She fforc?t $tpuWkan. .1. i:. wknic, editor. Wednesday MORMNG, MAY 6, 1S80. REPUBLICAH STATE TICKET. ron srrriKME juix;, HEITIlY GHEEN, of Northampton County. Tort AUDITOR GKNERAL, JOIIN;A. LEMON, of Blair County. ILI1. - - -- -' - Announcement. Our torms for announcements w ill be : Conpress. &20 ; President Jude, $20 ; As sembly, $10, Associato Judge, ?10; Treas urer, $S. In no case will an announce ment appear when the cash does not ac company tho name. Thi rule will not be broken in favor of anyone. PRESIDENT JUDGE. We are authorized to announeo that WM. I. imOWN, of Warren, will lw candidate at the ensuing election for the rimeo of President Judge of the judicial district composed of tiio counties of Elk, Forest, and warren, suhjoct to tho decis ion of tho Republican convention of the district. April 27, 1880. CONGRESS. We are authorized to announce Major HENRY WETTER, of Clarion county, as a candidate for Congress in this District, nub.ject to the action of the Republican Convention of the district. We are authorized to announce Gen. HARRY WHITE, of Indiana County, as a candidate for Congress in this District, subject to the action of tho Republican Convention of the district. ASSEMBLY. We aro authorized to announce E. L. DAVIS, ESQ., of Tionesta borough, as a candidate for Assembly, su eject to Re publican usages. We are authorized to annnounco GIL TiERT JAMIESON, of Tionesta Town ship, as a candidate for tho nomination of Assembly, Bubjcct to Republican usages. ASSOCIATE JUDGE. We are authorized to announeo Hon. EDWARD KERR, of Harnett township, ns a candidate for the nomination of Asso ciate Judge, subject to Republican usages. We aro authorized to announeo AMZA rURDY, of Green Township, as a candi date lor tho nomination of Associate Judge, subject to Republican Bsagcs. COUNTY . TREASURER. We are authorized to announce N. S. FOREMAN, of Tionesta borough, as a candidate for tho nomination of County Trcasuror, subject to Republican usages. OUR STATE CAPITAL. The Democrats at Loggerheads "We n Have TMden op Blood" Harmony Finally Re stored Account of ' the Convention, &.C., &c. IIarrisburg, Pa.,' April 30, '80. Every Irain that reached this tem porary Mecca of the Pennsylvania Democrats on Tuefday, bore hither its quota of the hetorogeous assem blage that gathered in the Opera House on Wednesday at noon for the purpose of giving the Democrats two" State candidates and two national can didates to vote for next November. The convention properly is composed of 241 delegates, and tbey have the benefit of the advice, counsel and efforts of a still larger number of that clas3 which is even of more import ance than delegates in a convention, the men who shape conventions. Philadelphia, owing to the magni tude of the fight which distracts that portion of the Democracy that dwells within her environs, U.rns up with very much larger representation of etatesmau of high and low degree than comes from any half a dozen other counties, excluding Alleghaney, which also enjoys a Kilkenny love feast. Oo the one side we have Lewis C. Cassidy, George McGowan, Thomas J. Barger, William M. Singerly, John M. Camp bell, Samuel Joseph?, Edward Flood, and other heavy weight "regulars. On the other side, Mr. Randall, ' 'Squire McMullin, Edwin A Pugh, "Leonine Vaux, and pretty much all there is ot the District Attorney's de partmeut in Philadelphia, including the "Kid." During the day the pros pect seemed to bristle with fights, for the reason that the