The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, September 15, 1880, Image 3

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    VKDF:SI)V iHOCmti, SEPT. 15, 1580.
ttonouaii officers.
niiTffrifi'X. S. 1iiii:m AN.
ijniairihifv llonner, ' M. I'.in, .J. K.0eiiK. Patrick Joyce, I). V.
(Mark, .Insii shawkry.
, .rimtiri of H ;v.ff I. T. I'.reniian,
1. S. Knox.
I ''.llittW.1flHlVX SwilllfB.
, Dirn'tnrx I. Slmwkey, P. W.
I'lark-A. II Vavlrijlse, O. A. Kandall,
A. 11. Kcll?.. 'J'. ISi-conan.
Member of Oon'trexs-H .niiT WlIITll.
A KurmtttM N. 1 tVllUKt.nn.
J'rexilent Jiulunij, 1. Wktmorh,
Anweirtte. Ju(lrH.ouy llKC'K, ICd-
fV'A HI) K Kfilt.
Trrnsiirrr V,rM. T.AWHKr'K.
'rothruiot'Afi, l.'eyi.flcr iC Hec.nrtlcr, iff.
.Titstis Sit avvk ky.
AVi.iWrr, O. A, 1tANt.Vt-T.. .
Ki.t I'.i-.nt.i??, Isaac
lyONd, 1 1. W. I.KTM'.IITTH.
OnaKi Snperintenitcnt. IT. H. Krtooif
JUxtriet Attorney H. P. Tnwiv.
.ir.v OommismovcrsC II. Church.
Pktkii "Younoic.
Oinnihf Snvvrynr T. HrlloM.INH.
f)roj'rr W. "(1. OotwiW.
(Intuitu A nrlitovK NKMior.AM THOMP
SON,-I).'!5, ColT.r-AND, F. C. liACY.
business DIRECTORY.
WZT. O. of 6.
"! t E i'YT'A ever
KrMav cvninir, nt
iVI o'e.l
lock. In tho r,xl fo llooiii mi I ar-
trl.liro'H Hull.
n. W.CI.MiK. N. fi,
n V SAWYli!!. Kee'v. ii7-tC
L. D.ivis,
A TTdllMKY AT LAW. Tiotiestri, l'.i,
xV ('ollrctionn made In this and adjoin
ing counlii'M. 40-ly
it-ynr r- a t-TjA u
T lmvi. liop.ii M.'ltmUc'l to practice m an
A H,,rn..v in ihc lVnsi'm Olllco nt Wash
ington, ' 1. C All oMlccrs, KoMiTs, or
mflors v lio were iinnr. il in Iho lato war,
cwi ohiv'm iKMit.ioiis to wlncll they may ho
entitle 1; I'V cal!'ui!X on or aiiilrossinv; mo at
'(ionesin, I'a. Als, eluinis for nrrcarmres
. -cf pay nni hotinty vill roooivo prompt Ht
Tltion. flavin!? liecn over fonrycars a soldier in
thai a to war, and having ir a mimher of
vpars t.kim1 in tlio jro-t cntion of hoI
iliers' ciii'iM, inv experience will aswire
thi colfion ofchiiutHiii the shot text pox
iiMi'tinio. J. P. AJNF.W. -41tf.
F.'W. Hays,
A TTOltN'F.Y AT LAW, unit
V T'unMC, KevnoM Hukill
illockfiuicca St., Oil City, i'a.
t Co.'s
Lawrence House,
rtF.NCi;, l'uoi'KiKToit. This 1iouh
emitraUv located. Everything now and
well iurnislicil Superior accommoda
tions a-id strict attention tfivon t' jrncsts.
V.-relahlcH und Fruits of all Kinili served
in tliir scasr n. Sample roon- for Com
mcrcial AircnU'. r
Ja k.-on, l'roi.'-i"to.-. Tlu'i i' a new
" tio:iN0, ami has in 4 l.eeu fitted up for the
'pcfotnmoaatloo of the public. A portion
of the patrouuj;o of the public in solicited.
4(!-ly .
- c. cor.uitN, m. n.,
Jftui liad over iV'Icen years experienc.o in
the irncli!-e of his pi'oi'o-ioii. Iitwintrrad
uat"d le()r!l::t honorably Muy.lo, bsG").
OlVwe'imd it 'sideii 'o in Forest House,
opposite the Oourt House, Tionosta, l'a.
