J. r WUNK, KDITOK. WEDNESDAY MOUSING, AUGUST 4, 18S0. National Republican Ticket. For resident, Ocn. JAMES A. GARFIELD, of Ohio. For Vice President, Gen. CIIESTEK A. AHTllUlt, of New York. V R ES 1 DKNTi AL KLKCTO KS. F.I-T.CTOrtS AT I.ARdE : Edward N. Penson Henry W. Oliver. TUSTNICT KT.KCTORS : I Sam'l C Perkins, 2 Kdwin 11 Fitter, 3 M Hull Stanton, 4 Junior Pobson, 6 (Jeo IV. 11 Ko'in, ( Ib.vidF Houston, 7 Wornn II Wise, 8 .T II Roonc, 9 (JeorgnCalder.jr., 10 Isaac S Mover, 11 Ednar Pinclmt, 12 John Mitchell, 13 C F Shindell, II C ii Forney. 15 X C Kllsbrio, ir Andrew Stout, 10 (J M Keade, 13 (i R Wiostllnir, 1!) Michael Sehall, 'JO W W Ames, 21 J P Teatrarten, 22 Nelson 1 Reed, 23 A K W Painter, 24 TTM M'Kcnnan, 25 James T. Mairett, 2i O W rviamator, 27 C W Gillillan. REPUBLICAPiSTATE TICKET. For Supremo JudffO, HENRY GREEN, of Northampton County. For Auditor Cioneral, JOHN A. LEMON, of Blair County. BEPUBUCAN COUNTY TICKET. For Congress, Gen. HARRY WHITE, of Indiana County. For President JudRO, Hon. Wm. D. BROWN, of Warron County. For Assembly, E. L. DAVIS. For Associato Judgo, AMZA PURDY. For County Treasurer, N. S. FOREMAN. For County Surveyor, F. F. WIIITTEKIN. For Coroner, N. THOMPSON. If the, war is ovor, why aro tho Dem ocrats trying to rally tbe soldiers? The Maucli Chunck Democrat c&h tha Greenbackers tbe "Polly-Wants-a-Cracker" party. B The National debt was reduced $5,576,053 during July, notwithstand ing the payment of enormous pension claims during the month. 3 ccpted tho nomination ns coming from the Greenback party, while we havo no knowledge of his recognizing the nctiou of tho Democracy in en dorsing tho nomination. The follow ing is bis romavkB accepting the nom ination from his Greenback friends: 'Gentlemen I accept the nomina tion so generously tendered mo by tho Greenback party of tho Twenty-fifth Congressional District, and through your Committee premit me to return your organization my 6inccro thanks for tho honor conferred.- I shall enter upon the labors of the campaign at once, and will use every honorable endeavor to securo my election, and if elected I pledge myself to use my best exertions to secure legislation in tho interest of tho whole people. Gcutle men, permit me again to ttank you." President Judge. The Warren Mail, speakiug of Hon. Wm! D. Brown, tho Republican nom inee of this district for President J udge, ha? this to say, which as near as we can learn, is the sentimeut of every one of Mr. Brown's acquaintances in this county, irrespective of party : "We need hardly say that Mr. Brown is very acceptablo to the bar and people generally in all the counties of this district. Not only the Repub licans but many Democrats will give him a cordial support because of his superior fitness for that place. As a lawyer he lias no superior in the dis trict. As a citizen be is universally resnected aud trusted for hia strict L I integrity and moral worth. For thirty years or more he has stood in the front rank of the Warren bar, noted for his sound judgment, discreet management of difficult cases, and fidelity to every trust. His influences and example are always on tho Bide of good moral 3 and the best interests of society. Our friends in the other counties may be assured that their generous confidence in him has not been misplaced. His whole time and attention are given to the profession in which he has always taken special pride. He is in the prime of life and cau stand any amount of hard work. Judge Wet- . i i . i more retires witn mucn creou, anu has reason to be satisfied that the duties so well discharged by himself, will be safe in tho hands of such a succossor. Our bar has a good record on the bench, and we predict that in case of Mr. Brown's election he will in no manner damage its well earned fame for legal learning aud personal worth." 