.1. e. wi:mc, editor. uedmsday jifliTxir.,uiT 12, ism. REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET FOU PITKEMR JCPfJE, IIENUY GREEN, of Northampton County. FOR AUPITOR OEXEflAL, JOHN A. LEMON, of lair County. HI l,IIIIIMIHIW'WIi"""-f Mm I lWWWW WW Announcement Our terms Pur announcements will be : Congress. fLti ; President Judge, J'.'O ; As sembly, !;(l . Associate .Judge, $10 ; Treas urer, ss. In no cao will an announce ment appear when t ho cash (lorn not ac company the nsiiiip. Thi rule will not be broken in favor of inimir, PRESIDENT JUDOE. Wo nr. nuthorirod to announce 1 lint. AVM. 1. I'lIOW.V, of Warren, wiil lx- s candidate nt the ensuing election for tlio oflioc of President Juduc of tli judicial di.-triet composed of the counties of Kit;, Forest, mill Warren, subject to tho docis ioti of tho Republican convention of the district. April -27, ISfW. Wo aro authorized to announce Major H EN II Y V ETTKR, of Clarion county,' us n candidate for Cnnuress in tlvis District, subject to tlio nct.ion of the Republican Convention of the district. Wo nrp authorized to announce Gen. HARRY WHITE, of Indiana Countv. is n candidate for Congress in this District, subject to the action of the Ilcpulilican Con volition of tlio district. AnnmiiY. Wp are authorized to announce E. L. DAVIS, EX' J., of Tionost.l borough, n candidate for Assembly, suojoct to Re publican usages. Wp arc authorized to nnnnounco ("HE RE RT .TAMfKSO.N, of Tionesta Town ship, as a candidate for the nomination of Assojnbly, subject to Republican usages. ASSOCIATE JUDOE. Wo nrn authorized to announce Hon. EDWARD KERR, of Harnett township, ns a candidate for the nomination of Asso ciate Judge, subject to Republican usages. We nro authorized to announce AMZA PURDY, of (irecn Township, as a candi date for tho nomination of Assoeiato Judge, subject to Republican usages. CO UN T Y TR E A SURER. We are authorized to announce N. H. FOKl'.MAN, of Tionesta borough, hh a candidate for tiie nomination of County Treasurer, subject to Republican usages. The resolutions of the recent Dem ocratic Convention with one excep tion, were merely warmed up from last year, all parties being so much exer cifed in bringing about a peace that the writing of resolutions was simply "out 6ftTie"question ; but then, a3 no person takes any stock in empty and bombastic efiu."ions, the old stereo typed set served just as well as some thing new. Tiie desperation of the Democracy is shown in the effort to compel the Greenbackcrs to take J. L. Dewoody as a candidate fur Assembly, notwith etandmg they dropped him like a hot potato at their Convention last week. However, it matters little anyhow, as Venango will be repre?cn1ed iu the next Legislature only by men of the most pronounced -Republican pattern. Franklin Press. True Bradford Siar ignores the greenbackers entirely. In order not to lean to heavily on its "democratic staff, it publishes the Democratic and Republican tickets side by 3ide under its editorial head, but says uever a word about the greenback ticket. And that too, when one of the Saviour's of the oil country brings up tne rear of the ticket. Too bad. "A prophet is not without honor," tc Tidioute News. STATE CAPITAL JOTTINGS. Hariusbukg, Ta., May 7, '80. We've had a very quiet week of it this week, having fallen back to our usual comatose state. The "hill" is undergoing