The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, September 01, 1880, Image 5

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    A Not Unpleasant Discord.
Sure novor yet two lovors lived,
Since first shone monn nmi sun,
Whoso " souls knew but ft single thought ,
Wlic lond hearts beat ns 0110,"
Aa nearly as do llalph'a and niinn,
So many, many things
Delight ns lioth. Our lav'rito flow'r
Are those that summer brings;
Wo road and lore the scll-saiuo books;
One poet we adore;
One sour above all other sonp.s
Wo practice o'er and o'er.
And yet upon one subject wo
Must always disagree;
I will not yield the slightest jot,
And npt as firm is ho.
It is which is the higher type
Ol beauty, dark or lair.
" The brown for me," says Ralph, while I
For " blue and gold " declare.
Anil this discordant note we struck
The first week thtt we met,
And I've no doubt a score ol yeats
Will find it sounding yet.
'lis strange; but then Ralph's very blondo,
And I woll, I'm brunette.
Harper'i Weekly.
A good conversationalist may make
himself hoard at a feast, but the small
boy takes the cake.
A man is supposed to be in his prime
at forty, unless lie knocks his priming
out before that time.
No matter how warmly a man may
love his country's flag, he is never
happy to see the hen-sign in his garden
patch. Boston Transcript.
Professor, II. M. Paul, of the naval ob
servatory at Washington, has gone to
Japan to become professor of astronomy
at the University of Tokio.
One kind word spoken to a tramp may
cheer his whole future life. Remember
this when you see him walking off with
your ax and fifty feet of your garden
Iron is rolled so thin at the Pittsburg
(Pa.) rolling mills that 10,000 sheets are
required to make a single inch in thick
ness. It is as flexible as tissue paper,
and quite as thin.
"Are you brothers P" asked a gentle
man of two little boys. " Yes, sir."
"AreyoutwinsP" "Yes, sir." "How
old are you?" "Amos three and I's
five," was the astounding reply.
It makes a young man feel very much
a3 if some thin?3 in the world were all
vain to sing " Came to my bosom, come,
love," uudcr a window, and then hap
pen to see a sign " To Let " on the door.
The ancient black glass of the Vene
tians is now so closely imitated as to
defy detection. The process is to use a
mixture of sand and sulphur, with an
addition of fifteen per cent, of manganese.
Mr. Thomas Dixon, the workingman
to whom Mr. Ruskin wrote the letters
afterward published under the title "By
Wear and Tyne." has just died at his
- English home. He was by trade a cork
cutter, was a remarkable man for his
class, and took great interest in all lit
erary and artistic matters.
An Incentive.
Judicious praise is an incentive to
effort. Praise your children if they de
serve it, and don't be afraid it will make
them conceited; merited compliments
serve rather to make persons satisfied
with themselves and agreeable, rather
than vain and overbearing. If your
child is pretty let her know you think
ro. Many a girl has been made timid
and self-distrustful for life, because her
parents thought it their duty to con
vince her that she was plain end unat
tractive. Asa rule, those who have the
greatest gifts and talents are not the
ones who are best satisfied with them
selves. They absolutely need encour
agement from inferiors to buoy theai
up. A well-timed compliment doe3
them good. It nvkes sensitive people
wretched to have their delects pointed
cut and commented on, with no allu
sion to their redeeming virtues. As for
men, they never m ike any effort which
they think will end in failure; make a
man think he can do what he undertakes
and he exerts all his powers and will
frequently come off victorious in spife
of many obstacles, and in face of all
discouragements. If blame is needed,
don't lestrain it: but if ou can con
scientiously praise a well-meaning
effort, do it. There is no knowing
what good you wul accomplish.
The Chinese lu New Toil.
The Jew York correspondent of the
I?utl:wo (jowiir writes as follows: The
Chinese in New Yotk, where they be
come more nnd more numerous very
last, care a great deal more about money
than about religion. One of the charges
against the Cliinese, by the way that
tney ciont nmrv is not ouite true
Some of tlietu do marry when they can
Kei whim! wives, a L-mnaman ana a
white girl went to the major's office the
other day, and w ere made man and wife
A short time before another Chinaman
and a white woman, who aDDcareci ai h:s
wife, were in the police court to settle a
row about the name of their baby. The
taste of the white girls who take washee
washee husbands can hwdly be com
mended, but the washee-washee men
aon't care much about the taste, I sup
pose, so long as they get wive3. There
n already some talk about asking the
legislature to lorbid this kind of mis
cegenation, but what it may amount to
I cannot say. As yet there is no sign of
a special demand for Chinese servant.
Piobably not more than fifty of the 2,500
Chinese in New York are emoloved in
ttiia way. I understand that some who
have tried Cainamen have been slad to
get rid of them after a few weeks. Tnere
is no particular complaint, but a Bort of
general dissatisfaction.
Itemovlug Odors.
According to the Druggists' Circular,
ground mustard, mixed with a little
water, is an excellent agent for cleans
ing the hands after handling odorous
substances, such as cod liver oil, musk,
valerianic acid and its salts. Scale pans
and vessels may also be readily freed
from odor by the same method. A.