rank and file from Philadelphia were not aware of the little arraugetnent that was set up last week between the leaders on either fide. This is the compromise which was that tho Philadelphia fight fchoul ho disposed of by the admission of both teU of delegates to the conven tiou. Ostensibly ..this little game was iu tho interests of harmony in the party: realiv, it is Ion; rull'mir nl rouud, with Wallace and Lis interests . loft almost wholly out of the calcula tion. Mr. kaudall by this means would htcure an important advantage in two ways. It would make anything like his defeat in the couveutjon impossi ble, and it would give the "new move ment" iu Philadelphia a new lease of lite, as the Vttqx people -would have secured equal recognition with the regulars bci'orc the State Convention. The oilier profits of the proposed pnrt nerhip flro ihn.ce which nro to be fp cured by the lenders of the regular wipp. Mr. Crtssidy and his associates obtain the support of llnndall for their candidacy as delegates to the National Convention, thus giving them clear titles thereto. The caucus held at Bolton's Hotel On Tuesday evening, upset all calcula tions by rejecting the form of compro mise advanced, and there was another grand war of words. Around the sa loons the discussion becoming more hearted, blows were indulged in And in come cases the revolver was brought into use. At present only one man has been shot though quite a number have badly damaged countenances. Considering the class, the proportion of causualities is quite small. The rush to get iuto the contention on Wednesday was terrible, and quite a number were relieved of watches and other valuables during the scramble for seats. Previous to the meeting of the con vention an amicable agreement had been come to by Messrs. Randall and Wallace, which resulted in the ap pointing ef a committee to settle the difficulties relating to contested seats and factious fights. No business was done on Wednesday at all, however, as the convention had to await the report of the committee which was not presented until the reassembling on Thursday morning, which occurred at 9 o'clock. All the difficulties had been settled and everybody appeared to be in a good humor. Randall and his followers being specially pleased, they having cartied the day. Her rick, whom it was thought would have no opposition, was beaten on first bal lot by C'd. Rob't P. Dachert, of Phil adelphia, for the nomination of Audi tor General, while Geo. A. Jenks, of Jefferson county, was made the nom iuee for the Supreme Judgship. To day the Riot Bribers were par doned, and this p. m. left for their homes. This action was taken on ac couut bf an opinion by Att'yGen.Gil bert, who said the statute did not pro vide the severe penalty imposed, and agreed with the rest of tho board that in consideration of (he severity of tho sentence ine prisoners should be re leased but not restored to citizenship, and that they should pay the costs of prosecution and the fines imposed. Mr. ltumberger, one of the defend ants, who was threatened with insani ty, is considerably improved, and topes are entertained of his ultimate recovery. Warren. Pardon of the Bribers. The board of pardons met at IIar risburg on Friday last, April 80, to consider an application for pardou of Kemble and others. The Attorney General rendered an opinion that the imprisonment pait of the sentence was illegal, citing decisions of the supreme court in similar cases. Ihe board unanimously