its usual spring overhaul ing and soon will be resplendeut with bright flowers. All the buildings have been refuted duriog the last month and present a very fine appearance. The Iotemal Department, tho last ou the list is now being painted and papered throughout, and nono to soon, as it needed it badly. There has been quite a stir in polit ical circles owing to the announcement that James McManes, the man who holdtj the IMiiljd'a delegation to the National Convention in his Imud, would not support the candidacy of Gen. Grant. That he was against him first, lan, and all the time, and under no circumstances would ho voto for him. As the Pliilad'u delegation will voto nith him, and as ho lean, asdoa majority of the state delegates, toward Senator r.lainc, you c;iu count on illiiuc rcceivinj a majo:ity of our del (.;ntoV vote?. This virtually puts Grant out of the fight, soho might as wrll give up. New York has also revolted, a number of ils delegates having signified their intention to vote for the Maine Senator. Thi3 may cnuso tho Grant men to combine to beat ttlaint and bring out one of tho mys terious dark horses, ns was done when they nominated Hayes. State Treasurer elect Butler, is here with his force and will be sworn in on Monday next. This leaves only one Democrat on the hill, and we propose to oust him next fall by the election of Joha Lemon to the Auditor Gener alship. Warrk. Our Washington Letter. Special to tho R:rrni,iCAic. Wasihncto.v, D. C, May G, 'SO. Tho veto ef the Immediate Defic iency bill is another evidence of the Presidents stalwart. Kopublici?m, and of his determination to exercise that control over elections, and a free exer cise of tho authority, vested in him by the Constitution. While in hie mess age ha does not reassert the position taken at the extra sesoioo, that any attempt to amend the election laws by means of "riders" unconstitutional, he leaves himself free to do so. In his message he takes the issue that the principal of placing permanent polit ical legislation upon a simple appro priation bill is a loose and dangerous practice, after forcing the tnactment of measures which could not pass upon a direct vote nor escape a veto. A large number of the States have recog nized this evil and have taken meas ures to prevent it by amending their constitutions, so that in reality the methods of legislation that obtain here arc somewhat behind the age, and it is hoped the Democrats will take the message iu the name it was given, and take steps to correct their evil. It is uot believed that the veto will prolong the session necessarily as the House will pass in independent bills those amouot3 winch arc most needed. The Government Printer was provided for yesterday by such an appropriation. Senator Vest, of Missouri, in hid speech on the Kellogg Spofford case mdao the important admission that there are enough Democratic Senators opposed to unseating Senator Kellogg to defeat the measure. This has been the impression all along, bnt it is the first official announcement of the fact. Senator Vest labored with the disa greeing Democrats but all to no pur pose. Why the Democrats insist in continuing the debate is more than any one can tell. Senator Cameron makes the first Republican speech on the resolutions to-day. Captain Howgate's Arctic expedi tiun by which he proposes to reach the North pole by gradual