04 TJpos: tho bill designed to prevent tho payment of rebel claims, sixty-one Democrats in tho Houso voted No, and forty dodged. With Hancock in the President's chair, those who want the Southern people to be indemnified from the National Treasury for money lost in the war of their own making, WHITE AND MOSGROVE. will be bold enou; schemes to success. jh to push their The following from tho Allegheny Mail, a purely independent journal, is "just about tho size of it." Gen. Han cock's letter is short and contains nothing upon tho very important issues of tho day lie believe in the Union and tho Constitution, etc., and that's about all, according to his letter, for be fails to say anything else worth mentioning. The Mail says : "The letters of acceptance of the Democratic candidate for President and Vico Pres ident aie printed in another column. These complete tho political documents that are to form the basis ofdiscussion in tho coming campaign. There is nothing ia either Hancock or Eng lish's letter to excite commeut. They aro both lacking ia those qualities that render such papers of value as contributions to political literature. Gen. Hancock deals in "glittering generalities," and sedulously avoids expressing an opinion upon questions that the intelligent and inquiring voter seeks most to know something about. Compared with tho Republican candi dates, Gen. Garfield's und especially Gen. Arthur's letter is imiueeaurablv superior, both in clearness of statement of the distinctive policy of the several parties as well as vigor and terseness of rhetoric in which they are illustrated and enforced." , The Brookvilla JlepuLlican says : "The Democracy of this '25th Con gressional district aro playing second fiddle to tho Greenbackers, it we are to judge from the facts as given in the Indiana Rational, the organ of the Greenback party ia this district, where wo Cod it stated "that there U not a shadow of a doubt but that tho ticket jdactd i't nomination by the Greenback ,,i and endowed by the Democrats, will l3 triumphantly tlocted," An., and alio tho fuel that tho iiomi'K-e Uim uc- The Indiana Progress makes tho following contrast between the candi dates for Congress in this district. All fair and unbiased voters, will agree that the article is correct in its deal ings and presents the case in its true light : General Harry White, of Indiana, and James Mosgrovo, of Armstroug county, aro the contestants before the peoplo of this Congressional District for a seat in Congress. Gen. White has served bis people iu the Senate of Pennsylvania for several terms with the utmost fidelity, and with unflinch ing integrity, and his marked ability as a ready debater, and his devotion to tho best interests of his constituents cannot bo called iu question. His courso in Congress ha been equally marked, circumspect and courageous ; Always battling for