The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, October 13, 1880, Image 2

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    3&t orc?i gltpuMfean.
National Renublican Ticket,
For President,
of Ohio.
For Vice Fresident,
of New York.
Edward N. Benson Henry W. Oliver, Jr.,
"John L. Lnwson,
Edwin II Filler,
M. Hall Stanton,
James Dobson,
George De . Kc'm,
I)vid F. Houston,
Morgan R. Wills,
Henry S. Eokorl,
John M. Stehman,
Isaac S. Mover,
Edgar Pinehot,
Jolin Mitchell,
Conrad F. Shindol,
Charles B. For ney.
Nathan C. Ellsbreo,
Anirew Stout,
George M. Reado,
George B. Wiestling,
Michael Schall.
Walter W. Ames,
John P. Teagitrden,
Nelson P. Reed,
A ugustus E. Painter,
Thomas McKennBn,
James T. Maflett,
UeorgeW Pelamater
Calvin W. Gilfillan.
Sitnnt South, Aug. 23, 1880.
En. Republican i
Dear Sir: I wish to
place before the readers of your paper
some facts concerning the Solid South, and
how they do it." I used to think, before
I came South, that the reports which wo
read In the papers were exaggerated, but
I have concluded that there is more truth
than poetry about them. Harper Wctkly
hits the nail square on the head every time.
This county has always gono about 3,.rO0
Republican to 1,200 Democratic; this and
one other county have been the only two
in the State that have been able heretofore
to got fair elections. This fall the Demo
crats began early to hold public meetings
and "Barbecues" and to organize clubs,
and endeavored by evory means In their
power to get tho blacks to join them, which
they with very few exceptions refused to
do s but the Democrats still claimed that
thoy would" carry tho county, and they did
curry It. I will tell you how they did it
In some precincts whero tho Republican
leaders anticipated fraud they told the
blacks not to go to tho place of voting at
all, and they did not go, but tho Inspectors
took tho Registoration list and voted the
wholo list Democratic themselves. An
other precinct turned up a larger Dcmo-
About two months SCO the editor Of cratie malorltv than tho census of 1880
Gen. McComb, and we should bo glad
to publish hia letter in tun were we
able to crowd ft into our columns.
After passing tho Republican and
Democratic parties in review, and
showing why he deems it wise to act
with the Republicans, he concludes
with the following paragraph:
With the candidates I have nothing
to do. The one elected will obey the
commands of his party. We want
peace, and measures that will build
ud our industries and promote our
commerce. Intelligence, wealth and
prosperity will follow. The party that
abolished slavery, that has given us
what we have of protection, that
created tho greenback currency and
furnished tho members of the Supreme
Court that pronounced it constitu
tional, that maintains equal rights and
impartial justice is the party into
whose hands the destiuies of this great
Nation may be confided. At least I
would rather trust it than the party
that has heretofore antagonized all
these great measures.
Still the Heathen Rageth.
proposed discuRslous by nil courteous
parliamentary mcinon io discover to vim
public whether you are now nidlng tho
fiarties trying to'cloct General Weaver on
lis nlnt form, or General Hancock on his.
and which you will personal lyJupport.
In return for this privilege or comment
ing on ynurjpledirn or platform, I invito
to the luiirst and ireest iictiHioii oi my
record nnd utterances In public! life. As
you nmv bo aware, I luive been lionorocl
With a sent In tho Mute Semite, In the
recent Constitutional Convention, and am
now In my second term in Congress. In
nil of tlies'o positions I have participated
my volco and vote In legislation niiecung
all tho people in their varied Interests,
mv conduct and record In Hicho positions
are of easy access, and if, in any way
inimical to tho publics welfare, can bo
readily shown. I may say also, hero that
In tho'proposed discussions I shall advo
cnto on tho financial question tho old
fashioned constitutional rulo of spocio as
the basis for all our currency, as against
any tint or pay-as-you-please basis for any
money system, which lauer i am m
formo'd you have In your Into, as well as
rosent canvass, practically advocated. I
mvo thought tho proposed discussions
can bo conducted with thnt propriety and
courtesy becoming gentlemen candidates
for high and respoctablo stations. 1 nope
you agree with mo thnt a candidato for a
scat in llie American congress can neiiur
afford to bo defeated than t bo elected
with any portion of his constituency nns
Annrohending his convictions and intend
ed conduct on any of tho political issues of
the hour, no good enougn io repiy. i
shall cheerfully meet you at any tnno to
nrran ge details. Sincerely yours,
For Supreme Judge,
of Northampton County.
