The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, October 13, 1880, Image 4

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    To-MorrrT, Lore.
Jl lortnnftwith ft smiling fnoo
Strew rosos on our way,
When shall we sloop to jiick them up T
To-day, my love, to-day !
But should she lrown with iiwo ol onto
And tnlk of coming iorrow,
When shall we grieve, it grieve we must t
To-morrow, love, to-morrow !
Ii those who've wronged us own their faults
And kindly pity pray,
Whon shall we listen and forgive?
To-ay, my love, to day I
But i( storn justice urie rebuke,
And warmth from mera'ry borrow,
When shall we chide, if chide we must T
To-morrow, love, to-morrow T
Charla JUackay,
Turkey owes $950,000,000, mainly in
As the twig is bent the boy is inclined
to shout out the door.
About 3,100 electric lights are said to
be in uso in the United States.
Owing to its crooked ways, the letter
Sis ofteneat in "distress." New Yoik
Mississippi has had twenty-six gover
nors, of whom twenty-two were law
yers. In 1871 the entire Florida orange crop
n mounted to only 2,500 half-barrel cases.
In 1879 ii reached 300.000.
"A good Indian "is what the Herald
rails Chief Ouray, lie is indeed a good
Indian. He is dead. Chicago Times.
What is the difference between a
watch and a bankruptP One you wind
up to make go, and the other to iake
The difference between a bavbir and a
Bculptor is very slight. One curls up
and dyes, aid the other makes facas and
jonn iveene, r.i ivocuiana, Me., has a
horse which likes tobacco so well that
no begs a chew whenever his master
takes one.
A seven-story building is insignificant
when placed in comparison with a
haunted house in this country. It can
boast of a Hundred stories. Quincy
Argo. '
Wc have just read a handkerchief flir
tation code and advise all men desiring
to avoid breach of promise suits to wipe
meir moutns witu tueir coat-tails.
BosUjh Post.
That was indeed an iunocent youth
who married a girl for her money, be
ciuse he had heard it intimated that her
lainer, who, Dy uie way, ma own a
stone yard, had plenty of "rocks."
Yonkcr'8 Statesman.
The Railway Age says that the exam
inations of railway employees as to their
aoiiity to distinguish colors has failed,
ootn in America and in Kurope, to di3'
cover a single one whose color-blind
ness " was such m to unht him for his
When you are traveling always take
eiome stranger into your confidence, tell
him how much money you have with
you, where you keep it, and what you
are going to do with it. If he doesn't
relieve you of what you possess you'll
nave tue satisiaction oi knowing that
you have at last met an honest man.
While Edward Buckley and Lee Hall
were watering their horses in Syracuse
creeK, near tsracnett, Texas, a roar ing
was neara. una a great volume of water
was seen rusnine toward them, crush
ing down trees and everything in front
of it. They barelv reached a hill when
on looking back, ariver forty feet broad
was sweeping past where only a few
moments before their horses had boen
The farmer's wife was out in her font
yard, walenug her thirsty flowers.
when a young man, walking hastily
along the street, came up to the gate,
and inquired if she had seen a man nass
on a bicycle. She dropped her water-
I ' J 1 , i . ...
iijs-ui,, uuu Btuu eue uaa noi, aaaing
tfut I'll tell -you what I did see. I
don't know as you'll believe it. I'm sure
J. wouldn't have believed it. if I hadn't
rln- S. - I C T. t .
occu jl uiyeseji. it was one wneei of a
wagon running away with a man; and
i naver was so frightened in my life."
How to Say It.
Say "I would rather walk," and rot
" I had rather walk."
Say " I doubt not but I shall," and
not l don't aoubt but I shall."
. Say " for you and me," and not " for
yoa and 1." .
Sty "whether I be preseat or not,"
ana not present cr no.
Say 'not than I know," and not " tla;
1 know of."
oay retur.i it to me," ana not "re
turn it b ick to me."
bay "l seldom see htm." and not
that I seldom or e er see him."
Say "fewr friends," and not "less
y n i nr state not," una not '-i:
I am not mistaken."
bay "game i. pl ntiful," and not
"ga-ne is plenty."
Say "I am weak in comparison with
you," ana not " to you."
bay "it runs very fast' and not
" very lard."
Say "he was noted for his violence,"
and not that " he was a man notorious
lor violence."
bay "thus much is true," aid ntt
" tins much is true."
bay "i utied it." and not "I lifted it
And hut, but not least, say " I take
my paper and pay for it in advauce."
