
Lono, )I. V. TK,rpnrrn.
County Superintendent i. B. Brock
vat. Pixtrict. Attorney 8. P. Irwtw.
Jury OrmmMi'oner C. H. Chureli.
Pftkr Ywtnok.
County Surveyor T. T. OoLMNH.
OirnnVr W. C. CoMTRW.
County Auditor NronoT.A Thomp
son, D.F. Cor-Ki, Ann, F. C. Lacy.
Xo. .tG9,
I. O. of o.v
fF.RTS everv Friday ovenlne. t 7
:H o'clock, In 'the Lodgo Room in Far-
vldce's Hall. " '
J. FT. FOME3. X, a;
!. AY. RivWYKR, He c'y. , 27-tf.
K. I.. Davis, : ' vi '
TTORNEY AT . LAW, Ticnest! Pa.
. Collections made in tills tad .adiohi
- comities. ; 40,-ly i .'
rojtjvjtr - AT-LAW,
r been admitted to practice as an
ev in the Pension Oflleo nt Wash
i, ' P. C. All officers, soldiers, or
h who were Injur d in the late war,
Main pensions to which thev may he
1, nv calling on or addressing me at
-ta. Pa. Also, claims for arroaraires
and, bounty will receive prompt at-
nor been over four veara a soldier In
: war. and havinir for a mimlxr of
iiraired in the proecution of sol
: aims, my experience will assure
. .-rUon of claims in the shortcut pos-
n.e. J.B.AUNEW,
F.W.Hays, ,
HNEY AT LAW. and Notary
hi. in. Reynolds Hukill A Co
onec St., Oil City, Pa. 8U-ly
Lawrence House,
N'!E. Puopriktor. Thj&Jye
;aliv located. Kverythii-""w and
irniwhed Superior accommola
sinl strict attention iiiven t irucMtH
i!les and Fruits of all kinds aervod
r season. Sample room for Com-
.1 Agents.
.i'Ksok. Proprietor. This is a new
and hasjunt been lltted p vr the
Kinortatioii or tne puniic. a portion
o patronage of the public Is solicited
C. COUURN, M. !.,
; had over fifteen Tears pWiet icnco in
'Tactlce of his profession, havintr irrad
"d lerjatiy and honorably May 10. 165,
di e and Ri'sidcni'e In Forest House,
uonite the Court House, Tionesta, Pa?
UljT. S.'5-1H80 .
Orricw IIoprs 7 to 9 a. m., 7 to 8
Wedaoadayit audi
juturdnyi from 11
M. U 3 P. M.
Dentil room in Dr. U'.aine's olllcp, next
.luor to Central Houhb, TionoxU, Pa. All
ortc worrantud, and at reasonable price,
Corner of Elm fc WalnutSU. Tionesta
Bank, of Diaoount and Deposit,
interest allowed on Time Deposit.
CoVotlonmadeonall the Principal points
4 of the U. S.
Collections solicited. 18-ly,
Pictures taken in all the latent styles
the art. 26-tr
In rear of Blum's Blackbinlth shop,
I'l.M fT.. - - TIONESTA, PA
y. XV. CLAItK, Jr., Atr't.
iElna, Liverpool A London Globe,
Lycoming, North British A
Mercantile, Hanover, Franklin
of Philadelphia,
Continental, Northern Rochester.
Travelers Life & Accident Insurance
Office : C. C. Thompson', Law Office,
Grand! n Block, Tldloute, Pa,
Condensed Time Table Tionesta Station.
Train 18 10:55 am
Train 10 1:34 pm
Train 16 7:49 pm
Train 15... 7:22 am
Train 53 11:22 am
Train 9 8:04 pm
Train 18 6:01 pm
Train 9 North, and Train lfl South carry
tho mail.
M. E. Sabbath School at 10
a. ni.
F. M. Sabhath School at 11
Presbyterian Sabbath School at 3
p. m.
Rev. J. F. Hill will occupy the
pulpfOf the M. E. Church next Sun
day morning at 11:0Q a. m.
December the first.
Pleofifnl coughs anl Colo's.
Turkey . is nafo now until
-Christmas occurs three weeks
from next Saturday.
..A man cannot smke a cigai too
short unless be smokes it too long.
Everyone wants an education.
Edinboro is the place to obtain it.
Mr. A M. Uoutt is visiting his
parents in Bridgewater, Beaver county
this week.
-Mrs. T. F. Ritchey, of Tionesta,
Pa . is visitine Mrs. J. R. Foster.
New BeOdehem Vindicator.
Mrs. Chas. Babrock, of Franklin.
is paying her parents in this place,
Mr. and Mrs. Jackson, a visit.