Hubpr states that all oily needs, -when
powdered, will answer this purpose. la
tho'cae of. almonds and mustard, the
development of eth -real oil, under the
influence of water, may perhaps help t
destroy foreign odors. The author
mentions that the smell of carbolio acid
may ba removed by rubbing the hand
with damp 11 ixieed raeal. and that cod
liver bottles may be cleansed with a little
of the same, or olive oil.
First-Class Snake Stories.
"Do you want some items about
snakes?" asked an agricultury-rural-looking
gLntlrrann of the Eagle's city
editor the other day.
"If they are fresh and truo." re
sponded the editor.
"Exactly," replied the fanner.
" These items are both . Nobody knows
'em but me. I got a farm down on the
island a pice, and there's lots of Fnakrs
on to it. Near the house is a pond about
six feet deep. A ween ago my little
f irl jumped into the pond, and would
lave drowned il it had not been for a
snake. The snake seen her and went for
hep and brought her ashore The par
ticular point about this item is" the way
that he did it."
"How was itP" asked the city cd
" It was a black snake thirty feet long,
and he just coiled the middle of himself
around her neck so she couldn't swallow
any water, and swum ashore with his
head and tail. Is that a good itcmP"
" Firsc class."
" You can spread it out, you know.
After they get ashore the girl pitted the
snake on the head, and it went off as
pleased as Punch. Ever since he comes
to the house regular at mealtime., and
she feeds him on pie. Think you can
make anything out of that itemr"
uertainly. ivnow any more c
Yes. I eot a baby six months old.
He's a bov. We generally sit him out
on the grass of a morning, and he hol
lers like n bull all day; at least lie used
to, but he don't any more. On'1 morn
ing we noticed he wasn t hollering, ana
wondered what was up. When we
looked, there was a rattlesnake coiled
ud in front of him scanning his features.
The boy was grinning and the snake
was grinning. lUmeby the snake
turned his tail to the baby and backed
his rattle right into the baby's fist."
What did .the baby doF"
4 Whv he iust rattlad that tail so you
could hear it three-quarters of a mile.and
the snake lay there and grinned. Every
morning we found the snake there, until
one day a bigger snake came ana the
baby played with his rattles just the
same till the first snake came back. He
looked thin and I reckon he had been
sick and sent the other to take his place.
Will that do for an item?"
Immensely," replied the city edi
"You can fill it about the confidence
of childhood, and all that, and you
might say something about the blue-
eyed cherub. His name is Isaac. Pjj
that into please my wife."
I will do it. Any more snake
items 1"
" Lcmme see. You have heard of hoop-
6nakes ?" '
" Yes, often."
" Just so. Not long ago we heard a
fearful row in the cellar one night. It
sounded like a rock-blast, and then there
was a hiss and things was quiet. When
I looked in the morning the ciaer bar
rel had busted. Bat we didn't lose
much cider,"
How did you save it P"
It seems that the staves had busted
out, but before they could got away four
hoop-snakes coiled around tne barrel and
tightened up and held ic together until
we drew it on in bottles, lhat s the
way we found 'em, and we've kept 'em
around tho house ever since. We're
training 'em for shawl straps npw. Does
that strike you iavoraoiy lor an item r"
Enormously," responaea tne city
You can fix it up so as to show how
quick they were to get there before the
staves were blown off. You can word in
the details."
Of course. I'll attend to all that.
Do you think of anything moreP"
" 1 don t call any to mind just at pres
ent. My wife knows a iot of snake
items, but I forget 'em. By the way,
though, I've got a regular living curi
osity down on my place. One day my
oldest boy was sitting on tho back stoop
doing his sums, ana lie couian t get em
right. lie felt sometning against lits
face, and there was a little snake coilpd
up on his shoulder and looking at the
slate. In four minutes he had done all
the sums. We've tamed hira bo he
keeps all our accounts, and he is the
lightningest cuss at figures you ever
seen. He'll run up a column eight feet
long in three secondj. I wouldn't take
a reaper for him."
" What kind of a snake is heP" in
quired the city editor, curiously.
"The neighbors all call him an
"Oh, yes! yes!" said the city editor,
a little disconcerted. " I've heard of the
species. When did all these things hap
pen P"
" Along in tho fore part ot tho spring,
hut I didn't say anything abont 'em,
'cause it wasn t the season lor snake
items This is about time for that sort
of thing to begin, ain't it?"
" Yes." chipped in the exchange cdi-
ior. " You couldn't have picked out a
better time for- your snake s'.ori' s
Brooklyn Eag'e.
Fnslisli Landscape.