For Auditor General,
of Blair County.
For Congress,
of Indiana County. '
For President Judge,
Hon. Win. D. BROWN,
of Warren County.
For Assembly,
For Associate Judge,
For County Treasurer,
For County Surveyor,
For Coroner,
.11. CHURCH.
F. P. Dewees has withdrawn from
the Greenback ticket as candidate for
Supreme Judge, which leaves the
party without a State ticket except
that of Auditor General, which is rep
resented by Col. Roberts of Titusville.
Hon. S. R. Mason, Gen. Wm. Blakely,
Gen. R. 'B. McComb, Hon. F. P.
Dewees, are pretty heavy guns to lose
in one State.
the Democrat of this place, prompted
by malice and personal hatred,
commenced a tirade of abuse
against our candidate for As
sembly, E. L. Davis, Esq., and has
kept it up week after week ever since.
He claims to be doing this all for the
good of the people and not through
any personal feeling. This may look
allrizhtonpaper.but .no man with
half an eye and a thimbleful of brains
can help seeing that this is a much
bigger lie, if possible, than the rest of
his talk. Kepler has boasted openly
and above board that he would defeat
Davis and elect Orion Siggins if it
cost him a thousand dollars, and his
vilo course shows that he is as desper
ate as hia threats imply, and that he
is ready to resort to the vilest means
to accomplish his purpose. In his last
issue he tries a new dodge, saying that
Dale and Davis were now trying to
find out which was the strongest so
that the other might throw in his fa
vor. This is such a rediculous lie
that we will pass it by with nothing
further than this: A gentleman after
reading the article said to Kepler that
he as well as everybody wascouvinccd
that such was not the case, whereupon
Kepler replied, "Why I know it isu't;
but, you see, I must keep up the agi
tation !" and that is the sum and sub
stance of the whole matter. He has
commenced lying and must now keep
shows it to have of inhabitants over 21
years of ago, including malo and female.
At anothor precinct at the opening of tho
polls three men rodo up nnd informed tho
inspectors that they 'were going to hold
that election themselves ; two of tho rcg-
ulnr inspectors backed off, but the other
one told them that he hnd the Sheriffs
notico in his pocket appointing hini in
spector at thnt place, and that ho intended
to act ; so they compromised willi him
and all went well until noon, when the
two .self-appointed Inspectors took tho
oauot i)ox ami cni iu niiumi-i n TUT OMrMTVC Dl IPlfOMITU
proceeded to run the thing to suit them- Ht DUUhLTtDLALftolYllln,
selves. That precinct went Democratic (W. C. WILSON )
solid. There Is here at the county seat a TS permanently locatod in tho
ATTOR N E Y- A T- L a W,
Tionestn, Forest County, Fa.
Instrumental and vocal music taught by
W. Krnuss, on reasonable terms. Those
who want to prepare themselves for
Organists should tnko a course in Through
Bass and Harmony. sep-zi;.
Some person has sent to this office a
package of pamphlets which attempt
to prove that the soldiers owe their
pensions to the Democratic party.