Judjje Proper, we understand lias
hung up five deer at his shanty near
BalUown within the past week.
-Rpv. Hill will commence a series
of reWjal meetings at the Whig Hill
l . Y-l 1 L 1 ; ..
Ai. iv Vynurcn on dpiiouuuuy bvcuibk.
The first ingredient in ennversa
tion is truth ; the next, good sense ;
the third, cood humor; the fourth.
-Our Sunday Schools are well at
tended. The small boy knows a thing
or two reeardine his future welfare
along about Christmas.
Cranberries. Mince Meat, Lem
ons, Turkey and French Prunes low
Tub oysters this wetk at Wm. Smear
bnugh & Co. It.
Seasonable advice : "Keep your
feet warm, your head coi.l, your con
science clear, your nose clean, wipe off
your chin, and shut the door after you."
O. S Wakenipht, th representa
tive of the Oil City Derrick in the
Clnrii, Armstrong and But'.er regions,
fpent aw days iu town this week.
We 8Yi day late with our paper
this week ? jtccouut of not getting a
stplyLier. We'll try and guard
nLStSITsutl embairassraents in the
future. '
An effort is being made by tl;
people of Strattanville, to have the
Clarion narrow gauge railroad ex
tended to that town. New Bethlehem
The skatincr on the river at this
writing is "just too lovely for uny
thing," so the gins say, and the lovers
ol the graceful art are taking due ad
vantage of it.
newspaper may print a hunure'
pulls, and clever notices of people, aud
get noibanks, but let it reflect in the
least v any persou in the community
andA is abused roundly.
The merry jingle of sleigh bells
occasionally breaks upon ones ears, but
when you look nut and tee the rough
bubs and stones protuding the longing
to handle the reiusatenca takes flight
A anther time table nn the P. T.
& B R, takes effect to-day, Wednes
day. The change varies but little at
this station. A condensed table wil
be fouud at the head of this colurau
"Dad" lluliogs killed a nice doe on
Little Tiunesta creek last Thursdaf,
Ww. Weutworth killed a fine buck
near the same place, and Geo. Arm
strong killed bis Erst deer, a good
sired fawn, on Tubbs Run, the same
day. Since then the bunting has been
poor and no deer have been killed that
we know of.
Rev. J. Barnhart, formerly pastor
of the F. M. Church of this place, has
been assigned to New Wilmington,
Lawrence county, Ta. The church
will have an earnest worker in Rev.
Mr. J. II. Derickson has been
with bis father, in Meadville for the
past week, who is lying very low with
a protracted illness. Mrs. Derickson,
who has been on a visit to relatuea in
East Brady, has returned.
Some of our citizens who have
profited by experience are already
laying in their eupply of ice for next
summer's consumption. Mr. Jackson
is putting up a very nice article, clear,
blue and eight or niuo inches thick.
Morris Eitsteii has started n
branch store iu Sheffield, Warren Co.
lis brother, Samuel has moved to
that place aud will take charge of the
new store. Their many fiitnds will
be sorry to lose them as citizens and
ffghbors, but will wish them a
pleasant future.
The prospects are good for a rail
road connnctiug Bradford with Warren
in a few month, even if Warreu cap
italists don't invest. Last week a parly
f surveyors left Bradford, intending
to survey a route to Warreu, "taking
in (he new oil fields,'" according to the
Bradford Star.. Warren Mail.
- Mr. Geo. F. Kribbs, editor of the
Clarion Democrat haa taken unto him
self a wifa iu the person of Miss
Martha Rodgers, of Brookville. It
requires a good deal of nerve to bring
an editor up to that pitch where he
feels justified in starving a wife, aud
we congratulate Editor Kribbe upon
the "sand" he displays in taking the
Sim. Cegan met with an accident
while taking out'tiinber ou Fork Run,
ast Wednesday, which, if his upper
story nauo't been pretty sound, might
have caused him to shuffle of this
mortal coil. A limb fell about SO
feet striking bins a glancing blow nn
top of the head cutting a gash about
three inches in length, and laying the
skull bare. He ia recovering all right
and will smoii be able to try it over
again, but we guess he wont.
One of Forest county's native
citizens, Mr. Homer Towner, who took
u bis home iu Kansas nome five years
ago, is back on a visit. He islookiug
very natural and. that means the
picture of health and happiness, and
is being welcomed by bis numerous
old friends in Forest. Homer is well
pleused with bis Kansas home, and we
believe is doing well there. We hope
be will have a pleasaut visit among
the scenes of his boyhood, and returu
much benefited.