" Gath " writes from London to the
Cincinnati Enquirer:
The journey over England is refresh
ing to the eye of the American. Hi sees
lew sunny tin's or prospects, but also
few offensive contrasts, such oh a brand
new country interposes to nature with
its slovenly worn fences and stiff, white
barns and houses. Here the landscape
is humid, yet warm with rocks, heaths,
and red houses and brown thatches and
slacks. Stons or brick walls go every
where, and lnnniteiy numerous canals
and railroads require so many arched
bridges that the mason and the gar
dener seem never out of sight. The
land is cultivated as carefullv as quilts
are patched and hemmed. Towns rise
and fall out of sight like clusters of
grapes to the lips of Tantalus. The sta
tions are neat and picturesque; the
people swarm like bees ; the railroad is
a grand Roman viaduct, built to last
forever, with its line kept like an end
less garden or park, and its trains light
as coupes behind a toy engine. New
England was not ii:-named lor its re
semblance to England by Captain Jolin
Smith - its rocky spires, green valleys.
Jittle rivers. i.nd broken coasts nnl
clumps of mountains indicating the
numidiandot Albion. JNo doubt tnis
is a land of love, both for its antiquity
and present industrial glory. A great,
virile, cold-grained, vet affectionate race
is here, anchored on the Bafe rock of self
interest, with irrelevant customs and
institutions, but such unequal ad van
tages and civilization that there is al
ways a contented majority to do the
rough work of peace or war. I would
not be an Englishman, yet I can see how
iiu migm uae li
lt would seem tuat the entire absence
ol sunlight on the deep-sea bottom has
the same effect as the darkness of caves,
in reaueing io a rudimentary condition
me eves oi it lnUatuUnt.
Japanese Shows.
They never cheat you about a show
in Japan least of all, a wax-figure
show. They give you a sample, on a
small slago in front, and, if it suits, you
may take in the whole for a considera
tion of two cents. We liked tho sample
aiUB7.ingly, and allowed no ungenerous
economy to debar us from seeing all.
We were admitted inside the rope which
was keeping off the rabble, and, walking
through tho dust for there was no
floor, and tho whole was arranged like
tho animal side-show of a country cir
cus went round a circle wfiere on
either side were small raised booths
containing groups of figures. It was
Mrs. Jarley's wax-works translated into
Japanese. . Tho old lady was replaced
by a diminutive Jap, whose explana
tions were neither voluble nor intelli
gible, but he did turn a crank, and they
every one "did the thing they died n
doin' on." Two fierce and farious war
riors in admirable tragic attitudes and
handsome suits of old armor stabbed
each other to tho death. A swarthy
Othello bent over and menaced with his'
sword an aristocratic-looking Dcsde
mona, whose palo face and moving,
parted 15 p9 wore an expression of
intense terror. A dying monster, half
brute, half human, with pointed ears
like the marble faun, and a satyr-like
face, rolled his eyes nnd raised his up
per lip in horrible grins, while his mur
derer, a magnincent-looking fellow,
stood over him with a triumphant
smile and one shapely foot upon his vic
tim's chest. There were at least a dozen
groups of this kind, and all equally in
teresting. The modeling of the feet and
hands was superb, and the mechanism
which caused the moving ot the figures
worked to a charm. Some of them were
grotesque and impossible, probably
mythological or legendary figures, while
others were wonderfully modeled and
very lifelike. We voted this a liberal
two cents' worth, and immediately set
out to find another show which should
be as good. Attracted by a tremendous
banner witli an untranslatable figure on
it, we went into another place,' taking
it on trust this time, as there was no
sample show. We found, oh, wonder
of wondjrs! a large elephant and a
small but highly appreciative native
audience. The keeper was explaining
things in a high, nasal, eingsong voL-e
worthy of an American showman, and
when out of breath was relieved by an
other keeper in a different key, who
proddod the elephant at regular inter
vals and induced him to do some simple
tricks. But the mixed odor of ele
phant fodder, and natives was too
much for us, intcusided as it
was by the hot sun shining
through the canvas, which was
all that intervened between us and
heaven, so we left to patronize a shoot
ing gallery across the way. The chief
attraction there was a bright, nrettv
Japanese girl who, instead of having
her hair dressed as is the custom, suf
fered It to hane loose. It lei in rich.
black masses to her waist, and gave her
opportunitie3 of coquettishly putting it
back with an extremely graceful ges
ture of the 6hapely hands and arms
which she was not charry of showing.
She was chaperoned by an ugly mamma,
with sable teeth and charred eyebrows,
who did not in the least discourage her
coquettishness. We kneeled on mats
and shot with small slender bows and
blunt arrows at a metallic target, which
rang when hit. It didn't ring when we
shot, much to the amusement of the
pretty girl, who smilingly. derrecit-
ingly, and with many glances, showed
us what a clever marksman she was. We
paid our microscopic reckoning when
we ma done, ana rather than oflend. ac
cepted a cup of abominable tea at her
hands. It was altogether a novel sort
of archery, with as'much flirting and
much more novelty than the average.
By the time we had finished the tea the
novelty of the Asakusa had begun to
wane, and so naa tne aiternoon. Cheap
puotograpu galleries aid not at tract us.
and we were already surfeited with tea
houses. Corrcspondena Sm FrancUa
Quebec is lighted by lanterns, as it
was you years ago.
If the chances ol recovery lor an adult bo so
mall when unnecessarily strong ii edicine be
need, how much smaller must be the chances
ot a baby when dosed, with opiates and other
powerful medicines. Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup
i int remeuy lor tne diseases ol children
Price 25 oenua bottle.
