FOR THE FA1RISEX. A French Nketeti of American I.lrl. Here is a pen-nnd-ink sketch of an American girl, which ia interestinn as showing hove a Yankee girl semis to French eyes: Stylish to the backbone, independent as independent can be, but very pure. Is devoted to pleasure, dress, spending money 5 shows her moral nature nude, just as it is, so as to de ceive nobody. Flirts all winter with this or that one and dismisses him in the spring, when she instantly catches another. Goes out alone. Travels alone. When the fancy strikes her she travels with a gentleman frienfljor walks anywhere with him; puts bound less confidence in him: conjugal inti macy seems to. exist between tliem. She lets him tell what he feels, talk of love from morning till night, but she never gives him permission to kiss so much as her hand, lie may say any thing; he shall do nothing. She is restless, she gives heart and soul to amupeniont before she marrie'. After . marriage she is a mo! her annually, is alone all day, hears all night nothing except discussions about patent ma chinery, uncxpiosive petroleum, chemi cal manures. She then will let her daughter j enjoy the liberty she used without grave abuse. As nothing seri ous happened to her, why should Fanny, . iuary, jenny De less strong and less adroit than their motherP She origi nates French fashions. Parisian women detest her. Provincial women despise her. Men of all countries aaore her, but will not marry her unless she has nn immense fortune. Her hair is ver milion, paler than golder hair; her blick eyes are bold and frank, she spreads her self in a carriage as if she were in a hpni mock, the natural and thoughtless pos ture of her passion for luxurious ease. When she walks she moves briskly and throws every glance right and left, (iives many of her thoughts to herself and ft w of them to anybody else. She is a wild plant put in a hot-house; feels cramped in Europe, and pushes her branches through the panes without the least heed of the frail plants that vege tate on all sides of her. Were she bet ter understood, were she criticised less, she would be esteemed at her true value. Fashion Notes. Muslin dresses are made with sur plice waists, shirred on the shoulders and at the waist. Polka dots appear on many dress materials, necktiej, hat scarfs, and rib. bons. The favorite handkerchief has a colored border, with polka dots or Chine-e zigzags in white. India mull trimmed with Lmgucdoc lace makes a rich and effective summer evening dress. Coils are still worn attlie back of the head; not exactly at the nape ot the neck, but a little higher. Flowers, jewels, and leathers are used lor evening coiffures and upon cere monious occasions. Violet, and various shades of this lovely color, including the heliotrope very fashionable. Elbow sleeves continue to be the most popular lor young ladies' dressy muslin and grenadine costumes. Evening toilets require a dressy and light style ot coiffure, with curls and soft puffs, but not braids. Nubias, hoods and shawls of ice wool are more in vogue than those ot Shetland floss or zephyr wool. Lnrge sailor collars of Madras and bandanna plaid handkerchief stuff are . trimmed with torchon lace. The choicest silk hose are so fine that the pair can be covered in the palm and closed Luprs of the hand. White t's veiiing costumes are made very dressy, with cashmere borders brightened with gold thread chain stitching. When an evening toilet is trimmed with roses, it is not unusual to see a band of small rosebuds around the top of the glove. The best way to remodel an old cash mere dress is to brighten it with bands and trimmings of Surah or Corah silk. Elaborate embroideries on white sum mer muslin dresses have almost super seded lace f jr ladies no longer in their teen3. White toile religieuse, white chudda. white India mull and white cashmere remain the favorite fabrics for festal occasions. Evening gloves are trimmed nt the top with several rows of side piaitings of lai-c, or with a lace insertion with the lace plaiting aiove it. As the stvles of dressing dm l 1 n i r hd come more and more simple, greater attention is paid to ornaments and the use of lace and ribbon for the hair. Black silk milts, woven in alternate concentric bands of plain