decided to. remit the sen tences of imprisonment leaving the fines, costs and disqualifications of citizenship as they were imposed. Public sentiment will no doubt justify this action of the Board. Law and justice hare been asserted in the most positive way, and to release these men after the sentence of imprisonment to the penitentiary has been pronounced, can in co sense be regarded as thei vindication, but is simply an act of mercy. Ihe moment they were lodged behind the grated doors of a prison cell, the majesty of the law had asser ted itself. Of the five men there is only one of whom there is any reason to fear that the lessou taught will fail to be effective, and that is the pro fessional legislative corruptionist IV troff, who has twice before been ad judged guilty of corrupt practices by the body which he bus for a number of years disgraced. The question whether clemency should or should net be exteuded rested entirely with the four men who constitute the board ofpardous or perhaps it might be more propor to say two of thesa four men, namely, Attorney-General Pal mer and Lieut.-Gov, Ktone, who stood up like men in defuuse of justice and impartial administration of the laws wnen they deleated thb granting of previous pardons. The action of these to olliciald now will be accepted as promoted by pure and honest motives. 1 he sentence was a very severe one the severest the statutes would allow and was a surprise to. every body. There is, of course, a diirerauce ot opinion as to how much of the sen tence they ought to undergo, but we think all will be satisfied with the action of the Board, nfd cprrinlly General Palmer and Licm.-Gov. Stono. As ono of our exchanges puis it: "They are men who have been honored by their fellow townsmen. Society will not be endangered by their freedom. So we say let the Board of Pardons liberate the prison- ersifthcy see fit, and then let the first newspaper man who is withoutsm cast tho first stone." New Books. Vol. V. of the Library of Universal Knowledge, which has been out for some time, includes topics irorn "jJal- . . .. . . which has been received, from "Ether to "Georgetown. 1 he volumes each contain 862 pages, and, like the pre vious ones, aro printed in clear tvpe, on good paper, and are handsomely and substantially bound. Ihe pub- ishers. the American Book Exchange, New York, will furnish descriptive catalogues to all who mav desire them. One of the latest publications or the American Book Exchange, .New lork, is an edition of the Adveutures of Don Quixote de la Mancha, by Miguel de Cervantes, translated by Motteaux, with sixteen full page original lllustra- iiAns K lTinlrina rt f( nanlt i fostage 8 cents. It is the best trans ition of this classic, without abridge ment, beautifully illustrated by an artist whose quaint humor thoroughly appreciates his author. It is ptinted from new, clear brevier type, on good paper, and in a form conveuieut for use in the study, on a journey, or in the shade on a sultry summer day. we win matcn this edition tor com pleteness and beauty against any now ua sale at ten times its cost. It is probably the handsomest book for the niouey ever printed. TRIAL LIST. Protiionotary's Offtcb, Korkst Co.. Pa I Causes set down for trial In tho Court of Common Pleas of Forest County at May Term jnw: No.Tr. Yr 1 A. A. Hopkins vs. Horaco Wilkins 20 May 80 2 J. II. NieodemuB vs. W. A. Nieodemus 21 Mav P0 3 Cnas. Starrow vs. Eli Berlin 80 Hep. 70 4 Kdward Jones etalys. John