Ar. Tnu Not In .a.od Health 1
1 the Liver is the sourco ol your tionble,
vou can find an absolute remedy in Dr. BAH.
ford's Liveu Inviookator, the only vogola
lo cathartic whieli acta directly on tho Liver.
Cures all Bilious dixrasrs. For Book address
Dr. Sasforu. 102 Broadway, New York.
The Voltaic Belt Co., Marshall , Mich.,
Will Hfeml tiuiir Kii'p.t.rn.Vfiltu:.. lt,.h. rt k.
afflicted upon 30 days' trial. See their adver
tisement in this puner headed. On SO Day'
TViol "
we My Insistence.
Abigail S. Coles, of Moorestown, Burling.
ton Co., N. J., says: "EighUon months &o
I had dropsy around the heart. My phy.i-
lans and lriends despaired ot my ever get
ing well. The first bottle of Hunt's Kemedy
gave me great reliet . I loel I owe my very
existence to Hunt s Kemedy, and I am deeply
thankful. Trial size, 70 cents.
SIetucuem, N. J.. Auk. 20. 1879
Messrs. Ely Bros., diuccisu, Oweao. N. Y.
Being seriously troubled with hay lovor and
rose cold, 1 (at the earnest solicitation of
Iriend) tried your preparation, "Cream Balm,
and was agreeably surprised in obtaining
almost immediate relief. I heartily indorse
it and earnestly recommend it to all similarly
kuiiuwu. vtuy respecuuuy yours, etc.,
W. P. Andrcs, druKfeist.
Vegetine is composed of Roots, Barks and
Herbs. It is very pleasant to take; every
child likes it-
The Labit of running over boots and shoos
corrected with Lyon s Patent Heel Stttfjiiers.
roii Tins camimiuiv.
Taa Krw Toma Wtuu Sen will be found useful
Mutllirjr by all ho are earnestly working for tbe reform
of tbt KaUonal Government. Ihrougtioul Die Preiideo.
tlal canvaas of 1880 Tax Sox wlil give Us readers a full.
tear, and uooest report of events and opinions. Beller
lng that the evils which have so loug beset tbe country
can be cured only by a change of the party in power. It
will support for President and Vice-President, Hancock
and English, the nominees of the N atlonai Republican
Democracy. It will also support snch candidates In titt
Congres districts as may give the best promise of keep
ing the National Legislature out of tbe grip of fraud
bribery, and corruption, and la tbe control of common
Sense and patrlotlim.
To all those who sympathlie with our purpose, we
commend the circulation of Tin Weekly Su.
In order that they may inobt tttu-lci.tly co-operate with
us, we will seud Tun Wllhy bis tJ clulis, or stable
subscribers, postpaid, fur twenty Ave cents till
the Presidential election. As this barely covers curt.
there will be no discounts for orders however large.
Ealae clubs In every school district.
Five dollars will pay for twenty subscriptions for lha
camps igo.
Address TBI SVN, k.w York Ctty.
Mirth at Home.
A merry heart docth good like a
medicine, but a broken spirit drieth the
bones, declares the wisest of men. A
swift appreciation of the ludicrous is
the happy birthright of some fortunate
people, but there are those who never
sec a joke quickly, and whoennnot com
prehend why it makes others laugh,
even afler it has been duly explained.
If, as the rrcverb says, laughttr is
medicinal, they are much o he pitied.
They aro not cushioned against tho
sharp corners and hard (knocks of life.
There is a conrso wit that is allied to
buUbonery and may descend to inde
cency, and the less we have of that the
better, The brightness and buoyancy
which makes the day cheerful; which
lift the wearied and the ill from their
depression, and which impart courage
when disaster seems imminent, are price
less gilts. The aicrry making the best
of tilings, seeing the silver edge along
the thickening clouds, remembering
how much worse misfortune might have
befallen, and being cheery when others
are discouraged, how noble are these
qualities when put in practice and how
brave they may b. I agree, in a mea
sure, with the brilliant French woman,
who said that "the joyousness of a
spirit is an index of its power," words
true for all time. It should be a mat
ter of conscience with us to maintain
serenity of outward appearance at all
Jack Ince had just fitted up his saloon
at Arkana, Texas, with a fine black wal
nut bar. Tom Daly, a desperado, took
a drink at the new counter and then be
gan to carve his initials with a bowie
knife on its polished surface. Ince pro
tested without avail, and then com
manded Daly to stop. " I'm going to
cut this bar or you, and I don't care
which." was the retort. "You won't
do either." said Ince. and shot tho bullv
T th hsftct In fha Wa-1.1 ft U ksv n i. si .
bt'st fvr Meilklnal Turpoic. It U tlic bott for .taking aud
ma k auuij t,rs. ovtu uj ui LTU1BIJ AUU UiOtf IV,
The Great Remedy lor THE LIVER,
Thpiw prrcat crrona er tho KntunJ rlriuiwrnnf
thpK.vsti-in. If th y work wvil. I.rnlth will l tn'r
fwt, if they bpi-oinecloift-wl, (Ireailful 1imcpis rp
developed IxvauN) the blood is olw.r,c-d wilhtlic
humors that should tiaro lx'n eipolh-d natLrel.v.