This is probably true, and so ungrate
ful are the soldiers that very few will
thank the Democrats for shooting off
their legs and arms, or starving them
to skeletons that they might get a pen
sion. Indeed there are few who would
not give up their pensions for the res
toration of health and limbs of which
they were deprived by the Democrats
of the States expected to give Han
cock 138 electoral votes. Meadvillt
We this week reproduce our Ala
bama letter, published some weeks
ago, and ask a careful perusal of itooce
more by our Democratic and Greeti
bach friends. Grecnbacers, this letter
is an earnest appeal from one of your
party, who asks you to look at the
issues as he has acd
He asks you in the
and as you love your
aside former issues and, as he would
do were he once more among you, vote
. the straight Republican ticket. Like
GeQeral R. B. McComb, (whom
of you will remember well as
here two years ago with James
is seeing them,
name of justice
to lay
grove, and to whom you listened to
with such interest) the author of this
letter sees other aud more important
issues at stake. As to the gentleman's
integrity and honesty of purpose, there
is no question ; aud while we would be
glad to give bis name, yet there are
probably not a score of voters in the
county who do not know who the
author is. Read it and reflect upon
it, and cast your votes accordingly
it up ; he dare not ttop. He has
harped away at Mr. Davis' private
character, because he hates him per
sonally, until he has run aground and
has driven hosts of Democrats to his
support and made him the most popu
lar candidate in the field. The silent
contempt with which he has been
treated has driven him nearly frantic,
and he now sees that th'e decent peo
ple are thoroughly disgusted at this
course. Had we been so inclined we
could have paid him back in his own
coin, and publisheg columns of abuse
against Mr. Siggins, but with all de
cent men we despise such tactics, and
never so long as we have to do with
the conducting of this paper, will its
columns be defiled with such uncalled
for abuse aud falsehoods agaiust any
body or any candidate. But Kepler
is not alone in this matter. These
articles are all written up aud pre
pared on the Sabbath day, and are
subject to Mr. Siggins approval on
the Tuesday following, when he corae3
down as regular as clock work, makes
a straight drive for tbe Democrat office
and there sees and approves the man
uscript before it goes into print. This
is not idle talk, but a act ns plain to
all in this place as the nose on a man's
face. Mr. Siggins' consultations are
exclusively with Kepler when he comes
to town,acd he only finds time, while on
hi. way from the depot to said office,
to shake bands with a few voters
whom he never thought of recognizing,
or could even see before running for
But, as we said in a previous issue,
if Mr. Kepler has the slightest idea
that he is helping his man Siggins by
abusing Mr. Davis, let him go ahead,
and see where he will bring up.
military company which, shortly before
the, election, was furnished with arms by
the State. I myself saw fiftcon or twenty
of these fellows with their arms, cart ridge
box and bayonet in their bolts gallop oil
to a precinct some fifteen miles distant,
upon hearing a mere rumor that here
.was trouble there ; they had no orders
from the Sheriff or any one else. That
precinct went solid. This county went
Democratic by a larger majority than they
have votes. The blacks were much ex
cited, and but for the exertions oi their
leading men there might have been
trouble. On tho day that tho returns were
counted there was a largo crowd in town
of nil classes, and by taking notice one
could plainly distinguish tho shape of the
pistol or knifo, or both, under their coat-
in some instances the weapon itself could
bo seen and as they began to go homo I
saw several bring from their hiding place
their Double Barrel Shot Guns. Now un
derstand thnt this was hot done by the
irresponsible classes, but by the so-called
Chivalry of tho South : church members
and deacons of the church. A darkey, in
talking the election over with a friend
said : "Ise a mighty big notion to write
dat ar up and send it Norf to do papers
and after a moments reflection ho added,
"but I would not put my name to it, kaus
I knows what would be done."
One word to mv old friends in Forest
County, with whom I have spent so many
pleasant winters 'un the creek: Don't
waste vour votes : I can see other and
.more important issues since I came South.
If I were there this fall. knowing what I now
know to be the truth, I should vote straight
Bepublican ; but hero such a vote will
only swell tho Democratic majority ; my
vote, as well as thousauds of others, will
be lost, or worse, counted out, and you
must endeavor to make up for them up
North. J.
A shop, near Haslet's corners, where ho
is prepared to meet all his old customers,
and ns many new ones as feel disposed to
favor him with tlieir custom, ins motto
is: "Live and let live."
Tionosta, June 21, 1879.
shnll bo such minority Inspector, if not,
then by n Justice of Hie peace or alderman,
nnd tho lnswctors nnd clerk shall Imsworn
by tho Judge. Certilicate of such swear
ing or 'iitllrmlng shall, he duly mado out
and signed by the olliccrs so sworn, and
attested by the olllcer who ailm'mNlcrcd
thoonth. If an v. judge or mi ority Inspec
tor refuses or fails to swear the odlccr of
election In the Mumer required by this
act, or if nny olllcer of election shall net
without being duly sworn, or If any officer
of election shnll certify that nny olllcer was
sworn when ho was not, it shall bo deem
ed a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction,
the olllcer orolliecrs so ollcnding shnll bo
lined not exceeding ono thousand dollars,
or imprisoned not exceeding one year, or
both, In the discretion of the court.
1 also mnko known tho following pro
visions of tho now Constitution of Penn
sylvania: ARTICLE VIIL
mircmnc ivn vt.wi'TTOV.