Auir. ii-lSSO
OrrioK iroiins : .7 to t) a. m.,.7 to f) v.
M. Wednesdays and Saturdays from 11
A. M. to 3 r. M.'
11. E. Li. STIOAPM A"N',
sunai:oN dentist.
PenUl iy6iu in tr. B!aiii-s oiilce, ne.t
door to Central House, Tionosta; l'a. All
work, warranted, uivl at reasonable prices.
H. MAY. A. B. UiaXY
MA r, VA11K ? CO.,
, Corner of Elm A Walnut Sts. Tionenta.
Bank of Piscuunt Deposit.
' Interest allowed on Timo Deponits.
Coctionsmadeonall thel'riiK'ipal prtints
of tho V, S.
Collect ions Hoi ici tod .
TIOESJ ff A, aA.,
'. Pictures taken in all tho latost styles
tho art. 2i-tf
In rear of 1
lao.'s r.lacksnMtli shop,
1. AV. I,yVUK, Jr., Alv" .
T', Liverpool it London it Globe,
Lycoming, North I'.riliHh A
Mercantile, Hanover, Franklin
of Philadelphia,
Continental, Northern Kochcstor. ,
Travelers Liib A Accident Insurance
Ofnco: C. C. Thompson', Law Olnco,
Giandin I'.lock, Tidioute, Ta.
Rev. .Barnfiart will occupy the
pulpit of the Freo Methodist Church
next Sunday evening.
M. E. Sunday School at 10 o'clock
a. in., and Presbyterian Sunday School
at 3 o'clock p. in.
County Committee Attention !
There will ho a meeting of tho Re
public'an County Committee, of Forest
county, at tho ofiiee of K. L. Davis,
I'sq., TioncsU, on Tuesday morning
Sept. 28, at 9 o'clock. Business of
importance will bo transacted at this
meeting, and it is hoped that all the
members will bo on hand promptly
Jam-mos, Chuirman.
Mirs KfTic Certs, of RTarns City,
ar.d Mis? Cora Wallacc.of East Brady,
niecc3 of Mrs. J. II. Derickson, are
visiting her at present.
Mr. J. B. Siggius lias departed
for Ann Arbor, Mich., where ho will
attend college this wiuler. Success
and a pleasant timo to you, James
To arrive on Thursday, Freh
Oysters. On hand, fresh Nat. Yeast
Cakes. Wit. Smkaiujaugh it Co. It
Charley Congdon returned on
Monday evening from a month's visit
to bis old home, near Niagara lalls
bringing w ith him a supply of the fine
lucious peaeh?a which grow in that
Quartermaster Clark, Sargeant
Dimond and Coporal Lawrence aro
attending the reuuion of their old reg
imcut, tho 83d, at Erie this week
They will doubtless have pleasant
Mrs. Alice Young,
Kan., accompanied by
of Downs
her little
daughter and mother, Mrs. Diamomi
arrived in town on Friday, and are
the guetsts of Mrs. Heath. Their many
Jiieuds in this place aro glad to wel
come them back onco move.
Oneortlrj best lewciers in thin
section is Henry Ewaln, of Tidioute
well known to many of our ciji.ons
Ho cannot bo excelled in the repairing
liuo as those who have tried him can
testify, if you havo need 0f anything
in his line give him a trial. He wi
always be found at hi3 post.
-lion. Ilichard Irwin and wife, of
Franklio, father and mother of our
townsman, S. D. Irwin Esq., nro here
on a visit to their son. Judge Irwin
is one of the oldest and most highly
respected residents of VenaDgo county
He has many old friends in this sec
tion who aro always glad to see him
D. W. Clark Jr.. the Wade
Hampton of Tidioute, was in town on
Monday. It wasn't ho that raado tho
Dotorioiis Staunton epeech, althoug
ho will vote for Hancock just tho
sa me. lie aldo says he will givo Re
rmblicaas the sanio low rates on
insurance as Demociati.
The Fagundas RiGe Club extern
nn invitation to tho rifiemeu of this
section to attend their fehouting tour
nament to take place on Saturday,
October 2d. Shooters from Pleasant
ville, Tidioute and other towns will
attend and some rare sport is expected.