approaches, forcing a colony year by year, as far North as possible, is in a very fair way of leaving here this summer. The Government will furnish officers and sailors to man the vessel, and materi als for the colony are offered in pro fusion. Captain Howgate hepes the vessel may leave here by the last of this month. It will go as far North as possible on tho Greenland Coast, establish the colony, and return, to go North again next year. The colonists in the mean time supplied with plenty of provisions, boats, sledges dogs &c, will search for the North pole, or failing in that, will select a future lo cation further North than their first oue. Tho Conference Cummittee Laving the Indian Appropriation bill under consideration have agretd to strike out the appropriation for the Indian Board. lrL. Latest Publications. Vol. VII., Library of Universal KuowledKC, is upon our table, and we find it fully equal in point of mechan ical workmanship to the preceding vol umes. It contains 830 pages, and in cludes from "Georgia" to "Houiton." The qrice at which this work is offered, is a miracle of cheapness, and yet. by becomingan early subscriber to this great work, a discount will be obtained on this price. Vol. VIII., will be issued by tho 5th of May. Address, the American Book Exchange, Tri bune Building, New York. Comic History of the United States, by L. Hopkins, "Copiously illustrated by the Author, from Sketches taken at R Eafa distanrc. IGmo, Cloth extra, Ebony and Gold. Price 50c. ; post age, 7c- American Bouk Exchange, New York. This is one of the latest publications by thi excellent house, and is printed in pica type, on heavy paper, handsomely bmind and pro i'uslv illustrated. In the language of the New Orleans Tin.?- "Ti,a ...,.-. - - -v i uv uuuiWI has managed to squeeze a good deal of fun out of our country's history. It is a broad historical farce, burlesque and exf ravogftnre, combined in oue rat tling plmi of making fun. The book is wildly and weirdly illustrated with figure of tlrngs that never were, ap plied to events thanevcr happined, but which aro playfully suggestive of history." Tax Notice. Persons who have not paid their school tax for the jear 1879, in Tio nesta township, will pleaso pay the same to the uuderiijDed at his resi dence on Hunters Run, or to S. II. Haslet it Hons, in Tionesta Boro, be fore the 2Glh of May, next, aud save costs. td. Jas. Clakk, Collector. Teachers' Examinations. The Ppring examinations will be held ms follows : Tiontsta, Saturday, May, 8th. . Hickory, Monday, May, 10th. Neilltown, Wednesday, May, 12lh, Nebraska, Friday, May, 11th. Exercises will begiu at 9 o'clock a. m. , J II. S. Brockway, Co. Supt. fiieonse Rot ice Notice is hereby given that the follow--inir license applications have been fihxl iu tho Clerk's Olllee and will be presented to the Court of Quarter Sessions at May Term, 1SS0 : William Lawrence, Hotel, (Lawrence House) Tionesta Horn. Henry Set ley, Katintr House, (Seott House) iMutundas. Johr. Woodcock, Hotel, (Netllnburg Hotel) Neillsbiux. Attest: JUSTIS SIIAWKEY, Clerk. Tionesta, April 12(5, 1R80. Howe fvvp. Auditors' Report FINANCIAL STATEMENT of Road Commissioners of Howe Township, Forest County, Pa. Amount of orders outstanding at settlement of April 14, 1878....