SkC 1. Everv male citizen twenty-one!
yoars of age, possessing tho following
qualifications, shall bo entitled to vote at
all elections :
First. Ho shall have bcon a citizen of
tho United States at leaRt ono month.
Sccond.- I o shall have resided in the Stato
ono year, (or, if having previously boon a
quafi Hod eloctor or native born citizen of
the Stato ho shall have removed thereform
and returned, then six moths,), immedi
ately precodidg tho election.
Third. He shall havo rosided In tho
e'eetion district wliero he oilers to vote at
least two months immediately preceding
the election.
Fourth. If twenty-two years of ago or
upwards, ho shall have paid a iStalo or
county tax which shail have been assessed
at lenst two months nnd paid at least ono
month before election.
Sf.c. 2. The General election shall bo
held annually on the Tuesday next follow
ing tho first Monday of Novemlior, but
the Gonernl Assembly mnv, bv law, llx a
diffcront day, two-thirds of nil tho mem
bers of each' House consenting thereto.
Also, tho following sections of an act en
titled, 'A further suplement to tho act
regulating elections in th's Common
wealth," approved tho IOth day of Janu
ary, 1K74 :
Skc 11. It shall be lawful for any qnali
lied citizen of the district, notwilhstand
lng tho name of the proposed voter is con
tained on the list of resident taxablcs, to
challenge tho vote of such person, whero
upon the proof ot the right ol sntlrngo ns
is now rounlrod by lfw Khali bo puMlci.y
matlo ana acted "upon bv tho election
board and tho voto admitted or rejected
I tako pleasure in telling tlio Sporting
Fraternity Hint I havo re-purchased
stand, nnd I am prepared to attend to
all my friends, and tho pulUic generally,
who need
I shall keep a perfect stock of .nil kinds of
And all kinds of
I shall also continue to handle tho
"While" Sow I lit: Machine,
And tho
Como nnd see me. You will find mo
Muzzlo Loaders inado to order mid war
ranted. .
n. a. isiunvix.
Tlilioutc. l'a., Aug. 12,
W- RT?Awrmra PTJfYMPTT.V 411
Gen. li. B. McComb, whom our
Greenback friend's will remember well
as the gentleman wbo epole at the
Court Hoube in this place, two years
ago, in the interest of tbo Greenback
party, is to-day stumping ior tbe Re
publican party. He gives bis reasons
for the course be ba9 taken in a
lengthy letter to Rev. C. II. Clone, of
Reaver county. There are few men
of wider reputation iu this Htate than
The Greenbackers of the Sixteenth
Congressional district have nominated
David Kirk, of Bradford, for Congress.
David nead lose no sleep in his en
deavors to bo arrange his private affairs
that they will not Buffer during his
absence at Washington. He will be
elected to stay at home. Elk Demo
crat. Since the above came' out Mr.
Kirk has been endorsed by the Demo
crats. It will now be in order for tbe
Democrat to indulge in a little "crow"
as the fine imposed for prematurely
shooting off its mouth.
He wants Mr. Mosgrove to Debate
on the Stump With Him.
Special to the Commercial Gazette.
Indiana, Pa., September 5.' General
Harry White has sent a challenge through
Capt. J. II. Chambers, Chairman of the
Republican County Committee of Arm
strong county, to Mr. Mosgrove, who is
his Democratic competitor, challongin
him to a joint discussion of political issues-
The following is a text of tho communicu
tion :
Indiana, PA., September 3, 1880.
James Mosgrove, Dear Sir : It has be
come customary in many parts of the
country for opposing candidates for Con
gress to travel together over the district
and address tho people alternately from
the same platform at the same meeting.
This is usually instructive and entertain
ing to the public. I tako pleasure in pn
posing that you and I meet tho people of
tilts district at the same meeting and ad
dress them alternately irom tho same
platform on the practical questions of tho
pending campaign. I suggest that these
meetings be held in country towns and
principal place of tho dill'orcnt counties
I . l l: i T .. ' T Ml
in mis U1HU1CI. ii you preier, a win
travel with you all over the district. I
observe you have already been addressing
meetings ana so nave 1, neuco my .rop
osition to address the same meeting. I
have not heard any of your addresses, but
remember you were a candidate against
me in 1878. I observe you ran upon the
following platform or pledge :
Parkeii, Pa., Monday, Aug. 5, 1878
I, James Mosgrovo, do pledge my sacred
honor to support the platform of the
National party adopted at Toledo, Feb
ruary 1K78, and the pri ni'ijJes set forth
in tho platform of the National (ireunback
I jibor party of I ennsvl vania, adopted at
Philrdtflphia, May (, 1878, and J further
vleune myself as wxllinn to use every hon
arable vieans to elect the State ticket and to
itiHure the ttuccttn of the National tireen-
back Labor party in the' Presidential eon
test in 18H0.