the best interests of the whole people, lie is a gentle man of ability, affable, and agreeable, and a profound lawyer and statesman. Gen. White has at all times exhibited a strong desire, and taken great pleas ure in protecting the welfare and inter ests of his people, and whenever a measure of doubtful character present ed itself in Cougress, he rose in his seat at the first opportunity, and with out fear or favor took issue against the bill, and made for himself a record for watchfulness and integrity, rarely developed in older members. It should bo our ambition and purpose to seo that our district it lepresented in Con gress by a member possessed of strict integrity, intelligence, ability and varied experience, as, in the futuie Concrress manv bills, of very doubtful character, will he presented. The South, unmindful of our iotersts, will swarm Congress with bills for bounties, pensions and war indemnities for her people, and tho only hopo wo can have in repelling a wholesalo onslaught . t -r . i m Ml 1. on the .National .treasury win uo in the selection of able and fearless lead- ability to make a useful, practical and pafe member of Congress, and does not possess tho requirements, integrity and experience necessary to constitute a iisoful member. His political som ersaults, within the recolloction of many voters cf this and adjoining counties, justify us in doubting his in tegrity. You all remember his attempt at Greenback speech-making two years ago. no men pieugeu Him self an open and avowed Grccubacker, possessing full and entire sympathy with that party. In tho fall of 1879 James Mosgrovo shook off all tics that honorably bound him to respect tho above plodgc, and repudiated the party that so cordially nnd honestly sup ported him for Congress in 1878, and wheeled into line with tho Democratic party against the Greenback eletueut, and the result was an entire uprooting of tho Greenback party in Armstrong county. Look at tho insignificant vote that county gave our townsmen, James A. C. Ruffner, and you have the truth of our assertion iu a nutshell. Again nut in nomination for Congress, that unma James Moscrove. with all his backslidincs and forgctfulness, asks Greenbackers aud Democrats to elect him to Congress. In this county the Greenback paper puts Mosgrove up as a Greenback candidate, in other counties in the district ho is recognized as tho Democratic candidate by the Democratic papers. When not before the voters as a candidate for office, ho nuta on Democratic harness, and de votes his energies in behalf of Demo cratic success, but. tendered a nomin ation by tho Greenback party, he dolls the Democratic harness, aud resolves that he is a Greenbacker. Hear him "I James Mosgrove, do pledge my sacred honor to support the platform of tho National party, adopted at To ledo, Feb. 22, 1878, and the principles set forth in tbe platform of tne JNauon al Greenback Labor party of Penu sylvauia, May 9th, 1878, and I further pledso myself as wiliing to uso every honorable means TO ELECT THE STATE ticket nd to insure tho succefs of the National Greenback .laboh Party, in tho Presidential contest of 1880. James Mosgrove." Let Democratic voters read tho abovo pledge, recently made by Mr. Mosgrove, not only pledging to work and vote for tho Greenback State tick et, but also nledcinir his "sacred honor" to