$1,210 05 Amount of orders drawn nineo 1,07SSH) Total amount orders outstanding 2,288 05 coN-rnA. Ry amount Township Orders re- doomed by tho Treasurer of 1 1 owe Township 1,4-1 57 Total amount of order outstand ing this date 844 3-S We the undersigned Auditors of Howe Township, having examined tho account of tlio Road ( Commissi mors of Howe Township, find tho samo to be cor rect, EDWARD REII . ... ANTHONY REEV, j Au'ltorR. Brookston, Pa.. April 12, lHSC. UOaD COMMISSK NKRS of Howo Township in account with M. M. Hoy holt, Township Treasurer. April 14, 187!), by cash on hand as por last settlement $ 1 00 June 18 '7!), hy cash ree'd from W. M. Lindscy, Exq., Admin istrator of David Grnhnm, Do ceased, Into Treasurer in set tlement amount due Town ship from Graham as por set tlement this dato 43 f5 Juno 21, '79, by orders on County Treasurer Nos. I to 05 inclu sive, dated June 10, 1870, ree'd from County Commissioners 1,39!) 02 1,444 57 CONTnA. April 12, '80. to Township Orders paid to dato 1,444 t7 Wo the undersigned Auditors of Howe Township, having examined tho aoooiint of M. M. Seybolt, Treasurer of Howe Township, find the same to bo correct. EDWARD REIR, ) . ANTHONY REKT, j Auditors. Dated Brookston, Pa. April 12, 1880. FINANCIAL STATEMENT of Road Commissioners of Howe Township for the year ending April B, lHO. Cash on hand '. 5 1 00 " received from Administrator of D. Graham. Ex-Treasurer 41105 Arn't Township Orders iss ; ed 1,078 90 ' duo from County Commiss ioners retained in' 1878. ..-v.- 15ft 02 " seatod tax Of '78 returned to Count v Commissioners " Tax levied for 1879 seated ? 450,34 " Tax le'jod for 1879 unseated 1,183 48-1,912 82 3.2S7 15 Am'texpendol on toads seated $ 405 32 " expended on roads unsealed 717 91-1,121 23 " expended a poor fund iiSa 58 " for Auditors sorvicus 7 00 " " " publishing Auditors report C 00 " " " Comm'rs services 34 10 ' " Clerk 12 00 " " " Treasurers' Com mission 35 05 " " " Sundry expenses HO .'It! " Pathmaster exonei taions ' id 40 " Seated Tax returned to Co. Comm'rs '78 $ ft! 50 " Retained by County Commissioners '78 Ifi0 92 " Retained by County Commissioners '70 83 SO " Seated Tax. returned to Co. Coinm'rs '79.. 117 50- 341 00 " Township Orders rodoemod 1,444 57 3,297 15 Towrmhip indebtedness April 14, '79, orders outstanding 1,2105 Less st ated tax returned to Co. Comm'rs '78 $ 63 5G " amount duo from Co. Comm'rs on tax '78... 1M92 " cash in Treas'rs hands 1 00- 221 48 502 4S Orders outstanding this dato 8J1S8 Loss due from County Oomm'rs on tax '78 as above J 0$ ,vj " duo from County Comm'rs on tax '7b as above 15t!02 " due from Co. Com missioners tax 2879 us above 37 53 " duo from Co. Com missioners tax '79 as above 8 ! 81 341 9v) Reduction of Township debt du ring lsT'.t 4siS oa We the Auditors of Howo Township have rxainii'.il tho above accounts and find them correct as stated. JOHN l CLARK, ( . ... R. I)K McCLl'ltE, j Auditors. Brookston, Pa., May is, ls0, GE01SE W. MIME Would rospocrully return his acknowl edgements to tho people of Forest Co. for iholr very liberal patronage bestowed up on him at his late Auction Sale. He would further announce that, actuated by tho be lief that the trim interests of tlio County will lie promoted by nn establishment at which goods can bo had at as low prices as any where in tho State, he has BEMOTED TO THE whure lie- is now opening n Now & Varied Stock of Goods. All aro invited to call although perhaps Jiot in immediate want of anything. In his