Signed James Moborove
Tho year I860 designated for tho fultill
nientofthe latter part of tlio pledgo is
upon us. GeneraMV caver seems now to
be the Presidential candidate indicated in
this pledge. It is but frank to say here
that, in - iew of the peculiar position you
occupy a a candidate, 1 shall week in the
Whereas. In nnd by en act of the General
Assembly of the Commonwealth of Penn
sylvania, entitled 'An Act to regulato tho
Klections of tho Coinmonweaitn,' passed
tho 2d dav of July, A. D., 18C1, it Is mado
tho duty of the Sheriff of every county
within this Commonwealth to givo public
notice of tho Goncral Llections, and in
such to enumerate :
1st. Tho officers to bo elected.
2d. Designate tho place at which the
election is to bo held.
I, C. A. Randall, High Slierllt or
the county of Forest, do hereby make
known and give this public notico to tho
electors of tho county of Forest, that a
General Election will be held In said coun
ty, on
between the hours of 7 ft. m. and 7 p. m. at
the several Flection Districts.
In Harnett township at Jacob Maze's
Carpenter fehop.
In Green township at tho houso of L.
In Howe township at Rrookston, in
Brookstou Library Ilall.
In Jenks township at the court houso in
In I Iarmony township at Allender school
school houso.
In Hickory township at Hickory
Iu Kingsley township at Tsowtown
School House.
1 n Tionosta township at Court House in
Tionosta borough.
In Tionosta borousrli at Court. House in
said borouh.
At which time and places tho qualincrt
electors will elect by ballot:
Electors for President and Vice Prsci-
dent of the United States.
Ono person for Supreme Judge.
One person for Auditor General.
Ore person for President Judge of the
37th Judicial District.
Ono person for Congress.
One oerson for Assembly.
Ono person for Associate Judge of
Forest County.
Ono person lor Treasurer of l-orcst
Ono person for County Surveyor of
Forest County.
One person for Coroner of rorest County.
The act of Assembly entitled "an act re
lating to tho elections of this Common
wealth," passed July 2, 1810, provides as
follows, viz :
In case tlio person who shall havo re
ceived the second highest number of votes
for inspector shall not attend on the day of
any election, then tho person who shall
have received the second nigiiest nuniner
of votes for J udgo at tho next preceding
election shall act as inspector In his place.
And in case the person who siiail lmve re
ceived the highest number of votes for in
spector shall not attend, tho person elected
Judgo shall appoint nn inspector in ins
place, and in case the person elected J udgo
shall not attend, then the inspector who
received tho highest mini bur of votes
shall appoint a Judge in his place ; and if
any vacancy snail continue, in tho board
for tho space of ono hour after tho time
hxod by law lortnoopening or tne election,
the qualified voters o f the township, ward
or district for whie h such officer shall
have boon fleeted, p resent at tho place ol
election shall elect one of their number to
till such vacancy.
I also givo ollicial notico to the electors
of Forokt county, that by an act entitled
"An Act further supplemental to tho act
relative to the election of this Common
wealth, approved Jan. 30, 1S74 :"
Sec. 0. All tho elections by tho citizens
shall bo by ballot ; every ballot voted shall
be 'numbered in tlio order in which it shall
be recoived, and the number recorded by
the (dorks on tho list of voters opposite tlio
naino of the elector from whom received.