work for aud secure the election of Weaver for President. A Greenbacker iu 1878, a Democrat in 1879, and now, in tho year of grace, 1880. Dledsintr hi3 "sacred honor" to use "every houorablo means to eioct the Groeuback State ticket, and to iu suro tho success of the National Green back Labor candidate, Gen. Weaver, for President. Oh ! Consistency, thou art a jewel Queery Can you tell with any degree of certainty, who this man Mosgrove will support for President? Ho has pledged his "sacred honor" to oppose and vote asainst uen. Hancock. v iu he do it ? Such base and unblushing treachery and bold-faced hypocricy deserves, and we honestly predict will receive, a proper conacmnatiou iu mo pon by the honest portion of the Greenback and Democratic voters throughout the district. James Mosgrove has no fix ed political principles, and, like the clown in tne campus, wears two iaces to gull innocent voters into his sup port. Furthermore, he is a large bondholder, and is largely interested in tho banking business, besides being extensively engaged in manufacturing interests and corporations, thus sever ing all ties of foal ty to tho principles of the Greenback movement. In any event, he i3 an unsafe man in whom to confido so high a trust ns that of Congress, because it is a well estab lished principle, that when a man is nearly everything to all men for self aggrandizement, ana wears a mask, to disguise his truo inwardness, he be comes the creature of suspicion, and is unworthy tho support ot honest men of whatever party. Wo feel assured that a large number of tho honest Greenback and Democratic voters of this Congressional district are hoiest in their convictions, and we aro equally enrtnin that this elass of voters who value irinciple and integrity as a virtue, will not vote for James Mosgrove for Congress. VIM. SMEARBAUGH & CO., D. W. (one door from G. W. Povard's.) GENERAL nnd FANCY QBOOEBIBS. ulMJIIIIMS TEAS A SPECIALTY. Terms STRICTLY CASH, or Exchange for Butter, V.gs, Rag, Hides, Furs and Poultry. EGGS & POULTRY A SPECIALTY. REAL ESTATE AGENT, AN II T ION EST A, PA., Has now for sale the Following: 120 ACRES, Allegheny Township, Veimnsro Co., Pn., Stewarts ' Run, .1! miles IYimii Tionesta; 10 acres cleared : sood barn : frame house j small orchard; fences i;ood ; uplendid water. Will bo sold nt a bargain for cash. FARM OF l.")2 ACRES, Three, and a half miles Eastof Kittaiiniitg, in Avinstioii!' county. Known as the Rob inson Farm. All under fence ; splendid farm house and burn, and all necessary out-buildings. Well watered; well adapt ed for raising of crops or Ktock, niul un derlaid with a -l-loot vein ol eoal. .Also plenty of Limestone A'XVA'C:7SrT ! Far-Fctcliod is Dear Bought i3 an Old Adao ! Agents for tho Improved HOWE SEWING MACHINE, a Standard and Reliable Maeldno Our Motto: Prices." "First Class Uoods at Fair mar'iltf HQ I nilMil 1 1 I take pleasuro in telling tho Sporting l' lalcrniiy mai i navo re-purciuwou FROM HORACE JONES. TO WHOM I SOLD IT IN 1S71, T AM NICELY LOCATED at my old -L stand, and I am prepared to attend to all my friends, and tho public generally, who need ANYTHING IN THE GUN LIKE! I shall keep a perfect slock of all kinds of And all kinds of TACKLE. FORTY ACRES, Near Trunkevville. Forest county. Part ot tho Daniel Jones place Will selleheap. SIXTY ACRES On a nilln from Ni11towll ! about 15 or 20 acres cleared, lmrtl wfoneed. Sonic good oak on tho balance. THIRTY ACRES, In .Tonks Townshln. Forest county; ten acres cleared ; small orchard growing comfortable houso ; well watered. Cheap. Also GDOO Acres Ofvaluablo timber lands in Forest nnd Elk counties. Tho Timber is worth the price. s t qy esT TIIsT, COPPER AND Sheet Iron "Wa.ro I shall also continuo to handle tho "White" Sewing Machine, And the CHICAGO SINGER SEWING MACHINE Como and see mo. You will find mo ALWAYS AT HOME. Muzzlo Loaders inado to order niul war ranted. nrREP AIRING IN ALL ITS BROOHES PROMPTLY AND FAITHFULLY DONE. IWOULDrespectfullv inform the citi zens of Tionesta and vicinity that I am prepared to do all kinds of work Ju tho Tin. Corner ami Sheet Iron liti?. I also mako a specialty in manufacturing , and equipments suiliiMo for rafting pur- A 1 II pill UN. JIYINU till jvlimr ill REPAIRING CORE ON SHORT NOTICE Tidiouto, Pa., , A.KAImVIX. Aug. 12. p! PATCH 51 III For ineudins 1 m. ltifMa. Copper, La4 vt Iron. vlthout aoia or UlorluK iron. Anr ldr or 0 child oau intnd with it. Will fond one ui'lo II. plate by mil (with direction!!) that will cat mJam n on-fourth inch tmtchu, onroiptof 5o; i ft for til inn for 10. Poiitum tnoipi r.ceiTod al Urn ah. AoitxTS Waxtkii. Can carry ona day'a Oatouk in your pocko. Saloa yield s to (16 por day. Our e4-paffO Illustrated CattiloKUO of W ChromoJ, Jowofry,veltl Stationery, to. f i ioes.eti8t, ywindoipuia, m JleuUoa Uili put. Female weakness, acidity of stooiach, liver aDl kidney diseases, noD-retension in children (or wetting tho bod) have all beeu cured iu t great number of cases by using Baros ma. Liver and Kidney Cure, l're mred by E. K. Thompson, Titusville, a. For sale by Hovard. -t. K h CROWN'S PATENT "ir.MM pi fa Mm .k v -t nia i...r I fur nr. Iu ni.uk.i. For One Dollar, one Cleaner, Palchcv Briuh and full directions cnt free ot postrif.o. Iu (.i.loim.: civo ri.'.n.'e ol I'lin. N'O'I 1"' "'ar I am, T. YAr DLEY BROVN. ;'.. lit ers who will dare to battle for tho right. To secure an able, honest, indefatigable and untlinching member from this district, wo call upon the voter of Indiana county to throw aside party bias and party fealty, aud vote, as a body fr Cir.vKitU. H.Mtr.Y Win n Jan grove !:ui not t!:c rC'iuircd THE BUCKEYE BLACKSMITH (W. C. W1LSO.N) IS permanently located in tho Roberts shoo, near Haslet's corners, wheio ho is prepared to meet all his old customers und as manv new ones us feel disposed t favor mm with llieir custom, ins mouo is: "Live and !et live." W. C. WILSON. Tioui'.-la, June 21, 1"9. lnii Wlili' of evcrv doscriptiou exctu J ltd ;'. '-ho r.Ll'UliLlL'AN oit'a-o. Tho Highest Market Price Paid for RAGS AR.D AT EID.I-IEIBTiJr.'S Opp. Lawrence House, may2tf TIESTA,PA. To NcrvouB Sufferers. The Great European Remedy. Dr. J. 11 Simpson's Spocifio Medicine, Dr. J. H. Simpson's Specific Medicine is a positive cure for Supcrmatori liea, Im- potency, weakness, ami an tiiscitses rcsur. intr from self-abuse, as nervous dehilitj, irritability, mental anxiety, languor, las situde, depression of spirits and luuct'mn- h.1 derangements ot tho nervous system go n o r a 1 1 y. """"u.i'"kJ "ZT7,l " V.ntahh!imn' aVin Fkuii fitreot- Pitttiburh. Fa. tfKultirly cdura.td mid lentiUy qnalifl.