stocking net, and lacu clocking, are lashionable with dresses of any color. Dressesof ecru or cream-colored cheese cloth are made up with tri-colored hand kerchief aprons, hip draperies and bodice trimmings in gay Madras plaids. Surah silk blouse waists, with scarfs of the same knotted on one sido and tas seled at the ends, are worn witli kilt skirts, of any material preferred, by girls "under fifteen. The handkerchief for best dressing is white linen Hwn, silk or batiste, hem stitched above a narrow border and em broidered in one corner only with the monogram or nn initial. A Boy's Strange Pet. Not long ago, near tho Temescal tin mines, in tins county, says a paper published in San Bernardino, Cal., ' a man named William Jenkins, lie had a small boy between two and three years old. It was observed for some time that this child spent the larger part of his time at play near a pile of rocks some distance from the house. The father took: occasion one day to follow his little boy soon after he had gone to his usual place of resort, when, to his horror, he discovered a largo rattlesnake coiled about the child, who was feeding the poisonous reptile from his hand. The father, almost paralyzed with fear, secured a stick, and, watching his opportunity, threw the 6erpent from the child and killed it. The boy was overcome with grief at the death of his pet, and would not be com fortcd for a long time. The snake was of the red variety, and about six feet in length. Prof. II. R. Palmer has recently re ceived the degree of Doctor of Musio from tlit University of Chicago. KISSING. A Verr Ancient Instltntloii nifterent Kormi and Mcnl Arance of KUitliift Knakespeare on the Suhjrrt Notable Kissers. Kissing is the oldest of all the inarticu late utterances of affection. The kiss has a history above 'all others. Men used it to Balute the heavenly bodies. A passage in Job, written B. C. 2130, illus trates this. It passed to the Greeks, and from them to the Romans, and denoted humility and homage. In Homer, Priam is represented as kissing the hands and embracing the knees of Achillp whilo Lhe sues for the dead body of Hector. Examples are numerous of this kind of kiss. The custom of kissing was unknown in England till 449, when tho Princess Rowena, daughter of Hcngist, king of Friesland, pressed her lips to the cup and saluted Vortigorn with a ' little kiss." From a passage in " Evelyn's Diary," it appears that men kissed each other in the streets of lxmdon toward the end of the seventeenth century. Tho Spanish conquerors found it the custom preva lent in the new world. The kiss of peace was anciently given by the faith ful one to tho other, as a testimony of cordial love and affection. After the priest had given the salutation of peace, the deacon ordered the people to salute one another with a holy kiss. It was also given before the Eucharist until the tweiitli or thirteenth century. Toward the end of the third century the kiss of peace was given in baptism. Henry II. of England refused to give Becket the kiss of peace, at that time the usual pledge of recoaciliation, in 1169. ShakesDcare was vrrv fnnrl Tou cannot read a single play of the "great master" without an abundance of talk about lins and kissm. Th fal lowing is taken from one of his very " He kissed tho last ot many double kisses." "We'll e'en but kiss Octav.a, and we'll lol low." " There is gold, and here My bluost veins to kins; a band that kings Have lipp'd, and trembling kissing." " Give me a kiss e'en this renavs me." " I shall return once more to kiss these lips.' This is a soldier's kiss." "Commend unto his lips thy iavoring hand: Kiss it, my warrior.'" "Come, then, and take the last warmth ol my Ufa And in Cymbelino ho says : " Or ATA T Give hiin that parting kiss, which I had flat. Betwixt two charming words, comes in my And, like the tyrannous breathing ol the Shakes all our buds from growing." KISSING NOT LOCAL. " ww iuuua(u, AUC iip9 though generally associated with the idea of kissing, are not the sole recipi ents. The forehead, cheeks and hands an come in ior a snare of the honor. And each one has in the rite a peculiar value and significance of its own. jviooua on iue coeex express regard, and head, which signify blessing and esteem a hey are much employe ! by aged peo r.flPA nf Kainn nn !.! mi vuu . kuv Livau uu vnn o w v wjt uuu-wiuu.iimii men tViarA ia IKa 1- r . . 