Peterson et al 22 May 78 5 J. K. Blaine vs. ITenry Swag- Bart f Feb. 70 B J. A. Neill vs. Byron Landers 10 May 79 7 Amirew welter et al tor use vs. r. ii. niusiei et ai vi -ay ti 8 Jacob P. A Inner Trustee vs. Ijoonard Agnew et al 3o May 79 v ianey imwsnn vs. waraii Ann Palo 10 W. J. White vs. O. Sham- burs; 11 C. J. Harris vs. Jocks Township 12 Peter Herl'ron vs. J. E. Me- Cutchoon 13 II. i. Tinker & Co. vs. B. J. Keid, Fxecntor 14 C. M. Frisbeo et al vs. John Kinnear et al 19 Sep. 79 20 Dec. 79 36 Sep. 79 23 Deo. 79 15 Feb. 80 3 Doc. 79 8 Dec. 79 13 r. w. Ellsworth et al vs. Frank Garvcv 10 Cascado Petrofeum Land As sociation vs. T. I). Collins et al . 49 Sep. 17 S. If. Haslet vs. Seldon Whitman 23 Sep. 18 Tho Com'lth of Pa., etal vs. Henry Winegard et ul 65 Sen. 19 G. Shamburg vs. Wes Hays 1 Feb. J. SIIAWKF.Y, Prothonotary Tionesta, April 28, 1S80. 79 79 79 80 License Notice Notice is hereby given that the follow ing license amilications have been tiled in tho Clerk's Oftice and will bo presented to the Court of Quarter Sessions at May Term, jssu : William Lawronco, Hotel, (Lawrence House) iionesta Jioro. Henry Setley, Eating House, (Scott House) I'agundus. John Woodcock, Hotel, (Neillcburg liotei) rueuisourg. Attest : JUSTIS SJIAWKEY, Clerk. Tionesta, April 20, 1880. Howe Twp. Auditors' Report FINANCIAL STATEMENT of Road Commissioners of Howe Township, sorest ixiunty, fa. Amount of orders outstanding at settlement of April 14. 1878....81.210 05 Amount of orders drawn tdnce 1,078 00 Total amount orders outstanding 2,288 9,r CONTRA. By amount Township Orders re deemed bv tho Treasurer of Howe Township 1,4157 Total amount or orders outstand ing this date 844 38 We the undersigned Auditors of Howo Township, having examined tho account ot the Jtoad Commissioners of Howe Township, find the same to be cor rect. lrAT A T T T T7" T T- 4VTHDVV ni.'fi' f Auuuors. Brookston, l'a., April 12, 1MSP. ROaD COMMlSSIt NERS of Howe Township in account, with M. M. Sey- uoit, lownsnip Treasurer. April 14, 1K7V), by couh on hand as per last settlement 1 00 June 18, '7'J, by cash ree'd from W. M. Lindsoy, Esq., Admin istrator of David Graham, De ceased, late Treasurer in set tlement amount due Town ship from Graham as per set tlement this date 43 95 Juno 24, '79, by orders on County Treasurer Nos. 1 to 5" inclu sive, dated June 10, 170, ree'd from County Commissioners 1.3U9 G2 1,444 57 IONTRA. April 12, '80. to Township Orders paid to date 1,444 l7 a the unuersigned Auditors of Howe Township, having examined tho account of M. M. Seybolt, Treasurer of Howe township, find the samo to he correct. Avriii.vv l.ViAr- Auditors. Dated Brookston, Pa. April 12, 1880. IOU WOltK neatly executed at tho RE- PUBLICAN Oilico AHMQUuCEEVl W. BIT1IIB Would rospocfully return his acknowl edgements to the poople of Forest Co. for their very liberal patronage bestowed up on him at his lnte Auction Sale, fie would further announce that, actuatod by tho be lief that the true interests of tho County will 1)0 promoted by an establishment at which goods can bo had at as low prices as any whero in tho State, he has BEMOYED TO THE IMUTRIIHir. RVILDLAO, whore .ho Is now opening a Now & Varied Stock of Goods. All are Invited to call although perhaps not in iimuodiuto want of anything. In Ida now stock will bo found many desir able goods, such as Turkey Red, Solid Blues, Brown and Car dinal Prints. Amoskeg Ginghams, Shirting Oingham and Calicos; Choicost Shirtings, Cottonudes, Kentncky