KIPNEY-WORT will . .:e natural aol i n,
and throw olf the disease, i. r.umml hnve been
cnrcvl. and all iiiht M. ' - -- by all DnimrlMts
By his pers nsl frlcml, MAJOR HLNDY, Killtor M. T.
Mail, is tin only edition to which ;-u. UorllrM has
K veil personal ntii-iitii.ii or fuels. Illustrated,
printed and bound. Full lengili steel portrait by Hail,
from a picture taKon expressly for this work. Active
Ascent Wanted, l.itieral terms. Send wl.tiu at
yi.vv km toTiijijcia i mm. A. . IIAIOIUI a VO-
111113 William Street, New York.
hiTSu nu liftTfl'
Krrry truth i Ms
proprriy iNc.Uvtl from
m;en. y for tha Sure
ty W lii4low Pailrn
Inff" In your county
im i. NtMis evorwi:T'
tUttlKht liiin.Hnic jnf
ilH. TlTlUB friH. All
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MAN' aetvta.14. .
representing the choicest selected Tortotae-Shell and
Amber. The lightest, handsomest, and strongest known.
Sold by Opticians and Jewelers. Mads by BPKKCKH
O. U. CO., 13 Maiden Lane, New York.
John H. McCowan A Co., Cln'tl, O.
A QiBt-daiM Preparatory an., AcAltrulcal Srhool fnr
rmii Be acb. o iuaeu iout un n rvuiin 01 ..tnisriwvu.
Kiitlrtt i-in nu-i MA.n ifr var. F.akv of a.tvti by mil.
rare atmut t3 from Albany or htnhamton. A'Mrt'Mlha
Principal, hir. JAA1KS I'll til Kit, A. it., LUitwiU
Bemiuary, QtwgQ Co., N. Y.
is sar, hMff fan iw M 3
N k.H aJTlIaaawfarU
air v. ?;
... fWI"4. A1.m. LU. UON2ALKS,
iV.rJ.K...,, aat
l.b .11. Kx fa.
paaat. I..pj.y. Raa.lj ar)
ltol r.(. TVraa waa.
I oata kaaxt
ul crnaia in nrt
t M1T.I 4
our WELL AUGER u tbe
cheapest, borua the fan tost. We are the oldest and
laryoat ftrin in America. Send for our pictorial
cuuuuguo. UMTibXaiKSMir aijo.iUinctLtjo, 111.
riAT)V T)ITk IIKCKIPT (with full
ll. J 1 il J, direc tions to nuik. on.
equ;il U) thohe sold r-r iJ to for oij.'-Tlnrtl the intmcy
nd Ke e Ms for :SO kinds ot I . k . . II cuiort :ti is l.y 1.
UUDIn.i:. Ad'lrrMll. lll.KUSOK, V M ..Aivara'In.Telna.
KE IYT CAHPF.TIl20t04rie.peryard.FF.L.T
1.11.1 f lor room, in p'.ac of P.nUr. 1 fcL,T
HOUFIiH i aud NllllitU. For circular and
Banip e, a ldrm C. J. FAY, Cmudtn, X. Jersey.
111011 Iti. K t-ry uratluati ft
a ;loii. Adiliesa K. Valfiitme, Ait
Learn Teleuraptiy and
earn SIO to alUUs
ftuarunteed a pivlni situ.
unager, jauesmie, w u.
Norwich University, SiM
iu- College,
Korthftcld, Vt. Epenss inoiirute. f ni l lor 1 ir-
cuar. H. M. hi Mil At (ill, Counuau lai.l.
Heat Crayon Portj-alta. 12xlV
tmU IO ct.. by mall. A so othei ran-
PUDCICI n d dues. Ak-ents Wanted. (iKO,
UAnrlCLU. Pfciu.SH, ltio Nassau tit , New Yoik
HnT)n rlfl Ricb ; Cheap Lands; healthy, orderlj
nlin I n Ir.AA gooacroim. auures. e..
ilium, liruham, I'uuug Co., 'ieiua,
Young Men wanted for mercantile bouses, hole s, res
taurant... store., seaside resorti. and .leainooata t-'a't or
adilrees Maiilmtlan Afiency, I Hi) llroadway, N. Y.Cily
Horphlna Iliblt t'i.rd la IS
toltadHya. Novay tilll'ttrea,
lm. J. biiu-uicNti, Lebauonj UhliA
rCWTC WAMTFn Best chanc ever ofTered to
AUC.I1 Id VtfAHIItU make money. Sample free.
Address MH1AL, ax Kir t;ci., t remuiu, Ktmu,
i tilth! Vr: A.Vltf
Y. O. VICfKKKV. Au,u5(.i, MaliiP.
S-a I B 7, H-.-t be.ilnn ArlMcs iu the nor tl; a
J OJ iaii Ire. J.I likuM.iK. I'.'H , ! h II.
iWEil. lt a day st home easily made. Costly
faint He. aduiM isus s ua-i .. --
coaFOuno IT il
rMisjMi, U
15 to $20 KS,,;ssSi -&'
Dr. Callicr Surprised,
Vegetine Cured His Daughter.