1 y .e 10 mo jmikj vi UU3LOIU, me KISS Ol uuiy, 'ue pre-conjugai Jciss, the filial kl8S. tllfi TllflLvflll bins thn L-i-a f U trorn n.1 4-1.. 1-1 f ' . u niu 01 passionate aevo- uu nuu iuiuubu temperament : " A man hath given all earthly bliss, And all his worldly worth lor thi To waste his whole heart in one kiss." The Rev. Sidnew Smith aalA . TV are in favor of a certain amount of shy teis when a kiss is pioposed, but it should not be too long, and when the fair one gives it, let it be administered with warmth and energy let the e be a ROUl ill it,. Tf alii olnall him Anon --J sigh immediately after it, the effect is gicivtci. ouo suvuia De caretui not to slobber a kiss, .but give it as aiiumming bird runs his bill into a honeysuckle deep but delicate. There is much vir tue m a kiss when well delivered We Have tho memnrv of nun va ; . . . ...... v v. , 1 . I LI our mouth which lasted forty years, and wo uciicve ii wm Da one 01 tue last things we shall ihink of when we die." Gilbert Stuart, tho portrait painter, IS Said to havfl mor. n. lnsltr in flia of Boston who accosted Lim with: "Ah, Mr. Stuart, I have just seen your like- n.iuv4 ivi UWJUU30 lb VYtU) OO much like you." And did it kiss you in return?" "Wh nn" "Th the gallant painter, "it was not like uir. When Charles IT wna matr;n triumphal progress through England, vTnaiu country laaies wno were pre sented to him, instead of kissing the roval hand, in their simplicity held up biiwh iip to De Kissea dv tue king a blunder no -one would more willingly excuse than the lover of pretty Neil Gwyn. Georgiana, duchess of Devonshire, gave Steel, the butcher, a kiss for his, vote nearly a century since, and another equally beautiful woman, J ane, duchess of Gordon, recruited her regiment in a similar manner. A kiss from his mother made Benjamin West an artist. "Kiss me, mother, before I sleep!' How simple a boon, yet how soothing to the little suppliant is that soft, gentle kiss. The little head sinks contentedly on the pillow, for all U peace and happiness within. The bright eyes close, and the rosy lips are reveling in the bright and sunny dreams of in nocence. Yes, kiss mother, for that good-night kiss will linger in the mem ory when the giver lies moldering in the grave. The memory of a gentle mother's kiss ha3 cheered many a lonely wander er s pilgrimage, and has been tho beacon-light to illuminate his desolate heart; life has many a stormy billow to cross, many a rugged path to climb, and we know not what is in store for the little one so sweetly slumbering, with no marring care to disturb its peaceful areama. The parched and fevered lips will become dewy a?ain. as recollection bears to the sufferer's couch a mother's love, a mother's kiss. Then kiss your little ones ere they sleep; there is a magic power in that kiss which will endure to the end ot life. Troy Times. Here ia still nnnthoi- ( . i. does not like the country. Capoul. "'"s o i.i ttv cim k in me united States. Suva; "(lno in limn nDi. of ice water and milk with roast meat ana preserves." Couldn't the man eat ooiiea corn heei and drink hot tea for a C'hanpeP Who thr-rA nn Puno i r. - Vifl3 nun turkey or pork and beans to be found ? v ny lum Jiiswuiousness, mis clinging to four articles of food ? -Boston V TV icripi. The invalid' hnna . ' " a.l WVJUUU All ot ler remedies u iJUuis. TIMELY TOritS, A German chemist has furnished nn exceedingly cheap and simple plan of testing tue amount ot water in miU. All (hat is required is a small quantity (say an ounce) of gypsum.