Our old friend F. E. Mabie, of
Eric, arrived in town yesterday morn
ing and will remain sevtral days.
He is looking unusually well and
reports his folks iu good health. Frank
is here in the interest of the Western
Accident and Relief Association, a
glance ai the workings of which will
convince almost any one th&t it is a
good thing for persons of modeiate
means to iuvest in. We hope Frank
will make his visit both profitable and
An exchange gives the following
wholesome advice: "Now mark nut a
course of instructive reading for the
winter months and Instead of wasting
your time lounging around the corners
or blocking up the way in store-rooms,
stay at home in the evening and get
your head full of useful knowledge.
Two hours reading each evening
during the wiuter would give a young
man or woman an astonishing amount
of information. Even a half hour
a day would foot up wonderful by the
time spring comes around again."
Take Notice 1 . Don't forget it 1 !
Paste this in your hat 1 1 1 The boss of
this shanty, did, on the morning of
Thauksgiviug, between the hours of 9
and 10, about two miles from this
place, with malice aforethought, and
against the peace and diguity of the
other fellows standing around to get a
shot, kill a buck, the like of which
has not been see'i around here for
some tiaie, weighing 172 pounds,
dressed. And still we live. But have
been eoraewhat unsettled since. To
Jairus Reck, who, with a bell hung to
his neck, dogged the antlered stag to
us, belongs a good shar of the ciedit;
and to the rest of the party who
allowed us to stand "just in the right
spot,' we tender many thanks ; also to
the committee of gentlemen who vol
unteered thtir services to set up with
us during the ensuing night.
A double weddrog took place up
at Nebraska, on Saturday last. The
high contracting patties were Mr.
Aaron B. Root,. Jr., to Miss Lvdia
Haslet of Green township; and Mr.
Chas Dunham of Brookville, to Miss
Tennie Root of Green township. The
ceremnoy was performed by II. W.
Ledebur, Esq. The young couples,
after a few days' absence, laid in stores
and will immediately go to house
keeping like sensible folks. May they
enjoy the full blessings of trotting
duwn life' rugged pathway in double
Dr. W. II. Grimm, and Mr. D.
R. Wilkinson, of Beaver Falls, Pa ,
have been here for a week past, on a
deer hunting expedition. They have
had poor success thus far but have the
grit to stick to it until they get a deer,
The Doctor, on Monday, slayed a
peculiar specimen of red fox, making
a most brilliant shot. It is we believe,
known as the "short haired" species,
at least the hair are quite short, and
the tail instead of being long and
bushy, more closely resembles
that of a rat. It is, to ear the least,
a queer specimen, and we hope the
Doctor will have it seut to some emi
uent taxidermist aud have it "set up,'
or, if he don't feel inclined to do that
we'll let him off if he will "set 'em up
to the boys before leaving. P. S.
Upon closer examination the animal
is thought, by experts to be closely
allied to the canine race. Later.
Since the above was put in type these
gentlemen have returned home, having
killed a fiue buck fawn. They made
many friends while here who will
warmly wtlcome them back at any
Last Friday two brothers named
Shott went bunting for deer near their
father's residence about two miles
from Tylersburg. The older brother
went to the "crossing," while the
younger followed the trail to drive the
deer in. Either the deer had crossed
before the one brother arrived at the
"crossing, or else be did not see it.
tor when his brother came along on
the trail he slipped aud fell, and the
older brother mistaking him for the
deer fired away, sending the ball
nearlr through his right thigh. Dr,
McCormick, of Tylersburg was sura
raned ; also Dr. Blaine. The bal
was found on the undtr side wf the leg
and extracted by the doctors, who also
fouud that the bone was uninjured as
well as the blood vessels, bo the man's
deliverance from such a close call was
very lucky. As Dr. Blaine rode
through towu on his way home nearly
every one was asking "who was shot
and who shot him ?" The Doctor's only
reply was, "Shott shot Shott."
Chambers' "Library of Uni versa
Knowledge," now in course of puhli
cation by the Americin Book Ex
change, of New York, is fast ap
proachiug completioo. Vol. XrI.
including the articles whose alphabet
ical place comes between the titles
"Pyrenees" and "Scleiogenidse,"
been published, and Vol. XIII., will
fullow in a few days. Of the merits
and the methods of this standard work,
hich, in its complete form, is now so
near publication, we do not need to
speak at length. Its publishers con
tinue to make a special offer to pur
chasers of the fiflteu volumes compris
ing the complete text of Chambers'
Encyclopaedia ; the price for October
beiug only $7. Those who need a
cheap hut thoroughly trustworthy li
brary of reference, neatly printed and
strongly boiiud, should not let this
opportunity pass, as the price is to be
somewhat advanced ou the completion
of the work.