Bank of England Notes.
lhe Iondon City JYes, remarking
upon the amount ot labor and ingenuity
expended upon the production of Bank
of England notes, states that they are
still made, as lor generations past, from
pure white linen cuttings onlv never
irom rags that Lave been worn and, so
carefully is the paper prepared, that even
the number of dips into the pulp made
by each workman is registered on a dial
bv machinery, and tne sheets are care
fully counted, and booked to each person
through wnose hands they pass. The
printing is cone Dy a most curious pro
cesssecret, oi course wiunn the bank
bunding; there is also an elaborate ar-
rangement lor providing that no note
shall be exactly like any other in exist
ence, consequently mere never waj a
duplicate of any oi the oank's notes, ex
cept oy lorgery. It has been stated that
the stoek oi paid notes lor seven years is
aout in number, and th;it
placed in a pile, the mass would be eight
uii'.ui high, or, if joined end to end,
would loiiu a iibUu 15,000 maid long.
In ninny marshy, fever-plagued dis
tricts of Europe and Africa the experi
ment of planting in large numbers the
eucalyptus, or lever tree, has been tried
for some years, and a late report snows
that the result is the almost total ban
ishment of fevers from these regions.
Sir F. Roberts, the conquering hero
of Candahar and so-called "Savior ot
Afghanistan," is son of a clergyman of
the Established church In Wnterford,
Ireland. His brother. Samuel U.
Roberts, is one of the commissioners ot
the board of public works in Ireland.
Sir F. Roberts is a member of the order
of Good Templars and a stanch teeto
taler. He has a Good Templar lodge at
tached to every regiment under his com
mand. Sir Garnet Wolseley is also a
total abstainer.
The Empress Eugenie, so the White
hall Review states, has decided to leave
England, being moved to that deter
mination by parliament's setting its face
definitely against the erection of a
monument to the prince impprial in
Westminster Abbey. She will probably
go to reside at her chateau of Arenen
berg, Switzerland, and her present in
tention is to erect a mausoleum where
ever she fixes her residence, and remove
the remains of her husband and son
from England.
The "Tanner fast" has been sur
passed by a little dog which was acci
dently looked up in the library when his
master loft home, and was given up as
lost. One month and five days alter,
when the room was opened, the missing
dog, to the astonishment of every one,
crept out into the light, a living skele
ton, and totally blind. He was well
cared for, and recovered health and
sight. But his existence was wonder
ful, lie had no food ana no water, ana
had not gnawed the books, cr obtained
(sustenance from any source whatever.
This incident is said to be a lact.
Tlanters in Louisiana bave bad such
good success in employing labo.ers
fiom Portugal and Spain, that t hey are
sending out for more of them. Theplan
of bringing them over in families is said
to have worked remarkably well, or
ders recently went out for 600, to be dis
tributed in small numbers among those
who have made application for them,
If planters are thoroughly satisfied with
the result, the movement will quickly
assume large proportions, one planter
alone contemplating bringing over 500
Spaniards for hi3 own estates.
Mr. II. L. Borden, of Elgin. Ill . is the
possessor of a most wonderful watch. It
gives the hours, minutes and seconds,
the day of the week, the day of the
month, the name of the month,. the
lunar month of twenty-nine days, ana
the phases of the moon at all time3. It
provides for the thirty and thirty-one
day months, twenty-eight days in Feb
ruary, and every lourlh year twenty-
nine days in February for leap year,
making all its own changes at twelve
o'clock at night. It is a chronograph
for ti rn in 2 horses to the ntth of n second.
And lastly it strikes the hours, quarters
and minutes. This extraordinary time
piece was made in Switzerland, and
cost $1,500.
A new book ia called "The Hope's
Foot, and How to Shoe It." The author.
of course, is a man. When you see a
book entitled " The Hen, and flow to
Shoo It." you can lay a heavy wager
that the writer is a woman. What a
woman doesn t know about " shoo -ing
a hen, no man cai teach he not by a
large majority. Mcrtden Iiecorder.
Farm Notes.
Keep all implements under cover
when not in use.
Have you killed all the bushes, this
tles, etc., or prevented their going to
Make farm work attractive to the
young and tuey win not seeK otner
Of all the cultivated varieties of
grapes the Delaware is said to contain
ti e most BUgar and the Concord the
Clover that sends its roots deep into
lhe earth is considered the best sub-soil
ing agent to be had.
Farmers who keep sheep Bhould not
forget to dip the lambs in tobacco wafer
al out three weeks after bhearing to kill
the ticks.
A farmer recommends raw potatoes
and meal as a feed for cows It yields
a large quantity of milk and a good
quality of beel.