- This is mixed with the milk to tho consistency of la stiff pnstc. and then allowed to stand. With a milk of 1.030 specific gravity, anu a temperature of sixty de grces Fahrenheit, the mixture will harden in ten hours; if twenty-five per cent, of water is present, it will harden in two hours; if fifty per cent., in an hour anil a Halt ; it seventy -live per cent. i i i . in imriy minutes. The Electrician says that the Hfo of a suomarine teiegrapn cable is from ten to twelve years. If a cab o breaks in deep water after it is ton years old, it . l urkj r . . . ennnub ob mica ior repairs, as it will break of its own weight, and cable com panies are compelled to put aside a largo reserve fund in order that they may b.i prepared to replace their cables every ten years. The action of the sea eats the iron aw.iv cnmnlAfAlv nni it nr bles to dust, while tho core of the cable may be perfect. The breakages of cables are very costly, and it is a very difficult matter to repair them in comnaison with a land line. A ship has to bo cnarterea at 500 a day for two or three weens in fixing tho locality and in avoiding rough weather. One break in tue direct cnote cost 100,000. "An Heiress Sent to Prison "is the head line of a paragraph in an English journal, which tells how, at Durham, England, Alico Purvis Buddie, aged nineteen vearn. nlnaHnrl militate nKi.i. mg three gold Albert chains by false jiieiensus; now ner counsel, in de fensc. informed thn rmnrt i.i0iu oner was well connected, and on com- inC Of ntrfi Wimlrl ha linii-oaa tn n A erable amount nf nrnncrlm hnn l. urged in mitigation of sentence that she had been seized with a sudden fit of Kleptomania, ana how the court could not overlook the fact that the fraud had been carried nut anri nntnifiioi.j:.. tllO DriSOner's rosit.inn nrHororl h Im prisonment for three months with hard moor. A fruit-nicker la tho lafca' n.r, U It is simply a ring or collar of sheet iucuu iour or nve incnes ingu and the same in diameter, with the upper por tion formed into half a dozen points like a crown, each point being covered uuuci uieii orsmeia 10 pre vent the fruit from injury bv contact. A socket in the side receives a light poieoi any required length, and from the bottom of the ring or crown extends ngumose oi couon arming, or other lieht material. tninnvo thn nif An, to the hand of the operator, or into a oasser, wagon, or wiierever desired Standing on the ground the operator vi mo uuiii, iiuo points oi ine crown passing on each side of the stem, and a lisrht unwnrri taches the fruit and it drops down through the crown and hose. The operator can Hold the pole in one hind and the hose in nthnr nt Hia v..u., luv HUJU can bo hooked to a small, movable bracket rtlac.ed nn tho mla .. iiof nn pose, thus allowing of handling tho polo wim doiii iinnas, or an assistant can manage uie nose. A differencn nf nntntnn otIdI. nmnn - .-'. .AlkllO t. .11 1 1 1 u "uiuiu cugiuccu iu regara to 1116 PraCticabilitv of ontnhliohi r IT a ana rt a now proposed, in the great Sahara, the chief problem being, it wou'd seem, bow iv Keen ic ud. it in nrirnpd that our.. posine the sea ta he rrontpil hn mAona nf uanait ic wiu lose an enormous quan- w .'J ll.l.UO W 1 uty ui wuLKr ii v RVRnnrti mn nvnw Han Without til A lntrnHnnriAn VOJUnie OI troth wntpr Thfl evaporatea oeing replaced by a supply -- - 4UV VT Bil l wiuiux turougu iue canal, tne whole body will soon reach the maximum of saturation; and thus, tho evaporation oliu continuing, a deposit oi salt will be formed which, in time, must fill up the Whole SnaCfl nf thn intorim. n. 'tk. - ' " . ivn oca L liU SalimtV Of the water hpinnr ennh that nn nuiuiai uie wouia De possible in it, and the ultimate result hpintr simniv ik. , ii.i. "UVU w u (. o 11 VI t - - -s fcu ac cumulation of an immense deposit of oait. ja tue oiuer nana, tue projectors of the enterprise claim that the presence oi iiiis ater, ana its evaporation, must Produce COniOllS r.aina whinh Drill n Iarg3 measure return into the sea, and in us not oniv aRc.nmn nun tno nhonf (erred to, but also convert a sterile waste into a leruio country. William J. Purlin an imaacr:.. young man, ot Philadelphia, has fallen heir to & tnrtnno nf Si nnn Ann i.e. u uncle in Australia. When he received a letter from a London solicitor setting forth the dnntse of hij uncle, and re questing him to prove his identity and thus his claim to the inheritance, he nv-umuma to ins motner. At nrst she was inclined t.n noax, but afterward recalling references "lumer wuicn uer nusoand once nude durinsr hia lifptimp niiA nHii tlie son to answer the letter. The result has been a continued correspondence, and the probable settlement of the prop- ertv unon thn h oir ehnrda T - . -I "ii nj . ii npurau that the deceased left his home in Eng land when he was twenty years of ago, and was sunnosed t.n havn anna nk;.. r m " - - " . V. w V11 Ilia on a merchantman, shipping asacora- Mji-jix muiui moming was near a oi uim afterward, and he was given up as dead. About lift 66D VftJtrfl AO A n 1 of fci xrr a a a - " 'fWVl TV 9 I C" ceived from him by tho father of the wuo now come3 into possession of his estate. That was the last heard of him until the recent advices of his death. A Squaw Horned Alire. The Eureka Npv A i.'