How often do we hear the ex
pression. "You can't get anything iu
a country town." But this is, iu many
instances, a great mistake ; yet it is a
mistake for which the merchants them
selves are greatly to blame. Even in
great cities, like New York, St. Louis
and Chicago, dealers do not hesitate
to advertise, to call the attention of
the purchasing public to the fact that
they keep the latest styles and newest
novelties of the season ; while in a
country town, if a merchant dares to
bring home anything out of the ordin
ary rut of calho and standard sheet
ing, it geuerally lies ou his shelves
because he takes such particular pains
to keep his customers in ignorance of
the fact that be has it for sale. Oue
bulf of one per cent, of the retail price
of any late novelty, expended in ad
vertising, will sell the article. There
era a thousand aud oue article which
citv dea'era carrv in stock, which
I might just a well be handled, with a
splendid profit, by country merchant,
f they would only let the public know
they keep them. By s doing a (treat
leal of money would be kept in town
instead of being sent away to Erich,
Butterick, Ridley, Adolph and other.
The Fox Well.
The Derrick of Mouday has an ex
tended report of the new well on Blue
Jay, at Fox's, hut nothing definite has
yet come ti light as. to the probable
results of the new strike. It is thought
this well has oo connection with the
Stoneham district, on acrount of the
difference in ihe color of the oil, but is
said to resemble that of Balllown very
closely. It has not been torpedoed
yet, but preparations are being made
and it will undoubtedly be "shot" this
week. Considerable interest seems to
be felt in the final results of the new
venture, aud this interest is not merely
local but extends to the more promi
nent operators aud producers. The
Derrick's article concludes as follows :
' Opinions concerning the productive
ness of the well differ greatly among
leading operators.' One geutleman who
visited it on Wednesday, and has been
in the oil business si nee the creek ex
citement, said it never would be a five
barrel producer. A well known Brad
ford operator was very cautious in his
opinion, but was not sanguine, while
John Galloway, the Stump Creek de
tec tive, has a strcog belief in the d is
covery of a large producing field.
"But whatever the well may be it is
too far from civilization to have any
effect ou the stocks at preseut. it is
in the heart of a wilderness, eight miles
fiooi the first point of transportation,
with no roa'ls or inhabitant. The
cost of operating iu this field would
be so great as to baukrupt the owner
of a fifty barrel well ou ninety cent
oil. In time it may be developed, but
vo long as more promising fields of
five or ten barrel well await the pro
ducer, he will not seek a fortune in
the wilds of Forest county."
Should the "Blue Jay" prove to be
a good well we have no fear of a lack
of operations. Where there is oil in
payiu quaoities it is never allowed to
languish iu the bowels of the earth
because the territory happins to be t
little out of'thrt way of transportation
Operators soon fiud means of transit,
What they want to know is whether
the fluid is theie. Next week we wi'l
probably be able to give a more defi
nite report.
Neilltown Rustlings.
If you want a good freh breeze
direct from the labratory of old Boreas,
unalloyed, untempered and uncompro
mising just come up here and pitch
your tent for the winter season.
Thanksgiving was observed in a
proper manuer by our good folks
Besides the masticating of the proverb
ial turkey, we note the gathering at
the house of Mr. Demun, aud the
Major's sleighriding party.
Mr. Brady, oue of our citizens, will
remove with his family to Bradford
in the near futuro. May good luck
attend him in his new home.
Rob't Black cut his foot badly with
an ax the other day.
Aud you will give room right here
for W. P. Black's treatment for cuts :
Pulverize rosiu tiuely, and put in the
cut; tie up, aud a cure is only a
mstier of time.
Prof. Ingell proposes giving a con
cert at the close of his present term of
Tom Machessuey will leave us ; he
is going to Stoueham.
To of Park Kelly's children are
sick with diphtheria ; oue, we are glad
to Bay, is now better.
James Fugle has moved ;nto the old
Simon Fogle has gone tp Bradford.
The revival meetings at Piueville
have been closed. 1 ht meetings were
productive of much good aud were
characterized by the observance of
good order throughout.
bquire llotchkiss has beeu numbered
among the ailiug, but is now able to
be around again.
Dead Leaves.
Neilltown, IV, Nov. 29, '80.
List of Jurrors Deo. Term 1880.
Isaac Siggins, Fureman, Harmony
Tionesta Boro. D C Cupel and.
Tionesta Twp. D. G. Huuter, Sol-
omou Byers,
Baroett James Ward, J. C. Davis,
Jas, Cozzine, James K. Clark, Sbast
iaa Cook.