Positions and distauccs to suit all
Mr. J. C. Iloovler will please
accept our tbanks for a quantity of
fine largo sweet potatoes of his own
raising. They were as fine as any
imported ones we have ever been, and
fully aa fiuely flavored. Oar river
bottoms aro well adapted to raising
this variety, and the myV.ery is why
our farmers do not pay more attention
to cultivating them.
Mefcsrs. Holeman & Hopkins are
thinkiug seriously of putting up a
large building in thi3 place und
utartiog a new store. We understand
they have purchased the two lots upon
which are now situated the offices of
E. L. Davis and the one recently
vacated by Dr. Bluine, on tho corner
next to the Central House, aud will
commeuco building the first of Octo
ber. Cloods cheap at
Au". 11, '0. Haslet it Sons.
-Tho largest hens-egg wo have
ever Been la now on exhibition nt
lobinaon & Bonner's store, and was
aid by one of Mr. K.'a common breed
f chickens. It's circumference is 83
one way and Gl tho other. Many who
avo examined it will not believe but
that it is a goose egg. Tho old hen 18
still living and doing well.
Since the time for legal registra
tion has passed tho next important
thing for voters to attend to is the
mvinc of their taxes. This is tho
most important duty devolving upon
a voter, as a neglect to pay a State or
County tax at least thirty days bofore
election, debars a man from voting,
whether he has lived and been regis
tered in tho district all his life. Re
publicans dou't forget it.
Iloleraau & Hopkins aro coming
Court Week, and will hnvo in their
building, formerly occupied by Dr.
Viaine and D. Y. Clark, next door to
the Central House, a full line of
Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Dry Goods,
Ac. at lowest possible prices. Cumo
and see our stock and prices. t.
Tho wecklv edition of the Petro-
hum World is issued, and bids fair to
become as popular as the daily. The
form and make up is the eamo as tho
daily and it contains all tho news of
the week written up in a graphic and
comprehensive manner by tho able
scribes of that institution. It costs
but $1.50, while its actual worth is
treble that amount. Wo trust the new
enterprise will meet with duserviug
"J. N. II." sendi tho following in
reply to "A Democrat" in last weeks
Democrat: "We wish to say that when
ii.n Pmtirb.nt .f tliA Tbit. h TTill Gr.
C-ld Club proposed to cheer Hancock
he knew that he would como out at
the tail end, aud ho va3 anxious that
ho should have at bast one cheer from
that section. And further, we were
not aware that there was a man in
Forest county so small as to mane a
fuss about a sheet of paper. But look
out for Democrats."
Baldwin's Official Railway Guide
for September is around on time. This
number contains, in
addition to its
lull ana complete rauroaa
beautilul and comprenensive map,
wmcn aione is worm iuc ju ice oi
Guide. No traveler can reasonably
hfTord to bo without the Guide, as it
gives more and belter information
than is usually found in publications
which cost much more. W. S. Bald
win, Publisher, 42 Exchange St.,
Buffalo, N. Y.
Rev. Stone delivered his farewell
sermoa to a large congregation last
Sundav evening at the M. E. Church,
l was an earnest and touching exhor-
tatiou to those in the Church to prove
faithful, and to those not yet in the fold
to embrace religion and abstain irom
tha wavs of the wicked. V hen Kev.
Stone came to this charge tho church
was coHsiucrauiy in ueui aim iuo m-
. .i.-.m- -- -ii. i .i. s
terest in religious matters somewhat
shaken. Through his efforts the debt
has been wiped out and the church is
in a prosperous couuiuon. ins con
gregation and the people generally
will wish him prosperity and happiness
in whatever field his lot may be cast
Those of cur people who want one
more day of real enjoyment and profit
able sight-seeing beloro the season
closes, will take advantage of the
cheap excursion to Niagara Falls to
morrow, Thursday. There are quite
a number in this vicinity who have
uever visited Niagara, and who ure
"ui most nerstiaded." that should not
miss this opportunity. Many may
thiuk it lato in the season, but such is
not the case, as this is by far the most
pleasant time of year for an occasion
of this kind. The fare for tho round
trip from here will be $2.70, which
is very much less than half rates.