.i; . From a party just in from Prospect mountain we learn that. last Saturday, late at night, there was a terriDie am in tne vicinity oi the Idaho mine, occasioned by the whooping, yell in?, daneinc Ravnorpa -M.. Ti.n..a toreman of the Idaho, concluded it was a fandango, as did others who heard th racicei ana saw me names. The other daV Mr. TIlniYlM llUnnuH In naoo tl.n " ..u.UIjl, uiuo tuc spot where the remnants of the tire were s.m smoKing ana iragments of the barbecue close inspection showed that the fire had been built to " wipe out" a squaw. The skull, fragments of bones and a brass finger-ring were picked up. Mr. II. Joseph now has the rino a i-hpar. ofToi such as is often worn bv tho snnawi about these parts. It is smoked up, and bears evidence of having been subjected to ?reat heat. Tt. ia trpnimr in va curt J l'v. n Dill ous matter for dusky maidens in these pai-tu to nirt wuu wuue trasU, and the Shoshone lords propose to squelch that business as in dava pi inn hcho nr.m.i . ing them on the spot. Farming Under the Sea. Everywhere upon the coasts of Eastern New England may bo found, ten feet below the water mark, the lichen known as oarrageen the " Irish moss" of com merce. It may be torn from the sunken mpL m Hntwlicrn amH nf 1 1. n i:iA . - .-..j t. mui. JUW 1UU ilbbiU Dl'1- port of Scituate is almost the only place in iu uountry wncre it is gauierca ana Cured. Thin v!11opa la 1 h a amol oi tho moss business in the country, and wio vnLire union arawa iu Bupplirg wvuvuvo Mjji n mnua niu uted in tilling this marine farm, and it A i . i , . .. . . . . iuus not wiko long to nil tue many dories that await tho lichen, torn from its salty, rock bed. The husbands and frith PI trot hot f I a mnon tr-rw A It a . " r,-" vi yj HIVOO lliC Dtit, and tho wives and daughters prepare it f nr tliA mnrlrAt CA.W ii. t i J it Will melt nwnw In a iolltf llil t tn milk, and a delicious white and creamy uiniiv; miinjfe is ine result, i lie annual rirodllCt it Imm ton In ntVnnn I " " fcv i ii i ii iriiuuonuu barrels, a; il it brings $50,000 into the luvtij. wuiuu sum is sn are a ny iou lamt- Hr&. Tin fArian m v (da mnhtfni - vuimuujutlUU 1 U bilC luniiuiuv ture of l.iger beer is very large, and the cnuru ucer oi tne country a raws its sup plies from Scituate beaches, as the im portation irom Ireland has' almost ceased. It is not generally known that me uiiSH, as an article oi looa, is callea sea moss mnna. Jealonsr of Ants. The iea.ousy of ants toward intruders is well known. Strange queens intro duced into their nests aro very often ruuuessiv siaugnierca, yet it is believed that rommnnitipa mnnt. nmimnolln adopt queens. W ith the view of testing how far a temporary acquaintance might assaugo aisiiKo ana passion, Sir John Lubbock introduced n. nnonn nmtpntaA by a wire cage, into a queenlcss nest, 1 a. & I . out wntn tne cage was removea somo dav.4 dltpr tho nnrnn vol ! nnnn t tacked. Nevertheless, Mr. McCook has ooservea tuo adoption by a colony of a fertile aueen. Sur-.h dittprpnnn in nn - - vAmviUW 1U W U du t. Sir John suggests, may bo due to the fact that his own ants were i ving in a republic, for it is nflirmed that bees long without a queen are strongly averse to accepting another. Furthermore, if a few ants from a strargi nest are put witii a queen uiey ao not attack her, and if other ants are by degrees added tne in rune is uuimateiy securea. Fickle in appetite, irresolute In mind, and lubiect to tnnlRnnhnlv timr At. If li:i l J I J wiiigif, American oysters are now taken to Rlironfi Tint nnlv frr ImmoHiotA r , j aval a. LU t.u UbV W H sumption but for laying down oyater ueua. For Alt t1A AtlmnntA r.f small Ak.'M... . t is no better remody than Dr. Hull's Babv O .1, ii . . . diuji. an unMKRitA ion 11. 