CALI ittnaviLLR, Clitlton Co., Mi., 1
Msy 15, 187H. f
liBr Blr My dmisliter haa been llllotrt with
Nasal Catarrh, Affection of lltaddrr and Kidneys,
and la of norof tilonn dlalhosla, anil, aftor bavlnR
exhausted my skill and the moat eminent jihynl.
eiana of Helms, I at laat resorted ta th me ol
your VicriKTiNit (without contlilence), and, to my
grrat sitriirlKn, my dnUKbtnr has been reatoted to
health. I write this as a simple act of Juallce, and
not aa an advertising medium.
Worked LIH a Charm L'nred Kail
Rlicnm nnd Hrjslpclu.
7S CornT Bt.. Bomb. N. Y.. July 10. 1HTB.
Mn. IT. 11. Htkvkns :
Pear Hir-One yenr eao lust fall mv lUtlo lry had
a breaking out of Kryviprlaa lid Halt Hheitin, till
face lictiig one mattered sore of the worst dmnrlp.
tion. Notielnir your adverllnement In tho piipeia,
1 purchased two bottlea of the Vkoktink, and, with I
the two bottles, my ami waa cured. I never t :
anything like the Yk.of.tinb: It woiked 1'ke 1 1
charm, I hnv-been rity watchman at Homo f 01
years. This testimonial la graiiiitou.
xours, respectfully,
Remarkable fare of Scrofulous Face
Wbstvinstib. Conn.. June 19. 1(179.
Kit. H. It. Strvrnr:
Dear Hlr 1 can toatlf v to the good effect of your
Motliclno. My little boy had a scrofula e.ire break
ont on bis bead aa largo as a quarter of n . dollar,
and It went dowu hla face from one ear to the
other, under hla neck, and wan one aolld mas. of
aorea. Two bottlea of your valuable Veobtini
completely cured him. Tonra, reapertfuhy,
A1K. U. It. lUAlUUMl.
H. R. STEVENS, Boston, Mass.
Vegetine is Sold by all Druggists
CII MHl:il, f -V INSTmTR (eataWUlwd W),
Itanilolpli, N. Y. du the A. A (i. W. II, It., in the
Vhtmtawtun Iaiw renton. A well-civlowed and aucees!-
fful s-'iiunary lor lotli hxps. The ntinl l.itirnry liep.irt
nienis and a very noniishlnii (' S. ImxiI nnd
MiikIc l)i virlui('iit. Xi2 il llrreiit students Inst ye.i". P11 e
air, iiiuunuin-mirliip water, li .ol fiHid and eiiivrul niper-
1.11m. neaiii. 111 .m jea a. niinowiueiiia aucri 111.1
re will recrlve u alii'iei.t (total exn. -use) for 1 'I'.r.n
fur 50: for 1 vrar. Cataiouiie sent frea
on appllmtloii to the I'rlnclp.ii, PKOK. J. T. KUW AKDS,
v. u. ran lerui opens AtiKii.t
Threr four-rear mnrRPS ClftMdUal. I.tln-Rclentin. and
ffctrntirto. 1 arue rniie of f.ln tive ttuJion In ;uli omrfl
Fine MutMMim, I nlKtrtitory, fin-1 observatory. Post-tMvlu-te
ctmrwii In I-ltcnituri' anl Sclcure. No prop irnlory or
profYnsioiiAl roinws. Free Scliolaishlps for lu liuin tuj
meritorivju ntuili nts.
hi mm ice Kxunmall n, Nrpt. mil.
ForCftUluKUCSsi.KlifM WM. NoltTII HK K,
SciTf Ury of Kii'-iilty. .
Is the " Original " Con vntrated and Reliable Family
Soap Maker. Hlrectiona aocoiii)inuy eath ('an for niakltii
llitrd, ho ft and 'i'olttt Moap q'lkkiy. It la full
wei-ht and Ktrendli. Auk your grocer for N.Vl'UA !
11 Kit, and take noollierr.
ailliaas t Oct. Conpler botd c sht'id ODly SU7.7:,
K.w 1'iaiioa BIU.1 to IAl(l. I'.efore Too hov an In
.liu'iieiit Insure In i'p uij . iKl-suminer oftiir iVrufiuletf
. Address DA.MBLf. BKAl'l V, Wanhluttou. N. i
Republican Manual !
CAMlMIUlI OF lHNIi. History. Prtmlples,
Early l.enlers. mil Ai lileveuienWof the Kenuhllrau l'arty
Willi full Moiri)Oihl,H ,,r 11 . It a. . w ...