Jeans, Lonsdale, Cambri: and fiuo Muslins. GERttiNTOWS S tSflXODY WOOLS, Ladies' Solid- Color Hose, Smoked and Pearl Cloak Buttons, Jet A Gold Mixed Dreaa Buttons, Crocket Hooks. LACES IN GREAT VARIETY Torchon, Valenciennes, ' ' Brolonnoand Cluny Lacos. HAMBURG EDGINGS & 1NSE11TINGS. In Glassware, he will this week open two hundred dollars worth of the Choicest ENGRAVED WARE, Something far in advance of arythlng he has heretofore brought to this County. His stock of G- IR, O OBBIBSi is complete, ami it will be his aim to keep everything of tho best. A visit to his establishment will bo of interest to all. OEO. W. PITH RIDGE, Fartridgo Building, Jan28 80 Tionesta, Pa. THE GREAT CAUSE HUMAN MISERY . Jus) Published, in a Scaled Envclopt. iVice mx evnls. A Lecture on the Nature, Treatment and Radical cure of Seminal Weakness, or Spermatorrhea, induced by Kelt-Abuse, Involuntary Emissions, Impotency, Ner- vovs Debility, and impediments to Mai riage generally ; Consumption Epilepsy, and Fits; Mental and Physical Incapacity, Ac Uy ROBERT J. CULVERV velX; M. D.. author of the ''Green Book." Aa. Tho world-renowned author, in this ad mirable Lecture, clearly proves from his own experience that the uwlul consequen ces or Soit-Almse may be ctlectuaHy re moved without medicine, and without dangerous surgical operations, bougies, instruments, rings, or cordials ; pointing out a mode of cure at onco certain and ellectuai, by which every sutierer, nn matter what his condition may be, may euro huuscii cheaply, privatel, ana radic ally. V4 TV'-i lecture will prove a boon, to thousand to thouxawl.s. Sent, under seal, iu a plain envelope, ti any address, on receipt of bix cents, or two postage stamps. Address tho Publishers, THE CULVER WELL M EPICAL CO 11 Ann St., New York ; P. O. Box, 4r.M5. VAU'A.HI.K '1 iM . M'' The is in li'i nrv M illiT, of Went, "ill sc! '. I'V sulc nl I hi r,x'!iiui';" 1 1 1 'I in l tin cuv of 1 ,Miic:iMor, oil Ml IN MA Y, MAY 10, is'-Jil, ( lie following described Timber nud Oil Lanhs to w it : No. 1, A TRACT OF SIS ACRF.H OK IiAN I), siluHto in Pine Ornve township, cotinty of Vcnsni'o, Slntc of Pennsylvania, known a Tract No. 2,(7H. A part of this land has boon for some timo under culti vation, and the balance is covered with tprouts. The tract lies in tho heart of the o.l region, wiihin nine mile oi on i ity, and from its location and appearance, it i mipjiosed to be valuable as oil land. It I well situated as regards roads, wittiemontH, schools, etc. No. 'I, A Tit .AC T Oir 1,100 Al'HlvS Or' TIM11KU IjANI), Kit unto in Jenks town ship, in tho county l Forest, in the .State of Pennsylvania." This tract in densely covered with hemlock, cherry, asi, and maple timber. It Is situate about two miles from Marion, the former seat of ,jua ticoortho county, and about six mile from tho Clarion 'Hi ver. Tho locaMon of this tract makes it very deslrablo for lum bering purposes. Tho aliovo nronertv lielonurs to tho as signed estate of llonry Miller and Kliza Miller, executrix ot the will ot Samuel Miller, deceased, ns tenants in common i and tho one undivided one-half thereof belonging to tho assigned estate, or tho whole interest w'll bo sold, so as to accom modate purchasers. tHio to commence nt 3 o.clociv r. iu., ot said dav, when terms and conditions of sale will bo made known by II. X. WtKNEMAN, Assignee of Henry Miller. PROCLAMATION. Witfreas. The Hon. L. P. Wetmore, President Judge of the Court of Common Pleas and Quarter Sessions