And any voter voting two or more tickets
tho several tickets so voted sliull each bo
numbered with the number correspond
ing with tho number to. the name of tlio
voter. Any elector may write his name
upon his ticket, or causo the same to bo
written thereon, and attested by a citizen
of tho district. In addition to the oath now
prescribed by law to be takon and sub-
OK l II J 17il.l .11.11 '111V.V.C7, ...V Oll.U. "V. , -
erally be sworn or alhrined not to disclose
how any elector shall have voted, unless
required to do so as witnesses in a .judicial
proceeding. All judges, inspectors, clerks
nnd overseers of every election held under
this act, shall, before entering upon tlieir
duties, be duly sworn or allirnied in tho
presence of each other. The judgoshall 1st
sworn by the minority inspector, if there
according to tho evidence. Lvcrv person
claiming to he n naturalized citizen shall
bo required to prodnco his tiiituralization
certificate at the election before voting, ex
cept where he has been for five vears con
secutively a voter In (he district in which
he oilers to voto; and on tho volo of such
person being received, it shall be thed.ity
of tho election olliccrs to write or slam)
on such certificate the word "voted," with
tho day, month and year; and if any elec
tion olllcer or ollicern shall receive a sec
ond volo on the same day, by virtue of the
sauio certilicate, except whore sons are
entitled to voto because of tlte naturaliza
tion of their fathers, they and tho person
who shall oiler such second vote, shall be
guilty of a misdemeanor, and on convic
tion ihoroof, shall bo lined or imprisoned,
or both, at tho discretion of tho court j but
tho fine shall not exceed five hundred dol
lars in eacli case, nor tlio imprisonment
one vear. Tlio like punishment shall bo
inflicted on conviction on tho olliccrs of
election who shall neglect or refuso to
make or causo in bo mado the endorse
ment required aforesaid on said naturali
zation certilicate.
Sec. 12. If any election Ollicor shall re
fuse or neglect to require suclv proof of
mo rignt oi suurago as is iu ticriiu(i o.v
this law, or laws to which this is a supple
ment, from ar.v person offering to vote
whose name is not on this list of assnssod
voters, or whoso right to voto without -requiring
such proof, everv person so of
fending shall, upon eonvtetion. bo wuilty
of a misdemeanor, and shall bo sentenced
for everv such oll'cnso. to pay a fine not
exceeding five hundred dollars, or to nn
dergo an imprisonment of not moro than
ono year, or both, at tho discretion of tlio
Notice is hereby given, That any poison
excepting Justices of the Peace who shall
hold ai:y otllce or appaintmcnt afbrolit or
trust under the United Slates, or this State
or any city or corporated district, whether
commissioned olllcer or otherwise, a sub
ordinate oilicer or agent who Is or shall bo
om ployed under tho legislature, executive
or judiciary department of this Stale, or
of any city, or of uny incorporated dis
trict, and also that every member of Con
gress and of tho State Legislature, or of tlio
select or common council of any city, or
connnissioncas of any incorporated dis.
trict, is by law incapalilo Of holding or ex
ercising tit tho time, tho ollico or uppoint-
AN l-
Slinot Iron Waro
WOULD respect ful lv inform the citi
zens of Tionesta and" vicinity that 1 am
prepared to do all kinds ol' work in tho
Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron liu 1 also
maku a specialty iu nianulai taring
and equipment)' suitable for railing pur-
pores. Also ail Kinds oi
Tho HixhttHt Market Triro I'aitl for
. -
Opp. Lawrenco IIoiiho,
taay2if TIONESTA, PA.
4 rand l(onItvrl Hotel.
Corner AMft ( 'Jiroadn-ity,
On Both American Mid Europun Plana.
Fronting on Central Park, tho Grand
Boulevard, Uroaflway and Filty-N intli
St., this Hotel occupies tho entire Kiuare,
and was built and furnished at an expenso
of over ;? 100,000. It is ono ol the most ele
gant as welt a being tho finest located in
the city ; has a passenger '.levator and nil
modern improvements, aud is within one
square of the depots of the Sixth and
r.igtli Avenue J'Jcvated H., 11. cars, and
still nearer fo the Broadway cars con
venient and accessible fioin "all parts of
the city, ltooui with board per day.
Special rates for famabes and permanent
K. HANKKLli, l'ropneior.
nientof judge, inspector or cleik of iinv
election iu this Commonwealth, and that
no inspector, jirlgo or oilier otlieor of such
election shall' be eligiblo to bo then voted
I also give official notice ol the following
provisions of an act approved tho .'Kith of
Starch. J80H. entitled "An act regulating
tlio mode of voting at all tho elections of
this Common weal til."