new stock will bo found many desir ablo goods, such u Turkey Red, Solid Blues.'Brown and Car dinal Prints. Amoskoatf Ginghams, Shirting Ginghams and Calicos; Choicest Shirtings, Cottonades, Kentucky Jeans, Lonsdnlo, Cauibrijand flno Muslins. GERI9ANTQW3. & tSAXOKY WOOLS, Ladies' Solid Color TToso, Smoked and Pearl Cloak Buttons, Jet A Gold Mixed Dress Buttons, Crocbet Hooks. L AC3& IN GREAT VARIETY Torchon, Vulencleir.iss, Rrctonaeand Cluny Laces. HAMBURG EDGINGS A 1NSKKTINGS. ho will this woelc open two hundrod dollars worth of the Choicest EIT GRAVED WARE, Something far in advanoo of anything ho has heretofore brought to this County. II is stock of is complete, and it will he his aim to keep everything of tlio bot. A visit to his establishment will bo of interest to all. GEO. W. DITHRTDOE, Partridge Building, Jan28 80 Tionesta, Pa. THE CHEAT CAUSE OF HUMAN MISERY. Ju1 I'ublishml, . in a Scaled L'ni clojie. 1'rice .iix cents. A Lecture on the Nature, Treatmont and Radical euro of Seminal Weakness, or Spermatorrhea, induced by Sclf-Abuso, Involuntary Emissions, Impotency, Ner vovs Debility, und Impediments to Mar riage generally ; Consumption Epilepsy, and Fitsj Menial and Physical Incapacity, Ac By ROBERT J. CU LV EilW ELL, M. !., author of tho "Green Book." Ac. Tho world-renowned author, in this ad mirable Lecture, clearly proves from his own experience that the iiwtul consequen ces of Seif-A bitso may bo effectually re moved without medicine, and without dangerous surgical operations, bougies, instruments, rings, or cordials ; pointing out a mode of euro at once certain and ell'cctual, by which every suiferer, m matter w hat his condition may bo, may euro himself chesply, privatol, and radic ally. -Thi lecture trill prove, a boon to t huusit ittl-i to thou-Kiwlx. Soul, under eeul, in a plain envelope, t) any address, on receipt of six cents, or two postage stamps. Address the Publishers, Till: ClILVERWELL MEDICAL CO , 41 Ann St., Nom' York ; I'. O. Box, 4.".8ii. 8-lH-ly. TRIAL LIST. Pmotiionota ht's Orrifn 1 1 on.Ks-r Co., Pa ' ( Causes set down for trial In tlm Court of Common Pleas of Forest County nt May Term Inn): J No. Tr. Yr. 1 A. A. Hopkins vs. Horace Wilklns 20 Mny 80 2 J. II. Nicodomiis vs. W. A. Nlcodt-inus 21 Mv 80 .1 Ctias. Starrow v-. F.I! Berlin 80 Sep. 70 4' Edward Jones et al vs. John Peterson rt al 22 May 78 J. E. Blaine vs. Henry Swo;'- W'l t Feb. 70 0 J. A. Neill vs. Byron Landers 10 May 79 7 Andrew Weller et al for use vs. H. II. Haslet et al 12 May 77 8 Jacob 1). Alnger Trustee Vs. Leonard Agnew et al 35 May 79 9 Nancy Dnwson vs. Sarali Ann Dale 10 Sep. 79 10 W.J. White vs. O. Sham- ,,,lr 20 Pee. 79 11 C. J. Harris vs. Jcnks ! Township. 35 gop 79 12 Peter Hetlron vs. J. E. Me- Cutchoon 22 Boo. 79 13 H. O. Tinker A Co. vs. B. J. Reid, Executor 15 Feb. 80 1 1 C. M. Frisbee et al vs. John Kin near et al 3 Dee. 79 15 F. W. Ellsworth et al vs. Frank Garvey 8 Dee. 79 10 Cascade. Petroleum Land As sociation vs. T. D. Collin 't al 4a Sep. 79 17 S. 11. Haslet vs. Seidell Whitman 23 Sep. 79 18 The Com'lth of Pa., etal vs. Henry Winegard et nl W Son. 79 19 G. Shaniburg vs. Wos Hays 1 Feb. 80 J. SIIAWKEY, Prothonotary. . Tionesta, April 28, ls.so. 1 ... PROCLAMATION. WiiKtiKAs, Tho lion. L. P. Wetmore, President J udgo of the Court of Common Pleas and (Juartcr Sessioifs in and for the county of Forest, has c sued his 'ire cept for holding a Court of Common Fi.