in and for the county of Forest, has issued his pre cept for holding a Court of Common Pleas Quarter ."sessions, vc, at Tionesta, ur the County of Forest, to commence en tho third Monday of Mav next, being the 17th dav of Mav 1880. Notice is tliercifo-e given to the Coroner, Justlcesof the Peace and Constables ot said county, that incy oe then and there In their proper persons nl ten o'clock. A. M.. of said dav. with their records, inquisitions examinations and other remembrances, to do those things which to their olllces appertain to bo done, and tothyse who are bound in recognisance to prosecute airuinst tho prisoners that aie or snail no in me inn oi r orest county, inut they be then and there present to prosecute against them as shall bo just. Given un der in v hand and Heal this 10th day oT April, A. P. 180, J. A. llilAl.lj, Huorill. Auditors' Report of Jenks Twp. ROAD COMMISSIONERS in account with Jenks township, for tho year end ing April 12th, 18K. To ain't of Tax levied for road purposes 82,235 03 By ain't exp'ded on roHdsSl.O.") 49 ' no luuir I'llnrU y:l OO 44 44 for Auditors iV. stationery 12 20 - 44 4 4 for publish ing report... 24 00 4 44 fir if AtTv fin fi.ri Ul 44 44 for court ex penses 112 03 4 44 for Commis sioners serv'ai 00 60 44 44 for Commis sioners Clrk 22 flfl . v2,00l 34 Duo township $ 253 74 GEORGE ELDRIDGE, Treasurer, in ac count with Jenks township. April 14. 1871). ree'd from . former Treas'r $ C 23 Aug. roo'd from Co. Com missioners l.liua 41 April 12, 1880. by ain't vouchers prouucea..,$l,o.:i 4J By ftm't porchntago 48 73 balance 49 $1,073 0t ?1,G73 64 Wo hereby certify that wo have exam ined the above accounts and tind them correct as n'love statwl. J. B. SCHHECENGOST, ) Allditor8 J. T. Rt.SE. i Audltor8- Attest: J AMES A. SCOTT, Clerk. Wf,l. SiVSEARBAUGH & CO., (one door from G. W. Bovard'M.) GENERAL and FANCY GBOCBBIES. TEAS A SPECIALTY. Terms STRICTLY CASH, or Exchange for Butter, Fggs, Rags, Hides, Furs and Poultry. EGGS & POULTRY A SPECIALTY. Agents for the Improved HOWE SEWING MACHINE, a Standard and Reliable Machine Our Motto: 4'Firt Class Goods at Fair Prices." mar24tf N. II. HASLET & SOXS, Denlera in Gen-oral Merchandise In New Store Room at HASLET'S CORNERS, rFioiioMtii, Jan'y 1st, 1880. OB WOlilv of all kinds done ut this of nn:i ii sale ' r I in it and mi, r nc 1 h1'1 iiK1" ff 1 1 I,!in j'ctrr lnwns'ii . a. k. Cough T.V. tt w ! n ! U3. 50 YEARS BEFO&E THE PUBLIC. Pronounced by all to be the limn! Plens nnl and rllicncious remedy now In use, lor the cure of couulfs, co!d, croup, hoarseness, tickling sensiition of tlio throat, whooping convh. cfc. Over ii million hordes s Id within thr ln-t, tow vcars. It gives relief wherever used, nut lias the pewer to impart tiemlil. tlmt cannot be had from tho cough niixlmc now in use. Sold by all liruggMs al ccnls per bottle. SELLERS' LIVER PILLO arenlno highly rftiiiMHiiiniiitml t.t iiiiiliii liufi. ... Ifiint constipation, Hick-hcadm-hcs, fever fliiif iiiue, anil sll ii.chkcs ot Hie stomach tin. I liver. Sold by all Druggists at 2." ct cls per box P.. K. SKLLKItS A ('. Pittsburgh, l'a. X1 V T-,-:i-rv':'f:;'ii ViCllTI IT5WEIGH f III GC1U What they say of itt A few facts for tho people. -There nro few preparations of medicine? which hnvo withstood the im partial judgment of tho people for any preat length of time. Ono of these is Dr. I'liomas' Elei-trlc Oil. Read the following and bo '0iivinced : 4,I have been nlUicti i) with rheiinintism for tho last ten