StoD scattering vour empty half-shells
among your fowls. It you teed them at
all, pound them up and mix them with
the meal dough or your grain ieed.
A steam digging machine has been in
vented and successfully used in Eng
land in breaking ground for gra'n. It
digs up the earth t the rate of ten acres
per day.
It has been found that potatoes, tur
nips, rape ana mangeis crown cn weu
limed land are oi a better quality tnan
the same produce from a similar soil to
which no lime uaa been appitca.
To grow raspberries" without fctakes.
cut the canes back to thirty inches when
growing, and hill up the bushes with
earth, and no stakes or wires will be re
A mixture of sulphur and finely
irround tobacco, two parts of the for
mer to one of the latter, has been found
an excellent preventive of the ravages
ot insects on squash and other vines, as
well as for keeping lice from cattle, dogs
and poultry. It is also recommended
for sprinkling trees and bushes that are
eaten by canker worms or currant
Water heated to about 100 is reported
to be a very effective remedy for the
cabbage worm. It should be applied to
the Dlants aa soon as the worms appear
The cabbage worms- are hatched from
eggs deposited by a medium-sized but
terfly, which is white with a few black
spots. These appear early in the season
and should be destroyed whenever pos
The ox-eyed daisy has become a great
nest in some sections oi trie country
Those who are troubled with this weed
should bear in mind that it is propa
gated by seed and not by th root, and
to rid themselves ol it they have only
to mow before the seed is ripe. It may
require two seasons to rid a held en
tirely of the innocent-looking flower.
The English Journal qf TlcirlicuUiirc
speaks of "a splendid crop of apples,"
largely the result of the shelter from a
belt of trees on the north side of th
orchard. The trees are. stated to be
crowded with fruit, in striking contrast
to thousands of trees in other places
nearly barren. The trees have brcn
sparingly pruned, ant1 are handsomelin
form and fruitful in character.
Household Hints.
Black cotton gloves will not crack the
hands if ecaldprt in salt and water before
wearing. The salt prevents fading.
When almost dry one should put than
on in order to stretch them and keep
thorn in good shape.
When putting up curtains which art)
to be draped, in a low room, put the
cornice, to which the curt tins are to be
fastened, close to the ceiling, even if the
window i put in lower down, ns it gives
t tie ell'ect of creator height to the room.
The curtains meeting at the top will
conceal the wall.
Tojkeep bread moist have the dough
putt when it is set lor tne last rising
The larger the proportion of flour to
that of moisture in the dough the longer
It will keep moist. After the bread is
baked ana cold, put it in a tin box or an
earthen jar with close cover, and keep
it covered tightly. Bread thus made
and kept cooi and always from tho air
will last and be moist lor a week.
Moths will work lu carpets in rooms
that are kept warm in the winter as well
as in the summer. A sure method of
removing the pests is to pour strong
alum water on the floor to the distance
of a half yard around the edges before
laying the carpets. Then, once or twice
during the season, sprinkle dry salt over
the carpet before sweeping. Insects do
not like salt, and sufficient adheres to
the carpet to prevent their alighting
upon it.
A Tramp's Narrow Escape.
A tram o gave a woman living in the
suburbs of Galveston some impudence.
So she rushed in, and came out again
with a photgun. She did not see the
tramp at first, but he rushed out into
the street in plain view, and told her to
shoot, which she did, and missed him.
of course. lie went up the street,
smiling.and remarked to his confederate :
'lbat was a close call, it she una
fired without seeing where I was, she
would have plugged me certain, but as
3oon as she drawed down on me I felt
that my time hadn't come yet. I've
been there live times before."
It is singular that it is impossible for
a woman to lire off a gun without si tit
ling her eyes and turning her head away.
Ualveslon Aeu-s.
Kansas City liuf8.
Mr. William Iladelcr at the Marathon
Hotel, Wausau, after extreme suffering
with rheumatism, without any benefit
from physicians or various preparations.
was cured by St. J acobs Oil. Wis. Ex
Algeria has a-river of ink. formed by
the union of two branches, one coming
from a region of ferruginous soil and the
other from a peat swamp. The iron of
the one and the gallic acid of the other
unite td form a true ink.
(Cincinnati Irish Citizeff.
Mr. Thomas Lewis. 62 Butler street.
informs us that for seven vears he was
Billieted with that dreadful malady,
Sciatica, and being induced to trv St.
Jacobs Oil, found almost immediate
relief therefrom, and is now perfectly.
curea. -
The astonishment of the lightning
when Aiax defied it was nothing as
compared to the feeling of the young
man who makes hi3 best bow to a bevy
of young ladies and bursts a suspender
button in the act.