Tickets for all points of interest at the
Falls will be for sale on the train at less
thiin half nrien. and arraiifemeBts for
4 .
carnages can bo niauo oa tne cars,
Tho train will leave this place at 6:00
a. ra., arriving at the Falls at 1:45 p.
tn. On the return trip it will leave
Niagara at 8:45 p. ru., giving excur-
tsiouists amplo timo to witness the
rraod spectacle of the Falls by eloo-
trie light. This certainly is the last
opportunity our citizens will have this
year, as the season is growing late,
Be on hand promptly to-ruorrosv
Teacher debiting tho highest suc
cess should improve their talents by
tstudy at tho State Normal School, Ld-
Tho Republican State Central
Committee meeting at Franklin la9t
week was a succcsss in every paiticu
lar, delegates from all parts of the
Slate being present. The meeting was
called for ihn nurnnsfl of deviainfr some
- - r--i
mo-na nfl.rln.mff -honk n nmlrnhlp
settlement of the Congressional mud
dle in the Butler, Crawford and Mer
cer district. Tho several candidates
agreed to leave tho matter to a com
mittee of three, the decision of which
referees to bo final. Regarding tho
selection of this committee it was
agreed that McJunkin name a man
and Miller one, aud the Chairman of
the State Central Committee to name
tho third. This was dono, Hon. J.
M. Dickcs, of Franklin, being selected
by the Chairmnn. After hearing the
arguments on both sides this committee
adjourned to tho 15th, which is to-day,
when it is hoped tha
matter will be
settled, and the Republicans of that
,. . . M , i.i . .1
.11 ..nit. .n,l .!. Tn tho Spnn.
torlal conlcst i(1 In(jarja and Jefferson
Lnn(ia non Nlo f Pit.cbnrh
Was appointed referee, and will have
Ik. vof nt. tha nt nioptinir
-' - - o - D
of the conferees, and the trouble will
doubtless be amicubly settled in that
-Some time last winter a gentle-
man from Hickorr towushin met with
an accident by which one of his horses
lost his life alontr tha road a shorL
distance above Tubbs Run. lie
brought suit against tho township to
" r. u: :t
recover uaiuucs iui mo uuiu.ui, rm-i
ployed one of our attorneys to prose
cute his cose. The other day the
attorney learned that the man had
settled the case with the township
wWhmit firsk eonnnUincf him. where-
unou the facetious limb of tho law
wrote to him as follows upon a postal
card :
Tionesta, Pa., Sept. 13, 1880,
Dear Sir :
A report comes lrm
Edotu a lunior from the land of
Moab that you have settled your
famous horse case and took 825. for
your deceased "oats mill." "Speak,
write, and let the worst be known.
You have saddled yourself with one-
half the costs by bridlingyour case ;
,xi " e r: .u
anu j. nave some lees wuiun ym win
...K.U.K Art Vi-v 1 1 M . Iiu PirQ W ll 1 J
bit tbe dust ; .sorrows encompass about
aud j eympatbizo with you exceod-
ingiy. a ours C.,
We havo received a book entitled
Southeastern Kansas, written by a
member of the Chicago press. The
book is neatly gotten up and well
written, contains lull map and gives
full and reliable information in regard
to all counties in Southern on J South-
eastern lvacsas, the more fertile por-
tious of the State with map of each
county. All valuable information in
regard to the great lead and zinc
mines of Southwest Missouri and
Southeastern Kansas. Iho book is
for rrratuitous uistributian and uav
be had free of postage by addressing
t I-, t i i i.-
j. iu. uocuwoou, ivausas v.ijr,
It should bo m the hands ot eveiy
person going to Kansas
Stoneham Oil District.
A gentleman furnishes us the fol-
lowing facts from the Stoneham oil
fl.. 1 .
A well on tbe Beaty property struck
the eand rock ihursday morniug,
with good indications for a fair strike.
One well at Clarendon got the tools
fast on Wednesday, but the owners
expect to torpedo it this week
1 he Struthers wells on tho flat at
Stoneham is due this week, and is en
p-ninc considerable attention from
The number of rigs up aud building
at Clarendon one week ago was 20
II. B. Porter, of Titusville, has a
lease just below Clarendon tannery
and will put down a well immediately,
The run of oil from tho Stoneham
district last month averaged 133 bar-
rcU per da v. It is thought this will
bo increased to over 200 barrels the
present monin
Business is very active, and a good
deal of land is being leased and bought
New parties aro rushiug in daily, and
that section will see lively times in the
course of a few weeks
The oil found in this district is of a
very light character and all tuo wel.s
are flowing. V hether this district is
on the bolt or whetbor it is merely a
large pool has not yet been denned
Go to G
W. Bovards for Mrs,
Frecwau's New National Dyes. For
brightness and durability of color
they are uuewualed. Color 2 to G lbs.,
rice 15 cents. 33-ly.