Sec. 1. Bo it enacted by tlio Senafo and
House of Representatives of the Common
wealth of Pennsylvania in General Assem
bly met, ami it is hereby enacted by tho
authority of tlio same. That the qualified
voters of tlio several counties ot this Com
monwcidlh. at all general, township, bor
ougli and special elections are hereby
hereafter authorized and required to vote
by tickets printed or written, or partly
printed and parti v written, severally clas
sified as follows: One ticket shall embrace
the names of all judges of courts voted for
and shall be labeled "Judiciary:" one
ticket Khali cinbraco the names .of all the
State ollicors voted for and be labeled
"State;"oito tickctshall embrace the names
of all tho enmity olliccrs voted for, includ
ing otllce ot .Senator ami lnemher of as
semblv. if voted for. and member of Con
gress. if voted for, and be labeled "Coun
ty:" ono ticket shall embrace tne names o
ail tho township olliccrs voted for, and be
labeled "Township :" ono ticket, shall ein
braco the names of all tho borough olliccrs
voted lor, and be labeled "Borough," and
each class shall bo deposited in separate
ba lot boxes.
Tho Judges of the aforesaid districts
shall representatively take charge of the
certificates of return of theelcction of their
respective districts, nnd produce them
tho Prothonotary's ollico in tlio Borough
of Tionosta. as follows : "All .judges liv
ing within twelve miles of tho prothono
tary's oihce, or within tw e-nty-Iour nine
if their residence be ii.a towu, village c
citv upon tho line of a railroad leading t
the county seat, shall before two o'clock
THIRD. 18W0. and all other lodges shall
before twelve o'clock, m.. on THURSDAY
NOVEMBER FOURTH. 18S0, deliver
said returns, togcthei with tlio return
sheets, to the protlionotary of tho court of
common picas oi j'oresi county, wuicu
suid return shall bo filed, and the day and
hour of tiling marked thcren. and shall be
preserved bv tho prothonotary for public
l nKliAct ion .
Gixen under mv hand at mv oillce in Tio
nosta, this 4th day of October, in tlio
year of our Lord one thousand eight
hundred and eighty, and in the
ono hundred and tilth year of the In
dependence of tho United States.
C. A. RANDALL, Sheriff.
TUB lifr-kT
Cleanor and Oiler
Fur li.vrii-liM, ihu At tita
In mrkel.
For On Dollar, one Cleaner, Patches, Brush
I and tun airecnoni eeni Tree ui uuiiagv,
llnortlcilutf lv cltbr ol bum. hon-l for circular.
u r
Xotlcc Io XuviKntors!
I'lio Allegheny Vallcv Rail Road Com
pany will commence to rebuild its thite
spiu'i bridge across tho Alleuheuy River,'
at Oil City on the 21)1 h hist. The river be
neath tho middle and west tqians Mill ho
obstructed by trestle-work during the first
part of tho work, and tho river beiicalli
the middle, and east spans during the kilter
part of the work.
Pittsburgh, Aug. Hi, 'mi. Gen'l Supt.
1-l.tKl.k I
I f.v-i -. iy. i
To Nervous Sufferers. The Great European
Remedy. Dr. J. B. Simpson s
Specific Medicine,
Dr. J. 0. Simpson's Specific Medicine is
a positive euro lor Siipcrinatorriiea, Im-
potency, weakness, and an diseases result
ing from self-abuse, as nervous dehililj,
irritability, menial anxiety, languor, las
situde, depression of spirits nnd function
al derangements of the nervous system
ge ii o r a 1 1 yA
pains iuhackl
or side. los.-.
of memory ,
pre in a t u r i
old age alio!
diseases tliall
lead to con
sumption, msuiiily and an euily grave, or
both. Tvo matter how shattered tho sys
tem msy bo from excesses of any kimj a
short course of this medicine will restore
tho lost functions and procure hcr.lth and
happiness whero before was despondency
and gloom. The Specific Nedicinu is be
ing used with wonderful success. Pam
phlets sent tree to all. Write for them
and get full particulars. Price, Specific.
$1.00 per package, or six packages lor $5.00
Will be sent by mail on receipt of money.
Address all orders, J. B. Simpson's Med
icine Co., Nos. 104 and bit! Main Stl, Buf
falo, N.Y. Sold in Tionesta, Ph., by G.
W. Bovard. novl2eov
Board, room and light pei year $J75.
Tuition, &.: to j-'iij. one-fourlli oil' for
Ministers. Catalogues free. Address,
tuiU. lUv. A. M. REID. Ph. D. Erin.