"Malt Hitters" are a Blood, Brain and
Nerve Food, peculiarly adapted to, and warm
ly recommended by our druggists and nbvBi-
cians for General Debility, Mental and Phy
sical Exhaustion, Hysteria, Nervousness,
sleeplessness, Emaciation and Dropsy.
On the Saw Tooth mountains, Bixty
or sixty-five miles from Bonanza and at
an altitude ot nearly l'J.otK) leet, is ice
lake, discovered and named last summer
by a party of prospectors. The lake is a
sheet of perpetual ice, the surface of I
which, it is said, never becomes solt,
except around the edges.
Happiness and prosperity are sn indissoluble
linked Willi good liealtb, lbat all tliosn suiter-
tng with Hoarseness, Coughs, Colds, etc,
should try Dr. Bull's Coukq Syrup and b
cured. Trice 25 cents.
More than six thousand patents will
expire in the United b tales tins year,
many ot them being very important.
" Tho weltaro ol lue people is the supreme
law." Every cne suffering from Catarrh, Hay
Fever, Catarrhal Dealness and Colds in th
head have a cure at band in Ely's Cream
Balm. Price 60 cents.
Three Elizabeth, IV. 1., Gentlemen.
Messks. Ely Bros: Your " C:eam Balm 1
JiBers from all other preparations, it does all
pou claim lor it. I have been cured ol ca
tarrh ot several years' standing by its use,
ind my sense of small has been restored.
For Colds in the head it 'works like muirio.
E. U. Sherwood, at National State Bank.
My ezperienoe is similar to the above, and
would recommend the remedy.
G. S. Davis, at the First, National Bunk.
Ely's Cream Balm gave me immediate re
lief. Fuvnk. U. Uuuen.
Art Toil Not in jnnd Health 1
If the Liver is the source ot your trouble,
yon can find an ab-olute remedy in Da. Sam
tonu s Liv Eii In viGOHAToa, the only vegeta
ble cat bait io which acts directly on the Liver.
Cures all Bilious dUeasea. For Book address
Da. Sanvokd, 162 Broadway, New York.
Veqetine will regulate the bowels to healthy
action, by stimulating the secretions, cl Bus
ing and purifying the blood ot p:suuoui
humors, and, in a bealtulul and natural man
ner, expels all impurities without weakening
the body.
Thi Tnlialn licit Co . Marshall. Mich.
Will send their Electro-Voltaio iieii to uie
afflicted upon 30 days' tnak See their adver
tisement ia this paper head eJ, " On 30 Days'
Get Lyon's Fatent Heel Stiffeners applied
'o those new boots before you run tlimn over.
Th Story or n Fish Market.
The fish market of Havana is said to
bo the finest structure of t ho kind in the
world. It also interests tlie traveler by
its romantic association with the story
of Marti, a reformed pirate and smug
gler, who bui't it and tho "Tacon
During the administration of Tacon,
from 1834 to 1838, smuggling and piracy
had grown so bold in and about Cuba as
to defy the Spanish navy sent to sup
press tho outlaws. "Their leader was a
man named Marti, nnd for his person,
dead or nlive, tho governor-general of
fered a large reward.
One dark night a man was watching
the sentinels pacing in front, of the governor-general's
palace, Havana. As
they turned their backs and separated
for a moment, the man sprang unob
served through the entrance. He passed
up the broad stairs, saluted in an Im
perious style the guard there stationed,
and passed into the governor-general's
room. The governor, engaged in writ
ng. looked up ns the man coolly cast
aside his clonk, exclaiming:
"Who enters unannounced ?''
"One who has intormation of the
"What of thcmP" said Tacon,
" One moment I. must not sacrifice
" Xou havo naugut to tear. Jwcn it
you be one ot them, you will be par
doned." Will you pardon and reward me if I
reveal the lurking-places of the pirates,
and put Marti into your hand F"
" 1 pledge you my word and honor,"
said Tacon.
" Your excellency, I am Marti."
The cool scoundrel then entered into
an arrangement with the governor for
the betrayal of all tho smugglers and
pirates. Under his guidance, the Span
ish vessels sailed to the outlaws' hiding-
places, and captured thoso who were not
When Marti returned to Havana, he
was ollerert the pardon, which he ac
cepted, and money, which he declined
In lieu of the reward, he asked the mo
nopoly of selling fish in Havana. It
was granted, ana lie erected a magnih
cent stone market. When ho became
master ot enormous weaitn, tie nunt a
theater, and named it alter tho governor-general
who had pardoned the
A man may be headstrong without
being strong-headed.
More to Mo than Cold.