1'rice OBly 25 conn, War cry of tho Arab Up and Be aouin. Dr C. E.Slioeinaknr.thewoIl-knownMiirml turueon of Heading, Pa., off.! to send by mail. ii co oi cnarKO,, Ttuuiiuio lit t le hook on doalnesx nd difoasoi of tho ear epecially on running r una cnutrrn, ana uieir proper t reat men! -giving rolerenees and testimonials .nut will wlisly tho most kkepUoal. Addnws as above. Art Tan Nat In .aad UrAKIiV II the Liver ii tho sou roe ol your trouble, von onn find nn ibsolu'e remedy in Da. SAX roun's Livtu lNvioonATOR, the only vegota- hli catliHitio wlueh nets diroctly on tho I.irer. Oures all Bilious ili-rsscs. For Hook address On. Sawfqrd, 162 Broadway, New York. The Vol tale Jlelt "., Itf rNall, Mich., Will send thoir Klectro-Voltaic bolls to the afflicted upon 30 days' trail. See tho r adver tisement in this paper headod, " On 30 Day' Trial." Vkoktinb Is not a stimulating bit tors whioh ot elites a floiitious oppotite, but a gentle tonic wmcn amts nature to restore the itomavli to a hroltliy action. Prevent crooked boots and blistered teals by wearing Lyon s Patent Heel Stiffeners. '"('"j Wires and Rfothara. dvly cur mle Wekne, aoch m Palllnc of lot Woiuli, Whllci, l.fironlc liillaiiimnUos or I .rllon ot Uw oml, Inrlilrnial HrniarrliA or Hooding, falufut SupprcAwil nil lrrpgnlv Meiitlii'atkHi, Ac in old and ralltbl rcnif.ljr. Scml raid for painnMrL wiu uir... ..., . n ... i " i ' . UE. MAKCM SIS I 'TKKI K K ! T llril 11 '.IV -ill . . 1 v..i. ' v -:i ti Ilk 1 1. I i 1 1 III 1H1 1 .KllAJTS lltf UnU. to HOWAHTH A 1SAI.LA1U) One, h. I ".i.i uj mn f, iiirii.-Vi .hi p?r sniu "BEATTY" OP WASHINGTON, NEW JERSEY, 14-StOD ORGANS Stool, Hook A MnHc, boxed ft .hipped enlr !. tlO. Mew Piano to II.OoO. llafor yoa Miv.nlo- itruuienl be ua to ane bit Mld-oumner eOnr uuMtrofml. frt. Addren DAN1KL W. UIAVTT. WaahtniiuiA. M i OIJ 30 DAYS' TRIAL. Wj wia fend on RUctro-Voltaic BelU and aaa, ltrtcAapliaocea npon Ulal for SO dart to Iboae tjtiwxm 7 rr,'t7rritjrt "TUS. T" "1 ptnumat aafwi of tu IJver, Cldoer, kboumaUni. Faralyat. A, 1 Awn fucrmtitui m n row VoUaOa IwU a.. Maa-saall, M ich. 1 Aadnai WANTED-AfienU everywhere to gell our Roodi. liy Mliiple. to failll lfa. U'r ulve allra. tlva in,....., it. ml flrt-'lat Kxla to your customers; we give you roo-I profit; we prcpiiy all exprea cbrge; we luruuti otitUt ii"- " in' i'ii iKiuitu ais. PKOl-LK-s f K CO.. Box 603.1, St. Louis, Mo. COPY IAr. S"S!Trj ad keipl for 0 kind, of Uk, nil colore, aocl. by n tum mail. Addrea 11. ULW OK. P M, AlTara lnaaT ... """ mi uj a.1 .or one-iniril Uie money) TRUTH ,3. BWS.WXi nwau( V we oyea, M km ar auf, ewi wral i aware mf roar fatara aa AarwiKlaH'rasMIUBMa44aM waasa jmm art II m-, aad a f HAITI N EX. 43 Put iiwMtW..i..a.aB.ataaai faaa w aa aaaUaj, B MILLION Plants I Will pack to reach yoa n A TJD A fit? Ucy at ll.AO per l.ioi. Also KjAoOJWJIIi ( elervtl M'A.fiU txr !.(). Cata- logue free. 1. F. Tllliiujliinit, 1 Plume, Laik'a Co., Pa. $777 ; A TBAfi and expen to aenta Outfit Kree. Addres O. V1CKKRY, Autu,ta, Maine. S350 A MONTH I AG NTS WANTRDt 75 Best Selling Article In the wond; a aiiiiipif A- Jat llaomow, Detroit, Mlrb. Tftttna Min wanted for merrantlla hnnuaa hnlala rea. tautunt., nUiies. acatlde resort and eteauuioala ('ail or ddreat MaulmlUu Agency, Broadway, N. Y.City. (i TIT; It It A II I Hurrah I From Mexico to Maine,' XI the Grtat Campaign 8ou. Pilce, SfK'., maJlea by muaic dealer, or the t;tUcago Mulc Co., full Hah era. Q?iur.i Herphlae HakllCar4 In IS loMKaji. Mepay yll tlareA, iia. i. bitramn, Lobaaoa. OhUi. DON'T Bt Swindled Before you buv any aieo. tmal Bell, Battery or Medical Applianc adilxcu in. Vje, Box lota, Botou, Maaa, Try THE HEW YORK OBSERVER Ia 9fi per day at home. Sample worth $." free vpj IU 9.J A,i,irfM Sri.s.on A Co., Portland, Maine. fig A WK1K In your owa Iowa. Term and t Critat " BS aVSSiMt M. , . Baiun Co reikaai, MaJaa. Vegetine Purifies the Blood, Renovate, and Invigorates the Whole System. ITS MEDICINAL FBOrKRTIRS ARB Alterative, Tonic, Solvent and Diuretic TioHiiia t nail nrltialTely hon Of Jolees of fare fully aeiected hark, rooU and herb, and ao atronfly con centrated that II will e aiually tradieat from the ayrtetn trtrj uim Herorula, Mcrofnlens Humor, Tumors, Caneor, Canrerens Humor, Cry. srnolas, Bait Ilhaam, Hyphllltla Ilsaas, Canksr, raininess at the tman. tad all ueaes OuU artae from bnpur blood. BalaUca, Inflammatory