-nu Quarter Sessions, Ac., at Tionesta, li the County or Forest, to commence r.n the third Monday of Mav next, being thn 17th day of May lsso. 'Notice is thei HTo'.-e given to tho Coroner, Just ices of the Peace and Constables of said county, that they be then and there In their proper persons at ten o'clock, A. M., of said (lav, with their records, iuquiKltious examinations and other remembrances, to do those thints which to their olllees appertain to be done, and to those who are bound in recognizance to prosecute against the prisoners that ai or shall be in tlio jail of Forest County, that they hethen and there present to pro'sucuto against them as shall bo just. Given un der niv hand and seal this 19th day of April, A. D. 1H80. C. A. RANDALL, Sheriff. Auditors' Report of Jenks Tvvp. ROAD COMMISSIONERS in account with Jenks towiisliin, for the year end ing April 12th, I8-S('.' To ain't of Tax levied for road purposes $2,255 OS B' ain't exp'ded on rouds$l,u55 49 " " 11s poor funds 2.1 Oil " " " lor Auditors A- stationery " " " for publish ing report... " " for Att'v lees 12 20 24 00 53 00 " " " for court ex penses 112 03 " " for Commis- Kjonersserv'! t8 60 " " " for Commls. sioners Cli k 22 90 v2,00l 34 Dno township t 253 74 GEORGE ELDRIRGE, Treasurer, in ac--onnt with Jenks township. ' vtpril 14, 187!t, ree'd from former Treas'r $ 5 23 Aug. ree'd from Co. Com missioners 1,008 41 April 12, 1880. bv um't . vouchers produced. ..1,021 42 By am't perchntago 48 73 " " balance...'. 49 $l,H73i; ?l,073 Gl We hereby certify that wo havo exam ined the above accounts and'tind them correct' as alvve staled. J. B. SC1I RKCKNGOST, ) ., ,.. . J.T.RoSE, Auditors. Attest: JAMES A. SCOTT, Cler. . WM. SfflEARBAUGH & CO., (one door from G. W, liovard's.) GENERAL an 1 FANCY G-KOCEBIES. TI3AS A SPECIAIiTTJ". Terms STRICTLY CASH, or rxv:hrtiigo for Butter, Ffs, Rags, Hides, Furs und Poultry. EGGS I POULTRY ft SPECIALTY. Agents for tho Improved HOWE SEWING MACHINE, a Standard and Reliable Machine Cur Motto: "First Class Goods at Fair Prices." inar2-Itf H. II. If AH1.I2T tfc MSS, Dealers in General Merchandise In New Store Room nt HASLET'S CORNERS, Jan'y 1st, Rko. Cough Syrup. 60 YEARS BEFORE THE PUBLIC. Pronounced by a to he tho most pn. tint and cfllencioua remedy now iu use, for the" euro of coughs, colds, cronp. honrseness, tickling nensntion of tlio throat, whooping coueh, etc. Over s million bottles s,dd within tho last few years. It gives relief wherever used, and, has tho pev.-er to Impart benefit that cannot bo had from tho cough mixtuiM now in use. Sold by all Druggists at 'if, cents per bottle, . .SELLERS' LIVER PILLS aro also highly recommended for curing liver complaint, constlpution, s'.ck-lieadaclies, fever and ague, and all diseases of the stomncu and liver. Sold by all Druggists at 25 oents per box. It. 1-. SELLERS ''O. Pittsbe "x. iMftsWkiSHTteoi umii- V rl r What they say of it ! A few facts for tho people. -There are few preparation!! of medicines which havo withstood tlio im partial Judgment of tho people for any great length of time. Ono of these is Dr. Thomas' Fleetric Oil. Read tho Tollow iter and be convinced : "I have boon ufllictod with rheumatism for tho last ten years, and havo tried many remedies w ithout, any relief, until I tried Dr. Thomas' Elec tric Oil, and since then