curs, and have trifd many vemedies without any relief, until I tried Dr. Thomas' Elec tric Oil, and siuco then have hud noattoi k of it. I would recommend it to all." A Maybeo Merchant. Wark worth, writes, "I iiavo sold snm? hundreds of bottles of ICIectrio t)il, and it is pronounced by t'.te Jnibiiii 'one of l!iu best medicines 'they lave ever used ',' it has done wonders in healing and relieving pain, sore throats, etc., and Is worthy of tho greatest confi dence." Joseph Uusan, Township Percy , writes, "I was persuaded Ux trv Thomas iloctrieOu lor a hiine knee which troubled me for threo or lour j ears, and 1 iicve: found anything liko it for eurclng l.imc ness. It is a irreut public bctielU." A.M. Hamilton, Wark worth, writes, 'For weeks I was troubled with a swelled nn!;li, which annoyptt me very much. - Mr. Maybeo of tliis place induced mo to try electric Oil, and betoro one liottle wns used 1 was cured. It is a most remarknblo melicino. Sold by nil mcdicino dcnlcrs. 'rice. 25, and 50 cents, and M.KO. l'rc- pareil only bv FOSTER, MILLIll'ltN, it CO., Huffulo, N. Y.. Succvssois to S, ;. THOMAS, I'helps, N. Y. For sule bv G. W. Bovard. Tionesta. Pu. 'V. e. o. w. Note l'Uiv.trie Selected and IClectrl.ei'. 1 1 in I take pleasure in telllnc the Sporting Fiaternity that I have re-purch-ed T3XK uvu nvHim: FROM HORACE JONES, TO WHOM I SOLD IT IN 1871. T AM NICELY LOCATED ot my old JL stand, nnl I am prepared to attend to all my friends, and the public ;eiior;illy. who neod ANYTHING I H THE GUN LI'iE! I shall koi'p a perfect slock of nil kinds of 'AMMUNITION! And all kinds of FISHING TACKLE. I shall also continueto h.indlo tho "Willie" Netvlnt; Mncliltic, And the ( CHICAGO SINGER SEWING MACHINE Come and seo nie. You will find mo ALWAYS AT HOME. M u.7.7.1 o Loaders made to order and war ranted. nrREPAIEING IN ML ITS U " 'RTIA'NrinTH PPflMPTT.V tVTi K.0MPTL FAITHfULLY.DONE. E. A, IIALD1VIX, Tidioute, Pa., Aug. 12. Allegheny Valley Rail Road, -A N II- Pittsburgh, Titusville & .CLfi'alo l.ailroad. ON AND AFTER Monday, Dec. 15, 1879 trains will run as follows: STATIONS. Northward. Southward No. 1 mm f s o Nu.t No. Nu. 4 X. P m p 111 i m p in n in 2:" 8:.1(l tf:V0 l:f,0i 7:10 4;00l0:f)0 C:r0 12:3;" f:20 4:4" 0:15 ll:.Vr)l 4;10 5:40 l:ir 0::,ri 11:10' '; 10 5:52 1:40 5:20 lo-..'i! .:17 ll:2." 2;.'1H 4:50 10:?ii l:ls 7:01 !5:0.'" 4:1 i(:7 52 7:4: 4:15 S:52 i:2fi U:40 8:20 5:H y: 1 7 -;45;lii:.'t.S D:()5 li:()(l n.lioj 8:15! H:2." ; 11:47 0.27 2:Ii7 il:(Hi! d:0'.l 10:02 C:7;t 2:2 Ij:4!i 8:52 10 41 7'02 2:tl7lt':20j 8; ill 11:52 7.45 1:5 i:;i 7:4!1 1:U0 8:U0;)2:45 8:0; 7:05 t):50iil:05 1 5:17 1:10 K:25 112:45 !:05 (1:30 1:50 8:05 0:05 0:27 (:50 1:HI 7:45 8:41 !':51 7:17 1:00 7:15' 8:10 11:20 8:40 11:55 (5:10 7:')5 p. 111 a, 111 a. in a. 111 ,p. iu a ni Pittsburgh 8:.r)5 W PonJuneln:02 Kittuiinin 10::(i II. il k Juncll:10 Brady Btndll:2i Parker 11:52 Entlenton l:.'i4 Scrubsrass 1:07 Franklin 1:W Oil City l:.r.r: Oleopoiis 2:18 Eaule Rock Tionesta 2:l(i Tidioute fl: Irvinetuu 4:00 Falconers 5:40 Buffalo 8;1j Oil City Pet. Centre Titusville Corry 2:15 2::ia :!:0, 4:15 p. in Trains run by Philadelphia Time. . DAVID MfCAUUO, tien l Sup't. MORTON HALE, Men'l Passenger Ticket A Kent. Jr. 1 ITS BURGH, 1'A. Exclusively devoted to the practical cd ucalion of young mid middle lifted men, for active business life. School ulwavs in f-esnion. Students can enter ut any iimo. Send for circular. J. C. SMITH, A. M.. Prii cipul. - t 8-lli-ly. i lice on short notice.