and Chronla Itheamallsm, Nauralala, Unt nd Rplnal Cnmplalats, can only ke enVtually cured throuiti In blood. ror Ulcers and Frnptlra TUears af the kln, Puslnlcs, I'lmples, Blatehcs, Bolts, Tetter, Hralitkoarl and Itlna-worna, THirmi Baa nerer felled to (fleet a permanent enra for rains In the Back, Kid nor Cam. plaints, Dropey, Female Wtakstn, Ion eerrno, rtolng aroa Internal alotrallom, and utertoe ana Ueneral DebllKr, Yiin era directly spoa th euea of three oomplalnta. It U Tlforate nd atrenithem the whole aretem, seta eaoo the secretle orxana, allari Intlammatloa, eve alotratloa and regulate the bowel. For Catarrh, Dyiptptn, llabHnal Cas tlreooss. Palpitation af the llaart, Head a he, riles, Nsrvousnass, sad U on era I I'roatratlom af tha Nerren 0rstm, Bo medicine baa trer glyea (urn perfect ntlifactloa at the VactTiK. n purines Oi blood, deanaet all of the organs, and poaKiaes s ooatrolllng power eVer the nerroua eyatenv. Tho remarkable care effected by Tiirnn bare Induced many pnytlctan and apothecaries whom we know to prescribe aud ua II la tlielr owa famllte. In fact, TactTias Is the brat remedy yet dlarorered for the abor dleaara,and M the only reliable BLOOD rillllFIKllyet placed before the publla, Yfge In h Sold tj all Drorgl'tn. UN FERMENTED MALT BITTERS MALT AND HOPS T".YRFEP3IA ' pre vnltlne malady of c'vllli-d life AJ It Mr at the ltt m of one half our misery. Ill the rock upon wliii n many or our hihlnras venturrs have pill It c on Is the mill I. weaken the ImhIv. and nrrva nitt th- vitality. Where "hull we tttiil rolli'-r from till nionuii, memiiciioiy in wry r i.t HI n Kits I A r ood Medicine, build" up enfee'de I dlircsllon, ri-Kiilatra the flow nf the Ktintilc juli en, illwilvit and a.linlUle every article of ill t, ant run a tliouund morbid form a. iiniid by Iiynverwla. Pri'tmrcl l.v the MA I.T IIUTKHH COMPANY. Sold ever where. MALT BllTKKo COM- rAa I , IfoeU II, AIHK. CKIN itcmnR lininorn. Scaly Krup tlom. Scalp Atlrctlona, Salt Klieum, fMirleaiD, Braid Heal n m iiiv'iracrrc? nv ine UL'Ticraa HcakDim. a iwi .mi .nn r, Hiiiiinii j i mm a7 'JfcetJC. which have performed miracle . of honllnu iinpinillrled In medl- DISEASES. mi nmiory. neon ior 1 1 1 list riitfi l Treat e, coutalulnn tcHtlnionliilii from every put of the I'nloii. Prepared by ' t, a i unci, vlieuiiBla, iiosioo, aiaaa, Doiu by iirug. fists. Important to the Fair Sex! mm THB ORRAT ENQUSH REMKIjT, Suraa LanooVa .., iuiin muuniTuuuon. i;ioeratKn,Uva. nan Diaeasca, Absent Mflnstraatlon, all dieeawa, knowa a female wsaknne. Tbcy haee brn niwd in Enslaud for mora aa a neniMiirail and Hwni.tiu ,.iu ui T. :i prmrguiU everywhere. Price l.uu per box nr ail boaea " .w, bwi i.j ui.-iu iroe oi pomoare, aecuivly aealed. t UK tiJtA V AlCliUJINrf totT , , . MocluinTc' Blook, Btrott, Mich. Wholeaaio Ajronte for U. H. IarPanmhkita auut frua O.W.CHi'l-l'kwTON, WholeUlo Aent. New York? 0 PIUM HABIT CURE Ily It. M. WOOt.I RY. Atlanta, Ga. Rclluhle fvldriica Klten. and refer ence to cuied putleut and phyticlaua. Send fur niy Book on the Ilablt nd mime. rice. Mount Vernon IMnce Chnrch, He v. tT.Pc Ilarrlaon, I. I., I'aator. ( CUIFMIN llllUJE Or ItKFKKfRNTATirKsA HMItce 1,113 Ninth St., S. W.) L W.iui.icro.s, u. (J., June 21, lfvto.j I have had opportunity to observe the action of WOOI I.KY'S (ll'li M AN'TllilIl K In several ciir, and I teks inraiure in icitiu i"h in hr iiii'ritfl, as a rrouipi, ai;reel)l ailiiiiiltii Hint can altlli t the human race. 1 have no eon juTiiiuiifiu eecuie iroin one or ine most lerrlb muni! inui ii iicsi'i vcb an uiai una neen sniu or it by thoeo who have been delivered from the bondage of the Upturn llulnt. The proprietor Is u Chrlntlan gentleman, whoa upi iHiiuieM auu renaming are auowu iarim wide. W. P. II A RHIHnUT To Mai. 1). M. Woollkt, Atlanta, Ua. PETROLEUM Oram) Medal SI Philadelphia Kxpoelllon. JELLY Silver Medal at Pari aUpoalUoa Tbtl wonderfnl tuhetiinc 1 arknowladeed he nhrak dan UiroUEhOUt ilia Witflil ta hm ttim hal rente.