WALrOLK. Mus.. Maroh 7. 1880.
Mr. TT. R, Stevens :
1 wi)i to Inform you wlint Vkobtink has done
for nie. I rmvo been troubled with Krynlpelaa
Humor fur more than thirty year. In my llmbi and
other pari of my body, and have boen a grfut mif-
rxrer. l commenced tukuitf vioetinr one y.'ar ano
list AiiLMint and can truly say It has done more for
me than any other medloln-. I seem to be perfect
ly free from this bumor and ran recommend it to
everyone. Would not be without thla medicine
'tia more to me tnan gold -and I feel It will prove s
Dirimug 10 ouiera an u Das to me.
xours, most reapeotruiiy,
J. BENTLEY. M. D., says :
It has done more good than all
Medical Treatment.
KiVKtmiT. Out.. Feb. 0. 1830.
iSn. ft. R, Btevknh, Uoetoo. M.i
Sir I have sold duiins Die prat year consider
able quantity of your Vkuktink, and I believe ID
all cases it lias given aatinraotion. lu one oasn,
delicate young lady of about seventeen years wal
muck benefited by Its use. Iter parents Informed
mo that it Inul done her more good than all the
medio d treatment to which she had provlouniy
neon suijecteo.
xonrs respeemiiiy,
Loudly In Its Praise.
Toronto. Ont., March S, 1880.
Dear Sir OonelderiDs the short time that Vkob
tink bas been liefore the public nere, It sella well
as a blood purlner, and for troubles arming from a
lueKln or torpid liver It Is a nrat-olaea medicine,
Our customers apeak loudly In Ha pralae.
J. WK1MU1 a JU
Cor. Queen and lUirabeth Streets.
H. R. STEVENS. Boston, mass.
Vegetine is Sold by all Druggists.
The Creat Remedy For THE L-VfcRf
Throe great orprtips are the Katuml elantwri of
theMvstfiiu If tin y work well, bealtb vriU be per
fect, if tliej lnoiue cloit-red, dreaUtul dianam-i are
tiert'iopcu Miliums uie uiooa ia poiRonoa wiinxno
humors that nhoulrt have been expelled naturally.
KIDN E Y-WORT lU restore the natural aurlou,
ami tlirow otf the diet use. Thousand have been
oured, and all may be. 't.r sale by all Dniyrinta.
MnTnntAin bi-carb
lathe bft In the World,
It ta abanluteW nnre. It la th
betit for Molti inal Purnuara.
It la the bt'bt for JUklnu and
all iuimiy l aea. ouiu uy ail muggutia ana uruccra.
We will sDd our Klectro-Vollalc He!U n4 othef
Klc trl Appiiaiic-ftuiKD trinl for ,M) tlwys to those fTllctti
wtlti ArrvtUl IMnUty antl d watt 9 of a personal nature.
A 'so rt tlia I.ivvr, Ki'liie-y. ULieuiutttibm, Pimlyiia, etc.
A turecurt gmt awea or no pay.
ArHrctH Volta lo Belt Co., Marihall, Mich.
'i lirc m.(KD." I-ev.n:ll. Tlie bureft n medy
for liitxnl IHsonlfTH, Ktieuuiiituni, rijlll, Puiim lu the
H(';i. rii. M. lia. k. etc., in to eieetrily the ult-fwl with
tSi (tit tt $ Live Jltrwiture Galvanic Buttery (exrittiiu Muni
nlhf l.taii bwp;it; cjrifiit ttitjUstt inifl xnnit low t inh'-t
t r vtiii). S'iil free on rr-f ipt f price, VU cts ; 3 fir 1.
A.-i.iti wanted. WM. SUAHI.fc.tT, Aurora, til.
1 AltobALAKY iM-rmontk. All KXrtNSta
dvuuced. W AO t:s promptly (lllld. 6 LOAN
k Co. aO tJeoi (jo Ht. tlm liiBall. .
I !:.'.. ,.M,l'W,.(fl..4.... Loll
r-i-..J.',6,x.M.I,- r, fc: T.I ft S'jkT
U.S.iteM.llL ( J,M iVuuMII i.,lwbifcl
I month. Kverf graduate gi
Learn Ti
elegraphy anc
earn B40 to
! a
r irrmliiHte ffllaraiiteetl a Tiiivinc kiIiu
auon. Avlaress K. valtnliiie, si.uuyer, janeavuie, w la.
I.l.EIVf4 Itrnlu Foort-cures Kervons Debtltt J
t WtMkm-M uf (.uuendive uriians, l all diiiKi-'iats.