Tho dispatches in this morning's
papers indicate that tho I'usionisis
have elected their Governor in Maino
by about 1,000 majority. The Re
Puw,It!lI,s Uk4V"
i; i
elected threo Con-
grCBHUiUU oui ui loo int', unu
good majority in the Legislature, thu3
securing the United States Senator.
Tho Republicans did exceedingly well
to cotno out as they did ngainat the
combined vote of the Greeubackers
and Democrats. Both of theso parties
claim the victory as exclusively theirs,
and the most interesting and laughable
feature about the result is to sco two
parties claiming to be so terribly an
tagonistic to one another, crowing
lustily over the same victory. What-
ever the result oi tins election nas
been, Maine can be bet down as sure
"XT 1
fn ha T?nniiKlinina 111 1 nvor.;!)piv AS
- " I "n C " . 7 r, "
8UC" ieauLe'3 ' . Vr i
veaver navo men nn ia iumuu nun
. n l- i
J-'CniOCrn is, HUM win suuiji'i
Greenback electoral ticket, which will
give the election to the Republicans,
uey ueing too pocr;ui u,. e u,i-t M.
the 0ther PartleS S'-
Scattering Notes.
Mrs. Lewis Arner, of Nebraska, Pa.,
fell the other day and received a
sprained foot as tho result. She
gelling better as fast as naturo will
Mr- Lord received quite pamlul
inJuries last Frlday 'hlle at work n
T. D. Collins mill at Nebraska
is ablo to be arouna a mue now
Quite a frost on the hills on Satur
I . . n . i . .1 .1
Uiiy morning, uni mue uaumgo uo..c,
Why do tho Democrats exhibit so
much anxiety about the eacredness of
the Constitution ? Perhaps
Hampton can answor.
Why not get up a Garfield
Arthur Club in Tionesta ?
Neiiltcwn Notes.
Winter was airing his linen Thurs
day and Friday nights. Friday and
Saturday mornings the grass, fences,
roofs, Ac. were white. We did not
I . . , i j
hear or any damage Demg aonc.
Buckwheat harvest is upon us ; tho
crop is not very good : wo did not havo
- '
rain cnou"h.
Corn is being cut ; some fields are
good and some are not. Potatoes are
not a good crop with us.
Tom Machcssney mourns the loss of
his "dorg," and offers a handsome re-
ward to any person who will tell him
who poisoned his 'purp ;' ho had just
got that dog trained to be of some
servico on a hunt, but now he must
either borrow a dog or treo his own
Major Woodcock continues to con-
tribute to the value of real estate in
our village ; he is getting that piece of
his land behind the old Academy
i,;i.i:. .i
I UUllUlUt: WAtU M t-vv mi w.
WnJi McCaslin went around R. O.
.. .. .. .,
Carson's new picket fence the other
day with his bucket and brush a
:ouple of times, and now by tho color These ought to bo encouraged and ro
rou wouldn't know it to be the same garged as homo teachers. But, alas,
Windguard s staye null is being
moved from McCartha Run to Allen-
dor Run ; tho mill will be enlarged
stave mill is being
nod imnro ved bv Iho addition of a
lan'e saw, aud timber that can not be
j - - - - - -
worked into &lavca will bo cut up into
lumber of various kiuds.
I'Yidav tho 10th was observed by a
part of our teachers. Miss Myers,
teacher of the tlorman school made a
flying visit to her home near Licking
ville the last of tho week.
Miss Lu Noil! who has been visiting
frionds in Bradford has returned home.
Fred Baehrus has been having a
tori,. tima with a sore Jaco resulting
from a decayed tooth.
From Gorman Hill we gtther tho
Lvman' Hotchkisj Esq., returned
from Chicago where he attended the
reunion of the Knights Templars.
1 - l,1 1 f,-,r.L- i tm w nt home nt Hies-
ent; ho is quite unwell, suiienng iroiu
au attack of tho Bradford fever.
Mrs. Mendenhall and daughter aro
down from Bradford on a visit.
Mr. McAllester thinks of changing
his place of abode from Gorman Hill
to Neilltown ; ho will move in about
a month. Squi.-o HoLchkiss has pro
vided himself with a new ihot gun.