-lw rfla. eovernil for the cur of Wound, Hum, Rheumatism. Skin Piaraae, Pllra, Catarrh, Chilblains, Ac In order that every on may try It, It la put up tn IU and at oral bottle for household une. Olifuln It from your druggist, nd yo will Dud It superior to anything yoa hay ever asea. The ErCoran. A enrloiltr to OTery one, and a neeeltr to all aiuilcnls ot lllaloiy or Itellulon Til II KOKAN UP MoHAklMKU; translated from the Arabic by Ueorce Sale. Formerly pulil shed at; a Dear, beaatlful Type, neat, clolli-bound edition ; price oS eenta, aud O centa for Dosluge. Catalogue of many aiaudard work, remarkably low In price, with e&tra term ia ciuoa, rrre. bay where you saw nils ivertlemenL Aaaiucas Booa KICHn. Tribune liulldlng, N. Y. TUla Clalm-Houaa KtablUhI IMS. PENSIONS. 2w law. Thousand of Soldier and befrs entrOed. Peoaioo daw hack to discharge or death, raaat - -Address, with sump, - - r. O. Drawer ... WashlnirVan. . tL SI REWARD a.'ir.eiUm? lllind. Itching, or Ulceratnd J'ileetlial ! llhiH'a lir Kemrily fails tuours. Give iiiuiiMdiale rfliuf, cures eaaes of long atandinir in 1 week, and ordinary cu in 3 dnya PAIITin Al '-" U raj ue nr. J. I r h:M ttrintuFlill tt i n blfwk a I'iU M I ajnu , u ii ..:. . , . 1'nipr a. W. our, leiilu anil AjuIi hia., FhUada.. l'a. M fee w o Are nld by all Hardware and Harness I'ettler. Thera Is no one owniun a Imrsr or mule but what will And la tnnline. of goods, something of great value, and ea-;p a i s v '""ii aii"w vw. Ia "-I TRADE MARK ITTE mil "A MKDIOINK WITHOUT A RIVAL. Mmmm ft i ctritEs v irv.y am, othf.ti MF.ntnxr.a kaii,, Hi it acts illiiM'tly on the Kliluya, I.lver, and tnwila, reHiorlni; them nt omt) lo heallhv action. HI NT .H HK.MIODY Is a safe, sure and speedy cure, and hundred have tentirieil to having been cured by It vhen physlel.'ins and friends Imd given them tip ta die. lio not ilelnv, try nt onio HUM'S 1IL.MEPY. Print for p.implilet to , 1VSI. F.. I.Alt KR.rrnrMenra, II. T. Prlrrs, 75 - nl anil WLXil. Larire sJa th rhrnprst. Aik your ilrutiUl lor ilUM 'b ltU :1Y. Tako no olhcr. N Y N U-30 THEONLY MEDICINE That Acta at the Same Time on THE LIVER, THE DOWELS. and the KIDNEYS. These (rreat organs are the) natural cleans er of tho evHtflm. If they wnrk well, hoallh will hfi iM-rfecti If they hrrame clogged, druadf ul diseases aro uru,to follow wltU TERRIBLE SUFFERING.' ni'toasneM, Hesilache, Dynpepela, Jat dire, Constipation and I'llcs, or Kid ney Complaints, (J ravel, Hlahrtmi, ' Sediment In the I Vine, Milky ' or Bopjr Vrlnr or Iihru matlc Pains snil Aches, ret developed because) the Wood is pnlsnnrl with thn himiors tlint should have beeu expelled naturally. KIDNEY-WORT wlllrrstort the) healthy action and nil tlieee destruyliiif evils will lift banished ; ui(lect them nnd yon will llvn but to suffer. Thousands linvplM-rnrurt'd. Try It nnd yon will mltl one morn to the number. Tiik It aiidlicttltli wlllonee more iilndden your henrt. Why suffer longer from tha torment Of nn aohlng back ? Why boar euoh distress from Con stlpntlon nn a H1I'!0? ' Why bo oo fonrul booauoo ordls Ordored urlno ? KinsKY Wort will r:ire you. Try a pack" age ul once and tic sntleurl. ( Ik a tiry rnjtlable romitrtunrl otid OnerarkaaeninkesslxntiartsorModlrtne. )-oiir lrwpYri hw H, or will vl It far yon. Innltt timn hating it. 1'rit f, I l.ftl. WS1L3, K:ni2S:o:t t CO., rrfrprfetcn, I ('.Vi;it.iliitrV.'.) TtnrltnirtoB, VC FRAZER AXLE GREASE. FOK nAI.V, ItT ALT. IIRHI.KHS, Ms MMUJL OP BOM OR m tAt tkatraasat aaa Chlcit. FRAZER LUBHICAT0H CO., KewYtfa, mm REMEDY FOR CURING CoDiks, Colds, BroncMtis. Astinna, CONSUMPTION, And all Throat and I.uiir A flection.. Indorsed by lbs Frets, rbyaiciau, Clergy and AOlltled I'eople. T1XTET IT. . YOUR REMEDY 13 Bold by all Medicine Pealers. RED RIVER VALLEY 2,000,000 Acres Wheat Lands kast la lha World, for sal by the SL Paul, Minneanolis & Manitoba R.R. CO. , Thrsa dollars par sera allowed tha serthw Sar ln.k has sad ealUrailoa. ior partinilar appiy ta D. A. McKINLAY, A" r.nnnliitloafr, , faal, allsta. BI-CAR3 SODA Is the beat la ta Worta. a abaneatale aara. u at a. - "MMi mmm wrC4, a.auiie,.Jai.L;lMJii -iili'MJ " ' 1 ( WHAT I SNAU. I I rtMISSkkTJgl Its trm twl I tREAiSt, ALLEN'S BALSAM. NATRONA SAPONIFIER . Snuy" C?n-Dtrl I-TS and Reliabl. Family . liiP,i5 I.'.e. '.ref."'' aeoomriany uhC an for malilui 1. H.ft "!? Toilet hoap quickly. It Is foB ',.) J'1 r JKlh. Aak your ,rocer fur 4)A10I H fc.ll, and Uk no otherr. PENN'A SALT MANUFACTURING CO., Phil., YOUNG tVlfcN StiJf. V2 tElli. iVa V.V.'Ydu.tSS, S2Z r