havo had no attack -ofit. I would recommend it to all." A Mavbeo Merchant, Wark worth, writes, "I havo sold some hundreds of bottles of Elect rio Oil, and It. is pronoun od by the public 'one of tho best medicines thov have ever used ; it has done wonders in healing and relieving pain, soro throats, etc., and is worthy of the greatest confi dence." Joseph Rusan, Township Percy, writes, "I was persuaded to try Thomas' Hloctric. Oil for a lumo k neo which troubled; me for threo or four 3 oars, and I never found anything liko it for eureing lame ness. It is a great public benefit.'' A. M. Hamilton, Wurk north, -writes, "For weeks I was troublod with swelled nnkl, which annoyed mo very much. Mr. May boo of this place induced tno to try Electric Oil, and before one hottlo wa's used I was cured. It is a most remarkable medicine. Sold bv all niodieino dealers. Prion, 25, and 50 "cents, and ?I.(I0. ' Pro pared only by FOSTER, Ml LLl'.l'KN, A CO., Buffalo, N. Y., Successors to S. N, THOMAS, Phelps. N. Y. For halo bv G. W. Bovard, TionexU, Pa. S3 e, o. v. Note Klcctrie Selected and Eleetriied. I take pleasure in -tolling tho Nporttncr Fiatornity that I havo re-purchaed THU (il'X lJrSI5.8S FROM HORACE JONES, TO WHOM I SOLD IT IN 1871, . . T AM NICELY LOCATED at my old A Maud, and I am prepared to attend to all my friends, and tho public gonorally, w ho heed . . ASYTH1HG "ia THE GUil L!?iE! I bhall keep 11 perfect stock of all kinds of AMMUNITION! And nil kinds of FSSHaTJCJ TACKLE. I shall nl-o continue to hand'o the A nd tho CHICAGO SINGER SEWING MxCIlINE . Come nn 1 see mo. You w ill find mo ALWAYS AT HOME. Muz.!o Loailers mado t) order r.t'.d war ranted. Kg'REF AIRING T?T ALL' ITS t PAN fill rs PROMPTLY -AxTO FAITHFULLY DONE. S'. -'5. XSAH.aJtyE. Tidioute. Pa., Aug. 12, Allegheny Valley Rail Road, -A N IV- Pittsbergh, TitU3il!o A Ctf.clo rtailrojd. fr, AND AFTER Monday, Dee. ir, 1870 V. trains will run us follows: STATIONS. Northward. Southward No. I !ii. i N, .6 X,.. i 0. t 0. (1 - n m Pittsburgh 8:.V. W Pen I nnclUiO Kittanning 10:"o R. B'k JuiiclRlO Bra.lv Bend 1 :Z'L l'ark'cr ll:.-)2 Emlonton Vl:. Scrubgrass L07 Franklin 1::ls Oil City 1 ia:- p m p nt p nt p in a 111 K:00l 1:.r:0 7:10 :.-: 1 Li::ial .-:u'o (:l.r.!ll:'..r) 4:10 r::!a!ll:10i .': in ':.;(! M)::,' -J:17 4:oO H:'-,:' LIS 4:-'l i 111:07 12-.VJ ;i:Mi ii::i.- Il:-I0 -i:17 M-tr. li):.i:l ."i.Oil K:1S! V:-2r, i:::)7(ll:()(l: i;(i l;i: li'! 8:S'J I:l(i!l0:."0 1:1". i l:r,o Tir-tu S:.VJ (!:'-'" 7:0-1 7:-i:S 1:1ft 1:40 :t:(l." 4:15 K;''ii! r: to !!::.' f.:or. (.-7 e: 1 .'1 Oleopo! i Eagle Rock Tionesta Tidiouto Irvinetoil Falconers Butlalo J:IS I); -17 .':2f ().(): a:'J:l ll:-c -:;; 'i l:0ii 6:10! ;!.') i.':07 1 :.'' 111:(1 !:.' 1. : 8:;.ti 7:4!l 7:(;." S::'.(i;iL':4.", !:.'() -11:0.', 1:10) (:"0 l-f.o :".(! !::il 7:17) 1:0(. 8: in 11:.V. I S:I7 Oil City i:iri Pet. Centre '2:'X, Titusvillo a:Cr !!:.") 0:'J7 !!;'. 8:0;,. n:or 7:4.'.j S;4:i 7:h"j 8:10 0:10 7:i5 Corry 4:1"II1:'.'0 p. m l. m a m a. m a. m p. iu Trains run bv Phih dclphia Time DAVID McCAllCiO, Ceii'l Sup't. T MORTON HALL, '-ien'l Passenger if- Ticket Agent. iQivSPifiiiiif ITTSIiURrill, PA. Exclusively devoted to the practical c d iicaiiou of young and mi lillu aged men for active business lift-. School always in session, Stiith-nts can enter ui any time. Scud tor circular. J. C. SMITH, A. M.. Piineipal. ep Z "ui.