Til 1' It. Ity K. V. Sa.i.i iiv. of the New York Trtlmne.
a oooa waniLii n every mi.Mient voU-r. The best of
all arsenals from which to iiiaw lumimmllon forrnnii "'KD
use. An elrcant cloth-lKiuiid vo.mne st a fraction of the
usual cost, 1'iice, AO rents; postage. 7 ci'iits. Circular
sent free. For sale hy the leading houkael'iT 111 every
Tnlmiie llulldlng, New York.
: KircMif i
will Host tl vol v Clll-e I'pluulo X'eakneHH. anoh n. Vnll
Ina of the Womb, Whltos, Chronlo Inlluiiimntlou 01
Ulcerutliin of t he W0111I1, Ini'ldoiitnl HeniorrhHKeor
FliHKlIng, 1'alnful, KiiiiroKci and Irregiiliir Mens
triiatnm, &c. An old mid i-ollublo remedy. rkMid poa
tnl I'nril for a piimiilih't, wl! h treatment, cure nnd
certlllcHtfH friiin iihyxlrhi js ami pal ionlH, to lluw
arth ft Itilliinl, Ullcu, .N. Y. bold by all UruicKhiu
I f.l ix r Untie
Tb-la CI aim-House EatablUhed 1809.
New Jjniv. Thousands of soldiers and heirs entitled.
Pensions date back to discharge or death. 2n kmUaL
Addrebs, with stamp,
iF,01K E, ,EMOH.
P. O. Drawer a , WaaiUitKton, . C,
Of the ladles of Cey'onts
world-renowned. While
lucre as. uilr-slouary I had
the good fot tune of doing
a irreat favor to one of the
Coint ladles, (ivcrcome
V.1I11 cratltude, alia ijave
nie the secret of her
lou Knowlna how many poisonous chemica:. are u.-d
by uiy sex, aud actuate.i l.y a desire to do good, 1 will,
upon receijit f .tainp, forward, postpaid, the above
hecelrt. Address r r
WrjAJU. KC HFIl', Hoc he.ler, TV.T.
Many peop'e are aitlli-.t. '. wllL vaea loathsome dlseasai
but vaiy few ever art iom themi till-, is owing U
Impr. per treatment onbj 4. ther are lea lllv cui.u . 1)
piopriy treated, iln, ... no idie low.t but a f a. t I have
proven over aud ot- acnln by my treatment. Bei.d foi
my little Hook. ,i It at Ut will you ad about lliew
natters and wlio 1 am. My Ure Book, Hi pages, octavo;
arlc, SJ v mail. Addrrss
iili.CH bllOl M AHEll, Aaral Surgeon.
.leaning, rm.
JJESTEY & C2 BrattleboroVI
SiXTirs. 5 for !lflr.; ?nt by mnll,
d. Snyder t C'u., No. C tmtlmm.N . Y.
if-Mli Worlds Exhibition
e vji
friT'rcrri.0 ex the best ryr-ire1
Ok- r r r. r Wrt k - IV I ;r a y
y.Vv ... rf--- IV.J $5 PER MONTH f OR
tftrWt N00T"ER ltM0NTHS,0R$6J8
4 V'.V i'liAMERICANORGANS : i- ' 1. - d PER QUARTER FOR C'4 (rM.
W. i T AHfttlNV RFFM AWaRnFR - if-:-: iil0OUARTD!aellPlf;ARS . iZe
Kl.Jy- such at any. CATALOGUES TRllM
'-.- - Vi
" .8.o r.
" " " Oi a : t
Ton have rrnil tliU mil Ire nlinut twenty
flinra before. Hut (lid you e er nttui'ou the anniiea
tlon ao often made, u.'ime .v: 'lo n.k any boot and shoe
dealer for hoo'K with s;oitilrli ti'a lNileiit lr e
siierMfrel III vet I'rotrrlril nla 1 ('uirunterrl
tooutHear a"y Sole e i-r made. If you have not, do ao
the vet v n- xt time you wniit h.ota i-r allocs Willi soles
that v.111 wear like Iron nnd save repairs, and don't you
buy any other.
My references are any Sewing Machine Company or
their nKcntt in 1 1 1 In. couutrv.
JO Church St., Worcester, Muss., and IO lloyuo AT.,
ChlcriKO, 111. .
HT ll-No :i . .
Important to tho Fair Sex !
. V;.
TflR RAT FN.MS!I Tl'CM KVY. onvm rrniomfw
horn, (or wliit,) Pnii.tnl Monntnuilinn, (lo'ini.ion,lviw Uisofttww, Anjwtnt Alonntnmtwm, nil dnorr known
ti ioTiinln wnnknfriv 'l'h'y hrivo Ihth nl Iti Fiiwlnnd
l"f yvnrn rut a nolira. mid ron:iriirnr phi. Mold by nil
lriri:i;da nverywhoie. I'ricn ij.l.l t, jir ii.- nr six boxes
for 6.1.O1I, sent by mnil fn of nordicm, aeciicly ."nlwl.