Sen.! for Cn'l'r to Allen'b I'hunuac y, alii Knat Avc.N.y.
in new plan, stviii!- ' History
n li d Siuh-i at a liiance."
t. un I I'rogiea ol the I ii h
taenia Wau:od.
Ii. fimi, tM KUilou St., N. T.
7. B. si tailing Articles in the world i a
mitni.tree Jat liaoniun, Detroit, Mica
free. Address MAHSIIALL a
fast selltns stapla ar-
,MMi pruiiiai ttauipis
Kreinunt, O.
A YKAR and upensi-s to agents.
Outlil Kree. Adiliess
V. (I. VII KKKV, Au-;U3l.v Maine.
TUHU'ICII HSlVKItSlTT, Scleutirtc and
Miln.tiy olK, ordia.'l'l, VL lelliis icatoie
A few fire ecKolrlili..
OCR A WKKK In your owu town. Terms and to nil di
uu fl.e. Address 11. Ihu io A Co.. Portland. stai.
lUftei eilt uutil, Ilk'. Ten Hims and Mat
li-r . t.niip. J. A. Vi lisini, I'unlBliorii. N'.J.
I ffl f.M Per . ' home. Samples worth fS free
Abnsiifi; Newspapers.
Some people think that they aro very
smart wlien they abuse a newspaper or
sn editor. They forget that many pa
pers have largely profiled by becoming
the object of these attacks, nitd that sonic
editors have thriven on being assaulted.
Aside from this consideration, it should
lie remembered that an editor is often
obliged to occupy a very delicate posi
tion. His senseof right will sometimns
cause him to attack or defend a man, a
business, a class or a cause at a risk of
making enemies of others, only to lind
those in wliose interests ho hud labored
isplay ingratitude. Of courso no level
headed editor expects to find much grat
itude or charity. He must generally 'hj
content with the approval of his own
conscience, and pursue the course lie bo-
leves to do right, regardless ot either
frowns or smiles, supported by his con-
Bciousfrectitude. It will all come right in
the end. It is hard to be misunderstood,
and to find those to whoso support you
ave enrned a right, desert vou to meet
alone tne attacks ot thoso whoru you
have incensed in pursuing the course
you were convinced was right, but you
win inercDy learn a jesson or Beit-re
liance, and form a habit of mdeing en
tirely for yourself that will be invalu i-
bi3. xou will be able to toll the truth,
however distasteful, and rcfmj to ut ter
a falsehood, no mutter how much pleas-
anter It may promise to make things.go
Feminine Torpedoes.
Female torpedoes aro an attraction at
lielgian lais. In the tenter of a booth
is a pit which the spectators encircle,
and in tins pit a woman, attired as a
gymnast, walks about on a platform,
Now and then she touches a spectator
on the hand or cheek, and the latter re
ceives a smart eiectno shock, but the
woman feels nothing. She is evidently
liglily charged wit h electricity by means
of an induction coil, nnd the platform
on which she stands is one polo of the
w. The cicctrifltd nymph is a great
success, nnd tier stinging caresses elicit
roars of laughter from tho visitors.
louite, Colds, BroncMfe Asita,
ana nil Tlrcst mid f.on Affections, lndorard by tilt
1'icM, r.oskiaui, Ulergy and Amicn-a raupia.
YOl '11 REMKDY 13
Holt! toy all Medicine TlrRler
Tho Oh Ion cro
"Weekly News
win oe flpnr, postpaiu,
from dure to .Inn, 1st
neiL for lllceiitK. This
li'ln! ulH(r!pioii will
rnalile reader to be
come nriiinliiled Willi
Ilia rheHiM'Kt metro
politan weekly lu lhe
U.H. null-pendent In
iiolltlr, all the news,
correal market retMiriH,
tlx comiilolod atorlea
in every (amie. A favor-
lio family imiier. Hend
10 reriim Oliver! xt
once Mid set It mull' .
Jan. 1, 1HH1. IJIrven
trial aulinerlptliHin for
f l.lid. Kei-iilur price is
Tfx'U. a yi ar. AiIiIi i nh
Vlrlor V. I.nwon,
j'roprit'iur v e k i y
la Ulns our two ti-l-mliiH'i ittWrn'rr! UiKtks, I.lfe of
u if iiii"k uui iwn ti-fmiiui'i wf'eAfrTi rrt ii
wiiuen by uim uf
ftmg Mrhil, jtitu.