-ti, a DidIudik ftt fboo ahowi, hu bn lunntr eiiKUF' In the upoctal li utmnt of Chrouio, Sexual ud urinary diuHKua. than apy othur ihysicin in J'itts.n.rKh. Thuae dcatruo tlve dioflfi, caused by sue ret Uutiti iu youth, or e-(H-dROB in lHtt-r Tours, namely! BtiSilMATOKKHtEA, dKBTTNAL WEAKNESS, Ao., (md tht ir ilmastrout vlleoU: JVrro Debility, Fipht LoHttn, Stunttd Dcrttopmtwt, f'nc i'lim'r, HViiA Cjm, Poor Memory. Jritubiltty, JmUycttion, Threuttnut CoAtumptiim, IH-wii of Future, Avtraum to Society In i;KKi(y for Mum'itti or numc, ana rmnttuny i m nnrnnv. gpvual KxhailHtioil. SlQ.. irfuotlv aud lir- Sai ol ari- Jr-r.i ltnnl Oratitm aru tnmuid on SciontitlO rinoi))lui and with uapuralkk'd iuccih. A lifu-tipv ftxperUuoe iu thousuudft of oadca of all stage, evw j rvr. oontrit'Utes kill. Curablw canci puarnittued loubtoxiHti it i frankly atuWd. Dettonptlve fam Dhletaoctfre. Treatment can be ii-nt fieouruly and riratt;lT to I'eraona hi a distance, uonamtauou irt-e. Sanentiv curt-a. aibo rucuinur inim-f imiuiuh rir- ui ouorracsa, Olcot, Btiiature i 8yphili. (all forme.) netinjr Mouth. 1 hroat, TVune, &kin, Aitotnu liunt-i, unu -5C r- - -- imins in buck or side. loss. of incninn , premature old nn'O and diseases that lead to con- sumption, insaiul.y and an early jra i tu both. No matter how shatteml tiio sys tem mav bo from excesses of any kind, short course of this medicine will rcstor.4 tho lost functions and nrocuro health !and happiness where before was despondency ami jrlooin. J no rsjiecinc ietuciuu is uti inir used with woiulerlul success. 1'am- tihietssent lreo to all. Wilto lor them and fret full nartieulars. l'rice, Soecilic fl.OO per iacUa;o;e, or six pacKatrcs loro.ov Will be. sent bv mail on receipt of money, Address all orders, J. H. Simpson's Med icino Co., Nos. 101 and 10(1 Main St., llut falo, N. Y. Sold in Tionesta, l'a., I'.v O. W. Ilovurd. novloow Tho attention of consumers Is asked to the following price tint, as an evidence that it is in'l true thai fronds cannot bo bnuLcht as chcapl v in Tionesta as any oilier place. Cash Is elcupu'iit ; but cnsh will uv as many noods to the dollar as it will u Vh'iisant ville, Oil City or Titusville. SOAP SOAP SOAP We claim to be headipinrters for unlet ami Laundry Soaps. Xo rtore in tho country carrie-t as ;reat a vai ii'tv, or will name such prices as will bo found below : Head List Carefully. fj Minerva 4O I'tielo Sam Toilet per cake 2c. Lubins pertiiiiu'il ; cmkcs 111 box lor oc. ('. ('. Idilct (i cakes 111 box lor Lie. 1 linmond Itcil .V White Castile larre size fa. I'riy.e Medal Castile A', rartsian fie. Transparent. Olyeerme ac. Tm kisli r.iilli (alme art-cle) t: ' miniDUsoe. Cob-ales 1'nlni Oil Toilet dir. Field hue's Uoipiet (Jlvcerine e. Kirk s I'.lue India l.aunilry N'. Mcltrides Charm Laundry Sc. Kxeelsior Shuvin . Sawyers Ilarboi 10c. " Melsriilos Urinr ilr la Nnvon l"c. Peach lllosoiini ,ti Tar Soaps 10c. Silver Soap for eleiininir, Sdverwaro 10c. Alsation l.oipiet ami 1 ankee Miavlng 1-c. lndesical Moni'vand lice llalh 15c. " (ilvcerine ami Kliler Fhiwer l.c. ' Il;:bv Soap 'J)e. Mcniid.'s Old Lather Laundry .1 for 2."c. (ieuuiue Spanish Castile 1 lb bar Mc. You can save Irom L'O to 10 per cent, every time by buying your Soaps nt liilhridgo's. HARDWARE ! Axes, double bitted, 1 ..'