Till': lOlAY iUKUIflNH t ., v
M01 Ii'itoiV I'.loolt, IVIroit, Mich. .
vTioleale Ap.Ti'y f"i II. M. t . J'li' aont Irrxi
II V I'lUT'l KN'CIIN."ilo A.- -lit New York '
Aisantaa tto tlZlAl. or BUXOR al (As UttUnmtuI anal
Fori! faeponllunM. ,
CcbiIis, Colis, Bfcncliitis, Asthma,
A ad s'l Thmat and l.ung Affection.. Indoed by On
fiena, rhyuclulia, clergy aud AlllkUd feoplo.
, Tn"V IT.'
' YOL'K KKMiiDY 13
Bold hy all Medicine IJealera.
2,000,000 Acrco
beat In the World, for sale by tba
St. Paul, Minneapolis & Manitoba R.B. CO,
Throe dollar per acre Allowed the tattler for braalr'
inf and cultiratiua. Fur particular apply to
Land C'omniUnloiifr, ht, lult Bllnn,
lun'V INiHslN'itStl I'KIIiL I 'O I NTS.
Ttii rim It1
I, Cfisf ltuti?,llT, Mini uiiUk'l uf frotsiittif
'f " . tuil ttiio im Mr-A runs, arbiter il .'1, 4, ut4 6 mi. 1
1 tba Iknta thua autxllhi; wUtr fittrt, hare mora ROirfkf
a U el'out, dvritt luora uuun bmotit frta thm ao4L
; U 3 m Itvuinc iii.' tin., n iu jirtv!ut bfttrr dfvvalupf-a
t fc.artie. brajj. Cct..1 f.,r lllnrtrcl lini.t, !
' I wna hi my hrnilicr Tnm' whrni, ninit a wf-rk titer, nni I
really tM'llevr tiicrv Is nur tiiinl iiiurt' win at u lu re tt asdnlld
with Vtijir Pnhitft. 1 din tnl. I Hit he Im l tiH fi-urni hhiih1 mw, itd
foti mi autft-fhret IicimI- iti tin rttint tt iidtli uf rtw K(iflnt forty
tun of IU- (.1.1 nv ,,( tlrilliiik'. . II. ( I, AVION.
Cititt-nK'ttiHii'tt Hank nf Mitltth'ttm.itfil., and fiirmtr."
"I tf hw-h'-l to tlie H' r' miirt' ulintt, vt lure I drl1lHl
with your roliit, than it It tho olt at W. J imtf tbt ru a lair
M-'Bt, ho liitt vim ii Tutor,
J i I H I II I , V T V . .Ml . Ml. I'll i-lit J'!.
Vrmtd Me tal
at rinlii'Vipl.ia
Silver Modal
III t r.nla
Aa KKjili.jn.
Tlila wonlorfnl wilstnii'-c Is iu'liii"vic'I'.'p.l hy pliyfiU
Clans lliH'iuhota tliti wuil t to le the 1'rst r'-me iv dift-roven-d
for Hit cure of Wi-uii lr1, I'.irus, Itlieuitiamirt,
Skin Dts'-KM-rt, Pllt'a, Cutartl), ( At-. In ordf
that evi-ty one may try It, It it put up In 1 mil 41 cent
htt lH for h"ii-c'Mtld uw. in t kin H fiiui .viiir dnii-'U'lBt,
and you will tiud 11 buierlur to unythind you have evei
d. w. rAYE & soxs, cortxiyo, nTy.
rutont Spiirk-ArreRtlny
tints, mount od unil on skldi.
Voitiriil Kimini'M with wro'l
boilern. Eureka Safety pow
ers with huetionul lioilcrs
can1! Iia siil..l.l All
XlWltll AtltOfllutit! Cllt-Offa.
Ml Tom 150 to $2,000.
Html for (Circular. 6tat0
where yuu saw this.
A;KXTS WAIVTBIS to soli ttia MKK vv
l.y in. I'uiinit'tc iu ninib mi. I iimiI'.iI ii iini, 4;cn, J . N.
Iiltlli I '. nu aiiihiir ut imv r.l,iilii Tli! nrk It
cnmiUtf. IH1A.WU, l.'i. -friml. I'ullv 11 li'Ml rulcil.
I'u.itivi ly in.. It-ft mul ci. -.1,11 h,,.i. .fiit i Hut (pcmL
Semi "ic. ( once for i unit. W nivp tiu lirsl li rum
Act gunk und vn at rolu iiimiry. lit CIS A KD
lllUia., I'ul.a., t f.X i.'lubiinit,lula.l-:.lii. V:.
We will sonit our Kltro-Vollalo li,-lls an, other
BltH trlc Applianreaupou tnul for ai) days to tliuse allli. t. I
w tli tiervout DrbilUy aud dMtittt of a ttrmmtl uuture
Also of the l.iver, Kidurys. Klmuiuutisui, l'
iiwri curt iuaraiUtni or no jiai.
litres. Voltaic Belt Co., MurhliaH, MlcU.
66 A W E EK. In yonr owu town, a arms and $5 OnTfll
' w ir."1 A 1 1 1 1 r. II II... aval. . . i i
.hi.m n. nai.LM.TT m ,v.t roriianti. aiuuiaj.
.V1-. ;-
- ..,1 .
vrfttwtt to $800 m
Kwj.1 I also - , e:&k y