J . V. omr v
(an aulhnr uf mirii'n'd Aonci. hmldu inJurn! bv'ten
inn auilmr or rnttvn-t Jntiv, ivjidy in
Hancock, tlie tttr1yl inter, nixl ne
lltmroelt, the Ir1utintrr. Hlld pres. t alMO l.lf'o lit
by lit! com rttle-ln-
aima anl prrtmii
Hrll!u f-'ti will ho of unit okbrilu). al fron:fv
rrteiid.f .tin . j
intlornrtl. It. till offiet.'il. Mun-nsrlii noptllar. fr-llmn
over lO.oil'l i nn k t A jmlt iimkfnu S I U a if.ii
(lutiiu olio. each, ror IkmiU nn i (. r.n. ail. lieu
gulchj JIl'lUlAlil) HUi.S., l'lil'a.lelplna, I'n.
This Clalm-IIonse Established 180S.
New Jjkt Tliotimivld of aoldler and holm e ntllled.
r nsions date back to discharge or ueau. JtmelHnUai.
AddreM, with stamp,
fiKUIlUE E. l .KMOrV.
r. O. Drawer U,i, WtultiiiKton, I. C
at Phila'lelpUia
Silver Medal
at Paris
This wonJe'ful substance is acknowledged by phy
sicians throughout the wor d M he the best remedy di
covered for the cine of Woumls. Iturn. Klieumalinin
Bklu Olai-aseH, Piles, CuLirrh. Chilblains. Ic In ortlei
that every one may t-y It. it it imt un In 1 !V n l !.' cent
bottles for household ate. Oht.iiu it fiom your diuumst
and yovwill Uud It suparlor to an) linns you Uave tvei
Nl I LLUrfllJ ft "
Tbls 1s the cheapest and only complete ssd reliable
work on Ktlquette and Husiuens aud tioolal Poruis. It
tells how to perform all the various duties of Ufa, ami
how to annea- to the heat advantage on all occasloiia.
Agent Wanted. Sen 1 lorolrculars coutalnirg s
lu 1 le npt on or t .e work anil titra terms to akco'S.
A.l-lr- Natiohil 1'umjsuiao Co., PhllailslpbJa, l'a.
Mmuj pcop'e are affllcl1 wtta th loetfhto.ue iIImmm
kut ry few er (rt well fitui ttini tlil- Uowmg U
linpit fvf ircnUiittuI rnniy, u Uioy at ra Illy cuiata.a U
f .oprlf lri4Hi. iui u do i-ii boa but a ra t I ksvt
proveo over ant over agtln hy hit tieutmaoi. $u1 Co
BT litlla Hook, tee t aU It will tll yoa all about ihM
MDa4tr dJ who I am. My la.t Book, 374 pauar. ocUt,
ferua, U by mtui. Aa u-m
1I1. tJ. Jtfi. M1I01L3IAU.KH. Aural Sursiaon,
; Kvadluf), Vu
UbLLULUlU cre-(
represcntlni; the choicest selected Tortolse-Shell and
Amber. The lightest, handsomest, and ttroiigcst known
8old by Opticians and Jewelers. Made by SPK.NCKB
O. M. CO., I:i Maiden Lane, New Yora.
Is the ' Original " Concentrated ant RellsWe Family
s.i.ip M:tker. IJliei'tU'ii act onip:iny eah t an lur iikiuiiiii
Hard, Kofi ami Toilet ttuap qil kly. It la lull
w. ithl ;ind btn-nih. As-k your grocer fur SJAl'OA !
1:1 bit, una luke uo oiuerr.
Given Away. Beud 9-ct
iir A'lilres 'lu
Jewlsnuiu, l lliuu c;o ,ra.
4' Jr'3
n m "k&
?v- -V:
Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lunibago,
Backache, Soreness of ffio Chest,
Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swoll .
ings and Sprains, Burns and
Scalds, General Bodily
Tooth, Ear and Headacho, Frosted
Feet and Ears, and all other
Pains and Achos.
Ho" Preparation on enrtli equals St. Jaivius Oil
aa a ne, ritrr, nlmple nnd clirnp f.xleriiul
ltemedy. A trial entails lint the comparatively
trifllhK outlay of M) Cents, and every one snfterinit
wllh paid can buva cheap aud positive proof of Its
claims. ,
Directions In Kleven Langnae:.
Haltimnrr, jtrf,, IT. 8, .1.
H Y N II 111!
fTHAT u Jtm
v 1 00 AftUI
nil. a it t. lie aii. tipar liiv,
Atmrdul the AJ fill A . Of IhtyilR at lite trnfrftiiwl mi
i'ttrit Ai oi((..
Chicago. FRAZLR LU3KICAT0H CO. NowYoik.