() A xe haiulles, i, to .e. Awls, pejiirinu; andsewinir, 10c. per do-.. A usable Horse nails, 'JUc pir lb. llutter knives, ivory handled ;".lV. Itiitchcr knives 2."c. licit punches, all sizes, liurden hoiso shoes, i"iOe lb. I'.read masters, Tic. I'.read knives, 110 to r0e. . 11 read l'ans, all sizes. Holts, carriau,e ami tire. , Howls 10 cents to $1.00. Can openers, Pi ami c. I arvinjj; Knives ami ioiks id, fi, f Closet and wardrobe hooks, all sizes. I'oai shovels, 10 to l.V, I 'ork sci ews, " to 10c. Combs :, 10 15, UO, -J5, ,'10 to ?1. Cleaners for lamp ciiimu vs, 15c Claw hammers best steel, (0" Cleaners for kettle.i, "5c Carpet tacks per pa pel le Carpel tacks tiniicil. in; CartridireH for Hi ni v.V Winchester Kifles. Cartridges for revolvers. Cas, genuine Kloy iiro's, lfi. Cups, tl. I)., 5c. Corn poppers, 'J0e. fili-s, S, 10 and 1'J iu. mill saws. Family irrind stones 1 to isX. Forks, hay, ti.'ie. to ?l. Forks, manure, 75c to ?l. J-'oot scrapers, 5, 10 to 1.5o tiarden rakes, 50 to tide. Morse nails, lit) per lb. Hoes, No. 1 st. el, 50 to75e. line handles and fork handles. Kitchen knives lor parinij;, 10 to 15e. K ni ves .V: forks tor children, "(I to ii.'m Kniv es and forks, tl, ll 5, -fj to -J:l Tho larirest variety of Table Knives in Forest County. Knives 4V. forks for carvin;r,75, 1.25 to ?l.5(). Knives, JS inches Ion;: for steak, ?t.5t). Knives for but.-lieriinr, '2.5c. Knives, physician's pocket, SI. 50. Knives siiver plated, fruit, i'Oi". K uives ivory la; u lied, butter, 50c. Knives, pocket, 10, 15, 25 to -lOe. Knives, pi 'lvot,50, 75, ;1, Jl.50 Knives for bread, 'St to 50c. Knives, putty, 25c. Knives, pnmiii;r. Pile. K liife boxes, 15c. Knives, 1 1 uiitin,, 'U.25. Lemon sipieeers, e,al vuni.ed, 25c. Machiiio oilers, iic. Mai'hinc hhivw drivers, 5c. Pistols, tov, 5 to M'. Kazois, W'oM iiholm's, sj to $2,50. lbr.oi", Wosteuholni X L, ?l.25. K i.ors, Wade .V- lilltehi'rs, J. I'a.ors, old Knjrlish, 50c. Hides, 1 foot, 15c. Knlcs, two feet, 25 cents, licyolvers, nickel plated, 7-s!iot fl.50, 1.7 Stove polish, 2 cakes for Sc. Sprinir balances 25c. Spoons, tinned iron tea, 10, 15 ha 2"c. Spoons, tinned iron labbi, 20 to :i0'o. Spoons, nllmta tea, IOc. . Spoons, Jlrilt.innia lea, 50i-. Spoons, wood niixiiej: fie. Scissors from 10 to 50c. Shears, east steel, M, 1." llle; who Wouderful buD-oictlirua tru. tu ay inarri who not; why? Who to marry; proper ..lo. reproduction Ii4-althy. boautiful i-hildrau lateat diaoovuDiii. lmpodimout!) to uiarriago: cat.ao, Boiuiequviioo, ;ure. lUliublo TescrivtH'ii8. llook for Hi, million. KverybodT ahoiild road it. l'riu, 40 cuttU. UIKIIOOD- il.iuit mil! .linl. Uti l)U4T(!l. B CeiltS. WOMANUOOO; cuUBeBot iudcoay. M pagoj. 6 oet.t. B books for 20 ctt., lent m i(... Addrcsa Dr. WhlU), Allegheny Valley Rail Road, -a Nii Pittsburgh, Titusville L Buffalo Railroad. tVrfT?r:TH j.y.B$M.m mm CHEAT REDUCTIOrM X AND A PTUlt Monday, Juno 1 1, 1NS0 tins will run as follows: Southward No. 1 No. 4 N p III pill l ;.-. f. i..i!.:r if," .'i '..rV . ' S m ST AT 10 NS. North ward . No. 1 Kit. 3 ho i a m Pittsburgh 8:551 2::S5I .::.( W PonJuneM:02 4;0() 11:2S Kittanninir, K)::to -1: 15 12:110 It. H'kJunelLM 5:10 Lis lira lv Lend 11:22 5:52 2:b! l'arkor 11:52 11:25 3:1- Ihnlenton 12:;i) 7:01 12 Scrub-rasa 1:07 7:i:i 4;H ifTSTITCTB AND 011017NU8. CHAMBERLAIN UrSTITUTE AMD F2UALE C0LLS3S, Xi-Vi4.rLOL.XlI. N.V. It is u laro and thonnuhly cnuij od Seminary for both sexes. Fsiiililished in S5l). Property freo from debt, 103,000. New LoardiM!'