Thcro are only two 'notches on tho
barnl yet ; cue for a bquiinl and tho
other for a pigeon.
Tho School Board" of Harmony will
meet on Saturday, Sept. 1M, in the
afternoon at Neilltown.
Arrangement.! buvu LiAU made, and
the repairs in tho church will com
menco forthwith.
Judgo Dale and Charles Hill were
anioDg our callers tho past week.
By The Wat.
Neilltown, Sep. 13, '0.
Home Teachers.
Tho nbove subject suggested itself
to mo by hearing several young bloods
in conversation at a public house near
tho boundary of our (Forest) county,
fpenking of our teachers and stating
how they could "run out" & couple of
our home (resident) teachers, and tho
thought occurred to mo that an arti
cle on the subject might not bo iuap'
propriato at this season, when directors
are looking about for teachers lor their
respective schools, and also by way of
warning leal them to make worthy
selections for instructors for the com
iug term.
There are ten school districts in our
county, aud, I believe, forty-nine
schools. We have about the same
her of resident teachers any of
i are entirely able to take chargo
i i ...
oi . .most any scnooi in ine county;
and are fully acquainted with tho
wants and requirements of tho same.
Many have taught for four, five, six,
ten or more years in tho county, and
have always given entire satisfaction.
One thing is noticeable in many
districts where homo talent has been
employed for two or three successive
terms, the Bchools are the , best. This
is owing to the fact that the home
teachers take more interest in the
schools than foreigners do.
Many teachers from VenaDgo,
ClarioDj Wairen and other counties
regard Forest county as an asylum for
noor and run out" teachers to get a
foot ho,d d and tQ make BomQ kind of
a reputation mt borne think, when
about to make a beginning, Forest
county will do for a term or two, until
I havo a little experience then Forest
county can go to the dogs.
By such shyeters many of our old,
competent and experienced teachers
are given a "back seat," whilo they
flaunt about at our Institute, say
notbing, think less, tnen go nomc u
mnln ennr . nt tho V orestomans WHO
. . ..... .i i i
strive to uenenianu je ueutmwu
i' i aIall, will
iuuo a numuer oi mio uu ...
strive, 1 understand, to get a toot noui
in Forest s school the coming winter.
Will our directors, who have tha weu-
faro of the school at heart, who lovo
home institutions, and take pride in
homa affairs, employ t'.iis clas3? For
the sake of our schools and our home
teachers, wo hope not.
Directors, the time has come, not ii
coming, for Forest county to stride
pace by pace bide by sido with tho
bordering counties in educational
affairs. Our home teachers, in tho
past few years, have given their timo
and attention to tho schools, and tho
result 13 our schools arc Horn ntty
i . . . . . i
0110 liumirei1 Per teut lieuer iaau nvo
vcars blto.
- fcv? teachers como into theoouuty
nn(i make it their future held ot labor
1 know of but barely four ot this class
.1 .1..-. i .-KI,I., t nl if
ai ine P;HTJt Ty u' .f.":i
3 , tan
had the honor of bcin
ti0 Forest county tea
g classed
Well. Director, you have the em
. ' n . 1 I 1 . .
ployment 01 teacners in your nanus,
it is not for mo to say, whom you shall
employ, but ever regarding the homo
tei.chers with the kindest of foelings I
cannot help but, on this as on many
other occasions say a word for them it
it will assist them in the least or lead
others to regard them with mero favor.
Directors, Teachers, Patrons and
Friends of Education, I beg to remain,
Very respectfully yours,
F. F. WlllTTKklN.
-You will save money by waiting
until Court Week to buy your Clothing,
Hats, Boots, Shoes, Dry Goods, &c,
for the Fall, of Holemau it Hopkins,
at thoir room next door to Central
House. Como one, como all, aud seo
our prices.
I -t.
Chah. Gardner.
New Meat Market in Ticnesta.
The undersigned having open a
new market in Tionesta will hcrcaftcr
supply tho people with fresh meats of
all kinds ut very low prices. Givo us
u trial. Platni.u & Waltuuj.
. Notice
Is hereby given that parties who havo
or thall hereafter cut timber or other
wise -trespass on lauds in Howe, Kings
ley or Jenks towubhip?, brluiigitig la
tho Fuuk Estate, will be prosecuted
to the full e.teut of tho law.
I'Ynk 1Ihi:h.