Tow ht read Oil notice about twfntv
times hefore. Hut ilid you ever art upon the sugges
tion so orten mali-, nune'y: To aak any lieot and mom
mIm f-KHrs ytlf 4oftrlrh's I'alrut llee
tnierMrel 111 e I'rotei ttil Kole t OunraiUetA
touutoear any Hole ever ma le. If you have not, do so
tho very n' xt time you want hoots or shoes with soles
that will wear like Iron aud save repairs, aud doo'l you
tiuy any other.
My refereiues are any Sewing Machine Company at
then ageut In this count i y.
ii. ('. ;iu"nn ii,
! Chnrch St., Worcester, Haas, and 40 lioyn Ave.
2,000,000 Acres
Wheat Lands
bset la the World, tor sale by the
St. Paul, Minneapolis & Manitoba R.R. CO.
Thr4 dell an jmr acr allowed tha aattlor for teraafc-
aad vulttTssUaa. w or pari iouUra apply to
D. A. McKIKLftY,
Itnd rommlaalonrr, at, Paul, nine
fTTaLJ Fatent 8purk-Arre!9tln(r Ktv
I - i? A T rtii.'H.tnillllltlMl mid on hkUIs.
V'urtii:ul Kturines with wro'l
boilt't's. tiirckn Suffty pow
ers with Suctiorml boilers
con't be eapluded. All
with Automatic t iit-Ulls,
b'roin $ I SO to Si, 000.
hi nd (or Cnculiir. btat
wheio you saw ttiis.
F A R n
tub-bus A Oct. Coupler, boxed A shipped on'.r 9H7.1H.
M.w Piaaos SlUri lo SI, . Helore you buy sn ln
suuasirt bs sure to v. tuv Mi.l-sinuuier ofler iitutrulay
erst. Address b A Mr: L f, ft Ha 11 if, Waihiutun, N.J.
Republican Manual ! OF Iftftfi. lllsto-y, PrlnrlpVa,
Xnrly Lcadaia, aint Acinevenit fits cf the iit-jnihlli.- .ti J'ui ty
vitii full bluitrupliua uf ii ICI 1 l-Ill Alt-
buvk wan
i aisenala 1
.. jiy it. v.bMiuir.ut tht) .ew i ti irwun.
.vnleit dy every uitaJlent vui- r.' Tha tnt ol
aiaenalsi from hlca to til aw aumiuuilln furcHiut alga
uaa. An elritttiit ciolit-Uni'itl jrT,ii, 1 ft fm. tk-n of turn
Ueii.l cuaL Pike, AO wuU poMi, ? 'iruUr
cttt fita. Furaa.e ty lh ician k Um-Uw! -r in vtt
It A.1 Xllft'lV HAL lift ,ti r, T"
J"ril2uc liuKqinti, Ntw York.
ill i.tisltivflv run? lVinult V cakiii'HH. suoh l-'iiiu'
liiK at (lit Wdinl), VlHWa, t'ltvoiih iutlatniiiHl on ot
Uluei-atiuinif tlin Wimili, IncitUin ul Itf morris- of
KifHtiliiiijf, i'ulni'ul, Sui(itiet uinl lM i-f.'uJar ftlt-na-ti
uatiuti, it a. At. ull and i-'liablo I'iut'Oy. too tit I pud
tn t'tirtl for a ptiuihlil t, with ir'af n tit, i'Uit'8 mid
ct rtlili-utfs from liviii i..isi un-l patit-un, to How
a, Ui s. hulliit tl, Ulicii. S. I', ulU Cy ml irut(,Uia
i M pt r tfuLtlti.
Believed and cured without the Injury lriissi-i intllct by
Da. J. A. SUKIl.MAN'S ssti in tull e. .l liniadway,
Jew York. Ilia Ikm.Ii. Willi photographic 4lkmes ot
bad cases before and uft.-r inie, iu.uIihI lor 1 ceiiU.
If yea as t, Istai ssl Houataeke. iaW- A as".-
I.f. IVrrOtis wimtlvg Kim ;ovirnnt in M-.rvatdtle
lloii-ea, llot.' s; Mores, mil I '., an I rV.t. hi i a
il.-sii In S I10..I eimimem -lit call, or u-1-1 1 ,-k.s v, llh Nl:,uiik
MAM1A1 IAN A(.i:.CV, l:t'l Hum iw.iy. .V.Y.f,!,.
v72 A w K K K . $12 a day at home e:ii!y mwii. ()otly
Oumilu-tt. AJOreji 'luus Jo.,4 -cTlainu.
1 lnouioUU , 1
I pRams'i' I
mmmmMKmArjuY AsSilsA ; sMisjisiartr mHi