- Hall with uteamheai. etc., erccte.l in ls7:t st a cost ofijdj.ooO. Kxecl lent board and homediKo airangemoiits throughout. Total expense for board, furnished room, steamboat, llht, wah in; and tuition for 11 weeks, 10.20; for one year, $H7.'io. For e:ttalii;;uo or further iiil'oriiiation, address Prof. J. T. KliWAKDS, 1). I)., Princij.ai. y -.--Kail Term opens August 21. ni ter Term opens lOoeeliiljur 7. Spi iieo 'l ei in open i March 22. jul21st. Franklin Oil City ( lleopoi iii V.aulo Uoi k Tionesta Tidiouto Il'Vilieto!! 1 alcoriers Ibilialo 1: 2:05 2:21 "L'ii :-.l7 .-S:2lj f:-H :I0 7:01 7:i:i S:20 5:05 5:1 ikon i;::7 7 I-0:0o p in 1:10 6 a ni 7:10 5:75 l:t:i 3:20 Oil City Tiltisvillo Corry May villo ISroctou TiaiuM 0::i. C.5li 7:0 7:2 7:57 t :: S:."0 12:25 0:50 h 1:05 1:10 p m s:00i (i:50 12:25 (i:15 U: is 5:35111:10 5:20! 10: 1:50 I0:::o 1:50 4:3110;o7l 1:20 3:52! !I:.M:I2:10 171 .s;37dI:lH) :l 2:25!ll::;o! l:5!!lll:0O' l:.Vjl ltj:-l!: 1:33' M:20 0:::n S:3(i ::i H:5li S: 10 S:':o 757 . :ia 5:17 12:15 2:30 0:15 li:50 2:00 H:0;i Mall :2ll 10:1)5 7:35 1:15 7:OS S:U3 4;3;i: I 1:35 K: .); 12:0.i OiOOl i:55 10:30 lii;.".0 ii;: ll i:.,iu:i.) i ;"' p nt l iu a iu a iu u in p in run bv I'hil.nlctphia 'f inn L.VVIH MiOAUliO, lieu 1 Sup't. J MOUTO.V 11 ALL, 'ieu'l Pa.-.-en-ir it' Ticket A;fi nt. O TFl'r.KNVII.Li:. OHM, FF.MAI.l O Sl'.M INAKY. Poind, roiim and lijiht pel year 17.j Tuition, tf20 to if: 10. Ono-lomlli oil lb M misters. Catalogues free. Address, juKlU. Ulv. A. M. UL11), Ph H.l r.ii. i to 35.-. Shears, nickel plated, 50' to 2. Tho finest to be had anywhere. Stovo lifters, wood handles, 5 to 10c; Kausa;jo eutleis and sans.iL'O stutters; saucepans, porcelain lined, all sizes. NEKUM. Canary, Kemp, Kapo and Linseed, Shepherd's mixed seed for canary birds, Shepherd's Sou;r licstorer. Chirks O. N. T. Spool Cohen ;". I'.laek Silk li,: 11. Twist 'J spools for 5iv. Whitd ll.tstinir. Thread 1c spool. Knaincllcd '1'hread 2c spool. V voiuiin;' Thread 5e spAol. Ivory lUittoiis 20 styles 10c, do.. arl " 25 styles IOc to 1.00 doz. Ajato " 20 sl.vles 5c jiohs. l.'nlaunilrii'il Shu ts 1.00 1 'alien Shirts 35c to 1.00. Paper Collars 5-10-15-uo aul 25e box. Childrens hose 5c to 15c pair. Ladies huso 10-15-20-25 and 3llc pair. Valenciennes Lace -lc to 50c yard. Ileal lSrctonno " 20 to 50e. " Torchon " 7 to 10c. Crochet Hooks 5 to 15c. Kibbons 5 to Ttn'. V- 'ilium's various colors, w id lbs. a nil prices. Artil'u ia! Powers 5c a spray to ..oo bunch. . Saxony ami lermantown Wool V zephyr. Cotton Patting I5e to 2(ie. lb, with many oilier articles which the printer denies ad-lnis.-ion for lack of space. Fli nch Prunes ,V lherlish Currants b)c. Paisins L'-15 .V lOc ; llried Peaches lie. Teas 25c to "-ile lb. Hams lie; P.. Paeon IOc ; Mess Pi rk Sc. Flour XXX 1.00 sack ; Corn meal 10c-sack. Crackers 10 kinds 7 to Me lb. Fine Cakes 12 kinds Mi; 20; lb. Pickles 10 to 15.- dor.. tilo'-w Slari-h i I lis for 25c. llrieil Peas ,r,c 1; Dried Corn 10 to 2c. Itciuciolier that tlic.si' prices can Cud v bo maintained by cash owr the cminter. W'iicii son jroabiead to buy yon exp.'etto take Ihi' cl(iiciit 4'.isl) in yi'i'ir poi ki t as it passport to laMir. I o 1 lie niiuo by uiir hoiiie mi'ieliant, and on vwll save timo and money, besidcd liio tioublo of goiiii; alnoad. GEORCE W. DITIIRIDGE, 1'AHTKHiK IH'll.lOM;,