Green -N. G. Cole. A. M. JeV-re
IIower-M. M. Key holt. Frank
O 'Conner.
HickoryC R. Middleton, Wm
Harmony R. O. Carson, A. A
Hopkins, A. B. Lacy, J. D. Dawson,
P. M. Guild, D H Demuu.
Kingsley Wilbur Decker.
J.-.nka E A. Yettt-r. Roi'us Dodge.
Tionesta Boro. J D. Holing,
O. W. Proper, Daniel Walters, A. M,
Tionesta Twp. Daniel Black, J. R.
Stroup, J. H. Wentworth.Z T.Carn .n.
Abraham Mealy, J. N. Thi inpson,
Mathew Bautzer.
Barnell G. W. Kuhns. Geo. Maze,
J, D. Moore. Joseph Huff.
Green S. C. Boupe John V'atson ,
Paul Blute.
Harmon) W. J. Gorman, Wm.
McCaslin, Wm. Neely, John Wood
Hickory John Taft, Henry Miller,
James M. Church.
Howe J. B. White.
Jeuks -John H. Menscb, J. A. Hel
lish. Kingsley Lewis Behreus, Richard
King, Wm. Brennan, Leonard Wolf,
Leander Berlin, Wm. Tobey, Geo.
Zoendell. John Osgood,' Raymond
Grimes, A. N. South ortli.
The State Hospital for the Insane
at Warren, Pa., will be opened for the
admission of patieuts on Dec. 1, 1880
Any information relative to the terms
of admission, the papers ueeessary to
be executed or any other matiers in
regard to the patients to be udrakled,
can be ob'ained on application to Dr
D. D.Richardson, State Hospital for
the Inrane, Warren, Pa. St
All accounts due me Oct. 1, 1880,
not settled by Jan. 1, 1881, will he
placed in Collector's hand for col
lection, and hereafter all account
must be settled every 3 months.
3t. J. E. Blaine, M. D.
Goods cheap at
yug. 11, '80. Haslet & Sons
Flur barrel choice - - 6.O06.5O
Flour sack, best - 1.00
Corn Meal, 100 lbs - - 1.60
Chop feed, pure grain - - - 1.35
Rye bushel .... - 60
Oats New ta bushel - - - 4045
Corn, ear - S03.r!
Beans bushel - 1.502.1'.'
Ham, sugar cured - - -12.
Breakfast Bacon, sugar cured - -12
Shoulders - - - - 7u -
Whitefish, half-barrels ... 6.7C
Lake horring half-barrels - 3.73
Sugar Di(S,l'.M
Syrup - - - - - 756.1,00
N. O. Molasses new - 60(5 75
Roast Rio Coffee - - - 22fu25
Rio Coffee, .... 20(0,2
Java Coffee - - - - S5
Tea 25f(
Butter 25
Rice - 08 10
KKs, fresh 20
Salt best lake .... 1.75
Iron, common bar .... 8.75
Nails, lOd, keg .... 8.7ft
Potatoes - 40di. k0
Limobbl. - - - - 1 -to
D'ii'd Apploa per lb ... 66!;!?
Driod Beof .... 170j l;
Dried Peaches per lb I'
Dried Poaches pared per .It
Tiones'a, Forest County, Pa.
Notice to Jurors.
All parsons summoned to attend t!.
several courts on the f urth Monday
December as jurors are hereby not lU
not to attend as no jury court will be l i
at that time.
Tionesta, Pa. Nov. 80, 1880.
Came io the premises of the subscril"
a uck Mills, in Kingsley townniu
Forest county, Pa., one yearling ste r i.
one yearling' heifer. The owner s noli::
to come forward, prove property, i
charges, and take the same away -t : i
wie the same will bediuosed ofaori..
to law. I. B. tOllLV
Pan' her Rock, Nov. 80, 1880.
Notice to Xuvlgators!
The Alleghony Valley Rail Road ft
pany w ill eoiiiineiiee to rebuild Its tin
spaVi bridge across the Allegheny Ri
at Oil City on the 20th hist. Tho rivf r .
neatli the middle and wet fpans will
obstructed by trebtle-work uuriugthe 1
part of i lie work, and the river Let t
the middle and cast spans during the la
part of the work.
Pittsburgh, Aug. 12. 'Bo. Oen'l Su
OHIO, l'i;M..i
Board, room and linht pei year f
Tuition, $-0 to .iti. one-louith oil
MinUters. Cataiogu. s tree. Addrcs
ui214t. Rev, A. M. RF.ID, Ph. l. Prii